Recipes for cooking sea bass in a slow cooker. Steamed sea bass

  • 26.01.2024

You should definitely eat fish at least once every two or three days. For those who neglect this due to various circumstances, we can recommend sea bass. It is considered a very tasty and affordable fish. This type of meat is well digestible and contains potassium, magnesium, fluorine, iodine, iron, B vitamins, as well as C, D, E, PP and fatty acids (Omega-3).

How to choose fish?

Sea bass is only similar in appearance to river bass. According to its structure, it belongs to the scorpion fish. In nature, you can see sea bass up to 1 meter in length and weighing up to 20 kg. On the counter there are fish weighing about 1.5 kg. Several fish from this family are sold under this name. Therefore, its color can be pink, red, gray. Perch can be plain, with spots or stripes.

The quality of the fish and the taste of the dish prepared from it are directly dependent. Improper transportation and storage conditions can affect not only the appearance of future food, but also its taste. And in some cases this can lead to loss of health. If you come to the market or store to buy fish, be careful.

  1. Rate sea bass visually:
    • gill covers and mouth should be closed;
    • only minor scale losses are acceptable;
    • A normal perch has an even color along its entire length, without brown spots;
    • sunken, cloudy eyes are a sign of stale fish.
  2. Sniff: fresh perch has a faint marine smell.
  3. Even fresh perch covered with ice should not be soft or flabby. Damage and wounds on the carcass are unacceptable.
  4. To check the freshness, you can conduct an interesting experiment. Fresh fish usually sinks in water and remains upright when placed on the back of your hand.

When starting to cook sea bass, There are a number of features to keep in mind.

  1. Keep track of the time. The perch is cooked for no more than a quarter of an hour. It is easy to over-expose it - then the pieces will look ugly and may break. If you cook with your head, use your eyes as a guide; when they turn white, you can turn it off.
  2. You can make sea bass meat melt in your mouth and tender by briefly marinating it. Do not overdo it with complex or unfamiliar spices - they can change the natural taste.
  3. It is better to fry perch fillets in breading or batter. This way the broth will remain inside.
  4. For perch to be tasty, it needs gentle defrosting (in no case in water).
  5. You need to clean the perch very carefully, as its fins are very sharp. They are cut off first and better while wearing gloves. Next, you should remove the scales, preferably in a semi-frozen state (a grater or a special knife will make the job easier). Rinse with cold water. In addition to the entrails, the dark film must be removed from the abdomen - after cooking it has an unpleasant aftertaste.
  6. It is more profitable to buy a whole, uneviscerated perch with its head - you can cook several dishes from it at once.


Following are the advantages of sea bass:

  • tasty, fairly dense, lean meat, without foreign tastes or odors;
  • it has bones, but they are quite large (they can be easily picked out);
  • red snapper can be prepared in all the ways known in cooking suitable for fish;
  • Thanks to its neutral taste, it goes well with various vegetables and cereals.

For a couple

Fish prepared in this way is dietary and can be eaten by people on a diet for medical reasons or for the purpose of weight loss. Let's look at how to prepare such a dish.

  • Rinse sea bass fillet (boneless and skinless), salt and pepper on both sides. To add flavor and brightness to the dish, you can add herbs - rosemary, dill, basil or others to taste.
  • Pour water into the multicooker bowl (half a liter is enough). We install a device with holes for steaming on top. We put fish with herbs in it.
  • To make your diet more varied, you can steam broccoli, cauliflower or regular carrots along with fish. Place them on top of the fish or, if there is room, next to them.
  • Close the lid tightly, press the button indicating the “Steam” mode. It will take 20 minutes to prepare.

If you're not afraid to handle bones, sea bass can be steamed whole or in pieces. Cooking time can be increased to 25-30 minutes. Cuts are usually made on the sides of the gutted carcass so that the smaller bones are well steamed.

Canned food

Homemade canned food is always better than store-bought. At least you can be sure that your canned sea bass is cooked well. This is quite easy to do. For one kilogram of fish, it is enough to take 100 ml of oil, an onion, water, salt, bay leaves, and peppercorns.

We prepare homemade canned food.

  1. We clean the fish and cut into pieces. Cut the onion into rings. Place in layers in a multicooker container. Intersperse each layer of perch with onions and lightly sprinkle with salt.
  2. Place bay leaves and peppercorns on top. Add water and oil.
  3. Simmer on the appropriate mode for 4-5 hours. During this time, even large bones soften. You can even stew the perch overnight - after it’s finished, the multicooker will switch to heating mode, and in the morning you can start packing.
  4. Next, put the sea bass into containers. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. For long-term storage, jars with iron lids are needed. They are quite easy to sterilize in the oven, but the lids need to be boiled. Many salads, first and second courses, snacks, and sandwiches are made with such canned food.


Even those who don't like fish won't refuse sea bass cutlets. Its fillet can be used to make good minced meat. In this case, it is better to cut the fish yourself, since the minced meat from the purchased ready-made fillet turns out to be more liquid. It's very easy to remove.

  • Remove the scales and then the skin from gutted and clean fish. They lag well behind; if you pour boiling water over the fish, the scales will fall off along with the skin.
  • Then we take out the remaining fins on the back.
  • We pick up half of the fillet from the back and carefully tear it off, helping ourselves with a knife.
  • It’s easier with the other half - we take the spine out of it, feel it and take out the remaining bones.


  • 1 kg of sea bass meat;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 pieces of loaf;
  • 4 spoons of breadcrumbs;
  • seasoning for fish;
  • oil for frying.

We make minced meat.

  1. Soak the loaf in water for 15 minutes.
  2. Pass the fish pieces and onions through a meat grinder.
  3. Squeeze out the loaf and add to the fish mixture. Break the egg there and sprinkle with seasoning. Fish seasonings often already contain salt; the amount can be found on the label. Perhaps it needs a little more salt.
  4. Mix the minced meat for a long time. We make cutlets and roll in breadcrumbs.
  5. Cook on the “Fry” mode for 5 minutes on both sides. If the cutlets seem dry, you can top them with sour cream, homemade mayonnaise or tomato sauce.

For children, it is better not to fry the cutlets, but to steam or stew them. In the first option, use the “Steam” mode and a special container where the cutlets are placed. In the second situation, you first need to fry the cutlets literally for a minute at a time. Then pour warm water onto the bottom of the multicooker and turn on the “Stew” mode for 20 minutes. Moreover, the fried cutlets can be laid out in several tiers to save time.

With vegetables

Among recipes for sea bass in a slow cooker, options with tomatoes are very popular. To prepare this dish we will need:

  • approximately 500 g sea bass;
  • onion (purple), bell pepper and carrots 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • half a lemon;
  • olive or sunflower oil – 3 tablespoons;
  • sugar and salt, a pinch;
  • pepper and paprika to taste.

Let's look at the step-by-step recipe.

  1. Cut the perch fillet crosswise into narrow pieces. Squeeze lemon juice on top, add salt, add spices and leave to marinate for 30 minutes.
  2. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes. Remove the skin and core. Turn the pulp into puree.
  3. Chop the onions, peppers and carrots.
  4. Place the fish in the bottom of the bowl. Sprinkle paprika on top, add peppers, carrots and onions. Fill everything with tomato paste. Salt again and add sugar.
  5. Cook on the “Stew” program for 30 minutes. Serve with vegetables and the resulting liquid. This dish goes well with rice.

An alternative to this dish is sea bass in cream sauce. The recipes are somewhat similar. Only in this version we exclude paprika and bell pepper and add leeks. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut into cubes. Then put the vegetables and fish into the multicooker container, add cream and salt. You can use any cream, you need 100 ml. We also cook for half an hour.

Cooking perch soup.

  • Peel potatoes and onions. We cut randomly. Wash half a glass of millet.
  • Pour water into the multicooker bowl, add parts of fish, vegetables, millet, salt, a couple of bay leaves, and allspice.
  • Install the “Soup” program. Time – 50 minutes. We press start and wait for the readiness signal.
  • Sprinkle with herbs or croutons before serving.

With canned perch, the cooking time is reduced to 20 minutes.

For the recipe for making baked perch in a slow cooker, watch the video below.

Any fish is a very valuable product, beneficial for the body at any age. It should be present in our diet at least a couple of times a week in different forms - salted, smoked, boiled and baked in foil, as part of soups and salads.

Have you bought perch at the store, come home and don’t know what to cook with it? You can start with the simplest cooking recipes, and you can cope with the task using a multicooker. For example, steam perch in a slow cooker or fry it.

How to cook it correctly?

First of all, the housewife will be concerned with the question of how long to simmer the dish in a slow cooker, what spices and seasonings can be added for taste, and whether it is possible to immediately cook perch with a side dish using the steam method. And this is correct, because in 99% of cases we simply fry the fish in a frying pan in oil, having previously breaded it in flour or crackers, or stewed it in vegetable sauce. Sometimes you can bake it so you don’t have to fuss around in the kitchen for a long time.

However, a multicooker is not inferior in quality to a regular frying pan or oven, and besides, when using it, it requires several times less oil or other fats. The dish can be steamed, which means it will be healthier. But there are dozens of recipes for perch in a slow cooker.

The classic recipe for preparing perch involves frying it. It turns out very tasty and quick, and a set of products can be found in the kitchen of any housewife. Your family will really like these juicy fish slices, but let's get down to the recipe itself.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! River and sea fish contain a large number of small bones, which means that it is strictly forbidden to give it to small children. If you want to pamper your baby with this product, it is recommended to prepare fish cutlets.

To cook perch in a slow cooker you will need:

  • fish weighing just over 1 kg;
  • coarse table salt - half a teaspoon;
  • freshly ground (coarse) black pepper;
  • 50 gr. unsalted quality butter;
  • 50 ml. odorless sunflower oil.

Step by step recipe

Cooking begins with preparing the product. Rinse the fish in cold running water and remove scales using a special knife. If the perch is not gutted, remove the entrails and rinse thoroughly in water again.

Cut off the fins of the product and remove the head, you can cut off the tail. Dry the fish with paper kitchen towels. Now it needs to be cut into small portions so that the fish cooks quickly and remains juicy and tender.

Mix coarse salt and freshly ground pepper and rub the pieces of chopped fish with this mixture. In order for the spices to penetrate inside the meat more effectively, small oblique cuts can be made on the surface of the fish with a sharp knife, being careful not to cut very deeply into the tender flesh. Then the product will not have a stewed look, and it will fry evenly.

Turn on the multicooker, setting the “Frying” or “Baking” mode, put a piece of butter on the bottom, and after it starts to melt, add sunflower oil.

Place fish pieces in hot oil and fry on each side for at least 5-7 minutes until golden and crispy.

If the perch is cooked whole, then the frying time will need to be increased.

You can cover the lid of the device for a short time so that the pieces of perch are saturated with steam, because it is advisable to bring this fish to full readiness. Place the fried fillet or slices on a plate lined with paper towels to absorb excess fat and oil.

You can serve perch either hot or cold, with a side dish of mashed potatoes and a salad of seasonal vegetables, and prepare a delicious creamy or tomato sauce for serving.

If you do everything correctly, then there is nothing difficult in cooking this fish in a slow cooker. In addition, there are many delicious recipes, and in order to diversify the family’s daily menu and prepare a delicious dish, you need to know some secrets.

To quickly remove scales from a fish, you can pour boiling water over it and quickly clean it using special tools. Perch has very rough and spiny fins, so you should cut them off immediately so as not to injure your hands during the preparation process. You can cook fish in a slow cooker using almost any program, but to get a tender and juicy dish, choose “Stew.”

IMPORTANT! The calorie content of fish is low, so it can be safely included in the diet even for those who want to lose weight.

Do not salt the perch in the slow cooker; marinate it for 10–12 minutes in soy sauce. Believe me, the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Fish will go well not only with rice or potatoes, but also with various vegetables, so you can experiment with them to suit your taste.

Perch is a tasty, healthy fish.

Its meat is rich in various microelements, protein, and does not have excess fat. River perch and sea bass are different from each other, but both can be the basis for delicious, healthy dishes.

A multicooker will help you prepare them - you can bake, stew, boil, or steam perch in it.

Cooking fish in a slow cooker is quite quick and easy if you prepare it correctly beforehand.

Basic principles of cooking perch in a slow cooker

The tasty and not very bony meat of river perch is often not popular due to the scales, which are difficult to remove. This is where the preparation of the fish begins. To make it easier to remove the scales, the perches need to be doused with boiling water. For easier cleaning, you can use special knives, scrapers, and graters.

It is also better to remove hard fins from the perch.

Do the same with sea bass, if it is not processed. However, it is often sold ready-made, and sometimes even in fillet form.

To cook river and sea bass in a multicooker, use the Cooking, Steaming, Frying, Baking, Stewing and others modes.

Perch is prepared with onions, carrots, tomatoes, cheese, potatoes, sour cream, eggs, milk, various seasonings and spices.

River perch in a slow cooker - easy and tasty

This recipe uses fish fillets, although you can fry small perches whole and simply cut larger ones into pieces. True, then you will have to tinker a little with the bones already in the plate. Fish according to this recipe is similar to fried fish, but more juicy.


About a kilogram of river perch

Ground black pepper to taste

A piece of butter - optional

Vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method

Clean the perches from scales, gut them, cut off the fins, remove the head.

Cut the fillet or, if desired, simply cut it into pieces.

Rub the pieces well with salt and pepper.

Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and put a piece of butter.

Place the fish in one layer and turn on the Fry mode for seven minutes.

When finished, turn the pieces over and turn them on again for seven minutes.

If you are frying not a fillet, but a whole piece of fish, then increase the time to ten minutes.

After frying, let stand in the slow cooker for about five minutes and serve.

Steamed perch with vegetables in a slow cooker

Steamed river perch is a dietary dish. It’s easy to prepare, with a minimum of ingredients – fish, salt, spices. However, you can make this dish more rich by providing it with a vegetable side dish.


Half a kilogram of perch fillet or a little more if you use a whole fish

Large onion


Several cherry tomatoes or one large one

Two or three potatoes

Spices – Provençal herbs, fish seasoning or any other

A little bit of olive oil.

Cooking method

If the fish is whole, prepare it by cleaning and removing the fins. Cut into fillets.

Sprinkle the fillet with salt and spices and place on a steaming plate greased with oil.

Cut the onion into rings and place on top of the fish.

Chop the carrots into cubes or circles and place on the onion. Add a little salt if desired.

The top layer is chopped tomatoes.

Peel the potatoes, cut into slices and place the fillets around the edges.

Place in the multicooker in the Steam mode for 20 minutes - this will be enough to cook the fish and vegetables. If the potatoes are damp, add 10 minutes.

Canned river perch in a slow cooker

An excellent preparation for the housewife, who immediately got a lot of perches. A slow cooker will help simmer the fish until completely soft, and the spices will make the canned food aromatic and tasty. You can make canned food without vegetables, but they are much tastier with carrots and onions.


    2 kilograms of fish

    Two or three onions

    A couple of carrots - optional

    3-4 tablespoons of tomato paste, if you need canned tomato

    Half a glass of oil

    Ground black pepper

    Five allspice peas

    A pair of bay leaves.

Cooking method

Prepare the fish according to the rules - clean, remove fins and heads.

Small perches can be cooked with bones - they will soften during the process. And from large ones it is better to remove the spine.

Peel the onion and chop into cubes.

Peel and grate the carrots or cut into strips.

Pour oil into the multicooker, add onion, set to Fry for 10 minutes.

Then add carrots and fry for another five minutes.

Add tomato paste, mix with vegetables, place fish on top, sprinkle with salt, add spices.

Pour a glass of water and set it to Simmer for an hour and a half.

After cooking is complete, pour the hot mixture into jars and seal.

Keep refrigerated. You don’t have to roll it up, but use it right away.

Perch cutlets in a slow cooker

You can not only cook something from a perch carcass or fillet, but also make cutlets from it. Stew them in a delicious sauce and serve with potatoes!


    Perch fillet – 600 grams

    Large onion

    Spoon of semolina

    Two spoons of sour cream

    Garlic clove

    spoon of flour

    Vegetable oil

    Salt, ground black pepper

    A pinch of turmeric, if desired, for coloring the sauce.

Cooking method

Cut the fish fillet into pieces and grind in a meat grinder along with the onion. You can grind the fillet using a blender.

Add semolina to the mixture, add salt and pepper, mix and let stand for 15 minutes for the semolina to swell.

Make round cutlets, roll in flour, place in a multicooker preheated in Fry mode, leave for 10 minutes.

Finely chop the garlic.

Turn over to the other side, put garlic around the cutlets, add flour and fry for another five minutes.

Mix sour cream with turmeric, add about a glass of water and pour the mixture over the cutlets.

Set the extinguishing mode for 15 minutes.

After the signal, let the cutlets stand covered for a few more minutes and then serve.

You can do the same without sauce - when the cutlets are fried on the second side, pour in a couple of tablespoons of water and set to Stew or Bake for five to ten minutes.

Sea bass in a slow cooker is fragrant

Sea bass is just as healthy as river bass, and you can also use it to prepare a lot of wonderful dishes in a slow cooker. This is a simple recipe in which spices play an important role.


Kilogram of sea bass fillet

One onion

3-4 cloves of garlic


Black peppercorns – a few pieces

Bay leaf

Two glasses of water

Oil - a couple of spoons

Salt to taste.

Cooking method

Cut the fish into pieces, add salt and roll in breadcrumbs.

In the Fry mode, hold on each side for five minutes.

Meanwhile, peel and chop the onion.

Chop the peeled garlic.

Place vegetables on top of fish, add bay leaf and peppercorns.

Fill with water and set to simmer for half an hour.

Delicious served with a slice of lemon and herbs.

Fried sea bass in a slow cooker

Of course, it is more common to fry fish in a frying pan. But some housewives generally use only a slow cooker for cooking. There are also advantages to frying fish in it - there are no oil splashes, the fish will not burn and will be well cooked inside and out. The recipe is very simple and tasty.


    700 grams of perch

    Salt to taste

    3-4 spoons of oil

    Ground black pepper

    Lemon juice

    Flour for breading.

Cooking method

Gut the fish, remove scales, remove the head, tail and side fins.

Cut into small pieces.

Salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and vegetable oil - about a spoon. Mix. Thanks to the oil, the fish will be juicier and richer.

After about ten minutes, pour the oil into the multicooker bowl and heat it on the Fry mode.

Place the pieces of fish, add 10 minutes and let fry.

Turn over and cook for another 10 minutes.

The fish fried in a slow cooker is ready!

Sea bass in a slow cooker under a cheese and vegetable coat

This option can be used for family dinners and for holiday feasts, where both portioned pieces of fish and a large layer of baked crucian carp under vegetables with a cheese crust are suitable. By the way, this dish will also be delicious served cold.


Kilogram of sea bass

Two large onions

Carrots - optional

Two tomatoes

A couple of spoons of tomato paste, sauce, ketchup

A pair of medium bell peppers

A piece of fresh hot pepper such as chili, jalapeno or other

Two spoons of sour cream

300 grams of cheese

Salt, spices for fish

Vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Clean the fish and fillet it.

Salt and sprinkle with spices.

Peel the onion and carrots, chop them into small pieces and fry in a spoon of vegetable oil.

Add chopped tomatoes and chopped peppers.

Simmer a little, add the tomato, stir and remove from the heat.

All this can be done in a slow cooker on the Fry mode or in a frying pan.

Grease the multicooker bowl with oil and place the fish tightly.

I'll arrange the vegetables. Grease with sour cream.

Cover with grated cheese.

Set the baking mode for 40 minutes.

If desired, you can fry the fish first. Or you don’t have to fry either the vegetables or the fish – put them raw under the cheese. There will be an easier option.

This dish does not require a side dish, although it will be delicious served with rice.

Tricks and secrets of cooking river and sea bass in a slow cooker

    To ensure that the fish is softer, does not dry out, and is saturated with the aromas of spices, before cooking it in any way, it would be good to sprinkle it with vegetable oil and leave it to rest.

    Instead of the Stew or Baking mode, you can use the Pilaf mode - there will be something in between the first two: elastic, but stewed fish and whole, not overcooked or fried vegetables.

    Instead of salt, you can use soy sauce, especially if the fish is steamed.

    When frying, stewing, or baking fish, you can also prepare a side dish of vegetables and rice by placing them on the top rack.

    Perch soup will also be delicious in a slow cooker; prepare it like a regular soup, first making a broth from the bones and fins, and putting the fillet in it along with vegetables.

Sea bass in a slow cooker (recipes)

Since recently, both cooks and equipment are trying to keep up with the times, how to cook sea bass in a slow cooker has become a paramount question for me. This is a very tasty and extremely healthy representative of the aquatic world.

What do we know about a fish like sea bass? Some will say that this is a very tasty and extremely healthy representative of the aquatic world, while others will shrug their shoulders and surprisingly sum up that this is the first time they have heard about such a miracle of nature. For me, a housewife with extensive experience, it is very important not only to know what it is, but also how to prepare a nutritious dish from this specimen for my family. Since recently, both cooks and equipment are trying to keep up with the times, how to cook sea bass in a slow cooker has become a paramount question for me. And all because my faithful amateur fisherman decided not only to rest properly, but also to eat properly and healthy. Accordingly, if he quickly decided on the choice of equipment to achieve his intended goal and bought a multi-cooker, then he spent a long time and carefully sorting out the products that were supposed to be on the daily menu. Meat or fish and seafood – he didn’t hesitate for long. Therefore, the first dish that was supposed to decorate the dinner table every day was sea bass in a slow cooker. The comrades in my family are capricious and demanding individuals, so I had to work hard to diversify the diet sufficiently and feed my blockheads tasty, healthy and interesting.

Sea bass - some general information

Sea bass is a bright representative of the aquatic fauna, which is distinguished by the presence of tasty, healthy and nutritious meat. Having a huge amount of fat in its composition, it is nevertheless considered a dietary product that is useful for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and for those who simply want to get rid of a couple of extra pounds and keep their figure at a high level. This fish can be prepared in different ways: fry, steam, stew or boil - it is up to the cook to decide, based on the customer’s preferences and taste. Either way, sea bass makes a spectacular appetizer, a nutritious lunch, or a low-calorie dinner. There are many recipes for sea bass in a slow cooker, each of them is interesting in its own way and has the right to life.

Cooking sea bass in a slow cooker - my personal recipes

Steamed sea bass in a slow cooker with vegetables

To cook steamed sea bass in a slow cooker with vegetables, we will need the following components:

  • Sea bass fish – 1 piece;
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • Onion – 2 pcs.;
  • Champignon mushrooms – 0.5 kg;
  • Cream – 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • Refined sunflower oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt, ground black pepper, coriander, bay leaf;
  • Lemon – 1 pc.

Steamed sea bass in a slow cooker will turn out juicy, aromatic, with a spicy taste and smell if you follow my instructions. So, we take our perch, scald it with boiling water to better clean the scales. We get rid of scales, fins, head and tail. Separate the meat from the bones, rinse thoroughly under running water, salt, pepper, sprinkle with seasonings, pour in the juice of half a lemon and leave for a while. While the sea bass is marinating, we prepare our vegetables for cooking. To do this, peel them and cut them as follows: carrots into strips, onions into half rings, mushrooms into slices.

Pour sunflower oil into the bottom of the multicooker bowl and pour our vegetables into it. Don't forget to salt them a little first. Add a little water, about 0.5 cups. We grease our marinated fish with cream and place it on a special plate located above a bowl of vegetables and water. We set the steam cooking mode for 40-50 minutes, and go to rest or crumble a salad of fresh vegetables to serve. Steamed sea bass is an incredibly tasty, juicy dish that retains all its beneficial properties, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Vegetables, having imbued the perch meat with their aroma, are perfect as a side dish, and a salad of fresh vegetables will perfectly complement the flavor range. This sea bass recipe is also suitable for a double boiler - we cook what we have! The cooking instructions are the same as for the multicooker, just change the equipment.

Sea bass fillet in a slow cooker with lemon - a spicy recipe

I also recommend cooking sea bass fillets in a slow cooker with lemon. This dish will decorate not only an ordinary family table, but also a festive feast. For this culinary work we will need the following products:

  • Sea bass fillet – 0.5 kg;
  • Lemon – 1 pc.;
  • Mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt, ground black pepper, coriander;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Ketchup – 2 tbsp. spoons.

We take the cleaned meat of our sea bass, rinse thoroughly under running water and dry with a kitchen towel. Next, sprinkle it with salt, pepper, coriander, and pour juice from half a lemon. Mix mayonnaise with ketchup and coat our fillet with this mixture. Cut the onion into half rings and add a little salt.

Pour a little refined sunflower oil into the bottom of the bowl in the multicooker and put the fillet we previously prepared there. Place chopped onion and lemon slices on top. We set our miracle technique for 20-30 minutes in baking mode and wait. After the required time has passed, decorate the fish with lemon and fresh herbs and serve.

Boiled sea bass - recipe

It is very tasty and healthy to eat boiled sea bass; read the recipe for this dish below. So, to prepare this culinary masterpiece, as well as a dietary product that is easily absorbed by the body, we need only a few ingredients:

  • Sea bass fish – 1 pc.;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Salt, pepper, dill, parsley.

We take our beautiful sea creature, clean it of scales, gut it, cut off the head, fins and tail. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and leave for 5-10 minutes to marinate. Place our perch, sliced ​​carrots and onions into the multicooker bowl, add a little salt, dill, parsley and fill with water. Add a few tablespoons of sunflower oil and close the lid. Set the cooking mode for 30-40 minutes. Serve in a deep plate, garnish with lemon slices and parsley sprigs. Bon appetit! Live a fun and healthy life!

Sea bass in a slow cooker. Step-by-step recipes for cooking sea bass in a slow cooker. How to deliciously cook sea bass in a slow cooker? Recipes for stewed, baked, fried fish

Sea bass fillet has a low calorie content, a high content of useful components, and good taste. You can cook it, like any fish, in various ways. In this article we described recipes for fried, baked, stewed and boiled sea bass in a slow cooker.

Sea bass baked in a slow cooker with vegetables

The vegetable set in this recipe for sea bass baked in a slow cooker is very simple, and the entire recipe includes the following components:

  • sea ​​bass carcass – 1 piece;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • small potatoes - 3 tubers;
  • sweet pepper – 1 pod;
  • tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • black olives – 10 pcs.;
  • olive oil – 50 g;
  • ground ginger, salt and black pepper - to taste;
  • vinegar - 3 tbsp;
  • greens - to taste.

Sea bass baked with vegetables in a slow cooker is prepared using the following technology:

  1. The perch carcass is cleaned of scales, gutted, and the fins and head are removed. Then the fish is rubbed with salt, pepper and ground ginger, and marinated with chopped herbs for 30 minutes.
  2. All vegetables are peeled and cut into petals, peppers and onions are crumbled into half rings.
  3. The onion is pickled in vinegar mixed with water and salt.
  4. The multicooker bowl is greased with olive oil, and potatoes, carrots, onions and peppers are placed on the bottom in layers. All layers are salted.
  5. A fish carcass is placed on top of the vegetable bed, and tomatoes and olives are laid out on it. The dish is drizzled with olive oil.
  6. Cook sea bass in a slow cooker using the “Baking” program for 60-80 minutes. Before this, you need to pour about 100 ml of water into the bowl.

Soup with sea bass in a slow cooker

Fish and vegetable soup with sea bass, cooked in a slow cooker, is a healthy and nutritious lunch with excellent taste. For him we will take:

  • sea ​​bass – 1 carcass;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • large tomato – 1 pc.;
  • cream – 150 ml;
  • tomato paste – 1 tbsp;
  • olive oil – 3 tbsp;
  • dill - to taste;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste.

Cook sea bass soup in a slow cooker like this:

  1. First, the fish is cleaned, gutted, the head and fins are cut off, the spine and, if possible, bones are removed. From the vertebra, the head without gills and fins, broth is boiled in a slow cooker, which is filtered, poured back into the bowl, and the waste is thrown away.
  2. The onion is finely chopped and added to the soup. The fish fillet is cut into pieces and thrown in, the broth is salted and seasoned to taste.
  3. Skinless tomatoes are cut into cubes and placed in a frying pan, where olive oil is first poured. The tomatoes are also salted, simmered under the lid for 15 minutes, then crushed garlic is added to them.
  4. Place 1 tbsp into this mixture. without a slide of tomato paste, pour in the cream, bring to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes and pour the dressing into the soup.
  5. Cook perch soup in a slow cooker for 15 minutes, then season with chopped dill and turn off.

Sea bass in spicy breading, fried in a slow cooker

Perch fillet turns out very tasty when fried, and the interesting breading adds an original taste to the dish. For sea bass fried in a slow cooker, we will prepare:

  • perch carcass – 1 pc.;
  • flour – 3 tbsp;
  • peeled pumpkin seeds – 4 tbsp;
  • dried sage – 1 tsp;
  • orange zest – 2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • salt - to taste.

Let's fry sea bass in a slow cooker by following these steps:

  1. We clean the carcass, gut it, fillet it, and divide the fillet into large pieces.
  2. Salt the pieces and set aside for a while while you prepare the breading.
  3. Dry the pumpkin seeds in a frying pan until golden brown, grind or crush them, mix with flour, sage, orange zest, and a little salt.
  4. Turn on the multicooker in the “Frying” program and heat the vegetable oil thoroughly.
  5. Roll the perch pieces in breading and fry in a slow cooker until cooked.

The best side dish for this dish would be boiled potatoes, stewed or blanched vegetables.

Sea bass baked in a slow cooker with fennel and olives

You can bake sea bass in a slow cooker any way you want and with anything. An alternative to simple vegetables that many people are tired of is fennel and olives. For this recipe we will prepare the following products:

  • perch carcasses – 2 pcs.;
  • baby fennel – 1 pc.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • mix of green and black pitted olives – 0.5 cups;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • juice of a quarter of a lemon;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

We will prepare sea bass baked in a slow cooker with olives and fennel as follows:

  1. Cut the fennel into strips, the lemon into thin slices, crush with a knife and finely chop the garlic.
  2. We clean the perch carcasses, remove all excess, and remove the fillets from the bones. Divide it into portions and rub with salt and pepper.
  3. Grind 2 tbsp into a multicooker bowl. olive oil. Place fennel, lemon slices, olives on the bottom, sprinkle everything with garlic, pepper, and salt.
  4. Place the fish on top, pour in lemon juice, and turn on the “Baking” program.
  5. Cook sea bass in a slow cooker for 30-40 minutes.

Sea bass baked in a slow cooker with cheese sauce

Cheese sauce will decorate any baked dish. It will add a delicate creamy taste to the culinary creation and create a golden, tender crust on the surface. We will bake sea bass in a slow cooker with just such a cheese sauce, and this is what we will use for the dish:

  • sea ​​bass – 2 carcasses;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp;
  • dried rosemary – 1 tsp;
  • red pepper – ¼ tsp;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.

Sea bass is baked with sauce in a slow cooker according to the following instructions:

  1. We clean the sea bass carcasses from scales and gut them, and cut off the heads. Rub the fish with salt and red pepper, make cuts in the sides and insert thin slices of lemon there.
  2. Beat the eggs, grate the cheese on a fine grater, mix with eggs and sour cream. Season the sauce with rosemary and salt.
  3. Grease the bowl with oil, place the sea bass carcasses on the bottom of the multicooker, and pour cheese sauce over them.
  4. Let’s select the “Baking” program and cook the dish for 1 hour.

Sea bass marinated with tequila, orange liqueur and lemon juice in a slow cooker

We will describe a very unusual, original recipe for sea bass in a slow cooker below, but here are the components we will need:

  • sea ​​bass fillet – 2 pcs.;
  • tequila – ¼ glass;
  • orange liqueur – ¼ cup;
  • lemon juice – 1/3 cup;
  • onion – 0.5 pcs.;
  • small tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil – 4 tbsp;
  • jalapeno pepper – 0.5 pcs.;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • sugar – ¼ tsp;
  • salt - to taste;
  • chopped cilantro – 2 tbsp.

We will prepare marinated sea bass in a slow cooker as follows:

  1. Divide the perch fillet into pieces and place in a bowl.
  2. Tequila, lemon juice, orange liqueur, minced garlic, salt and 2 tbsp. add olive oil and mix. Pour the marinade over the pieces of fish, rub it in thoroughly and put the perch in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  3. Heat olive oil in a bowl. In the “Frying” program, fry the sea bass in a slow cooker until cooked.
  4. Cut the tomatoes, onions, and jalapeno peppers into slices. Mix, add sugar, salt, chopped cilantro.
  5. Place the vegetables on a plate and place the fried fish on top. Boil the rest of the marinade and pour it over the top of the perch.

Sea bass stewed with green beans in a slow cooker

Green beans are an excellent addition to any meat and fish dishes. The main secret of its good taste is the correct cooking time. Such a product is not subjected to heat treatment for long, otherwise it will lose color and change the desired structure, becoming too soft. We will cook sea bass with beans in a slow cooker using the following:

  • sea ​​bass – 1 carcass;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • green beans – 200 g;
  • dill – 20 g;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • cream – 150 ml;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste.

We will stew sea bass in a slow cooker like this:

  1. We clean, gut and fillet the perch carcass. Divide the fillet into pieces, rub a little salt and pepper into them.
  2. Heat the vegetable oil in a slow cooker and fry the pieces of sea bass on both sides.
  3. Place the fish at the bottom of the bowl. Chop the onion into half rings and place on top. Pour salted cream over the dish, sprinkle with chopped dill and cook in the “Stew” program until the onion becomes soft.
  4. Thaw the green beans and place them in the slow cooker. Cook the fish for another 15 minutes.

Sea bass with wine and capers in a slow cooker

The sauce for cooking sea bass in a slow cooker can be completely simple, for example, made with wine and lemon juice. Well, to add some zest, you can add some capers to the dish. Here are the ingredients we used in this recipe:

  • sea ​​bass - 1 carcass;
  • white wine – 0.5 cups;
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp;
  • canned capers – 2 tbsp;
  • chopped parsley - 2 tbsp;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking sea bass with capers in a slow cooker:

  1. We clean the fish carcasses and remove the fillets, which we rub with salt and pepper, and then divide into pieces.
  2. In a slow cooker, fry the pieces of sea bass in olive oil on both sides, removing them to a plate.
  3. Pour wine and lemon juice into the bowl. After boiling, cook for a few minutes, then add capers and chopped parsley.
  4. Place the perch in the sauce and simmer for 10 minutes.

Sea bass in a slow cooker. Video

Steamed sea bass recipe, how to cook sea bass in a steamer

Step 1

To prepare, take perch, carrots, peppers, onions, parsley stems, lemon, butter, salt, pepper.

Clean the fish.

Cut into fillets.

Grease with oil and let soak a little in the resulting marinade.

Place a layer of parsley stems on the bottom of the steamer.

Place fish fillets on them.

A thin strip of sweet pepper.

Place onion half rings.

Step 10

Carrot shavings.

Step 11

Place the pan over boiling water, close the lid and leave for 30 minutes with the water simmering slowly.

Step 12

Add bay leaf and hold for another 8-10 minutes. That's it, the fish is ready. Very tasty and aromatic!

Steamed sea bass


Sea bass fillet – 250 g, garlic – 1 clove, black beans -

2 tbsp. spoons, sugar - 1 teaspoon, soy sauce - 6 tbsp. spoons, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, green onions - 1 bunch, parsley - 1 bunch, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

The fish is cut into pieces. The garlic is peeled, crushed, beans, sugar, soy sauce, vegetable oil, salt are added, everything is kneaded and mixed. The resulting paste is spread on pieces of fish, placed on a flat dish, placed on a stand in a large saucepan filled 1/3 with hot water, and covered tightly with a lid.

The fish is steamed over high heat. As soon as it is ready, it is removed from the heat and served with hot rice, also steamed, garnished with chopped green onions and parsley.

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Grilled sea bass Ingredients: Sea bass fillet - 800 g Lemon - 1 piece Bread crumbs - 80 g Parmesan cheese - 40 g Butter - 40 g Olive oil - 30 ml Parsley - 0.5 bunch Ground black pepper and salt to taste Method of preparation Squeeze the juice out of the lemon, and the zest

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Perch in a slow cooker. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the fish from scales and entrails, trim the fins, tail and head. Then wash it with plenty of running water. In order to cook perch in a slow cooker, we only need fillets of this fish.

Rub the meat well with salt and pepper and don't forget to sprinkle some spices in the middle. Place some butter in a bowl and also add some sunflower oil. Place the fillet there and turn on the multicooker to fry mode.

Fry perch in a slow cooker for no more than seven minutes on each side. If you fry a whole perch, then you will need about 20 minutes. So, the dish is ready! Bon appetit!

2. Steamed perch in a slow cooker

Now we will talk about how to steam perch in a slow cooker.
For those who care about their health, but at the same time want to save their time, steamed perch in a slow cooker is an ideal option! This wonderful kitchen gadget will preserve all the nutritional properties of your dish.

Usually, perch is cooked in a slow cooker using a special plate. To cook fish, you need it. Then pour water into the bowl and place the fish on the plate. Turn on the appropriate program, and the multicooker will do the rest itself.

3. Cooking perch with vegetables and potatoes

Perch with vegetables in a slow cooker can be prepared as follows. Take approximately 0.5 kg of peeled river perch, one medium carrot, onion and parsley. You can use salt and pepper as spices.

If desired, add aromatic herbs. Fill the multicooker bowl with water and place the perch on the plate. On top of it are carrots and onions cut into slices. Turn it on. Cooking will take 20 minutes. Before serving, garnish with parsley leaves.

How to cook perch in a slow cooker to make it juicier? Immediately after cooking, pour your favorite sauce over it. This will be a wonderful flavor addition.

Perch with potatoes in a slow cooker can be prepared according to the same principle, just add more potato slices along with carrots and onions.

How to properly make canned perch?

A separate issue is canned perch in a slow cooker. To do this, you need to cut it into portions. Then cut the onion into half rings and the carrots into small pieces.

Now turn on the multicooker to fry mode. Pour vegetable oil into it, and then add the onion, which we fry until golden brown. Add carrots there and fry all the vegetables for five minutes.

After that, put the tomato paste there and after a few minutes add the fish (salted and peppered). Pour one glass of boiling water and set the stewing program. It will take approximately 1 hour 30 minutes.

After the sound signal, do not rush to open the lid, let it simmer a little more. Perch in a slow cooker will become even more tender. Then we put it in jars. The dish is ready to eat.