Dragon and Boar (Pig): compatibility of men and women in love.

  • 19.01.2024

People born in the year of the Dragon and the Pig are quite different. However, they are able to create a fairly strong and durable union. The compatibility of a Dragon man and a Pig (Boar) woman is unique in many ways. Indeed, in such a union, each of the partners will be able to compensate for their personal shortcomings at the expense of the merits of their other “half”.

Dragon man and Pig (Boar) woman: general compatibility

From the point of view of compatibility, the union of the Dragon (man) and the Pig (woman) has every chance of becoming long-lasting, fruitful and happy. The love affair between them may well develop into a strong marriage. The secret of this couple's compatibility is simple: a certain intuitive connection is established between both partners, helping them to feel and understand each other well.

There is complete understanding between the Dragon and the Pig (Boar). They are comfortable in each other's company. Together they can overcome all the adversities and difficulties of life, and also achieve simple family happiness.

The compatibility of the Dragon and the Pig (Boar) in love is also quite good. The excessive temper of the Dragon man in this case is “extinguished” by the remarkable patience and unique strategic abilities of the Pig lady. She is by nature a calculating and very cunning strategist who achieves her goals with little blood. The Pig woman has a very useful gift - to unite and reconcile people with diametrically opposed views and beliefs. And this skill will repeatedly help her in communicating with the principled Dragon.

Thus, Dragons and Pigs may well coexist peacefully and happily within the same unit of society. The main thing in such a family is to treat your partner with respect. First of all, this applies specifically to the Dragon man. No humiliation or insults are simply unacceptable towards your chosen one. If the Dragon learns to treat his “soul mate” warmly and carefully, then such a marriage will be absolutely successful and long-lasting.

Dragon Man: charismatic, bright, extravagant

The Dragon man is very popular among women

Men born in the year of the Dragon (1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012) have colossal charisma and enormous inner strength. As a rule, they have an outstanding appearance and know how to take advantage of it. In any company they will always be able to attract attention. If, of course, it is important and necessary for them.

Wherever fate takes the Dragon, he will become the center of everyone's attention. Be it a noisy party or a discreet poetry evening. He also makes an indelible impression on the fairer sex. First of all, with his wonderful sense of humor, beautiful speech and delicate taste.

However, it cannot be said that the image of a Dragon man is completely ideal and impeccable. It also has its significant drawbacks. Thus, pride often develops into arrogance, and popularity into selfishness and arrogance. In relationships with other people (in particular, with loved ones), the Dragon is prone to tyranny and authoritarianism. “It will be my way, period!” - a similar phrase can easily be heard from this man. He often shows aggression, although he is not malicious in himself.

Dragons have one more sad disadvantage: it is very difficult for such men to remain faithful to one woman. Therefore, they easily fall in love and often change their partners. Keeping a Dragon man is a real art that requires a lot of intelligence and strategic thinking. And the Pig woman has precisely these qualities.

By the way, “conquering” the Dragon is quite an attractive and profitable idea! After all, such a man will become for his woman an excellent lover, a good master of the house, and a caring father.

Pig (Boar) Woman: Honest, Polite, Clean

The charm of Pigs is enviable

Women born in the year of the Pig (1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007) are endowed with a pleasant appearance and an easy-going character. Friendliness, peacefulness and exceptional decency are their typical traits. They are extremely polite and courteous, with everyone and always. With all this, Pig girls also have great charm. In a word - cuties!

Many people note that the Pig woman’s character is very reminiscent of a small child. She is also naive and gullible, she knows how to enjoy life and everything that surrounds her. She is a little shy, although this does not prevent her from having a lot of loyal friends and many acquaintances. Despite the apparent softness, Pig women are able to stubbornly pursue their cherished goal and achieve considerable success in their careers and creativity. In relationships with the opposite sex they are very secretive. The Pig girl opens up to her partner only if she is sure of the sincerity of his intentions. Love for her is not just words, but something sublime and divine.

It is important to note that a woman born in the year of the Pig never gets into heated arguments with her husband. She fully and completely recognizes his categorical authority. Thus, the Pig woman is an ideal option and a real find for absolutely any man. And especially for the Dragon.

Dragon man and Pig (Boar) woman: compatibility in love

In love relationships, the Pig and the Dragon have complete harmony

Falling in love with any woman is not a problem for the Dragon. In his youth and youth, he actively uses this “gift”. Even the Pig woman will not be able to resist the charms of the Dragon man. After all, he has exactly the qualities that she so needs. For her, he is a real ideal, a brave and handsome prince on a white horse. On the other hand, the Pig woman attracts the Dragon with her caring, gentleness and kindness.

Both partners will find a common language very quickly. Both the Dragon and the Pig are very curious by nature. They love to spend time in search of new sensations and emotions. This is often what their relationship is built on. And they can be strong and long-lasting if both partners learn a few simple rules of interaction. So, the Pig woman must learn not to react to the daring antics of the Dragon and get used to his difficult, explosive character. In turn, the Dragon must learn to treat his soul mate with due respect and spend more time with her, and not at work or with friends.

In bed, the Dragon man and the Pig (Boar) woman suit each other perfectly. The intimate compatibility of these two signs is more than successful. After all, for both of them, sex is more than just a physiological need. In bed, they behave relaxed and at ease, easily agreeing to any experiments. And if in everyday life the Dragon man often shows his selfishness, then in love joys he is a real altruist.

Dragon Man and Pig (Boar) Woman: Marriage Compatibility

Almost always, the relationship between a Dragon man and a Pig woman ends in marriage

A marriage between these two people is quite possible. After all, for the sake of the Dragon’s ambitious ambitions, the Pig woman is ready to sacrifice her own dreams and aspirations. In this regard, she is very sacrificial, which will completely suit the Dragon man. On the other hand, he must constantly remind his wife that her support is extremely important and necessary for him. In this case, their marriage will be long and strong.

It is important to note that the Pig woman will support her husband even in the event of his complete failure. After every failure, it is she who will force him to move on, which will ultimately lead the talented Dragon to incredible success.

The Dragon and the Pig (Boar) feel and understand each other very well. Sometimes even simple silence can help them solve many problems and contradictions. The Pig woman in family relationships shows great, almost maternal care. Next to her, the Dragon man will always feel comfortable and cozy. As a sign of gratitude, he will saturate family life with vivid impressions, exciting travels and unforgettable moments. It is with him that the Pig woman will fully experience all the delights and joys of this life.

Dragon and Pig: possible problems in relationships and ways to solve them

Despite the complete harmony in the characters between the Pig and the Dragon, very often they can have quarrels over money

The Dragon man, as a rule, plays the role of an energetic leader and ideological mentor in the family. And the Pig woman is his devoted student and assistant. This family arrangement completely suits both partners. However, even in these relationships, quarrels and conflicts often occur. Why?

One of the most common problems in this couple is the inability to listen and hear their partner. First of all, this concerns the Dragon. He may perceive the gentleness and kindness of the Pig woman as weakness. In this case, he will begin to suppress and oppress his “half” in every possible way. Such a situation is unacceptable, because the Pig lady will never tolerate humiliation and insult from her chosen one. And if this model of behavior is maintained, then the Pig woman, sooner or later, will leave the family. This is why a Dragon man must treat his wife with deep respect. In this case, their marriage will be strong and practically invulnerable.

Another important problem that may arise in this family is the love of luxurious life. Moreover, it manifests itself in both partners. This love can lead to material problems, and then to family quarrels. Therefore, it is important for a couple to learn how to plan their family budget and not spend money on unnecessary things.

The union of a Dragon man and a Pig (Boar) woman is capable of creating a strong and happy family. But to do this, they will have to make some efforts to cope with a number of problems and contradictions. Here are the three most important pieces of advice that can be given to this couple:

  • Learn to listen and hear your partner (first of all, this advice is addressed to the Dragon man).
  • If possible, try to avoid unnecessary conflicts (this advice is addressed to the wise Pig woman).
  • Control and distribute your money wisely, never spend more than you can earn.

If you believe the horoscope, the compatibility of the Pig and Dragon pair has its right to exist. Only on the Pig’s side there are some problems. It is simpler in nature than the Dragon, which is why some problems occur.

The compatibility of a pair of Pig and Dragon has its right to exist

  • The Pig constantly admires his partner. She devotes the lion's share of her free time to the Dragon. If she manages to be saturated with the energy of her other half, then there will be a good chance for liberation and becoming an independent person. The Dragon is not offended by the Pig for his simplicity. He will give his partner valuable advice, to which the Pig will be incredibly grateful.
  • Both of these zodiac signs are suitable for each other. Their compatibility is most favorable when achieving reciprocity of feelings and respect for each other. They should learn to value their feelings and not humiliate the dignity of their partner. The stronger character of the Dragon in the pair will strive for leadership, which will offend the Pig. The Pig will under no circumstances tolerate humiliation, otherwise she will find a way for revenge. If this issue is not resolved, then such a couple is in danger of discord. But mutual respect will lead to a long, strong and lasting union. Their life will be filled with bright colors and filled with new impressions.
  • From the Dragon's side, marriage looks more harmonious. He likes his partner's thriftiness, caring attitude and kindness. Next to the Pig, he creates a feeling of comfort and tranquility, he enjoys life. They are both curious and lively, they like new sensations. Any misunderstandings in such a couple are not a problem; they will easily solve them. Their only difficulty is their inability to properly manage their income. They both easily spend the money they earn, so they should pay special attention to this.
  • The compatibility of the Pig and Dragon pair is twofold. The best combination for these signs would be a pair of a Dragon man and a Pig woman. It is in this case that they will achieve harmony in relationships and be faithful to each other.

Dragon Man - Provider

Couple of Pig woman and Dragon man

The compatibility of such a pair is the most favorable. The intimate side of the marriage of a Dragon man and a Pig woman is in perfect order. They easily resolve all omissions and frictions. The man and woman in such a couple show themselves equally in everyday matters. The best solution for them would be to divide housework.

The man in this couple is the breadwinner, and the woman is the creator of a cozy family nest. It will not be difficult for a pig to create comfortable conditions for the man he loves. The Pig woman is a renowned craftswoman; it will not be difficult for her to simultaneously manage the house and build a successful career.

The disadvantage of a couple of a Pig woman and a Dragon man is the love of a luxurious life. They are big spenders and should carefully plan their family budget.

Couple of Dragon woman and Pig man

The Pig man will do all this to spite the Dragon woman.

The compatibility of such a couple leaves much to be desired. The development of relationships in her directly depends on the characteristic features of a woman’s Dragon. If she does not overcome her ambitions and lowers the bar of demands, then they still have a chance to develop mutual understanding. Her complex character will put pressure on the soft Pig, which will cause negative character traits in her partner. A woman should learn to make concessions in relationships. The Pig man will discover in himself a tendency towards stinginess, his irresponsibility will appear and he will do all this to spite the Dragon woman.

If they do not reach mutual understanding in the relationship, it will be difficult for them to achieve sincere love for each other. Astrologers judge the compatibility of the Dragon and Pig pair differently. If this couple reaches mutual understanding, they will be able to create a strong and lasting family. They complement each other perfectly.

The compatibility of the Pig (Boar) man and the Dragon woman is regarded as quite high. They are able to create a successful couple. Each partner is characterized by temper, passion and sensuality. It is these qualities that provoke conflicts. However, the development of spouses can reduce the number of quarrels to a minimum.

Such a union is guaranteed prosperity if the woman motivates the Pig (Boar) man with her thirst for activity. Compared to his chosen one, he is quite passive. The woman guides the chosen one, which helps him acquire useful connections and conduct business successfully.

It will not be difficult for a man to follow the advice and wishes of his companion. He wants to earn her favor and praise. But over time, he comes to the realization that such a rhythm of life does not suit him. His beloved is deliberately active and active. A man simply does not have time for his own interests and hobbies. In addition, he wants quiet family happiness, and not constant fuss. However, if the wife begins to help the Pig (Boar) man make the right decisions and find the optimal way out of any situation, then the compatibility of the Pig (Boar) and the Dragon in love increases noticeably.

Pig (Boar) man and Dragon woman: general compatibility

The Pig man is one of the good matches for the Dragon woman

The quarrels that occur do not affect the relationship between the partners. This union has many prospects. Often a man born in the year of the Pig (Boar) and a Dragon woman get married. Their characters are radically different, but the partners feel and understand each other well, and they are not afraid of problems at all. Each of the lovers has the opportunity to realize themselves, which is important.

If spouses treat each other with due respect, then nothing will interfere with their tandem. First of all, the Dragon woman should learn to regulate herself. She unconsciously puts pressure on all the people around her, in particular, on her chosen one. She should not forget that the future of the relationship is in her hands. If a woman makes too many demands and does not show her best traits, then separation is inevitable. The Pig (Boar) man is uncomfortable constantly experiencing pressure from his companion. This will lead to him becoming restless, lacking initiative, greedy and flighty.

Charisma and sexual attractiveness are characteristic of a woman born in the year of the Dragon. Fans don't give her a pass. For this reason, capturing her heart is not an easy task. In order to show his true intentions, the Pig (Boar) man should support his chosen one in all endeavors. She will definitely appreciate it.

The Dragon Woman has an active attitude towards life. It is impossible to limit it to any one area. She wants to realize herself in everything at once. A woman will not devote herself entirely to household chores. She is engaged in social work with great dedication, without which she cannot imagine her existence. This is how her self-expression occurs. She loves everything new, develops and offers various ideas. It is not difficult for her to be successful in all endeavors. In this she is helped by fortitude, endurance and the ability to maneuver in any circumstances.

The Dragon Woman is distinguished by self-confidence, reliability, and honesty. However, her character is also dominated by such traits as imbalance and conflict. And this is a reason for quarrels and difficulties when communicating with her.

Pig Man - “the life of the party”

Calmness, reliability, sincerity, optimism, and efficiency fully characterize the personality of a man born in the year of the Pig (Boar). It is easy to build relationships with him because he is open and inviting. If necessary, he will gladly help his work partners and friends. In this regard, it is trouble-free. The Pig (Boar) man will always keep his word, so they trust him and count on him. He is characterized by gentleness and balance, which in no way prevents him from achieving his goals and implementing plans. Difficulties do not frighten him. He has well-developed willpower.

Often such men have high ideas about morality and morality. They are sincere, honest, noble and kind. Those around you really appreciate it. At the same time, the Pig (Boar) man does not attach much importance to human weaknesses. His circle of friends and acquaintances is wide, because in him they find a good listener. In addition, he gives the right advice and provides incredible support. His positive attitude towards the world is also adopted by his loved ones.

However, it is difficult to even think that behind a mask of balance and openness a man hides deep emotional experiences and fears. He does not allow strangers into his inner world; he prefers not to talk about what worries him. Such qualities of his do not go unnoticed by the Dragon woman. It is they who will attract her to the Pig (Boar) man.

In material matters, a man is very lucky. In addition, he has a cheerful disposition. He will never forget to say warm and tender words to his beloved. He values ​​her highly. But this doesn’t matter to the Dragon woman. Due to the fact that she never lacks male attention, her lover’s praises do not play a significant role for her. Ordinary courtship does not impress her.

Pig Man (Boar) and Dragon Woman: Marriage Compatibility

The Pig man will admire the Dragon woman tirelessly

The compatibility of the Pig (Boar) man and the Dragon woman is quite high, since their relationship is a kind of complement to each other. The husband never tires of admiring his other half, which endlessly flatters her. Next to her chosen one, she feels safe and confident in the future. This gives her the opportunity to relax and not think about anything. She brightens up family everyday life with unforgettable holidays, entertaining meetings and intense expressions of emotions.

The Dragon Woman realizes that her husband can provide her with the opportunity to be herself. She doesn’t need to pretend to be anything in front of him. She can easily demonstrate her essence. The woman believes that only the Pig (Boar) man can accept her as real. However, when she discovers the weaknesses of her beloved, she does not even strive to show respect.

To increase the compatibility of Pig and Dragon in marriage, a woman should calm down, learn to control her impulses, make concessions and not put pressure on her companion. She is well aware of his weaknesses. And she does not miss the opportunity to strike for her own satisfaction. She incorrectly regards the good nature and sincerity of her lover as weakness. She prefers to be the head in the relationship. She makes attempts to compete with the Pig (Boar) man. Such behavior on the part of the wife is perceived with hostility by the man. Moreover, he may decide to cheat. All this will inevitably lead to separation. To avoid this, a woman should think about changing herself. If she proves herself to be a loving wife, then her partner will do a lot to make her desires come true.

Pig (Boar) man and Dragon woman: compatibility in love

The Dragon Woman, even in bed, will try to take the initiative into her own hands

The intimate sphere has its extremes. On the one hand, they may experience satisfaction from sexual intimacy. But, on the other hand, sometimes sex does not bring them pleasure. The problem is that the Dragon woman wants to be a leader in this area too. However, in such a situation, both spouses will lose. The Pig (Boar) man will take a passive position, so he will not strive to please his beloved. However, as soon as the Dragon woman transfers dominance to her partner, he will do whatever she wants. It's about both experimentation and romance. The man will try to surprise his wife.

A happy marriage between a Pig man and a Dragon woman is possible only with strong mutual concessions

From time to time, life throws its own challenges at the couple. In difficult periods, it is extremely important how partners express themselves. The main thing is that they do not forget about the value of their union, as well as peace and harmony in the family. The marriage of a Pig (Boar) man and a Dragon woman will be happy and exemplary if the spouses can come to mutual respect, learn to listen to their companion and avoid quarrels and showdowns. A woman should trust her husband, because in many situations he acts smarter and more expediently.

In addition, it is necessary to correctly distribute the duties and responsibilities of partners. If the Dragon woman begins to devote more time to her beloved, then he will be truly happy. He, in turn, should at least occasionally attend various events with her. This way, the goals of each spouse will be achieved, and the relationship will be harmonized.

The couple love luxury. They can spend money uncontrollably, so they should plan their family budget, make savings and minimize unnecessary expenses. This will help maintain peace in the relationship.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

The Dragon craves attention and admiration and always gets it. The representative of this sign has natural magnetism, he literally hypnotizes those around him. In addition, he is drawn to power. Dragons excel in leadership roles and often achieve outstanding success in leadership positions. Most likely, you are used to always getting what you want and also being in complete control of your life. However, Dragons have one secret: they depend on the admiration of loved ones and loved ones, because in fact, it is this attention that gives them support and allows them to maintain self-confidence. Without expressions of love from others, your self-esteem begins to decline, making it impossible for you to achieve success in other areas of your life. Even though Dragons have a reputation as heartthrobs - when they lose interest in a partner, they break her heart and just move on - they still need someone close to them in their lives. With age, the Dragon begins to understand himself better. He shows more of a desire to settle down and settle down, however he never loses his love of travel.

If you are caring for a Pig, there are a few important things to consider. Pigs are peaceful, they constantly try to resolve all conflicts. The representative of this sign is always ready to compromise. Often she gives up and refuses what could rightfully belong to her, solely because of the desire to avoid a possible conflict. The Pig loves pleasure and constantly strives for it - both at home and at various parties. The pig is naive and at the same time very reliable, you can really rely on it. Representatives of this sign are often overloaded with work: they made a whole bunch of promises, and now they are exhausted, trying to keep them and fulfill all their obligations. The Pig is trusting and gullible and at the same time has a sharp mind and developed intellectual abilities.

So what does the Chinese horoscope say about the romantic relationship between the Dragon and the Pig? On the one hand, a devoted Pig can give the Dragon the necessary love, support and admiration. In a relationship with a representative of this sign, you will notice that you begin to enjoy life much more, because the constant support of a faithful partner allows you to flourish and shine to your full potential. In fact, the Pig is not at all opposed to giving the Dragon the necessary support as long as she can enjoy all the benefits of civilization. If you respect your partner and want to make her happy, allow her to socialize with friends and go out, and try to provide her with a comfortable living environment. Most likely, she will agree to give up her career and devote herself entirely to the role of a cheerleader.

If you are in a romantic relationship with a Pig, you better give up the role of heartthrob because the Pig remembers the heartache caused to her for a long time. If you break her heart, chances are you'll never be able to get her back. The Pig really likes to support you, and unless you make some serious mistakes in this relationship, he will not mind the fact that most of the attention will be directed towards you. Another important point in this relationship is the need to limit spending somewhat: you both love luxury and pleasure and it is not easy for you to stay within your family budget or concentrate on boring daily duties and purchasing essentials.

With careful planning of their actions and some self-discipline, the Dragon and Pig can become one of the happiest and strongest couples among representatives of other signs of the Chinese Zodiac.

Compatibility between a Dragon man and a Pig woman is promising for building close love relationships and creating a family. Between these partners there is an intuitive understanding, a feeling for each other, and such interaction is much more important than any negotiations and artificially created relationships.


Most likely, the expectations and desires of both partners in this union will be realized. However, they will be able to find true happiness in a relationship only with mutual respect. It is worth noting that the Dragon man may perceive the Pig woman’s sensitivity as weakness and will try to become a leader. Of course, a man should take a leading position, but it is important that he does not humiliate his woman. Otherwise, she may begin to cheat, or regularly poison the relationship with the poison of dissatisfaction. Then the relationship will fail.

With mutual respect, a trusting and warm relationship will be established in the couple. The Dragon man will try to enrich their life together with bright events, interesting travels and acquaintances. The Pig woman will gladly accept the dynamics and fantasies of the Dragon man as a stimulus for her own development.

The Dragon man will also be happy with his partnership with the Pig woman, as she is able to take care, show concern and kindness. Next to her, he finds the long-awaited opportunity to fully relax and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. The interaction of these partners is based on internal deep psychological comfort, stability and a sense of security. Both partners are bright, lively and very inquisitive personalities.


All problems will be resolved quite easily in this couple, due to the lack of expectations about the other person and the ability to show what is needed. The Dragon man and the Pig woman tend to spend more than they earn. Therefore, they should pay attention to their finances and begin to control their money.

Intimate relationships will bring pleasure to both partners. In everyday life, they both show themselves very successfully, so it is important to initially divide responsibilities and agree on who will do what. It is still better to entrust the financial part to a woman. The Dragon man will provide for the family, and his Pig wife will create the necessary psychological comfort and coziness. In addition, she will have time to do her work and help her husband implement his plans. Everything will be decided together.

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