Percentage bonus based on length of service. Allowances and additional payments for work experience in a budgetary institution

  • 06.02.2024

In particular, the normative act gives the following meanings:

  • 1-5 years of work – 10% of salary.
  • 5-10 years – 15%.
  • 10-15 years – 20%.
  • From 15 years – 30%.

When calculating length of service, work in such structures as:

  • Military, federal and civil.
  • Municipal.
  • Others, if the relevant data is in the Federal Law.
  • State (Presidential Decree of January 11, 1995 No. 32).

This calculation procedure is stipulated by paragraph 1 of Article 54 of the Federal Law “On Civil Service” No. 73. It denotes the following features of accrual of experience:

  • A person can work in several positions while accumulating continuous experience.

How is the long-service bonus calculated in the public sector?


When an employee keeps a secret of national importance, the bonus is distributed between 15-25% of the employee’s income and increases with length of service. Interestingly, the allowances do not overlap each other. That is, a certain employee has every right to receive a bonus in the form of the amount of additional payments due to him, sometimes reaching a value of two hundred percent.

Like, for example, an employee who keeps a secret of national importance and has ten years of experience. In this case, this employee receives:

  • Additional payment for knowledge and storage of state secrets.
  • Bonus for decent length of service in this position.
  • He is entitled to a bonus for length of service in the amount of twenty percent of his salary.

When summing up bonuses for length of service, the percentage can reach double the salary.

Percentage bonus for length of service for public sector employees

To receive interest payments, if the organization is commercial, you must work in a specific company for a certain period of time (indicated in the local act of the company). The employer will be required to take into account the time of paid vacation, sick leave and business trips as working hours.
Any periods for which you were paid a salary are considered to be your length of service. Also, changing your position in the organization will not affect your work experience.

If you were transferred to another department of the same enterprise, then the length of service for calculating the long service bonus will be calculated in total. The exception is if your salary changes within a month.
In this case, it is not the length of service that is recalculated, but the amount of the bonus according to a percentage of the salary. There are cases when employees are transferred to another company during reorganization.
That is, the owner remains the same, and the place of work does not change, but the legal entity becomes different.

What bonuses are due for working in a budgetary institution in 2018?


There are many factors that influence the amount you receive as a bonus. Nevertheless, there are some common features and a calculation system.

Please note that the additional payment for length of service will be calculated as a percentage. And it depends on your activity, work experience, length of service, as well as the salary that you receive or have previously earned.

In principle, there is nothing difficult about this at first glance. But practice points differently. The amount of additional payment for length of service provided to each individual category of employee is different.


Therefore, it is almost impossible to remember the entire system as a whole. And people are only interested in those calculations that apply specifically to them.

Quite the right decision. By the way, the calculations also take into account the area in which you live. After all, bonuses for length of service are also influenced by regional coefficients.

What is a long service bonus and how is it calculated?

For such workers, the salary is not so small, so even a small percentage of the increase is a huge bonus to their pension. So, the additional payment for length of service in this case is established:

  • in the amount of 10% of the salary for “service” from 1 to 5 years;
  • 20% of salary (monthly) for a period of up to 10 years;
  • if you work under 15 years, you are supposed to receive a 30% bonus;
  • from 16 years and over - 40%.

As you can see, the maximum threshold here is 40%.

Almost half of the total monthly salary. Quite an impressive amount. Yes, it's worth trying for, but it's really something to strive for.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Now it’s worth talking a little about what payments employees in the Ministry of Internal Affairs are entitled to. Of course, your position plays an important role here. And the monthly salary too.

Long service allowances

In addition, one cannot discount the fact that each budgetary organization independently regulates the system of rewards for good performance of tasks or disciplined behavior in the workplace. Often it is a local regulatory document that establishes the method of paying wages to employees, incentive measures for more active work activity, and the process of calculating bonuses for length of service.

The percentage determination of the bonus in the budgetary sphere is often determined by the Regulations on employee income or in acts regulating the processes of bonuses for employees. The legislation does not set limits for the employer regarding the amount of incentive payments.

As a rule, the amount of bonuses for employees established in an organization depends on the budget of a particular company.

Long service bonus (2018)

In other cases, it is graduated, starting from 10% (2-5 years), adding 5% every 5 years. Exception: 25 years of experience: increase – 10%. In the video, the length of service of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: How the additional payment for length of service is calculated. The additional payment is determined based on the basic earnings (salary) and the period of work.

Experience is taken into account based on the time actually worked in a position that gives the right to seniority. Part-time work and replacement are not taken into account: they are not included in the length of service and no additional payment is due on this salary. Performing other job duties at the same enterprise or organization, if they are included in the preferential list, is taken into account for length of service.

Who is entitled to a bonus or additional payment for length of service?

We will give an approximate relationship between length of service and final additional payment:

  • If the duration of employment is more than a year, but does not exceed three years, then the percentage of the salary will be approximately 5%.
  • For employees working for the benefit of the organization for up to five years, the percentage rate is exactly twice as high as the previous one.
  • In the case where the experience is less than ten years, the percentage of additional payment also doubles, that is, it is equal to 20%.
  • For such long-term work as ten years or more, a 30 percent additional payment from the salary is provided.

What awaits public sector employees Additional payments to public sector employees are established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or can be regulated locally either by regulations of a particular Ministry or by other laws of the regions of Russia.
In this case, it is better for the employee to agree in advance so that during the transfer there is no break in the length of service and the cancellation of the long-service bonus. Another case is when an employee worked for a long time for one employer, and then went to another for a short period of time. Formally, he must again “earn” additional pay for his years of service. But in some cases, when the employee is very valuable and qualified, you can ask the administration to continue paying the bonus.

If this is stated in advance and the company is interested in the employee, practice shows that such a request is accepted positively. Don’t be afraid and don’t hesitate to negotiate all the nuances of payment, not just additional pay for experience.

Moreover, since 2011, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation also receive additional amounts for personal successes that contributed to the improvement of the employee’s qualifications. This norm was introduced in 2011 in accordance with the need for additional incentives for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In this case, an employee can count on an increase in salary if he defends his scientific work and receives a scientific degree, or takes part in sports competitions and manages to win high places in them. If these conditions are met, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has grounds to receive an additional payment in the amount of 5 - 30%.

Military personnel can also count on receiving a bonus for length of service and other additional payments. This category of civil servants receives additional amounts in accordance with the Federal Law “On Monetary Allowances and Certain Payments to Military Personnel.”

Additional payment for length of service for public sector employees law

A bonus for length of service is an additional monetary payment that many citizens of our country can count on. However, not everyone knows in what areas it applies and how it is calculated.

Therefore, today we’ll talk about how to calculate such allowances when working in a particular budget institution, depending on the area of ​​work and length of service, and who, in principle, can count on such amounts. How is the bonus for length of service calculated? First of all, it should be mentioned that such additional payments primarily depend on the period during which the public sector employee worked in various organizations.

Even if he worked in more than one institution, he will still be able to count on receiving payments based on the total number of years spent in public service.
Labor consultant Additional payments and allowances are monetary remunerations that an employee receives, according to the law, every month in addition to his salary. After working at the company for some time, you have the right to count on an increase in your basic salary for length of service.

This type of incentive is used by the employer to stimulate the employee to develop and reduce staff turnover. After all, it is logical that people who occupy the same position, but have worked for different times and have different experiences, should have different remuneration.

Of course, provided that they have approximately the same qualifications and labor productivity. The content of the article

  1. Basic documents establishing payment
  2. Size and frequency
  3. Procedure and rules of calculation
  4. How is work experience calculated?

Who is entitled to incentives and when is specified in Chapter.

A bonus for length of service is an additional monetary payment that many citizens of our country can count on. However, not everyone knows in what areas it applies and how it is calculated. Therefore, today we’ll talk about how to calculate such allowances when working in a particular budget institution, depending on the area of ​​work and length of service, and who, in principle, can count on such amounts.

How is the bonus for length of service calculated?

First of all, it should be mentioned that such additional payments primarily depend on the period during which the public sector employee worked in various organizations. Even if he worked in more than one institution, he will still be able to count on receiving payments based on the total number of years spent in public service. The bonus itself for length of service is calculated as a percentage of the official salary previously received by an employee holding various positions in a budget institution.

So, the size of the bonus, in addition to the actual salary, also depends on some factors. First of all, these include regional coefficients, as well as coefficients established in each specific subject of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the amount of additional payments for length of service may include a bonus, if any. Therefore, in order to accurately calculate the amount of money that must be paid extra, you need to know these two indicators. In addition, do not forget that this allowance is subject to income tax. Thus, by performing a series of simple mathematical operations, you can calculate the amount of additional payment for length of service in a budget institution.

Thus, the main factors influencing the amount of additional payments are:

  • industry of work;
  • region of residence and work;
  • presence of a bonus.

Allowances for employees of budgetary organizations and state civil servants

The bonus for work experience for public sector employees can be formed in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, all kinds of regional regulatory documents, as well as individual orders from specific departments. Moreover, each specific budgetary institution has its own incentive system, in accordance with which a wide variety of regulatory documents are developed. The latter regulate wages and, accordingly, incentives, and the bonus for length of service is prescribed in the same documents.

In addition, such additional payments must be indicated in the regulations on remuneration or bonuses. In current legislation there are practically no restrictions that directly affect their amounts. Thus, perhaps the only real factor that regulates the amount of additional payments in a budgetary institution is its state of its accounts.

As for the state civil service, the situation here is somewhat different. First of all, the regulatory documents in accordance with which the bonus for length of service is calculated are the Labor Code and the current law “On the State Civil Service”. In accordance with these documents, a clear amount of amounts has been determined that will be paid to the employee for years of work in a budgetary institution. In particular, they equal:

  1. 10% of the official salary if the employee’s length of service is between 1 and 5 years.
  2. A 15% bonus is given to employees who have worked in a budget institution for 5 to 10 years.
  3. 20% of the salary will be received by employees who have been working in their organizations for 10 to 15 years.
  4. An increase of 30% is due if the employee’s length of service in the institution exceeds 15 years.

After 15 years of public service, its employees will no longer receive additional bonuses for work. Until the end of your working life, it will be at the level of 30% of the official salary. However, in addition to additional payments of this kind, they are entitled to a whole range of various incentives for their activities in the position. For example:

  • depending on the job group, additional payments can range from 60 to 200% of the salary;
  • when working with state secrets, a civil servant is awarded additional payments in the amount of 5 - 75%;
  • if an official’s duties include protecting state secrets, then he is entitled to an additional bonus for length of service in the amount of 10–20% of the salary.

At the same time, we should not forget that one type of additional payment does not imply the exclusion of another. Consequently, if several of the above conditions are met, the state civil servant will receive bonuses for each of them in total.

Allowances for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military personnel

If we are talking about employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, their incentives are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1259. It includes not only a bonus for length of service, but also additional payments for working in special conditions. In general, as for additional payments for the period of work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is calculated in a similar way, the basic indicator is a percentage of the salary. However, not all employees will receive them, but only those who work in certain departments. In particular, these include:

  1. Central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  2. Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow and the Moscow region.
  3. Duty department.
  4. Temporary detention center for minors.
  5. Cavalry unit.

By the way, if employees of the latter structure are additionally involved in caring for horses, they should also receive an additional payment in the amount of 10 - 100% of their official salary. In addition, the size of bonuses is also determined by such factors as the danger of the work process, responsibility and the occurrence of occupational diseases among workers. Moreover, since 2011, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation also receive additional amounts for personal successes that contributed to the improvement of the employee’s qualifications.

This norm was introduced in 2011 in accordance with the need for additional incentives for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In this case, an employee can count on an increase in salary if he defends his scientific work and receives a scientific degree, or takes part in sports competitions and manages to win high places in them. If these conditions are met, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has grounds to receive an additional payment in the amount of 5 - 30%.

Military personnel can also count on receiving a bonus for length of service and other additional payments. This category of civil servants receives additional amounts in accordance with the Federal Law “On Monetary Allowances and Certain Payments to Military Personnel.” Thus, the bonus for work experience for them is formed based on the following data:

  • when serving for a period of 2 to 5 years, the employee’s salary increases by 10%;
  • if a military man works for 5 to 10 years, he can count on an increase of 15% of his official salary;
  • for military personnel who have devoted 10 to 15 years to their work, the additional payment is 20%;
  • if the employee spent 15 to 20 years in the Armed Forces, the amount of the bonus will reach 25%;
  • service for 20 to 25 years will be rewarded with an increase of 30% of the official salary;
  • The largest amount of additional payments for the period of service is due to persons who have crossed the threshold of 25 years of service. They can count on 40% of the official salary.

However, it should be remembered that the calculation of bonuses for this caste of civil servants has a number of its own subtleties related to working conditions. Thus, persons serving in aviation and testing ejection devices, or performing parachute jumps for scientific purposes, have a different procedure for calculating service life. For employees of such departments, one month is counted as two. A month and a half is considered to be one and a half months for categories of military personnel who constantly have to jump with a parachute, crews of combat ships and members of oceanographic expeditions.

Thus, in 2019 and 2020, public sector employees have the right to count on all the above-described bonuses for work experience in budgetary organizations and institutions. There is no information yet about a possible revision of their size; no one excludes that new incentive payments for public sector employees could be added. Especially considering the fact that the state is seriously addressing the problem of encouraging pensioners to remain for subsequent service in budgetary institutions.

    Employers interested in retaining qualified, experienced staff use such an incentive measure for their employees as a bonus for length of service. What this is, in which organizations such incentives are used, what the amount of additional payments is, and how long you need to work in specific structures in order to qualify for it, you will learn from this article.

    The concept of long service bonus

    A longevity bonus is an additional payment to the salary of an employee who has worked for a certain time in one organization or in one field. Length of service implies that the employee did not leave the employer, except in situations where his temporary absence did not affect the gap in the period of service (it is either suspended or included in the general period). Mostly, allowances are awarded in government agencies, but they can also be used by private organizations (enterprises).

    Who is entitled to the length of service bonus?

    The following persons are entitled to a seniority bonus:

  • officially employed in structures whose activities are regulated by federal regulations that directly provide for payment for length of service;
  • officially employed in organizations whose internal regulations (collective bargaining agreement or agreement) provide for incentives for employees who have worked for a given company for a long time.

If in the first case, the transfer of an employee from one organization (institution) to another of the same system does not affect his length of service, then in the second case it will stop counting (except for situations where a mutual agreement has been reached between the former and future employer, both as a whole and and for a specific employee).

Procedure for calculating the allowance

The procedure for calculating the length of service bonus depends on which regulatory act establishes it. If this is a law at the federal level, an order from the ministry - the calculation is the same for everyone who falls under this legal act. If the procedure for compensation for length of service is determined independently by a non-governmental organization, then it can be anything. Labor legislation does not limit businesses in encouraging their employees.

The procedure is determined by agreement between employees and the employer or established by the employer independently (and also canceled in the future).

When it comes to government organizations, an employee can always file a complaint against an employer who does not properly comply with the requirements of the law. If the allowance is canceled by the owner of a private organization, each case should be examined individually. Cancellation is not always possible without the participation of workers, trade unions, etc.

What determines the amount of allowances?

The amount of the long service bonus in any case depends on the duration of work (service) in one system (organization). At the same time, it is important to understand that each law regulating the procedure for calculating bonuses to employees in a certain field always provides explanations of where an employee can go without losing his length of service, whether training time will be included in the period of service, and if so, which one, how will it affect length of service, time spent on parental leave, etc. Even if the bonus is established, for example, by a collective agreement, it necessarily provides for periods of work and the percentage of the bonus amount to the salary or its monetary value.

Bonus for length of service in organizations

The long service bonus depends on the status of the organization. If its owner is an independent participant in the financial and economic market, then everything that happens in the organization is subject to the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In government agencies, each area has its own regulatory legal act for employees. For example, Order No. 463n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 28, 2008 provides for incentive payments for length of service to employees of healthcare institutions:

  • senior doctors of emergency medical care stations (departments), doctors, paramedical and junior medical staff, drivers, as well as medical consultants working at hourly rates (including part-time) are paid thirty percent of the salary for the first three years, for each subsequent two year - twenty-five percent of the salary. The maximum bonus amount is eighty percent of the salary;
  • employees of anti-leprosy (leprosy) departments - ten percent of the salary for each year of work. The maximum allowance is eighty percent of the salary for health workers, for others - fifty percent;
  • employees of anti-plague units - ten percent of the salary for each year of work. The maximum amount of the bonus is one hundred percent of the salary for health workers, for others - eighty percent;
  • heads of therapeutic and pediatric departments of outpatient departments, doctors of medical labor expert commissions, phthisiatricians and nursing staff of anti-tuberculosis units for the first three years - thirty percent of the salary, for each subsequent two years - fifteen percent. The maximum amount of the bonus is sixty percent of the salary;
  • employees of units for combating especially dangerous infections - ten percent of the salary for each year of work. The maximum allowance is sixty percent of the salary for medical workers, zoologists, entomologists, for others - forty percent;
  • employees of healthcare and social protection institutions - twenty percent of the salary for the first three years, for the next two years - ten percent. The maximum bonus amount is thirty percent of the salary.

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2000 No. 34 provides for bonuses for length of service for employees of federal state archives:

  • with experience from thirteen to eighteen years - twenty percent;
  • with experience from eighteen to twenty-three years - twenty-five percent of the official salary;

Civil servant allowance

Federal Law “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ establishes the following amounts of monthly bonuses for length of service for civil servants:

  • with experience from five to ten years - fifteen percent of the official salary;
  • with experience from ten to fifteen years - twenty percent;
  • with experience of fifteen years and above - thirty percent.

The procedure for calculating civil service experience for establishing an allowance is determined by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2007 No. 1532.

Allowance for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The Federal Law “On Social Guarantees for Employees of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” dated July 19, 2011 No. 247-FZ determines the amount of the monthly bonus for length of service for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • with service from five to ten years - fifteen percent of the salary;
  • with service from fifteen to twenty years - twenty-five percent;
  • with length of service from twenty to twenty-five years - thirty percent of the salary;

Salary supplement for military personnel

The Federal Law “On monetary allowances for military personnel and provision of individual payments to them” dated November 7, 2011 No. 306-FZ establishes the amount of the monthly bonus for length of service for military personnel.

  • with length of service from two to five years - ten percent of the salary;
  • with service from five to ten years - fifteen percent;
  • with service from ten to fifteen years - twenty percent;
  • with service from fifteen to twenty years - twenty-five percent of the salary;
  • with service from twenty to twenty-five years - thirty percent;
  • with service of twenty-five years and above - forty percent.

Allowance for public sector employees

Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 1993 No. 638 determines the amount of monthly allowances for employees of central bodies of the federal executive power.

For managers and specialists the size will be:

  • with experience from one to five years - ten percent of the official salary;
  • with experience from five to ten years - twenty percent;
  • with experience from ten to fifteen years - thirty percent;
  • with experience of fifteen years and above - forty percent.

For employees:

  • with experience from three to eight years - ten percent of the official salary;
  • with experience from eight to thirteen years - fifteen percent of the official salary;
  • with experience from thirteen to eighteen years - twenty percent of the official salary;
  • with experience from eighteen to twenty-three years - twenty-five percent;
  • with experience of twenty-three years and above - thirty percent.

The long service bonus requires an individual calculation in each specific case. It depends on many factors - where, when and under what conditions a person got a job, whether absenteeism occurred while performing job duties and for what reasons, etc. If you need legal advice on labor law, our specialists will give you the necessary advice. You can leave your question in our online chat or call us at the indicated phone numbers.

The specialist will tell you whether you are entitled to a bonus, how much it is in your particular case, how it is calculated, and how to protect your labor rights if the employer violates them.

A significant number of people would like to retire earlier than expected. This, like others, is acceptable if you have years of service.

Length of service is the presence of special experience. As a rule, it means working in one particular area. Length of service contains specific privileges:

  • salary supplements
  • registration of pension prematurely
  • right to the most significant position

How to calculate length of service and experience

As a rule, it is calculated in order to issue a pension prematurely. Not long ago it became clear that employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service have every chance to use this kind of service. In addition to them, they have every chance to count on:

  • test pilots and other groups of aviation personnel
  • persons performing geological exploration activities
  • medical staff
  • artistic staff
  • working in law enforcement agencies
  • military personnel
  • astronauts
  • employees of the fishing industry or fleets
  • teachers

The length of service begins to be calculated if it is more than a year. And this does not depend on whether it was permanent or general. It begins on the date indicated in the work book. However, please take into account that the calculation is carried out in full years, that is, if you have a special work experience of 7 years and 9 months, in this case, the working years in total are 7 years.

Before we talk about counting years of work, you need to understand what is meant by such a concept.

Work experience involves the total time period during which a person performed every job necessary for society, which provides him with the opportunity to purchase pension and social insurance, namely:

  1. Fulfilling your own labor obligations in one company or another.
  2. The period of time spent on or leaving for study while maintaining one’s own job is also included in the calculation of length of service.
  3. The period of time spent serving in the army.
  4. Maternity leave for child care (until he is one and a half years old).
  5. The time spent in places of detention (people who were subjected to repression for political reasons), if afterward the rehabilitation of these persons occurred and the return of all civil rights to them.

There is also the concept of special work experience. Let's figure out what this means.

The following people fall under special work experience:

  • who received a disability group (1 or 2) in the process of fulfilling their own work obligations
  • people working in hazardous industries
  • people entitled to benefits based on years of service (military, teachers, doctors)

It is necessary to summarize the time intervals for which a person worked (including studying, being in the national service, serving in the army, being on maternity leave, which cannot be longer than one and a half years). First you need to count the years, then the months and days.

Length of service of civil servants

So, to correctly calculate the additional payment for employees involved in the public service, it is necessary to study the percentage rates of the additional amount, which directly depend on the length of service:

  • Experience from 1 to 5 years provides the right to purchase an additional 10% of the added salary
  • if the experience ranges from 5 to 10 years, you can hope for perhaps a 15% additional payment
  • 20% is given to officials who have worked for the benefit of the country for at least 10-15 years
  • 30% - the maximum possible amount of bonus for years of service - is allocated to employees who fulfill their labor obligations for 15 years or more

Specific numbers depend on the economic situation of the company. One should not lose sight of the fact that state employees are regularly awarded bonuses and other funds as an incentive to perform their job duties well, directly depending on the position held, the type of activity performed by the employee, and labor obligations that are placed on his shoulders beyond generally accepted standards.

For example, a position may be related to the lower and higher groups, according to this, the increase ranges from 60 to 200% of the salary. If a native of the Russian Federation in his own work comes across information that is considered secret, which must be signed in a special document, the degree of secrecy of the papers determines the additional amounts of 5-75% of the salary.

If the employee is directly involved in protecting state secrets, the increase for years of service is formed in the amount of 10-20% of the amount, depending on the duration of fulfillment of professional obligations.

Is it possible to purchase a number of allowances at once? Of course, it is possible, but only if they are not considered incompatible relative to each other.

Let’s imagine this case: an employee works, regularly communicates with classified information, and has 11 years of work experience. In the total amount of this kind, the employee will receive a whole list of additional payments:

  • financial plan incentive for supporting a national secret
  • amount added for length of service performing work in a specific field
  • additional payment, which is required to be provided in the amount of 20% for the number of years worked

Length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The Ministry of Internal Affairs did not stand aside, and is also involved in rewarding workers for their years of service. Special work makes it possible to claim additional incentives issued every month in addition to the basic salary. In accordance with all norms established by law, bonus amounts are awarded to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who work in the following list of structural units:

  • central office of the state Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region
  • duty departments
  • parts of temporary accommodation for lawbreakers who have not reached the age of majority
  • cavalry units

For example, if an employee is engaged in caring for horses, bonuses range from 10-100% of the additional salary of a police officer. The size of the additional payment amount is affected by the level of threat and harmfulness of the activity performed, responsibility and the possibility of acquiring an occupational disease in the future.

Since 2011, in order to correctly calculate additional payments to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is necessary to take into account the share for individual achievements. Acquiring a scientific degree and significant achievements in one of the types of sports also imply financial approval, which ranges from 5-30% of the salary. It is expected that such incentives will make it possible to improve the quality of personnel working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Length of service of military personnel

The military is located in the 1st group of employees together with the police, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. It's easy to count:

  • Employees who have worked from 2 to 5 years have every chance of receiving a 10% bonus
  • military personnel working for 5-10 years have the right to expect an additional payment of 14% to their salary every month
  • served for 10-15 years - you will receive an additional 20% to your official earnings
  • work for at least 15-20 years – an additional payment of 25% is accepted
  • civil servants reward military personnel who have worked for 20-25 years with a 30% bonus
  • military servicemen who have given 25 years of their life or more to the Fatherland receive 40% of their official earnings

The characteristics of the obligations and the place of service in the military directly have a great influence on the size of the bonus for years of service.

If these are aviation units, and the workers belong to the crew of airplanes and helicopters that take part in various types of tests, the month of fulfilling their labor obligations is counted as 2, and so on for the entire time of work.

How to calculate the length of service of the Federal Penitentiary Service

Calculation of years of work for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service is carried out in accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers, which also applies to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This includes:

  • fulfillment of labor obligations in the Federal Penitentiary Service
  • military service
  • labor activity in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • fulfillment of labor obligations in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.

In addition, the full period of internship, a period of stay that should not exceed one and a half years, as well as training in a specialized field are added to this time. Length of service provides some additional payments to wages. Their size is determined by internal regulations. Everyone can calculate the production of years independently, for which you only need a calculator.

Long service pension

If the work experience in a particular field is quite extensive, then a person has the opportunity not to wait for retirement age, but to retire early.

A distinctive feature of this type is that the pension will be paid not from the Pension Fund, but at the expense of other organizations, for example: military pensions are paid by the military registration and enlistment office.

In order to hope to receive it, civil servants must have fifteen years of work experience; before leaving, they must have one year of permanent work experience, and leaving work for a good reason. Military personnel must reach the age of 45 or have more than 20 years of service. Cosmonauts and pilots are required to have a work experience of 25 (20) years for men (women), and to stop their own work due to state of health or other circumstances.

The long-service bonus is an integral element of generating income for public sector employees. Interest rates are set by industry legal acts. For commercial enterprises, this type of payment is voluntary. The bonus can be used as a motivating factor.

Long service bonus: commercial organizations

A complete list of optional payments that are applied at the enterprise must be reflected in the local act of the organization:

  • employment agreement;
  • the amount of bonuses for the time worked in the institution is prescribed in the collective agreement;
  • information should be reflected in the Regulations on remuneration and the Regulations on bonuses.

In an employment contract, it is allowed not to provide a scale of applied coefficients for the bonus; one can limit oneself to a reference to a clause in the document containing comprehensive information on this issue. The salary bonus for length of service is set as a percentage of the monthly salary. Payment cannot be suspended for periods when the employee was on vacation or business trip. If the employee retains his average earnings, then he is entitled to all bonuses (for which there are grounds for application).

The Long Service Award must meet a number of criteria:

  • regularity of payments;
  • linking the percentage of remuneration to length of service in a certain field or at a specific enterprise;
  • accrual occurs by multiplying the percentage by the amount of salary for the time worked according to the timesheet;
  • when changing the interest rate or salary, calculations must be made separately for each tariff level.

Remuneration for length of service in commercial structures can be paid at different intervals. Enterprise management can establish a rule for the monthly accrual of bonuses simultaneously with wages. The option of paying a bonus as an incentive once a year is allowed.

How is the length of service bonus calculated in budgetary structures?

Persons recognized as civil servants receive bonuses for length of service as an additional payment. Interest rates are established by Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ in Art. 50 p. 5 p. 1:

  1. If the length of service is more than 1 year, but less than 5 years, the employee will be paid an additional 10% to the salary.
  2. If the length of service is from 5 to 10 years, then the salary will take into account a monthly bonus for length of service in the amount of 15%.
  3. Persons with a total service life of 10 to 15 years can count on a 20% bonus.
  4. Those who have worked in civil service positions for more than 15 years receive 30% of the salary.

Order No. 1192 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated December 31, 2008 provides the procedure for calculating length of service, which gives the right to receive additional payment for time worked. Payments for length of service are made according to the percentage scale approved by Order No. 751 of August 27, 2008 (Appendix 4):

  • for 1 to 2 years of experience, an increase of 5% is assigned;
  • with a service life of more than 2 years, but less than 5 – 10%;
  • finding the accumulated length of service in the range from 5 to 10 years is equivalent to 20%;
  • those who have served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for more than 10 years (provided that the experience has not exceeded 15 years) receive incentive payments in the amount of 25%;
  • for employees with 15-20 years of experience there is a bonus of 30%;
  • in the service range of 20-25 years, 35% is added to salaries;
  • if the service life exceeds the threshold of 25 years, the premium increases to 40%.

Payment for length of service to military personnel is regulated by the norms of Order No. 2700 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Payment for length of service begins with 2 years of service and a percentage increase equal to 10%. For civilian personnel of military units, the allowance is calculated according to the norms of Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2014 No. 255:

  • for more than 1 year of experience, the bonus is 5%;
  • with 2 years of experience – 10%;
  • if the length of service increases to 3 years, the rate increases to 15%;
  • upon reaching 5 years of experience, the bonus is 20%;
  • at 10 years the rate increases to 30%;
  • the maximum amount of 40% is received by holders of 15 years of experience.

How to calculate the bonus for length of service for civilian personnel of law enforcement agencies - for a category 2 accountant, the salary is 7,870 rubles. For example, the employee holding this position has 2 years and 6 months of work experience in military units. In October 2017, he worked for the entire month. The amount of the bonus for October will be 787 rubles. (7,870 x 10%).

For military personnel, the calculation procedure will be different, since for them there are two salary scales - by rank and by position. For example, a private occupies a position with the 2nd tariff category and has a length of service of 5 years. The salary for rank is 5,000 rubles, for position – 11,000 rubles. (according to order 2700), the percentage of the increase will be 15% (clause 40 of order 2700). Calculation:

(5000 + 11,000) x 15% = 2400 rub.

To begin paying a bonus or change its size in relation to any category of workers or employees, it is necessary to issue an order establishing a bonus for length of service. It indicates the date the rate changed and its value for a specific person.