Louise Hay biography personal life children. The Real Causes of Illness: Why Children Get Sick

  • 15.12.2018

For example, according to Louise Hay the cause of eczema is "irreconcilable antagonism and mental breakdowns", and the cause of eye diseases is the inability and unwillingness to clearly see and recognize the past, present or future. There are even interpretations in this table, such as an explanation of the cause of unpleasant body odor, which are fear of others and self-loathing. If you want to find out the reasons for other physical ailments, you will find table from Louise's book on the YagyaLife website: Table of causes of diseases according to the books of Louise Hay.

Often people who already know about the "internal" causes of diseases and have even been cured of some of them in this way come to the question of children. What are the causes of diseases in children who were born not so long ago and already have a disease? After all, they have not yet life experience and they, therefore, should not have similar reasons for getting sick?

I raised this topic 5 years ago in this blog, in an article, and since then this question has become of interest great amount people.

Doctor Valery Sinelnikov in his book "Love your disease" writes:

Half of my patients are children. If the child is already an adult, then I work directly with him. And I am always pleased to see how the parents themselves change with the child's recovery. It is easier and more interesting to work with children. Their thinking is still free - not clogged with small everyday worries and various prohibitions. They are very receptive and believe in miracles. If the child is still very young, then I work with parents. Parents begin to change - the child recovers.

It has long been established that parents and children at the information-energetic, field level are a single whole.
Adults often ask me: “Doctor, but how can a child know about our relationship if we hide it from him? We do not swear or quarrel in his presence. "

The child does not need to see and hear his parents. His subconscious contains full information about their parents, about their feelings and thoughts. He just knows everything about them. Only he cannot express his feelings in words. Therefore, he is sick or behaves strangely if his parents have any problems.

Many have heard this expression: "Children are responsible for the sins of their parents." And so it is. All diseases of children are a reflection of the behavior and thoughts of their parents. This is very important to understand. Parents can help their child recover by changing their thoughts and beliefs and their behavior. I immediately explain to my parents
that it is not their fault that the child is sick. I wrote that the disease in general should be treated as a signal. And to the child's illness - as a signal for the whole family.

Children are the future of their parents and a reflection of their relationship. By the reaction of children, one can judge whether we, adults, are doing everything right. The child is ill - this is a signal to the parents. Something is wrong in their relationship. It's time to figure it out and to achieve by joint efforts peace and harmony in the family. A child's illness is a signal to the father and mother for self-change! What do adults do when their child gets sick? Do they perceive the child's illness as a signal for themselves? Not at all. Parents feed the child with pills, suppressing this signal. Such a blind attitude to the child's illness aggravates the situation, since the illness does not disappear anywhere, but continues to destroy the child's subtle field structures.

Children choose their own parents. But parents also choose their children. The Universe selects the appropriate parents for a particular child who are best suited for him.
The child reflects the father and mother. It contains and develops masculine and feminine The universe. The child's subconscious contains the thoughts, emotions and feelings of the parents. Father personifies masculinity The universe, and the mother is feminine. If these thoughts are aggressive and destructive, then the child cannot connect them together, and he does not know how. So he declares himself either by strange behavior, or by illness. And therefore, health depends on how parents relate to each other, to themselves and the world around them. personal life their children.

Let me give you an example. A very young child gets epilepsy. Attacks are very common. Medicine in such cases is simply powerless. Medicines only make the condition worse. Parents turn to traditional healers, to grandmothers. This has a temporary effect.

The father came to the first session with the child.
“You are a very jealous person,” I explain to my father. - And jealousy carries a huge charge of subconscious aggression. When your relationship with a woman was threatened with collapse, you did not accept this situation as created by God and you, did not try to change something in yourself, but experienced colossal aggression. As a result, your son from his first marriage became a drug addict, and this child from his second marriage suffers from epileptic seizures. A child's illness blocks the subconscious program of destroying women and oneself.
- What to do? - asks the father of the child.
- A child can be cured only by one thing - your getting rid of jealousy.
- But how? The man asks.
- You can only do this if you learn to love. Love yourself, your wife, your children. Jealousy is not love. This is a sign of self-doubt. See your wife as your reflection, not your property. Review your whole life, those situations when you were jealous and hated, when you were offended by women and when you questioned your masculinity. Ask God for forgiveness for your aggression in these situations and thank him for all the women who have been in your life, no matter how they act. And yet - this is very important - ask God to teach you, your son and all your descendants who will be in the future, love.

Here's another example. A girl was brought to my appointment, who suddenly, six months ago, became depressed. Staying in a mental hospital only worsened the condition.
I talked with her father for a long time. Managed to find the cause of the disease in him. In his subconscious there was a powerful program for the destruction of the surrounding world. This manifested itself in frequent grievances, anger and hatred towards life, towards one's own destiny, towards people. He passed this program on to his child. While the girl was in school, she felt relatively well. But after graduation, this subconscious program began to work in full force and was realized by the unwillingness to live.

When there is noise in the house, parents or loved ones quarrel, the child often reacts to it with ear inflammation or bronchopulmonary diseases, thus expressing his feelings and signaling his parents with his illness: “Pay attention to me! Silence, peace, tranquility and harmony in the family are important for me. " But do adults always understand this?

Often negative programs in the subconsciousness of children are laid already during pregnancy. I always ask parents about this period and even about what happened in their relationship the year before pregnancy.

- At the beginning of pregnancy, you thought about having an abortion, - I say to the woman who came to the appointment with baby... The child has recently started diathesis.
“Yes, it’s so,” the woman replies. - I thought that pregnancy was untimely, but my husband and my husband's parents convinced me that it was necessary to give birth to a child.
- You gave birth to a child, but in the subconscious there was a trace of the program of his destruction. Unwillingness to give birth is a direct threat to the child's life. He reacted with illness.
- What should I do now? Is there any way you can help him? Doctors say there is a cure for this disease
no, only diet.
- There are medications. I will give you homeopathic remedies. First there will be an aggravation, and then the child's skin will clear. But the most important thing is that you need to "cleanse" yourself. For forty days, pray and ask God for forgiveness for thinking about an abortion, for not being able to create a space of love for your child. This will help you neutralize the program to destroy it. In addition, you will express love for yourself, your husband, and your child every day.

And yet, remember that any claims to the husband or resentment against him, any conflict in the family will immediately affect the health of the child. Create a space of love in your family. This will be good for everyone.

The state of thoughts and emotions of a pregnant woman is very important for the health of the unborn child. Thoughts about the untimely pregnancy, fears of giving birth, jealousy, resentment against the husband, conflict with parents - all this is transmitted to the child and turns into a program of self-destruction in his subconscious mind. Such a child is born with a weakened immune system and begins to suffer from infectious diseases almost immediately, in the hospital. And the doctors have nothing to do with it. The reason lies in both the child and the parents. It is important to realize the reasons and purify through repentance. Diathesis, allergies, enteritis, staphylococcal infections are all the result of negative thoughts from the father and mother during or after pregnancy.

When children have all sorts of fears, the reason must be sought again in the behavior of the parents.
Once I was called to my house with a request to cure the children of their fears. Later it turned out that the mother herself suffers from fears - she is afraid to move far from home, and the father uses drugs. So who should be treated?

Or another example with fears. The woman brought me a very little girl. The child recently developed fears of being alone in his room and a fear of the dark. My mother and I began to find out the subconscious reasons. It turned out that the family had a very tense relationship, and the woman was thinking about divorce. But what does divorce mean for a girl? This is the loss of a father. And the father personifies support, protection. The mother only had negative thoughts, and the child immediately reacted to this with his fears, demonstrating to his parents that he did not feel safe.
As soon as the woman gave up thoughts of divorce and began to act in the direction of strengthening the family, the girl's fears disappeared.

The dependence of the behavior of children on the behavior of their parents is well traced in the treatment of alcoholism. Parents often come to me and ask me to help them, already adults, alcoholic children. The children themselves do not want to be treated, and I start working with their parents. We identify those subconscious programs of parental behavior that reflect the child's alcoholism, neutralize them, and amazing (but actually logical) things happen - the son or daughter stops drinking alcohol.

In this chapter and in previous chapters, I have given many examples of childhood illnesses. You can do this indefinitely. It is important that we, adults, understand one simple truth: if love, peace and harmony reign in a family, then the child will be completely healthy and calm. The slightest disharmony in the feelings of the parents - both the behavior of the child and his state of health immediately change.

For some reason, there was such an opinion that children are stupider than adults and the latter should teach children. But working with children, I found that they know much more than we adults. Children are open systems. And from the very birth we, adults, "close" them, imposing our perception and making of the world on them.

This is what Dr. Valery Sinelnikov says about childhood diseases. I recommend reading his book. "Love your disease" and make it a tabletop in health matters. Tell your story, ask questions and share links to good literature on this topic in the comments

With love,

Dmitry Razumovsky

Organization YagyaLife. Conducting Yagi to solve problems and implement goals.


Causes of the disease

Trust in fortune telling, social concepts and false laws. Behavior like a child in an adult environment.

Providence protects me. I am surrounded by love. I have developed spiritual immunity.

2. CHILDHOOD DISEASES- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Belief in ideals, social ideas and false laws. Childhood behavior in adults around them.

Possible solution to promote healing

This child is under divine protection and enveloped in love. He has mental immunity.

Emotional blockage

It is interesting to note that most of the illnesses that children suffer from primarily affect the eyes, nose, ears, throat, and skin. Any childhood illness indicates that the child feels angry about what is happening around him. It is difficult for him to express his feelings - either because he does not yet know how to do it, or because his parents forbid him to do it. These diseases occur when the child does not receive enough attention and love. Since all childhood diseases cause reddening of the skin, see the article REDNESS OF THE SKIN.

Mental blocking

If your child is sick with some kind of childhood illness, read this description to him. Be sure that he will understand everything, no matter how small he is. You must explain to him that illness is his reaction to the world around him and that difficulties in this world are inevitable.

Help him understand that he came to this planet with a certain set of beliefs and now has to adapt to the beliefs, possibilities, desires and fears of other people. He must realize that those around him have other responsibilities besides caring for him, so they cannot tinker with him around the clock. He should also give himself the right to feel anger and express it, even if the adults don't like it. He will understand that the people around him also have difficulties from time to time, but he should not be responsible for their failures. See also separate article on related childhood illness.

Reading yesterday another article in a women's magazine, came across the concept of "psychosomatics" and became interested in it. I went to Google for explanations. As it turned out, the concept unfamiliar to me had a rather familiar meaning. It turns out that I have been interested in this area for several years in a row.

So what is itpsychosomatics? This is a teaching that connects the psychic side of our life (soul) and our health (body). You've probably heard this phrase: "All our diseases are from the nerves" and, indeed, it is not devoid of meaning.

V late XIX- the beginning of the XX century. famous psychiatrists Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud made a connection between the conscious and the unconscious, spirit and body. They noted that if a disease arises in the physical body, then the causes of the disease should not be looked for in it, because the body is only a conductor of our spirit.

And the ailments that occur in the body signal to us that we are on the wrong path.: we are exhausted physically and emotionally. The disease gives us the opportunity to recover, to restore peace of mind.

Even modern traditional medicine already recognizes that almost all diseases are inextricably linked to our mental state.

So why are they still treating us with "traditional" methods: potions, pills and powders, which remove only the symptoms and not the disease in general? Is it because the multi-million dollar medical industry cannot so easily give up its millions?

Is it because the doctors prescribe the "necessary" medicine to us, they receive a material reward from the manufacturer of this medicine, and drugs that are actively advertised in the media can be easily replaced with others, less well-known, but which are 5 times cheaper?

I read about it at Norbekov’s 5 years ago, then there was Sergei Lazarev, who helped me to reconsider my attitude to life and to close people, Louise Hay with her “forgiveness”, and now I’m reading almost the same thing from Sergei Konovalov.

I cannot say that I am fond of such teachings, but I read with pleasure for informational purposes to broaden my horizons and from each book I highlight something important, valuable and useful for myself.

Much more can be written about the connection between our diseases and our somatics (the physical manifestation of our psychological problems: experiences, events in life, trauma). But since our site is for children, let's dwell on the reasons for their occurrence.

I bring to your attention information for thought - a table describing the relationship between the disease and the causes of their occurrence (excerpts from the table are taken from the book by Louise Hay).

List of diseases and their causes by Louise Hay was for adults, however, I think you can read between the lines the thought she wanted to convey and apply the same idea to the child, taking into account his age.

Abscess (abscess)Disturbing thoughts of hurt, neglect, and revenge.I give my thoughts freedom. The past is over. My soul is calm.
AdenoidsFamily friction, disputes. A child who feels unwanted.This child is needed, he is desired and adored.
Anemia (anemia)Relationships like "Yes, but ..." Lack of joy. Fear of life. Not feeling well.I am not harmed by the feeling of joy in all areas of my life. I love life.
ApathyResistance to the senses. Suppression of emotions. Fear.It is safe to feel. I walk towards life. I strive to go through the trials of life.
AppendicitisFear. Fear of life. Blocking out all that is good.I'm safe. I relax and let the stream of life flow joyfully on.
Appetite (loss)Fear. Self-defense. Distrust of life.I love and approve of myself. Nothing threatens me. Life is joyful and safe.
Appetite (excessive)Fear. The need for protection. Condemnation of emotions.I'm safe. There is no threat to my feelings.
Asthma in infants and older childrenFear of life. Reluctance to be here.This child is completely safe, he is loved.
Chicken poxAgonizing anticipation of the event. Fear and tension. Increased sensitivityI trust the natural process of life, hence my relaxation and peacefulness. Everything in my world is going well.
Viral infectionLack of joy in life. Bitterness.I gladly allow a stream of joy to flow through my life.
Ingrown toenailAnxiety and guilt about your right to move forward.It is my sacred right to choose the direction of my movement in life. I am safe, I am free.
HepatitisResistance to change. Fear, anger, hate. The liver is the seat of anger and rage.My mind is pure and free. I forget the past and go to meet the new. Things are good.
Herpes simpleAn intense desire to do things badly. Unspoken bitterness.There is only love in my words and thoughts. There is peace between me and life.
EyesThey symbolize the ability to clearly see the past, present, future.I look with love and joy.
Eye diseases: childrenUnwillingness to see what is happening in the family.Now this child is surrounded by harmony, beauty and joy, he is provided with safety.
GlandsSymbolize "containment". Something can start without your participation and desire.I am the creative force in my own world.
Throat: disease (See also: "Angina")Failure to stand up for yourself. Swallowed anger. Creativity crisis. Unwillingness to change.Making noise is not prohibited. My self-expression is free and joyful. I can easily stand up for myself. I demonstrate my creativity. I want to change.
Childhood diseasesBelief in calendars social concepts and far-fetched rules. Adults around behave like children.This child has Divine protection, he is surrounded by love. We demand the inviolability of his psyche.
DysenteryFear and concentration of anger.I fill my consciousness with peace and quiet, and this is reflected in my body.
Breathing: diseaseIllness or refusal to breathe life fully. Do not acknowledge your right to occupy space or even exist.Free to live and breathe deeply is my birthright. I am a man worthy of love. From now on, my choice is a full-blooded life.
JaundiceInternal and external bias. Unilateral conclusions.I am tolerant, compassionate and loving towards all people, including myself.
Gastric diseasesHorror. Fear of the new. Inability to learn new things.Life doesn't hurt me. At any moment of the day, I learn something new. Everything is going well.
Stiffness (slow-wittedness)Rigid, inflexible thinking.My position is secure enough to allow myself the flexibility of thinking.
StutteringInsecurity. There is no opportunity for self-expression. Forbidden to cry.I can freely stand up for myself. Now I calmly express whatever I want. I only communicate with a feeling of love.
Smell from the mouthAngry thoughts, thoughts of revenge. The past gets in the way.I am happy to part with the past. From now on, I only express love.
HeartburnFear. Fear. Fear. The grip of fear.I breathe deeply. I'm safe. I trust life process.
RachiocampsisInability to follow the flow of life. Fear and attempts to hold back outdated thoughts. Distrust of life. Lack of integrity of nature. No audacity of conviction.I forget about all fears. From now on, I put my trust in the life process. I know that life is for me. My posture is straight and proud with love.
CoughThe desire to bark at the whole world: “Look at me! Listen to me!"I am noticed and appreciated. I am loved.
Intestines: problemsFear of getting rid of everything obsolete and unnecessary.I easily and freely discard the old and gladly welcome the arrival of the new.
Skin: diseasesAnxiety. Fear. Old sediment in the shower. They threaten me.I lovingly protect myself with peaceful, joyful thoughts. The past is forgiven and forgotten. Now I have complete freedom.
ColicIrritation, impatience, dissatisfaction with the environmentYou only react to love and affectionate words. Everything is going on peacefully.
ConjunctivitisAnger and frustration at the sight of something.I look at everything with loving eyes, a harmonious solution exists, and I accept it.
Pulmonary diseasesDepression. Sadness. Fear of perceiving life. Think you are unworthy to live full life. I can perceive the fullness of life. I perceive life with love and to the end.
Urinary tract: infectionIrritation. Anger. Usually the opposite sex or sex partner. You place the blame on others.I reject the stereotype of thinking that caused this ailment. I want to change. I love myself and approve.
Runny noseRequest for help. Internal crying.I love and console myself as much as I like.
"Incurable" diseasesV this moment it is incurable by external means. You need to go inside in order to achieve healing. Appearing out of nowhere, it will go nowhere.Miracles happen every day. I go inside to break the stereotype that caused the disease, and I accept Sacred Healing. This is what it really is!
NeoplasmsHolding in the soul of old grievances. Increasing feelings of dislike.I forgive with ease. I love myself and will reward myself with laudatory thoughts.
TumorsYou cherish old grievances and upheavals. The remorse of conscience increases.I happily say goodbye to the past and pay all my attention to the new day. Everything is going well.
Otitis media (inflammation of the ear canal, middle ear, inner ear)Anger. Reluctance to listen. There is noise in the house. Parents quarrel.Harmony surrounds me. I love to hear everything that is pleasant and good. Love is focused on me.
Liver: diseasesConstant complaints. Justifying your own picky and thereby deceiving yourself. Feeling unwell.From now on I live with an open heart. I look for love and find it everywhere.
DiarrheaFear. Refusal. Escape.I have absolutely no problems with absorption, assimilation and release. I have no disagreements with life.
Psychosis (mental illness)Escape from the family. Self-withdrawal. Desperate life avoidance.This mind knows what it is worth, it is creativity Divine self-expression.
Respiratory DiseasesFear of breathing life deeply.I'm safe. I love my life.
Enuresis (urinary incontinence)Fear of a parent, usually a father.This child is looked at with love, he is pitied and understood. Everything is fine.

Where do children get illnesses? Everyone thinks that children are so pure that they have nothing to be sick for, and then they complain about fate and about the Lord for their illnesses.

A child born with an illness or in a problem family has the karma of past incarnations and his task is to understand his mistakes, be kind to people, and gain good karma. By the way, of no small importance is psychological condition parents at the time of conception. If the parents decide to leave the unwanted child, let them not be surprised at the possible deformity or deviation from the norms for the state of health of the newborn.

If the child was born healthy, but got sick, then it means he made some mistake, violated the law of nature, accumulated negative karma.

Childhood illnesses are a reflection of the behavior and thoughts of parents ... This is a signal to the whole family. The normalization of the atmosphere in the family leads to the recovery of the child. Children react sharply to quarrels in the family, thinking that their parents are fighting because of them. In the same way, they take to heart that they do not want to listen to, or do not understand. I will not mention the punishment of the child in the heat of the moment ...But the most important and the main reason illness of children is a feeling of dislike. If the child does not feel mother's and father's love, he will get sick. Therefore, we should always remind the child that we love him. You can once again forget to punish him, but say the phrase "I love you" in no case!

Now let's go over some of the most common diseases.

1 . Angina. This disease suggests that a person feels anger, because he is not doing something. He nurtures the idea of ​​rebellion, against himself or someone else.

2 . Flu. Having got sick with the flu, the body says: "That's it, it won't go on like this"... A person often suffers from the flu who cannot express their desires and formulate their requirements. He feels stumped, the situation causes him emotional suffocation. The flu for him turns out to be a way out of this situation. For example, a child who no longer wants to go to kindergarten gets sick with the flu in order to be at home for a week. Influenza is always associated with relationships between people.

3 . Throat. This is a very responsible organ in human life. Throat diseases have three main metaphysical meanings. If a sore throat is accompanied by shortness of breath, it indicates that there are few aspirations in a person's life. But in children, this type appears rather rarely. If we are talking about a feeling of constriction, if a person feels that they have taken him by the throat, then someone is forcing him to do or say something. He feels pressured. The third type I will describe in the section laryngitis. If the child complains that it hurts him to swallow, invite him to ask himself the question: what situation is difficult for me to swallow at the moment? Perhaps it is some kind of strong emotion or unwillingness to accept a person or new idea... Such a difficulty causes anger and aggression in a person, directed against himself or another person. Often, when a piece does not fit into the throat, a person feels like a victim and takes a position "Poor me, unhappy".

4 . Laryngitis . Partial or complete loss of voice indicates that a person does not allow himself to speak, because he is afraid of something. He wants to say something, but is afraid that he will not be heard or that his words will not be liked by someone. He tries to "swallow" his words, but they get stuck in his throat (which is often why he gets a sore throat). They strive to break out - and, as a rule, they succeed. Laryngitis can also arise from the fear of not being up to par, not meeting someone's expectations in terms of words, speeches and speeches. The cause of the disease may also be the fear of authority in some area. It is also possible that a person said something to someone and is angry with himself for saying too much, letting slip; he promises himself to keep his mouth shut in the future. He loses his voice, as he is afraid to speak out again. It happens that a person wants to express some important request for him, but prefers to remain silent, as he is afraid of refusal. He can even use all sorts of tricks and evasions to avoid some important conversation.

5 . Cough. A more or less frequent cough for no apparent reason can occur in a person who is easily irritated. Such a person has too developed an inner critic. He should be very tolerant, especially towards himself. Even if the cause of irritation is some external situation or another person, the internal critic attacks him. If sneezing is related to what is happening in the outside world, then coughing is related to what is happening inside the person.

How can these diseases be treated without resorting to medications? Well, if the child is sick, then you still need to call a doctor. But in conjunction with his recommendations , you should pay attention to some psychological aspects ... It should also be used to prevent disease.

1 . Angina . Pay attention to your child's plans and your help. Perhaps you are not helping in the right place, or, on the contrary, there are too many of you somewhere. Give little man will and the right to choose.

2 . Flu. The more severe the flu, the more it harms the child's attitude towards what he should do or who he should be. Explain to him that instead of considering the flu the only way to escape from a situation or person, you should find out what is going on in his soul and change your attitude. Very often, the flu occurs when a child feels like a victim. Find out if he is dramatizing the situation. Help him do what he is supposed to do with joy. Let him know that he has everything he needs to do this.

3 . Throat . It is in the throat that the center responsible for creativity is located. Therefore, if a child has a sore throat, you must give him the right to create and do whatever he wants, not to step on his throat. Explain to the kid that instead of being angry with yourself for wrong decision or a rash act, one should learn to accept with love what he creates. Only in this way will he be able to reveal his individuality. And, of course, do not interfere with him in this.

4 . Laryngitis Tell your child that no matter what fear he experiences, it only harms him, as it deprives him of ease and does not allow him to express himself. If he continues to restrain himself, it will ultimately hurt him badly, and not only his throat may suffer. Help him express what he feels, and together you will discover in him energy center, which is associated with creativity and is located in the throat. Explain to him that he will never find a way of expressing himself that would please everyone without exception. Give him the right to express himself in his own way. Let him know that his opinions are just as important as those of others, and that he has the right to express himself like everyone else. He should know that if he asks someone for something, then the worst thing that can happen is that he will receive a refusal. But if a person refuses him, this does not mean that he does not love him or denies his essence.

5 . Cough . Every time a child without apparent reason coughing begins, try to analyze together what is going on in his head. Our thoughts replace each other automatically and so quickly that we do not even have time to notice, we somehow criticize ourselves. Explain to your child that this criticism prevents him from living life to the fullest, the way he wants. Tell him: You are not what you seem to be, you are much better. Give him the opportunity to become aware of internal irritation, and become more tolerant of himself. Tell him that you need to treat yourself the way you would like others to treat him.