Signs of a brownie in an apartment, why might he be angry? What brownies like, how to make friends with them. A brownie in an apartment: how to make friends with him How to make friends with a brownie and become his friend

  • 25.03.2024

Since ancient times, brownies have lived side by side with us in the same house. Even in Rus', brownies were respected, protected, made friends with them, tried to appease and appease them. When moving to a new house, they were always invited with them.

Brownies are not ordinary residents, they protect the family with whom they live, warn about danger, help in every possible way, and sometimes play pranks and mischief. Previously, everyone knew how to determine the presence of a brownie in the house and make friends with it, but now this is rare.

Where does the brownie live?

Before appeasing a brownie, you need to clearly understand why this is being done and how exactly he helps his charges. It is also important to know where he lives, what he likes, what he doesn’t like, and whether he can harm him.

It is almost impossible to see a brownie; they hide from humans. Only pets can see it, sometimes children when the brownie plays with them.

The brownie lives in a variety of secluded places: in an inconspicuous corner, behind the stove, in the attic, under the threshold, in a closet, behind a chest or even in a chimney. The brownie always chooses a secluded corner. In Rus', it was believed that a brownie can most often be seen in a stable, in a manger, in the hay, or in the attic.

Previously, they believed that under no circumstances should you take the place of a brownie - he could be very offended, do harm, or even leave your home, leaving your family without protection.

What does a brownie love, what can he punish for?

Brownies love order in the house and cleanliness. They don’t like it when household members argue with each other, are lazy, or abuse alcohol. If the brownie feels that he is not respected, he may begin to be mischievous. For example, at night it prevents you from sleeping normally, it makes noise, rattles, knocks - you hear extraneous sounds in the house or apartment all night.

If the brownie doesn't like something very much, he may even pinch you in your sleep so that you wake up. Found a small bruise and don't remember where it came from? Most likely, this is a mischievous brownie, punishing you for an offense. However, it happens that brownies simply play pranks without good reason - such a mischievous old brownie!

Interesting: some believe that brownies are born old, and as they grow older they become younger - brownies live for several hundred years.

It’s not for nothing that there are legends about a prankish old man who can hide something, pinch something in a dream, or scare a cat. Maybe the brownie is still just young, likes to joke and fool around.

It is important to know and remember what the brownie does not like:

  • scandals, shouting, swearing, foul language;
  • laziness in all its manifestations;
  • smoking in the house;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • a large number of unwashed dishes in the sink.

Remember this, try not to anger the brownie. It is better to be friends with him, not to fight.

General signs of the presence of a brownie

If you are a little more attentive, listen to your feelings, it will not be difficult to understand whether there is a brownie.

He also sometimes gets photographed.

The habits of all brownies are usually similar.

There are general signs of the presence of a good spirit in the house:

  • For example, if you don't have pets, and at night you hear light footsteps. Don’t be afraid, the brownie checks if everything is in order in your house, walks around it, and carries out his duties.
  • Watch your pets, they often interact with brownies. If the brownie likes your cat, he will also protect her and stroke her. For example, your pet began to purr for no apparent reason - the brownie is scratching behind the ear or stroking the back.
  • The brownie can play with a cat or a cat. You saw that an animal was running after someone invisible, playing - the brownie was fooling around with your animal.
  • Dogs interact less frequently with brownies. As a rule, if they notice it, they look very carefully at one point, without reacting to the owner’s call or other command.
  • Do you have a premonition of guests coming, although you are not expecting anyone, and soon there will be a knock on your door? It was the brownie who warned you.
  • If you quarreled with a member of your family and made up very quickly, the brownie helped you.
  • It is pleasant to be in a house or apartment; you and your guests feel warmth and comfort. You want to return home, you gain strength, your mood improves. All these are signs of brownie guardianship.
  • Brownies love to sort through the dishes in the kitchen. If at night it seems to you that it is ringing, the good spirit is following its habits.
  • Are your child's toys rearranged or a couple of candies missing? The brownie played a little and wanted something sweet.

You need to be friends with the brownie, cajole, treat and leave gifts. It is important to thank him for his help and work.

When do you need to appease a brownie?

In general, brownies are not harmful; they only need respectful treatment from you, maintaining order and cleanliness in the house. However, if the brownie is not happy with something, he will not tolerate it and will definitely let you know that something is wrong.

How does the brownie's dissatisfaction manifest itself:

  • things left in a visible place disappear, you cannot find them for several days;
  • you put something in one place and found it in a completely different place, while you perfectly remember where the thing was originally;
  • For some reason, the closet doors are open, the linen is wrinkled;
  • there are bread crumbs scattered on the kitchen table;
  • you began to feel uncomfortable in your home.

It’s interesting: all these types of brownie mischief only confirm his presence. If you doubted the presence of a brownie, now you have proof. You need to appease him as soon as possible and regain his favor.

How to make friends with a brownie

The brownie loves self-respect; he is pleased when people try to appease him. It is important to know exactly how best to make friends with a brownie:

  • The most important rule is keeping the house clean. Do regular cleaning, do not hoard dishes, take out the trash, wipe off dust as it appears.
  • Sometimes address the brownie, respectfully and respectfully. Call him “brownie-father”, “master-father”. The brownie will be very pleased that he is perceived as a member of the family. For example, you can sometimes simply thank him for taking care of your family and home.
  • Brownies are very fond of milk and baked goods, especially those prepared with their own hands, with soul. Place the offering on a high sideboard or kitchen cabinet. Say out loud that this is especially for the brownie.
  • Put the beautiful beads in a cardboard box, and put it in a secluded corner - let the brownie play.
  • Be sure to invite your brownie with you if you are moving.

To make peace with the brownie, you can say the following: “Cheer up with me, and you, brownie, stop. We will make peace and be friends. You help me, and I will feed you.”

Remember, a brownie can protect you and warn you of danger. If you wake up from a sharp sound or knock, for example, a door slamming, check whether the gas is tightly closed and whether water is flowing. The brownie can warn about a fire and about any danger threatening the family under his care.

Previously, brownies were always invited with them, they were loved and protected. Let's figure out how to take the brownie with you.

How to invite a brownie with you when moving

If you don’t bring the brownie with you, he may become very offended and begin to be mischievous. First, sweep the apartment or house, then scatter the litter a little and call the brownie with you. Now sweep up the scattered litter, put it in a bag, and take it to a new place. A day after moving, this rubbish can be thrown away along with the accumulated garbage. At the same time, appease the brownie with some kind of treat.

You can also take a new broom with you and sweep your new apartment or house with it. This way you will remove other people’s energy, the brownie will be more willing to follow you.

It is not for nothing that in Rus' it was believed that a brownie is a good spirit with whom one must maintain good relations. Let everything be fine in your family and home, and the brownie will help you with this.

The brownie is a kind spirit, the keeper of the house and everything that is in it. The brownie looks like a small old man (20–30 centimeters tall) with a large beard. It is believed that the older the brownie, the younger he looks, since they are born old men and die babies. The god Veles patronizes the brownies, from whom the spirits inherited several abilities, for example, the ability to predict the future, but the main thing, of course, is wisdom and the ability to heal people and animals.

The brownie lives in almost every home, choosing secluded places to live: behind the stove, under the threshold, in the attic, behind a chest, in a corner, or even in a chimney.

The brownie takes every possible care of his home and the family that lives in it, protecting them from evil spirits and misfortunes. If a family keeps animals, then the brownie will look after them; the good spirit especially loves horses, but if the brownie doesn’t like the animal, he can beat it to death.

The brownie loves cleanliness and order in the house, and does not like it when the inhabitants of the house are lazy. But the spirit dislikes it much more when the inhabitants of the house begin to quarrel with each other or treat it with disrespect. An angry brownie begins to let him know that the person is wrong: he knocks on doors and windows; interferes with sleep at night, making terrible sounds or screams, sometimes even wakes a person up, pinching him painfully, after which large and painful bruises remain on the body, which hurt more, the more angry the brownie is; and in extreme cases, the spirit is capable of throwing dishes, writing bad messages on the walls and starting small fires. However, the brownie will not cause serious harm to a person, and sometimes the spirit living in the house plays pranks without any particular reason.

The brownie rarely appears to a person, although children and animals can see him, often he even plays with them, but the spirit can be heard quite often, usually this is an unusual knocking or incomprehensible grumbling, sometimes the brownie howls - this portends trouble in the house. When moving, it is customary to invite the brownie with you; to do this, they put a basket in which they put bread and salt or a cup of porridge and say: “Grandfather Brownie, come out. Come live with us!”, and in the new place they again put the basket in the center of the room and say: “Grandfather Brownie, come home. Come live with us!”


The brownie lives in the red corner, on the stove behind the chimney, in the oven and under the oven, at the threshold, on the cabbage (hence the nickname in some regions of Russia - holbeshnik), in the attic, in the corner of the cage, in the underground. “The holbeshnik lives in a hut under the stove, precisely in the wooden frame of the stove on the underground side” (Dahl). He is often seen in the barn (especially on the north side), in the manger, stable, hay barn, and attic. In some Russian regions, it was believed that the brownie lives in a pine or spruce branch with overgrown needles, called a “uterus,” specially suspended for him in the yard. A place favored by a brownie cannot be occupied - you might get sick.

In the 19th century, in some rural parishes of the Kaluga diocese, a peasant, moving to a new hut, transferred burning coals from the old stove to the new one and invited the brownie into the built housing, addressing him with greetings: “You are welcome, grandfather, to a new home.”. In the old estate, they opened a gate or a hole from the underground, put a bast shoe in front of it and called the brownie, then they moved the things to the new house, and dragged the bast shoe all the way on a string, where the brownie supposedly was riding. The first loaf of bread, cut off at dinner in the new house, was buried in the right corner under the hut and the brownie was again called to move in. Or the owner, bowing to the east with freshly baked kovriga, invited the brownie to a housewarming party and left the kovriga on the stove - if in the morning the kovriga turned out to be bitten, that means the brownie had come.

When they built a new house, they put a coin, or even four, in the underground floor - in the four corners of the log house - for the brownie. When the first loaf of bread was baked in the new oven, the top was cut off, salted and thrown under the oven - for the brownie. It was believed that the first inhabitant of the house, or whoever first crossed the threshold of a new house, would then become a brownie.

How to find out if there is a good brownie in the house - general signs

The presence of a good brownie in an apartment is always noticeable if you listen to yourself. Their habits are usually very similar. If you don't have pets, but you hear footsteps at night that sound like a medium-sized dog, it's most likely a brownie. You should not be afraid of these sounds; they only mean that the spirit guarding the house is checking whether everything is safe in the territory under its control, and is busy with its other duties.

If you are wondering how to find out if there is a brownie in the house, watch your pet. Cats may start purring for no apparent reason, which means that the brownie is scratching them behind the ear. Sometimes they play together, because brownies, like young cats, love to play. From the outside it looks like the cat is chasing and playing with someone invisible. If the cat behaves strangely, and at the same time he is not scared and does not show aggression, there is definitely a good brownie in your house. Dogs play with good spirits much less often than cats. Usually they just look at something invisible without reacting to their owners.

Notice if you have a feeling before a knock on the door or a phone call. In an apartment in which a good spirit lives, it is pleasant not only to sleep at night, but also to be. You are happy to return to your home, your family has good relationships, and even if a quarrel breaks out, everyone quickly calms down and adequately resolves the dispute. You should be friends with a good brownie, leave him treats and toys, and thank him for his help and care. Sometimes they show dissatisfaction, but it will still be different from the manifestation of evil spirits.

How to find out that there is an evil house spirit in the apartment

In principle, it is impossible to call an evil creature a brownie, but they are very often confused, so this classification is considered correct at the present time. If so

the creature is in your apartment, sleeping without light will be uncomfortable. Even adults in such conditions may be afraid to remain alone in the apartment, especially with the onset of darkness, which adds strength to dark creatures.

Quarrels and scandals, excessive drinking and other sources of negative energy are present in a living room exclusively at the same time as an evil spirit, which is often confused with a brownie. Sometimes, if people live “wrongly,” the good brownie gets offended and leaves, and is replaced by evil spirits.

Frequent illnesses of all family members are another sign of the presence of something bad in the house. It is unpleasant to be in an apartment where evil lives. Perhaps you don't want to go home after a working day? Try to clear your apartment of negativity. It also influences the desire of friends and neighbors to come visit you. It is uncomfortable to be in an apartment whose residents live next to evil spirits; usually people want to quickly retreat to their own walls. Any evil entity that lives in your house should be driven away and a real brownie should be called, who will protect him from further attacks of evil forces.

In what cases does Domovoy need to be appeased?

Brownies are not very picky creatures, content with little. He behaves quietly and will never deliberately reveal himself, but, on the contrary, hides from people. But if something doesn’t suit him, he will be angry and indignant. How does such anger manifest itself?

  • Things started disappearing.
  • Some items are often found in a different place than where you put them.
  • You often find open cabinet doors or wrinkled laundry.
  • There are crumbs scattered around the kitchen.
  • Sounds are heard: rumble, rustling.
  • You often feel uncomfortable in your own home (brownies can influence the atmosphere).

What to do to avoid anger?

To prevent the brownie from getting angry, you need to provide him with the most comfortable living conditions. Here are some useful tips:

  • Brownies do not tolerate scandals and shouting, so do not swear, do not utter swear words, try to raise your voice as little as possible. Such creatures also feel emotions, so drive away the negative ones.
  • Don't be lazy, brownies can't stand lazy people.
  • House keepers don't like tobacco smoke, so don't smoke in your apartment. And, in general, get rid of this bad habit.
  • And all brownies love order and cleanliness. So if there is always a mountain of unwashed dishes in your sink, then don’t be surprised that something strange has started happening in the house.

How to appease the Brownie? 5 ways

  1. It is not for nothing that the brownie is called the mistress of the house. He loves cleanliness and order. To appease the brownie, it is enough to simply keep the house clean: periodically clean, take out the trash, and make sure that dust does not accumulate. If all things are in disarray, the brownie will begin to get upset and angry, he may even start doing strange things, but more on that below.
  2. A brownie is a spirit, a creature that is always depicted and presented as an elderly man, a grandfather. Like any older person, he loves to be treated with respect. And of course, he loves when people talk to him. It is important to make it clear to the brownie that you are addressing him. He cannot read minds, but he is always welcome to listen to you and understand. If you want to appease your brownie, address him politely and with respect (Father Brownie or Master-Father). He will also be glad if you address your home with warmth and tenderness - thank him for maintaining peace and comfort in the apartment.
  3. To appease the brownie, you can treat him. The brownie's favorite treats are milk and baked goods that you made with your own hands. Pour a little milk and put some buns or porridge on a saucer and place it all on the highest kitchen cabinet away. It must be said that this gift is intended for the brownie, because he will not touch someone else’s. It’s not for nothing that brownies don’t eat from pets’ bowls. Don't be surprised if it turns out that nothing was eaten. The brownie is a spirit, so it only feeds on the “spirit” or smell of food. This is why, by the way, the brownie does not like dirt and litter lying around - they give off a bad spirit, bad energy.
  4. To appease the brownie, you can give him small toys. Even though he is an old man, he still loves to play. For example, it is good to use small beads that can be put in a box (preferably a homemade one - brownies love owners who do a lot of things with their own hands). The box with beads should be placed in a secluded corner in the apartment so that the brownie can calmly play with them whenever he pleases.
  5. As mentioned earlier, brownies also monitor the energy cleanliness of the house. Therefore, there should be fewer quarrels in the house; the brownie really doesn’t like it if a bad energy charge accumulates. This happens if you carry grievances within yourself for a long time and do not express them. The brownie loves spiritual purity, openness and goodwill. Therefore, if you want to appease the brownie, be sure to quarrel less with your family and be kind and open with them.

How to pick up Brownie when moving?

When moving to a new apartment, you can take your faithful assistant with you. To do this, you need to sweep, then lightly scatter the garbage and invite the brownie to come with you three times. Then the garbage is collected and, together with a broom, transported to a new location. There you should scatter the garbage again and invite the brownie to live with you three times. After a day, the garbage can be collected and thrown away as usual, and treats can be provided for the brownie. It’s better to take a new broom for this, however, you can use it later. It would be a good idea to let a cat into your new apartment first; it is believed that it can remove negative and alien energy. If there is no cat, just bring in a new broom - the result will be the same.

How to force Domovoy to give things away?

Brownies come with completely different characters. Some are strict and important, others are cheerful and mischievous, and there are also angry and hostile ones.

Sometimes it happens that a prankish brownie steals small things. It would seem that a minute ago she was lying here before my eyes, and then suddenly she disappeared. In such cases, you need to go to the corner of the room and say: “Brownie, brownie, play and give it back.”. If something is not discovered, you can scold him: “Such a grown-up grandfather is the one who plays pranks. Oh no no no!" He will feel ashamed, and he will definitely return the “loss.” Or the night before moving, give him a treat in the form of a slice of rye bread with a mug of milk and say the words: “Father, my master, my good brownie. I will give you new mansions, bright chambers. Come with me, there will be no happiness without you.”

The next morning, you need to put an awl or coal in a sack or bag, invite the brownie to move with you again in the manner described above, and carefully transfer the brownie.

How to drive away an evil brownie?

If the brownie won’t calm down and constantly harms everyone, try driving him away. To do this, sweep the floors with a broom every day (start on Monday and skip Friday), paying special attention to the corners. At the same time, say the following words: “I’m sweeping you out, you alien, harmful brownie, I’m kicking you out.” Do this until you feel that the brownie has left. Be friends with your brownie, and he will always help you with everything. Peace and goodness to your family!

Brownie Day

In Rus', the name day of the brownie is considered to be April 1st. On this day, treat the brownie more attentively, and along with the treat say: “Congratulations, grandpa, on your birthday!” It is advisable to choose a treat so that it does not spoil, and it needs to be renewed on the 1st of every month. But the most important rule for communicating with a brownie is a peaceful atmosphere in the house. Do not allow swearing, shouting, or violent showdowns. From constant quarrels, the brownie will first become nervous and then angry. There will still be no great harm from him, but he will deprive you of his protection and protection. Therefore, if you want to maintain peace and comfort in your home, resolve all issues in a friendly and gentle tone. And then your “housewife” will help you in everything, protect you and fill your home with goodness and prosperity.

Drum, Poltergeist, Brownie - all these words, in essence, mean the same thing, a certain energetic essence, a small spirit that settles in human homes.

They say that the brownie still lives in every village hut, in many city apartments, but not everyone knows about it.
According to ancient beliefs, the owner of the house was born from the souls of trees cut down and used to build a house.

It is believed that a brownie is born as an old grandfather and dies as a baby. Most often, the brownie looks like an old man - small, like a stump, all covered with gray hair (even his palms are hairy), gray from antiquity and dust. Sometimes, in order to divert prying eyes from himself, he takes on the appearance of the owner of the house - well, he’s the spitting image! In general, the brownie loves to wear the owner’s clothes, but always manages to put them back in place as soon as the person needs things.

In childhood, brownies look like balls covered with long, hard-to-touch hair. Hands are small, with soft fingers. Legs may be absent - then brownies move through the air, hovering ten centimeters from the floor. When they see a person, they usually become almost transparent and hover motionlessly under the ceiling, but sometimes they begin to fly very quickly around the room, leaving a grayish trail behind them.

In adolescence, the brownie has no gender, but living next to a person for a long time, it gradually acquires the appearance, character and gender of its owner.
In different regions of Russia, the brownie takes on different images. In addition to the old man, the village brownies pretend to be a hare, a bear, a lynx, or appear as a shadow on the wall. Urban brownies often take the form of a mouse, snake, weasel or cat.

And they call him differently - Brownie; Grandfather; Posten; Lizun; Domozhil; Master; Wen; Undead; Susedko, the Baker, the Guardian Spirit, the Cherishing Demon, but that’s all he is - the keeper of the hearth, the invisible assistant of the owners.

The Domovoy differs from demons in that he does not do evil, but only jokes sometimes, and even provides services if he loves the owner or mistress. The one he loves, he curls his hair and beards into braids, and the one he doesn’t love, he pinches him at night until he bruises. These bruises indicate some kind of trouble, especially if the bruise hurts a lot.
If a brownie fell in love with his family, then he warns of misfortune and guards the house and yard

This neighborhood can be different, it depends on the “character” of your “roommate”. But what is most surprising is that the characters of the brownies are formed by the people themselves.

Brownies feed on our emotions, they will never “eat” us by force, like vampires, for example, they simply feed on the energy that you create around you. If you are a quarrelsome, loud person, there is a “prickly” energy in your house and a heavy, oppressive atmosphere, then your brownie in such an environment will not be able to be kind and affectionate. If he does not escape from such an evil house at all, then, most likely, he will manifest himself in the following way: scare the owners with howls and screams, hide things, damage furniture and dishes, push, scare, strangle people and other unpleasant actions on his part.

With such actions, we, without thinking twice, say that there is a problem in the house Poltergeist , and we begin to drive him out in every possible way, not at all thinking that it is our poor Brownie who is forced to defend himself, since he has already become “brutal” from constant scandals and negativity. In this case, in the kitchen, in a secluded corner at sunset, leave a saucer with milk and baked goods and sincerely ask the housekeeper for forgiveness.

But if his pranks are expressed in the spontaneous combustion of objects, bad inscriptions on the walls and other things of that kind, then the Brownie should be shown who is boss in the house. You need to take a belt in your hand and walk around the house and quilt furniture, walls, floors and things and say in an authoritative and strong voice:

“Know your place, know your place.
You, the brownie, must guard the house, take care of the household,
Yes, please the mistress, and not fight,
Know your place, know your place."

Any words can be said, the main thing is that they are spoken by the owner of the house.

If you cannot come to an agreement with the brownie, take a broom and say: “I’m sweeping you out, you alien, harmful brownie, I’m kicking you out.” - mark the floors, looking into every corner with a broom. And so every day, except Friday, all week. I want to warn you that it is worth trying all methods of influencing your Brownie. And scold, and scold, and caress, and only if nothing comes of it, and he is really very angry, then kick him out, but remember, life is bad without Domovoy.

Calm, friendly, positive owners in their houses have equally calm and positive Brownies, but a kind Brownie, unlike an angry one, is more difficult to track, since he does not manifest himself so clearly.

According to common belief, the Brownie lives behind the stove, and if the owner has horses and a stable, then he is placed near the horses. In urban environments, they live under the stove, in the oven, under the bathtub, on the mezzanine or in the closet.

Good brownie usually quietly dozes somewhere under the ceiling in the form of a clot of energy, coming to the aid of its owners at the right moments. In houses with such brownies, things are less likely to be lost or found very quickly, people swear less often, money is saved better, providing the owners with sustainable material wealth, and pets do not get sick. It is almost impossible to see a good brownie, unless you are endowed with a special gift that allows you to see the energy of everything around you, but his presence is felt in a feeling of care and patronage.
However, pets and small children can see the brownie: Barabashka, for example, sometimes even plays with the child and answers his questions.

Do not try to communicate with Domovoy, to get a good look at him, this may be unsafe for your psyche. All magical creatures do not really like people intruding into their lives, and Brownies are no exception. To get rid of your too obsessive attention, Brownies can influence your psyche, so much so that you lose sleep and appetite, the entire rhythm of life is disrupted, and serious mental and health problems may begin. And if this does not stop you, and you continue to impose your communication on the Domovoi, then he may turn into an angry poltergeist.

What does a brownie do?

He helps manage the household, protects property from damage, theft and other troubles, primarily from fire. Sometimes they hear how he, sitting in the master's place, is engaged in the master's work, while none of this is visible
The brownie not only performs the duties of the owner of the house, but also patronizes the livestock, protects and takes care of it. His main job is to inspect the household. The brownie sees every little thing, tirelessly cares and worries so that everything is in order and ready: he will help the hard worker, correct his mistake; he enjoys the offspring of domestic animals and birds; he does not tolerate unnecessary expenses and is angry with them - in a word, the brownie is inclined to work, thrifty and prudent.

He monitors the energetic cleanliness of the home. Unlike a person, he sees all the energy garbage scattered around the apartment, and this upsets him very much. The brownie gets dirty in it, his mood worsens. It can also clean out small energy debris from the apartment. He cannot cope with serious damage, so you can help him by performing a ritual. However, it is worth remembering: if you very often and very seriously clean your apartment energetically, then it is possible that by your actions you will drive your brownie out of the house.
When everything in the house is in order, clean and tidy, there is no energetic dirt, the brownie feels great. He loves such an owner and helps him in every possible way.

The brownie monitors the safety of things. In such a house, everything will work, dishes will not break and equipment will not break. He helps find missing things. To do this, you just need to ask him about it: “Master-father, help, tell me where this and that lies...”

He also monitors small children and prevents various troubles. The brownie loves to appear to small children, who accept him as a big plush toy and tinker and play with him with all their hearts.
The brownie plays with children with pleasure. If a brownie likes to fuss with your baby, this is a good sign. He will not only play with it, but also protect it from minor troubles - matches, scissors, etc.
If a small child does not sleep well at night and is naughty, before putting the child to bed, provide a treat for the brownie and ask him: “Brownie, brownie! Calm my child!”

The brownie can wake up the owner in the morning if he has important things to do. May remind you of forgotten things.
Before leaving the house, he will always remind a good owner: turn off the lights, gas, water, iron, etc.

The brownie senses the approach of damage in advance. If, for example, an unkind person with evil intentions and dark thoughts comes to visit you, then the brownie begins to worry. He tries to warn the owner. If the owner of the apartment does not hear the brownie’s whispers, then the latter will do anything to attract attention. An unkind guest may have a mug escape from his hands and break, spilling something on the tablecloth. Sometimes the dishes break at the hands of the owner - this is also a warning.

The brownie tries to survive the unpleasant guests with all his might. He begins to choke them, put pressure on them. Such guests become uncomfortable with you - they are irritated by everything, they feel stuffy, in the end they have only one thought - to quickly leave your home.

It is believed that the Brownie often warns its owners about any changes in life. For example, he falls on the sleeping person during the night and presses him, so that at this time he cannot move or say a word. Lie down calmly, restore your breathing and mentally ask the brownie what he wants to say - good or bad: “For better or for worse?” . The answer will follow immediately - a dull voice will say “yes” or “no”. If it's good, he'll pet you; if the hand is made of wool, it means money. Feel the pain - a warning about the illness of someone close to you.
Most often, the Brownie gives information to the oldest person in the family. These could be dreams, prophecies, signs, hints, knocks, or any images seen with peripheral vision.

In his free time from sleep, he wanders around the apartment, minds his own business, and plays with animals.
If Brownie doesn’t like your cat, rest assured that she won’t last long in the house. If, on the contrary, he fell in love, he will play with her. Please note that sometimes your furry pet suddenly falls over on her back and starts waving her paws in the air. It is the brownie who tickles her. Sometimes a cat, while licking itself, will perk up and stare into emptiness, and looks as if following someone with its gaze. This invisible traveler is the brownie.
The brownie's favorite pastime is hide and seek. He hides the necessary thing and has fun watching the search. In order for the loss to be found, you need to say: “Brownie, brownie, don’t joke with me. I took the thing, played with it, put it down, return it.”
If spoons, knives, wristwatches, etc. disappear in the house and you cannot find the missing item, then stand in the corner of the room and contact the brownie: "Brownie, brownie, play and give it back" . Search each room separately.
If he plays pranks too often, it means he is seriously suffering from loneliness. Then, after the next hide and seek, hint that you are not against his marriage. To do this, you need to tie any handkerchief, except a handkerchief, around a chair leg and say: “Brownie-grandfather, here’s your girlfriend, look at her, what you took, give her back.” If Dmovoy lives well, he gets a wife, Domovikha, and a child, Domovenok.

Domovoy's wife - Domovikha, Domakh, Bolshakha, Marukha, Kikimora (not to be confused with the forest and swamp kikimora!) often plays dirty tricks and weird things. He rearranges furniture, rearranges things to suit his taste, confuses threads, scares children with the sudden click of his heels. But sometimes it helps the owners, warns them of trouble.
Usually the House Kikimora appears in the form of a wizened little woman, with a head the size of a thimble and legs like straws. In mid-May (the time of matchmaking between brownies), her skin turns green and devilish sparkles appear in her eyes. She may also appear as a girl with a white face, black eyes and long black hair.

How not to offend the Brownie

The common people respect Domovoy, so the peasant is afraid to offend him in any way and is even careful not to say his name without purpose. In conversations they do not call him a brownie, but “grandfather, master, big man, or himself.”

It is believed that he does not like mirrors, also goats, as well as those who sleep near or under the threshold. They say that Brownie does not like lazy people.

You cannot whistle in the house, since the Brownie cannot tolerate whistling, he can leave the house, sometimes immediately and forever.

Brownies also really don’t like tobacco smoke, so it’s better to never smoke in your home, as this smoke settles on household utensils and furniture and does not disappear.

According to legends, you cannot leave piercing and cutting objects on the table (forks, knives, etc.), as well as salt, pepper, garlic, onions, at night, because this prevents the Brownie from protecting the house and resisting evil forces.

In addition, the Brownie does not tolerate dirty kitchen appliances and dishes standing in the kitchen for a long time, and when the owner is far from the kitchen, you can hear the characteristic knocking and rattling of dishes. The anger of the brownie can be pacified by placing a few coins on the hallway cabinet or on the roof of the bookcase in the hall.

Don’t forget to greet and say goodbye to Domovoy, calling him respectfully “Master.” Sometimes the Brownie may reveal his name to you - this is a very positive sign.

How to communicate with Domovoy

Previously, people believed that if you spoke to Domovoy, you could either go numb or become a stutterer forever. Therefore, it is recommended to simply listen to what Domovoy warns about. If the dishes rattle, a fire may occur; if he pours water on it, it will cause illness; and if he cries and groans, then he will be in grief; if he starts howling and slamming doors, he will die.

If there is only the appearance of prosperity in a family, but in fact the husband and wife do not get along, then knives often disappear in such a house.
Another sign from Domovoy can be the constant disappearance of socks. Most often, this is a warning to a man who lives a double life or puts all the housework on his wife, completely withdrawing from himself. However, this may also be a protest against the fact that general cleaning has not been done for a long time, and Brownie does not like disorder. Clean your apartment and all your socks will match. In a word, if Domovoy starts to make a fuss, it means something is wrong in the family.

It is necessary to determine for the Brownie a place where he would sleep and hide. Although, usually, the brownie finds and arranges such a place for himself, but sometimes he directly shows that he likes it here - be lenient.

The brownie is a thinking creature. Moreover, he easily reads your thoughts. First you need to know that you can talk to Domovoy both mentally and out loud. If your family perceives this normally, then it is possible in the presence of family members.
Of course, the brownie has a name, but since you don’t know him, you can address him as “Grandfather”, “Grandfather-housewife”, “Master-father”, “Brownie-father”, “Sir-brownie”, “Neighbor”. When talking about the brownie in the third person, respectfully call him “he”, “himself” - your brownie will appreciate the respectful attitude. Ask him to help with something, promise something tasty or toys.

Usually the Brownie speaks to you in his own language, which is not always easy to understand. You can ask him “Brownie, brownie, we don’t wish you harm, explain what you want.” . The answer can be felt with the palm of your hand: heat means yes, cold means no.

What does the brownie like to play with?
Old beads, jewelry, shiny buttons, old coins. Put all this in a beautiful box without a lid and tell the Brownie that this is a gift for him, and put it in a secret place. No one should touch the box or its contents. The box can be sewn from postcards, glued together, or taken ready-made and decorated with all sorts of shiny pieces of paper and rain.
Give the Brownie some money. Usually this is five kopecks in one coin. It is placed in a hard-to-reach place in the house, often left between cracks in the floor. At this time they say: “Grandfather Brownie! Here's some money for boots and sunflower seeds. I give it from my heart, I give it to you!”
If Brownie gets spoiled, then you should scold him: “Such a grown-up grandfather is where you play pranks. Oh no no no!" . He will feel ashamed and will try to make amends.

The best way to communicate with Domovoy is treating him to something delicious . The brownie will certainly appreciate your concern, and will try to thank you sooner or later. All esoteric literature recommends pouring milk into a clean saucer and placing the treat in a secluded, warm corner. You can also add some sweets and cookies to the milk. Sometimes you need to pamper your Brownie with porridge - for example, on the first day of every month: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat porridge”

It is better to place goodies under the battery. If there are dogs, cats or other animals in the house, then place it on the refrigerator or in a corner so that the Brownie is comfortable, and away from human eyes, and so that the animals do not get it. When placing treats, you should say: “This is for you, Grandfather-housewife” . Then there will be more happiness in the house, and peace between household members.

On major holidays (Easter, Christmas) in good families, after the festive dinner, they always left a treat for the brownie on the table.
Even the name day of the Domovoi “housewife” was celebrated, they were celebrated on February 10, on Efrim the Sirin. On this day it was necessary to leave a gift for the “owner” on the table. Usually this is bread and porridge. At the same time they said: “Master-father, take care of the household », “Hostess-father, take bread and salt, plenty of water” . After the festive dinner, the “neighbor” was humble and helpful all year. If this is not done, then Brownie from a good creature could turn into an evil and harmful person, and after that all things in the household would go awry.

All the food that was given to the brownie is then given to domestic animals or any animals on the street, birds. The porridge is removed the next day, and the sweets are kept until the next first day.

Also, on family holidays, do not forget to give the Brownie a glass of wine (do not offer vodka) and something tasty. At the same time say: “X master-father, sir brownie, love me and perhaps accept my treat.” . Everyone clinks glasses with a glass of Domovoi.

On the ninth of June, Fyodor's day, the brownie settles down to sleep on a broom, and by chance it can be taken out of the house along with the garbage. Therefore, on this day, peasants in Rus' did not sweep the floors at all, so that prosperity and comfort would not leave the house along with the brownie.

But on the twelfth of April, on John the Climacus, the brownie could play tricks and rage all night until the roosters crowed.

How to check if there is a Brownie in your house

By the way, in this simple way - by leaving treats for the Brownie - you can check whether he is even in your house, using the pendulum technique the next morning.

You hang any object on a long thread - a ring, a large bead, any object that seems most suitable to you. The pendulum answers questions by swinging in different directions, yes or no. When leaving an offering for the brownie at night, check the energy of the milk in the morning. Yes, milk will at first glance be untouched if cats do not latch it, because brownies are energetic entities, and they feed, accordingly, on energy. Your pendulum will not be able to answer the question whether milk is good or bad; it will simply stand still, without swinging, because all the energy from the milk will go away. This means you have a brownie, and he accepted your offering.

You can also check the presence of a Brownie this way: in apartments, it is quite possible that the Brownie’s favorite place to live is the bathroom, namely the washing machine. If you place a mirror on a stand on it, then most likely during the day this mirror will be knocked over.

When moving to a new house or apartment, do not forget to take your Brownie with you

To avoid trouble, from time immemorial, when moving to a new house, it was necessary to carry out a small ritual so that the brownie would move with the owners. Since it is believed that Brownie cannot live without people. Abandoned in an old and abandoned house, deprived of its owners, the Brownie weeps and howls bitterly...

On the last night, the owner must invite him, giving him a treat - a loaf of bread with salt and a cup of milk. They say: “Father, my master, my good brownie. I will give you new mansions, bright chambers. Come with me, there will be no happiness without you.”
When leaving your old apartment, say on the threshold: "My master, come with me" . In the old days, when housewives moved to a new place, they took a coal out of the stove, put it in a bast shoe (or other shoes) and solemnly transported it to the new home. They believed that it was precisely this kind of coal that a brownie could turn into if wants to move to a new building. Well, now they are carrying the Brownie in a sack, into which he is politely asked to climb. The material embodiment of the Brownie becomes a coal or an awl, which should be put in a bag. Domovoy will not go with you without an invitation. . And he will remain lonely and abandoned. And with your Domovoy, your well-being in your new place is guaranteed.

The ideal gift for the Brownie in this case is a 2-3 month old kitten, preferably a motley (tri-color) or striped one, so when moving to a new place of residence, this animal is the first to be let in, saying: “Here’s a shaggy beast for you, master, for a rich home.” . Then you need to immediately bring the kitten into the kitchen to the stove, place it on the floor, without letting go of your hands, and say: “I give you, brownie-father, a shaggy animal for a rich yard.” . If the brownie accepts the “beast”, he will definitely take it under his protection and can take harsh revenge on those who offend the cat. They say that “whoever kicks a cat will hurt his leg, and whoever kills a cat will have no luck in anything for seven years.”
Then make a pie. Knead the dough: 800 g flour, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons sugar, 200 g butter, 2 pinches of salt. Bake a loaf of bread. Do not touch the product for three days. After the specified period, in the evening, set the table for the whole family, put out an extra cutlery and a glass. The eldest in the house pours wine and cuts a loaf of bread. He divides one half among everyone, and places the second along with the glass on the table with the words: “Father brownie, love me, protect and take care of my property, accept my treat and drink from a full cup of wine.” If after 24 hours the wine is drunk, then top it up again, saying the same words; if not, then ask the brownie 9 times in your own words to accept the treat.

If your family has begun to be haunted by troubles, life troubles, quarrels and scandals have become more frequent in the house, you need to establish contact with your Brownie by performing the following ritual:

Bread and salt are placed on the place you have chosen for the brownie and a cup of milk is placed with the words: “Neighbour-homebody, the slave comes to you, carries his head low; do not torment him in vain, but make friends with him, make friends with him, and do an easy service. Here’s a warm place for you and a small treat.” After a day, remove the treat.

How to attract a brownie if he is not in the house?

The absence of the Brownie is felt immediately: sleep is disturbed, there is no peace in the soul, things break and deteriorate, animals do not take root, over time melancholy sets in and the desire to live disappears.

The ritual described above was how to pick up your brownie if you move to a new place of residence. If you, having bought a house in a new building, moved there from your parents (or in other cases when it is not possible to take the Domovoy with you), you can attract the Domovoy in the following way: at midnight (if you wear a cross, hang it on your back) put a glass on the table milk and a loaf of bread and say three times: “My master, come to my home, be always with me, this is your home. Breadwinner-father, come to my new house to eat bread and drink milk, and we won’t know sadness and grief. Amen". leave the treat on the table for 3 days, and then, as a sign of love and respect, finish the bread and drink the milk left on the table.
A completely natural question - does the Brownie now live with you - you can easily resolve by paying attention to how subtly the situation in the house has changed, how light and cozy it has become, how the melancholy is gradually passing. After that, thank him by giving him a treat.

There is a second way to invite a brownie to your home:

On the new moon, when you start having dinner, put two saucers with a treat - pour a little milk into one and place it under the stove or near the oven with the words: “Taste and drink, grandfather, as much as you want, and live with me.”
In the second saucer, put a little of what you have on the table. When you bet, you need to say: “Have a bite, grandpa, as much as you want, and live with me.” . If you speak sincerely, then the Brownie will certainly appear and stay with you. And will drive out all kinds of evil spirits

Although the brownie is considered the devil’s cousin, he fights against his forces, protecting us. Let's not create obstacles for him in this useful endeavor.
If you follow all the points, you will be surprised how much your life at home has changed. Relationships have become smoother, you have begun to feel better, more confident, calmer and, as a result of all this, you have become luckier.

Interesting fact: At the end of the holiday of welcoming spring (from the vernal equinox until Ladoden), spring itself began among the ancient Slavs, according to the current calendar - April 1. This day was considered the Day of Awakening of the Brownie. The Slavs believed that during the winter he (like many animals and spirits) hibernated, waking up only occasionally to do necessary housework. And when spring came finally and irrevocably, the main guardian spirit of the hearth - the Brownie - had to wake up in order to restore order in the house, clean the barn, begin to prepare for the sowing season, and grease the carts.
When, in the middle of a sweet sleep, we suddenly wake up to the sound of an alarm clock or the loud voice of caring relatives, we are often dissatisfied with this. We yawn and grumble about why we woke up so early. Children generally begin to be capricious. And Brownie often has the habits of a child, and after a long winter hibernation he wakes up not very happy either. And then he starts playing pranks. Either he would spill flour or cereal, or he would stain the laundry, on a peasant farm he could confuse the manes of horses, or scare cows. You never know!..
Of course, our distant ancestors tried to butter up the dissatisfied Brownie with porridge, milk and bread, but, as you know, spectacles should come with bread. Such spectacles for the awakened spirit were the widespread festivities, jokes, and laughter of people in the house who played pranks on each other all day long. To make it more fun for the brownie, the inhabitants of the house put on their clothes inside out, like the ancestor spirit himself, who, as you know, wears his fur vest with the seams facing out; different socks or shoes were certainly on their feet, and in conversation everyone tried to deceive each other or joke so that the owner-father of the brownie would forget that he had recently woken up.
Over time, they forgot about welcoming spring and cajoling the brownie on the first of April, but the tradition of joking, pranking and deceiving on this day remained. As the saying remains - I don’t trust anyone on the first of April.
Based on materials from,,

Every house must have its soul, its energy guard and its owner - the brownie. Depending on his character and the atmosphere in his home, this homely spirit can be so unnoticeable that it will seem to people that he is not there at all. Or maybe vice versa - he manifests himself through noises, sudden disappearances, minor dirty tricks and other ways available to him. To gain the favor of this entity, you need to know how to make friends with a brownie, and then maintain this relationship.

Who is a brownie

These owners of the house do not belong to the ranks of unclean spirits, they are a product of nature, its deep forces and secret energies. That is why trying to drive out such a neighbor with the help of priests, prayers, icons or sprinkling with water is an empty and even harmful exercise. Few people like it when they try to survive from their legal territory. If you are interested in how to make friends with a brownie, then the first thing to start with is recognizing his right to live next to you. Treat him with respect, because he has the power to do things that we, mortals, cannot do. Since this is an energetic essence, the atmosphere and relationships in the family have the most direct influence on it. Where peace and kindness reign, he usually shows little of himself, and if he does show his presence, it is only for the benefit of the household. For example, it can warn about something or drive out guests who come with anger, envy or bad thoughts from the house. But in those families where they constantly quarrel, make scandals, and drink, the actions of the brownie will be constantly observed. Since this spirit is a kind of symbiosis with the earth, it usually settles either in private houses or in apartments located on the lower floors. Above the third floor, such owners are rarely found. It is interesting that they are born (or arise) old, and as they grow up they become younger and disappear, which means a transition to another, higher level of existence.

Relationship etiquette

So, how to make friends with a brownie? They love communication and attention to their person, so at least occasionally try to contact him, either out loud or mentally. And you shouldn’t do this just while waiting for help, thank him if you suddenly find something that’s been lost for a long time, cockroaches or mice left the house for no reason, flowers began to grow especially well. Treat your invisible assistant to porridge and sweets, he really likes them. Of course, spirits do not need physical food, but in deciding how to make friends with a brownie, such gifts from the outside

housewives symbolize respect, care and gratitude. When leaving treats for him, place them out of reach of pets or children. Don’t silently leave the food, say a few warm words to the brownie and invite him to taste the gift. They also love games, and to prevent trinkets and other items from getting lost in the house, collect a box of fun things for your neighbor. This could be outdated jewelry, beautiful buttons, beads, coins. This box should have no lid. It, like food, needs to be put away in a secluded place, letting the brownie understand that this is all intended for him, and you can do whatever he wants with the spillikins.

Get closer

Anyone who is interested in how to make friends with a brownie also wants to know what he looks like. According to eyewitnesses, he is usually small in height, no more than 0.5 m. He can take the form of a home owner, less often - a housewife, or can appear in the form of a furball, an old man or a cat. He is very friendly with the latter, as evidenced by numerous pictures. Also, since the material shell of the brownie is poorly developed, its presence manifests itself

air fluctuations, drafts with closed windows. However, everyone notes that with any close contact with this creature, the human body becomes numb, it becomes difficult to move, move the limbs and head. Is it possible to somehow record that there is a Photo, even if it was possible to photograph something, so vague and indistinct that it is unlikely to be possible to create a “photo portrait” from them. And think for yourself, how can you capture a clot of energy? We have already mentioned that it is often in this form that the invisible brownie exists. Pictures made by folk artists and craftsmen depict him in the form of a kind grandfather sitting by the stove in the company of a cat. Sometimes he makes or repairs something. And, of course, he takes charge at night, without showing himself to his household. He is more accustomed to reminding himself not through visits, but through deeds. He can come to a person’s bed at night, settle everyday issues, or, on the contrary, create interference. Sometimes the invisible owner hides the keys, trying to stop a person from leaving the house if the trip could lead to negative consequences or if something bad happens on the way.

Do cartoon characters have anything in common with a real brownie? Perhaps yes. They display a certain collective image of this creature, with all its features and habits. After all, fairy tales are a reflection of reality.

Many people know the phrase “Beware of me!”, which is said to scare away everything bad. Chur is an ancient pagan god who protected the homes of the Slavs, looked after livestock and pastures, warned people of danger, and drove away predators and enemies. But when people began to create cities, Chur went into distant forests and began to help only hermits far from civilization. And since then his distant relative, the brownie, has been living with people.

In the home, the brownie keeps order, repairs minor faults, extinguishes fires, cares for animals, and looks after children. If you make him angry, he begins to commit petty mischief, make noise, hide things and even the owners. Most often the brownie is invisible, but sometimes it inhabits the cat. Only babies or the drunk can see him in the form of a deceased ancestor or a small old man. In the old days it was believed that a poor man's brownie was naked, and a rich man's was covered with hair.

How to make friends with a brownie

To put a brownie in a great mood, you need to follow certain rules. This otherworldly creature really does not like quarrels and scandals, disorder in the house, dirt. With bad owners, the brownie either becomes angry and stops helping, or leaves the house, which leads to desolation and deterioration of the home.

The home assistant is very fond of respectful treatment. To appease him, call the brownie master. On the first day of every month, as well as on April 5, when the brownie has a birthday, it is customary to treat him. Cook the crumbly porridge and serve it to everyone in the household and the brownie. The whole family sit down to have breakfast with the words: “Master-father, if you please, have a meal with us!” After breakfast, feed the leftover porridge to some animals or birds.

The brownie is also pleased with requests for help. If you have lost something, politely ask the brownie to find it and return it. When leaving home, tell your assistant that he remains in charge and ask him to keep order.

The following ritual helps to make friends with an angry brownie. Give your kitchen a thorough cleaning. 5-10 minutes before midnight, cover the table with a clean tablecloth and place a treat - a glass of Cahors, bread and salt (you can sprinkle a little flour around the treat, then you can see if the brownie came). Then bow to four sides and say: “Brownie, eat your dinner. Help yourself, don’t be offended by people!” Leave and don’t enter the kitchen until dawn. If the brownie accepted your offering, you will be able to see its traces on the flour.