Street dance lessons. How to learn to dance street dancing: technique and instructions

  • 05.07.2019

The best teachers and trainers of Trinity Dance invite you to try street dancing! Classes in Moscow are held in more than 10 halls throughout the city - if you want to dance after work or before classes - no problem: you will surely find our hall somewhere near you.

The name of the street dance style (aka street dance - street dance) is eloquent in itself - this style originates not from ballet classes and choreographic studios, but literally from the streets. Street dance originated on the streets of cities, on busy lanes. This style is characterized by fast, as if impulsive movements, sudden transitions from fast rhythms to smooth movements, as well as unforeseen fading.

For street dances, open-air venues acted as choreographic studios: some kind of school courtyards, streets and alleys. Often these "studios" consisted of several groups dancing break-dancing and hip-hop, which organized dance battles among themselves. And since the movements of any dance styles are allowed in the battles, the street dance style has absorbed many elements of different styles. Street dance technique includes elements of hip-hop, funk, break, RnB, disco and many other styles.

Street dancing as a separate direction first appeared in the early 70s of the twentieth century in the United States. Then in America there were many dance groups dancing in the streets. Step by step it was reborn into a whole culture. In street dances, movements of various genres are mixed together, sometimes seemingly completely incompatible.

The dance style of street dance has its own philosophy. The main idea of ​​these dances is that a person wants to tell about himself, and here certain trick skills are not even so important, special tricks and steps are only an addition to this dance. The dance style of street dance does not have any specific standard steps invented by experienced choreographers - indeed, all movements were born on the streets of the city.

Music, hearing which you cannot stand still, simplicity and a certain looseness of movements will not leave anyone indifferent! They say that street dance relaxes the soul, and the body itself moves to the beat of the music.

Dancing is open to all social classes and people of all ages. With this art you can show freedom, despondency, passion, express love and other feelings. There are classical dances that appeared a long time ago, but also over time, new directions and styles have come that are danced differently. Street dancing has become very popular. In this article, UchiEto will help you learn the elements of street dance.

First steps to learning

In all big cities there are schools that teach dance. If you find a school that teaches street dancing, don't rush to sign up. Why? Because there are different directions in these dances, so figure out which style you want to learn. You will be surprised how diverse the spectrum of dance elements is. But how to learn street dancing if there is no special talent and data? Do not be discouraged, they appear with training, and also if you learn to feel freedom.

It is the possession to be able to body and the spirit of freedom that is the basis of street dancing.

home school

You can also learn to dance at home. Moreover, you will devote as much time to classes as more than one dance instructor can devote to you, you will deprive yourself of embarrassment in front of other people, and also save your time and finances. You will be able to awaken the excellent dancer in you. Now only desire and efficiency will show that you can. For learning, ready-made interactive lessons are required. They are needed to master the initial movements.

About 15 years ago, people did not even dream of video lessons for beginners. They did not even imagine that the video would help a person learn to street dance, and the street dancers themselves were called hooligans. No one could have imagined that these same hooligans would teach others, and even online. In our time, everything is different. Street dancers are not uncommon, and the internet has provided access to video lessons. Among the large number of lessons, it is worth giving preference to specialized video schools. Only professional street dancers teach there.

So, if you are ready to master the most demanded and popular dance direction, then read the article, and at the end you will find a pleasant surprise in the form of free video lessons. Try to repeat all the movements to find out the possibilities of your body and feel the freedom.

I want to dance, teach me!

In addition to the empty statement: “I want to learn how to dance street dances,” patience and desire are needed, because before starting training, you need to review all the styles of this direction and choose one. Regularly hone all the elements, bringing them to perfection, repeat even the simplest movements after the teacher.

If we are talking about tectonics, then there are exercises that develop the plasticity of the body. The main thing is to feel the music! Distinguish between weak and strong rhythms. Learn to perceive in order to be able to improvise.

At the heart of the Tut dance are elements that characterize the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt. The dancers clearly change positions, a huge number of elements are done at a right angle, the hands should always be as straight as possible, and the head must be kept at the same level. The essence of the dance can be seen in the illustrations depicting the rulers of Egypt.

A few more words need to be said about clothing. She does not have a particular style, since there are more than 20 varieties of this direction. It doesn't even matter what color it is. The main thing is that it does not hamper movement. You can wear sneakers with wide jeans, a hoodie, even a formal suit.

Stick to your training schedule and you will be able to achieve what you want!

Video lessons

Street dancing is an essential element that can tell about the dancer's belonging to the hip-hop subculture. Without this special kind of dance art, there is no hip-hop, and also its fans. Anyone who wants to learn dance techniques from scratch will surely appreciate the video lesson "Street Dancing for Beginners".

To get the most out of your informational/educational video, try to mimic the movements of the instructor as you watch, and find opportunities to practice and train daily. Remember that the richer the training experience, the better the ability to dance.

Video lesson "Street dancing for beginners"

How to build a training session?

A well-planned lesson is the key to success. In order to learn how to properly plan your workouts, try using the following scheme:

  • warm-up movements (include the basic dance elements previously studied);
  • the main part of the training, where new elements and combinations of movements are studied;
  • the power part, which is mandatory for street dances, where power elements are often used;
  • the part reserved for stretching and developing flexibility;
  • a hitch that brings the heart rate back to normal.

Basic dance elements

When studying this type of dance art, it is important to remember that the following movements are based on:

  • work of the hips and pelvis;
  • shoulder and arm work;
  • pacing with a certain amplitude;
  • artistic and lively facial expressions.

Do not forget that the emotions displayed on the dancer's face are no less important part of the dance than plasticity and polished dance steps. Try to combine your artistry with good dance technique and emotional presentation of the dance.

Studio Balance Club invites everyone to study the fashionable direction of Street dance or Street dance. Street dance lessons are held in a large bright hall with the participation of professional teachers. There are 5-8 students in the class, so everyone manages to pay due attention.

What is street dancing

Street dance originated on the streets of major American cities. This direction is characterized by impulsive movements, a sharp change in rhythm and spectacular fading in static. Gradually, the dance was enriched with movements and techniques from such areas as funk, break, disco, RnB. As an independent direction, street dance emerged in the 70s in America.

It is curious that despite the chaotic interweaving of different styles in this direction, street dance has its own philosophy. In dance, a person talks about himself, shares his feelings and experiences - this is a small story in motion, where tricks and steps are just a way of self-expression.

Where to learn to dance Street Dance

The Moscow School of Street Dance is located in a convenient area of ​​the city, next to the metro station, just a 5-minute walk. In several groups, street dancing is taught to girls and boys of different levels of training.

Being engaged in street dance in our studio, you:

  • improve your physical fitness;
  • develop a sense of rhythm;
  • work out the coordination of movements;
  • improve posture;
  • strengthen the muscular and respiratory systems;
  • feel your body and increase your self-esteem.

Recruitment for classes street dance open for beginners! You can sign up and find out the prices on the website, by phone or in the studio - come and dance with us for pleasure.


Cost of Street Dance classes

Trial lesson 350 rub.
One-time lesson 600 rub.
Subscription for 4 lessons 1 800 rub.
Subscription for 8 lessons 3 000 rub.
Subscription for 12 lessons 4 200 rub.
Unlimited subscription 6 500 rub.

Everyone can dance, regardless of age and physique. But, many people are held back from going to dance studios by shyness. They think that their awkward movements will be discussed, laughed at.

Situations are different, of course. But, if a person is timid, then there is a way out anyway. You can learn how to dance street dance on your own. How to do this, we will consider in this article.

Where to begin?

You have made the decision to learn street dance at home. Start like this:

  • choose the right clothes. Since this is street dancing, you can wear something light, fun. You study at home, but you need a dance costume to get ready and start practicing in full;
  • stop embarrassing yourself. To do this, do dance moves in front of a mirror - only it sees you;
  • for street dances, the main thing is to be able to improvise, knowing the basic movements;
  • find the right music.

You need to practice regularly if you want to get results. Make a schedule for yourself, be sure to follow it.

Where to get the right dance elements? Read articles on the topic, ask around friends. You can learn how to learn how to dance street dances in the video lessons offered below.

Follow the dancers, repeat the workout several times a week. You will not notice how you will move better, stiffness and constraint will disappear. Imagine how you can surprise your friends and loved ones.


Street dances are also different. With video lessons, you can master several directions, and then learn how to dance.

Try to learn how to dance tectonics:

  • you will become more flexible;
  • learn to feel the rhythm;
  • you can improvise.

But Tut is a little more difficult to master:

  • frequent change of dance techniques;
  • many elements are performed at right angles;
  • hands in a straight position;
  • the head must be kept in the same position.

You can see how the elements are performed in the video and photo.

When choosing any street dance, do not forget about clothes. The main thing is to be comfortable in it. It can be jeans, loose trousers, light T-shirts, hoodies. Put on sneakers or sneakers on your feet.

With constant practice, you can hone the technique of basic movements to a high level. Start dancing and soon you will feel how the body gradually begins to obey. You will learn not only to listen to music, but also to feel its rhythm.

Just dance

When you just start to learn something new, the first days everything seems difficult and unattainable. Never give up after the first lesson, be more persistent.

Modern street dances give complete freedom of movement. You will feel how the activity will completely capture. You will want to dance not only at home, but in a club or at a party. Do not doubt yourself, believe - everything will work out.

  1. Always work out in the room you have chosen for training. So the room will be associated with classes.
  2. Don't dance to the point of impotence. Take mandatory breaks.
  3. Follow the trainer's instructions on the video, try not just to repeat the movements, but to perform them correctly.
  4. When the basic dance lessons are over, try to combine all the learned movements yourself. The result may surprise you.
  5. If you can't keep up with the coach, then stop the video. It's okay, do everything slowly, but correctly.
  6. When choosing from the types of street dances, see what suits your temperament more. Watch several videos to make the right choice.
  7. Don't forget about proper nutrition. This is exercise, so nutrition has a big impact on how you feel during exercise.
  8. Don't be afraid to show your emotions while dancing. You are at home and there is no one to be ashamed of.

Video lessons