Course work: Roman-epic L. Tolstoy "War and Peace": from the idea to its incarnation

  • 29.08.2019

The four-volume Roman-epic L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" is known to every person since school bench. Someone liked this work, and he read it from the first volume to the last; Someone was horrified by the volume of the novel to master; And someone just ignored the teacher's request to read the novel. Nevertheless, "War and Peace" is a really worthwhile and great work of Russian literature, which is still studying at school. This article is designed to help schoolchildren to understand the novel, understand its meaning and basic ideas. So, we present you a compressed analysis of the novel "War and Peace". Pay attention to the most important points.

When analyzing the novel "War and Peace", you can allocate three main thoughts that reveals L. N. Tolstoy. This is a family thought, the thought of the people's folk and thought.

Family thought in the novel "War and Peace"

It is convenient to trace how Tolstoy depicts three families in the novel - family of Bolkonsky, growth and kuraggic.

Bolkonsky family

Let's start the analysis of the work of "War and Peace" from the Block family. Bolkon's family is the old prince Bolkonsky and his children - Andrei and Marya. The main features of this family are a follow-up, rigor, pride, decency, a strong sense of patriotism. They are very restrained in the manifestation of their feelings, only Marya sometimes openly shows them.

Old Prince - a representative of an ancient aristocracy, very strict, has power both among the servants and in his family. He is very proud of his pedigree and mind, wants his children to be the same. Therefore, the prince is taken for teaching the daughter of geometry and algebra at a time when there are no such knowledge from the ladies.

Prince Andrei - a representative of the advanced noble youth. This is a very volitional, persistent person of high moral principles, he does not accept human weakness. In life, he is waiting for many tests, but he will always find a faithful exit due to his morality. Much will change the love of Natasha Rostova in his life, which will be for him, like a sip of fresh air, a symbol of real life. But the betrayal of Natasha will kill in it hope for the best. However, the life of Andrei Bolkonsky will not end, he will still gain his meaning of life.

For Princess Marya, the main in life is self-sacrifice, it is always ready to help another, even to the detriment of yourself. It is very meek, kind, sweet, soul and submissive girl. She religious, dreams of a simple human happiness. However, it is not so soft, it can be solid and stand on her, when they humiliate her self-esteem.

Family Rostov

Masterfully seven growth depicted in the novel Lion Tolstoy. "War and Peace", the analysis of this work will continue the story about this family.

The family of growth in meaning is opposed to the family of Bolkonsky in the fact that the main thing for Bolkonsky is a mind, and for growth - these are feelings. The main features of the family of growth - kindness, generosity, nobility, moral purity, proximity to the people, generosity, openness, hospitality, friendly. In addition to his children, she lives with them still Sonya, the nephew of the graph, Boris Drubetskaya, the son of a detailed relative, and faith. In the hard time, the Rostov family sacrifices with their property and helps to withstand the war. The old graph, for example, sacrifice its wagons in order for them to be wounded. This family is a symbol of liberation from the luxury of the material world.

Old Graph, Father Ilya Andreevich - Simple and Good Barin, gulling and wasteful man, he loves his family and home holidays, he has a close relationship with children, he supports them in everything.

Rostov's countess - the teacher and the mention of his children, she has a trust relationship with them.

Warm relations based on kindred love, there are both children. Natasha and Sonya Like the best girlfriends, in addition, Natasha loves her brother Nicholas, rejoices when he returns home.

Nikolai R easpens, Senior Brother Natasha - simple, noble, honest, responsive, generous human . He is kind, romantic, like Natasha. Forgives the old friends of Drubetsky their debt. However, Nicholas are limited to his family and farm. At the end of the novel, he creates a family with Marya Bolkonskaya, and they have a harmonious union.

Natasha Rostov, younger children, - cheerful, lively, immediate girl, family soul growth, in childhood, negleces the rules of decency adopted in society. She ugly outwardly, but she has a beautiful clean soul, it has a lot of features from a naive child. The work is built so that the closer the person Natasha, the cleaner spiritually. Natasha is not peculiar to deep self-analysis and thinking about the meaning of life. It is selfish, but its egoism is natural, in contrast to, for example, Eleneism Elene Kuragin. Natasha lives feelings and at the end of the novel finds his happiness, creating a family with Pierre Bezukhov.

Curagin family

Analysis of the novel "War and Peace" will continue the story about the family of Kuragin. Kuragin - this is old prince Basil and three of his child: Helen, Ippolit and Anatol. For this family, the most important thing is a good financial situation. and status in society , with each other they are connected only by blood relations.

Prince Vasily - ambitious intrigan, striving for wealth. He needs the inheritance of Cyril Bezukhov, so he is trying to bring his daughter Helen with Pierre.

The daughter of Helen is a secular lioness, "cold" beauty with impeccable behavior in society, however, deprived of the beauty of the soul and feelings. It is interesting for only secular techniques and salons.

Prince Vasily considers both her sons fools. IPPOLITA was able to attach to the service, which is enough with him. More AND ppolit does not seek anything. Anatol is a secular handsome man, a lot of hassle with him. So that he calmed down, the old prince wants to marry him on the meek and rich Mary of Bologkoe, but this marriage did not take place due to the fact that Marya did not want to part with his father and create a family with Anatola.

Family thought is one of the most important "war and peace" novel. Tolstoy carefully studies the family of Bolkonsky, growth and kuraggic, puts them in a terrible time situation for the country and watches how they will behave. It is easy to conclude that the future of the country by the author sees the families of growth and Bolkonsky, high-industry, d. overhead and associated with the people.

Popular thought in the novel "War and Peace"

It is impossible to present a complete analysis of the work of "War and Peace" without consideration of folk thoughts. This thought is the second important topic in the novel "War and Peace". It reflects the depth and the greatness of the Russian people. Tolstoy showed the people in his novel so that he does not seem faceless mass, people are intelligent, they are changing and moved forward story.

Many people have such people as Plato Karataev. This is a humble person who loves all the sameness, he takes all the adversities that occur in his life, but is not soft and silent. Plato Karataev in the novel is a symbol of folk wisdom, brought up in Russian people for a long time. This character was significantly influenced by Pierre Dunzhanov, his worldview. Based on Karataev's thoughts Pierre then will decide for yourself c. that in life is good, and what is bad.

The power and spiritual beauty of the Russian people show t. act of many episodic characters. For example, Raevsky's artillery worries death in battle, however on them not visible . They are not accustomed to a lot of talking, they are accustomed to prove their loyalty to their deeds, so they are silent her .

Tikhon Shcherbatoy - another bright Russian representative people , He expresses his anger, excess, but still justified cruelty .

Kutuzov naturally close to soldiers, to the people, therefore love with their subordinate and ordinary people. This is a wise commander who understands that it cannot change anything, so it is only a little old but change the course of events.

Almost every hero in the novel is checked by a folk thought. C. we are distant from the people of the people, the smaller he has a chance of true happiness. Napoleon Sam about in love, which cannot be approved by the soldiers, Kutuzov, as if the father for his warriors, besides, he does not need a loud glory, like Napoleon, so he is valued and loved.

The Russian people are imperfect, and Tolstoy does not seek to present it as such. However, all the shortcomings of Russian people overlap their behavior in wartime, because everyone is ready to sacrifice what it can, for the benefit of their country to save it. Consideration of the thought of people is one of the key issues in the analysis of the novel "War and Peace".

The thought of spiritual in the novel "War and Peace"

We now turn to the third important issue in the analysis of the work of "War and Peace". This is M. the spiritual. Concludes she is in the spiritual development of basic characters. Harmony reach those g e. the swarms that develop do not stand still. They make mistakes, chalk w. we are waiting for their ideas about life, but as a result come to harmony.

So, for example, this is Andrei Bolkonsky. At the beginning of the novel is an educated smart young man, to sober sees all vulgarity of the noble environment. He wants to escape from this atmosphere, he seeks to make a feat and gain fame, so departs to the army. On the battlefield, he sees how terrible war, the soldiers are fiercely trying to kill each other to and h. They themselves did not kill patriotism here fake. Andrei wounded, he falls on his back and sees the pure sky above his head. Created contrast between kill soldiers and a clean silent sky. At this moment the prince BUT nDRI understands that there are things in life more than fame and wars, Napoleon ceases to be his idol. This is a turning point in the soul of Andrei Bolkonsky. Later he R. e. shares c. it will live for your loved ones and yourself in the family world, however, he is too active to climb only on this. Andrew rerezy to J. test, O. h wants to help people and live for them, he finally understands the meaning of Christian love, however, the bright gusts of his soul break down the death of the hero on the battlefield .

Pierre Duhov also seeks the meaning of his life. At the beginning of the novel, not finding how he do, Pierre is running l. bY LIFE. At the same time, he understands that such a life is not for him, but there is no strength to throw it yet. He is weakwell and too trusting, so Elene Kuragina easily falls on the network. However, I. h. the marriage lasted for a short time, Pierre realized that he was deceived, and Polished marriage. Having survived his grief, Pierre entered the Masonic Life, where and found myself use. However, seeing a breath and dishonor in the Masonic bed, Pierre leaves her. The battle on the Borodino field strongly changes the worldview of Pierre, he sees the peace of ordinary soldiers unfamiliar to him and he wants to become a soldier himself. Later, Pierre is captured, where he sees a military court and the execution of Russian soldiers. In captivity, he meets Plato Karataev, who strongly affects Pierre's ideas about good and evil. At the end of the novel, Pierre marries Natasha, together they acquire family happiness. Pierre is unhappy with the situation in the country, he does not like the political oppression, and he believes that everything can be changed, uniting with honest people and starting to act with them at the same time. In this way, the spiritual development of Pierre Duzhova throughout the novel, he finally understands that the best for him is to fight for the happiness and well-being of the Russian people.

"War and World": an episode analysis

In school at the literature lessons in the study of the novel "War and Peace" very often analyze individual episodes. There are many of them, for example, we will analyze the episode of the meeting Andrei Bolkonsky with the old oak.

Meeting with oak symbolizes transition Andrei Bolkonsky from the old boring and sad life to the new and joyful.

D. uB with its appearance with recent S. internal them state m. hero. With the first meeting of the oak look iT. Old sullen trees, which does not harmonize with the rest of the forest. The same contrast is easy to notice in the behavior of Andrei Bolkonsky in the society A. P. Sherler. He is not interested in secular conversations, those who have long acquaintances to him people.

When Andrei meets the oak for the second time, he already looks different: Oak as if full of life forces and love for the world around him, there were no sores, dried and corrupt branches, it is covered with a juicy young greens. Tree was yet sure enough and strong, it was laid high potential, as in Andrei Bolkonsky.

Andrei's potential manifested itself in battle with Austerlice when he saw the sky; In his meeting with Pierre, when he told him about Freemasonry, about God and eternal life; At the moment when Andrei accidentally overheard the words of Natasha, who admired the beauty of the night. All these moments revived Andrei to life, he again felt the taste of life, r hell about and happiness, like oak, "bloomed" sincerely. To these changes, the hero also led his disappointment - in the identity of Napoleon, in the death of Lisa, etc.

All this greatly influenced Andrei Bolkonsky, led him to a new life with other ideals and principles. He realized what was wrong before and what he needs to strive for now. Thus, the external transformation of oak in the novel symbolizes the spiritual rebirth of Andrei Bolkonsky.

War and World: Epilogue Analysis

To present a full-fledged analysis of the novel "War and Peace", you need to pay attention to its epilogue. Epilogue is an important part of the novel. He carries a large semantic load, it summarizes the results that affect the questions about the family, about the role of the individual in history .

The first thought, expressed in an epilogue, is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe spirituality of the family. The author shows that in the family the main thing is kindness and love, spirituality, the desire for mutual understanding and harmony, which is achieved by complementing the spouses. This is a new family of Nikolai Rostov and Mary Bolkonskoy, unite and I opposite in the spirit of the family of growth and Blocks.

Another new family is the Union of Natasha Rostova and Pierre Lamb. Each of them remains a special person, but it goes on concessions to each other, as a result, they form a harmonious family. In the epilogue, on the example of this family, the connection of the stroke of history with relations between individual people is traced. . After the Patriotic War, 1812 in Russia there was a different level of communication between people, many class borders were erased, which led to the creation of new, more complex families.

Epilogue also shows how the main heroes of the novel changed, which they eventually come to. For example, it is difficult to find out the former emotional brisk girl in Natasha.


Today we can say that the Roman-epic "War and Peace" is the valuable heritage of world literature. Not many works of famous writers could compare with the wealth of the content of the novel. It also reflects the historical event of tremendous importance, and the deep foundations of the national life of Russia, and the fate of individuals.

In modern society, among moral devastations it is very important to address the life examples presented in Russian classics. Roman-epic "War and Peace" can convey to us the indispensable values \u200b\u200bthat the modern person may not have enough. On the pages of this product, such ideals as nobility, truth, family unity, obedience, respect, and, of course, love are tested. To develop spiritually, you should pay attention to these principles.

The relevance of the chosen theme is manifested in the possibility of applying some aspects disclosed in the work, in practice in modern life.

The aim of the work is to understand the meaning of the creation of the Roman Epopea, study its features.

Presented tasks:

1. Determine the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel, understand what the author of the work wanted to convey.

2. Submit the context of events and the conditions for creating a novel.

3. Reveal the development of the main characters of the novel.

4. Evaluate the global value of the Roman-epic from the point of view of famous classics and literary critics of the XIX century.

When creating this work, materials were used by various researchers of L.N. Tolstoy, who considered the Roman-Epopeus "War and Peace" from various sides. In the works of various authors, the moral ideal of heroes, the style of the work was studied, the characteristics of the main events and their meanings were given. Also, when preparing the work, the materials of the correspondence and writers, critical essays of Russian and foreign contemporaries were studied. All this in the aggregate made it possible to present a complete picture of the work, its place in world literature, the value for contemporaries and descendants.

1 History of the creation of novel epic

1.1 idea and design work

Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy is one of the most prominent personalities in the domestic life of the last two centuries. Already at the early stage of his work, he was responding about him as a future master of the word. "Received new Russian magazines - a lot of interesting things. Little story gr. Tolstoy ("blizzard") - a miracle, in general the movement is huge, "A. Herzen M.K. wrote Reikhel back in 1856

However, the end of the 50s is characterized by a crisis in a creative biography of L.N. Tolstoy. Brilliant principle ("Childhood", 1852), Sevastopol essays (1855), success in the circle of St. Petersburg writers turned out to be recent, but past. Almost everything that Tolstoy writes in the second half of the 50s, it does not have success. Lucerne (1857) was adopted with bewilderment (1857), "Albert" (1858) failed, a sudden disappointment and "Family Happiness" (1859), work on which was enthusiastically walled. Next, there are eight years of fruitless work, the outcome of which is merciless: "Now, as a writer, I have nothing to do anything. I do not write and did not write since the time of "family happiness" and, it seems I will not write. - Why is that? Long and hard to tell. The main thing is the life of short, and spend it in adult years in the writ of writings, which I wrote, conscientious. You can and should and want to do business. Would have been the content of such a thing that would like, asked to the outside, would give the audacity, pride, strength, then so. And to write a story very cute and pleasant to read at 31 years old, to God, the hands are not rising. "

In search of calm Tolstoy moves into a clear clearing, "home". Here, by conducting a quiet and quiet life (in 1862 he marries S. A. Bers), the writer more and more communicates with the peasants. As a global mediator, he settles land disputes after the abolition of serfdom ("mediation is interesting and fascinating, but it's not good that all the nobility hated me with all the power of the soul ..."). There are classes with the peasant children in the Yasnocation School ("the urgent need of the Russian people is public education"). Tolstoy tries not to engage in literary activities: "I live in winter well. The abyss, and the classes are good, not what to write a story "

However, the need to write still takes the top. In 1862, the "Cossacks" were completed - the story, which began ten years ago, was written by the story "Polykushka", he started "Holstomer", which will be completed only in twenty years. But through this work, the main intention is imperceptibly and inevitably germinate. In February 1863 S. A. Tolstaya will write sister Tatyana: "Lev began a new novel." So the book began to be spent seven years of incredulous labor on the best living conditions, the book, which was accomplished by years of historical surveys.

To understand that it was the prerequisites for the creation of the greatest masterpiece, back to the beginning of the creative activity of L.N. Tolstoy.

In early hours, the writer "the main interest" of creativity was in the history of characters, in their continuous and complex movement, development. V.Gor Korolenko, who came to the clear Polyana in 1910, noticed: "You gave the types of changing people ..." - In response L.N. Tolstoy clarified: "You can talk about the ability to guess the type, not changing, but moving." Tolstoy believed in the "power of development". The ability of the main character to overcome the usual framework of being, not to tight, but to constantly change and update, the "flow" is in itself a deposit of change, gives a firm moral support and, together with this, the opportunity to confront the attacks of the environment. It was a fundamental feature of the writer's creative quest. L.N. Tolstoy believed that it is important not only to change depending on external changes, but also morally to grow, improve, confront the world, based on the strength of his own soul.

In the genre framework of the narrative of childhood, adolescence and youth there was no place for historical excursions and philosophical reflections on Russian life, which occupied such an important place in the "war and the world". However, the writer found the opportunity to express all the general unpleasuries and anxiety that his hero - as he himself in the years of work on the first book - worried as a mental conflict as an inner disorder and anxiety.

L.N. Tolstoy wrote not a self-portrait, but rather a portrait of a pemer who belonged to the generation of Russian people whose youth fell on the middle of the century. War of 1812 and Decembrism were for them the recent past, the Crimean War - the closest future; In the present they did not find anything durable, nothing, to which it was possible to rely on, with confidence and hope. All this was reflected in the early work of Tolstoy and gave a fingerprint for the future.

In the story "Defense", the writer begins to express his feelings through images, landscapes. In the narrative of thick landscapes are far from loose, they are dramatized, weighing. This technique, widespread developed by writers of the end of the XIX century, especially perfect in Chekhov, is common in the early Tolstoy. These landscape sketches foreshadow the paintings of the "War and Peace".

During the work on the first book, when the aesthetic views, poetics, the style of Tolstoy were formed, its attitude towards various areas, Russian literature schools was determined. In the circle of his reading entered French (Lamartin, Rousseau), German (Goethe), English (Stern, Dickens) and, of course, Russian writers. As a reader, Tolstoy early accepted the tradition of Russian realistic prose and even defended her in the dispute in the creative manner of romanticism.

Every time I promised to the reader at the end to continue the narration, Tolstoy hardly imagines that none of his books receive a traditional ending. Apparently, only at the time of the "war and the world", he realized that the open finale was a literary law, first-founded by Pushkin and then approved by his successors. Thus, the writer left the right to solve the fate of the heroes readers, only hinting for a possible outcome.

The topic of war, expressed in Roman-epic, was born over the years. Military impressions were experienced by the author himself so much that it found its incarnation on the pages of the work. Without his own study of the simple realities of the war, the behavior of a person in the war, which is made by the writer on the material of the Crimean campaign in Sevastopol essays, of course, could not be "wars and the world". To the number of these reality, first of all, it is the problem of a person in war. The article "Several words about the book" War and Peace "", printed in 1868, during the completion of the novel, Tolstoy explained his image of the war. In Sevastopol, the writer fully found that such a danger and military valor, as the fear of being killed and what is courage, winning and destroying this fear. He saw that the appearance of the war is inhabitant that he is manifested in the blood, in suffering, in death, "but also the fact that in battles are the moral qualities of the struggling parties and the main features of the national character appear.

In the Caucasus and in Sevastopol, Tolstoy learned better and loved ordinary Russian people - soldiers, officers. He felt like a particle of a huge whole - the people, the troops defending their land. In one of the drafts of the novel "War and Peace", he wrote about this feeling of involvement in the general action, a military feat: "This is a sense of pride, the joy of waiting and together the insignificance, the consciousness of the coarse power - and the highest power." The main thing that I saw and learned Tolstoy in the war is the psychology of different types of soldiers, different - and low-lying, and sublime - feelings that led the behavior of officers. The truth, which is so hard to tell about the war, makes a wide way on the pages of the epic on the Patriotic War. This truth fundamentally means disclosure of psychology, mental experiences. It was in military stories that the Tolstovsky "Dialectics of the Soul" includes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe study of ordinary people, as if not completely inclined to in-depth work. Revealing his hero Tolstoy, does not erase individual in man, but, on the contrary, reveals it in all wealth. It shows the general experiences of the people through individual characters, while not typing them, but gives them special, only by them inherent in properties.

Following the Caucasian stories, the writer continues to explore the behavior of a person in war, this time in the most difficult conditions of unsuccessful battles. It is inclined "before this silent, unconsciousness of the greatness and hardness of the Spirit, this shortness of his own dignity." In faces, posture, movements of soldiers and sailors who protect Sevastopol, he sees the "main features that make up the strength of Russian". It chants the persistence of ordinary people and shows the inconsistency of "heroes" - more precisely those who want to seem a hero. Here the world of repulsions and confrontations are much richer than the world of attraction. In the contrast, the abbreviations are made by courage ostentatious and courage modest. Moreover, the entire life regions, social layers, and not just individuality, are opposed. At the same time, the writer shows people with their characters, habits, manners. He follows the "wrong" speaking speech of the soldiers. Tolstoy and in young years, and in the late days of their work knew and loved the simple People's Zyq. In his works it looked like a decoration of speech, and not as its drawback.

The defense of Sevastopol and the victory over Napoleon in 1812 for Tolstoy - events of a different historical scale, but equal to the moral outcome - "consciousness of persistentness" of the people. Disposable, despite the different outcome: Sevastopol after almost annual heroic protection was delivered, and the war with Napoleon ended with exile from Russia. The meaning of this comparison is that ordinary people, sacrificing themselves for the sake of a common cause, deserve more honors than "heroes". Here, perhaps, there is even a feature of the moral perfection of a simple people.

We should not say that in the ideological plan "War and Peace" prepared pedagogical articles of Tolstoy, just as in the plan of artwork prepared throughout the entire creative life of the writer. In the articles of the beginning of the 60s, except for the issues of pedagogical (as famous Tolstoy engaged in training peasant children), the writer puts the most important, from his point of view, the question - about the right of the people to solve the work of his education, like all the historical development, about social reorganization - by subdues the people to enlighten. Later in his work he will affect this issue: "You are talking to schools,<…> teaching and so on, that is, you want to withdraw him [a man] from his animal state and give it moral needs. And it seems to me that the only possible happiness is happiness an animal, and you want to deprive him ... "

The strong side of the position of Tolstoy - in a deep convinced democratism. About their love for the people and peasant children, about their advantages to the city children Tolstoy says hotly and strongly:

"The advantage of the mind and knowledge is always on the side of the peasant boy, who has never studied, in comparison with the Barskaya boy, who studied from Goover from five years."

"People of the people are fresh, stronger, mighty, independently, more and more, humane and, most importantly, it is more likely to people, no matter how those who are brought up";

"... in generations of workers lies more of power, and more consciousness of the truth and good, than in the generations of banons of bankers and professors."

Despite the fact that the main events are built around representatives of the highest society, the theme of the people, his simple Russian soul is constantly found on the pages of the "War and Peace" pages. This characterizes the need of the soul of the most thick express its attachment to ordinary people.

As a result, I would like to note the first chapter that the Roman-epic "War and the World" was born not due to the instantaneous idea. He became a meaningful fruit of the long creative life of the writer. It was already the creation of the author's experienced and scientific life. It should be noted that the work has a solid and durable foundation based on personal experiences of thick, on his memoirs and reflections. All the bright episodes of the life of the writer, its moral principles, originated in the early course of creativity, were reflected in the great masterpiece of the Russian classics "War and Peace". Next, I would like to touch some features of the creation of a novel-epic.

1.2 Birth of Roman Epopea

The meaning of the completed work becomes clearer when we know His story, the path passed by the Writer before the start of work, and the creative history of the work.

Seven years "Incessant and exceptional labor, with the best conditions of life" (L.N. Tolstoy was calm, happy, living with a young wife almost low-minded in a clear glade), given to the creation of a great book: 1863 - 1869. During these years, the writer almost did not lead the diary, made rare notes in the notebooks, was distracted very little to other plans - all the energy went to the novel.

In the history of the establishment of the novel, the most important feature of the artistic genius L.N. Tolstoy - the desire to "reach to the end", explore the deepests of national life.

The history of the initial stage is told in one of the draft sketches of the preface:

"In 1856, I began to write a story with a famous name, the hero was to be a Decembrist, returning with the family to Russia. Unwittingly from the present I switched to 1825, the era of delusions and misfortunes of my hero, and left the started. But in 1825, my hero was already a mature family man. To understand him, I needed to be transferred to his youth, and his youth coincided with the glorious era of 1812. Another time I left the started, and began to write from the time of 1812, which else the smell and sound is heard and miles to us, but which is now so distant from us that we can think about it calmly. But for the third time I left the started, but no longer because I needed to describe the first youth of my hero, on the contrary: between those in historical, half-person, semi-grand villas, the identity of my hero retreated to the background, and on the fore Steel, with an equal interest to me, and young and old people, and men and women of that time. For the third time I returned back to the feeling, which, maybe, will seem strange to most readers, but which, I hope, will understand exactly the opinion of which I rushes; I did it in a feeling like shyness and which I can't define in one word. I could write me about our celebration in the fight against Bonapartovskaya France, without describing our failures and our convolution. Who has not experienced that hidden, but unpleasant feeling of shyness and distrust when reading patriotic writings about the 12th year. If the reason for our celebration was not accidental, but was in the essence of the nature of the Russian people and the troops, then the character of this should be expressed also brighter in the era of failures and defeats. So, from 1856 by returning to 1805, I have already intended to spend one from that time, and many of my heroines and heroes through historical events 1805, 1807, 1812, 1825 and 1856. "

"... You can not imagine how interesting all information about the Decembrists in the" Polar Star "is interesting. I started a month four ago, the novel whose hero should be the returning Decembrist. I wanted to talk to you about it, but never managed. The Decembrist mine should be enthusiast, mystic, a Christian, returning in 56 to Russia with his wife, son and daughter and squeaking his rigorous and somewhat perfect look at the new Russia ... Turgenev, to whom I read the beginning, liked the first chapters. "

But then the novel about the Decembrist continued the first chapters did not develop. From the story of the fate of one hero-Decembrist, he moved to the narrative of the generation of people living in the period of historical events formed Decembrists. It was assumed that the fate of this generation would be traced to the end - before the return of the Decembrists from the reference. The whole year was looking for the desired start. Only the 15th version satisfied Tolstoy.

One of the first sketches is entitled "Three Pores. Part 1. 1812 year. " He begins the head about the Ekaterininsky General-Annefe "Prince Volkonsky, Father Prince Andrei". Apparently, three pores are 1812, 1825 and 1856. Then the time of action is maintained, and the place is transferred to Petersburg - on the "Ball of Ekaterininsky Velmazby". But it was not satisfied with the writer. Only in the 7th version found the final countdown: "On November 12, 1805, the Russian troops, under the team of Kutuzov and Bagration ... In Olmyuts, they were preparing for the seeing Austrian and Russian emperors." But this fragment did not start the novel. The military actions will be told in the second part of the first volume.

The twelfth option is entitled: "From 1805 to 1814. Roman Graph L.N. Tolstoy. 1805th year. Part 1 "- and begins directly indicated on the belonging of the future Pierre Pierre Beshovah to the Decembrism:

"Those who knew Prince Peter Kirillovich B. At the beginning of Alexander II reign, in the 1850s, when Peter Kirillych was returned from Siberia White, like LUN MUD, it would be difficult to imagine him with carefree, stupid and crazy young men, how he he He was at the beginning of the reign of Alexander I, shortly after the arrival of his from abroad, where he ended his upbringing at the request of his father. Prince Peter Kirillovich, as you know, was the illegal son of Kirill Vladimirovich B. ... For the papers, he was not called Peter Kirillich, but Peter Ivanich, and not B., and the Medical, named village in which he was born. "

The closest friend of Peter is Andrei Volkonsky; Together with him, Peter is going to "go to the Old Freillan Anna Pavlovna Shero, who very much wanted to see the young Mednsky" 20. This was the catch of Roman-epic.

From the first months of 1864 to the beginning of 1867, the first edition of the entire novel was created. In November 1864, part of the manuscript was already given to press in Russian Bulletin. Under the name "Thousand Eight hundred and Fifth Year" (meaning the name of the first "Pore"), chapters appeared in 1865 in the journal with subtitles: "in St. Petersburg", "in Moscow", "in the village". The next group of chapters is called "War", and is devoted to the foreign campaign of the Russians, ending with Austerlitsky battle. The content of the first three parts: "1 hour - what is printed. 2 h - to Austerlitz inclusive. 3 h - to Tilzit inclusive. " It was necessary to write: "4 h. - Petersburg before Andrei's explanation with Natasha and explanations Andrei with Pierr inclusive. 6 h - to Smolensk. 7 h - to Moscow. 8 h. - Moscow. 9 h - Tambov. 10 "Digit 10 is delivered, but not decrypted.

The composition of the book was determined: alternating parts and chapters talking about peaceful life and military events. Preserved written in a thick plan with counting sheets.

Throughout 1866 and early 1867, the first edition of the novel was created. In a letter A. A. Fethu L.N. Tolstoy gives her the name "everything is good, which is well ends." There are no title in manuscripts.

This first version of the novel differs from the final one. Here, otherwise the fate of the heroes: Andrei Bolkonsky and Petya Rostov do not die, and Andrei Bolkonsky, departing, like Nikolai Rostov, in the overseas campaign of the Russian army, "inferior" to Natasha to his friend Pierre. But the main thing, here the historical and romantic narration has not yet become epic, it is not yet imbued, as it will become in the final text, "the people's thoughts" and is not the "history of the people." Only at the final stage of work, in the sketches of the epiloga, Tolstoy will say: "... I tried to write the history of the people."

Of course, "1805" and the more the first completed editorial office of the whole novel was not a chronicle of several noble families. History, historical characters from the very beginning were included in the author's intent. There is an opinion that at the beginning of the "war and the world" was created as a family chronicle. Himself L.N. Tolstoy wrote about this: "In writing, only the princes, speaking and writing in French, graphs, etc., as if all the Russian life of that time focused in these people. I agree that it is incorrectly and unhealthily, and I can say one, but an irrefutable answer. The life of officials, merchants, seminarists and men I am not interested in and half incomprehensible to me, the life of the aristocrats of that time, thanks to the monuments of that time and other reasons, more clearly and Mila. " It is hard to believe that this is said by the creator of "War and Peace", but it is.

Three years of intense creative work at the final stage were just led to the fact that the historic novel is the "picture of the morals built on a historic event", the novel about the fate of generation - turned into a novel-epic, in the "story of the people". The book was not about people, not about events, but about life in general, about the flow of life. Philosophical thought L.N. Tolstoy (about freedom and necessity, about the reasons and laws of historical movement, etc.) was looking for ways of universal truth.

In the summer of 1967, an agreement was signed on the printing of the novel with the owner of the Lazarevsky Institute of Oriental Languages \u200b\u200bF. F. Ris. But the novel had not yet had a final species, his second half, dedicated to the Patriotic War, was still waiting for refinement and changes.

In September, L.N. Tolstoy decided to inspect the field of the Borodino battle. Together with the younger brother of his wife, 12-year-old Stepan Berse, he stayed in Borodina for two days; I made a record, painted the area of \u200b\u200bthe area to understand the actual location of the troops, and on the day of departure, "I got up at the dawn, traveled once again the field" to clearly see the terrain just at that hour when the battle began. Returning to Moscow, he told in the letter to his wife: "I am very pleased, very - my trip ... just would give God health and tranquility, and I will write such a Borodino battle, which was not yet ... I was pleased with Borodin, and it was a consciousness of that What I do business. "

To describe Borodino battle, only a small extent was used a copy of the first edition; Almost all the description of the battle, Pierre observations, Napoleon's oscillations, confidence in the victory of Kutuzov and the author's argument about the meaning of the Borodino battle, which "remains forever ... The best military unparalleled in history", "all this is almost entirely written.

In the last volume there were new details. A description of the partisan war, the author's argument about its folk character was added.

Seventeenth of December 1867, the newspaper "Moscow Vedomosti" informed about the release of the first three volumes of Roman-Epopea. The fourth volume has already been printed.

The success of the novel from readers was so great that in 1868 it took the second building. It was printed in the same typography. Two final volumes (5th and 6th) were printed in both editions from one set. Announcement of the 6th Tome appeared in the same newspaper on December 12, 1869.

In early 1869, Relative A.Feta I.P. Borisov saw with L.N. Tolstov in Moscow and in one of the letters of that time noticed that the 5th volume is not the last and that "Lev Nikolayevich hopes for another five, and Maybe - it is like more ... a lot has written, much, but all this is not to V-th, and go ahead. " As you can see, there were a lot of plans.

However, as it happened at L.N. Tolstoy and earlier, the grand ideas to include in the story another "two pores" 1825, 1856 Not carried out. The epic was completed. In essence, on the material of others, the following epochs could not take place as an epic. Rather, it would be the trilogy of independent works, like the "childhood", "adolescence" and "youth." The end end is the only possible.

As a result, I would like to note that the "war and the world" can proudly carry the title of Roman Epopea. It was truly the titanic work of the writer, nascent not one year. This whole era in the life of the author who has changed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe war of 1812, about its representatives and events. Here the reader can see and feel the spirit of the people, in the form, in which he was during the time of the Patriotic War. Of course, the initial idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the image of the Decembrist failed, the novel did not include conceived "three pores". But this led to the fact that now "War and Peace" is a "mirror" of the epoch, through which we, descendants we can learn the life and morals of Russia, to know moral values.

2 ideological-thematic peculiarity of the Roman-epic

2.1 The characters of the main characters and their evolution

Almost in world literature there is still a work, so widely embraced by all the circumstances of the earth's existence. At the same time L.N. Tolstoy always knew how to not just show changeable life situations, but to imagine in these situations to the last degree truthfully "work" of feelings and reason in people of all ages, nationalities, ranks and provisions, always unique in their nervous device. Not only experiences in reality, but also the area of \u200b\u200bdreams, dreams, half fees were depicted in "War and the world with unsurpassed art.

The era, when a new book was created, was alarming. The abolition of serfdom, other government reforms responded in Russian society by real spiritual tests. The spirit of doubt and disclaim visited the once unified people. The European principle "How many people, so much truths," penetrating everywhere, gave rise to endless disputes. Appeared in many "new people", ready for their own whim to rebuild the life of the country. The Russian world of times of the Patriotic War was, according to the writer, the complete opposite of modernity. This clear, stable world, well understood Tolstoy, the felt in herself necessary for the new Russia, in many ways forgotten durable spiritual guidelines. But he himself was inclined to see in the national celebration of 1812. I am victorless values \u200b\u200bof the "living life".

The events of the past Tolstoy sought to cover with unprecedented latter. As a rule, he watched and so that all of them said strictly to the smallest detail answered the facts of actual history. In the sense of documentary, the actual reliability of his work was noticeably prompted by the boundaries of literary creativity. She absorbed unreasonable situations, expressing historical persons and their details of their behavior, the texts of genuine documents of the era. Lion Tolstoy knew well the writings of historians, studied notes, memoirs, diaries of the famous people of the XIX century.

The mental world of the heroes of the writer, as a rule, came into motion under the influence of external impressions that caused the most intense activity of feelings and thoughts. The sky of the Austerlitz, who was seen by the wounded Andrey Bolkonsky, the kind of Borodino field, so hitting the Pierre Duzhov at the beginning of the battle, "The most not for the battlefield, ... and the simplest room" French officer, taken in captivity Nikolai Rostov - Large and Small, details were included in The soul of the characters, became the acting facts of his innermost life.

The concept of happiness, which was at the origins of the "War and Peace", would be incorrect to reduce the everyday well-being. Fortunately led the relaxed life of the senses of heroes. The rich world of the senses posed in himself indestructible, forever living "instinct of love." In "War and the World he found a diverse, but almost always physically tangible manifestation. The moments of the "shower roll" made up the core of the work.

The statement of L.N. is widely known. Tolstoy: "... In Anna Karenina, I love the thought of family, in the" war and the world "loved the thought of people, as a result of the war of the 12th year ...". Nevertheless, folk thought could not and to a small extent to develop from the writer outside the thought of a family, essential for the "war and the world". Family is a free unity of people. It is not limited to only related connections, it is rather the unity of related souls. In this unity and is happiness. In the novel, the family is not closed in himself, not reconded from the outside the clan, on the contrary, it interacts with others.

Pictures of family life amounted to the strongest, eternally unfastened parties of the "war and the world". The family of growth and family of Bolkonsky, new families, which arose as a result of a long journey, passed by heroes: Pierre Zuhovova and Natasha, Nikolai Rostov and Princess Maryi, captured the truth of the Russian life text so full as soon as it was possible within Tolstoy Philosophy.

The family appeared here and the link in the fate of generations, and the environment where a person receives the first experiences of "love", opens up elementary moral truths, learns to reconcile their own will with the desires of other people.

The description of family life has always had a deep Russian in the "war and the world". Whatever, of the truly living families, shown on her pages, nor fell into the field of view L.N. Tolstoy, it was a family where moral values \u200b\u200bmean more than earthly success. No family egoism, turning the house into an impregnable fortress, no indifference to the fate of those who are behind his walls are not here. The most striking example, of course, is the family of growth. But the family of Bolkonsky, quite another, sometimes even the opposite, closed, also included in the most different people: from the architect Mikhail Ivanich to Desala's teacher.

In the family, there is an earthly life, in the family she proceeds, and in the family she is completed. The family appeared to the lion thick peculiar "crossroads" of living emotions. In her, he believed, eternally dwells not overshadowed by reasonably responsiveness, which without any truth herself will say to the person that in the world is good and what is bad. The most fully such concepts reflected the image of Natasha Rostova. In relation to Natasha as a distinguished part of the work, a hidden essence of all major actors was revealed. In contact with her fate, Pierre Duchevov, Andrei Bolkonsky found an independent point of support from their convictions. To a certain extent, Natasha in the "war and the world" served as the measure of the authenticity of the whole.

Throwing the preliminary characteristics of the future heroes of the book, the writer recorded: "Natalia. 15 years. Shchedra insanely. Believes. Caprigance, and everything succeeds, and all brakes, and everyone is loved. Ambition. Music has, understands and feels to madness. Suddenly sad, suddenly madly joyful. Dolls. " Already then, in the nature of Natasha, it was easily guessed that the very quality that mostly answered the requirement of true being: full ease. Starting from the first appearance of the heroine in front of the guests of the house of growth, she was all movement, impulse, inexorably on life. This eternal ability only manifested itself in different ways. Tolstoy saw here not just the childish mobility of Natasha teen, enthusiasm and willingness to fall in love with the whole light of Natasha-Girls, fear and impatience of Natasha-Bride, the disturbing troubles of mother and wife, and the infinity of the feelings appealed in the most undented form.

Natasha Rostov was extremely endowed with the mind of the heart. The concept of prudence was excluded by the ourselves of the "War and Peace". Instead, it remained an independent sensitivity in a new one for the heroine. She opened Natasha who is who, forced, how it happened once in the novel, look for "free" from the general concepts of identifying familiar people.

In the epilogue of his work, Tolstoy has already shown another heroine: deprived of charms, which so often the writer characterized young Natasha, enthusiastic concerns. And yet he could not not mention that Natasha-Mother is a strong, beautiful prolific female. " Genuinely sacred remained a richly gifted wildlife. The former "adorable" began only closely connected with their source. This was the legitimal result of the development of the image.

"Family thought" and "People's Thought" performed in the "War and the World" as the thoughts of the interpenetrating, they were applied to one philosophical primancy. The image of Natasha in their own way tied them together. The moral values \u200b\u200bof the Russian people, like the perfect features in the image of the heroine, were presented to the thickness of the same natural and earthly, rooted directly in the harmony of the world.

There were no negative characters in the generally accepted sense of the word on the pages of "War and Peace". The acting persons in Tolstoy were initially divided into two innovative groups: understanding and misunderstanding. And if the first of these worlds concluded a natural life with her moral flow, the second was artificial, dead and, accordingly, deprived of any moral foundations. On one side were Rostov, Bologkoe, soldiers, officers; On the other - Kuragin, Bergs, Drubetsky. The concepts of familyhood adopted in their medium were sharply different from those who breathed the house of growth. In contrast to the first, the second family was only a means of achieving momentous interest.

Among the many characters "War and Peace", Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Duhov occupied an exceptional place. That other hero had different roads to one goal. Outdoor, disabled, naive, idle Pierre Duhov. Restrained, externally cold, focused acting prince Andrei. In the fate of each of them came true logic, but in their own way.

Throughout the book of Bolkonsky and Bezukhov, a peculiar "honesty of thought" was distinguished, both of them sincerely served that at the moment they considered truth. Own mind was not toy for them. Conviction and life followed inseparable. Because there were so painful, deeply fastening their spiritual and life catastrophes.

During the first volumes, Roman Bolkonsky and Duhov had repeatedly suffered. Prince Andrei had a Napoleonic dream, there was a lonely, philosophically justified life in Bogucharov, the broken hopes of family happiness and the desire to take revenge on their abuser anatoly Kuragin ... Bezukhova "shot off the way" an imposed marriage with a secular liberator Helen, Masonic mysticism.

In 1812, heroes had to be "revived" through participation in the People's War, to open the deep truths about the life of a person and the world. The decisive struggle with Napoleon really turned out to be for many of those who lived then in Russia the moment of such insight. It is impossible to say that the fate of the heroes at the first stage of war were free from the former "perrsions." Prince Andrei only pushed the proud plans for his revenge Curagin. The fondant Pierre accepted the most active part in the Moscow meeting of the sovereign and even volunteered to set a new regiment on his own money.

War of 1812 will find Prince Andrew at the time of the highest spiritual crisis. But it was the nationwide misfortune that displays it from this state.

The fate of Prince Andrew, mortally wounded on the field of Borodin, was almost everything like the destinies of thousands of Russian warriors who died on this battle. But the Hero of Roman brought his victim in such an artistic world, where exceptional morality was assumed. The last weeks on Earth have become for the dying Bolkonsky time of its final comprehension. Simple and directly the hero opened the very values \u200b\u200bin itself, in the name of which he walked into battle.

Borodino finally delivered Prince Andrei from his vengeful plans, his ambitious hopes. Love came to him to all people, after he saw his past enemy's past enemy on the operating table - Anatoly Kuragin. But this new love gained by the hero with almost impossible on Earth is complete, has already foreshadowed his inevitable care.

"Living Life" postponed Pierre from the "Naked Track", saved at the time of the "habits of civilization", took the simplest interests related to maintaining their own body. The "gaping infinity" opened a mess through the figure of his comrade of the prisoner's soldier Platon Karataev.

In a long way of searches, which were walkers for the romance, the moment of death of the "righteous" Karataev meant the achievement of the ultimate goal. A bright picture of the universe, which Sumukhov saw, far went beyond the limits of her own experiences of the hero. That karatayev unconsciously included in himself, then the little ones revealed quite meaningfully. The scientist's scientist and more - his death, he approached the comprehension of Karataevsky truths, the most Russian people who believed that, believed. Plato Karataev and was a reflection of Russian nationality, his breath and life. This was aware of Pierre, this was the result of his many years of truth, which was concluded in this simple soldier.

The last chapters in the "war and the world" showed her heroes into another historical era, straight-striking to modern Tolstoy 60s. XIX century. Epilogue depicted post-war time: the time of the Decembrist secret meetings, the time of government reaction. Pierre Duhov thought how to rebuild Russia on humane, "love" principles. His relative Nikolai Rostov held a formal line, not allowing change, goded and adamant.

Depicting a ideological split between heroes, the writer did not strive to take the side of one or another of them, almost without finding his attitude to what is happening. Both were his roads. Here, you can say, the heroes began to "live their own life."

Pierre, perhaps the future Decembrist, to which the writer and wanted to come up at the beginning of the novel, appears before us in the epilogue by a person with already sustainable humanistic beliefs, the desire to change everything around.

Conclusion: Heroes throughout the novel changed their views and beliefs more than once. Of course, first of all, it was associated with decisive, critical moments in their lives. The search for the main characters to which they came, they were born from them not one year. And it is natural. This is the manifestation of human nature. Just passing through your life path, you can know the truth to which the soul seeks.

2.2 Roman "War and Peace" and his heroes in estimates of literary criticism

Already after the completion of the publication of the novel, by the beginning of the 70s There were ambiguous responses and articles. Critics were becoming more stringent, especially many objections caused the 4th, Borodinsky Tom and the philosophical chapters of the epiralog. But, nevertheless, the success and scale of novel-epic became increasingly - they manifested themselves even through disagreement or denial.

The judgments of writers about the books of their colleagues are always of particular interest. After all, the writer considers someone else's artistic world through the prism of his own. Such a look, of course, is more subjective, but can disclose unexpected parties and the verge of a professional criticism in the work.

The statements of F.M.Dostoevsky about the novel of fragmented. He agreed with the articles of insurance, denying only two lines. At the request of the criticism, these two lines are named and commented: "Two stiffs about the fat, with whom I do not agree completely, this is when you say that L. Tolstoy is equal to everything that is in our literature of the Great. It is strongly impossible to say! Pushkin, Lomonosov - genius. To appear with the "Arapom of Peter the Great" and with "Belkin" means decisively to appear with a brilliant new word, which until then was completely not anywhere and has never been told. To appear with the "war and the world" means to appear after this new word already expressed by Pushkin, and this is all in any case, no matter how far and highly went tolstoy in the development of the new word that has already been said for the first time. " At the end of the decade, while working on the "adolescence", Dostoevsky once again recalls the "war and the world". But it remained in the drafts, the detailed reviews of F.M.Dostoevsky is more unknown.

Even less is known about the reader reaction M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin. In T.A. Kuzminsky was transferred to his replica: "These military scenes are one lie and fuss. Bagration and Kutuzov - Puppet Generals. In general, the chatter of nyanyushki and Mamuhem. But our, the so-called "Higher Society" Count Lycho Crash ".

Close Lero Tolstoy Poet A.A. Fet wrote several detailed writing letters to the author. Back in 1866, after reading only the beginning of the "thousand eight hundred fifth year", Fet predicted to Annenkov's judgments and insurance about the nature of the Tolstsky historicism: "I understand that the main task of the novel is to move the historical event inside out and consider it not with the official seitant gold side of the parade Kaftana, and from shirts, that is, shirts, which is closer to the body and under the same brilliant common uniform. " The second letter written in 1870 is developing similar ideas, but the position of A. Feta becomes more critical: "You write a lining instead of face, you turned the content. You are a library artist and you are right. But art laws for all content are unchanged and inevitable as death. And the first law is the unity of the presentation. This unity in art is achieved at all as in life ... We understood why Natasha dropped a noisy success, they realized that she did not pull her, but pulls to jealous and tensely feed the children. It was understood that she did not need to think about the belts and ribbons and rods of curls. All this does not harm a whole representation of her spiritual beauty. But why was it to write that she became a slug. This may actually be, but it is unbearable naturalism in art ... This is a cartoon that breaks harmony. "

The most detailed writing feedback about the novel belongs to N.S. Leskov. A series of his articles in the "Exchange Vedomosti", dedicated to the 5th of that, rich in thoughts and observations. The stylistic composition form of articles of Leskov is extremely interesting. He splits the text on small masterpieces with characteristic headlines ("attachment and horrors", "hero of the unwasizing", "enemy force"), boldly introduces retreats ("Two joke about Yermolov and mensor").

A complex and changing was the attitude to the novel by I.S. Turgenev. Tens of his reviews in letters are accompanied by two printed, very different tone and direction.

In 1869, in the article "Regarding the" fathers and children "" I.S.Turgenhev mentioned the "war and the world" as a wonderful work, but still deprived of the "true meaning" and "true freedom." The main Turgenev reproaches and claims have repeatedly repeatedly collected in the letter P.V. Annenkov, written after reading his article "Historical gain, from which readers are delighted, a puppet comedy and a quantity ... Tolstoy is striking the reader to wear Alexander's boot, laugh, forcing it to think that he knows about all this, if even to these trifles has reached, but He knows only these little things ... There is not the same development in any character, but there is an old pump to transmit oscillations, vibrations of the same feeling, the situation, the fact that he so mercilessly puts into the mouth and into the consciousness of each of the heroes ... Another psychology Tolstoy does not know or with the intention of it ignores. " In this detailed assessment, the incompatibility of the Turgenev "Secret Psychology" and the "penetrating" Tolstovsky psychological analysis is clearly visible.

The final feedback about the novel is just as ambiguous. "I read the sixth volume of" War and Peace "," writes I.S.Turgennev P. Borisov in 1870, - Of course, there are things first-class; But, not to mention children's philosophy, it was unpleasant to see the reflection of the system even on the images drawn by Tolstoy ... Why does he try to extract the reader that if the woman is smart and developed, then certainly the Frager and Lygunya? How did he missed the Decembrist element, who played such a role in the 20s, - and why are all the decent people from him some chumbs - with a small spin of scientific? " .

But time is coming, and the number of questions and claims gradually decreases. Turgenev is reconciled with this novel, moreover, it becomes its faithful propagandist and fan. "This is a great work of the Great Writer, and this is genuine Russia" - so the fifteen-year-old reflections of I.S. Romegenev about the "war and the world" are completed.

One of the first with the article about the "war and the world" was made by P.V. Annenkov, longtime, from the mid-50s. familiar writer. In his article, he revealed many features of the Tolstovsky Plan.

Tolstoy boldly destroys the border between "romantic" and "historical" characters, Annenkov believes, drawing those and others in a similar psychological key, that is, through life: "The dazzling side of the novel is and lies in the naturalness and simplicity, with which he reduces world events and Large phenomena of public life to the level and horizon of the view of all the witness chosen by him ... Without any sign of rapidness of life and the usual turn, the novel establishes a permanent connection between the love and other adventures of their individuals and Kutuzov, Bagration, between the historical facts of huge meaning - Shenagraben, Austerlitz and Thursdays Moscow Aristocratic Mug ... ".

"First of all, it should notice that the author holds the first life of any artistic story: he does not try to extract from the subject matter what he cannot do, and therefore it does not step back from a simple mental study of it."

However, the critic with difficulty found in the "war and the world" "node of romantic intrigue" and was difficult to determine, "Who should consider the main actors of the novel": "It can be assumed that I did not have any one, after the fevering impressions of the novel, asking: yes where where is He himself, the novel, where he devils his real case is the development of a private incident, his "Fabul" and "intriguing", because without them, whatever the novel, he will seem idle novel. "

But finally, the critic insightfully noticed the relationship between Tolstsky heroes not only with the past, but also with the present: "Prince Andrei Bolkonsky contributes to his criticism of current affairs and in general in his views on contemporaries ideas and submissions on them in our time. He has a gift of foresight, which has come down to him, like inheritance, without difficulty, and the ability to stand above its century, obtained very cheap. He thinks and judges wisely, but not the mind of his era, and the other, later, who is open to him by a benevolent author. "

N.N. Fahrahs endured the pause before talking about the work. His first articles about the novel appeared in early 1869, when many opponents have already expressed their point of view.

Strakhov will assign reproaches in the "elitism" of the Tolstovsky Book, who made a variety of critics: "Despite the fact that one family is a graphic, and the other - the princely," war and the world "does not have a shadow of a mass aversion ... Family of Rostova and Bolkonsky Family, According to their inner life, on the relationships of their members, the essence of the same Russian families, as well as any others. " Unlike some other critics Roman, N.N. Fans do not encounter the truth, but looking for it.

"The idea of" war and the world, "- says critic, - can be formulated in different ways. It can be said, for example, that the leading thought of the work is the idea of \u200b\u200bheroic life. "

"But the heroic life does not exhaust the tasks of the author. Its object is obviously wider. The main thought, which he is guided by the image of heroic phenomena, is to open their human base, show in the heroes - people. " This is as formulated by the main principle of the Tolstsky approach to history: the unity of scale, in the image of various characters. Therefore, it is completely especially approxing to the image of Napoleon. He convincingly demonstrates why this artistic image of the French commander was needed in the "war and the world": "So, in the face of Napoleon, the artist as if he wanted to imagine the soul of human in her blindness, wanted to show that heroic life could contradict true human dignity, What good, truth and beauty can be much more affordable to people with simple and small than other great heroes. A simple person, a simple life, put in this above the heroism - and in dignity, and according to strength; For ordinary Russian people with such hearts, like Nikolai Rostov, Timokhina and Tushina, defeated Napoleon and his great army. "

These formulations are very close to the future words of Tolstoy about the "thought of people" as the main in the "war and the world".

D.I Pisarev responded to the novel from the positive side: "New, not yet finished Roman c. L. Tolstoy can be called an exemplary product as part of the pathology of the Russian society. "

He considered the novel as the reflection of Russian, old Baria.

"Roman" War and Peace "presents us a whole bouquet of various and excellent challenges, male and female, old and young." In his work, "Old Barly" he is very clear and fully dismantled by the characters not only the main, but also the minor heroes of the work, thereby expressing his point of view.

With the publication of the first volumes, the work began to receive responses not only from Russia, but also abroad. The first big critical article appeared in France more than a year and a half after the release of Paskevich's transfer - in August 1881. The author of the article, Adolf Baden, managed to give only a detailed and enthusiastic retelling of the "War and Peace" over the entire two printed sheets. Only in the conclusion, he made several evaluation comments.

Noteworthy responses to the work of Lion Tolstoy in Italy. It was in Italy in early 1869 - one of the first articles of foreign press and "war and the world" appeared. It was "correspondence from St. Petersburg", signed by MA And entitled "Count Lev Tolstoy and his novel" Peace and War ". Her author in an unfavorable tone responded about the "realistic school", to which L.N. Tolstoy.

In Germany, as in France, as in Italy, the name of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy by the end of the last century fell into the orbit of acute political struggle. The growing popularity of Russian literature in Germany caused concern and irritation at the ideologues of an imperialist reaction.

The first detailed review of the "war and the world", which appeared in English, belonged to criticism and translator William Rolston. Its article printed in April 1879 in the English magazine "Nineteenth Century", and then reprinted in the United States, called "Romans of the Graph of Lion Tolstoy", but in fact it was, first of all, the retelling of the content of the "war and the world" content - precisely Retelling, not analysis. Rolston, who owned by the Russian language, tried to give the English public at least the initial idea of \u200b\u200bL.N. Tolstoy.

As we can see at the end of the last chapter, during the first publications, the novel was characterized by different authors in different ways. Many tried to express their understanding of the novel, but not many were able to feel his essence. A large work requires large and deep reflections. Roman-epic "War and Peace" allows you to think about many principles and ideals.


Work L.N. Tolstoy is undoubtedly a valuable world literature. For many years he was investigated, criticized, many generations of people admired them. Roman-epic "War and Peace" allows you to think about, analyze the course of events; This is not just a historic novel, although we have disclosed details of significant events, this is a whole layer of moral and spiritual development of the heroes, which we should pay attention.

In this paper, materials were studied, which allowed to consider the work of L. Tolstoy in the context of historical significance

The first chapter addressed the features of the novel, its composition, here is the history of creating a work. We can note that what we have now appeared thanks to the long and diligent work of the writer. It was a reflection of his life experience, developed skill. Family legends, and folk experiences found here. "Family thought" and "People's Thought" in the novel merge into a single whole, creating harmony and unity of the image. Studying this work, you can understand the life and morals of people of the age of 1812, to catch the mentality of the people through its characteristic representatives.

Roman-epic "War and Peace" has changed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe war of 1812. The writer's plan was to show the war not only alone the victory, but also conveying all psychological and physical flour through which it had to go to achieve it. Here the reader can feel the situation of events, in the form, in which it was during the time of the Patriotic War.

In the second chapter, the features of the development of fate of the main heroes of the work, their spiritual and moral searches were considered. Heroes throughout the novel changed their views and beliefs more than once. Of course, first of all, it was associated with decisive, critical moments in their lives. The work discusses the development of the characters of the main characters.

For a full-fledged assessment of the work, the views of various writers and critics were presented. During the work, it was revealed that, despite the importance of Roman-epic "War and Peace", in the first years of its publication, the assessment of contemporaries was not unambiguous. There is an opinion that contemporaries were not ready to understand the meaning of the work. However, those small critical reviews were a natural reaction to the emergence of a huge, complex work. Sophisticated, all its significance, most literary criticists agreed that this is a truly remarkable heritage of the "Golden Age" of literature.

Summing up the work, we can say that the Roman-epic "War and Peace" with dignity can be the title of masterpiece of Russian literature. Here, not only in full of its breadth the main events of the beginning of the XIX century are reflected., But also the main principles of nationalities, both its highest society and ordinary people, are manifested. All this in a single stream is a reflection of the spirit and life of the Russian people.

List of used literature

1. Annenkov P.V. Critical essays. - St. Petersburg., 2000. P. 123-125, 295-296, 351-376.

2. Annenkov P.V. Literary memories. - M., 1989. P. 438-439.

3. Bocharov S.G. Roman Tolstoy "War and Peace". - M., 1978. P. 5.

4. War due to "war and the world." Roman L.N. Tolstoy in Russian criticism and literary criticism. - St. Petersburg., 2002. P. 8-9, 21-23, 25-6.

5. Herzen A.I. Thoughts about art and literature. - Kiev, 1987. P. 173.

6. Gromov P.P. About the style of Leo Tolstoy. "Dialectics of the soul" in "War and the World". - L., 1977. P. 220-223.

7. Gulin A.V. Lion Tolstoy and the path of Russian history. - M., 2004. C.120-178.

8. Dostoevsky F.M. Full collected works of 30 tons - L., 1986. - T. 29. - P. 109.

9. Kamyanov V. Poetic World of Epos, about the novel of the Tolstoy "War and Peace". - M., 1978. P. 14-21.

10. Kurland G. B. The moral ideal of Heroes L.N. Tolstoy and F.M. Dostoevsky. - M., 1988. Since 137-149.

11. Lybdition L. Living Heroes. - M., 1982, p. 89.

12. Motyleva T.L. "War and World" abroad. - M., 1978. P. 177, 188-189, 197-199.

13. Ogarev N.P. On literature and art. - M., 1988. P. 37.

14. Opubskaya L.D. Roman-Epopea L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". - M., 1987. P. 3-57.

15. Writer and criticism of the XIX century. Kuibyshev, 1987. P. 106-107.

16. Slivitskaya O.V. "War and World" L.N. Tolstoy. Problems of human communication. - L., 1988. P. 9-10.

17. Tolstoy L.N. War and Peace. - M., 1981. - T. 2. - P. 84-85.

18. Tolstoy L.N. Correspondence with Russian writers. - M., 1978. P. 379, 397 - 398.

19. Tolstoy L.N. Full Cathedral So.: In 90 t. - M., 1958 - T. 13. - P. 54-55.

Motyleva T.L. "War and World" abroad. - M., 1978. P. 177.

The novel "War and the World" is deservedly considered one of the most impressive and grand works of world literature. The novel was created by L. N. Tolstoy, over the past seven years. The work was a great success in the literary world.

Name of the novel "War and Peace"

The name of the novel is very dual character. The combination of the words "war" and "world" can be perceived in the meaning of war and peacetime. The author shows the life of the Russian people before the beginning of the Patriotic War, its size and calm. Next comes with military time: the lack of peace knocked out the usual course of life, made people change priorities.

Also, the word "world" can be considered as a synonym for the words "people". Such interpretation of the name of the novel says about life, exploits, dreams and hopes of the Russian nation in the conditions of hostilities. Roman has a lot of plot lines, which gives us the opportunity to delve not only in the psychology of one particular hero, but also see it in various life situations, to assess its actions in the most diverse conditions, ranging from sincere friendship, ending with his life psychology.

Features of the novel "War and Peace"

With unsurpassed skill, the author not only describes the tragic days of the Patriotic War, but also courage, patriotism and an insurmountable sense of debt of the Russian people. The romance is saturated with many plot lines, a variety of heroes, each of which, thanks to the subtle psychological alarm of the author, is perceived as an absolutely real person, together with its spiritual searches, experiences, perception of peace and love, which is so characteristic of all of us. Heroes are experiencing a complex process of finding good and truth, and, having passed it, comprehend all the secrets of the universal problems of being. Heroes have a rich, but rather controversial inner world.

The novel shows the life of the Russian people during the period of the Patriotic War. The writer admires the disadvantaged majestic power of the Russian spirit, which was able to withstand the invasion of the Napoleonic army. In the novel - Epopea masterfully combined the paintings of the grand historical events and the lives of the Russian nobility, which also selflessly struggled with opponents who tried to seize Moscow.

Epopea also inimitates elements of military theory and strategy. Thanks to this, the reader not only expands its horizons in the field of history, but also in the art of war. In the description of the war, Lion Tolstoy does not allow any historical inaccuracy, which is very important in creating a historical novel.

Heroes of the novel "War and Peace"

The novel "War and the World" first of all teaches the difference between real and false patriotism. Heroes Natasha Rostova, Prince Andrew, Tushina - True patriots, who, without thinking, sacrifice many for their homeland, do not require recognition for this.

Every hero of the novel by long quest, finds his meaning of life. So, for example, Pierre Duhov, acquires its true calling only during participation in the war. The fighting opened a system of real values \u200b\u200band life ideals to him - the fact that he has been looking for for so long and uselessly in Masonian lizards.

The work, which was, according to the very thick, the result of the "crazy copyright", saw the light on the pages of the magazine "Russian Bulletin" in 1868-1869. The success of the "war and the world", according to the memories of contemporaries, was extraordinary. Russian critic N. N. Strahov wrote: "In such great works, as" war and peace ", the true essence and importance of art clearly opens. Therefore, "War and Peace" there is also an excellent trial stone of any critical and aesthetic understanding, and together the cruel stumbling block for any nonsense and any incomingness. It seems that it is easy to understand that not "war and the world" will appreciate your words and opinions, and you will be judged by what you say about the "war and the world."
Soon the Book of Tolstoy transferred to European languages. The classic of French literature G. Flaubert, having acquainted with her, wrote Turgenev: "Thank you for making me to read the novel of Tolstoy. This is first-class. What a painter and what psychologist! .. It seems to me that sometimes there is something Shakespeare. " We note that Russian and Western European masters and literature experts speak about the unusualness of the genre of the war and the world. They feel that the work of thick does not fit into the usual shapes and the boundaries of the classic European novel. It understood it himself Tolstoy. In the afterword to the "war and the world" he wrote:
"What is" War and Peace "? This is not a novel, an even less poem, an even less historical chronicle. "War and Peace" is what the author wanted and could express in the form in which it expressed. "
What distinguishes "War and Peace" from the classical novel? The French historian Albert Soror, who spoke in 1888 with a lecture on "War and the World", compared the work of Tolstoy with the Roman Standal "Parm Resident". He compared the behavior of the Standale Hero of Fabrizio in the battle of Waterloo with the well-being of the Tolstsky Nikolai Rostov in the battle of Austerlice: "What a large moral difference between the two characters and two concepts of war! Fabrizio is only a passion for the external brilliance of war, simple curiosity to glory. After we have passed through a row of skillfully shown episodes, we involuntarily come to the conclusion: how, is it Waterloo, just and everything? Is it - Napoleon, just and everything? When we follow the Rostov under Austerlitz, we are tested with him a degrading feeling of huge national disappointment, we share his excitement ... "
The interest of the Tolstoy-Writer focuses not only in the image of individual human characters, but also on their connections among themselves in the movable and interrelated worlds.
Tolstoy himself, the well-known similarity of the "war and the world" with the heroic epic of the past, at the same time insisted on a fundamental difference: "Ancient left us samples of heroic poems, in which heroes make up all the interest of history, we still can't get used to That for our human time the history of this kind does not make sense. "
Tolstoy strongly destroys the traditional division of life to "private" and "historical." He has Nicholas Rostov, playing cards with Dolokhov, "God prays, as he prayed on the battlefield on the Amctettensky Bridge," and in battle under the island jump "Narrier to the upset ranks of the French Dragun" "With the feeling with which he carried in a wolf" . So in everyday life of Rostov experienced feelings similar to what they overpowered him in the first historic battle, and in battle under the island, his military spirit nourishes and supports the hunting flair, born in the fun life of peaceful. The deadly wounded prince Andrei in a heroic moment "remembered Natasha like that he saw her for the first time on the ball 1810, with a thin neck and subtle hands, with a ready-made delight, frightened, happy face, and love and tenderness to her, even more lively And stronger than ever, woke up in his soul. "
All the fullness of the impressions of peaceful life not only leaves the Heroes of Tolstoy in historical circumstances, but even more comes to life, he is resurrected in their soul. The support for these peaceful values \u200b\u200bof life spiritually strengthens Andrei Bolkonsky and Nikolai Rostov, is the source of their courage and strength.
Not all the contemporaries of Tolstoy realized the depth of discovery made by him in the "War and the World". The habit of clear division of life on the "private" and "historical", the habit of seeing "Low", "prosaic" in one of them, and in the other - "high" and "poetic" genre. P. A. Vyazemsky, who himself, like Pierre Bezuhov, was a civilian man and participated in the Borodino battle, in the article "Memories of 1812" wrote about the "War of the World": "Let's start with the fact that it is difficult to solve it in the book mentioned Even guess where the story ends and where the novel begins, and back. This weave or, rather, the confusion of history and novel, no doubt, harms the first and finally, before the court of common and impartial criticism, does not elevate the true dignity of the latter, that is, the novel. "
P. V. Annenkov believed that the plexus of private fate and history in the "war and the world" does not allow the "Romanic Machine" to move properly.
In essence, it decisively and cool changes the familiar angle of view on history. If his contemporaries argued the primacy of historical over private and looked at the privacy from top to bottom, the author of the "War and Peace" looks at the bottom of the bottom up, believing that the peaceful daily life of people, first, wider and richer the life of historical, and The second, it is the primary, that soil, from which historical life grows and which it feeds. A. A. Fet probably noticed that Tolstoy considers the historical event "from shirt, that is, with a shirt, which is closer to the body."
And with Borodina, this decisive for Russia is an hour, on the Battery of Raevsky, where Pierre gets, it is felt "all of all, as it would be a family revival." When the sense of "unfavorable bewilderment", the soldiers passed, "the soldiers of these now mentally adopted Pierre in their family, assigned themselves and gave him a nickname. "Our Barin" nicknamed him and gently laughed among themselves. "
Tolstoy infinitely expands the very understanding of historical, including all the completeness of the "private" life of people. He seeks, according to the French critic of Melchior Vogue, "the only combination of great epic trends with infinite small analysis." The story comes to life at Tolstoy everywhere, in any ordinary, "private", "ordinary" person of its time, it is manifested in the nature of the relationship between people. The situation of national discord and disagreement will affect, for example, in 1805 and the defeat of the Russian troops in the Austerlitsky battle, and the bad marriage of Pierre on the predatory secular beauty of Helen, and on the feeling of lost, loss of the meaning of life, which is experiencing the main heroes of the novel during this period. Conversely, 1812 in the history of Russia will give a living sense of nationwide unity, the core of which will be a folk life. "Peace", arising during the Patriotic War, will bring Natasha and Prince Andrei again. Through the seeming chance of this meeting, it makes it easy for yourself. Russian life in 1812 gave Andrei and Natasha that a new level of humanity on which this meeting was possible. Do not be in Natasha a patriotic feeling, not spreading her love attitude towards people from the family to the whole Russian world, it would not make a decisive act, would not convince the parents to take off his home Skarb and give them under the wounded.

Article author: Vail P.
When in the "Russian Bulletin" in 1865, the first part of the war and the world was printed - then the novel wore the name "1805 years" - Turgenev wrote a friend: "To the true chagrin, I must admit that this novel seems to me positively bad , boring and failed. Tolstoy did not go into his monastery - and all his shortcomings were stuck out. All these little things, slyly swept and pregnantly expressed, small psychological comments, which he, under the pretext of the truth, smelters from under mice and other dark places of his heroes, - as it all happens on a wide web of a historical novel! "
This one of the earliest estimates (later Turgenev changed its opinion) was to a certain prophetic extent. The descendants, by no means, however, not condemning the "stuffs", perceived the "war and the world" precisely and, above all, as a historic novel, as a wide epic web, only in terms of noting small details - like a heavy princess, Marya or Merkims of a small princess - as receptions Portrait characteristics.
In the case of a Tolstsky novel, the effect of monumental painting was affected. The contemporary of Turgenev still stood too closely and looked at the individual strokes. After the years, from the distance, the "war and the world" finally turned into a huge fresco, on which God forbid to distinguish between the overall composition and catch the course of the plot - the nuances in the fresco are invisible and therefore are insignificant.
Probably, from this erected a fat monument so encouraged to the temptation of imitation. A similar example, Russian literature does not know: almost everything that is written in Russian about the war, he carries the seal of the Tolstsky influence; Almost every work applying to the epic (at least on temporary coverage, in the number of actors), one way or another came out of the "war and the world". This impact experienced the writers of such a different degree of diving as Fadeev, Sholokhov, Simonov, Solzhenitsyn, Grossman, Vladimov and others, less noticeable (the only explicit exception - "Dr. Zhivago" Pasternak, who went to the poetic tradition.) Following the fat bribed the visible simplicity : It is enough to assimilate the basic principles - historicism, nationality, psychologism - and to keep a story, evenly alternating heroes and plot lines.
However, the "war and the world" so many people in our literature of a lonely top of a grandiose on its scale of the novel, which is primarily to read incredibly fascinating. With all the historic and psychologism, even in some fifth reading, I really want to see if readers, to find out what will happen next what happens to heroes. The Tolstsky Book captures, and there is a feeling that the author was passionate about his narrative in the same way - when the phrases are sutvily breaking on the pages: "Despite its messenger, addiction, Prince Andrei could transfer physical fatigue much better than the most strong people. " Or: "Prince Andrei was one of the best dancers of his time. Natasha danced excellent. "
These infrequent in the "war and the world" are nevertheless not accidental. The Book of Tolstoy is full by admiring the heroes and delight before the beauty of man. What is noteworthy - more male beauty than women's. In fact, in the novel, only one unconditional beauty is Elene Probrelov, but she is one of the most repulsive characters, the personification of the depravity and evil by the author. Even Natasha Rostov just only adorable, and in the epilogue turns into a "prolific female". For this metamorphosis, Tolstoy unanimously criticized all Russian lovers of women's images, and although there were guessing that the epilogue on family and motherhood was written in a controversy with the movement for Emancipation, yet the secondary, "complementality" of a woman next to a man is obvious in the whole text "War and Peace "- not women act on the forefront of history.
The most beautiful men in the novel so much that Pierre Duhov and Kutuzov especially stand out by their disadvantaged, as the author repeatedly emphasizes. Not to mention the leading beauties, like Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Anatoly Kurabina or Boris Drubetsky, are good by the most casual people, and Tolstoy considers it necessary to say about some silently flashed adjutant - "a handsome man", although the adjutant will immediately disappear and the epithet will immediately disappear Dive.
But the author of epithets is not a pity, as it does not feel sorry for the words. In the novel, it is not missed by a single opportunity to make a clarifying bar in the overall picture. Tolstoy virtuoso alternated wide strokes with small, and it is small - they create a face of the novel, his uniqueness, its principled uniqueness. Of course, this is not a fresco, and if you adhere to comparisons from one row, "War and Peace" is rather a mosaic, in which each pebble and brilliant in itself, and is included in the glitter of the holistic composition.
So, the abundance of beautiful men creates the effect of war as a holiday - this impression is present in the novel even when describing the greatest fence. Tolstovsky Borodino stylistically correlates with the sublime jubilee poem Lermontov, which Tolstoy called the "grain" of his novel, and there are direct instructions: "Who, removing the civer, diligently dismissed and collected the assembly again; Who is a dry clay, having sought it in his palms, came the bayonet ... "Of course, it is Lermontov" Borodino ":" Who Kiever cleaned the whole beaten, who sharpel sharpened, grumbling angrily ... "
All these beautiful adjutants, colonels and Rothmisters in elegant uniforms come out to fight, as on the parade somewhere on the Tsaritsyn meadow. And therefore, by the way, it looks so straightened to the battlefield of the battle of the battle of the battle.
But later, when Tolstoy turns his historical philosophical retreats about the horrors of war, the same bar gives the exact opposite effect: war is, maybe, and beautiful, but the war kills beautiful people and the beauty of the world is destroying. So ambivalently triggers an expressive detail.
Tolstaya small detail almost always looks more convincing and colorful of its detailed description. For example, the reflection of Pierre Baughzova about Plato Karataev is largely reduced to NO who flashed almost without explanation by the remark about this hero: "Often he spoke exactly the opposite of what he said before, but also it was fair."
It is this option that the presence of the meaning, which in the form of a direct consequence turns into the presence of meaning in everything - and then leads Pierre to conclusted that in Karataev God is greater than in the complex constructions of Masons.
Divine nonsense is the most important element of the book. It arises in the form of small episodes and replicas, without which it would be possible, it seems, it is quite difficult to do in the historical novel, - but nonsense invariably appears and, which is quite essential, as a rule, at the moments of the strongest dramatic tension.
Pierre pronounces deliberate even for himself (but not for the author!) Choust, pointing during the fire of Moscow for someone else's girl and pathetic stating the French that this is his daughter saved by them from fire.
Kutuzov promises to moisture not to give Moscow, although both know that Moscow has already been given.
In the period of acute longing, by the prince, Andrei Natasha quasch the governess: "Madagascar Island," she said. "Ma da Gas Car, she repeated clearly every syllable and, without answering questions ... left the room."
Isn't it from this Madagascar, in no way associated with the previous conversation and armed literally nowhere, the famous Chekhov Africa came out, in which the terrible heat? But Madagascar himself did not become famous, did not remember - of course, because of the installation for reading the epic, which was desired to see in the "War of the World" generation of Russian readers. Meanwhile, Tolstoy managed not to simply reproduce normal - that is, the incoherent and illogical - human speech, but also to present sensitive tragic and fateful events as in episodes with Pierre and Kutuzov.
This is the direct result of the worldview of a thick thinker and mastery of a fat artist. Hardly the main philosophical line of the novel passes the theme of an infinite set of sources, reasons and causes of occurrence on Earth phenomena and events, the principal inability of a person to cover and realize this set, its helplessness and pity in the face of chaos of life. This beloved thought by the author repeats persistently, sometimes even annoying, varying the situation and circumstances.
Difficult human organism and incomprehensible disease, for suffering - the essence of the set of many suffering. Unpredictable battle and war, because too many multidirectional forces affect their outcome, and "sometimes it seems that salvation is escape back, sometimes in escape forward." Unrecognizable the peripetics of the political and social activity of a person and all mankind, as life is not subject to unambiguous managing mind.
It seems that the author meant himself when he wrote about Kutuzov, which was "instead of the mind (grouping events and drawing conclusions) one ability to calm contemplation of events ... He will not come up with anything, nothing will take anything ... But everything hears, everything will remember , everyone will put in their place, it does not hurt any useful and nothing will allow anything harmful. "
Tolstsky Kutuzov despises knowledge and mind, putting forward something inexplicable, some substance that is more important to know the knowledge and mind - soul, spirit. This is, in Tolstoy, the main and exceptional dignity of the Russian people, although when reading the novel often it seems that the heroes are divided by a sign of good French pronunciation. True, one another does not contradict, and the real Russian can be assumed, the European has already surpassed and excused. Moreover and harder the mosaic of the book written to a large extent in a foreign language.
In the "war and the world", Tolstoy, so holy believes in the superiority and primacy of the spirit over the mind, which in his famous list of the origins of the self-confidence of different peoples, when it comes to Russians, even caricature notes sound. Explaining the "self-confidence of the Germans by their scholarship, the French - faith in his charming, the British - statehood, Italians - temperament, Tolstoy finds for the Russian universal formula:" Russian self-confident precisely because he knows nothing and knows that he does not believe, because he does not believe, So that you can know something. "
One of the consequences of this formula is the eternal vacation of sins, indulgence issued to all the future Russian boys who will be corrected to correct the star of the starry sky. And in fact, there is no ridicule here, because the thick period of the "war and the world" attributed this formula to himself, and most importantly - to the people's suspension, as if admiring him with stupidity and oblivion. These are the scenes of Bogucharovsky Bunt, conversations with soldiers, and indeed almost any appearance of the people in the novel. According to them, contrary to popular opinion, a little: it is estimated that only eight percent of the book is dedicated to the subject of the people. (After the revenue of the novel, responding to the reproaches of critics, which is not depicted by the intelligentsia, the differences, little folk scenes, the author recognized that he was not interested in the Russian population, which he knows and wants to describe what he described: Russian nobility.)
However, these percentages will increase dramatically, if we consider that from the point of view of Tolstoy, the People's Soul and spirit no less Plato Karataev or Tikhon Schcherbaty and Vasily Denisov, and the Feldmarshal Kutuzov, and, finally, which is most importantly, he himself, author. And already wrinkling Pierre without deciphering: "- all the people want to feel, one word - Moscow. One end to make want. "Despite the ambiguity of the words of a soldier, Pierre understood everything that he wanted to say, and approvingly nodded his head."
In a thick way, it is impossible to fix, but you can not at all be sewn, it is impossible to explain, but you can not understand, you cannot express, but you can call.
The thinker identified the direction of the artist. In the poetics of "War and Mira" such a copyright view was expressed in the smallest detail. If events and phenomena arise from a variety of reasons, then there are no insignificant among them. Absolutely everything is important and significantly, each pebble mosaic occupies its worthy place, and the absence of any of them removes the mosaic from completeness and perfection. The more named, the better it is more correct.
And Tolstoy calls. His novel, especially the first half (in the second war, overcomes the world, the episodes are enlarged, the philosophical deviations becomes more nuances less), full of small parts, fleeting scenes, side, as if "aside", replicas. Sometimes it seems that all this is too much, and the perplexity of Konstantin Leontyev is explained, with his subtle aesthetic taste: "Why ... Tolstoy these excesses?" But Tolstoy himself - for the sake of aspiration, everything and not miss anything, - it is able to even sacrifice the style, leaving, for example, the blatant three "that" in a short sentence, which is why there was a clumsy type of type: she knew that it meant that he was glad that she knew that he was glad She did not leave.
If Tolstoy is and ruthless in their details, then only from the artistic principle that prompts not to miss anything. Frankly tendentizes him only Napoleon, which the author flatly refused not only in greatness, but also significantly. Other characters just strive for the completeness of the incarnation, and again - the fleeting bar not only clarifies the outcome of the image, but often comes with it in contradiction, which is one of the main pleasures when reading the novel.
Princess Marya, glorified by his heart rate, which (heartiness) is devoted to a lot of pages, acts as coolness, almost like Helen: "Princess and Princess ... Cooking with your hands, firmly pressed her lips to those places that came in the first minute." And of course, Princess, with its inaccessible high spirituality, immediately turns into a living person. Gulf Denisov becomes alive when "sounds similar to the dog Lai" over the body of the killed Petit Rostov.
Alsomely, these metamorphoses in the description of historical persons, which explains - why in thick, they are reliable, why not felt (or almost no feeling: exceptions - Napoleon, partly Kutuzov) Figure and falsehood in episodes with characters with real prototypes.
So, a lot of places by paying to the state person of Speransky, the author finds the opportunity to actually end with him a very indirect way - handing out the impressions of Prince Andrei from dinner in the Speransky family: "There was nothing bad or inappropriate in what they said, everything was witty and could be funny But something that is the most, which is a salt of fun, not only was not, but they did not know what it happens. " These last words are so expressively conveyed by "non-settlement", such a disgusting auto-absence of Speransky, which is not needed by explanations, why Prince Andrei, and with Him and Tolstoy, they left him.
"French Arakcheev" - Marshal Davu - written in "War of War and the World" of one black paint, and however, the most brightest and memorable characteristic turns out that it is generally the fact that he chose a dirty shed apartments for his headquarters - because "Davu was one of Those people who deliberately put themselves in the most dark living conditions in order to have the right to be gloomy. " And such people, as you know, were not only in France and not only in Tolstoy times.
The Tolstsky Detail is unpleasantly dominant in the novel, which is liable for everything: it draws images, directs plot lines, builds the composition, finally, creates a holistic picture of the author's philosophy. More precisely, she initially follows their author's worldview, but, forming a unique fatty mosaic poetics, the detail - the abundance of details is the worldview clarifies, makes clearly visual and convincing. And dozens of touching pages about the love of Natasha to the prince Andrei will hardly be equal to the touch and expressiveness with one - the only question that Natasha is asking her mother about his bridegroom: "Mom, it's not ashamed that he is a widower?"
In the description of the war, the detail is just as successfully fighting with the superior to the Epos forces - and wins. A huge event in the history of Russia was as part of the author of the author to prove this writer hypothesis. In the foreground, Kutuzov's drowsiness remains, Napoleon's irritability, the thin voice of Captain Tushina. The Tolstsky Detail was designed to destroy the genre of the heroic of the historical novel and made it, once and permanently making it impossible to revive the Bogatyr epic.
As for the most common book, so outrageous Leontheva and stacking Turgenev "Little things", which Tolstoy allegedly "smelters from under his heroes from under the mice" - as it turned out, the heroes themselves were determined, and the narrative, why "War and Peace" did not turn into a monument , and became a novel who is enthusiastically read by generations.

Article author: Pisarev D.I.
New, not yet finished Roman Graph L. Tolstoy can be called an exemplary product in terms of the pathology of the Russian society. In this novel, a number of bright and diverse paintings written with the most majestic and imperturbable epic tranquility puts and solves the question of what is being done with human minds and characters under such conditions that people give people the opportunity to do without knowledge, no way, without energy And without difficulty.
It may very much, and it is even very likely that the graph of Tolstoy does not mean the formulation and solving such a question. It is very likely that he just wants to draw a number of paintings from the life of Russian Baria during Alexander I. He sees himself and tries to show to others, distinctly, to the smallest details and shades, all the features that characterize the time and then and then people, who are of the circle, which All is more interesting for him or accessible to his study. He is trying only to be truthful and accurate; His efforts are not blocked to maintain or refute the images created by the way, whatever theoretical idea; He, in all likelihood, belongs to the subject of its long and thorough research with the Neutricity and the natural tenderness that the gifted historian can usually feel for a distant or close past, resurrecting under his hands; He can, may, even in the peculiarities of this past, in the figures and characters of derived identities, in the concepts and habits of the Society of the Society, worthy of love and respect. All this may be, all this is even very likely. But exactly, that the author spent a lot of time, labor and love for the study and image of the era and its representatives, which is why the images created by him live their own lives, independent of the author's intention, they themselves enter into direct relations with readers, they speak for themselves and There is no customer to follow the readers to such thoughts and conclusions that the author did not mean and which he could have not even approved.
This truth, beating a lively key of the facts themselves, this truth that breaks through in addition to personal sympathies and beliefs of the narrator is especially precious in its irresistible persuasiveness. This truth, this is a sewer that cannot be hung in the bag, we will now try to extract graph thickness from the novel.
The novel "War and the World" presents us a whole bouquet of various and excellent collected characters, male and female, old and young. The choice of young male characters is especially rich. We will begin with them from them, and we will start the bottom, that is, from those figures, about which the disagreement is almost impossible and which will be unsatisfactory, in all likelihood, is recognized by all readers.
The first portrait in our picture gallery will be Prince Boris Drubetskaya, a young man of noble origin, with his name and with connections, but without a condition that lays his way to wealth and the honors to get along with people and enjoy the circumstances. The first of the circumstances with which he enjoys with wonderful art and success is his native mother, Princess Anna Mikhailovna. Anyone is known that the mother, asking for a son, is always and everywhere with the most diligent, frustrated, persistent, tireless and unrelated lawyers. In her eyes, the goal justifies and sanctifies all the means, without the slightest exception. She is ready to ask, cry, crumble, stop, rebel, bold, swallow all sorts of insults, just only to her at least from the annoyance, from the desire to get out of her and stop her rapid screams, they finally abandoned, for the sown, the required handout. Boris all these merits of the mother are well known. He also knows that all the humiliation that the loving mother voluntarily exposess itself, if only this son, using its services, keeps himself with enough, decent independence.
Boris chooses the role of a respectful and obedient son, as the most profitable and convenient role. It is beneficial and comfortable, first, because it imposes the duty on him not to interfere with the reasons of low-stones, which mother puts the basis of his brilliant career. Secondly, it is beneficial and convenient because he puts it in the best light in the eyes of those strong people, from whom his success depends. "What an exemplary young man!" All those surrounding themselves and talk about it. "- How many noble pride in it and what generous efforts it uses that of the love of the young inhabitable rainstream, such movements that movements that move the movements to the mother. Could face a poor old woman who focused her sons on their thoughts and desires on his career. And how carefully and how successfully he hides his generous efforts under the larch of outdoor calm! As he understands that these efforts could be the very fact of their existence to serve as a heavy reproach. Mother, completely blinded with its ambitious maternal dreams and plans. What is the mind, what a clock, what is the power of the character, what a golden heart and what a sophisticated delicacy! "
When Anna Mikhailovna is upholstered by the thresholds of merciful and benefactors, Boris keeps himself passively and calmly, as a person who has decided once, respectfully and with dignity to subside with his heavy and bitter fate, and be submitted so that everyone has seen it, but so that no one dared to tell him With warm sympathy: "A young man, in your eyes, in your face, in all your depressed outfit, I see it clear that you are patiently and courageously carry a heavy cross." He goes with his mother to the dying rich Berthov, which Anna Mikhailovna plays some hopes, mainly because "he is so rich, and we are so poor!" He rides, but even his mother himself gives to feel that it makes it exclusively for her that he himself does not foresee from this trip, except humiliation, and that there is such a limit behind which he can change his humility and his artificial tranquility. The mismatch is so skillful that Anna Mikhailovna itself is afraid of his respectful son, as a volcano, from which the devastating eruption can be expected every minute; Self itself, of course, that this fear increases its respect for his son; She looks at him at every step, asks him to be affectionate and attentive, reminds him of his promises, touches him to his hand, so that, depending on the circumstances, then calm down, then excite him. Annexed and fussing in this way, Anna Mikhailovna is in the firm confidence that without these skillful efforts and the efforts of her side, everything will go as shock, and adamant Boris, if he does not finish the strong people with a noble resentment, then at least probably freeze the ice coldness All the hearts of patrons and benefactors.
If Boris so successfully mystifies his native mother, a woman experienced and unloud, from which he grew up in front of his eyes, then, of course, he is even easier and also successfully fastened by foreign people with whom he has to deal with. It bowes benefactors and patrons partitioned, but so calmly and with such humble dignity that strong faces immediately feel the need to look at him more closely and highlight it from the crowd of needing customers, for whom they ask for corporate mothers and aunt. He meets them on their careless questions accurately and clearly, calmly and respectfully, without showing no annoyance on their sharp tone, nor the desire to enter them into a further conversation. Looking at Boris and listening to his calm answers, patrons and benefactors immediately penetrated by the conviction that Boris, remaining in the boundaries of strict politeness and impeccable pregnancy, would not allow anyone to dismiss and always be able to stand up for his noble honor. As a friend and seeker, Boris knows how to dump the whole black work of this business for a mother, who, of course, with the greatest readiness to substitute his old shoulders and even stars the Son to allow her to organize his promotion. By providing the mother to rebel to strong persons, Boris himself can stay clean and elegant, modest, but independent gentleman. Cleanliness, grace, modesty, independence and gentlemency, of course, give him such benefits that could not be delivered to him with a plaintive begging and low selection. That bunch, which can be thrown by a robbee crap, barely dare to sit on the tip of the chair and seeking to kiss benefactors in the shoulder, to extremes are inconvenient, confusely and even dangerously offer an elegant young man, in which decent modesty gets along harmoniously with the most extensive and ever-vigilant sense of own Advantages. Such a post, at which it would be absolutely impossible to put simply and frankly reptiles, was extremely applied for a modest-independent young man who knows how to bow down, in time to smile, to make a serious one and even a strict face in time, in time to give way Or to convince, in-time to detect noble durability, not for a minute without losing the calm composure and decently respectful isolation of the appeal.
The cartridges usually love the lets; It is nice to see in the reverence of people who surround the unwitting tribute to the delight, brought by the genius of their mind and the incomparable superiority of their moral qualities. But for the flattering makes a pleasant impression, it should be quite thin, and the smarter that the person who is flattered, the thinner should be flattering, and what she is thinner, the more nice it acts. When the flattery turns out to be so good that the person to whom she appeals can recognize her insincerity, it can make a completely reverse effect on him and seriously damage to the inexpical lets. Take the two Lytsov: one gloss in front of her patron, in everything with him agreed and clearly shows all his actions and words that he does not have his own will, nor own belief that he, he is more likely one judgment of the cartridge, ready to overcome another in a minute The judgment is diametrically opposite, if only it was expressed by the same patron; Other, on the contrary, knows how to show that to him, for the fall of the cartridge, there is not the slightest need to abandon his mental and moral independence, that all the judgments of the cartridge conquer his mind the power of his own irresistible inner persuasiveness that he will obey the cartridge in every minute Not with a sense of slaughtering fear and slave, and with lively and deep pleasures of a free man who had the happiness to find a wise and generous leader. It is clear that of these two smoothies will go much further than the first. The first will feed and despise; The first will ride in the jesters; The first will not be allowed on the lacquer role that he accepted on himself in the peace for the expectation of future benefits; with the second, on the contrary, will be advised; He can love; They may even feel respect; It can be friends and forever. Great Solvelain, Prince Boris Drubetskaya goes on this second path and, of course, carrying his beautiful head and not the mary of the tip of the nails, any work, easily and quickly gets this way to such famous degrees, which will never succeed , impersonally increasing and trembling in front of the head and humbly complimentary in the early stubbornness of the stationery. Boris acts in life as a clever and frustrated gymnastics climbs on a tree. Becoming a nagine one branch, he already finds out the other with his eyes, for which he could be asleep on his hands; His eyes and all of his thoughts are directed upwards; When his hand found himself a reliable point of support, he already completely forgets, about that branch on which he just stood all the weight of his body and from which his foot is already starting to separate. On all his friends and on all those people with whom he can meet, Boris looks exactly like on branches, located one over another, in a more or less distant distance from the top of a huge tree, from the vertex, where skillful gymnastics expects welcome calm among Luxury, honors and attributes of power. Boris Immediately, an insightful look of the greenery commander or a good chess player, grabbing the mutual relations of his friends and the ways that can lead him from one already acquainted to another, still having him to himself, and from this other to the third, still wrapped in Golden The fog of the majestic unavailability. Lieuvishi seem like a good-natured Pierre Bezuhov _Mile, smart and firmly young man_, you may even embarrass him and tighten it with your mind and hardness at that time, when he, together with his mother, came to the old Count the Bezukhov to ask for poverty and on the Guards Uniform, Boris mined himself from This Pierre is an advisory letter to the Adjutant Kutuzov, the prince Andrei Bolkonsky, and through Bolkonsky gets acquainted with the general-adjutant Dolgorukov and himself falls into the adjutant to some important person.
Put yourself in a friendly relationship with Prince Bologkoe, Boris immediately carefully separates the leg from the branch on which he kept. He immediately begins to relax his friendship with his childhood friend, the young Count Rostov, who lived in the house for the whole years and the mother of which was just presented to him, Boris, on the outfit five hundred rubles adopted by Princess Anna Mikhailovna with tears of subsidiaries and joyful thanks . After semi-annual separation, after hiking and battles weatheted by the young Rostov, Boris meets with him, with a friend of childhood, and in the same date of Rostov notes that Boris, to whom Bolkonsky comes, as if comes as if it was conscientious to conduct a friendly conversation with Army Gusar. The elegant Guards officer, Boris, Corres the Army Mundir and the Army Packs of the Young Rostov, and most importantly, he is confused by the idea that Bolkonsky will make a disadvantageous opinion about him, seeing his friendly shortness with a man of bad tone. In Boris's relations, the Rostov immediately detects a light tension, which is especially convenient for Boris precisely the fact that it is impossible to find fault that it cannot be eliminated by frank explanations and that it is also very difficult not to notice and not feel. Thanks to this thin tension, thanks to this, barely caught a slightly scratching nerves, the man of bad tone will slowly deleted, without having no reason to complain, offended and wet into ambition, and the man of good tone will see and notice that to the elegant guards officer , Prince Borisus Drubetskom, climb into friends the idiot young people, whom he is meekly and gracefully know how to pushing back, on their real place.
In the campaign, in the war, in secular salons - everywhere Boris pursues the same goal everywhere, he thinks exclusively or at least above all about the interests of his career. Using with the remarkable understanding of all the smallest instructions of experience, Boris soon turns into a conscious and systematic tactics that before it was the case of instinct and happy inspiration. It constitutes an unmistakably faithful career theory and acts on this theory with the most steady constancy. Having got acquainted with the prince of Bolkonsky and approaching him to the highest spheres of the military administration, Boris clearly understood what he was foreseen before, exactly what in the army, except for the subordination and discipline, which was written in the Charter and which he knew in the regiment and he knew , there was another more substantial subordination, the one who forced it tightened with the Baghrician of the general to prevail at the time as Captain Prince Andrei for his pleasure found more convenient to talk to Drubetsky's ensign. More than someday Boris decided to serve to continue not in the written in the Charter, but for this unwritten subordination. He now felt that only due to the fact that he was recommended by Prince Andrei, he was already immediately above the general, who, in other cases, in the front, could destroy it, the Guards Earrigner "(1, 75) (1).
Based on the most clear and unequivocal instructions of experience, Boris decides whether it is incomparably more profitable to serve as a matter, and, as a person, not at all who do not associate in his actions, unsuitable love of any idea or to whatever It was the case, he puts himself as a rule to always serve only to persons and always all his hope is not on his own actual advantages, but only for their good attitudes to influential persons who know how to reward and withdraw their faithful and submissive servants. .
In a randomly faced conversation about the service, Rostov says Boris, which will not go to the adjutant, because it is a "Lacéic post." Boris, of course, it turns out to be so free from prejudices that he does not confuse a sharp and unpleasant word "lackey". First, he understands that _Comparaison Nest Pas Raison_ (comparison is not proof (Fr.). - Ed.) And that between the adjutant and the lacquer a huge difference, because the first is happy to take in the most brilliant living rooms, and the second is forced to stand In the front and keep the Lord's fur coats. Secondly, he understands that it lives much more pleasant to many lackers than other gentlemen who have the complete right to consider themselves with the valiant servants of the Fatherland. Thirdly, he is always ready to wear some kind of livery, if only she quickly and rightly behaves him to the goal. It is he who expresses Rostov, saying to him, in response to his leaving about the adjutant, that "wishing and very much to get into adjutants," then what, after a career of military service, I have to try to do, sinceility is a brilliant career " (I, 62) (2). This frankness of Boris is very wonderful. It proves clearly that most of the society in which he lives and whose opinion he values, completely approves his views on the installation of the road, to the ministry of persons, for unwritten subordination and the undoubted amenities of livery, as a means leading to the goal. Boris calls Rostov by the dreamer for his face against serving to persons, and the society to which Rostov belongs, without only a doubt, would not only confirm, but it would also strengthen this sentence in a very significant extent, so Rostov, for their attempt to deny the system of protection and Unwritten subordination, it would not be a dreamer, but simply stupid and gross army buoy, unable to understand and evaluate the legitimate and commendable aspirations of good-spoken and respectable boys.
Boris, of course, continues to succeed under the canopy of his infallible theory, quite appropriate mechanism and spirit of that society, among which he is looking for riches and honors. "He fully learned the unwritten subordination that he liked him in Olmyuta, according to which the ensign could stand without a comparison above the general and on which, for success in the service, they did not need efforts in the service, not work, not bravery, not constancy, but it was necessary Only decrease to contact those that are rewarded for the service - and he was often surprised himself to his rapid success and how others could not understand this. As a result of this discovery, his whole lifestyle of him, all relationships with the former friends, all his plans for the future - Completely changed. He was not good, but he used his last money to be dressed better than others; he would rather deprive himself with many pleasures than allowed himself to go in a bad crew or seem in the old uniform on the streets of St. Petersburg. He climbed And I was looking for dating only with people who were above him and therefore could be helpful to him "(II, 106) (3).
With a special sense of pride and pleasure, Boris is part of the House of Supreme Society; Invitation from Freilina Anna Pavlovna Sherler He takes for the "important increase in service"; At the evening, she, of course, is looking for no entertainment; He, on the contrary, is working in his own way in her living room; He carefully studies the terrain on which he has to maneuver to conquer new benefits and file new benefactors; He carefully observes each face and evaluates the benefits and opportunities of rapprochement with each of them. It enters into this higher society with a solid intention to fake for him, that is, to shorten and narrow his mind as much as it takes, so that it does not come out of the overall level and under any kind of not to annoy your superiority of one or another limited person who can be Useful from unwritten subordination.
At the evening, Anna Pavlovna is one very stupid young man, the son of Minister of Prince Kuragin, after repeated attacks and long fees, takes a stupid and beaten joke. Boris, of course, is so smart that such jokes must be blocked and excite him of a sense of disgust, which can usually be born in a healthy person when he has to see or hear an idiot. Boris cannot find this joke in witty or funny, but, while in the Great Salon, he does not dare to withstand this joke with a serious physiognomy, because his seriousness can be accepted for the silent condemnation of Kalabura, who can, be the cream of Petersburg society laugh In order for the laughter of these cream did not find him by surprise, Prudantive Boris takes his measures at that very second when the flat and someone else's sharpness flies from the lips of the prince of Hippolyte Kuragin. He is smiling carefully, so his smile can be attributed to a mockery or to the approval of the joke, depending on how she will be accepted. The cream laughs, recognizing the flesh from the flesh and bone from the bones of their own, - and the measures taken by Boris in advance are in high degree of accuracy.
Speed \u200b\u200bbeauty, a decent sister of Curabina Ippolit, Countess Elene Baughzova, using a reputation of a charming and very smart woman and attracting everything to his salon, which glitters, wealth, knowledge or high, - finds it convenient to bring the beautiful and dextering adjutant Boris to his individual. Boris approaches the greatest readiness, becomes her lover and in this circumstance seems not without reason a new important increase in service. If the path to the ranks and money passes through the Boudois of a beautiful woman, then, of course, for Boris there is no sufficient reason to stop in a virtuous bewilderment or turn to the side. Casting hands with his stupid beauty, Drubetskaya fun and quickly continues to move forward to the golden target.
He gives up his nearest boss, the permission to consist of his retinue in Tilsit, during a date of both emperors, and gives him to feel about the case, as he carefully, Boris, follows the testimony of a political barometer and how carefully he cleans all his smallest words and actions With the intentions and desires of high levels. The person who has so far been for Boris by General Bonaparte, the usurper and the enemy of mankind, becomes Emperor Napoleon and a great man for him from the minute, as, having learned about the presumable date, Boris begins to ask Tilzit. Once in Tilsit, Boris felt his position was strengthened. "He was not only known, but they looked at him and got used to him. Twice he performed orders to the sovereign himself, so the sovereign knew him in the face, and all the closeness not only did not have seen, as before, considering a new face, but wondered If it would not be "(II, 172) (4).
On the path for which Boris goes, there are no stops or branches. A unexpected catastrophe may happen, which will suddenly make out and breaks the whole perfectly started and safely continued career; maybe such a catastrophe caustize even the most cautious and calculating person; But it is difficult to expect her to send a person's strength to a useful work and opened a wide space for their development; After such a catastrophe, a person usually turns out to be flashed and crushed; Brilliant, cheerful and succeeding officer or official turns everything more often in miserable hypochondric, in frankly low begging or just in bitter drunk. In addition to such an unexpected catastrophe, with an even and favorable course of everyday life, there is no chance that a person who is in the position of Boris suddenly broke away from his constant diplomatic game, always equally for him an important and interesting thing that he suddenly stopped, looked back at Himself, gave himself a clear report in how the living forces of his mind makes himself and faded, and the energetic effort of will jumped off from the road of a skillful, decent and brilliant and successful embodiment on a completely unknown way of ungrateful, tedious and not at all Barquish labor. The diplomatic game has such depending properties and gives such brilliant results that a person who plunged into this game soon begins to consider small and insignificant everything that is beyond its limits; All events, all phenomena of private and public life are estimated at their own relation to win or lose; All people are divided into funds and interference; All feelings of their own soul disintegrate to commendable, that is, leading to the win, and reprehensible, that is, distracting attention from the game process. In the life of a person who flies into such a game, there is no place for such impressions from which a strong feeling could turn around, not subordinate to the interests of the career. Serious, clean, sincere love, without impurities of mercenary or ambitious settlements, love with everything with light depth of his pleasures, love with all his solemn and holy duties cannot be rooted in the dried soul of a person like Boris. Moral update by happy love for Boris is unthinkable. This is proven in the novel of the graph of a thick story with Natasha Rostov, Sestrous to the Army Gusar, whom Mundir and manners are boxing Boris in the presence of Prince Bolkonsky.
When Natasha was 12 years old, and Borisu 17 or 18, they played between themselves in love; Once, shortly before the departure of Boris in the regiment, Natasha kissed him, and they decided that their wedding would take place in four years, when Natasha blowjob is 16 years old. These four years, the bride and groom passed - both if they did not forget their mutual obligations, then at least began to look at them as a childish prank; When Natasha could really be a bride and when Boris was already a young man standing, as they say, on the best road, they saw and became interested in each other. After the first date, "Boris said to himself that Natasha for him is just as attractive as before, but that he should not give up to this feeling, because the marriage of her, the girl almost without a fortune, would be the death of his career, but the renewal of the previous Relations without marriage - it would be an ungolimatic act "(III, 50) 5.
Despite this, a prudent and saving meeting with himself, despite the decision to avoid meetings with Natasha, Boris is fond of, begins to travel to Rostov, he holds whole days from them, listening to Natasha songs, writes her poems in the album and even ceases to happen From which he receives daily invitation and disrobe notes. He is all going to explain Natasha, which is in no way and can never become her husband, but he doesn't have enough strength and courage to start and bring to the end such a delicate explanation. It is more and more confused every day. But some temporal and fleeting carelessness to the great interests of the career make up the extreme limit of hobbies, possible for Boris. To apply this great interest to any serious and irreparable blow - this is unimaginable for him, even under the influence of the strongest passions available to him.
It is worth only the old Countess Rostova to cast a serious word with Boris, it is only to give it to feel that his frequent visits are noticed and taken to note, - and Boris immediately, so as not to compromise the girl and do not spoil his career, turns into a prudent and noble flight. It ceases to go from growth and even, having met with them on the ball, passes by them twice and every time rejected (III, 65) (6).
Slowing safely between the underwater stones of love, Boris is already unspecified, on all sail flies to a reliable pier. His position in the service, his communications and dating deliver to him entrance to such houses where very rich brides are found. He begins to think that he is time to enlist the profitably marry. His youth, his beautiful appearance, his presentable uniform, his clever and clarified career, make up such a product that can be sold for a very good price. Boris is looking for a customer and finds it in Moscow.
Talent L.N. Tolstoy and Roman "War and Peace" in the assessment of critics
In this novel, a number of bright and diverse paintings written with the most majestic and imperturbable epic tranquility poses and solves the question of what is done with human minds and characters under such conditions that people give people the opportunity to do without knowledge, without thoughts, without energy and labor .... It is very likely that the author just wants to draw a number of paintings from the life of Russian Baria during Alexander I. He sees himself and tries to show another clearly, to the smallest details and shades, all the features characterizing the then time and then People - people of the Circle, who is increasingly interesting or accessible to his study. He is trying only to be truthful and accurate; His efforts are not blocked to maintain or disprove the images created by the images whatever theoretical idea; It is likely to relate to the subject of its long and thorough research with that involuntary and natural tenderness that the gifted historian usually feels for distant or close to the past, resurrected under his hands; It may, he finds in the peculiarities of this past, in the figures and characters of derived personalities, in the concepts and habits of the Society of the Society, worthy of love and respect. All this may be, all this is even very likely. But it was precisely because the author spent a lot of time, labor and love for studying and image of the era and its representatives, which is why her representatives live their own life, independent of the author's intention, enter into direct relations with themselves, they speak for themselves And there is no idea to follow the readers to such thoughts and conclusions, which the author did not mean and whom he could have not even approved ... (from the article D.I. Pisarev "Old Barity")
The Roman Graph of Tolstoy "War and the World" is interesting for the military in a double sense: according to the description of the scenes of military and military life and the desire to make some conclusions regarding the theory of military affairs. The first, that is, scenes, inimitable and ... can make one of the most useful additions to any course of the theory of military art; The second, that is, the conclusions are not maintained by the most indulgent criticism on its one-sidedness, although they are interesting as a transitional step in the development of the author's opinion on the military affair ...
In the foreground is the household peaceful military picture; But what! Ten battle cans of the best masters, the largest size can be given for it. Boldly say that no military, reading it, involuntarily said to himself: Yes, he wrote off from our regiment.
The combat scenes of the Tolstoy graph are no less instructive: the entire inner side of the battle, unknown for most military theoretics and peaceful practitioners, and meanwhile who gives success or failure, is put forward on his first plan in excellent-relief paintings. The difference between its descriptions of battles and descriptions of historical battles is the same as between the landscape and topographic plan: the first gives less, gives from one point, but gives an affordable eye and human heart. The second gives any local subject with a large number of parties, gives a terrain for dozens of miles, but gives in a conditional drawing that does not mean anything in common with the items depicted; And because it is all dead, lifeless, even for the cooked eyes ... The moral physiognomy of the personalities of the leadership, the struggle against them and with the surrounding, preceding any determination, all this disappears - and from the fact that has established from thousands of human lives, something remains It seems like a very shabby coin: the outlines are visible, but what person? The best numismism does not recognize. Of course, there are exceptions, but they are extremely rare and in any case far do not revive the event in front of you as the landscape event revives, that is, representing what could see the observation person in this minute from one point ...
Tolstoy heroes - fictional, but living people; They suffer, dying, make great feats, low turns: all this is how real people; And therefore, they are highly accurate, and that's why it will be regrettable that military figure who will not brute himself, thanks to the story of Tolstoy, how to urgently close the Lords like Gerkov, how much need to look at to see in the present light of Tuskins, Timokhina; As you need to be permeable, careful, not to produce in the heroes of some kind of hellebore or a good and so smart and administrative after the fight of a rapidly regimental commander ... (M.I. Dragomirov. "" War and the world "of Count Tolstoy from a military point of view ")
Documents suggest that Tolstoy did not have a gift of light creativity, he was one of the most sublime, most patient, most diligents, and its grandiose world frescoes are an artistic and labor mosaic composed of an infinite number of multi-colored pieces, from a million tiny individuals observations. Behind the seeming light straightness hides the stubborn handicraft work - not a dreamer, but a slow, objective, patient master, who, as an old German painters, carefully saddled the canvas, thoughtfully measured the square, carefully planned contours and lines and then imposed paint for paint before meaningful The distribution of light and shade give life illumination to its epic story. Seven times two thousand pages of the huge epic "War and Peace" were rewritten; Sketches and notes filled great boxes. Each historical trifle, every meaning item is justified by the selected documents; To give a description of the Borodino battle of real accuracy, Tolstoy circles for two days with a map of the General Staff field of the battlefield, it goes a lot of the railway on the railway to get one or another decorating item in the living participant. He crips not only all the books, searches not only all the libraries, but also draws to the nobility families and in the archives for the forgotten documents and private letters to find the grains of truth in them. So years are going to small mercury balls - dozens, hundreds of thousands of small observations, as long as they begin to merge into a rounded, clean, perfect form. And only then the struggle for the truth is completed, the searches of clarity begin ... One of some kind of discharged phrase, not quite a suitable adjective, which happened among tens of thousands of lines, - and he is terrified after the adjustment sent by the correct the control of Metrapace to Moscow and demands to stop the car, To satisfy the tonality of not satisfied with his syllable. This first proofer comes again in the retort of the Spirit, once again melted and poured into the form again, - no, if for someone art was not easy work, then it is for him, whose art seems to us natural. For ten years, Tolstoy works eight, ten hours a day; It is not surprising that even this husband possessing the steady nerves after each of its big novels is psychologically depressed ...
The accuracy of Tolstoy in observations is not connected with any gradations in relation to the divisions of the Earth: there are no addictions in his love. Napoleon for his incorruptible gaze is not more than any of his soldiers, and this latter is not more important again and is no significant than a dog that runs behind him, or the stone she concerns the paw. Everything in a circle of the earth is a man and mass, plants and animals, men and women, old men and children, commander and men - poured with crystal clear uniformity in his senses, so that in the same order, to pour out. This gives his art similarity with the eternal uniformity of incorruptible nature and his epic - the sea monotonous and all the same magnificent rhythm, always reminding Homer ... (S. Tsweig. From the book "Three singer of your life. Casanova. Standal. Tolstoy")
That Tolstoy loves nature and depicts her with such skill, to which, it seems, no one has ever been erected, it knows all his writings. Nature is not described, but lives from our great artist. Sometimes it is even as if one of the actors of the narrative: remember the incomparable scene of the Sagnaya riding growth in the "war and the world" ...
The beauty of nature finds in the thick of the most responsive connoisseur ... But this extremely sensitive person who feels like the beauty of nature strengthened through the eyes in his soul, hesitates far from any beautiful terrain. Tolstoy loves only such types of nature who awaken in him the consciousness of his unity with her ... (G.V. Plekhanov. "Tolstoy and Nature")
And with a smaller development of creative forces and artistic features, a historical romance from the era, so close to modern society, would excit the intense public attention. The venerable author knew very well that he would touch on the latest memories of his contemporaries and would answer many of their needs and secret sympathies, when the characteristic of our highest society and the main political figures of the Alexander I era, with the undisguised goal of constructing this characteristic on the exposing testimony of legends , rumors, folk dialect and eyewitness notes. The work was to be not unavailable, but it was highly grateful ...
The author belongs to the number dedicated. He owns knowledge of their tongue and uses it to open light-length, insignificance, cunning, sometimes completely coarse, wild and ferocious excuses under all the forms of lightness. Everything is wonderful one circumstance. The faces of this circle consist as if under some kind of probe, who have erected to a heavy kara - never comprehend any of their assumptions, plans and aspirations. Exactly persecuted by an unknown hostile force, they run past the goals that they themselves also set for themselves, and if they achieve anything, it is always not what they expected ... Nothing managed to them, everything falls out of the hands ... Young Pierre Duchets, able to understand good and moral dignity, marries a woman, as slutty as stupid in nature. Prince Bolkonsky, with all the accuracy of a serious mind and development, chooses a kind and empty lifestyle in his wife, which is the misfortune of his life, although he has no reason to complain about it; His sister, Princess Maria, saves from the yoke of despotic pets of the father and constantly secluded rustic life into a warm and bright religious feeling, which ends with bonds with horseradish, sacrifices, etc. So insistently returns in the novel, this deplorable story with the best people described in the novel, that at the end, with any picture anywhere by the young and fresh life, with any story about the pleasant phenomenon promising a serious or instructive outcome, the reader takes fear and doubt: here, so they will deceive all the hopes, change voluntarily to their content and turn In the impassable sands of emptiness and vulgarity, where they will disappear. And the reader is almost never mistaken; They really turn there and disappear there. But, it is asked - what a merciless hand and for which sins aggregate over the whole world ... What happened? Apparently, nothing special happened. Society calmly lives on the same fortress right as his ancestors; Catherine borrowed banks are open to him as well as before; Doors to the acquisition of fortune and to the ruin of themselves in the service are in the same way, there is a lady, missing everyone who has the right to pass through them; Finally, there are no new figures interrupting the way that spoils his life and confusion of his considerations in the Tolstoy novel at all is not shown. Why, however, society, even at the end of the last century, who believed in itself is unlimited, distinguished by the fortress of its composition and easily coped with life, - now, according to the author's testimony, it can not arrange her at wish, they fell into circles, almost despised each other, and amazed by powerlessness, which the best people prevent him from even and identify themselves as themselves and clear goals for spiritual activity. .. (P.V. Annenkov. "Historical and aesthetic questions in the novel" War and Peace "")
Emergency observation, a subtle analysis of spiritual movements, distinctness and poetry in the pictures of nature, elegant simplicity - distinctive features of the talent of the colt graph ... An image of an internal monologue, without exaggeration, can be called amazing. And, in our opinion, that side of the talent of Count Tolstoy, which gives him the opportunity to catch these mental monologues, is in his talent special, only in its characteristic power ... A special feature in the talent of Tolstoy Count is so original that you need to peer attentively in She, and only then we will understand all its importance for the artistic dignity of his works. Psychological analysis is almost the most essential of the qualities that give the strength to creative talent ... Of course, this ability should be congenital from nature, like any other ability; But it would not be enough to dwell on this too general explanation: only on their own (moral) activity is developing talent, and in this activity, the emergency energy of which is evidenced by the feature of the works of Count Tolstoy, it is necessary to see the foundation of the force acquired by its talent.
We are talking about suggestion, about the desire for tireless observation of themselves. The laws of human action, the game of passions, the grip of events, the influence of events and relationships we can study, carefully watching other people; But all the knowledge gained by this way will not have a depth or accuracy, if we do not study the innermost laws of mental life, the game of which is open to us only in our (own) self-consciousness. Who has not studied a person in herself, will never reach the deep knowledge of people. The feature of the talent of the Tolstoy Count, which we talked above, proves that he extremely carefully examined the mysters of the human spirit in herself; This knowledge is precious not only because he gave him the opportunity to write pictures of the inner movements of the human thought, for which we drew the attention of the reader, but also, perhaps, more because it gave him a solid foundation for studying human life in general, to solve characters and springs action, struggle of passions and impressions ...
There is still another force in the talent of Tolstoy, who informs his works of particular advantage of its extremely wonderful freshness - the purity of the moral feeling ... Never public morality has reached such a high level as in our noble time - noble and beautiful, despite the balance True dirt, because all the strengths strains it to wash and clear from the hereditary sins ... The beneficial effect of this feature of the talent is not limited to those stories or episodes in which it stands in a marked way to the fore: it is constantly served by the wave guideline, talent freshener . Which in the world is poetic, charming the pure youthful soul, with the joyful love of responding to everything that it seems to her sublime and noble, clean and beautiful, how she herself? ..
Graph Tolstoy has a true talent. This means that his works are artistic, that is, in each of them, it is very fully the idea that he wanted to implement in this work. He never says anything superfluous, because it would be disgusting the conditions of the artisticity, he will never disturb his works of impurity scenes and figures, alien idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. It is in this that one of the main advantages of artisticity is. It is necessary to have a lot of taste to assess the beauty of the works of the graph of Tolstoy, but the person who knows how to understand the true beauty, true poetry, sees in the column of the Tolsta of the real artist, that is, a poet with a wonderful talent. (N.G. Chernyshevsky. "Military stories L.N. Tolstoy")
Images of human personalities in L. Tolstoy resemble those half-binded human bodies on the burners, which seem to be somewhat separated from the plane in which the sculptures and which holds them will finally come out and become before us, as perfect sculptures, visible from all sides , tangible; But this is an illicit. They will never be separated completely, they will not become completely round of semicircular - we will never see them on the other side.
In the form of Plato Karataeva, the artist did an impossible possible: managed to determine the living, or at least for the time the seemingly alive person in impersonality, in the absence of any certain features and sharp corners, in a special "roundness", the impression of which amazingly visual Even as if the geometric occurs, however, not so much of the inner, spiritual, - how much of the external, bodily appearance: Karataev "Round Body", "Round Head", "Round Movements", "Round Speech", "Something Round "Even in the smell. He is a molecule; He is the first and last, the smallest and most great - the beginning and the end. He does not exist in itself: he is only part of the whole, a drop in the ocean of nationwide, all-life, universal life. And this life reproduces his personality or impersonality, just like a water drop, his perfect roundness reproduces the world sphere. Be that as it may, the miracle of art or the brilliant illusion is committed, almost accomplished. Plato Karatayev, despite his impersonality, seems personal, special, the only one. But we would like to know it to the end, to see on the other hand. He is kind; But maybe he has ever seen in his life for anyone? He is chaste; But maybe he looked at least one woman not like on others? But tells the proverbs; But, maybe, but inserted at least once in these sayings the word from myself? If only one word, one unforeseen distortion broke this too right, mathematically perfect "roundness" - and we would believe that he is a man of flesh and blood that he is.
But, precisely in a minute of our most close and greedy attention, Plato Karatayev, as purposefully, dies, disappears, dissolves as a water ball in the ocean. And when it is even more determined in death, we are ready to admit that he could also be determined in life, in human feelings, thoughts and actions: he did not live, but only it was, it was exactly the "completely round" And this performed his appointment, so he remained only to die. And in the memory of our memory, as in the memory of Pierre Zuhova, Plato Karataev forever captures not a living person, but only the living personification of all Russian, good and "round", that is, a huge, world-historical religious and moral symbol .... ( D.S. Merezhkovsky. From the treatise "L. Tolstoy and Dostoevsky", 1902)
Genre and plot peculiarity
Roman "War and Peace" - a product of large volume. It covers 16 years (from 1805 to 1821) life of Russia and more than five hundred different heroes. Among them are the real acting persons of the described historical events, fictional heroes and many people who are not even gives names, for example, "the general who ordered", "officer who has not reached." Thus, the writer wanted to show that the movement of history is not under the influence of any specific personalities, but thanks to all participants of the events. To combine such a huge material in one work, the author created a genre that was not used before it was called Roman-Epopea.
The novel describes the real historical events: Austerlitsky, Schangbang, Borodino battles, the conclusion of the Tilzite world, the capture of Smolensk, the commissioning of Moscow, the partisan war and others, in which real historical personality is shown. Historical events in the novel perform a composite role. Since the Borodino battle largely determined the outcome of the war of 1812, 20 chapters were dedicated to the description of it, it is the culmination center of the novel. The work contained pictures of the battle, replacing the image of the world as the complete opposite of war, the world, as the existence of communities of many and many people, as well as nature, that is, the whole thing is surrounding a person in space and in time. Disputes, misunderstanding, hidden and frank conflicts, fear, dislike, love ... All this present, alive, sincere, like the heroes of the literary work themselves.
Having rendant next to those or other moments of his life, not quite similar to each other, people suddenly help themselves better understand all the shades of feelings and motives of behavior. So, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky and Anatole Kuragin will play an important role in the life of Natasha Rostova, but their attitude to this naive and fragile girl is different. The situation that arose allows you to see the deep abyss between the moral ideals of these two men from the highest society. But their conflict continues shortly - seeing that Anatol was also injured, Prince Andrei forgives his opponent right on the battlefield. With the development of the novel, the worldview of heroes changes or gradually deepens. Three hundred and thirty-three chapters of four volumes and twenty-eight chapters of the epilogue add up to a clear, definite picture.
The story in the novel is not on the first person, but the presence of the author in every scene is noticeable: he is always trying to assess the situation, show his attitude towards the hero's actions through their description, through the inner monologue of the hero or through the author's retreat - reasoning. Sometimes the writer provides the reader to the right to figure out what is happening, showing the same event from different points of view. An example of such an image can be a description of the Borodino battle: At first, the author gives a detailed historical certificate of alignment of forces, about readiness for battle on the other side, talks about the point of view of historians for this event; Then shows the battle through the eyes of the unprofessional in the military business - Pierre Dzuhova (that is, it shows a sensual, and not a logical perception of an event), reveals the thoughts of Prince Andrei and the behavior of Kutuzov during the battle. In his novel L.N. Tolstoy sought to express his point of view on historical events, show the attitude towards important life problems, answer the main question: "What is the meaning of life?" And the call of Tolstoy in this question sounds so that it is impossible to disagree with him: "We must live, you have to love, you have to believe."
Portrait characteristic of heroes
In the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" over five hundred heroes. Among them are emperors and government figures, commander and ordinary soldiers, aristocrats and peasants. Some heroes, as it is easy to see, the author is especially pretty, others, on the contrary, alien and unpleasant. The means of portrait characteristic is one of the most important artistic means in the novel "War and Peace".
The writer highlights some separate feature in the portrait of the hero and constantly draws our attention to it: it's a big mouth of Natasha, and the radiant eyes of Maryia, and the dryness of Prince Andrei, and the massiveness of Pierre, and the old age and the stiffness of Kutuzov, and the Radeta Karataev roundness. But the rest of the features of heroes change, and Tolstoy describes these changes so that everything that happens in the soul of heroes can be understood. Often Tolstoy applies a taking contrast, emphasizing the inconsistency between the appearance and the inner world, the behavior of the heroes and their internal state. For example, when Nikolai Rostov, on returning from the front, at a meeting with Sonya, Dykhho greeted and turned to her on "You", in the soul they "called each other" you "and gently kissed."
Some portraits are distinguished by excessive detail, others, on the contrary, barely sketched. However, almost every touch complements our idea of \u200b\u200bthe hero. For example, representing us one of the main characters Andrei Bolkonsky, the writer notes that it was a "very handsome young man with certain and dry features." Already, this phrase says that the hero is distinguished by restraint, practicality and severe will. In addition, we can guess and about the inherent "pride of thought", which his sister Marya Bolkonskaya will feel in him. And in her portrait the author will especially allocate a single part, transmitting the essence of the nature of the heroine. Marya "ugly weak body and thin face", but "the eyes of princes, big, deep and radiant ... were so good that very often, despite the urgency of the whole face, these eyes were attractive than beauty." Here these "radiant" eyes are eloquent than any words talk about spiritual beauty Marya Bolkonskaya. The Favorite Heroine of Tolstoy Natasha Rostov, "Chernoglazaya, with a big mouth, ugly, but lively ..." with his liveliness, and living, is primarily the road to the author. But Sonya, Kuzina Natasha, according to the writer, resembles a "beautiful, but not yet formed a kitten, which will be an adorable kitty." And the reader feels that Sona is far from Natasha, it's as if there is not enough peaceful wealth that the Tolstovsky favorite is generously endowed.
The internally beautiful heroes of the novel are not distinguished by beauty exterior. First of all, this belongs to Pierre Bezuhov. A permanent portrait feature is a massive, the thick figure of Pierre Laughterhouses may depend on the circumstances, then the clumsy. Can express both confusion and anger, and kindness, and rabies. In other words, in a thick artistic constant item every time turns new, added shades. The smile at Pierre is not like others. When a smile appeared on his face, then suddenly an instantly disappeared a serious face and was another - kindergarten, kind. Andrei Bolkonsky speaks of Pierre: "One alive man among all of our world." And this word "alive" inextricably binds Pierre Probrazova with Natasha Rostova, whose antipode is the brilliant Petersburg beauty Helene Kuragin. The author repeatedly draws attention to an unchanged smile, white full shoulders, glossy hair and beautiful mill helen. But, despite this "undoubtedly, and the winning beauty", it certainly loses and Natasha Rostova, and Marie Bologkoe, because in her features there is no presence of life. The same can be said about the brother of Helen Kuragina - Anatole.
Turning to portraits of ordinary people, it is not difficult to see that Tolstoy and appreciate, above all, the kindness and liveliness of character. It's not by chance that he emphasizes it, for example, in Plato Karataev, drawing his smiling round face.
However, Tolstoy used portrait characteristic not only in the image of fictional heroes, but also in the image of historical figures, for example, the emperor of Napoleon and the Kutuzov commander. Kutuzov and Napoleon philosophically opposed to each other. Externally, the Kutuzov is not inferior to the French emperor: "Kutuzov, in the unbuttoned uniform, from which, as if freeding, floated to the collar of his greasy neck, sat in the Volterovsky chair." Napoleon "was in blue uniform, disclosed over a white vest, descended on a round belly, in white leggings, tosing fatty flavors, and in bottle." However, the expressions of their persons are noticeably different: "On the face of Napoleon there was an unpleasant smile," but "smart, kind and however, a thin-mocking expression glowed on a plungy of Kutuzov." If in the portrait of Kutuzov, ease and naturalness is emphasized, then in the face of the way, pretending.
Kutuzov, as a simple mortal, "was weak to tears," he "reluctantly played the role of the Chairman and Head of the Military Council," he said "clearly and clearly" with the sovereign, considered his soldier "wonderful, unmatched people." He "understood that there is something stronger and more considerable to his will, is the inevitable course of events ..." Despite obesity and Starikovskaya, we feel the inner peace and the purity of the soul.
In the form of Napoleon Tolstoy emphasizes some mystery. Portrait characteristics of the French commander


145 years ago, the largest literary event occurred in Russia - the first edition of the novel of the Lion's Tolstoy "War and the World" was published. Separate heads of the novel were published earlier - the first two parts of Tolstoy began to publish in the Russian Bulletin of Katkov a few years before that, but the "canonical", full and processed, the version of the novel came out only a few years later. For one and a half years of its existence, this world masterpiece and bestseller has increased and weighing research and reader legends. Here are some interesting facts about the novel that you may not know.

How did Tolstoy themselves appreciated "War and Peace"?

Lion Tolstoy very skeptically referred to his "main works" - the novels of "War and Peace" and Anna Karenina ". So, in January 1871, he sent a letter to Fetu, in which he wrote: "As I am happy ... what to write a crowded kind of" war "I will never become more." After almost 40 years, he did not change his opinion. On December 6, 1908, a record appeared in the writer's diary: "People love me for those trifles -" War and Peace ", etc., which they seem very important." There is even a later evidence. In the summer of 1909, one of the visitors of the Casual Polyana expressed his delight and gratitude by that time the generally accepted classic for the creation of the "war and the world" and "Anna Karenina". Tolstoy's answer was as follows: "It's likely that someone would come to Edison and would say:" I very respect you for what you are well dancing Mazurka. " I attribute the importance to completely different my books. "

Was Tolstone sincere? Perhaps there was a share of the author's goettle, although the whole image of a thick-thinker strongly contradicts this guappy - he was too serious and uncovered man.

"War and Peace" or "War and Mir"?

The name "War of the World" is so habitual that it has already been chosen. If you ask any little of the educated person, what the main product of Russian literature of all time, good half without thinking will say: "War and Peace". Meanwhile, the novel had different names: "1805" (the passage from the novel was even published under this title), "everything is good that it ends well" and "three pores".

The famous legend is associated with the name of the masterpiece of the thickness. Often the name of the novel is trying to beat. Claiming that the author himself laid some two-notes in him: whether Tolstoy meant the opposition of war and the world as an antonym of war, that is, calm, either used the word "world" in the value community, community, land ...

But the fact is that during the time when the novel saw the light, such a meaningful could not be: two words, although they were uttered equally, wrote in different ways. Before the spelling reform of 1918 in the first case, "Peace" (peace) was written, and in the second - "MІR" (Universe, Society).

There is a legend that Tolstoy allegedly used the word "MІR" in the title, but all this is a consequence of a simple misunderstanding. All the prominent publications of the Tolstoy novel went under the name "War and Peace", and he himself wrote the name of the novel in French as "La Guerre et La Paix". How could the word "MIR" misele the name? Here the story is split. According to one of the versions, this name was personally written on the document submitted by Lv's Tolstoy M. N. Lavrov - an employee of the Typography of Katkova at the first full publication of the novel. Very perhaps, there really had an author's search. So there was a legend.

According to another version, the legend could appear later as a result of typos, admitted by the publication of the novel edited by P. I. Biryukov. In the publication, released in 1913, the title of the novel is reproduced eight times: on the title page and on the first page of each volume. Seven times printed "Peace" and only once - "MІR", but on the first page of the first volume.
About the sources of "war and the world"

When working on a novel, Lion Tolstoy very seriously approached its sources. He resulted in a lot of historical and memoir literature. In the Tolstsky "list of used literature", for example, such academic editions, as: a multi-volume "Description of the Patriotic War in 1812", History M. I. Bogdanovich, "Life of Speransky Count" M. Korf, "Biography Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsova" M . P. Shcherbinin. Used the writer and materials of the French historians of Thieres, A. Duma-senior, George Chambre, Maximellen Fua, Pierre Lanfre. The studies about Masonry and, of course, the memories of the immediate participants of the events - Sergey Glinka, Denis Davydova, Alexei Yermolov and many others, was also a list of French memoirs, starting from Napoleon himself.

559 characters

The researchers calculated the exact number of heroes of the "War and Peace" - they are found in the book exactly 559, and 200 of them are quite historical faces. Many of the remaining are real prototypes.

In general, working on the names of fictional characters (invent the names and surnames for semi-pile people - already a considerable work), Tolstoy used such three basic ways: used real names; modified real names; Created absolutely new names, but according to the models of real.

Many episodic heroes of the novel wear quite historical surnames - the book is mentioned by reasonable, meshchersk, Georgian, Lopukhins, Arkharov, and others. But the main characters, as a rule, are quite recognizable, but still unreal, encrypted surnames. The reason for this is usually called the reluctance of the writer show the connection of the character with some particular prototype, which has only some features. Such, for example, Bolkonsky (Volkonsky), Drubetskaya (Trubetskoy), Kuragin (Kurakin), Doolokhov (Dorokhov) and others. But, of course, he could not tolt completely abandon the fiction - so, on the pages of the novel, sounding quite noble, but still not related to the surname - Peronskaya, Chatrov, Tellyan, Desala, etc.

Real prototypes of many of the heroes of the novel are also known. So, Vasily Dmitrievich Denisov is a friend of Nikolai Rostov, his prototype became the famous hussar and partisan Denis Davydov.
The familiar family of growth Maria Dmitrievna Ahrosimov was written off by the widow of the Major General Nastasya Dmitrievna Offrow. By the way, she was so colorful that he appeared in another famous work - Alexander Griboedov, almost portraitfully, was portrayed in his comedy.

Her son, Brener and Kutil Fedor Ivanovich Shahov, and later one of the leaders of the partisan movement embodied the features of several prototypes at once - the heroes of the guerrisan of Alexander Figner and Ivan Dorokhov, as well as the famous duelist Fyodor Tystoy-American.

Old Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, aged Ekaterininsky Wiel, was inspired by his husband's grandfather, a representative of the Rod Volkonsky.
But the prince of Maria Nikolaevna, the daughter of the old man Bolkonsky and the sister of Prince Andrei, Tolstoy saw in Mary Nikolaevna Volkonskaya (in marriage Tolstoy), his mother.


We all know and appreciate the famous Soviet film "War and Mira" Sergey Bondarchuk, who came to the screens in 1965. King Viors of 1956, Kingov, King Vius, 1956, is known, the music to whose music was written by Nino Rota, and the main roles played Hollywood stars of the first magnitude of Audrey Hepburn (Natasha Rostov) and Henry Fund (Pierre Lyuhov).

And the first screening of the novel appeared after just a few years after the death of Lion Tolstoy. A mute picture of Peter Chardynina was published in 1913, one of the main roles (Andrei Bolkonsky) in the film played the famous actor Ivan Mozhukhukhin.

Some numbers

Tolstoy wrote and rewritten a novel for 6 years, from 1863 to 1869. As the researchers were calculated by his creativity, the author manually rewrote the text of the novel 8 times, and separate episodes rewrote more than 26 times.

The first edition of the novel: twice as shorter and is more interesting five times?

Do not everyone know that in addition to the generally accepted there is another version of the novel. This is the very first edition that Lion Tolstoy brought in 1866 to Moscow to the publisher Mikhail Katkov for publication. But the novel this time was not able to publish.

Katkov was interested in continuing to print it with pieces in his "Russian messenger". The other publishers did not see at all in the book of commercial potential - too long and "irrelevant" they seemed to them, so they offered the author to publish it at their own expense. There were other reasons: the return to the clear clearing demanded from her husband Sophia Andreevna, who did not cope with the leading of a large economy and the supervision of children. In addition, in the newly discovered for public use of the Chatstsky library Tolstoy found many materials, which certainly wanted to use in his book. Therefore, postponing the publication of the novel, worked over it for two more years. However, the first version of the book did not disappear - it was preserved in the writer's archive, was reconstructed and published in 1983 in the 94th volume of the "literary inheritance" publishing house "Science".

This is what I wrote about this version of the novel made it in the 2007th chapter of the famous publishing house Igor Zakharov:

"one. Twice shorter and five times more interesting.
2. Almost no philosophical retreats.
3. It is a hundred times easier to read: all the French text is replaced by the Russians in the translation of the thick.
4. Much more of the world and less war.
5. Heppi-end ... ".

Well, our right - choose ...

Elena Veshkin