Eid Ramadan. Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr) - what is it, as noted

  • 13.08.2023

Muslims around the world celebrate Eid al-Fitr - Eid al-Fitr. This day marks the end of Ramadan, the month of mercy and forgiveness.

The editors of the site "Islam.Ru" congratulates all believers on this blessed day. We wish the brothers and sisters to be cleansed of everything unworthy and meet this great holiday with sincere faith in the Creator.

May the Almighty grant us His blessings in both worlds, strengthen the fraternal ties between people and unite us all for good.

The unity of our Ummah is the key to its prosperity. So let's hold on to the rope of Allah and not be divided!

On the eve of the holiday, the spiritual leaders of Muslims, muftis come out with congratulations to the believers. We bring to your attention a selection of such appeals.

Mufti of Dagestan Sheikh Ahmad Afandi congratulated the believers of the country on the blessed holiday of Eid al-Fitr - Eid al-Fitr!

“As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!

Dear brothers and sisters!

On behalf of all the employees of the Muftiyat and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you on the holy holiday of Eid al-Fitr!

This is one of the important days in the life of Muslims, when they visit all relatives and friends, the sick, congratulate brothers and sisters and try to please children. Islam teaches us to show unity, brotherhood, friendship and mutual respect. If every believer possesses these wonderful qualities, then the Creator, by His grace, may bestow us with barakat and patience, which we really lack in this difficult time.

It is joyful to realize that every year believers are more reverent about this holiday. Muslims fasted, did good deeds, treated relatives and friends, many of you participated in the “Tents of Ramadan” action, distributed alms. This testifies to the unity and solidarity of Muslims.

I express my sincere gratitude to the believers who have shown due respect for all the precepts of Almighty Allah. I ask the Almighty Creator to reward everyone according to their intentions.

I wish all believers to prioritize the desire to acquire eternal values ​​in the name of the pleasure of the Almighty.

May this bright holiday serve the spiritual purification of people, strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between them.

May Allah accept all our good deeds. With all my heart I wish you strong faith, family well-being and health. May the Almighty grant us forgiveness and mercy both in this world and in the Eternal. Amine".

Congratulation of the Mufti of Tatarstan on the holiday of Uraza-Bayram


Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

Dear brothers and sisters!

On behalf of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you on the great holiday of Eid al-Fitr - Eid al-Fitr!

Seeing off the blessed month of Ramadan, the heart of every Muslim is filled with mixed feelings: we rejoice that from now on the long-awaited holiday is coming, but we are more sad because such valuable gifts as multiple rewards for good deeds, fraternal iftars, tarawih prayers, sincere alms of fitr are bestowed on us only in the month of Ramadan. The well-known Muslim scholar Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (rahmatullahi alayhi) in his famous work "Fath al-Bari", which is a commentary on the collection of hadiths "Sahih Bukhari", said: "The desire for the end of Ramadan is one of the great sins."

Ramadan is the month of doing good deeds and giving up bad habits. Praise be to Allah, one of our brothers and sisters this month stood up for daily prayer, someone was lucky enough to learn to read the Venerable Qur'an and master the rules of tajwid. I sincerely hope that someone realized the true value of the family and restored family, friendship and brotherly relations that were forgotten for various reasons. In this holy month, lonely and oppressed people, the seriously ill, the poor and orphans, everyone in whom wounded and weary hearts beat, found spiritual healing, good patrons, friends and companions. Nursing homes, disabled people and orphanages, hospitals and prisons - the joy of the blessed month has come to everyone. In a word, Ramadan gave us all the opportunity to plunge into the world of spiritual purity and brotherhood. Now it depends only on us whether we leave this spiritual state only for Ramadan or change ourselves and our lives forever after Eid al-Fitr.

Dear fellow believers! I congratulate you on the blessed Eid al-Fitr and urge you to give gifts to relatives, colleagues, friends and especially children - let the joy of the holiday be felt everywhere! I wish you the pleasure of Allah and His Grace, happiness in both worlds, strong iman and the opportunity to work for the good of Islam. May Allah Almighty accept our fasting and all our good deeds! Happy holiday! Amine.

Mufti of Tatarstan
Kamil hazrat Samigullin

Congratulation of the Mufti of the Republic of Mordovia on the holiday of ‘Eid-ul-Fitr

Dear brothers and sisters!

I heartily congratulate you on the upcoming blessed holiday of Eid al-Fitr!

This holiday, which marks the end of the blessed month of Ramadan, is a symbol of the triumph of high spiritual qualities and moral standards. The main holiday of Muslims, Eid al-Fitr, contributes to the establishment of humanistic universal values. ‘Eid-ul-Fitr gives us all the opportunity to deeply comprehend our actions, intentions and choose the only possible right path. This is the path of unity and friendship, peace and harmony.

May the spiritual capital accumulated by you in the holy month of Ramadan be preserved and multiplied many times over! I hope that this bright holiday of peacefulness, religious tolerance, mercy and care for one's neighbor will continue to contribute to the spiritual improvement of people, the upbringing of patriotism and love for the Fatherland.

May the holiday of Uraza Bayram bring warmth and joy, harmony and prosperity, peace and prosperity to every home, every family!

With all my heart I wish you good health, spiritual purification, new pious deeds, success, happiness! Harmony, love and peace to you and your loved ones!

Mufti of the Republic of Mordovia
Zyaki-Khazrat Aizatullin

Congratulations from the head of the DMMR on the holy holiday of Eid al Fitr

With the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful! Peace be upon you, the mercy of the Almighty and His endless blessings! Eid al-Fitr - Eid al-Fitr in Islam - is one of the main holidays. It symbolizes the end of the holy month of Ramadan, and also reminds us of the highest human values, teaches kindness and compassion, respect for elders, parents, loved ones. In today's difficult conditions of instability in the world, the example of a growing country, Russia, makes some people want to split and weaken our single society. Therefore, it is the spiritual values ​​that we preserve and pass on from generation to generation that give us the opportunity not only to create, but also to successfully resist any difficulties and any pressure from outside. Spiritual and moral work on oneself is the future of a strong person. A person who was respected and will be respected and loved on earth and in heaven. The holiday of Uraza-Bayram helps us to understand that a true believer cares about the well-being and peace of not only his own, relatives or friends, but also all the citizens of his beloved Motherland. I sincerely pray that the Almighty accept our fasts, thoughts, help us adhere to the truly right path. May the holiday of Uraza-Bayram bring warmth and joy, mutual understanding, tranquility, prosperity and prosperity to every home!

With kind prayers, Mufti of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia Albir Hazrat Krganov

Mufti of St. Petersburg and the North-West region of Russia congratulates faithful Muslims on the holiday of Eid al-Fitr

On behalf of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of St. Petersburg and the North-Western Region of Russia and on my own behalf, I congratulate all my co-religionists - Muslims of St. Petersburg, the Leningrad Region, Russia, the Commonwealth of Independent States and the world on the upcoming bright holiday - the holiday of Uraza-Bayram, which marks the end of Fasting in the month of Ramadan.

These days we pray and glorify the Almighty Creator, we understand that the holidays are given to us not just to distract from a series of weekdays. We have lived a month that has become for us a month of spiritual cleansing, the accomplishment of charitable deeds, the forgiveness of sins. Many Muslims, by the grace of the Almighty, showed great zeal in worship in this great month, the mosques were crowded to perform prayers, showed zeal in generosity, away from the forbidden, in the manifestation of a good disposition.

Fasting is a time when a person sympathizes and sympathizes with those who need our help. During the days of Lent, moral improvement, service to the Almighty, we sought to multiply good deeds many times over, tried to show care and attention not only to relatives and friends, but also to those who need our support, showing mercy and compassion.

Strengthened prayer, complete abstinence from all kinds of food, drink and entertainment, constant help to the poor, orphans and the destitute, getting rid of addictions and passions requires spiritual improvement and diligence. Fighting your vices, self-improvement does not happen without difficulties, without patience. Therefore, the month of Ramadan is also called the month of patience and testing. Our tolerance, our fortitude, willpower and depth of our faith are being tested. The test is also the preservation of human dignity. The dignity of a Muslim, the dignity of every person is his thoughts and deeds, his aspirations to be in society and benefit his people, the Motherland, where he draws benefits for subsistence.

Whether a Muslim managed to pass these tests is known only to Almighty Allah and this will be revealed only on the Day of Judgment. Now something else is important - in the days of festive fun not to lose the good fruits of the Fast, not to forget that prayer, and almsgiving, and good deeds should be done not only during the days of the Fast, but also during all the days of life, for the Creator has all days sacred.

In these blessed days, when more than a billion Muslims around the world offer their prayers to the One and Great Creator - God, I sincerely wish all Muslims of our multinational and multi-confessional region to send down the mercy and blessings of the Almighty!

In the Holy month of Ramadan, we spent time in prayer and fasting, fellowship with brothers in faith, studied the Holy Quran, in which we always discovered everything new and new every time. The Almighty gave people reason so that they could distinguish good from bad, truth from lies, faith from unbelief, and remember those miracles that He sent down to all His creatures. Therefore, I am deeply convinced that all followers of Islam, a religious denomination traditional for Russia, will, as before, use their enormous potential, their opportunities in order to continue to develop spirituality in our society in peace and mutual understanding, serve to strengthen civil harmony and peace.

Dear brothers and sisters!

Uraza Bayram is a truly glorious and pure holiday that unites the entire Muslim people. Everyone can feel an amazing unity with their fellow human beings. I once again congratulate you with all my heart, wishing you pure thoughts and clear intentions. Let peace always reign in your house, which will not destroy the glorious life given by the Almighty. Let close people be peaceful and happy, resistant to life's disasters. I wish you to find inspiration and support for every day in a strong and deep faith. Uraza Bayram, which marked the end of a long and important fast, is a valuable event for all believers. You will definitely find enough energy in yourself to feel the new power of faith. Happiness and blessings on such a miraculous day.

I pray our Creator to send prosperity and well-being, peace and tranquility to us and our loved ones in both worlds! I pray the Almighty to send peace and tranquility, prosperity and stability to all Russians.

May the Almighty help us all in all good deeds and undertakings! I hope that all the best that we have acquired this month, we will keep throughout the year and the rest of our lives.

Uraza Bairam is a very interesting Turkic version of the ancient Arab holiday called eid al fitr. In fact, this holiday represents the end of the fast associated with the observance of the rules.

We can say that this is a kind of opportunity to exhale - a person coped with all the obstacles in his path and fulfilled his part of the ritual, a kind of dedication to God. Considering that for such holidays the calculation is based on lunar months, then in 2018 the date Eid al-Fitr – June 15, which is the first day of the month of Shawwal.

On the one hand, everything looks quite simple - here's a date for you, here's a holiday for you, but the subtlety of this event lies in the fact that you must first observe a fast and you should not especially celebrate this day for those who voluntarily broke the fast and do not even regret what happened.

Sacred the month of Ramadan, which fell on the period from May 16 to June 14, so that you will have the opportunity to try to keep the holy fast. There is an important difference between such a fast and a Christian one. The fact is that Christian fasting does not involve the most stringent prohibitions, but they apply to any time of the day or night, while Muslim prohibitions apply only to daylight hours - at sunset, you can eat, drink, and perform marital duty.

It is very important to understand that Eid al Adha- the second most important holiday. In the first place, of course, is the holiday of Eid al-Adha, which is associated with sacrifices, with showing absolute trust in God.

The second most important does not mean some unimportant one, on the contrary, the attitude towards it should be as responsible as possible. No one says that it is so easy to understand the essence of such complex holidays, but if you approach the matter carefully, responsibly and with soul, then you will definitely succeed - you can have absolutely no doubt about it. You have the opportunity to read about the holiday of Eid al-Fitr not only from the holy book, where everything is written in a rather complicated language, but also to find a variety of explanations that will allow you to quickly get into the essence of what this holiday really means - give it maximum time and the result, of course, will be simply amazing.

You need to prepare for the holiday in advance and gradually - study the rules, get ready to meet guests or go on a visit, prepare some treats - this will allow you to spend such an important day with maximum pleasure, which you, of course, fully deserve - do everything right and The result will surely please you. By the way, a kind of bonus to the fact that you may not behave quite right on this day will be the distribution of alms - by donating money to those in need, you simultaneously recognize yourself as needy before God and apologize in advance for the fact that, due to your stupidity, you could not follow all the rules this day, although the ancestors instructed to do so.

You have the opportunity to thoroughly approach the study of the history of religion itself, to consider various characters in the context of time and your own experience. This is very interesting, because what happened at that time is not a fairy tale, but the life of real people who faced incredible trials and shared them with us. You will have the opportunity to take a tremendous experience from what is happening, so be sure to take your chance. It does not require much time, and the result is simply amazing - you will discover a lot of new things. In addition, there is always the opportunity to introduce your friends to these interesting things - this will be a particularly useful solution.

Ramadan is a holiday that lasts a whole month, so many Muslims feel some devastation after it and part with it with difficulty. How to complete the month of Ramadan, how and to whom to give sadaka, how to spend the Night of Power and Predestination, celebrate Eid al-Fitr? Imam-hatib of the Kazan mosque "Gailya" Rustam hazrat Khairullin answered these questions of Tatar-inform news agency. - Rustam hazrat, Eid al-Fitr, or Eid al-Fitr is one of the greatest holidays in Islam. What do Muslims do to meet him with dignity? – Indeed, Eid al-Fitr, or as it is customary to call it among Turkic Muslims – Eid al-Fitr – is a great holiday in Islam in honor of the completion of the holy month of Ramadan. Its history dates back to the time of the Prophet Muhammad. In 624, while in Medina, the prophet observed a fast for the first time during the month and celebrated the end of the month of fasting together with the community. How this month should pass, and how to celebrate its completion - the Messenger of Allah showed the Muslims by his example. The holiday is celebrated in a state of spiritual and bodily purity. On the day before the holiday, you should put yourself in order - wash yourself, even better - take a dip in the bath. Put on the most beautiful and clean clothes, perfume yourself with incense and go to the festive prayer. It is customary to go to the mosque for the holiday prayer one way, and return along the other. - How many days does Eid al-Fitr last? One day? Three days? Eid al-Fitr is celebrated for three days. But quite often we are asked: “Can we return to fasting after the holiday?” If, after the end of the month of Ramadan, in the next month of Shawwal, we fast for another six days, then we will be rewarded for this as for a whole year of fasting. From what date can you start abstinence? You can’t fast on the second day of the holiday, but from the third day you can already start. - Is it possible immediately after Eid al-Fitr to compensate for the days of Uraza missed for one reason or another? – Yes, you can. But it is better if you first fast the month of Shawwal. - Rustam hazrat, what is the amount of fitr-sadaqa (a donation in honor of the holiday in favor of the poor - ed.), And to whom should it be paid? - As established by the Spiritual Administration of Muslims, fitr-sadaqah is 100 rubles per person, calculated at the cost of barley, and 600 rubles - calculated at the price of dried fruits. You can give to the poor, orphans, financially needy people. Donations are also accepted in the form of food. This type of sadaqah is not to be served to parents, grandparents. Because fitr-sadaqah is a special kind of donation. And additional donations can be made separately, regardless of the holiday. - Is there a specific time when fitr-sadaqah should be paid? - It is paid before the holiday. The Prophet Muhammad said that only sadaqa paid before the end of the month can be considered a donation in honor of the end of the fast, and the person who gives it deserves the forgiveness of the Almighty for his sins and mistakes. If the donation is made after the holiday, it will be from the regular alms. Therefore, fitr-sadaqah is better to give before the start of Eid al-Fitr. If you didn’t have time, give it back later, the main thing is a sincere intention. However, only fitr-sadaqah, paid on time, has the property of delivering a Muslim from sins, mistakes and inaccuracies committed by him during fasting. - A Muslim can make up for the days he was unable to fast by paying special donations. When do they need to be paid? - They are also better to give during the month of Ramadan. Now iftars are held in almost all mosques, those who have fasted come there. Take the money to the mosque, your money will be used to buy food for the needy and those who fasted on this day. - If a person wants to give fitr-sadaqah not to someone's hands, but to transfer it to the account of charitable organizations, or for the treatment of sick children. Is it possible to do so? - Of course you can. Much depends on intention. These are also donations, and go to the benefit of people. - Are there any rules on how to congratulate each other on the day of Eid al-Fitr? - Eid al-Fitr is a wonderful holiday, and congratulating each other on this holiday is a beautiful tradition among Muslims. Wish each other health, well-being, long life, and that the Almighty accept the prayer you made during the month. This is very important, because even the companions of the prophet said: “For the first six months after the month of fasting, we prayed that the Almighty would accept our efforts in fasting, and the remaining six months we prayed that the Almighty would allow us to see the next month of fasting.” Eid al-Fitr is a great holiday. This is a celebration of patience, restraint, abstinence. - Now it has become fashionable to congratulate each other in social networks by sending picture postcards. Muslims can exchange such drawings? - It is not prohibited. You can send different pictures, images on the occasion of the holiday. But before doing this, you should make sure that it does not cause negative emotions in the addressee. Some people might find these pictures annoying. If everything is fine, then, of course, send, congratulate on the holiday. Is it a picture or an audio recording, call in person or write sincere congratulations in messages - everything on this holiday will be appropriate. - Rustam hazrat, besides the collective prayer, what is included in the celebration of Eid al-Fitr? How is it celebrated? - It should be held as a real holiday - to invite guests, to visit yourself. Traditionally, on this day, treats are prepared in all houses, tables are set, relatives, friends, relatives are invited. On this day, it is recommended to visit cemeteries and read a prayer in memory of the dead, put their graves in order. If your parents, grandparents are still alive, go to them, find out about their health, ask how they feel. Prepare delicious meals, pastries, invite your parents to visit you. Remember about the children - give them different gifts so that they also know about such a great holiday as Eid al-Fitr. - They say that on the day of the holiday and for another three days after the holiday, you can not wash the floors, wash. Is this true or just a belief? - It is wrong to wash floors and wash on a holiday. This must be done before the holiday. If you don’t have time to clean up, it’s not a sin, but it will be considered a manifestation of disrespect for the holiday. - Rustam hazrat, Muslims know that on one of the dates of the month of Ramadan there is a special night - the Night of Power and Predestination. It is called the most desired, dear and valuable day of the holy month. How do you know when that night will come? “Our prophet said: “It will be a very calm night, no dogs will bark, the wind will not blow, and even a leaf on the tree will not move.” The Night of Destiny is hidden on one of the last ten days of the fasting month. We will look for her there. There are suggestions that this year it will fall on June 10th. What prayers should be read on this day? What is the importance of this night - the Night of Predestination? This is the night of the revelation of the Quran. It was on this day that the revelation of the Quran began. For our noble deeds and deeds committed on the Night of Power and Predestination, the Almighty will reward many times over. On this day, Allah accepts all our prayers. Let's ask for a happy fate - he can give it to us. This is the day when wishes come true. Prayer on this day is equivalent to non-stop prayer for 83 years. This is one night that has more value than 83 years. The Night of Destiny is better than a thousand months. On this day, we need to help each other, come to help those who need it. Arrange iftar, and spend the night reading the Koran, worship. The night of predestination is of value not only for those who keep the fast, but also for those who, for various reasons, could not fast. Because on this day the doors of mercy and grace of Allah Almighty open. This is the best night for repentance. - Rustam hazrat, how after fasting to go to the usual diet, ordinary life? - After the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, one should try to observe six days of fasting in the month of Shawwal, then make up for the days missed during fasting. Then gradually move into the usual diet and normal life. I wish all fellow believers a successful end to the month of Ramadan, so that the Almighty accepts all our diligence and sincere intentions, and so that we can all enjoy the joys of the month of fasting next year.

Ramadan is celebrated by all adherents of Islam. The tradition of celebration has been going on since 624 (according to the Gregorian calendar) and dates back to the time of the Prophet Muhammad. It is believed that it was during this month that the first verses of the Koran were granted to him, therefore, for all Muslims of the world, Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. Muslims believe that in Ramadan, the gates of paradise open, and the gates of hell are locked, and devils-demons are chained so as not to harm the believers.
Since Uraza-Bayram refers to the "moving" holidays and is appointed in accordance with the Muslim lunar calendar. According to some sources, the celebration of Uraza-Bayram in 2016 will begin on July 6, according to others - on July 8, and according to others - on July 11. The date will be officially announced closer to the holiday. Since it is impossible to work in Uraza-Bayram, in almost all Islamic countries (as well as in several republics that are part of the Russian Federation) this is a day off.


On a festive day, it is customary to get up very early and dress up in the most beautiful clothes. Then Muslims from all over the world, having performed ablution, rush to the mosque for collective prayer. An hour before sunrise in the mosques, the festive “gaet-prayer” begins. In most countries, prayers are attended only by men. - women at this time prepare treats at home. When meeting, everyone greets each other with a special ritual phrase: “Eid Mubarak!” (“Blessed holiday!”).
The wishes are also very popular: “May Allah send His mercy to you and us!”, “May Allah accept our and your prayers!”. When men come from the mosque, the housewives put festive dishes on the table. Each house is waiting for the arrival of guests; it is also customary to go on a visit, visit relatives, friends and even neighbors, and bring sweets as a gift. In Uraza Bayram, Muslims need to have fun all three days, eating abundant food and drink.


The main product from which most of the festive dishes on Uraza-Bayram are prepared is lamb. Rich soups, roasts, pilaf, kebabs, snacks and even meat salads are made from it. The festive table of each Muslim country depends on folk traditions. For example, pancakes are baked in Tatarstan, and pies are always on the festive table. In the republics of Central Asia, pilaf with lamb is an indispensable dish.

In Saudi Arabia, only oriental sweets, dates and fresh fruits are eaten in the morning. But at noon you need to eat plentifully and variedly so that the table is not empty next year. In Kyrgyzstan, every Muslim must visit seven houses, taste all the prepared dishes and read prayers for the welfare of the owners in each house.
In Turkey, on a holiday, they also first feast on sweets, and then proceed to the main meal. All day long, the youngest Turks visit all older relatives and give them sweets as a gift. In addition, there are certain rules for eating festive food:
Before the start of the meal, Muslims say: "In the name of Allah, the Merciful and Merciful" or "O Allah, bless this food and save us from hell." And after finishing the meal, they say: “Thanks be to Allah, who sent us food, drink and made us Muslims.”
Wash your hands before and after eating. Unlike Western countries, in Islamic countries they wash their hands without getting up - over a basin. And the children of the host pour water from the jug to the guests - this is how a special honor is shown.
According to Muslim traditions, the host is the first to start the meal and the last to finish.
Take food with your hands, but not with two fingers. You can use a spoon or fork. Cutlery should be held in the right hand.
As soon as bread (or cakes) appears on the table, they begin to eat it slowly, without waiting for the dish to be served. It is impossible to cut bread with a knife, so it is broken off into pieces by hand.
In some Islamic countries, it is customary for several people to eat from one plate at once. Everyone takes food from the side closest to him, and not from the middle of the dish. But when a tray or bowl of sweets, nuts and fruits is served, guests and hosts can choose any of them.
Before the start of tea drinking, you should say: “In the name of Allah,” and at the end: “Glory to Allah.”
The drinking vessel (cup, bowl, glass) must be held with the right hand. Water or a soft drink should be drunk slowly and in small sips. Do not drink directly from a bottle or jug.
Very hot tea or coffee is not customary to cool, stir with a spoon or blow on it. You need to calmly wait until it cools down on its own.
The following ritual is an extremely important prescription of the holiday: on this day, Muslims present all the poor and the poor with an obligatory donation, which is called “zakat ul-fitr”. You should also visit your parents, elderly and sick relatives and friends. It is necessary to visit cemeteries, commemorating the dead, and read passages from the Holy Quran over the graves and ask the Almighty to alleviate their plight.

Blessed holiday!!!

Uraza Bayram is one of the most important Muslim holidays. The Islamic holiday is also known to us as Feast of breaking the fast And eid al-fitr(Arabic عيد الفطر‎‎). It is celebrated on the first three days of the month of Shawwal in honor of the end of the fast of the holy month of Ramadan. It is known that the Feast of Uraza-Bayram was established by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in 624.

eid al-fitr, the feast of breaking the fast or Eid al-Fitr in 2017 will be June 25.

How is it celebrated?

It is on this day that believers all over the world congratulate each other with the words: “Eid Mubarak!” (Blessed holiday!). In most Muslim countries, the day of celebration of Eid al-Fitr is considered a day off and forbidden to work. A faithful Muslim on this day performs ablution, dresses up in festive clothes and visits the mosque for a common prayer. Only once a year in all the mosques of the world they read a special prayer - Eid-namaz.

Features of Eid Prayer

Eid-prayer is performed at sunrise and lasts until the afternoon adhan. “I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) say: “Indeed, the first thing we start with today is prayer,” and the day begins with the sunrise,” Al- Bara ibn Azib:

The one who missed the common prayer with the imam, let him perform it alone before the lunch adhan, the prayer will be counted. If a Muslim did not have time, then he missed the time for prayer, but he is pleased to compensate for Eid-namaz, like other desirable prayers, religious figures advise. Companion Umar said: "The festive prayer of sacrifice consists of two rak'ahs, the festive prayer after the month of Ramadan also consists of two rak'ahs."

It is allowed to postpone the Eid prayer a little, but only until the sun rises in height by the size of a standing bayonet. So did the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). This is the essence of the fact that on a holiday it is desirable to distribute obligatory alms - zakat-sakh (fitr sadaka). And this must be done before the holiday prayer. Thus, this "transfer" increases the time for the distribution of alms - zakat. Usually believers give alms, donations to the poor, needy people, travelers, etc. This ritual is one of the five pillars of Islam.

What is customary to do on this day?

And after the holiday prayer, Muslims set the tables. People invite each other to festive treats, and after that they themselves visit their parents, relatives, sick people, give them gifts. Children take part in various games, visit neighbors who give them sweets. At this time, it is also customary to ask each other for forgiveness and visit the graves of their deceased loved ones, reading suras from the Koran and asking Allah to alleviate their plight.

The importance of this holiday...

An interesting fact is that Islam prescribed only two annual celebrations. If one of them is Eid-ul-Fitr, the other is Eid-ul-Adha. Muslims complete both of these holidays with an act of worship to Allah - a big ibadat. Eid-ul-Fitr is prescribed after the fast of the month of Ramadan. Every devout Muslim must refrain from eating, drinking and intimacy. Thus, he gets the opportunity: to pacify his passions, at least a little to atone for his mistakes, improve his temper, leave some addictions in the past, etc. And Eid-ul-Adha is celebrated when Muslims perform the annual Hajj. Thus, the celebrants complete a significant work through their own active efforts. This is an important criterion for celebrating in Islam.

Eid Mubarak!

It is both joyful and sad at the same time ... It is joyful to meet such a great holiday, sad to regret that the blessed days are over. And only in a year, if it is the will of Allah, we will once again be able to feel, taste all the mercy of the holy month of Ramadan.

Undoubtedly, Eid al-Fitr is the logical end of the month of Ramadan. But this does not mean that with the holiday the performance of good deeds ends. On the contrary, after the holiday, Muslims should do good with even greater zeal in order to achieve the satisfaction of our Creator. In the meantime, we will congratulate each other on the holiday of Eid al-Fitr. As narrated in a hadith from Jabir bin Nafir: “When they met on Eid, the companions of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to each other: “May Allah accept from us and from you.” Eid Mubarak (blessed holiday!), Muslims !