Making wok noodles at home. Japanese noodle wok

  • 22.02.2024

Noodles in a wok are a favorite dish of Japanese gourmets, which today has become a popular fast food in Moscow.

For many years, masters of Japanese cuisine have been preparing noodle dishes, adding different sauces and toppings, in search of original flavor combinations. Popular recipes are presented on the menu of all Japanese restaurants.

History of Japanese noodles

The birthplace of this product is China. Noodles came to Japan in the 7th century AD. and became an exquisite flour delicacy. There was a period when it was consumed exclusively by the lower strata of the population. There were skilled chefs who could create delicious dishes. By 1818, every restaurant had noodles on its menu. Today it is a universal product. It is prepared in different ways: fried, boiled or baked.

Cooking noodles in a wok

Wok noodles can be easily and quickly prepared at home or ordered to your home in South Butovo.

We offer hundreds of types of WOK to order in Butovo!

For cooking you will need a wok - this is a deep frying pan with a flat bottom, small diameter and sloping walls. The main attribute of oriental cuisine. The food in it is fried in hot oil with constant stirring. Short-term processing of ingredients at high temperature allows you to preserve the beneficial properties and freshness of the products.

The main ingredient is noodles. It is a strong absorbent, so it absorbs different odors and tastes well. With a small addition of seasoning, the dish will clearly highlight its taste.

There are 4 types of noodles.

Egg. You can buy it or prepare it yourself, which requires flour, water, salt and chicken eggs.

Funchoza. Thin and transparent noodles made from rice or other legume flour.

Soba. Prepared from buckwheat flour with the addition of wheat. Has a brown color. It is usually served chilled.

Udon. Thick (2-4 mm) noodles made from wheat flour without eggs. Soft and elastic.

The filling for the wok is seafood, fish, chicken, pork, vegetables, shiitake, etc. Sauce will help complement the flavor bouquet: chili, garlic, soy, teriyaki, sweet and sour, etc.

Recipe for wok noodles with bacon and vegetables

To prepare you will need:

  • Rice noodles - 100 g.
  • Zucchini (zucchini) - 1 piece
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Green onion feathers - 1 bunch.
  • Parsley - 1 bunch.
  • Green peas (fresh or frozen recommended) - 50 g.
  • Green beans - 50 g.
  • Bacon (boiled or smoked) - 50 g.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.
  • Soy sauce - 45-50 ml.

Cooking method

Pour boiling water over the noodles, cover or cook until half cooked. It is important not to overcook so that it does not fall apart during cooking. Peel the zucchini and carrots, cut into strips or grate on a coarse grater. Fry carrots and zucchini (5 minutes) in a preheated frying pan. Add green peas (you can use other vegetables). Cut the bacon into medium strips and add to the pan. Fry. Fine greens mode, add noodles (already steamed), a little water and fry until they evaporate completely. Remember to constantly stir the mixture in the wok.

In Japan, it is customary to serve any food in small portions. They eat noodles with chopsticks, sometimes with their hands. Wok can be served cold or hot. The table will be complemented by light salads, vegetable juices or water.

WOK noodles - tasty, satisfying and healthy! One serving is a complete meal.


1. Wash the chicken fillet, dry it, cut into strips. Mix all the ingredients for the marinade and pour the marinade over the meat. I usually marinate the evening before I cook...

2. Cut the leeks, celery, peppers and mushroom stems into strips, grate the ginger root on a fine grater, and cut the mushroom caps into 4 pieces. Separately, I would like to dwell only on chopping leeks, because... I myself only recently learned how to properly cut it into beautiful strips, maybe this will also be a discovery for someone))) cut the onion into several sticks, the length of which we want to get the strips, then cut this stick to the middle lengthwise, unwind the onion leaves and chop them...

3. Pour 5-6 tbsp into a very hot wok. vegetable oil and fry the chicken in it, stirring occasionally for 5-7 minutes, we try not to pour the marinade in which it was placed into the frying pan, lightly squeeze the meat from it before sending it to the frying pan (do not pour out the marinade!)...

4. Add vegetables and the remaining marinade from the meat to the chicken, stirring occasionally and fry for 4-5 minutes...

5. That's all, our dish is ready! Serve it warm! For these purposes, I have a wonderful natural clay plate, brought to me as a gift by my brother’s husband from Bulgaria, for which I thank him very much, the thing is simply excellent, I preheat it in the oven and it holds the heat perfectly and does not allow the dish to cool for a long time!


The hallmark of Chinese cuisine and Asian cooking in general are wok dishes. To cook them you need a special wok pan. This is the dish we will talk about.

It has a round shape, a convex bottom, high and thin walls. It is made of cast iron or carbon steel and has one wooden handle.

In China, they often cook on special burners, in the center of which there is a semicircle-shaped recess. With its help, the wok becomes stable, and a powerful flame quickly and evenly heats the walls.

For home kitchens they produce household "European" wok with a flat bottom. This wok is suitable for conventional gas and induction cookers. On the market, such pans are mainly made of non-stick steel, aluminum or stainless steel. Available with one or two handles.

The answer is simple. Cooking food in a wok usually takes less than 15 minutes, so dishes are obtained:

  • Useful. Products lose almost no vitamins and nutrients with such rapid heat treatment. Food cooked in a wok is healthier than in a regular frying pan, since the ingredients are fried for 1-3 minutes;
  • Not greasy. A tablespoon of oil is enough for frying, and the process itself takes minutes;
  • Crispy and flavorful. Meat and vegetables, when quickly fried, acquire a dense crispy crust and an appetizing appearance.

A wok is a universal kitchen assistant.

Basically a frying pan A wok is used for quick frying - stir-fry(from English “fry and stir”), but you can also:

  • stew meat and vegetables, covered with a lid;
  • Use for deep frying;
  • Use like a steamer. using a special grid;
  • Make soup.

A wok can easily replace a regular frying pan, saucepan or small saucepan.

Cast iron, aluminum, ceramic and steel wok. Pros and cons of materials

Among the cookware products on the market, the following woks can be distinguished.


  • Durability
  • Strength
  • Can cook on gas, electric stove and open fire
  • Not afraid of high heating temperatures
  • Good wear resistance, difficult to scratch
  • Heavy
  • Takes a long time to heat up
  • After each cooking, immediately wash and wipe with a dry cloth.
  • It will rust if you leave the pan in water for a long time.
  • Do not leave food in a cast iron frying pan
  • With prolonged contact with products, without cleaning, the metal absorbs their odor

When frying, the surface of the cast iron wok heats up evenly and completely. The roasting is smooth and fast. Cast iron woks are also used for stewing meat and vegetables, preparing stews, and also for cooking broths.

Aluminum wok with non-stick coating


  • Lungs
  • Heats up quickly
  • Relatively inexpensive
  • Non-stick coating wears out quickly
  • At high temperatures, non-stick coating can release harmful substances into food

Ceramic wok


  • The surface of the pan is smooth
  • Fast heating
  • The smell of food does not penetrate into the ceramic structure
  • Can be cooked on a gas or electric stove
  • High price
  • The material is susceptible to temperature changes.
  • Fragility


  • Durable. When started correctly, a non-stick coating is formed
  • Lungs
  • Heats up quickly and cools down just as quickly
  • Flat bottom steel woks can be used on gas, electric and induction hobs and open fires
  • Wall deformation is possible due to high temperature if very thin or cheap steel is used
  • Without the first “opening of the wok”, the pan coating has low non-stick properties, food will stick and burn during frying.
  • A good steel wok can cost a lot
  • There are woks on sale with non-stick coatings, which can release harmful substances when heated too much.

It is steel woks that have become most widespread throughout the world. They are most often used for preparing wok dishes. I’ll write below about the “discovery” of a steel wok or its first use.

How to “open” wok correctly? First use of a cast iron or steel wok

Before first use To prevent food from sticking to the walls and burning, you need to apply protective non-stick coating. To do this, the wok needs to be “opened” or as the Chinese call this process “hoi wok”.

There are more than 10 methods of opening. I will give an example of one method for use at home.

How to choose a wog (Chinese frying pan). 2-minute video in Russian.

To make your wok serve you as long as possible:

  • Gas stove or burner
  • Carbon steel wok without non-stick coating
  • Refined sunflower oil
  • Paper towels or napkins


  • First, thoroughly wash the wok to remove any shipping grease, dust or other contaminants.
  • After washing, you can boil water in a wok to be sure to remove any dirt from the inside of the pan.
  • The wok should not be greasy to the touch.
  • Open the window in the kitchen and close the door to another room. Turn on the hood, if available. There will be a lot of smoke.

And the process itself:

  • A clean wok is set to maximum flame. After some time, the metal will heat up and the color at the bottom will change. The color will be blue in the hottest places.
  • Slowly turning and tilting the wok around the flame, let its walls also heat up.
  • After most of the surface has warmed up and taken on a blue tint, it’s time to add 80-120 ml of sunflower oil. The oil should cover the bottom in an even layer.
  • Rotate the wok, tilting it to the sides so that the oil covers the entire area of ​​the pan.
  • When rotating, do not move the wok far from the flame. The pan should not cool down.
  • After 2-3 minutes, turn off the heat.
  • After 2-3 minutes, move the wok to the sink and cool first the outer part of the pan, and then the inside under cold water
  • After cooling, turn the flame back to maximum.
  • Heat the wok until the moisture evaporates.
  • After this, add 30-50 ml of oil, spread it over the surface of the wok and heat until smoke appears.
  • Turn off the flame.
  • Take napkins or paper towels and, using a metal pot holder or other tools, lightly rub the oil into the inside of the wok. You can also go through the outside, this will protect the steel from corrosion in the future.
  • Let the pan cool by leaving it on the stove

After creating this coverage Do not wash the wok with detergents! Now only warm water, a new sponge or brush. The wok should always remain covered in a film of oil. This way the frying pan will serve you for many years.

If you did not temper the steel wok right away, you can do this later by cleaning the surface of the pan and repeating the steps above.

Detailed launch of the wok in the video in Russian. The blog is beautiful and tasty

A shorter way to prepare a wok in this video. Here they use a torch, oil and paper towels.

Most often, a wok is used for cooking food using the method of quick frying with constant stirring, which is called stir-fry (stir-fry from English “fry and stir”).

There is nothing complicated in this method, but in order for the wok dishes to turn out crispy, appetizing, aromatic and not burn the following rules must be observed:

How to properly fry meat in a wok?

I would especially like to focus on the preparation of meat ingredients.

What to cook in a wok pan? Wok noodle recipes

So, we figured out what a wok is for, what it comes in, how to prepare it and how to cook with it.

Now the fun part is what to cook in a wok.

I purchased this cookware not so long ago, but I have already tried it in action with the recipe " funchose with vegetables and meat in teriyaki sauce».
To go to step-by-step recipes, click on the names.

The following recipes are also suitable for cooking in a wok pan.

You can order wok noodles with chicken and vegetables in one of the Minsk deliveries, or you can cook them at home - and the second option may turn out to be much more appetizing.

We asked to cook wok noodles with chicken and vegetables Oksana. The girl is a designer by profession. It so happened that her mother-in-law inspired her to cook with a wok:

For New Year she gave me a frying pan. I had no idea what to do with the wok. I started surfing the Internet, read a bunch of recipes, cooked a lot of dishes - and empirically found my ideal option.

- Did your mother-in-law like the dish?

I haven’t tasted it yet,” Oksana laughs and explains: “She lives in another city.”

The girl tried wok noodles, which are prepared in Minsk, more than once, but was not too pleased.

Still, I like what I cook myself more. Maybe because I do everything to my taste: for example, I put as much filling as I want. But at the same time, I liked the wok in Berlin and Vilnius. There are many authentic, original establishments there: you see how food is cooked on an open fire, stuffing is thrown into huge frying pans - it’s just some kind of miracle.


Cashew (100 g) - 40,000 rub.
Chicken fillet (350 g) - 29,000 rub.
Peppers (3 pcs.) - 9,000 rub.
A bunch of green onions - RUB 3,500.
Sweet and sour sauce - 24,900 rub.
Ginger (30 g) - 1,200 rub.
Garlic (2 cloves) - 500 rub.
Noodles (3 “nests”) - 24,250 rub.
Soy sauce for wok (2 tbsp.) - 12,000 rub.
Sesame oil (2 tbsp.) - 9,000 rub.
Pepper mixture

But the most important “ingredient” for our dish is the wok.

Of course, you can cook noodles with chicken and vegetables in an ordinary deep frying pan: it will be tasty, but a little different. And yes, you should not buy a wok from Ikea: it is very light and thin, and therefore will quickly spoil.

The dish is easy to make vegetarian - just use vegan, egg-free noodles and replace the chicken with zucchini or tofu. And in the long run, sweet and sour sauce is more profitable to buy in large bottles. However, like sesame oil, it can be replaced with anything else - according to your taste.


The main secret to cooking in a wok is to cut everything first and then fry it. The only way. The wok gets so hot that smoke can come out of it, you need to fry very quickly.

Finely chop the garlic and ginger. Coarsely chop the onion and three medium peppers.

Heat water in a saucepan to cook the noodles:

The manufacturer writes that one “nest” is one serving. But, to be honest, it’s not enough. Although it all depends on who eats how much,” Oksana laughs.

For two servings we take three “nests” - when the water boils, salt it and add the noodles. After three minutes everything is ready, you can drain the water.

Cut the chicken into medium-sized pieces. If you wish, you can also marinate it: keep it in soy sauce and sesame oil for two to six hours.

Place the wok on high heat. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of sesame oil so that the bottom is covered. We put it in garlic and ginger to make the oil fragrant.

Fry the chicken: if there is a lot of it, it is better to do it in small portions. Stir constantly.

You need to keep the meat in the pan for about five to seven minutes until cooked.

We take out the chicken, put the pepper in the wok and fry for 6-7 minutes. When the pepper is almost ready, add the onion to it.

Cooks can wok all the ingredients at once, but in my small frying pan the filling may burn.

Add chicken to vegetables and add cashews. Add the prepared noodles, sweet and sour sauce, and then three tablespoons of soy sauce. You can add pepper and salt to taste.


One hefty portion cost us 77,000 rubles. At Sushi Vesla, a similar dish would cost 84,000 rubles. - but does it contain 50 g of cashews?

Photo: website.

For many, wok noodles are bright boxes of take-out food, and only a few know how tasty and healthy buckwheat, rice and bean products with vegetables and meat, made independently in the famous Asian frying pan, are. It transmits the heat of the flame as much as possible, but does not allow the food to burn and the cooks to slow down, so the dishes are prepared quickly.

How to cook wok noodles?

Wok noodles at home will not cause any difficulties in preparation, if you take into account all the features of the product. Before adding rice or bean noodles to the pan, keep them in boiling water for 5 minutes, and cook buckwheat or somen noodles for 3 minutes. Then, combine with other components, keep on fire for a couple of minutes and remove from the stove.

  1. Wok noodles - a recipe that allows you to cook a dish in 10 minutes. To do this, you need to prepare all the components: cut the vegetables, combine the ingredients for the sauce.
  2. Considering that Chinese wok noodles have different cooking times, you should pay attention to the instructions on the package.
  3. Regardless of the type of noodles, after heat treatment they must be rinsed with cold water.

Wok noodles with chicken and vegetables - recipe

Wok noodles with chicken and vegetables are an ideal option for a tasty and healthy meal without getting stuck near the stove for a long time. The dish can be prepared very simply and quickly if you follow the sequence typical for frying in a wok: first brown the chicken, then the vegetables, soak all the ingredients in the sauce and add the prepared noodles.


  • fillet - 250 g;
  • rice noodles - 120 g;
  • clove of garlic - 2 pcs.;
  • oil - 40 ml;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • broccoli - 6 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 100 ml.


  1. Boil the noodles for 3 minutes.
  2. Fry the fillet for a minute.
  3. Add garlic, pepper, broccoli and cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Add the sauce, after 30 seconds add the noodles.
  5. The wok is removed from the stove after a minute.

Wok noodles with pork - recipe

Wok noodles with pork are a classic take-out food combination designed to fill you up deliciously, quickly and for a long time. Kansui, made from wheat flour and water, copes with this best, due to which it is highly nutritious and has a salty taste, so it harmonizes perfectly with meat, and especially with fatty pork.


  • udon - 150 g;
  • pork - 300 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • chili - 1/4 pcs.;
  • water - 120 ml;
  • soy sauce - 60 ml;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • oil - 40 ml.


  1. Cook the udon for 5 minutes.
  2. Lightly fry the pork strips.
  3. Add carrots, chili and pepper.
  4. Mix water with sauce, juice and sugar and add along with noodles.
  5. The wok noodles take only 30 seconds to heat up and are removed from the stove.

Wok noodles with beef

Wok noodles with beef and vegetables - a dish with which you don’t need to count calories, but you can just enjoy the food. Here, the dietary combination of lean is supported by light and healthy funchose, which has the ability to absorb the aromas of neighboring components when heated, which is invaluable when stir-frying in a wok.


  • funchose - 200 g;
  • beef - 150 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce - 60 ml;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • garlic - 10 g;
  • oil - 20 ml.


  1. Boil the funchose for 5 minutes.
  2. Fry beef, onions and carrots for 4 minutes.
  3. Add the noodles and the garlic, sauce, sugar and oil dressing.
  4. Cook the wok noodles with beef for another 3 minutes and remove from the heat.

Wok noodles with vegetables - recipe

Wok noodles with vegetables are an excellent dish for vegetarians and allergy sufferers. For the latter, mung bean noodles, free of gluten, which provokes food allergies, will be a real find. These noodles, having a neutral taste, quickly absorb juices and sauces, are very tender and delicate, and therefore are often accompanied by vegetables.


  • bean noodles (mung) - 230 g;
  • celery stalks - 2 pcs.;
  • broccoli - 120 g;
  • clove of garlic - 4 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • chili - 1/2 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 80 ml;
  • sugar - 15 g;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml.


  1. Cook the noodles for 5 minutes.
  2. Fry the broccoli for 4 minutes.
  3. Add carrots, peppers, celery, chili and garlic.
  4. After 3 minutes, pour in the dressing from the sauce, sugar and lemon juice.
  5. Add noodles and cook for another 2 minutes.

Wok noodles with shrimp - recipe

Wok noodles with shrimp are a win-win dish. Possessing sweetness and a delicate texture, shrimp meat can be combined with any type of noodles, spices and vegetables, which helps to choose a recipe for any budget. In this case, inexpensive rice noodles will be the ideal companion, which, moreover, goes best with shrimp.


  • rice noodles - 300 g;
  • shrimp - 220 g;
  • clove of garlic - 3 pcs.;
  • ginger - 1/4 pcs.;
  • oil - 40 ml;
  • soy sauce - 100 ml.


  1. Boil the noodles for 3 minutes.
  2. Quickly fry the ginger and garlic.
  3. Add shrimp and fry for a minute.
  4. Add noodles and sauce and remove from heat.

Wok noodles with seafood - recipe

Wok noodles with seafood is an incredibly tasty, but technically difficult dish. Cooking noodles is not difficult: the udon is pre-boiled and placed in the wok at the very end, but seafood should be fried for no more than 3 minutes. Otherwise, they will become rubbery, tasteless, soaked in oil and lose their shine.


  • squid - 80 g;
  • octopus - 100 g;
  • shiitake - 50 g;
  • soy sauce - 120 ml;
  • udon - 300 g;
  • oil - 30 ml.


  1. Soak the mushrooms for 40 minutes.
  2. Clean and cut the squid and octopus.
  3. Boil the noodles.
  4. Fry the squid for 1 minute.
  5. Add mushrooms, after 2 minutes add octopuses.
  6. Cook for 2 minutes, add sauce and noodles and serve.

Egg wok noodles

Wok noodles are a homemade recipe that allows you to prepare your childhood favorite product in an Asian style. We are talking about egg noodles. Its high nutritional value and mild taste will allow you to combine it with any components or limit yourself to the “economy” option, making it simply with hot sauce, as a basis for further experiments.


  • egg noodles - 450 g;
  • soy sauce - 40 ml;
  • vinegar - 10 ml;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • chili - 1/2 pcs.;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • starch - 15 g;
  • ginger - 10 g.


  1. Boil the egg noodles for 2 minutes.
  2. Mix water with sauce, sugar, vinegar and starch.
  3. Fry the ginger and chili in a wok for 30 seconds.
  4. Pour in the sauce, wait until it thickens, and add the egg noodles.
  5. Wok egg noodles are simmered in sauce for 2 minutes and served.

Buckwheat wok noodles

Wok with buckwheat noodles and chicken is an example of a healthy and wholesome meal. Buckwheat noodles (soba) are a cult product. It has an invaluable supply of vitamins, a wonderful nutty taste, and is equally good hot or cold. However, frying it is not recommended. The noodles are only slightly heated in the sauce, after boiling until tender.


  • soba - 150 g;
  • fillet - 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • clove of garlic - 3 pcs.;
  • water - 40 ml;
  • soy sauce - 60 ml;
  • honey - 10 g.


  1. Boil the noodles for 6 minutes.
  2. Fry the fillet, add vegetables.
  3. Mix the sauce, honey and garlic with water.
  4. Add to wok along with noodles.
  5. After a minute, remove from heat.

Wok noodles with teriyaki sauce - recipe

Wok noodles with teriyaki sauce are a Japanese dish that have a wonderful taste and tempting shine. This is thanks to the sweet sauce. When fried, it caramelizes all components, which is why they acquire an appetizing, glossy surface. The sauce is so perfect that the cooking technique itself received a name consonant with it.


  • pork - 650 g;
  • udon - 300 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • ginger - 10 g;
  • clove of garlic - 3 pcs.;
  • teriyaki sauce - 120 ml.


  1. Sauté the garlic and ginger.
  2. After a minute, add the pork, and after 5 minutes, add the vegetables and teriyaki.
  3. Cook them for 3 minutes.
  4. Add cooked noodles, stir and serve.

Wok noodles with mushrooms - recipe

Cooking wok noodles at home is an opportunity to make the dish tasty, healthy and financially convenient. A pack of rice noodles and a handful of champignons from a nearby store will help with this; in 20 minutes of your time, they turn into a balanced and nutritious meal that is pleasant to eat both “hot and cold.”


  • rice noodles - 200 g;
  • champignons - 100 g;
  • broccoli - 6 pcs.;
  • clove of garlic - 3 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 65 ml;
  • oil - 40 ml;
  • chili sauce - 10 ml;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • water - 50 ml.
