How to draw up an environmental project. Research work on ecology, carried out at the interstate level, is key for the world’s population.

  • 28.01.2024

Environmental project “Clean air for the atmosphere”

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Teacher-methodologist Tkachenko T.V.
- Environmental education;
- Involving students in environmental activities;
- Formation of an active personality.

- Familiarize yourself with the sources of air pollution;
- Study the impact of pollutants on human health;
- Consider methods of combating air pollution;
- Make a feasible contribution to the fight for clean air.

The modern environmental crisis can be characterized by numerous quantitative indicators. It is known that over the last century the population has more than quadrupled and exceeded 7 billion people. But, in comparison with population growth, humanity's consumption of natural resources is growing at an even more rapid pace: in 2005, consumption of materials increased 10 times compared to 1900, and energy consumption 15 times. Such high rates of use of natural resources have led to the fact that humans exploit more than 55% of land and about 13% of river waters, and the rate of deforestation reaches 18 million hectares per year. As a result of territory development, mining, desertification, and soil salinization, humanity annually loses more than 50 thousand square meters. km of land suitable for agricultural use, which further increases the problem of providing food for a growing population. Examples of the negative impact of human economic activity on the environment can be continued.
Overcoming the environmental crisis is associated primarily with the spiritual improvement of society, with the transition to new principles of relationships between man and nature, to a new system of human values ​​and intelligent limitation of human needs to a reasonable level. Society is interested in developing an ecological worldview among all its members, which is based on the awareness of the need to preserve the optimal natural environment for life, that is, the biosphere.
The possibility of human survival depends on how it restores the natural environment across most of the planet. The most important task of humanity is not only to reduce environmental pollution, but also to preserve the natural biota of the planet, both on land and within the World Ocean, to preserve and recreate biological diversity. In the third millennium, the new philosophy of human life should be the understanding that he is part of a single human family, a planetary brotherhood, with a high ecological culture, which is based on knowledge and observance of the laws of development of the biosphere. We must realize that civilization arose in the biosphere, is part of it and cannot exist in isolation. Ecological culture involves understanding the laws of development and stability of the biosphere, knowledge of the laws and principles of biotic regulation of the environment, maintaining the stability of the natural environment by natural biological groups of the biosphere.
This philosophy provides for the need to solve such global problems as preserving the survivors and restoring numerous deformed ecosystems to the level of natural productivity, rationalizing consumption, greening production, and stabilizing the population. The main factor that should help in solving the noted problems should be a conscious person with developed environmental thinking.
In order to preserve the biosphere for future generations, an ecological person must correct the age-old mistake of communicating with nature, which was based on a consumer attitude and the desire to conquer it. To implement an ecological approach to the development of relationships between society and nature, it is necessary to prepare specially trained and environmentally educated professionals in various spheres of human activity, creating a holistic system of environmental education aimed at organizing the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of ecology. This is especially true for Ukraine with its threatening state of the environment.

One of the important tasks of education is to cultivate environmental awareness among students, prepare them to solve real-life problems, develop a sense of responsibility, social activity, independence, as well as acquire deep, comprehensive knowledge. To prepare environmentally competent specialists and to cultivate active citizenship among young people, studying theory is not enough. An important part of study and education is to involve students in solving those problems that are relevant to our city.
For example, this could be participation in an environmental project. Participation in itself is development. The goal of development is to be free and able to make choices and decisions, to be a competent, responsible person, to be able to self-determinate and self-realize, and to make informed conclusions about the state of the environment. The awareness that big things begin with small actions (a planted tree) contributes not only to specific actions, but also to the acquisition of positive experience of social participation.
Involving students in active work should be the first step for them to realize that even a small social group of conscious citizens can make a real contribution to solving important world problems, change the state of our planet for the better, starting from their small homeland, their hometown.
Taking as a basis the need to implement the above statements, I decided to start working on the environmental project “Clean Air in the Atmosphere”, adding to the study of theoretical material the practical activities of students aimed at in-depth study of the problems of the atmosphere and the feasible struggle for its preservation. This is how the environmental project appeared. First, second and third year students of the specialty “Applied Ecology” and second year students of the specialty “Mineral Processing” were involved in its implementation.


Project goals:
- formation of a personality that is capable of consciously, creatively, and actively influencing the world around them;
- instilling in students initiative, independence, and self-confidence;
- assistance in the formation of an active life position;
- implementation of educational work in the field of ecology;
- involving students in practical activities to solve environmental problems of local importance.

Project objectives:
Familiarize students with:
- with sources and types of air pollution, including in Krivoy Rog;
- negative phenomena and processes that occur in the atmosphere due to its pollution;
- the impact of pollutants on the environment and human health;
- measures to protect air from pollution;
- Law of Ukraine on the protection of atmospheric air.

Teach students:
- independently study the material using textbooks, additional literature, media, electronic manuals and video materials;
- explore environmental problems and determine your attitude towards them;
- work creatively, individually and in a group;
- plan your activities;
- implement your action plan in practice;
- contact with representatives of various organizations, the media, citizens;
- present the results of your own activities and evaluate them.

Implementation methods

The environmental project is based on the methodology of pedagogical cooperation and interactive teaching methods:
- search work; - research work;
- observation; - individual and group cooperation;
- brainstorm; - work with statistical materials;
- analysis of situations; - pyramid (circle) of ideas or decision tree;
- take a position; - formulation of a problem situation;
- support diagrams; - elements of training, testing;
- express questionnaire; - independent work;
- use of original songs and poetry (suggestive learning);
- use of information technology;

Organization of activities
First, second, third year students of the specialty “Applied Ecology” and second year students of the specialty “Mineral Processing” are taking part in the implementation of the project. Within the framework of the environmental project, experience in educational activities in the field of ecology is acquired. Students collaborate in pairs, groups, and complete individual assignments.
The duration of the project is from October to May inclusive. It covers the territory of the Ingulets microdistrict, Shirokoe town, village. Green. Both the actual preparation of students and their potential capabilities and individual abilities were taken into account.

Adult help
This form of student activity requires qualified and constant assistance from a teacher who acts as a supervisor and advisor. Parents, representatives of the city’s environmental service, and sanitation station employees are also involved in the project, who take part in the project as consultants and experts.

The teacher helps in :
- planning activities;
- choosing the best ways to solve the problem;
- forecasting performance results;
- acquiring experience in business communication;
- comparison of the results obtained with the planned ones;
- searching for sources of information;
- objective assessment of activities.

Other adults help with:
- collecting materials;
- processing of statistical data;
- analysis of information.

Expected results of the project:
- growth of environmental consciousness;
- active citizenship;

Knowledge of atmospheric problems that arose under the influence of anthropogenic factors, including in our city;
- knowledge of measures to combat air pollution;
- knowledge of the Air Protection Law;
- planting seedlings of Crimean pine and oak in Shirokovsky forestry;
- awareness of the need for environmental choice;
- understanding the value and uniqueness of the natural environment, attitude towards nature as a living being;
- the ability to find the right solutions to improve the environmental situation;
- ability to compare opportunities and interests;
- skills of effective communication, participation in society;
- skills in mastering the methodology of conducting business meetings;
- dissemination of environmental knowledge among city residents;
- growth of independence, initiative, development of creative thinking;
- development of creative abilities.

In the process of working on the project, students develop skills and practical abilities, namely:
- creative thinking (the ability to evaluate different sources of information from a critical angle, distinguish between true information, overcome stereotypes and prejudices, find innovative ways to solve problems);
- cooperation skills (the ability to cooperate with other participants in the process of overall completion of tasks and finding ways out of problem situations);
- long-term vision, development of imagination (the ability to imagine a more favorable state of the environment in the future and the desire to improve it);
- tolerance (skills for balanced problem solving);
- social activity (effective cooperation with city residents); - communication skills (mastery of communication culture, language ethics, vocabulary enrichment);
- understanding that one big business consists of many small ones, and each person can influence global processes.

Project motivation:
- the possibility of creative self-realization;
- awareness of one’s own need for activities aimed at protecting and preserving nature;
- a sense of responsibility for one’s civic position;
- the possibility of improving the environmental situation, the beauty of nature;
- awareness of the importance of nature protection and conservation;
- understanding the connection between human health and environmental factors;
- obtaining satisfaction from successfully achieving a goal.


First stage. Preparatory

Studying environmental problems and choosing a problem for a project
The purpose of this stage is identification by students of the problem for the implementation of the project and its main issues.
Through discussion, students identified the problem that is most relevant for our city, interesting and accessible for implementation - air pollution and measures aimed at combating it. The project was called “Clean Air for the Atmosphere”.
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The teacher helps students:
- understand the relevance of the selected problem;
- introduces students to the essence of design technology, explains the nature of the work, its purpose;
- motivates students to further activities through the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary in life (to do a good job, to be a conscious citizen, to conduct educational and practical work aimed at improving the environmental situation).

The high-quality implementation of the project largely depends on the previous training and competence of students, that is, the presence of certain knowledge and skills, as well as their desire to work actively.
In order to prepare students for future activities, it is advisable to determine the range of questions for collecting information:
- negative processes in the atmosphere of the planet, their causes and manifestations;
- sources of air pollution in our city;
- main air pollutants and their impact on the environment and human health;
- measures to combat air pollution, including in our city;
- possible activities aimed at making one’s own contribution to solving problems.

Second phase. Studying the problem

The goal of the work at this stage is collection of information that characterizes the problem in many ways and proves its relevance.

To do this you need:
- identify possible sources of information;
- determine the territory of the project;
- choose methods of research and information search;
- share responsibilities regarding the collection and processing of information;
- divide into research groups;
- familiarize yourself with the rules for collecting information;
- become familiar with the technology of conducting surveys and questionnaires. slide 3

- sources of information should be diverse (libraries, editorial offices of the newspapers “Pulse of the Region”, “Krasny Miner”, “Inguletskiy Vestnik”, the Green Party, the Krivoy Rog Regional Environmental Inspectorate, the environmental service of PRJSC “INGOC”, the sanitary station, the Internet, etc.);
- critical analysis and comparison of information from different sources;

Third stage. Information analysis. Selection of areas of activity

The purpose of the stage is determine a way to solve a problem, choose forms and methods of work, plan activities.

A list of things that need to be done during the project is compiled.
These cases were:
1. Writing and distributing leaflets and appeals to city residents:
- an explanation of the harmfulness of burning garbage and fallen leaves for the state of the atmosphere;
- drawing attention to the problem of cutting down coniferous trees for the New Year holidays;
- promotion of smoking cessation;
- a call to make efforts to green the city;
- appeal to drivers to adjust car engines in accordance with environmental requirements.
2. Exhibition of artificial Christmas trees.
3. Writing letters of environmental content to the editorial office of the newspapers “Pulse of the Region”, “Krasny Gornyak”, “Inguletskiy Vestnik” and the college newspaper “Gornyachok” for the purpose of their publication.
4. Social survey of the population in order to identify the level of their environmental literacy;
5. Counting the number of students who smoke, determining the extent of the harm they cause to the atmosphere and health, communicating information to college students (wall newspaper "Molniya").
6. Establishing contact with representatives of the Green Party, the Krivoy Rog Regional Environmental Inspectorate, the environmental department of PJSC “INGOC”, and the station’s health department in order to obtain information and invite them to participate in the project.
7. Search for people interested in improving the environmental situation and inviting them to participate in the project.
8. Establishing contact with Shirokovsky forestry and offering assistance during forest planting (in spring).
9. Taking part in landscaping the city and college (in spring).
10. Familiarization with the law of Ukraine on the protection of atmospheric air.
11. Publishing a wall newspaper on the topic of the project for the purpose of using it during ecology week.
12. Creation of a wall newspaper “Ecological Leisure” on the topic of the project.
13. Study, analysis and preparation of theoretical material for conducting open classes and conferences.
14. Creating presentations.
15. Conducting an open lesson “Problems of the atmosphere and ways to solve them.”
16. Conducting a conference on the topic “Problems of the atmosphere of Krivbass”.
17. Speeches to students of schools 114, 127 and college students based on project materials in order to increase their environmental awareness.

Fourth stage. Our actions. Solution

Purpose of the stage: the stage involves the implementation of the chosen course of action
method of organizing relevant events:

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- writing and distributing postcards and messages to city residents on the topic of the project;
- writing letters to the editors of the newspapers “Puls of the Region”, “Krasny Gornyak”, “Inguletskiy Vestnik”, the college newspaper “Gornyachok”;
- surveying residents of Ingulets in order to identify the level of environmental literacy of the population, analysis of questionnaires;
- counting the number of students who smoke, determining the extent of the harm they cause to the atmosphere and their own health, communicating information to college students;
- establishing contact with representatives of the Green Party, the Krivoy Rog Regional Environmental Inspectorate, the environmental department of PJSC "INGOC", the station's sanatorium, in order to obtain information and invite them to
participation in a conference dedicated to the issue of the ecological state of the city;
- familiarization with the law of Ukraine on the protection of atmospheric air;
- creation of a wall newspaper “Ecological Leisure” on the topic of the project;
- creating presentations and an electronic version of the newspaper for the purpose of posting them on the Internet on the college website.

Students distributed appeals and environmental leaflets to city residents, posted leaflets, and conducted surveys.

Fifth stage. Project presentation

Purpose of the stage: - processing and registration of project results:
- presentation of the results of the work performed during summing up;
- use of collected materials during the conference.

At this stage, the research is presented to a wide audience, except for those activities that should be carried out later (work in forestry, speeches to schoolchildren and students).
a) an open lesson “Atmospheric problems and their solutions” is held.

During an open lesson, students:
- speak, introducing the audience to the results of the study of the problem (theoretical material);
- conduct training and testing;
- show presentations, create wall and electronic versions of the newspaper;
- perform original songs and poems written on the topic of the project;
- collect a folder with materials for the work performed;
- material from the newspaper “Ecological Leisure” is used to reserve time.

B) a regional conference is being held on the topic “Environmental problems of our city”, to which students of educational institutions of the I and II levels of accreditation of the Southern region, employees of the Krivoy Rog regional environmental inspection and the environmental department of the Ingulets Mining and Processing Plant are invited to participate. At the conference, students make a report on the state of atmospheric air in our city and talk about activities aimed at combating air pollution.

Sixth stage. Practical

Participation in planting new forest areas in the Shirokovsky forestry and landscaping the territory of the college and city

Purpose of the stage: take direct personal part in greening the city and renewing the forest area.

This stage of the project was carried out in the spring by agreement with representatives of the Shirokovsky forestry and the landscaping workshop of PJSC "INGOC".

Seventh stage. Summarizing

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Project performance assessment

Purpose of the stage:
- research of public opinion on the relevance and feasibility of the project;
- evaluation of results, taking into account initial goals;
- generalization of the experience gained, identification of positive achievements and shortcomings;
- discussion, during which students had to evaluate the project activity as a whole and each person’s personal contribution to the common cause;
- reflection: impression of participation in the project.

Achievements Information
- planting seedlings in the Shirokovsky forestry; slide 11
- carrying out the campaigns “Save the Christmas tree”, “Don’t burn the leaves”, “Appeal to drivers”, “Environmental habits”; slides 5, 6, 7
- landscaping of the college grounds;
- conference on the ecological state of our city;
- establishing connections with employees of the Krivoy Rog State Environmental Inspectorate and the environmental department of PJSC “INGOC”;
- familiarization with the law “On the protection of atmospheric air”;
- publication of wall newspapers with environmental content;
- creation of presentations;
- writing poems and anthem for environmentalists;
- survey of the inhabitants of Ingulets; slides 8, 9
- promotion of healthy lifestyles.

ANTHEM OF THE ECOLOGIST words and music Tkachenko T.V.
For our vulnerable planet,

Our planet is alone in space,
We still don’t know the second one,
And the blue of the sky and the depth of the sea,
Beautiful - we all understand that.
The expanse of forests and the rustle of steppe grasses,
And bird aerobatics are incredibly difficult,
We love them, only every year
Less and less – isn’t that alarming?
Beautiful mountains, rivers and fields,
The planet lovingly created them,
But the Earth is mortally wounded,
Stop, it’s not enough for you!
The sunset melts over Fukushima,
And the polar ice is silently melting,
The bell of Chernobyl rings the alarm,
Look closely - nature is dying!

Chorus: The ecologist is responsible for the whole world,
For our vulnerable planet,
And the alarmed ether hears a cry:
- Oh, humanity, where are you, where are you, where are you?
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6. Osmolovsky A. From a scientific project to social self-realization
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7. Projects. “Open Lesson” No. 4.5, 2008.
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Presentation on the topic: Environmental project “Clean air for the atmosphere”

  1. The influence of climatic and meteorological factors on the functioning of the body of students of early adolescence at the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  2. Stray dogs in the urban environment in Yekaterinburg or regional cities and a danger to human health.
  3. Dust collecting trees, their importance in improving the environment in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
  4. Study of environmental factors in conditions of inclined microzonality of agricultural landscapes using the example of the Uktus Mountains.
  5. Analysis of water quality and the condition of water intake structures in Yekaterinburg or cities in the Sverdlovsk region (specific example).
  6. Monitoring of drinking water sources of non-centralized water supply in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
  7. Studying the phytoncidal properties of green plants in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region
  8. Counting wintering birds: environmental aspect (Participation in the winter bird count program "Eurasian Christmas Count").
  9. Methods for studying the ecological state of the Iset or Patrushikha river, lake. Shartash, other reservoirs of the region and their use in assessing anthropogenic impact (specific reservoir).
  10. Comparison of the cleansing capacity of the river ecosystem of the Iset River, Patrushikha River or other rivers in the region (a specific example).
  11. Medicinal dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Wigg) as an indicator of environmental pollution in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
  12. Perception of the visual environment and its influence on a person’s well-being (using a specific example).
  13. Natural-historical-cultural natural monument "Stone Tents" or other natural monuments of the Sverdlovsk region (a specific example).
  14. Comparative characteristics of the vegetation of the landscape natural monuments “Shartashsky Forest Park” and “Uktussky Forest Park” or other forest parks of the city (specific examples).
  15. Assessment of the state of the air environment in areas of Yekaterinburg or other cities in the region using the lichen indication method (specific area).
  16. The influence of anthropogenic impact on the growth and fruiting of Scots pine trees in Kharitonovsky Park or other parks of the city and region (specific park).
  17. The role of propaganda in increasing motivation to protect the environment using the example of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College and its impact on human health.
  18. Ecological studies of changes in the physical development of first-year students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  19. Household waste and problems of its disposal in the districts of Yekaterinburg or regional cities (a specific example).
  20. Assessment of the state of green spaces in areas of Yekaterinburg or regional cities and the impact on human health (a specific example).
  21. Fauna of diurnal Lepidoptera in the areas of Yekaterinburg or regional cities.
  22. Study of the demographic situation in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region (a specific example).
  23. Assessment of the recreational capacity of a forest park or protected area in the Sverdlovsk region (specific area).
  24. How to survive a monument in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region (a specific example).
  25. Video ecology of the valley of the Iset or Patrushikha rivers and other rivers in the region.
  26. Dynamics of the avifauna of some forest areas in the Sverdlovsk region (specific area) and the impact of anthropogenic load.
  27. Practical aspects of interaction between people and birds in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
  28. Factors influencing performance and fatigue in the educational process at the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  29. Radiation monitoring of Yekaterinburg or regional cities.
  30. The influence of environmental environmental factors on the health of students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  31. The problem of our time “Tuberculosis is the border between life and death.”
  32. Comparative characteristics of the environmental situation in the area of ​​buildings 1 and 2 of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  33. The influence of the urban environment on the condition of plants (using the example of studying the growth and development of lilac shoots).
  34. Species composition and abundance of waterfowl and semi-aquatic birds during the autumn migration period at the mouth of the Patrushikha River.
  35. Species composition and abundance of waterfowl and semi-aquatic birds during the autumn migration period in the pond of Kharitonovsky Park.
  36. Noise pollution in building 2 of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  37. Proper housekeeping (specific example).
  38. Comparative analysis of biological methods for assessing air quality using lichen.
  39. Study of the Red Book and rare phytocenotic objects of a forest park or protected area of ​​the Sverdlovsk region (a specific example).
  40. Some features of physical development and hemodynamic function of the heart in 1st and 2nd year students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  41. Studying the home diet of students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College in order to identify genetically modified ingredients in it.
  42. Studying the home diet of students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College in order to identify harmful food additives.
  43. Monitoring the ecological state of ecological systems in Yekaterinburg or regional cities (specific examples).
  44. Research of rare and protected plants of the city of Yekaterinburg or cities of the region.
  45. Daily intake of nutrients by students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  46. Diet for students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College
  47. Assessment of the ecological state of the air on the territory of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  48. Video ecological justification for the discomfort of the interface of modern operating systems.
  49. Comparative analysis of indoor plants in classrooms - No. 216, 316 as a factor in improving the microclimate of indoor spaces.
  50. Study of the ecological state of Kharitonovsky Park or the Park of Culture and Recreation named after. Mayakovsky.
  51. Ecological characteristics of the water system of the Shartash forest park (a specific example) and the impact on health.
  52. Ecological characteristics of reservoirs in the Sverdlovsk region and their impact on health (a specific example).
  53. Aging of the population of the Sverdlovsk region as an environmental problem.
  54. Dynamics of the ecological state of the Park of Culture and Recreation named after. Mayakovsky.
  55. The use of microfertilizers as an effective way to dispose of household waste (at a specific site).
  56. Forecasting the level of pollution of surface waters in the Sverdlovsk region.
  57. Using the bioindication method to assess the state of atmospheric air in areas of the city of Yekaterinburg.
  58. Analysis of drinking water in Yekaterinburg and its impact on health.
  59. Ecological passport of the forest park of Yekaterinburg or cities of the region (specific example).
  60. Dependence of the incidence of ARVI and influenza in schoolchildren on the content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in the diet.
  61. Biotechnical measures for the conservation of Red Book plant species on the territory of a forest park or nature reserve in Yekaterinburg or regional cities (a specific example).
  62. Assessment of the state of the ecosystem of Lake Shartash or rivers and lakes of cities and towns in the region.
  63. The mystery of the water we drink.
  64. The influence of various types of soil cultivation on its agronomic properties.
  65. Study of the ecological state of the Iset River, Patrushikha or rivers and lakes of the region.
  66. Disorders of human eating behavior under the influence of socio-psychological factors.
  67. Socio-psychological environmental factors and their impact on the health of students at the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  68. Determination of the coefficient of aggressiveness of the surrounding video environment in Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
  69. Determination of the ecological characteristics of meadows in the Sverdlovsk region by vegetation cover (specific examples).
  70. The influence of the anthropogenic factor on the meadow ecosystem in the Sverdlovsk region.
  71. Assessment of the impact of aircraft noise in the area adjacent to Koltsovo Airport.
  72. The problem of beer alcoholism among students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  73. Mobile phone: pros and cons (based on the example of students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College).
  74. Determination of noise pollution on the territory of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  75. Nutritional supplements pros and cons.
  76. Category E food additives for human health.
  77. Assessment of the intensity of traffic flow and its impact on the state of atmospheric air in the area of ​​reinforced concrete products or other areas of the city and region.
  78. Dynamics of the abundance and biomass of the earthworm (Limbricus terrestris) in natural and anthropogenic ecosystems (using the example of the suburban area of ​​the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region).
  79. Determination of nitrates in agricultural products.
  80. Dependence of the species and quantitative composition of birds on the degree of recreational load of natural forest parks and parks of the city of Yekaterinburg in winter.
  81. Studying the impact of a highway on environmental safety using the example of a reinforced concrete area or other areas of the city and region.
  82. "The green outfit of my street."
  83. The impact of railway transport on human health (using specific examples).
  84. Study of the illumination of classrooms at the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  85. Ecological potential of the method of photographing wildlife in areas of the city of Yekaterinburg and regional cities.
  86. Ecological potential of the method of drawings of living nature objects in areas of the city of Yekaterinburg and cities in the region.
  87. Conduct a comparative analysis of parks or forest parks in the districts of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region using the method of photographing wildlife objects.
  88. Landscape design of the territory of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  89. Ecology of homeless animals in Yekaterinburg and regional cities.
  90. Study of the ecological state of the springs of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region and the adjacent territory (using a specific example).
  91. Development of springs and surrounding areas in the vicinity of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region (using a specific example).
  92. Monitoring the quality of tap water in the city of Yekaterinburg.
  93. The influence of the degree of environmental pollution on the physiological parameters of some tree species in the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region.
  94. Nitrates in vegetable products (using specific examples).
  95. Peculiarities of perception of environmental risks in conditions of economic crisis.
  96. Studying the problem of pollution of the urban environment by household waste (using the example of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region).
  97. Dependence of bronchial asthma attacks on industrial air pollution in the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region.
  98. My view on the problem of homeless animals in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region and ways to solve it.
  99. Assessment of the state of the visual environment of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region.
  100. The influence of the conditions of urbanized Yekaterinburg on the state of the cardiovascular system of students.
  101. Mental performance and physiological adaptations of students to the vocational training system at the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  102. Vitamin C in the diet of the indigenous and visiting population of Yekaterinburg.
  103. Studying the effect of vehicle emissions on the linear growth of pine trees in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
  104. Study of the ecological environment of a residential premises (using a specific example).
  105. The influence of external factors on seed germination (using the example of flower seeds).
  106. The influence of computer addiction on the performance of students at the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  107. Study of the influence of the visual environment on human health in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
  108. Studying the attitude of college students to smoking and the harmful effects of tobacco products on living organisms (at the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College).
  109. Assessment of the sustainability of trees and shrubs in green spaces in residential areas of the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
  110. Linden as a bioindicator of environmental pollution in Yekaterinburg and regional cities.

Municipal educational institution

"Kuvshinovskaya secondary school No. 2"

Educational and research environmental project

Ecology of school space

Project type: creative, exploratory

Project hypothesis : conducting environmental monitoring, analyzing their results, environmental educationof all participants in the educational process will help maintain their health and improve learning conditions.

Objective of the project: maintaining the health of students, creating favorable learning conditions.



expand and deepen students’ knowledge about the role of nature in human life;

introduce students to the diversity, living conditions of indoor plants, their importance for human health.


develop the ability to analyze, reason, prove your opinion;


ensure the relationship between the educational and educational processes;

cultivate a caring attitude towards indoor plants, a sense of belonging, and personal responsibility for what is happening around.

develop research skills, the ability to work with various types of information sources;

develop the ability to analyze, select, and classify the information received;

develop the ability to creatively apply acquired knowledge

Predicted results:

The student will know:

names of indoor plants and living conditions of these plants in their homeland;

rules for caring for indoor plants;

the effects of natural factors (light, heat, moisture, soil composition) on the life of indoor plants;

The student will be able to:

work with additional literature;

observe and care for indoor plants;

work in a group;

document the results of your activities according to the plan.

The student will cultivate in himself:





Formulation of the problem :

Insufficient or improper landscaping in school classrooms contributes to the creation of unfavorable learning conditions.

Design :

formation of groups, distribution of tasks, definition of tasks.

Search for information:

studying reference, popular science literature, conducting


Intermediate product: consultations, preparation of presentations, preparation of speeches.

Project presentation.

School ecology - this is an activity in the space of school life, consistent with human nature.

School is the place where children spend most of their time, and therefore it must meet certain requirements. If we talk about the ecology of the school, the main requirement here is maintaining health.

What benefits do indoor plants bring, and are they just benefits, or do they bloom within the walls of our school solely for beauty?

Taking into account the trend of a sharp decline in population, the problem of creating and maintaining a healthy society is being raised. This increases the responsibility of the education system not only for the spiritual, but also for the physical development of the new generation, strengthening the health of students, and introducing them to the value of a healthy lifestyle. The state of health of children, adolescents and young people causes reasonable concern for the entire society as a whole. In this regard, such an area of ​​work as health protection and the introduction of health-saving teaching technologies becomes the most important for the school and all participants in the educational process.

Houseplants came to us from distant countries. By decorating our interior, they invite us to break out of the routine whirlwind. The most amazing of them take us on journeys, making us forget about banal everyday life.

When choosing “green friends,” we focus on our own aesthetic taste and listen to the advice of family and friends. As a rule, everything is limited to this, but in vain, because plants have a number of wonderful properties, the existence of which we do not even suspect! Having settled in our house, “green tenants” contribute tosound absorption, humidify the air, saturate it with oxygen and cleanse it of harmful impurities. Special nutrients released by plants increase performance, normalize sleep, and increase a person’s adaptive abilities

“Green friends” bring harmony and tranquility into our lives; next to them we feel a surge of energy and at the same time relax. When choosing plants, many of us do not think about the effect they will have on our health, both physical and psychological. Plants affect us with their aroma, the color of leaves and flowers, and the shape of the crown.

Indoor plants are an essential component of a school classroom. They decorate the room and create comfort. Plants perform various functions, have an aesthetic and psychological effect, and improve the air environment. In recent years, another important function of plants has become increasingly clear - cleaning the environment from various pollutants. Like a filter, they clean the air from dust and harmful gases.

Plants with phytoncidal properties: increase the amount of oxygen, increase the content of negative light ions. They have a positive effect on respiratory processes, reduce blood pressure, increase muscle strength and endurance: tachycardia and arrhythmia decrease; serve as a means of prevention for dystonia and hypertension. - Reduces the number of microorganisms in the air by 70-80%.

Conifers - cryptomeria, cypress, Olsander cypress, laurel, fortuneella, prickly pear cactus. Citrus cactus - prickly pear - reduces the number of mold fungi by 6-7 times, has healing properties (heals wounds). Euphorbia, citruses. Microbes (staphylococcus) are dealt with by Cissus Hibiscus, Cissus, Ficus, Akalifa, Aglaonema. For a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to place one plant specimen per 1 m3 of room.

Plants that can relieve stress. If possible, it would be a good idea to set up a relaxation room at school. It is best to plant in it: pelargonium, oregano, myrtle, lemon balm, fragrant geranium (take into account the tendency to an allergic reaction). Plants purify the air not only from bacteria, but also from dust. More than 300 species have these properties. In addition, another 160 species are intended for open ground. These are mainly coniferous plant species. In addition to dust retention, some of them are also capable of absorbing sound; it is useful to plant them in schoolyards located near roads, and this is important due to the increasing number of vehicles. The air environment contains toxins emanating from synthetic materials used in finishing work.

As part of the program of continuous environmental education and upbringing, it is possible to carry out an independent project to study the species composition of indoor plants in the school. This work is accessible and interesting to students.

The goal of the project is to determine the name of each plant, its family, and homeland from reference books; study of the ecological and medicinal functions of plants; landscaping of school classrooms.

The project is intended for students in grades 5-9. Depending on the age of the students, the “Indoor Plants at School” project can be divided into several stages, each of which includes both theoretical and practical parts.

5-6 grades

- Studying the species composition of indoor plants in school classrooms.

- School gardening club.

- Messages in biology lessons.

7th grade

- Creating a map “Map of the world on the windowsills of a school (classroom).”

-"Travelling with Houseplants."

8-9 grades

- Study of the ecological and medicinal functions of plants.

- Landscaping of school classrooms taking into account air and thermal conditions.

- Speech at an environmental scientific and practical conference.

The work to determine the species composition of plants was divided into two stages.

At the first stage ( 5th grade ) students identify and describe plants in the basic classroom. For these purposes, special reference literature is used. The most successful in this regard is Hessayon’s reference book “Everything about indoor plants” (M.: Kladez, 1996).

At the second stage ( 6th grade ), working in groups, students identify and describe the species composition of indoor plants in school classrooms. It should be noted that working in groups, where students complete tasks together, helps improve communication skills, better assimilation of knowledge and the intellectual development of children.

Data on the species composition of plants is placed in the classroom corner or on a separate stand. In addition, a plate is placed in the container with plants, indicating the name, species, and homeland of the plant. You can also hold a meeting of school gardeners, at which you can give recommendations on working with reference books, indicate which plants, depending on window exposures, are advisable to grow in a particular office. Also important is the connection between students’ experimental activities and the educational process, which is established through natural science subjects. For example, in a 6th grade biology course, students study the morphology of plants, and the knowledge about plants acquired in the process of working on a project not only serves as a good addition, but can also be applied in a geography course, in particular, when studying continents. Based on knowledge about the species composition of indoor plants, the school creates a map of the world's vegetation, which indicates the homeland of each plant.

In this case, it is carried outanticipatory education. To prepare such a lesson, the children study a fairly large amount of literature, both reference and scientific, suggested by the teacher or found on their own. Such lessons are undoubtedly more interesting both for the children preparing the material and for the entire class as a whole.

While working on a vegetation map, students learn that the homeland of most of the school’s indoor plants is the rainforests of America and Africa, since the humidity and temperature conditions in the school’s classrooms are quite consistent with the natural conditions of this natural zone (monitoring of the ecological state of the school’s classrooms is carried out under the guidance of a chemistry teacher). It becomes obvious to students that in central Russia at the latitude of Moscow, these plants require certain maintenance conditions. This applies to moderate watering in winter and abundant watering in summer, shading of plants in the hot season and lighting in the cold, “wintering” for cacti, etc. The results of the work can be presented in the form of mini abstracts or shown on a stand in the classroom.

The final stage of the second stage The project is a presentation of the results of research and practical work. For students in grades 5-7, it is better to do this in the form of a “Travel with Houseplants” holiday. Student presenters, using a map of the world's vegetation, talk about the living conditions of plants found at school.

For students in grades 8-9, the study of the ecological and medicinal functions of plants is of particular interest. From reference and popular science literature we learned that at school there are plants that determine the sanitary state of the air in the classrooms, i.e. acting as bioindicators. These include tradescantia, begonia, asparagus, and violet. In addition, the rooms have detoxifying plants that can neutralize toxic substances contained in the air. These are chlorophytum fasciculata, common myrtle, fern, geranium, Chinese hibiscus, coleus, royal begonia, dracaena, ivy, dieffenbachia, succulent cacti.

As part of the school's gardening program, students selected plants for each classroom based on environmental factors.

In addition, we carried out work to identify plants that have medicinal properties. At school, such plants include: agave, aloe, aspidistra, aucuba, hibiscus, zephyranthes, kalanchoe, saxifrage, passionflower, pelargonium, ivy, sanseviera, thuja, fatsia, ficus. We compiled the results in the form of a catalog “Medicinal Plants at School”, indicating the species composition, the use of plants in their homeland, and pharmacological properties. For each plant of the doctor, an annotation of the medicinal effect and methods of use have been compiled.

results Students presented their project work at a school scientific and practical conference, which was attended by representatives of all classes of middle and high school. Thus, the achievements of individual groups of schoolchildren become known to almost the entire school and can be in demand by everyone.

The most interesting works were presented at the environmental scientific and practical conference.

I have an idea creating a cabinet of indoor plants. The idea to create it came about because the school collected a large number of indoor plants.

Houseplants are used in lessons and in extracurricular activities as demonstration and handout material, when making observations and performing simple experiments. Living objects must be unpretentious in maintenance and care. Sanitary and hygienic requirements, lighting standards, and safety regulations must be observed. Plants that do not cause allergic reactions are selected.

When selecting plants in the office, it is possible to take into account their use in lessons and extracurricular activities, taking into account their role in the design of the office. Plants are placed on racks, mounted in walls or on stands. Two or three large plants create a unique interior.

Working in project mode becomes the source of creating the necessary equipment for the office. It is necessary to highlight those tasks in which schoolchildren can take part. Creative in its essence, including research, search, problem situations, project activities fill the life of each office with interesting things.

Analyzing the available resources and capabilities of children, we gave preference to the following types of project activities:




Research The project requires a certain algorithm of work:

Identification and formulation of the problem;
- formulation of a hypothesis;
- setting goals and objectives;
- action planning;
- data collection, analysis and synthesis, comparison with known information;
- preparation and writing of the project, its effectiveness;
- defense, presentation of the project.

Applied From the very beginning, the project clearly indicates the result of the activities of its participants.

Informational The project is aimed at analyzing and summarizing any information for a wide audience.

“Ecology and phytodesign of the school classroom”

Target: get acquainted with the laws of arranging indoor plants, with the profession of florist and decorator.


1.Study the species composition of indoor plants in the office

2. Establish which indoor plants are most popular in landscaping school premises

3.What requirements are taken into account when growing plants at school?




Practical work

Expected results: acquisition of knowledge, flowers in the school office

We decided to equip our school office and do phytodesign of the office:

Landscape it so that it is aesthetically pleasing and comfortable for work; and the conditions for maintaining the plants were met.

Using the literature on indoor floriculture, we have established that plants belonging to 5 groups are used in indoor landscaping:

1 group - decorative deciduous (palms, ferns, dracaena)

Group 2 - beautifully flowering (begonias, cacti, roses)

Group 3 - hanging (chlorophytum, tradescantia)

Group 4 - climbing or clinging (ivy, monstera, asparagus)

Group 5 - bulbous or tuberous (cyclomen, gloxinia)

In schools, it is best to grow simple, undemanding plants (tradescantia, chlorophytum), which bloom easily and abundantly, and which can be cared for by children. Plants that cause irritation to the skin and mucous membranes or have brightly colored fruits are completely excluded.

To make people's lives more beautiful and cleaner, we use plants. But you also need to take care of the flowers. Before breeding plants, you need to know the basic requirements of each of them for




Plants need light for normal development. According to light requirements, all plants can be divided into three groups:

Group 1 - light-loving

Group 2 - shade-loving

Group 3 - shade-tolerant

The air temperature in the room is of no small importance for the development of plants, especially in winter.

Sufficient moisture is necessary for normal plant development.

In addition, in offices it is necessary to increase the number of medicinal indoor plants, such as aloe and Kalanchoe. These plants enhance immunity and have bactericidal properties. The most popular plant in school is chlorophytum. It is said about him: the worse the air is for us, the better for him. For landscaping, we recommend light-loving and shade-tolerant plants.

When composing compositions, it is necessary to take into account the following rules and methods of plant placement. There are several basic techniques for placing indoor plants indoors.

1.A free-standing plant can be evergreen or flowering.

A successfully composed composition of several plants pleases the eye and turns the room into an oasis, where beauty and comfort reign, where the harmony of nature and man reigns.

2. Climbing plants suspended in a specially made flower pot are very effective in the interior.

3. Small gardens on rocks are very beautiful

4. Groups of plants planted together are very effective.

Flowers ennoble our lives, caress the eye, give people joy, soften morals, bring peace and relaxation. Giving flowers means expressing feelings of love, respect, affection, respect. (See presentation).

Additional information on career guidance.

Creating green interiors is a special area of ​​architecture that requires versatile knowledge and great artistic taste. Therefore, a florist-decorator works to create the most complex modern projects.

The florist-decorator is an indispensable consultant who will give advice on indoor floriculture in various rooms, in a large and small apartment, in a study room, in a large hall, in recreation. At the same time, he will take into account the influence of plants on human health. In addition, he can make a bouquet or flower arrangement. People of this profession know how to make bouquets not only of fresh flowers, but also of dried or artificial ones. Flower growers work in greenhouses, greenhouses, nurseries and in open ground, in experimental plots, in parks and squares. Flower growers and decorators reveal the beauty of nature to people. Florists implement landscaping projects. They participate in the planning of green spaces, make ridges, loosen the soil, and apply fertilizers. To maintain a clear pattern of flower beds and lawns, they are trimmed, thinned, faded inflorescences are cut off, and fragile plants are tied to stakes. It is better for people who love nature and have good aesthetic taste to choose this profession. Aesthetically designed parks, squares, sidewalks are pleasing to the eye and create a festive mood in people. In addition, green spaces play a hygienic and protective role, delay the spread of dust, soften noise, and help restore the normal composition of the surrounding air.

Nature is rich in amazing colors. We will definitely meet them at our school.

    Information sheet.

1. Topic of the presented work.

“Organization of research work for elementary school students. Project "Green World".

    Justification of the relevance of the problem.

Currently, environmental education in primary schools is becoming an increasingly priority area in pedagogical theory and practice. This is due to the difficult environmental situation on earth.

Pictures of nature are the strongest aesthetic means of influencing a child’s soul, and its importance cannot be overestimated.

Fostering an ecological culture is one of the main directions of the overall education strategy.

Creative teaching methods should play a leading role. In the arsenal of innovative pedagogical tools and methods, research creative activity occupies a special place. Having studied the materials on this topic, I came to the conclusion that the methodology is aimed more at high school students whose subject interests have already been formed. And the elementary school still remained a little on the sidelines, but it is in the elementary school that the foundation of the skills, knowledge and skills of active, creative, independent activity of students, methods of analysis, synthesis and evaluation of the results of their activities should be laid, and research work is one of the most important ways in solving this problem.

The specificity of research work in primary school lies in the systematic guiding, stimulating and corrective role of the teacher. The main thing for a teacher is to captivate and “infect” children, show them the significance of their activities and instill confidence in their abilities, as well as attract parents to participate in their child’s school affairs. This work becomes an interesting and exciting activity for many parents. Together with the children, they take photographs, carry out simple research to observe the growing of plants, weather phenomena, help select information for the theoretical substantiation of projects, and help the child prepare a defense of his work. The work turns out to be very interesting, because it is a common interest and joint work of the child and parents.

Research activities force and teach children to work with a book, newspaper, magazine, which is very important in our time, because from my own experience and based on the opinions of colleagues, I know that children, at best, only read textbooks. The child, feeling his importance, tries to help the teacher and gets involved in research work.

    Theoretical basis of experience.

Target: through the development of environmental literacy, teach children an environmentally appropriate way of life, promote the accumulation of environmental knowledge, their acquisition of skills and abilities to communicate with nature, and the expansion of individual ecological space.



    formation of knowledge about the unity of living and inanimate nature, the patterns of natural phenomena, the interaction of nature, society and humans;

    formation of research skills.


    development of environmental literacy of students;

    development of basic thinking processes (analysis, synthesis, comparison);

    development of creative imagination and cognitive abilities of children;

    developing the ability to establish cause-and-effect, probabilistic relationships, and analyze the consequences of environmental situations.


    formation of a high level of environmental culture among students;

    cultivate personal responsibility for one’s own actions and for what is happening around them;

    formation of a culture of behavior in nature;

    foster respect for the environment;

    instill a love for nature and a desire to take care of it;

    to cultivate the need to rationally treat the components of living and inanimate nature.

    Project implementation blocks:

    Informative: lessons, quizzes, competitions, etc. (perspective plan, work program).

    Practical: planting seeds, caring for plants (photo, presentation) Appendix 1. Appendix 2.

    Consulting: working with parents (topics of conversation).

    Analytical: analysis of the results obtained, correction of work (diagnostics, analytical reports).

    Technological diagram of the project.

    Informative (during a year):

Long-term plan for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Section name

Introduction to


1.Introductory lesson. Why do we often hear the word “Ecology”?

Conversation “Ecological situation in the city”

Game "Why"

2. A fun trip into nature

Excursion to the river bank Garbage removal.

3.Practical class. Creative workshop

Making crafts from natural materials.

4.Me and the world around

Conversation. Drawing competition “Me and Nature”

5. Our planet.

Conversation. Reading symbols on a map or globe. Presentation "Planet Earth"

6. Nature and art

Getting to know the work of artists and musicians

7. Man’s relationship to nature

A conversation about the rules of behavior in nature, the meaning of nature for humans. Campaign “Keep the city clean!”

8.Environmental safety.

Conversation about natural disasters. Drawing competition “Fire and Nature”

Silent neighbors

1. Observations of pets. Who lives in our house?

Conversation about pets. Drawing competition “Our little brothers.”

2 Dog breeds.

Getting to know different breeds of dogs. Collection of illustrations. Working with encyclopedic literature.

3. Cat breeds.

Getting to know different cat breeds. Educational and entertainment program “Visiting Aunt Cat.” Collection of illustrations. Working with encyclopedic literature.

4. What do pets eat?

Conversation “What Do Pets Eat?” Children's stories based on observations.

5. How to care for your pet?

Description story “My favorite”

Feathered friends

1. Walk to the park “We are friends of birds.”

Bird watching.

What are the trees whispering about?

2.Migratory birds.

Conversation “Why do birds fly away?” Ecological game “Find wintering birds”

3. Environmental campaign “Let's help the birds!”

Making feeders. Opening of the poultry canteen “Bread Crumbs”

4.Walk to the park.

"Operation Feed"

5.A literary word about birds

Learning poems and riddles about birds.

6. Holiday “Birds are our friends”

The holiday is held as part of the week of natural history.

1. Floors of the forest.

Conversation. Getting to know different types of plants.

2. Excursion “Let’s go along the path into the forest”

Tree watching

2. Seasonal changes in plants.

A conversation based on observations about autumn, winter, spring changes in nature. Quiz “Plant Experts” Solving crosswords, puzzles.

3.We are artists.

Drawing a tree in different seasons

4. Mysteries of the forest

Quiz about the forest.

Mysteries of the animal world

1. Excursion to the museum

Observations "Appearance of animals"

2. Excursion to the exhibition of exotic animals

Observations of the behavior of animals living in warm countries.

3. Curious facts about wildlife

Interesting information about the life of ants.

4.Nature is our common home

Conversation. Didactic game “The city in which I would like to live”

Secrets of inanimate nature


Conversation, riddles, proverbs, sayings about the seasons. Working with literature. Search for proverbs, riddles about the seasons. Design of a baby book “Each month has its own rules. Signs"

2. A cycle of observations of water, snow, ice. How to deal with ice.

Conversation. Conducting experiments with ice, snow, water. Environmental campaign "Ice"

Greenhouse on the window

1. Excursion to the school biology and botany classroom

Introduction to types of indoor plants. Plant care.

2. Lovers of light and shadow, moisture and warmth.

Conversation. Solving a crossword puzzle about house flowers. Practical work.

3. Vegetable garden on the window

Conversation. Introduction to healing plants. Practical work.

4. Research work “The influence of light, heat and water on the growth and development of vegetables”

Consultation. Selection of literature. Planting onions, dill, lettuce in the classroom. Caring for them.

Man is part of living nature

1. Different people are needed, all kinds of people are important.

Getting to know people's professions.

2. Growing onions at home.

3. Research work “The influence of storage conditions on the growth and development of onions”

Familiarity with the conditions of the study. Rules for formatting your research.

4. Man! Be nature's friend!

Brain ring. Learning poems, riddles, songs about nature. Exhibition of mini-posters about nature conservation.

5. Bad habits.

Selection of material and design of newspapers as part of the week of natural history.”

Protection of Nature.

1. Issue of thematic newspapers “Medicinal Plants”, “Migratory Birds”, “Butterflies”

Conversation, acquaintance with the Red Book. Plants and animals of our region listed in the Red Book. Excursion to the local history museum.

2. The Red Book is an important book. Protected animals and plants of our region.

Exhibition of drawings, posters, crafts.

Leisure activities

1. Campaign “World Bird Watching Days”

Quiz with environmental tasks.

2. Dedication to environmentalism.

Quiz with environmental tasks

3. “Winter Walk”

Game-travel through the stations “Visiting Fidgety”, “Eternal Forest”, “Snow ABC”, “Working in Winter”

4. Game “Think, answer”

Entertaining questions, riddles with collective and individual answers, composing your own riddle.

5. “Be healthy!”

Game-travel around the city of Zdoroveysk.

KVN “Bird Experts!” Exhibition of crafts made from plasticine and waste materials.

8. Festival of Friends of Nature

Poems, songs, riddles about nature. Exhibition of essays, drawings, and crafts made from natural materials.

9. Environmental project “I was born a gardener”

Planting flower seedlings in the school yard.

    Consulting ( 1 time per quarter):

    introducing parents to the project.

    diagnostic results, work prospects;

    first results, first successes;

    summing up the project, practical lesson “I was born a gardener.”

    Analytical (as the project progresses):



Tracking method

Create conditions for the development of the need to communicate with nature

Ability to observe the growth of plants, trees, shrubs, and care for indoor plants;

Ability to care for domestic animals;

Ideas about periods of environmental deterioration in real life.


Work assignments


Formation of a caring attitude towards the riches of nature

Knowledge of careful care of plants, trees, shrubs;

Practical lessons


Development of skills for environmentally correct behavior in nature

Knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature;


Development of reminders

Development of cognitive interests and creative abilities of pupils, their curiosity and inquisitiveness, introduction to reading additional literature

Manifestation of cognitive activity, curiosity, inquisitiveness;

Ideas about the surrounding nature;

The ability to evaluate the result of a person’s creative activity;

Ability to conduct research and conduct experiments Participation in research work

Practical lessons

Individual orders

Free activities for children

Formed need to care for indoor plants and pets, to help plants and animals in trouble.

Responsible attitude towards plants and pets

Ability to care for nature and its preservation;

The ability to create the conditions necessary for

plant life (light, heat, moisture)

Responsibility for your actions

Practical lessons

Y. Productivity. Diagnostic results confirming the effectiveness of the innovation.

    Attitude to work.

    Strong-willed quality

    Attitude towards yourself

Yiii.Project implementation stages.

Stage name

Stage tasks



    Planning activities and defining goals and objectives;

    Study of environmental and pedagogical literature;

    Drawing up a plan - a program of experimental work;

    Planning the stages of activities to create environmental work in the classroom;

    Preparation and carrying out primary diagnostics of the level of development of the studied parameters.

Aug. Sept

2. Main

    Ecological and pedagogical consultation with specialists;

    Determining the optimal arrangement of plants in the room, collecting the necessary material for organizing a “Vegetable Garden on the Window” (pots, soil, tools, etc.);

    Ecological and pedagogical work with parents of students;

    Transplanting parsley from beds;

    Making crafts from vegetables;

    Fair of vegetables grown in the garden;

    Making garlic amulets to prevent colds;

    Planting a bow on a feather;

    Sowing dill;

    Sowing lettuce.


    "Green Pharmacy" on the window;

    Planting hyacinth bulbs for a gift for mom;

    City literary competition “Hallowed be thy name”

    Replanting indoor plants (separate the “babies”, divide the overgrown rhizomes into parts);

    Sowing flower seeds: marigolds, asters, marigolds for growing seedlings;

    Conducting lessons, extracurricular activities, competitions on the topic of the project;

    baby books on the topic “Who are cats?”

    newspaper “If you want to be healthy”, “Health Diary”

    research on the topics “Where does garbage come from and where does it go”, “What does correct posture depend on”, “Vitamins”, “Heroes of my people”

    Carrying out a second diagnosis in order to obtain intermediate results and adjust further activities.


    Campaign “I was born a gardener”

    Planting seedlings in the ground;

    Conducting final diagnostics;

    Comparative analysis of the results obtained, summing up the project.

May June

    Planned results.

Pupils should know:

    Fundamentals of ecological culture.

    Some features of the nature of your region.

    The main signs of the seasons.

    The meaning of nature for humans.

    Groups of plants and animals.

    Some protected plants and animals of their region, country.

    Rules of behavior in nature.

    Peculiarities of work of people of the most common professions .

Pupils must be able to:

    Distinguish between natural objects and non-natural objects.

    Follow the rules of personal hygiene.

    Distinguish between studied plants and animals.

    Conduct observations in nature under the guidance of the circle leader.

    Feed birds in simple feeders.

    Take care of indoor plants and pets.

    Conduct search and research activities under the guidance of the circle leader.


    Use of ICT(information and communication technologies) during the implementation of the project.

Name of ICT


Searching for material for conducting classes; acquaintance with methodological innovations; obtaining information about ongoing events; exchange of articles and other information.


Internet use; preparation of documentation, visual information in the group, printing of articles and speeches; preparation of presentations.

XIY. Informational resources:

For the teacher:

    Britvina L. Yu. Method of creative projects in technology lessons // Primary school. No. 6. – 2005.-P.44.

    M.V. Dubova Organization of project activities for junior schoolchildren. A practical guide for primary school teachers. - M. BALLAS, 2008

    Magazine "Primary School Head Teacher" 2005-2010

    Mikhailova G.N. Method of project-based learning in labor lessons. // Primary school. No. 4.- 2005.-C 68.

    Novolodskaya E. G., Yakovleva S. N. Implementation of creative projects in the study of natural history // Primary school of student learning motivation // Primary school. No. 9.- 2008 – P.34.. No. 1. -2008.-S. 94.

    Savenkov A.I. Methods of research teaching for junior schoolchildren. Publishing house "Educational Literature", house "Fedorov", 2008.

    Savenkov A.I. I am a researcher. Workbook for primary schoolchildren. Publishing house "Fedorov". 2008

    Tsyvareva M.A. Project method in extracurricular work in mathematics // Elementary school. No. 7.- 2004. – P. 45.

    Shlikene T. N. Project method as one of the conditions for increasing

For pupils:

    Bruce Jim, Angela Wilkes, Claire Llewelyn “100 questions and answers” ​​Animals.-M.: JSC “Rosman”, 2006.

    Great encyclopedia of the animal world. M.: ZAO “ROSMAN-PRESS”, 2007.

    Everything about everything. Insects and spiders. – M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC: AST Publishing House LLC, 2001.

    I explore the world: Children's encyclopedia: Plants./Compiled by L.A. Bagrova-M.: Tko “AST”, 2005.

    I explore the world: Children's encyclopedia: Animals. / Compiled by P.R. Lyakhov - M.: Tko “AST”, 2009

    Nomination “Teaching and educational process in primary school”

    RelevanceThe project is that the problem of environmental education of schoolchildren is not far-fetched; its solution should become one of the priorities of today's pedagogical reality. The earlier work on environmental education of students begins, the greater its pedagogical effectiveness will be. Proper environmental education will help prevent many of humanity's environmental problems in the future.

    Problem: low level of awareness of primary school children and their parents about environmental problems occurring in the world and the formation of their system of scientific and practical knowledge, value orientations, behavior and activities that ensure a responsible attitude towards the environment.

    Target: to increase the level of knowledge of primary school students about the laws of living and inanimate nature, understanding the essence of the relationship between living organisms and the environment and to form in children a responsible and caring attitude towards the world around them as a whole.


    1. Conduct a survey among students and their parents to determine the level of awareness about environmental problems occurring in the world.
    2. Select subject areas, topics and types of activities.
    3. Develop thematic planning in different subject areas, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children of primary school age.
    4. Monitor the implementation of this project.
    5. Summarize the results of the project implementation.

    Methods: surveys, gaming workshops, conversations, lectures, communication training, etc.

    Forms: individual, group and mass.

    Individual The work is closely related to introducing younger schoolchildren to reading and discussing books and articles in magazines about nature conservation. The individual form also involves student activities in preparing reports, conversations, lectures, observing animals and plants, making crafts, photographing, drawing, and modeling.

    Group Extracurricular activities are most successful in clubs. They are attended by schoolchildren who show the greatest interest in studying the relationships between humans and living nature. These are club and sectional classes for young friends of nature, film lectures, excursions, hiking trips to study nature, and an environmental workshop.

    In the formation of the ecological culture of junior schoolchildren, they play a huge role massive extracurricular activities: holidays, matinees, role-playing games on environmental topics, student work on improvement and landscaping of school premises and grounds, mass environmental campaigns, conferences, environmental festivals.

    Facilities: teaching aids, games, sets of tasks, presentations, educational films, etc.

    Project stages:

    Stage 1 - preparatory: setting goals and objectives, defining the range of problems (questioning), preliminary work with children and their parents, choosing equipment and materials.

    Stage 2 - formative: practical activities to develop a high level of awareness among elementary school students about the laws of living and inanimate nature, understanding the essence of the relationship between living organisms and the environment, and a responsible and careful attitude towards nature in general.

    Stage 3 - generalizing: summing up general results, analyzing the results, discussing them with the involvement of the public.

    Expected results. The implementation of the project of work on environmental education and education of primary school students will allow in the future:

    • create conditions for the effective formation in students and their parents of a culture of cognitive activity to master the experience of mankind in relation to nature as a source of material values ​​and the basis of environmental living conditions, a culture of spiritual communication with nature, a culture of work that is formed in the process of activity;
    • achieve positive results with the participation of children in various environmental activities;
    • to intensify the system of work with parents and the public to develop in children a responsible attitude towards nature in general.

    Appendix 1. Environmental project.

    Appendix 2. Project presentation.

    Primary school teachers of MBOU Secondary School No. 3, Alatyr, Republic of Chuvashia: Elena Petrovna Mikhailova, 1st category, 17 years of experience, Natalya Viktorovna Samoilova, 1st category, 16 years of experience, Natalya Viktorovna Ivanova, 1st category, 16 years old, Natalya Viktorovna Seliverstova, 1st category, 24 years of experience, Svetlana Valerievna Andoskina, 1st category, 15 years of experience, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Mashchits, 41 years of experience, Olga Evgenievna Shchitova, 2nd category, 14 years of experience, Olga Alekseevna Parfenova, 17 years of experience.