Bake dorado in salt oven. Original dish: dorado in a salt cocoon

  • 22.04.2024

Baked fish in salt means minimum effort and maximum taste. All you need is to buy a kilogram of coarse salt in advance. Sea bream prepared in this way will be incredibly juicy; it will not require additional sauce or special spices. The fish is baked without oil, in its own juice, so this dish is not only simple, but also healthy. This method, if my memory serves me correctly, was invented by lazy (or resourceful) Italian fishermen. They baked fish in salt in hot coals. Fast, simple, delicious! Be sure to try it. This way you can bake any fish, not just sea bream.

To prepare two servings of sea bream in salt you will need:

  • dorada - 2 pcs. 500 g each
  • coarse sea salt - 1 kg
  • garlic - 6 cloves
  • thyme - 2 small bunches
  • rosemary - 4 sprigs
  • lemon - 4 cups

How to cook sea bream in salt

Wash, clean and gut the dorada. We leave the head and cut off the fins with scissors. Then rinse the fish again and dry with a paper towel. On the sides of the fish, make oblique cuts to the bone, put peeled garlic there (3 cloves in each fish). Place a mug of lemon into the abdominal cavity of each sea bream, first select the seeds. Add thyme and rosemary there too. Just don't overdo it!

Pour salt into the baking dish so that its layer is 3-4 centimeters thick. Place the dorado on the salt, place another slice of lemon on the side of the fish and sprinkle with a thick layer of salt. Sprinkle the salted fish with water on top; 2-3 tablespoons of water will be enough for one fish. The water will bind the salt.

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.

Bake the dorada in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.

Remove the salt from the finished fish; it will be baked into a thick crust. Serve sea bream in salt with your favorite side dish.

Bon appetit!

Step 1: prepare the salt.

Coarse salt will better preserve the aroma and taste of fish, so we use it.
Pour the salt into a plate, add the grated zest of two lemons, finely chopped herbs: rosemary, sage and thyme; as well as 2 tablespoons of water. Mix until the salt is slightly moist.

Step 2: prepare the fish.

Clean and gut the dorado. Rinse the fish with cold water and then pat dry.
Place parchment paper on a baking tray and sprinkle salt on top, about a centimeter layer, or even a little more.
Place the fish on the salt and stuff it with thinly sliced ​​lemon wedges and sprigs of fresh rosemary, thyme and sage.
Pour the remaining salt over the fish so that it completely covers the carcasses with a thick layer (at least a centimeter).

Step 3: bake dorada in salt.

You need to bake dorada in a preheated oven. 220 degrees oven for 25-30 minutes.
The salt crust will bake, harden and become golden brown. You need to remove it by prying it with a knife to free the fish. But first, of course, you need to let it cool a little so as not to get burned.

Step 4: serve dorado in salt.

Peel the sea bream from the salt crust and serve it with any side dish and sauce of your choice. The fish turns out delicious! And how simple it is, be sure to try it, you will definitely like this method of preparing sea bream.
Bon appetit!

You can replace the lemon with lime, and also stuff the fish with coarsely chopped garlic cloves.

One of the most interesting and exotic ways of preparing fish is dorado in a salt cocoon. However, don't be scared! This cooking method is easy and simple. And it is impossible to over-salt the dish in this way. The most interesting thing is that fish prepared in this way retains all its juices and nutrients, and the meat turns out tender and juicy.

The main thing is that such types of fish as sea bass, salmon or flounder are easily prepared in this way. One of the requirements is the absence of “excess” fat in the fish.

So, what do we need to cook dorado in a salt cocoon? Here's what:

  • Coarse salt (about two packs)
  • Dorado (sea bass or flounder)
  • Pepper to taste
  • Lemon
  • Garlic
  • Rosemary

Cooking dorado in a salt cocoon

First you need to defrost the fish. It is better to do this in the simplest and easiest way. Just take it out of the freezer and put it in the refrigerator. Or, if you need to defrost the fish quickly, you can simply put it in a deep bowl or sink.

After this, the dorado should be cleaned of its entrails, washed and “dried” a little. You can simply collect excess water with a napkin or paper towel. To prevent the fish meat from being over-salted, you need to leave the skin and scales of the fish intact.

To prepare, take salt and mix it with spices. Mix thoroughly so that the spices are evenly distributed in the salt. Only then add water.

Make sure the mixture is not too dry. And if suddenly this turns out to be the case, just add a little water.

Now let's move on to the fish. Otherwise, how can you cook dorado in a salt cocoon if you don’t pay attention to it?

So, take a lemon and squeeze the juice out of it. Gently apply the resulting freshly squeezed juice to the fish. You can also coat the inside of it. Also salt the dorado a little and add spices.

Be sure to add a little garlic and a couple of rosemary branches inside the fish. This will add some piquant flavor to our dish.

Now you need to lay special baking paper in a baking dish or baking sheet, and start laying out our salt mass on it.

If we divide our entire salt mass into three parts, then we immediately need to lay out one part out of three. Gently level it and smooth it evenly.

Now you can lay out the fish itself. Try to lay the dorado evenly and not “destroy” the salt layer. After this, “cover” the fish with the remaining salt. Not a single piece of our dorado should be visible.

Now all that remains is to place the mold in the oven. To do this, it must be heated to 220-230 degrees. The dorado is baked in a salt cocoon for about 25-30 minutes.

At the end of this time, the fish should be removed and immediately placed on a plate. It is ready to eat, you just need to “break” the resulting cocoon and a charming and fabulously tasty prey will appear before you! Bon appetit!

This is one of the most beloved fish in the Mediterranean countries, Turkey, Italy and France and is served in almost every restaurant there. Dorado in a salt cocoon cooked in the oven is not only tasty, but also beautifully decorated. The festive serving of this fish in white salt in restaurants is accompanied by a fire show. The fish in a white coat of salt is poured with liquid alcohol and set on fire. Restaurant visitors who order this dish are always satisfied. In addition, this fish is not only tasty, but also low in calories. People who adhere to various diets will really like it. Any vegetables and herbs are suitable as a side dish for this fish.


  • - sea bream fish whole 2 pcs
  • - salt 1 kg
  • - water half a glass
  • - white of 1 egg
  • - basil 100 g
  • - lemon 1 pc.
  • - garlic 1 clove
  • - ground black pepper
  • - potatoes 4 pcs
  • - carrots 2 pcs


The recipe for preparing dorada fish in salt is very simple, despite the presence of a huge amount of salt. The fish must be gutted, fins trimmed, washed and dried in a paper towel. In this dorado recipe, the fish is cooked including the skin, scales and head. This is done so that the fish absorbs the amount of salt that is needed. The skin and head act as an obstacle to over-salting the tender dorado fish fillet. The prepared fish carcass should be salted and peppered from the inside, fresh basil, lemon cut into slices and crushed garlic should be added to it. It is also necessary to prepare salt. Separate the white from the yolk, add a little water and beat well.

Pour the salt into a large bowl, add the egg mixture and mix well. The salt should turn out like white snow. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Place a small layer of salt in the middle of the baking sheet and smooth it out. Place the prepared fish on a layer of salt, place salt on top of the fish and completely wrap the dorado in salt. Then peel the potatoes and carrots and rinse in water. Season each potato with salt and wrap in foil. Carrots don’t need to be salted, as they are sweet. It can be wrapped in foil, 2 pieces together. Place potatoes and carrots around the fish and bake the dorado in the oven at 250 degrees. Dorado with vegetables cooks in the oven for about 20-25 minutes. Dorado cooked in the oven with lemon, garlic and basil turns out aromatic, juicy and very tasty.

Hello, dear friends!

If you want fish, then that’s what we’ll talk about today. Yes, I suggest making today a fish day. And the highlight of our program is dorado or dorado baked in the oven in salt, as it seems to me, this is the simplest recipe for dorado in the oven that I have ever come across.

This recipe is interesting because, most importantly, the fish only needs to be gutted, and there is no need to clean it! Which in itself cannot be very pleasant. That is, a minimum of fuss and maximum culinary pleasure. Well, it turns out unusually: the fish is “buried” in the salt and needs to be dug out from there.

When I was preparing the article, I discovered that in addition to dorado or bream (this is the name under which the fish began to be brought to our stores), it is also called golden spar, simply spar, sparus or aurata. Yes, it's all about her! Therefore, if you sometimes come across a fish with a name unknown to you in a recipe (especially in fashion magazines), I recommend Googling the name, since sometimes a fish that is very familiar to us can be hidden under a mysterious name. Like, for example, I saw in one hypermarket, where the price tag said: “sea bass, aka laurel, sea wolf and koykan.”

Well, let's get to the point,


  • 1 gutted dorado
  • 2 kg coarse salt

So, if you have a beautiful dorado, about 1 kg, then you can simply bake it in salt. To do this, take 2 kg of rock salt (coarse sea or rock salt is recommended for such matters).

As I already said, we simply remove the insides of the fish, wash it and that’s it.

First cooking option

You need to take a baking sheet or frying pan that can be placed in the oven, pour half of the salt (1 kg) into it, place the dorado on the salt, sprinkle the other half of the salt on top.

And place in the oven for 25 minutes. It should be heated to 200 degrees.

After 25 minutes, take out the fish, wait a little for the salt to cool, and then take out the fish.

Dorado baked in the oven in salt will not be salty, but exactly as we need it.

Second cooking option

Instead of salt, make salt dough. That is, take the same amount of salt, add an egg and a little flour, and then wrap the fish in the resulting dough.

In this case, you need 35 minutes for the bream baked in the oven to be prepared in this way.

Here is a French video about these two cooking methods. It's in French, but everything is clear.

Dorado in salt with pesto sauce

Well, if you want a slightly more intricate recipe, you can make dorado in the oven in salt using pesto sauce. For this you will need


  • 1 dorado fish (800 g – 1 kg)
  • 2 kg coarse salt
  • 1 bunch of basil
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 3-5 pieces of sun-dried tomatoes
  • A few pinches of salt
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • A handful of pine nuts


Before you start cooking, heat the oven to 200 degrees.

While it's heating up, you can start making the pesto sauce. To do this, you need to tear off the basil leaves, grind them in a mixer or mortar with peeled garlic cloves, sun-dried tomatoes and pine nuts. Finally add salt to your taste.

At the end of cooking the sauce, add olive oil to make a fairly thick sauce.

Now we stuff the dorado with this sauce, leaving about a spoonful of sauce for serving. After the fish is stuffed, you need to sew up the hole with thread.

And then place the already sewn fish on half the salt, pour the other half on top, and put it in the oven for half an hour.

Serve the finished fish, seasoning with a small amount of the remaining sauce.

That's all.

I wish you delicious culinary discoveries.