Pizza dough tender simple recipe. Thin Pizza Dough Recipe: Preparation

  • 28.12.2021

For pizza lovers, a recipe will come in handy, from which a real Italian pizza is obtained, with crispy edges, with a thin middle.

For this recipe, it is best to use real extra virgin olive oil. The rest of the ingredients are completely ordinary and can be found in the kitchen of any housewife.

So, to prepare a thin dough for pizza, as in a pizzeria, we take all the products on the list.

I try to buy fast-acting dry yeast, which is enough to mix with flour. Therefore, in a convenient container, you need to sift two glasses of flour (320 g), combine with dry yeast, mix.

Add salt and sugar, mix.

Make a hole in the center and pour warm boiled water into it.

Then olive oil.

Mix the dough with a spoon. And then dump it on the table with sprinkled flour (less than half a glass) and knead the dough. It is good to knead the dough on the table for 5-7 minutes so that it completely comes off your hands. Too much flour should not be added.

The dough should be quite soft and homogeneous. It does not stick to hands. Cover the bowl with cling film and let rise in a warm place.

After 40-50 minutes, thin pizza dough, like in a pizzeria, looks like it has risen well. From it you can cook pizza on the whole baking sheet, or you can divide it into two unequal parts - a larger one and a smaller one, as I did.

Spread most of it on a baking sheet, it is advisable not to use a rolling pin. But if it doesn’t work without it, then roll out the dough with a rolling pin. Brush with pizza sauce and sprinkle with dry oregano (this is important). I have a simplified version of the sauce (tomato paste, water, salt, sugar and hot garlic sauce). I described and showed how pizza sauce is prepared.

Randomly spread the filling, stepping back from the edges, depending on what is in your refrigerator.

Then add mozzarella cheese, olives and bake the pizza in the oven preheated to the maximum. The oven temperature should be the highest. 5-7 minutes are enough for baking.

The pizza is ready. Bon Appetit!

From the remaining dough, I made another pizza with a different topping.

And a piece...

Baking a real, almost Italian, pizza in a gas or electric oven is difficult, but possible. I tried a dozen and a half different recipes before I came to the conclusion that it was not only and not so much in the method of preparing this famous pastry, but in the baking technique. In order for the pizza dough to be thin and soft, as in your favorite pizzeria, it is important not only to know the proportions of the products, but also to observe the recommended temperature when cooking. In a conventional oven at an average temperature, a delicious cake with a filling is obtained, but it is almost impossible to achieve the desired airiness, softness and at the same time a crispy crust. Here are some cooking tips that will get you closer to (and sometimes even better than) the culinary results of famous pizzerias.

  • Traditionally, special ovens are used to bake pizza. Baking in them is cooked at a high temperature and quickly. Houses for these purposes use baking stones made of fireclay clay. They equalize the temperature in the oven, ensure uniform, fast baking of the top and bottom. Pizza is cooked at 250-270 degrees for 5-7 minutes. Cheese during this time does not have time to dry. When cut, mouth-watering cheese "threads" are obtained, which stretch for a piece. I've tried preheating the oven to the highest setting and cooking in a regular metal biscuit pan on a baking sheet. The result is a properly baked top and an almost raw, moist bottom. If the oven is in a shape with holes, it will taste better, but not quite like in pizzerias. A little hint: instead of expensive stone, it is permissible to use building unglazed tiles made from environmentally friendly clay. It costs much less. But do not forget to ask for a quality certificate.
  • The quality of the flour is of great importance. Use a superior quality or high protein product.
  • To make the dough softer, boiled potatoes are added to it in an amount of 10-15% by weight.

Yeast-free crispy dough for thin homemade pizza

Required products (for 1 large / 2 small):

How to quickly and easily prepare a successful pizza dough without the use of yeast:

Mix flour with baking powder (baking powder). Sift into a deep bowl. Make a small hole in the center.

You can knead on water, milk or water-milk mixture (1 to 1). The liquid should be boiled, cooled to room temperature. Dissolve the salt in it. Pour into the recess. Add oil. Ideally, you should use extra virgin olive oil - a classic for Italian pizza. Refined sunflower oil will do.

At this stage, you can add aromatic seasonings: ground pepper, oregano, thyme, basil, rosemary. Start stirring the food with a fork, collecting them from the edges to the center. The mass will turn out lumpy, heterogeneous. When it becomes difficult to mix, the fork becomes sticky, transfer the dough to a work surface greased with a thin layer of fat.

Knead for at least 7-10 minutes. The dough will be elastic, not sticky, rather tight. Form a ball out of it. Return to bowl. Close with cling film. If possible, leave at room temperature for 30-40 minutes. During this time, gluten will stand out, and baking will turn out softer. With limited time, you can bake immediately.

Roll thin. Make the sides. Brush with sauce. Lay out the filling to your liking. I had sausages, onions, sweet peppers, cherry tomatoes, slab mozzarella. Bake in preheated oven until done.

Serve immediately after baking. The pizza is extremely thin, very soft on the inside, crispy on the outside. Pizzerias don't cook that well.

Quick non-dough dough with dry fast acting yeast

Ingredients for 2 medium pieces (glass - 250 ml):

Cooking method (recipe with photo step by step):

Sift the flour onto a cutting board or into a large bowl. For ease of kneading, make a recess in the center.

Boil the water. Cool to a temperature of 35-40 degrees. Dissolve sugar, yeast. Stir until completely dissolved. Pour liquid into flour.

Stir with a spatula. Add oil.

Switch to manual kneading. If the mass is a little sticky, grease your hands with oil. Add a couple more tablespoons of flour if needed. Knead the dough with your hands until it becomes elastic, homogeneous, stops sticking to your palms. Lubricate the inside of the bowl with vegetable fat. Put down the dough. Tighten with cling film. Put in a water bath - in a large basin of hot water.

After 20-30 minutes, the yeast base for soft homemade pizza will be ready for further cooking. It will increase in volume by 2-3 times. Remember her. Divide if necessary.

Roll out into a thin round (rectangular) cake on a floured surface. Make a high edge if desired. Top with your favorite sauce. Spread the filling evenly. I had the meat version: smoked pork belly, chicken roll, sausages, red onion, cherry tomatoes. I put the cheese under the filler. This time I chose cheddar. Decorate the finished pastry with fresh herbs. Serve immediately before the cheese layer has set. I advise you to bake on a baking stone at a temperature of 250-270 degrees for about 7 minutes. It is also acceptable to cook in a conventional oven. It turns out delicious, but not quite like in cafes and pizzerias. It will turn out a slightly denser, crispy base. The recommended temperature for cooking in the oven is 200 degrees. Time - 15-20 minutes.

Yeasted classic dough for thin pizza, as tasty as in a pizzeria

Would need:

How to properly prepare pizza dough thin and very soft:

You can knead on the basis of fresh or granulated yeast. In the first case, the product must first be crushed with fingertips. Mix yeast, sugar, 1-1.5 tablespoons of flour in a bowl.

Bring filtered water to a boil. Cool down to 36-38 degrees. Add about half a glass to the bowl of dry ingredients. Stir. It will turn out a grayish, pouring, homogeneous mass - dough. Cover with cling film (cloth). Put in heat to ripen for 10-30 minutes (depending on the type, freshness, quality of yeast). Stir the salt into the remaining water.

Undoubtedly, every housewife has ever tried to make pizza at home. Unfortunately, it often happens that achieving the desired result ends in failure, since not everyone knows how to make classic thin pizza dough. This article will help you properly prepare the perfect one and thereby please your loved ones, as well as amuse your “I”.

How to make thin pizza dough - top rules

The most important thing to start preparing the dough with is a good mood. By the way, this applies not only to this dish, but also to the whole process of cooking. The absence of a stressful state will definitely have a positive effect on the final result.

  • Olive oil is an ideal substitute for sunflower oil, which will give the dough good elasticity and unsurpassed taste.
  • To make the dough “airy”, the flour must be sifted before cooking. It is also worth knowing that when kneading, the first half of the flour is used first, and a little later, the second.
  • The dough needs to be kneaded until it stops sticking to the hands. If it does not tear when stretched, then the dough is cooked correctly. For elasticity, many advise adding vinegar or citric acid to the dough, and sometimes even cognac. An acidic environment affects the increase in viscous protein materials that are in flour.
  • In order for the texture of the dough to retain its tenderness, it is necessary to roll it out with your hands and very carefully. Sprinkling the surface with flour, the dough must be stretched from the middle to the edges. Be sure to make the edges thicker to get the sides.
  • Salt for dough is desirable to mix with flour.
  • To make the dough crispy, the water in which the yeast will be diluted must be heated to 38 C.
  • It is recommended that all the ingredients of the dough are combined about ten minutes after the yeast has been saturated with oxygen.
  • To prevent the pizza from sticking to the mold, it is pre-greased with olive oil and sprinkled with flour. But the baking sheet itself must be warmed up.
  • Also, you need to know that there should be no drafts in the room.

For golden and crispy dough, the oven must be preheated and the baking time should be about 10 minutes.

Thin pizza dough - Italian dough recipe

To prepare a classic Italian dough, you will need the following ingredients (for one base with a diameter of 30 cm):

  • 250 g flour
  • 200 ml water 15g fresh yeast
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp sugar without peas

Before you start cooking, you need to take care of choosing the right flour. Naturally, real Italian flour will serve as an ideal option, but if there is none, then domestic with a high protein content of at least 12% will serve as a substitute. Using ordinary flour will ensure that the pizza will be lush, and in this case, the goal is to make the classic thin dough.


  1. 250 g of flour is mixed with ¼ teaspoon of salt, pour all this into a slide on the table, and a hole is made in the center of it.
  2. A teaspoon of yeast and the same amount of sugar are poured into the water. In order for the yeast to begin its process, this mixture is infused for 10 minutes.
  3. After insisting, it is poured into a hole made in flour, and after adding 1 tbsp. tablespoons of oil, you can start to slowly mix it all. You need to move carefully and from the center of the slide to the edge.
  4. If the dough has stopped sticking to your hands, and does not tear when stretched, then you can safely leave it to approach for one hour.
  5. If the dough has doubled in size, you need to start cutting the pizza. A cake is formed with a diameter of 10 cm and approximately 3 cm thick.
  6. After that, it can be stretched, but only with the help of hands. The ideal flatbread will be dough 30-35 cm in diameter with a thickness of 3-4 mm. This will become a classic Italian test.

By the way, the Italian ritual, in which the cake is thrown into the air and twisted on one finger, is performed to saturate the dough with oxygen.

Pizza dough "like in a pizzeria"

To prepare such a recipe, you need (taking into account 2 servings with a diameter of 30 cm):

  • Flour - 500g
  • Yeast - 12g
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Salt - ½ tsp
  • Olive oil - 1-2 tbsp.
  • Dry herbs - a pinch of basil and oregano
  • Warm boiled water - 250 - 300 ml


  1. First you need a small bowl into which yeast and sugar are poured. Pour it all with water, stir and, covered with a towel, leave in a warm place for 10 minutes.
  2. For flour, you need a larger bowl, in which, in addition to the main ingredient, dry herbs are added. As in the previous recipe, a recess is created in the middle, into which the mixture is poured, infused to the desired consistency. A fork or whisk is used in the first step of kneading.
  3. After that, olive oil is poured in and the dough is put on a wooden surface. Further kneading is continued by hand for about ten minutes.
  4. Having obtained an elastic and non-sticky dough, it is sprinkled with olive oil and divided into two parts, which are placed in different bowls, while covering them with a towel and leaving in a warm place for thirty minutes.
  5. After the allotted time, the dough is laid out on the table and stretched by hand to the required size. When moving the pizza into the mold, the dough should be pierced several times with a toothpick.

Thin pizza dough without yeast

The best thin dough for pizza without yeast

This recipe is my favorite and my family loves pizza with just such a dough. It turns out thin, but soft and with crispy sides. It compares favorably with other yeast-free recipes. Try it yourself!


  • sour cream - 3 tablespoons;
  • eggs - 1 pc;
  • flour - 1-2 cups (it all depends on the consistency of sour cream);
  • salt - 1 tsp without a slide;
  • baking powder or soda.

Dough preparation for sour cream pizza:

  1. First of all, put sour cream in a bowl and add soda or baking powder, salt. Beat in an egg.
  2. Now it's the turn of flour - first add half a glass, mix. Next, add flour and mix until the dough becomes suitable for kneading by hand.
  3. Sprinkle flour on a work surface, turn out the resulting dough and knead with your hands until it becomes the consistency you need.
  4. Who likes thinner dough - knead like dumplings (dense and tight dough). In this case, the resulting dough is rolled out with a rolling pin to the desired thickness.
  5. Who loves a loose, slightly fluffy and soft dough and at the same time thin - knead it until it is easy to distribute it with your fingers on a baking sheet (it should be soft, pliable, very elastic).
  6. Cooking pizza with such a dough should be on parchment paper, greased with oil. The dough is quite soft and sticky to the hands, so when it is distributed, the hands will also not interfere with the oil. Spread the dough in a thin layer, place the filling on top and put the pizza in the oven at 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes. The dough should be golden brown. If you have it pale, put it on for another 5-10 minutes and raise the temperature to 200 degrees.

That's all, you will definitely get a thin pizza dough on sour cream, I have not yet had cases when this recipe failed!

Yeast-free thin dough for pizza - recipe number 1

To diversify the methods of making pizza, this option is extremely good, as it is often used in Italy itself.


  • 100 ml water
  • 1.5 cups flour + flour for kneading (how much dough will take)
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt


  1. After sifting the flour, add salt and baking powder to it.
  2. In the old manner, we make a recess into which we pour water with olive oil. Mix the ingredients with a spoon.
  3. Pour flour on the table, spread the resulting dough and begin to knead. You also need to knead the dough with your hands until it becomes tight.
  4. After rolling it into the shape of a ball, send it to the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. We then follow the above method.

Making such a dough is quite simple. It must be thin, crispy and insanely delicious.

Thin and crispy pizza dough without yeast - recipe number 2

Another interesting recipe without yeast dough will require two chicken eggs and half a liter of milk.


  1. In a separate bowl, mix flour and salt. Next, we take a bowl for milk, eggs and 2 tbsp. sunflower oil. In no case should this mixture be beaten, only mixed.
  2. The resulting mass is gradually, stirring, pour into a bowl of flour. It is necessary to pay special attention to ensure that the eggs are well absorbed into the flour and there are no puddles.
  3. After ten minutes of kneading, you should get the perfect dough.

One of the features of the recipe is also that the resulting dough is wrapped in a wet towel for fifteen minutes. Next is the standard rolling ritual.

Recipe #3

The following yeast-free dough recipe is no less simple, but still pleases with its mouth-watering results.

This requires:

  • Any vegetable oil - 1/3 cup
  • Fat-free kefir - half a glass
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Flour - one and a half cups
  • Soda - half a teaspoon


  1. Kefir is mixed with soda and left for 5-10 minutes.
  2. After that, salt, sugar and vegetable oil are added to them.
  3. While stirring, flour is gradually added (a food processor can come to the rescue). When the dough does not stick and has sufficient elasticity, its introduction should be stopped.
  4. It is worth remembering that an excessive amount of flour can make not a crispy dough, but a very crumbly crust.
  5. After all of the above has been done successfully, the dough under the "cover" of the cling film is moved to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Yeast Pizza Dough Recipe - Thin and Crispy

In order to achieve the desired thin and crispy dough, you must follow the recipe below.

A large wide container is filled with warm water, in which the yeast is mixed until it is completely dissolved. Then add half a teaspoon of salt and sugar, as well as 20 grams of olive oil. All this should be stirred until the sugar dissolves.

Sifting flour through a sieve will not only remove excess, but will enrich it with oxygen.

If, while kneading the dough, it does not want to become perfect, you can add a little more flour. But in the case of a too steep dough, a small amount of water and further kneading will save the situation. Having rolled the required amount of dough into a ball, wrap it in a plastic bag and leave it for 30 minutes in a warm place.

Naturally, in the absence of the ability to roll out the dough with your hands, you can use a rolling pin, but it is better to learn how to do it in the conventional way. Do not forget that the sides and pizza should be about 2-3 cm.

How to make crispy thin pizza dough?

For dough (blanks), yeast, warm water, in the form of two tablespoons and the same amount of flour are mixed. After mixing well, this “creation” is covered with a towel and left warm for half an hour. Sometimes, the dough is ready after ten minutes, so you should monitor its condition.

The workpiece is poured into a recess made in flour in a separate bowl, salted to taste and about 125 ml of water is added. It is necessary to knead according to the same principles: the dough should not stick and tear when stretched. Leaving in a proper warm place for about an hour, it is worth remembering that it should double in size.

The most basic goal is a crunchy yummy as a result. To do this, the oven is preheated somewhere up to 200 degrees, and the form is smeared with olive or sunflower oil. Next, the laid out and rolled dough is smeared with tomato sauce and put in the oven for five minutes. After that, you can already lay out the filling, with which the pizza is in the oven for another twenty minutes. Due to the fact that the dough without filling is already a little baked, it will undoubtedly crunch nicely in your mouth.

soft pizza dough recipe

It happens that there are not so many lovers of crispy in the immediate environment. Or a different situation: the classic dough is already a little fed up and you want something a little different. A huge number of recipes is more than ever useful, because the same favorite pizza is quite possible to make with a soft dough.

This will require:

  • Flour - 500 grams
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 300ml
  • Dry yeast - 12g
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Salt - half a teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.


  1. An obligatory ritual is heating milk to forty degrees, to which yeast is added. After mixing well, leave alone for thirty minutes. If the milk is frothy, then the process is proceeding correctly.
  2. Be sure to remember the ritual of "saturation" of flour with oxygen. Ready-made milk and an egg are poured into a hole made in flour. Also, salt, sugar and oil are added.
  3. The dough is kneaded and then covered with cling film. By the way, a warm place in which the dough should be infused for about an hour may be a place next to the battery. In this case, the dough should triple in size.
  4. The oven should be as hot as possible (at least 250 degrees Celsius). The iron sheet is oiled and sprinkled with flour.
  5. After that, put a large cake of dough stuck together on this sheet. With this amount of ingredients and in the presence of a small oven, this amount of dough is enough for two servings. To avoid air release, the edges are not pressed.
  6. For the dough, a sauce is made from one teaspoon of tomato paste and one tablespoon of mayonnaise, which smears its surface.
  7. For such a test, the filling is laid out in several layers, which between themselves have a layer in the form of grated cheese.
  8. It is baked for 6 minutes at a temperature of 250 degrees. It should be located on the top shelf. If the oven does not have such a high temperature mark, then the baking time should increase accordingly. The pizza is incredibly soft and delicious.

As for the filling itself, there are no special rules and recommendations here, since everyone makes their own perfect pizza. In this case, experiments and a flight of fancy are welcome. The key to success is the properly prepared dough itself, but what will be the filling is not so important. After all, the main thing is what? To be delicious!

We all know that homemade pizza tastes better than store bought pizza. Especially if all its components: dough, and - do it yourself. Today we will show you how to make a simple pizza dough.

Simple yeast-free pizza dough


  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • butter - 1 teaspoon;
  • milk - 140 ml;
  • salt - a pinch.


Break the eggs into a bowl with high walls and beat them with a mixer. Then pour warm milk and olive oil into them. Sift the flour separately, and then gradually introduce the egg mixture into it, in small portions. Knead the dough for about 10 minutes. Next, we form a ball out of it and transfer it to a bowl, greased with oil. We leave to rest for 15 minutes. That's all, after the time is up, the quick and easy pizza dough is ready!

Easy water pizza dough


  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • filtered water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • salt.


In a bowl, sift the flour with salt, and in another bowl, beat the eggs with a mixer. Then pour in filtered water and vegetable oil. The resulting mixture is gradually introduced into the flour, stirring constantly. Then knead the mass well, adding a little flour if necessary. Next, transfer it to a bowl, cover with a clean towel and leave for 30 minutes. When the time is up, roll out the finished dough with a rolling pin, transfer it to a greased baking sheet and fill it with any filling to your taste.

Easy and delicious pizza dough with mayonnaise


  • kefir 3.2% - 0.5 l;
  • fine sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • lean mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour - 3 tbsp.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • baking soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • fine salt - a pinch.


In a small bowl, mix soda with kefir, put mayonnaise, add salt, sugar and add eggs beaten with a whisk. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. Next, in small portions, add flour and knead the dough. It should turn out soft, plastic and in density resemble rustic thick sour cream. Then we coat the baking sheet with oil, spread the dough, level it and fill it with any filling to your taste.

Simple dough for pizza on kefir


  • kefir 3.2% - 1 tbsp.;
  • flour - 350 g;
  • baking soda - a pinch;
  • fine salt - to taste;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 50 g.


Beat chicken eggs with a mixer with a pinch of salt until airy foam forms. In kefir we throw a pinch of soda, previously quenched with table vinegar. Melt butter, cool slightly and add to kefir. After that, combine it with eggs and gradually add the sifted flour. Gently mix everything until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. You should end up with a dough that's about the size of pancakes, firm enough but not so thick that you can roll it out with a rolling pin.



We heat the water to a lukewarm state, put fresh yeast in it and put the mixture in a warm place for 10 minutes. Next, pour in the vegetable oil, stir with a spoon and pour everything into the sifted flour. Knead a simple pizza dough, wrap it in plastic wrap and leave it warm for about 30 minutes. During this time, it will rise well for you and will increase in volume by about 2 times. Next, roll it out on the kitchen table and proceed to the preparation of the filling.

The fastest pizza dough saves the hostess's time, makes it possible to make delicious thin pizza at home in a few minutes. Pizza is quick, quick, easy to prepare from dough with dry yeast, on a liquid basis, faster - on a regular yeast-free dough.

A thin pizza base consists of available products and common liquid ingredients - water, milk, kefir, curdled milk, mineral water, sour cream, mayonnaise. In addition to the liquid, bulk components are added to the dough - flour, semolina, starch, soda, baking powder, or yeast with or without eggs, as well as salt, sugar, oil, according to the classic recipe of real Italian fast food.

Super fast dough is kneaded with yeast, liquid, which is used to make pizza in a pan, in a slow cooker or oven; The pizza is fast and delicious. The batter does not require culinary experience, but it is necessary to use ready-made fillings with sausage, pickled cucumbers, fresh tomatoes, fried chicken or baked chicken meat.

The usual dough is made thick, instant pizza is prepared from hand-kneaded dough, with dry yeast, unleavened thin cakes are rolled out, lush cakes are baked for lovers of airy, soft pastries.

Advice from the Miracle Chef. The dough will turn out to be less high-calorie, thinner and more crunchy if the liquid component for the base for pizza made from milk, mayonnaise, kefir or sour cream is diluted with ordinary water, mineral or carbonated, and products with a reduced fat content are used.

How to quickly make pizza dough? It is more correct to knead by hand, but to speed up the process of making homemade pizza, cooks often use kitchen helpers - dough mixers, combines - or buy ready-made dough at the grocery store.

We offer delicious homemade dough recipes with dry yeast and honey in 15 minutes, a base on sour cream and mayonnaise without yeast in 10 minutes and a quick yeast dough for pizza. Pizza is prepared with minced meat filling, with shrimp, the fastest pizza in the oven or in a pan can be cooked at home for breakfast with sausage and cheese, or you can feed the family with a hearty and tasty meal at any time of the day.

Delicious dough for quick pizza in 15 minutes

If you try, then in 15 minutes you can quickly knead the dough, it will take another 15 minutes to put the filling on the cake, place the cake with the filling in the preheated oven and bake a quick pizza. It will take 3-4 times more time to cook an ordinary open pie on a classic dough on water than from a quick dough with dry yeast and honey.

The rapid maturation of dough on water without eggs is achieved by using an increased amount of dry yeast compared to the classic composition for a thin base. When flour interacts with sweet honey and yeast, the dough, thanks to sugar and instant dry yeast, rises quickly, it turns out soft and without eggs, obedient. The cake can be rolled out thinly, or you can make a fluffy pizza by rolling the dough with a rolling pin or stretching it with your hands over a baking sheet or shape.


  • wheat flour - 1 stack.
  • honey - 1 tsp
  • quick dry yeast - 1 tsp riding
  • water - a third of a stack.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • salt - a pinch


  1. Pour warm water into a small bowl, add dry yeast and honey, stir the mixture.
  2. Sift the flour into a separate bowl and make a well in the flour.
  3. Pour water with honey, oil into it, add salt.
  4. We mix the ingredients and knead with your hands a soft dough, pleasant to the touch. Leave the dough for 5 minutes in a warm place, you can put it in a preheated microwave.
  5. After 5 minutes, the dough is ready for further preparation, you can form pizza cakes from it, lay the filling and put it in the oven for baking.

Almost instant pizza turns out fast and tasty, accelerated 15-minute cooking does not adversely affect the taste of the cakes.

Liquid dough for quick pizza with mayonnaise and sour cream

Liquid sour cream dough with yeast-free mayonnaise does not need to be kneaded by hand; batter pizza - one of the variations of the popular, but not quite real Italian dish - instant pizza. 10 minutes maximum and the dough is ready.

Pizza on batter with mayonnaise resembles a jellied pie, semi-liquid dough, thick as pancakes, is poured onto a baking sheet or, after mixing the ingredients, it is laid out in an even layer in a mold.

It is convenient, easy to prepare the dough, the ingredients - flour, chicken eggs, sour cream, mayonnaise, salt, soda - are mixed in one dish with a spoon, yeast is not added, hands are not smeared with dough, the pizza turns out delicious; more often, the recipe is used by housewives for baking open pizza in the oven, but is suitable for cooking in a pan.


flour - 1 stack.

sour cream - 4 tablespoons

mayonnaise - 4 tbsp.

soda - 0.5 tsp

egg - 2 pcs.

salt - a pinch.


  1. Break the egg into sour cream, add mayonnaise and mix with a fork.
  2. Add salt and soda, mix again.
  3. Gradually add the sifted flour and stir the dough with a spoon so that there are no lumps, the density should be like for pancakes.
  4. Pour the dough into an even layer on a greased baking sheet, level with a spoon or spatula.
  5. Quick mayonnaise dough for pizza is ready. We apply tomato or white sauce on the surface of the base, lay out the filling and send the pizza to the oven for 25 minutes.

The base is not dry, not hard, but very tasty - a great way to whip up homemade pizza without yeast.

Quick homemade pizza dough recipe

As you know, Italian Naples is considered the birthplace of pizza; the history of this hearty and tasty dish began from this city; pizza at the beginning of its journey was baked in the form of an ordinary cake on hot coals. In modern Italian cafes, pizzerias, pizza is made in 10-15 minutes quickly and served piping hot.

Italian pizzaiolo dough is not rolled out with a rolling pin, a soft ball of dough is manually stretched over a baking sheet, turning it into a thin base. A small amount of filling is laid out on the cake, which does not interrupt the taste of the cake, but complements the dish, adding satiety to it.

Following the instructions of eminent Italian pizza masters, it is not difficult to make a quick yeast dough at home. To do this, you need to arm yourself with everything you need - choose a pizza dough recipe and purchase products that are so simple that, perhaps, ingredients such as flour, yeast, water, salt and oil are constantly available in many homes.


flour - 400 g

quick dry yeast - 5 g

water or milk - 1 stack.

egg - 2 pcs.

sugar - 1 tsp

salt - a pinch

olive oil - 2 tbsp.


  1. Dry fast yeast immediately begins to rise if you add warm milk, sugar and flour to it.
  2. Pour half of the warmed milk into a bowl, add yeast, sugar and 2 tbsp. flour, mix lightly with a fork.
  3. In a separate bowl, break the eggs, pour out the salt, pour in the butter and the rest of the milk, mix the ingredients.
  4. We combine two liquid compositions together - yeast and egg-milk mass.
  5. Gradually add the remaining sifted flour and knead the dough with your hands.
  6. The dough should be soft, not too sticky to the hands.
  7. We divide the dough into several parts and roll it out with a rolling pin or thinly stretch it with our hands along the bottom of the form.
  8. For a thin cake, stretch the dough thinly - 1.5 cm thick, for a fluffy cake, the thickness should be higher.

This amount of dough will make 3-4 thin pizzas or 2-3 lush ones.

The fastest homemade pizza dough, the taste is not inferior to the classic Italian. With minimal effort, these recipes make it easy to make pizza at home in 10 minutes, greet unexpected guests with delicious pastries in 15 minutes, pamper your family with homemade food that tastes like in a pizzeria.

Bon Appetit!

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