Drawing of what I will do on vacation. Summary of a lesson on plot drawing in the senior preparatory group “How I spent my summer”

  • 28.01.2024

Draw a picture about a summer vacation - this is the homework assignment primary school students receive from their art teacher. The task is not difficult, but there are so many impressions that the little artist himself cannot decide what to depict. Help him remember the brightest event of the summer holidays - this will be the plot of the drawing.

Drawing on the topic How I spent my summer at sea

Did you spend these summer holidays with your child at sea? Feel free to prepare a picture with marine motifs.

Visually divide the sheet of paper into two parts: top – sky, bottom – sea. Sketch clouds floating across the sky, screaming seagulls, low waves crashing against the side of a sailboat. In the foreground is the figure of a child. Here he stands, joyfully spreading his arms, as if he wants to embrace this boundless blue. Make a sketch with a pencil, then use watercolor, and outline the contours with felt-tip pens. The drawing is simpler - a blue-green sea, yellow sand on the shore and in the distance the silhouettes of swimming dolphins.

Drawing on the theme How I spent the summer in the village

An excellent option, as there is room to show your imagination. Most likely, you not only swam, sunbathed, went for berries and mushrooms, but also helped your grandmother with the housework - weeding and watering the beds, carrying water from the well, feeding the pets. Draw it like this and you will get an instructive drawing on a summer theme. Let the child draw himself in the center of the picture, around there are flowers, butterflies fluttering above them, behind, closer to the horizon - a small house with a porch, a chimney, open windows. Add to this a kitten that rubs against the legs of a cheerful guest, a flock of birds circling in the heights - and the sketch is ready.

Drawing on the theme How I spent my summer - a walk in the forest

The forest is a fascinating subject for painting, because when you go to your dacha, you probably go with your child to the nearby copse. And there are hundred-year-old trees with their tops rising into the air, anthills under spreading fir trees, a nimble squirrel jumping from branch to branch and a bright orange sun peeking out from behind the prickly green pine trees - all this is drawn simply and even a first-grader can do.

Drawing on the topic How I spent the summer at a sports camp

If a child was on vacation at a children's summer camp, he also has something to remember, and therefore to sketch. As a rule, children enjoy such camps - they participate in relay races, creative competitions, go on one-day hikes, look for treasures, and fight in the lightning of the night. And the rest of the time they run, play, communicate with peers. What's not a suitable subject for a picture?

Drawing on the topic How I spent the summer in the city

Due to circumstances, your child spent the whole summer in the city, but you went with him to the zoo, went to nature, caught minnows in a forest lake, watched amazing birds in the sparrow park, fed the animals at the ostrich farm. Recreate your memorable trip on paper, and the task will be completed.

There are many options for summer-themed pictures, what to draw - if possible, let the child decide, all you have to do is help with the execution technique and drawing complex details.

The seasons provide a wealth of material that can be used for speech therapy classes and speech games with children. Summer is no exception! There are a number of interesting changes in nature this season, and people spend a lot of time outside, working and relaxing. Visual materials allow you to show children a variety of features of this period; pictures and cards must be actively used during developmental activities.

What to tell children about summer

The main “summer” topics that can be used for conversations with children are:

  • berries, ;
  • , birds, ;
  • people's activities in the garden, in the forest;
  • types of outdoor recreation (travel to the sea, summer sports);
  • safety of children in summer.

The first of these sections are suitable for toddlers, and the rest for older preschoolers. They allow you to select pictures about summer for both very young children and future first-graders. You can use both subject images (berries, toys for the sandbox) and plot compositions:

  • “The first day of summer has arrived!”;
  • “What do children play outdoors in the summer?”;
  • “What are the rules of behavior on the water and why are they needed?”

Properly selected illustrations help increase the effectiveness of speech development exercises and make them more interesting. Various pictures about summer are excellent visual material that makes it possible to conduct useful activities, as well as exciting games with preschoolers of different ages.

Work in the garden

Animal world

Russia Day

Children care about nature


  • Select one subject picture from a thematic group of images (mushrooms, berries, insects), describe it, listing as many characteristics as possible.
  • Make up the story “Summer Vacation” using images of children:

- In the woods;
- on the beach;
- in the country.

  • List the signs of summer based on several subject paintings depicting nature or the city.
  • Talk about one of the wildflowers using several photographs or drawings.
  • Select several subject pictures (from the whole set) on the topic: Summer in the forest, write a description of each of them.
  • Tell one of several fairy tales or stories in pictures, selected according to the topic.
  • Come up with riddles for each subject image from the series: “Children playing in nature.”
  • Continue the sentence “Hello summer, you came to us with .....”. You can list the signs of the season, seasonal changes in the world around you. You need to complete the task based on subject or plot images on the topic.
  • Tell them that animals also enjoy summer, that their lives change a lot at this time of year. The drawn animals in the pictures should be a kind of “clues”.
  • Draw a verbal portrait of one of the people in the picture, describe the appearance features of one of the tourists or vacationers on the beach.

Summer in the forest
Forest in summer
Summer in the city
City in summer
Children's fun in summer
Summer Games
Summer in the village
Summer day in the village

It is important to select all tasks for speech development based on the child’s age characteristics, then they will be interesting to him and will also be beneficial. For example, for children 5-6 years old, you can use tasks of increased complexity: ask them to tell (based on the plot picture) what happened before the events depicted and what will happen after. You can ask to talk on behalf of one of the characters depicted in thematic pictures for children from the senior or preparatory group. Subject cards are useful for coming up with:

  • riddles;
  • funny stories with continuation;
  • short poems.

Such exercises not only train the speech abilities of future schoolchildren, but also develop imaginative thinking, attention, and imagination.


Various pictures for children about summer can be used not only for educational activities, but also during exciting games. Here are some of them:

  • “Let’s collect raspberries in a basket”: list as many forest or garden berries as possible, selecting appropriate images from a set of illustrations.
  • “I’ll tell you, guess!”: take any subject card on the topic “Summer” and describe what is depicted on it. This could be: plants, animals in a “summer” coat, a symbolic image of the weather or a natural phenomenon (rainbow, thunderstorm, dew).
  • “Summer is an artist”: choose one of the flowers, “invite him to visit.” Then you should name the drawings, as many as possible, that can be painted by him. These are unique word coloring pages for children that allow them to enrich their speech with descriptive adjectives.
  • “Hike”: each of the players (in turn) talks about what he saw during an imaginary (or real) excursion into nature. For this game you need to select several plot pictures. “Summer in the Forest” or “Summer Vacation in Nature” would be perfect. You can take any published for kindergarten on this topic.
  • “In a forest clearing”: this game combines speech and artistic tasks. Each participant must draw with a pencil and then color a portrait of some animal. These need to be animals that are easy to meet in the forest in the summer. You can use ready-made mask images that are placed in Summer in the Forest or other similar coloring books. Of course, ready-made masks used in kindergarten for matinees are also suitable. Then the children play the character whose image they got. You can ask everyone:
  • tell about his life in the forest;
  • come up with a funny story about summer;
  • list your favorite berries, flowers, herbs, shrubs, trees.

At the end of the fun, the one who was the most interesting animal is chosen and becomes the winner.

  • "In memory of summer"

It is impossible to imagine games on the theme of “summer” without entertainment in nature. Invite your child or the whole group to find the most beautiful leaves or flowers in the park. Let everyone choose one and then describe it. Then all the plants need to be carefully dried and then placed in a folder on a transparent or colored background. The finished herbarium can then be placed in the group’s corner of nature, where some animals and plants are found all year round.

Summer– this is one of the most amazing, beautiful and long-awaited times of the year. This is the sun, a hot season with long days and short warm nights. Summer means hot sand and gentle waves on the seashore, a good mood and an unforgettable experience. Summer is different for each of us. And it’s different for everyone! Anyone who visited the southern coast of Crimea this summer immediately imagined the following picture: the sea, mountains and pine trees of bizarre shape, growing along the slopes of the mountains to the seashore.

Let's try to draw together with the children drawing on the theme “Summer”- a memory of summer, based on step-by-step instructions for depicting a seascape.

The master class is conducted by Vera Parfentyeva, technology teacher, leader of a preschool club, reader of “Native Path”. The article is illustrated with drawings by Vera’s little pupils.

Drawing on the theme “Summer” step by step

Step 1. Horizon line.

We draw a straight line with a simple pencil at the bottom of the sheet (thus introducing the kids to the techniques of working with a ruler). This is the horizon line. Children will learn a new concept: the horizon line is an imaginary line where the sky appears to touch the ground or water. In this case - with the sea.

Step 2. Sun.

We draw the sun going beyond the horizon.

Step 3. Draw a mountain in the background.

We draw an arbitrary curved line from the horizon line - this is the mountain in the background.

Step 4. Draw the second mountain.

Draw a curved line for the mountain protruding forward.

Step 5. Draw the shore.

In the foreground we draw the shore.

In another option, you can make the composition of the picture “in reverse”, in a mirror image.

Step 6. Draw a pine tree.

On the mountainside we draw a pine tree bending over the sea under the influence of the winds. Pines in Crimea have a bizarre shape, low, with crooked trunks, but firmly holding onto the rocky soil with their roots. If you have been to another place, draw trees characteristic of that area.

Step 7. Make our drawing on the “Summer” theme color.

Well, now the most interesting thing: take watercolor or gouache paints of red-orange color and paint Sun. It is best to hold the brush vertically and paint with “pokes” with the tip of the brush.

Paint over with dark brown paint mountain in the background (drawings by Sasha, 7 years old, and Nastya, 6.5 years old). Drawing with “poke” makes it possible to express the relief of the mountain.

Paint over nearby mountain light brown paint. There is a large area of ​​the design here, so it is more convenient to hold the brush at an angle, pressing it against the sheet with full bristles.

Add green color, gradually mixing it with the still wet brown paint.

Drawing the summer sea.

It is better to complete this item one point earlier, because... the mountain blocks the sea. The children hurried a little. Paint over a section of the sea with blue paint. Movement of the brush horizontally in one direction, from left to right. It is advisable to draw a line along the horizon without interruption. The remaining lines can be drawn with a brush in smooth wavy lines. Do not allow the brush to move back and forth without lifting the brush from the sheet. Then, under the setting sun on the water, make a few strokes with the tip of the brush and blur them. This creates a reflection on the water of the sun going beyond the horizon.

Let's draw a pine tree. Hold the brush vertically. First, “poke” along the contour of the pine crown, and then fill the internal space, leaving gaps here and there.

Drawing the shore (in the manner described above - hold the brush at an angle, pressing it to a sheet of paper with full bristles.

We draw lines on the trunk and branches of the pine tree.

When drawing lines on the trunk and branches of a pine tree, the hand should always remain to the right of them, tilting the brush vertically in the same direction, touching the paper only with the tip. The brush is moved along the pile. The hand remains suspended, without leaning on the sheet, so as not to smear the drawing.

Using white paint we lightly shade the crown and trunk of the pine tree.

This is what happens (drawing by Nastya, six and a half years old)

We draw poppies.

If desired, we draw poppies. We put dots on the grass with a toothpick. These are poppy flowers. They say that red poppies bloom where fierce battles took place during the Great Patriotic War.

Creative task for children:

  1. Close your eyes. Mentally transport yourself to the southern coast of Crimea. Imagine the sea, the coast, the mountains. Listen to the sound of the sea wave, the cry of the seagulls and the whistle of the ship. Paint your landscape.

Summer... For everyone, this time of year is associated with something different. For some it’s the sea and sand volleyball, for others it’s their first love. Some people see summer as cool, in the shade of thick green trees, while others see it as bright and sunny.

How can you draw summer? There are many answers to this question. After all, every person is an artist at heart, even if they do not have professional skills. Human imagination is limitless, and the more memories a person has, the brighter his ideas. This article will talk about how to draw summer. For beginning artists, it is very important to learn the sequence of actions in order to draw good work. In fact, there is no single algorithm, but knowing a few useful tips, you can create a decent picture.

How to draw summer: getting started

The easiest way to depict summer is to paint a landscape. This could be an image of the sea, a flower field, a city view or green mountains.

Select the format for the drawing and the layout of the sheet. Horizontal or vertical orientation - depending on the composition you want to draw.

Divide the sheet into two unequal parts: heaven and earth. The sky can be either smaller or larger than the earth, depending on what the artist considers the main thing in his drawing.

Decide right away which detail will be the main one. In the case of the field, these are several detailed blades of grass and flowers in the foreground; if this is the sea - the waves closest to the artist. If you are faced with the task of depicting the sky, you should “write out”, that is, draw in detail, clarify several clouds. The background is usually drawn blurry, indistinct, but the shapes of objects should be guessed from the outlines.

How to draw summer: landscape

If you work with color (gouache, oil, watercolor, acrylic) - this is called picturesque landscape. In this technique, colors and their shades should be applied evenly to different parts of the work, without leaving empty spaces.

Don't forget to mix paints on your palette. This could be a plastic palette or a piece of paper. The main thing is not to write in pure colors “from a jar”.

Graphic landscape- this is another, no less interesting technique. Working with pencils of different softness, pens, liners, etc. is another way to draw summer. A classic example of a graphic landscape is any work by Shishkin. Graphics do not require any special rules, the main thing is accuracy in the execution of details.

The most important advice regarding not only graphics, but also painting: at the very beginning of the work, determine what will be the main thing and what will be secondary. In the case of graphics, without choosing the main thing, it is very easy to darken the background. After this, it will be almost impossible to emphasize the main thing.

Trees can be depicted as shaded clouds of leaves, shadows as dark spots, and any object in the foreground can always be highlighted by making it more contrasting (black). Unlike painting, where the mood and overall impression are assessed, in graphics, accurate representation of form is important. The shape of tree trunks, stumps, leaves and branches - all these seemingly insignificant nuances create a holistic work.

Summer look

This option on how to draw summer is suitable for those who like to depict people. The main idea of ​​the “summer image” painting is the image of someone who personifies the idea of ​​this time of year. For the image of summer, the presence of attributes is required: ripe fruits, impenetrable foliage, bright flowers or golden ears.

As a rule, people are chosen for images. Summer can be personified by a child, a woman or a man. The depiction of the summer image does not exclude the depiction of a full-length figure.


Consider the option with a portrait. Portrait- just for those who want to know how to draw summer step by step. Use a medium soft pencil to outline the main lines. These are the head, neck, hair cloud and image attributes. Make sure that the composition of the picture looks correct: do not draw a person too big or too small on the sheet. It is advisable to step back from the top and bottom of the sheet by approximately the same distance (a little more from the bottom). If everything you have in mind fits into the paper and there is still space left, the first step has been completed.

Start working on different parts of the face with the material you have chosen. If this is a pencil, be attentive to contrasts: light and shadow are very important moments in each

At the end of the portrait, don't forget to draw the background. It could be fields, the sea or something related to summer.

Summer mood

Abstraction- the simplest and most interesting idea on how to draw summer. This kind of drawing is especially easy for children: they are emotional and sincere, so they are not afraid to splash out their feelings on paper with bright colors.

This work can be done with any materials; you can even make an applique or mix several techniques in one drawing. Complete freedom of the artist is the main thing
feature of abstract works. Patterns, random lines, spots of color, varied textures - all this can be combined into an overall idea of ​​​​summer.

Summer still life

Still life painting is the best way for aspiring artists to learn all about shape and color. Still life- this is a group of objects united by some common idea. Usually in still lifes they paint vases, fabrics, food, cutlery, flowers and other things that first come to hand. Objects are combined according to their belonging to a particular area: a bathroom still life, a kitchen or garden (country) still life. However, you can distribute items according to the seasons.

A summer still life will look like a transparent vase or glass with a bouquet of small flowers of different colors and shades. Nearby you can put a light, equally translucent fabric and a few berries or fruits. This composition will look light and colorful at the same time.

The best materials for creating such a painting are watercolor or oil. Depending on the technique, you can specify various details on a glass, bouquet, or draw barely noticeable folds of fabric.

Summer color combinations

Such a drawing will be unforgettable if you make it bright and balanced in color. Color combinations in paintings are a fine line between beauty and illiteracy, which is very easy to cross. When creating a drawing, remember the basic rules of color combinations.

The main contrasts that look advantageous in the works:

  • Red Green.
  • Blue - orange.
  • Purple - yellow.

By combining these and their shades, you can achieve good results. But you cannot add them to the drawing in equal proportions. Each of the two colors should be present in smaller quantities, as if diluting the picture.

Do not use pastel colors, that is, light colors diluted with white; they are more suitable for fresh spring. Rich colors are suitable for a summer painting. This could be a contrast of primary colors or some few bright tones with black. Here you need to be careful: there should not be many dark areas in the picture, this will spoil the color balance.

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