Write a letter Yakubovich Leonid Arkadyevich. Leonid Yakubovich

  • 07.08.2019

Ivan Leonid Yakubovich: "Good people in the world more"
"Get to us really
- There is a letter of letters that selects players.

Previously, 5-7 thousand correspondence was received per month. Now comes somewhere 700-800 letters. So if you send a beautiful crossword and some unusual letter or photo, then you will definitely be taken on the "field of miracles". Previously, we could pay for participants road, accommodation and meals. Now there is no such opportunity, but I "knocked out" at the leadership at least pay for accommodation for players at the hotel at the expense of the television company.

go to the site:

I am a computer's gift to me with a gift or if you have familiar rich people ask them to be all his conscious life than grateful dad found aunt and they had a child my brother's father gets about 12 thousand so I don't see a computer and how to help you learn, data compute I live with my father's father threw us for 13 years and I want to ask you to ask you to give me a pensioner's grandfather

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I want to get on the field of miracles, how to break through there? I want a car help | Topic author: Eugene

Artem Leonid Yakubovich: "Good people in the world more"
"Get to us really
- How to get on the "field of miracles" as a player?
- There is a letter of letters that selects players. Previously, 5-7 thousand correspondence was received per month. Now comes somewhere 700-800 letters. So if you send a beautiful crossword and some unusual letter or photo, then you will definitely be taken on the "field of miracles". Previously, we could pay for participants road, accommodation and meals. Now there is no such opportunity, but I "knocked out" at the leadership at least pay for accommodation for players at the hotel at the expense of the television company.
Once a completely crazy idea came to my mind. We announced that 3 desires are ready to fulfill. We came to millions of letters. Then, when they watched them, it turned out that people asked for money in 3% of letters. The rest requested something for someone, for example, parents in the village car of firewood, someone needed to give a cow. Cow, by the way, we immediately found. But touching 3% of this giant number of desires: all the same good people in the world are much larger than bad. "
You can try on SMS, that's what I caught my eyes, maybe it will help.
SMS - The game "Field of Miracles" for mobile phones is a simplified version of the television show of the same name. According to the results of the weekly SMS cycle, the best players are defined, among whom participants will be selected for the Capital show "Field of Miracles".
To participate in the game, send the word field to the short number 6800.
The service is available for persons over 18 years old.
The cost of one SMS message to the number 6800 - 18, 00 rubles. , In addition, VAT.
The service is available for subscribers: MTS, Bi Line GSM, Megaphone, Baikalwest, Tele2, NSS, SMARTS, Content Urals. Specify the exact cost of SMS from your telecom operator.
When using the service, make sure the consent of who pays the bill.
As well as you can write to the address: Television "View"
127000, Moscow, ul. Academician Queen, 12, "Field of Miracles",
go to the site:

I want Valentin! Want! Want! I want an elephant!

Edward yes why is he you? With him so much hassle and still taxes need to spit! Take money !!!

Class hour. "How dangerous situations are born on the roads"

Class hour: "All year round: how dangerous situations are born on the road." (correspondence trip). Objectives and challenges of the class hour. - to bring up norms ...


Hello Multiple Leonid Arkadyevich!
For many years now, Russians know you as a popular leading TV show "Field of Miracles". But today I want to talk about a friend.
... I watched "Elash" several times, where you as a doctor attend the apartment of a sick student, who at this time with his friend fishes in the bathroom.
- Keeps? - With azart of the experienced fisherman asking you.
"No," the boys answer sadness.
- What do you catch? - You ask another question.
And after the response of the boys, they change their bait on their own, pre-seized for such a case, throw the fishing line into the water and .... Oh, Miracle! On the hook fluttered the fish that you generously give up the guys and, wishing them further success in fishing, are pleased.
In this place I would need, obviously shout: "Doctor, but you did not look at the patient, and did not appoint him a treatment"! But I will not do that, since this question does not care and does not interest me.
And interested in me that - I also want to fish in the bathroom. But how to do it - I do not know. More precisely - I know, but nothing happens for me. And therefore, dear Leonid Arkadyevich, I have a huge request for you: Please teach me to catch fish in the bathroom. I have a bath, fill with water - a pair of trifles. There are rod. There is not enough seamless. And so please write me how to do it - discover the secret. I will immediately say that I am about this secret - neither a gu-gu; For if the secret knows three - this is no longer a secret.
I really hope to get a news from you, in which you will send me a detailed instruction about fishing in the bathroom. And I, in anticipation of pleasure, I already imagine how I fill the bath with water, I will abandon my life in it, on the hook of which I will put this bait that you advise me in your instructions. And, sitting comfortably, I will carefully follow the float. But the float was worried, went deep into the depths. URA-A-A! Put! I sharply pull the fishing rod - and in my hands the fish is already trembling: well, exactly the same, what kind of "Yeralsh" you caught. What a joy! What happiness! After all, this means that now I will constantly have a superefish.
Of course, I could buy fish and in the store, and in the market - there it is always fully. And the choice is big. But first - for it you need to pay money. And you can't buy a lot to my scant pension. And secondly: but is there such a fresh and tasty fish in the store? Far from that.
... So far, I only fantasized this. But I am sure that it will be so if you show me mercy and send me a guide to fishing in the bathroom.
I am confident that with the same request to you have already been treated repeatedly many. Drink all of them in the neck! And even better - to the damn mother! And the guide to action will only send me. That's why I will hold! Today is ear. Tomorrow - fried karasi .... And so - every day. It will be a good help to my pensioner table.
... But back to the film. And I remember again and again with admiration, as you, a solid doctor, with a briefcase in hand it is important to enter the apartment of a sick schoolchildren and seeing that the guys go fish in the bathroom, you, an avid fisherman, forgotten everything in the world, are interested in: "Does it be keen?" And it sounds for me, like a light music of the composer Dunaevsky.
I really would like to know that you got my letter. And at the beginning of one of the gears "Field of Miracles", do some sign towards Zei - and I will understand everything.
Successes to you, Leonid Arkadyevich, in your grateful work, happiness, well-being, and most importantly - good health!

Sincerely, Nikolai Alexandrovich Sachkov.


Good evening, dear Nikolai. To say that you write not just leading this "grand" place show, which I would have already been fifty years ago. Close. You write ... Attention! Folk artist! It is necessary to make it so
Acting brethren. Asking the title. And it is necessary. And maybe deserved? Well then, honored. Transferred.
I really want to wait for the moment when you start catching the fish in the bathroom, but now it all depends on one person. Does he take time and the opportunity to help you? Let's wait, see. What are our years.
Your letter I approve, very worthy. With sincere respect, Paul.

The daily audience of the portal Prose.ru is about 100 thousand visitors who are in total viewing more than half a million pages according to the attendance counter, which is located to the right of this text. In each column, two digits are specified: the number of views and the number of visitors.

November 02, 2017.

The famous TV presenter told the magazine "TV program" about recognition, age, flights behind the steering wheel of the aircraft and the upbringing of children.

Photo: Maxim Li / Channel One

- Leonid Arkadyevich, who of the participants struck you more than others?

- Uncle, which saws the chain. I stood next, but I did not understand how he did it. Everything else I can at least imagine, but it is completely phenomenal. On the scene lay a log, he saws him - and turned out to be a chain.

- Some heroes perform their numbers on the verge of human abilities ...

- This is not the edge. We ourselves do not know where the edge. Yes, and there is no such task - working on the verge. The challenge is that every ordinary person throw this word from his head.

- "Edge"?

- Not. The word "ordinary". There are no ordinary people. It must be driven into parents into the heads, because each born child is unusual, each has phenomenal abilities. They just need to develop. In our country, in recent times, everyone is engaged in education and forget about the upbringing. The country needs individuals, not a robotics, which is obtained from the exam. The child was only born, he walks with a nipple, and you already need to talk to him on you, because he is a person! And from the very beginning there should be people around him who are able to determine what God gave him. Otherwise, nothing will work.

- What talents have your children?

- First, they are good people. This is a great gift. Secondly, my daughter Linguist, she loves tongues, speaks fluently three, including Russian. Very well sits in the saddle. Son also knows two languages. He works on television. And he has a black belt on karate, as I personally dreamed from childhood.

- If you dreamed of him, why didn't you get?

- I just did not take the hand and did not take there. No one knows, . I am amateur! I do not know what happened if I sent me mercy somewhere. I entered three theater institute, myself was the creative tours. But Dad said: "Get a specialty." And I went to the institute.

- So it often happens.

- And why? Because we do not look at children as a person. We see our continuation in them in a very narrow sense of the word. We embody in children what they were not able to get. So I did not achieve something in my life, now I want the son to do it. And it is necessary on the contrary, for "Teacher, raise a student to be, who then learn" (the lines of the poet of Vinokurov. - Ed.).

Incredibly, but the fact: On November 1, 1991, Yakubovich began to lead the capital show "Field of Miracles". Photo: Nikolay Malyshev / Tass

"But you probably didn't immediately reach this wisdom?"

- We had a very serious male conversation with the Son, who at that time he studied in the third grade. We sat opposite each other in the kitchen. I told him: "You have your own job, I have my own. I am ready to help you, but only for you to do your job I will not, like you do not do mine. If you turn to you for help, you will help me. Agreed? " "Agreed," he said. And since now I have never been to school. Director called me. I called a class teacher. I explained to them every time: "Sorry. He got a two. What do you want from me? He is a man. Go and talk to him. " Exactly so I spoke with my daughter. Never been at school, except for some prom. Wife walked. I never.

- And did not check the lessons?

- Not. There were several cases when the daughter said: "I can't work." Then I sat down next to her. Or we hired a tutor. We were fabulously lucky with a completely stunning woman, which "stuck" my daughter to INAZ. They were girlfriends, despite the difference in age. Together they sang, the poems read. She has been doing with her since childhood. Probably eight or ten years old. What is a teacher, instructor, coach? This is psychological compatibility. This is faith.

"I want - it means I can"

- Leonid Arkadyevich, and for what person did you go at one time?

- I had a huge amount. I am extremely lucky! My good people were transferred to me like a swamp, - from one to another. I'm terribly lucky with the first teacher, with the first instructor. And with the first master at the factory.

Photo: Maxim Li / Channel One

- In one of the last issues of the program "I can!" There was a girl who for piercing was suspended in the air. If your daughter Varya came and said: "Dad, I want the same," you would take her choice?

"When my son jumped from Tarzanka for the first time, I didn't tell him." We have one slogan in the family: "I want - it means". And I wanted to spit on everything that strangers tell me, including doctors. Son wanted to jump - I turned away, and he did it. But if my daughter said that it would hang like that the girl, maybe I would say the first time in my life. A woman is a woman, and a man is a man. I do not insist, but ... I do not understand. I do not understand the female boxing, a female bar, fighting without rules. Something curled in this world, something happened. What do I need such a woman that will be with me fighting without rules in bed to arrange? And then: What am I for a man, if I can't protect it?

- Two years ago you told you that spend a lot of time behind the aircraft steering wheel, play tennis. Is it relevant now?

- Sure. Without it, you can not live. Three times a week I have a gym and tennis. This is not anything on a broken elbow or a broken knee. I feel bad if I do not train. And if I'm not pounded at least once every two weeks ...

- What do not do?

- It is called to be flown - fly by plane. With this it is impossible to live!

Leonid is really fond of aircraft. And for him it is not just a hobby - a whole life. Photo: Mikhail Frolov / "KP" - Moscow

- Do you need adrenaline all the time?

- There is no adrenaline there. And there is no risk either. More relaxed existence than in the sky does not happen. You see, traffic police are not there. Oncoming movement too.

"In the heart of three stents, but I will not refuse flights"

- How were you in your childhood? On the garages jumped?

- What about? Be sure! And fights, and courtyard on the yard ...

- Parents scold?

- Not. If you started, then it makes sense to ask: why? If for the right thing, well, it means, it means that before the end. We had a family relationship.

- Is your son brought up the same?

- Absolutely. I am very pleased with my son, and granddaughter.

- Well, the girls are still probably not jumping on the garages.

"No, she has a child who lives absolutely from the 9th grade alone." The house was repairs, and they moved to grandmother. And the grandmother went to Turkey. And they with her friend live together, prepare themselves, buy products. Now granddaughter is already 17 years old.

Yakubovich is an infrequent guest in secular events. But if it appears, then in the company of his wife and daughter. Photo: Artem Kostenko / Express newspaper

"You say:" I feel bad, but still fly on the plane. " Is this a desire to risk with age progresses or, on the contrary, dulled?

- only one progresses - everything is harder to overcome. In extreme cases, I can. I will be put in order, and I will still fly. And play tennis. In the heart of three stents (plastic cylinders, expanding vessels. - Ed.), But I will not give up flights.

- Usually women with the birth of a child stop risking, but there are no men. What is it connected with?

- I can not agree with you. There is such a sport - auto racing. As you know, they can have people under 30 years old. Maximum. Because young goods are responsible for another. When I am young, there is no one for me - no wife nor children. What I want, the risk. But the age comes, in which you already begin to understand that if something happens to you, what will happen to your family? It holds. The recklessness bar moves down and lower. My mother was a wonderful gynecologist. All my life spoke two things. The first thing is that more beautiful pregnant women there is no one in the world. And the second is that a pregnant woman is allowed to drink less and walk more. Another listening to classical music. It is necessary that the abdomen in which the child sits, music played around the clock. Then the child will have a rumor.

- Did you do that too?

- I did not do it. I did not have a player when my son was born. And the daughter also did not work. Sorry!

What can I have such a woman, who with me in bed battle without rules will arrange?

- If men with age appear "brakes", why did you get and sat down at the steering wheel?

- And on earth this can not happen? Danger on the car ride.

- You, by the way, yourself behind the wheel or do you have a driver?

- I never had the driver. Wife, car and pilot seat do not trust anyone. I got the rights in 1962.

- What are your impressions of the program "I can!"?

"I am good with goodies to people who know how to do something better than me." I'm just delighted with them. I'm terribly like to look at them, and then talk about what I saw. In general, I think the lead is always secondary. And there is nothing to protrude your face. My business to prepare the hall, create a certain emotional mood for a person who will be their art. There is no more task. I am generally the background, scenery.

- Today you have talked to the program: "Write me: Moscow. Academician Queen, 12. Leonid Yakubovich. " In Soviet times, letters aunt's letters on television.

- A person can make a mistake in the address. But if he writes "Moscow. Ostankino. Yakubovich, "then this letter will come accurately. At the same time, I do not consider myself a popular person, I do not like this formulation. The word "recognition" is related to me. I am a television function. You see if 27 years old on the screen - you will be known to everyone.

- And who is more popular, from your point of view?

- Evstigneev, Leonov, Tovstonogov. This is a completely different thing, a long-long way, where everything is dismissed on great love. I have only awareness. When I was small, artists, athletes and great scientists were much more likely and popular than now. We knew them all by name. It was terribly proud, if you even saw somewhere on the street, on the other side of the road ... the memories are warm about this soul. I was probably 14 years old, when I saw my uncle Lesu Batalov once. Speed \u200b\u200bhome with square eyes and began to yell: "Mom, I saw Batalov!" Bentwood him since childhood. And then, after many years, he even praised me. He said that students tell me about me. I carry it through all my life. And I remember very well, as Dad first summed up me to Ranevskaya - we were in the same company. I will never forget it. Never!

- Today, on the set, one of the participants considered that you have already lived 26,484 days. What did you feel when hearing this figure?

- It would be better if he did not say that! 72 years - this is not enough. A 26,484 days - a lot!

« »
Sunday / 17.30, first

Letter Leonid Yakubovich on the "Field of Miracles" (imitation of V.S. Highness "Letter to the editorial office of the TV show" Obvious incredible "from the Katchaikovsky cottage").

"Dear Arkadich Leon! With men by law,
Taking a bottle of mogon, at nineteen fifty,
On Friday after work, in anticipation of Saturday,
Having postponing your concerns, going to the squad.

At home we are exhausted and from the wives of their escape,
This is very exposed to the inviolability of the status quo.
Teddy bear drags moonshine, under Petrovich Stewenka -
He today is in the sickness, in the garages of everything.

TV there turn on and on the first drink,
We are "goat" do not score - the game begins.
And who there is only there! They will not find answers,
Although they look through the Internet, nor today, nor yesterday.

Well, we see on the screen - the "Prize" sector on the drum,
Drops guy Vana. On the site he is a neighbor.
He is different to you, honey, kvass and pickles,
Fish of a weak ambulance and some old plaid.

Well, you from the suitcase, already jumped off the sofa,
Right like the restaurant is an ostrich egg.
He barely got to you and I doried with my wife,
And tried, smiling, straining the whole face.

On the scoreboard only three letters, we do not think about Cranberry,
We do not tesshit the idea of \u200b\u200bthe trouser - in the middle of the letter "y".
The task is forgotten, quickly poured,
The transfer was called to prevent trouble.

We were answered by beeps. We are third with men,
From a wave of sleeves ... I need to urgently smoke.
If only Vanka guess and agree on the prize,
It does not know how to communicate - just says.

Vanya makes movement, we froze in tensions,
He accepts the solution: "I choose the" Prize "sector!".
Here we are immediately in the fourth, and Petrovich - Calch Cool,
In my life oh, what kind of harmful: "Suddenly a cruise will fall there!"

We pour on the fifth and then we are discussing the egg,
Straight everything is exhausted - she was driving what cock.
And then suddenly what happened - in the midst of the rosette,
Everything here immediately turned off, our TV is wig.

You do not break the egg, just give money the car
Do not worry - we will find where to children them.
Our Petrovich gathered to you and in the old woman digging her,
He rushed to the drain to be a toe - it should be suitable.

He will come to you in the capital, we have a pork, bird,
The magnificent girl - everything went to the "field of miracles".
Only you tell me straight, on the Canar, Ile Bahamas,
Il in what wonderful baths ... where is the vanka of our disappearance?

His luska is born, the brain demolished to us in the garages,
From wing gang Skolotila - the way ordered into the garages.
At home do not get to the console, threaten catapult,
We are on the verge of stroke ... and food as mirage.

You Petrovich accept, and with the letter, help,
Eggs just do not carry and so that the letters were in a row.
He is the last hope to return as it was before
Let the letter "U" do not cut it. With respect, our squad. "

Leonid Yakubovich Organization of performances on the official website of the Agency. Order a lead or tour, as well as invitations for the holiday. Call by phone + 7-499-343-53-23, + 7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of the Agent Leonid Yakubovich. The famous TV host was born in 1945 in Moscow. Leonid studied in the evening school, worked as a turner, an electrician, participated in expeditions. Having received a certificate, Leonid Yakubovich entered the Institute of Electronic Engineering.

Creative achievements

In his student years, he was able to fulfill a long-standing dream - to go on stage. At first, he played in the student theater miniature, and when he moved to Kuibyshev's engineering and construction institute, he became part of the KVN Institutic Team. At the same time he discovered the Satirik writer's talent. Many famous humorists of our country appeared with his monologues.

In the 1980s, Leonid Yakubovich wrote texts for many TV shows, was adopted in the Committee of Moscow playwrights. It is worth noting that in 1988, Leonid Yakubovich wrote the scenario of the first Moscow contest and became his leading. Two years he spent auctions. National Lord Leonid Yakubovich found in 1991, when he became the leading capital show "Field of Miracles". This transfer is on the air for more than 20 years, and all this time he remains its permanent leading. In parallel, he led other television shows, concerts, repeatedly entered the jury of the highest league KVN. Leonid Yakubovich is known and as a film actor. His account has already more than 20 filmmakers. The famous artist leads active social activities, ran into deputies, conducts campaign concerts.


Leonid Yakubovich has a lot of prestigious awards - Teffi, Golden Ostap, the Order of Friendship, the Prize of the Union of Journalists of Russia, as well as the title of People's and Honored Artist of Russia. For more information about Leonid Yakubovich, read on the official website.

Order Online

Leonid Yakubovich Order leading, contacts. Organization of performances, artist's participation on your holiday, corporate. With the application you can contact us by phone in Moscow + 7-499-343-53-23, + 7-964-647-20-40, to the official website of the agent, write to the mail, in the Contact menu.