How many black stripes are there on the St. George's ribbon? St. George's ribbon: what does it symbolize and how to wear it correctly? From the history of the symbol of victory

  • 13.03.2022

In Russia, the St. George Ribbon is one of the iconic symbols. At the same time, not everyone knows about how, when and why it arose, what its colors mean, how it differs from other symbols that are now in circulation in our country, as well as abroad. Let's talk about it.

St. George's Ribbon: history

The history of the film is inextricably linked with the history of the Russian state. More precisely, with Russian state symbols. Back in the first half of the 18th century, Russia decided what its sovereign colors should be. These colors were black, white, and yellow (or golden). It is these three colors that are reflected on the coat of arms of the Russian Empire. The sovereign eagle was symbolized in black, the field of the coat of arms was golden, and the Russian saint, St. George the Victorious, was symbolized in white. It is from here, that is, on behalf of St. George, that the St. George Ribbon originates.

In the mid-19th century, Empress Catherine introduced the Order of St. George as the highest state award in Russia. This order was to be awarded to Russian senior military leaders for their courage and steadfastness on the battlefield. The order was accompanied by a ribbon called St. George's, which consisted of two yellow (or golden) and three black stripes. This color scheme also had additional symbolic meaning. Thus, the golden color symbolized fire, and the black color symbolized gunpowder, and more broadly, the smoke of military fires.

The same colors of the St. George ribbon - three black and two golden stripes - are also present in the modern St. George ribbon.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the Russian government established a military award for lower ranks - the St. George Medal in the form of a cross with the image of St. George the Victorious. The cross was attached to a bow, painted in the traditional “St. George” colors - three black and two golden stripes.

By the way, the lower rank of the Russian army, awarded four “St. Georges” (the so-called full bow) at that time had approximately the same status and social weight as the Hero of the Soviet Union had during the Second World War.

In the same 19th century, Emperor Alexander II decided to introduce St. George's standards (that is, banners) into the army, and also to grant St. George's ribbons to military regiments and crews of warships. The St. George Cross was attached to the banner of the crew and regiment, and, in addition, the St. George ribbon was tied to the staff. Such military units received the title of “guards” and, accordingly, had the right to wear distinctive insignia on their uniforms. In particular, the sailor guards wore not black, but black and gold ribbons on their caps.

The St. George ribbon, as well as the St. George awards, were in use in Russia until the revolution of 1917, when the Bolshevik government abolished these “symbols of tsarist times.”

Second life of the St. George ribbon

However, the St. George Ribbon did not remain in historical oblivion for long. In the first months of the Second World War, the Soviet government decided to return to the St. George ribbon, despite its “royal origin.” The essence of this decision was that the Red Army and its individual fighters had to be encouraged in some way to raise morale and achieve victory, and the list of awards at that time was small. It was then that we remembered the St. George Ribbon.

True, they still did not call the “St. George” ribbon, but gave it a different name - “Guards”. However, the color scheme remains the same - black and gold stripes. Soon a special “Guard” badge was issued, and the “Naval Guard” badge was issued for the naval forces. From now on, land and naval units began to have distinctive insignia on their banners - St. George's ribbons.

In 1943, the Soviet government established the Order of Glory. This order had three degrees, and, like the earlier Cross of St. George, it was awarded to the lower ranks of the Red Army. The order was given an even greater resemblance to the St. George Cross by the fact that the block of the order had the colors of the Guards (and, in fact, St. George) ribbon. And, by the way, a full holder of the Order of Glory also had almost the same authority in society and enjoyed the same respect as the once holder of a full St. George's bow.

When the Second World War was nearing its end, the USSR government established another award - the medal “For Victory over Germany.” The base of this medal was also covered with a two-color – black and gold – ribbon.

It is clear that after the victory, the ribbon with three black and two golden stripes turned into one of the most important state and national symbols. Moreover, the government strongly encouraged its use in further propaganda and patriotic educational work.

The third life of the St. George ribbon

One of the most important areas in the patriotic education of modern Russians is the memory of the victory won in the Great Patriotic War. It is quite understandable and logical that in such a matter it is impossible to do without the symbol of Victory - the Guards Ribbon. We can say this: the present time in Russia is the time of the third appearance in the lives of Russians of the famous St. George ribbon.

True, the modern appearance of the great symbol still differs in many ways from previous times. Nowadays, the St. George's Ribbon has literally stepped into the people, and, in addition to military symbolization, it has also acquired a general civil meaning.

So, on the eve of the Victory Day holiday, two-color ribbons, called St. George ribbons, are distributed to anyone who wants them, they can be seen anywhere: on the lapels of clothes, handbags, on car antennas and windshields, posters, even on the windows of retail establishments and on certain types of products sold in goods stores.

We can say that the St. George ribbon in all its forms and states has become too much in modern society. And here it is unlikely that quantity can turn into quality. In other words, the too frequent appearance of a great national symbol contributes to the profanation of this symbol, but in no way to the cultivation of patriotic feelings among citizens. But this is already a policy that has a very distant relation to the St. George Ribbon as a symbol and as a part of Russian history.

Today, the St. George's Ribbon is perceived more as a modern fashion accessory on certain May days, which does not stand up to criticism. But few people know the history of the symbol of Victory and courage, courage and perseverance. The history of the origin of the color of the ribbon is even less familiar. And why is the ribbon called St. George's?

What you need to know about the St. George's Ribbon - we offer you a selection of 10 most important facts.

No. 1. Slogan

People started talking about the St. George's Ribbon, as a symbol of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, in the mid-2000s.

In 2005, on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the Victory, a non-political action began under the well-known slogans:

“Grandfather’s Victory is my Victory”, “Tie it up. If you remember!”, “I remember! I’m proud!”, “We are the heirs of the Great Victory!”, “Thank you grandfather for the victory!”

No. 2. Author of the idea

The idea of ​​the action came from a group of journalists from the Russian International Information Agency RIA Novosti.

No. 3. Code of the St. George's Ribbon promotion

The St. George Ribbon Code consists of 10 points:

  1. Promotion "St. George's Ribbon" - not commercial and not political.
  2. The purpose of the action is creation of a holiday symbol - Victory Day .
  3. This symbol is an expression of our respect for veterans, a tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front. To all those thanks to whom we won in 1945.
  4. "George Ribbon" is not a heraldic symbol . This is a symbolic ribbon, a replica of the traditional bicolor St. George ribbon.
  5. The use of original St. George's or Guards ribbons in the promotion is not allowed. "St. George's Ribbon" is a symbol, not a reward.
  6. "George Ribbon" cannot be the object of purchase and sale .
  7. "George Ribbon" cannot serve to promote goods and services. The use of tape as an accompanying product or element of product packaging is not allowed.
  8. "George Ribbon" distributed free of charge. It is not permitted to issue a ribbon to a visitor to a retail establishment in exchange for a purchase.
  9. Not allowed usage"St. George's Ribbon" for political purposes any parties or movements.
  10. The “St. George Ribbon” has one or two inscriptions: the name of the city/state where the ribbon was produced. Other inscriptions on the ribbon are not allowed.
  11. This is a symbol of the unbroken spirit of the people who fought and defeated Nazism in the Great Patriotic War.

Naturally, like any code in the Russian Federation, it is also not observed by every citizen. From 2005 to 2017, paragraph 7 of the code is considered the most violated. On the eve of the holiday, enterprising businessmen do whatever they can with impunity: manicures, vodka, beer, dogs, wet wipes, ice cream, mayonnaise, and even toilets- madness at its finest:

This is such speculation on the topic of war and victory... Petty, low, mean, disgusting...

No. 4. On banknotes

The St. George's ribbon is depicted on the commemorative banknotes of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic issued by the Central Bank of Transnistria to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

No. 5. Correspondence

The St. George ribbon in appearance and color combination corresponds to the ribbon that covers the order block for the medal “For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”

Medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"

Medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" became the most popular medal. As of January 1, 1995, approximately 14,933,000 people have been awarded the medal.

Among the recipients are 120 thousand soldiers of the Bulgarian army who took part in hostilities against the German army and its allies.

No. 6. "Georgievskaya" or "Gvardeyskaya"

The ribbons distributed as part of this event are called St. George's ribbons, although critics argue that in fact they correspond to the Guards, since they mean a symbol of victory in the Great Patriotic War and have orange stripes, not yellow. The fact is that since the fall of 1941, units, formations and ships, for the courage and heroism of their personnel, which they showed in defending the Fatherland, were awarded the honorary title “Gvardeyskaya”, “Gvardeysky”, not “Georgievsky” or “Georgievskaya”.

In fact, everything is simple - the guards ribbon is characteristic of the Soviet era of rule, while the St. George ribbon is characteristic of the Tsarist era. And they differed slightly - in color and width of the stripes. The Bolsheviks, who abolished the award system in 1917, only copied the tsar's award in 1941, changing the color slightly.

Guards ribbon in the USSR. Postcard.

By the way, according to a common version, the term “guard” appeared in Italy in the 12th century and designated a selected detachment for guarding the state banner. In Russia, the first guard detachments were created in 1565 by decree of Ivan the Terrible - they were all part of his personal guard. Today they are called bodyguards, and in the times of Ivan the Terrible - guardsmen. The basis of the tsar’s personal guard were the “best” representatives of the most noble families and descendants of appanage princes... The guardsmen had to stand out from the crowd, and like monks, who were easy to distinguish by their black robes, special black clothes were invented for the tsar’s guard. This fact, by the way, explains the color of the clothes of modern bodyguards...

Paradoxically, the Bolsheviks, hating everything tsarist, overthrew the term “Georgievsky”, returned in 1941 another tsarist term “Guards”, but called it their own, Soviet...

No. 7. When first appeared

The St. George Ribbon appeared on November 26 (December 7) 1769. under Catherine II, along with the Order of St. George - the highest military award of the Russian Empire. The motto of the order was: “For service and bravery.”

Catherine II with the Order of St. George, 1st degree. F. Rokotov, 1770

The first holder of the order was the Empress herself - on the occasion of its establishment... And “For service and courage” - Fyodor Ivanovich Fabritsian - Russian general, hero of the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774.

Under his command, a special detachment of Jaeger battalions and part of the 1st Grenadier Regiment, numbering 1,600 people, completely defeated a Turkish detachment of 7,000 people and occupied the city of Galati. For this feat, on December 8, 1769, Fabritian was the first in history to be awarded the Order of St. George, 3rd degree.

And the first full holder of the Order of St. George was the outstanding Russian commander, commander-in-chief of the Russian army during the Patriotic War of 1812, student and comrade-in-arms of A.V. Suvorov - Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov.

The last lifetime portrait of M. I. Kutuzov, R. M. Volkov, 1813. In the portrait, the Badge of the Order of St. George, 1st degree (cross) on the St. George ribbon (behind the hilt of the sword) and its quadrangular star (2nd from the top) .

No. 8. Ribbon color

The ribbon was worn depending on the class of the gentleman: either in the buttonhole, or around the neck, or over the right shoulder. The ribbon came with a lifelong salary. After the death of the owner, it was inherited, but due to the commission of a shameful offense it could be confiscated from the owner. The Order Statute of 1769 contained the following description of the ribbon: “Silk ribbon with three black and two yellow stripes.”

However, as the images show, in practice, not so much yellow as orange was initially used in practice (from a heraldic point of view, both orange and yellow are just variants of displaying gold).

The traditional interpretation of the colors of the St. George's ribbon states that black means smoke, orange means flame . Chief Chamberlain Count Litta wrote in 1833: “the immortal legislator who founded this order believed that the ribbon connects it color of gunpowder and color of fire ».

However, a prominent specialist in Russian faleristics, Serge Andolenko, points out that black and yellow colors, in fact, only reproduce the colors of the state emblem: a black double-headed eagle on a gold background.

The image of George both on the state emblem and on the cross (award) itself had the same colors: on a white horse, white George in a yellow cloak killing a black snake with a spear, respectively, a white cross with a yellow-black ribbon.

“The Miracle of George on the Dragon” (icon, late 14th century)

No. 9. Why is it named after St. George the Victorious?

This saint has become extremely popular since early Christianity. In the Roman Empire, starting from the 4th century, churches dedicated to George began to appear, first in Syria and Palestine, then throughout the East. In the West of the empire, Saint George was considered the patron saint of chivalry and participants in the crusades; he is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. In Rus' since ancient times, St. George was revered under the name Yuri or Yegory.

According to one version, the cult of St. George, as often happened with Christian saints, was put forward as opposed to the pagan cult of Dionysus , temples were built on the site of the former sanctuaries of Dionysus, and holidays were celebrated in his honor on the days of Dionysius.

The name George comes from the Greek. γεωργός - farmer. In the popular consciousness they coexist two images of the saint: one of them is close to the church cult of St. George - a serpent fighter and a Christ-loving warrior, another, very different from the first, to the cult of the cattle breeder and tiller, the owner of the land, the patron of livestock, who opens the spring field work

Saint George, together with the Mother of God, is considered the heavenly patron of Georgia and is the most revered saint among Georgians. According to local legends, George was a relative of Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, the enlightener of Georgia. And the Cross of St. George is present on the flag of the Georgian church. It first appeared on Georgian banners under Queen Tamara.

This is interesting:

It is well known that the St. George Ribbon appeared along with the Order of St. George. So, since St. George was considered a Christian saint, how should Muslim defenders be rewarded? Thus, for non-believers, a version of the order was provided, in which, instead of St. George, the coat of arms of Russia, a double-headed eagle, was depicted. The model of the order with an eagle was approved by Nicholas I on August 29, 1844 during the Caucasian War, and Major Dzhamov-bek Kaitagsky was the first to receive the new badge. In this regard, in memoirs and fiction there are moments when officers, immigrants from the Caucasus, are perplexed:

“Why did they give me a cross with a bird, and not with a horseman?”

Badge of the Order of the 3rd class. for officers of non-Christian faith, since 1844

No. 10. Restoration of the Order of St. George

Once abolished by the Bolsheviks, the Order of St. George has today been restored, and by Decree of the President of Russia No. 1463 of August 8, 2000, it serves as the highest military award in Russia. The restored Order of St. George has the same external features as in tsarist times. Unlike the previous order, the order of awarding has been slightly changed: not only the 3rd and 4th degrees, but all degrees are given sequentially. An annual pension is not provided for holders of the order, whereas under Catherine II a pension was provided - it was received throughout life. After the death of the gentleman, his widow received a pension for him for another year.

St. George's ribbon - a ribbon with three black and two orange stripes, is a symbol of heroism, military valor and glory of the defenders of Russia. This is one of the most popular symbols in modern Russia.

St. George's Ribbon - a symbol of awards for heroism

"St. George's Ribbon" is a symbol, not a reward. The first medals on the St. George Ribbon were awarded in August 1787. Medals on the St. George Ribbon were awarded only to those who showed the greatest personal courage and heroism. Black and orange ribbons were laid in the design of military awards awarded for personal courage and heroism.

St. George's Ribbon - a symbol of Victory Day

The St. George ribbon in appearance and color combination corresponds to the ribbon that covers the order block for the medal “For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” This medal has become the most popular medal, the block of which is covered with a silk moire ribbon of longitudinal alternating stripes - three black and two orange. The medal was awarded to approximately 14,933,000 people, which was approximately 10% of the total population of the USSR. Therefore, it is not surprising that the black and orange ribbon in the minds of Soviet citizens became a real symbol of victory in the war over Nazi Germany.

St. George's Ribbon - a symbol of anti-fascism

The St. George ribbon is a symbol of victory over fascism, which is why neo-fascists hate it so much. This is a symbol of the unbroken spirit of the people who fought and defeated Nazism in the Great Patriotic War.

The traditional interpretation of the colors of the St. George's Ribbon states that black means smoke, orange means flame and are considered a sign of a soldier's personal valor on the battlefield.

The stripes on the ribbon symbolize the death and resurrection of St. George: according to legend, he passed through death three times and was resurrected twice (three black stripes and two orange).

St. George's Ribbon - a two-color ribbon for the Order of St. George, the St. George's Cross, the St. George's Medal. Also, St. George's ribbons on the cap were worn by the sailors of the guards crew of the ship awarded the St. George's flag.

The history of the St. George ribbon

In 1769, Empress Catherine the 2nd established an award for officers of the Russian Army, awarded for personal courage shown on the battlefields - Order of St. George.

The establishment of the Order of George was solemnly celebrated in St. Petersburg on November 26, 1769. It was supposed to be worn on a “silk ribbon with three black and two yellow stripes”; subsequently, the name St. George’s Ribbon was assigned to it. According to the statute, the Order of St. George was intended to reward military ranks "for courage, zeal and zeal for military service and for encouragement in the art of war" and came in importance immediately after the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.

“neither high birth, nor previous merits, nor wounds received in battles are accepted as respect when awarded the Order of St. George for military exploits; “The only one who is awarded it is the one who not only fulfilled his duty in everything according to oath, honor and duty, but on top of this marked himself for the benefit and glory of Russian weapons with a special distinction.”

Four degrees of the Order of George

Badge of the Order of St. George, 1st degree. 1850s

Cross, star and ribbon.

Golden cross, covered on both sides with white enamel, with a gold border around the edges. In the central circle, filled with red enamel, there is an image of St. George on a white horse, slaying a dragon with a spear. On the reverse side, in a white circle, is the monogram of St. George (intertwined letters SG).
Star of the Order- golden quadrangular (diamond-shaped), formed by 32 golden (solar) rays emanating from the center. In the middle of it, on a gold background, there is a similar monogram of St. George, and on a black hoop around it, the motto of the Military Order “For Service and Bravery” is written in gold letters. On the back side (reverse): there is a monogram of two letters “C” and “G” (St. George) in such a way that, intertwined, it makes up the third letter - “P” (Victorious).
Ribbon. The cross was worn on a 10-11 cm wide moire ribbon with three black and two orange stripes, which was worn over the right shoulder.

Badge of the Order of St. George, 2nd degree. 1850s

Cross, star and narrow ribbon.

Golden cross and golden star, similar to the first degree. The cross was worn around the neck on a narrower medal ribbon.

Badge of the Order of St. George, 3rd degree. 1850s

Golden cross, similar to the senior degrees, but smaller in size. Worn around the neck on an order ribbon.

Order of George, 4th class

Badge of the Order of St. George, 4th degree. 1850s

Cross and narrow ribbon.

The golden cross is slightly smaller in size than the third degree sign. Worn in a buttonhole or on the left side of the chest on a narrow order ribbon.

By decree of 1833 a warrior who accomplished several feats received the right to bow with ribbon. The wearing of the cross was prescribed on a ribbon, the colors of which corresponded to the colors of the Order of St. George.

It was from this period that the popularity of the St. George Ribbon became nationwide, since the common Russian people saw such awards much more often than golden orders of officers of the Russian Army. This sign later became known as the soldier’s Cross of St. George or “soldier Egoriy” (George), as it was popularly called. In total, during the reign of Emperor Alexander I, 46,527 people were awarded the soldier's St. George Badge of Distinction.

St. George's Honors of Priests

1790. This was the second St. George's award, which appeared after the Order of St. George. Its establishment is associated with the heroic assault on the Turkish fortress of Izmail in 1790. Then, in the midst of the battle, all the officers of the Polotsk infantry regiment were killed, and the attack was on the verge of failure. And then at the head of the column the regimental priest Father Trofim (Kutsinsky) appeared, who, with a cross in his hand, led the assault. Inspired by the sight of their beloved shepherd, the soldiers rushed to attack. After the capture of Izmail, A.V. Suvorov informed P.A. Potemkin: “Today we will have a thanksgiving prayer service. It will be sung by the Polotsk priest, who was with the cross in front of this brave regiment.” Father Trofim became the first holder of the Golden Pectoral Cross on the St. George Ribbon. The award was not only honorable, but also very rare - until 1903, only 194 army clergy were awarded it.

Collective St. George's Awards

In 1805 The first collective St. George's awards appeared - St. George's Banners (standards) and St. George's Trumpets.

St. George's Banner of the Izhevsk Rifle Division. 1918

Double-sided panel measuring 115.5 x 105 cm.

The badge of the Order of St. George was installed in the spear of the banner staff, narrow St. George ribbons with lanyards were hung on the top, and an inscription was made on the panel, for which such a distinction was received. The first to receive such a banner were the Chernigov Dragoon Regiment, two Don Cossack regiments, the Kiev Grenadier and Pavlograd Hussar regiments. They were awarded “For their exploits at Shengraben on November 4, 1805 in a battle with an enemy consisting of 30 thousand.”

St. George's pipes

St. George's Trumpet of the 1st, 3rd and 4th battalions of the Tenginsk regiment. 1879

Silver St. George Trumpet

In 1805 A new type of award trumpet appeared - silver St. George's trumpets, which differed from simply silver ones by the applied image of the St. George's Cross on the bell, which made them a higher award. Inscriptions and silver tassels on the St. George ribbons were present on both types of insignia (Differences in shape between the award pipes given to cavalry and infantry: for the first - straight, long pipes, for infantry - figured, several times curved.)

In 1807 Emperor Alexander 1 established a special award for the lower ranks of the Russian Army for personal courage in battle, which was called the Insignia of the Military Order.

The soldier's St. George Cross is considered the most famous monument to the bravery of soldiers.

Silver sign and bow with St. George's ribbon.

February 13, 1807 The Highest Manifesto was issued, establishing the Insignia of the Military Order (ZOVO), which would later become known as the Cross of St. George. The Manifesto stipulated the appearance of the award - silver sign on the St. George ribbon, with the image of St. George the Victorious in the center. Reason for award: acquired in battle by those who have shown particular bravery. This sign is still evidence of unparalleled courage.

Medal "For Bravery"

The merit of the medal "For Bravery" was lower than the Insignia of the Military Order, but higher than all other medals.

Medal "For Bravery"

Established in 1807 The medal “For Bravery” was intended to reward soldiers of irregular troops and paramilitary forces (Cossack, militia, cavalry irregular, police, police, security, guard), who do not have officer and class ranks, for distinction in combat operations, as well as for exploits , manifested in battles with violators of public order, both in war and in peacetime. From 1850 to 1913, it was included in the list of awards intended for the indigenous inhabitants of the Caucasus, Transcaucasia and other Asian territories of the Russian Empire, who were not members of the regular troops and did not have officer or class ranks, and was awarded for distinction in battles against the enemy on the Russian side army. “For Bravery,” also worn on a black and orange (St. George) ribbon, was assigned to the Order of St. George in 1913 and, along with the Cross of St. George, became the most popular soldier’s medal awarded for personal bravery.

Golden weapon "for bravery"

In 1855, during the Crimean War, lanyards of St. George's colors appeared on officer's award weapons. Golden weapons as a type of award were no less honorable for a Russian officer than the Order of George. Since 1855, officers who received the golden weapon “For Bravery” were ordered to wear lanyards from the St. George ribbon for a more visible distinction.

Crimean War Medal

Medal "For the Defense of Sevastopol". 1855

Medal "For the Defense of Sevastopol"

In the same 1855 The medal “For the Defense of Sevastopol” was established.
The defense of Sevastopol in 1854–1855 became the main event of the Crimean War, which went down in history as the bloodiest war of the 19th century. For the first time in the history of the Russian Empire, a medal was awarded not for a heroic victory, but specifically for the defense of a Russian city. This medal was silver, intended for both military officials and civilians who participated in the defense of Sevastopol. For generals, officers, soldiers and sailors of the Sevastopol garrison who served there from September 1854 to August 1855, the medal was awarded on the St. George Ribbon.

St. George's award buttonholes

St. George award buttonholes of the Votkinsk artillery division

St. George's buttonholes

In 1864 St. George's buttonholes were installed for lower ranks. In Transbaikalia, the ranks of the Votkinsk artillery division were awarded St. George's buttonholes in commemoration of their feat, and the ranks of the division had the St. George's cord on their shoulder straps as a distinction. The artillerymen had buttonholes made from the St. George ribbon on their overcoats.

Since January 20, 1871 In the Russian Imperial Army, the St. George's lanyard was defined as a belt folded in the form of a loop with a tassel, for fixing (tying) the covers of banners and standards for the distinction of the St. George's regalia.

St. George ribbons for military sailors

Peak cap of the Guards crew of the ship "Derzhava". 1887

St. George ribbons on caps

In 1878 St. George ribbons were installed for military sailors (still preserved on the caps of sailors of the guards units). St. George's ribbons on the cap were worn by sailors of the Guards crew of the Russian Imperial Guard and sailors of ships awarded the St. George's flag.

For service on the border

Medal with the inscription “For Bravery” on the St. George Ribbon.

Medal "For Bravery" for the Border Guard

In 1878 Emperor Alexander II, to reward the lower ranks of the border guards and the army and navy units assisting them for military distinction in the performance of the duties of the border and customs service, established a separate award - a medal with the inscription “For Bravery”. On the front side of the medal was the profile of the reigning emperor, on the back - the inscription “For bravery”, the degree of the medal and its number.

Alexander II ordered“to the lower ranks, instead of the Badges of the Military Order, give silver medals for bravery on the St. George Ribbon, which will be accepted as a rule in the future”

This award was equivalent to the Insignia of the Military Order and was higher than all other medals, including Anninsky. Since 1906, the medal with the inscription “For Bravery,” established in 1878 for the border guard, was also awarded to lower ranks of the army, navy, and a separate corps of gendarmes, and from 1910 to the police, “for feats of courage” in the fight against armed troublemakers.

In memory of the 50th anniversary of the defense of Sevastopol

Medal "In memory of the 50th anniversary of the defense of Sevastopol." 1905

Medal "In memory of the 50th anniversary of the defense of Sevastopol"

In 1905 a medal was established “In memory of the 50th anniversary of the defense of Sevastopol”, which was awarded to all surviving participants in the events. The medal had an eyelet for attaching to a block or ribbon. The medal should be worn on the chest. The ribbon of the silver version of the medal is St. George. Diameter 28 mm. On the front side of the medal there is an equal-pointed cross, in the center of which is written the number of days of defense of Sevastopol - “349” in an oak wreath. At the top, the cross is overshadowed by the radiance of the All-Seeing Eye of the Lord. Below the dates: "1855-1905". On the reverse side of the medal, the inscription in Church Slavonic, a quotation from the Psalter, means literally “Our fathers trusted in You; they trusted, and You delivered them."

St. George's ribbons in their original form were present in the Russian Imperial Army until the very end of its existence.

During the existence of the black and orange ribbon of St. George, from its appearance in 1769 until 1917, it was an indispensable attribute of a variety of awards of the Russian Empire awarded for military courage. Golden officer's crosses, lanyards of golden weapons, insignia, medals, as well as collective ones - silver trumpets, banners, standards.

St. George medals of the Provisional Government

Medal "For Bravery"

Medal of the Provisional Government "For Bravery"

St. George Medal "For Bravery"

April 24, 1917 The medal "For Bravery" was introduced by order of the Military and Naval Departments. Its statute was basically retained as before. In the period from the February to the October Revolution, on the medals “For Bravery”, instead of the emperor’s profile, there was an image of St. George the Victorious. This medal “For Bravery” in peacetime, as before, was the main award for the lower military ranks of the army and navy and was awarded for manifestations of personal courage and valor in a combat situation. Quite a lot of silver medals “For Bravery”, especially 4th class, have been preserved. Most of them are St. George medals from the First World War.

Awards of the RSFSR and the White Army

After the Bolsheviks abolished the old award system, the St. George Ribbon continued to be used in the award systems of the White armies. St. George's colors (St. George's bows, chevrons, ribbons on headdresses and banners) were used in various white formations, especially by participants in the Yaroslavl uprising.

Insignia of the Military Order "For the Great Siberian Campaign"

Medal "For the Great Siberian Campaign"

The insignia of the Military Order “For the Great Siberian Campaign” is a military award from the Civil War.
Established February 11, 1920 by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Eastern Front of the General Staff, Major General S. N. Voitsekhovsky.

The order establishing the insignia stated: In recompense for the exceptional dangers and labors suffered by the troops of the Eastern Front in the unprecedented campaign from the banks of the Irtysh beyond Lake Baikal, I affirm the Insignia of the Military Order “For the Great Siberian Campaign.” The Insignia of the Military Order complains: 1st class on the St. George ribbon without a bow, 2nd class on the Vladimir ribbon without a bow.

The insignia had two degrees. The insignia of the first degree was awarded to all those who were in the ranks and at the operational headquarters of the troops and was worn on the St. George ribbon. The second degree insignia was awarded to everyone else, including civilians, and was worn on the Vladimir ribbon.

After the revolution, a course was set to destroy everything lordly - the award “Badge of the Order of St. George” did not receive official recognition. However, they were worn on the chests of elderly soldiers who fought against the Nazis, and the owners of St. George were treated with no less respect than the Hero's Star. Moreover, at least 6 full holders of the award of Tsarist Russia and at the same time heroes of the Soviet Union are known.

Nedorubov Konstantin Iosifovich
full St. George Knight and Hero of the Soviet Union

Svirin Ivan Mikhailovich
full Knight of St. George and Knight of the Order of Lenin

Gruslanov Vladimir Nikolaevich
captain, full St. George Cavalier

Serga Andrey Georgievich
Knight of St. George in 1917 and 1951

Budyonny Semyon Mikhailovich
Marshal of the Soviet Union

Book Vasily Ivanovich
Soviet general

The nationality and respect of the sign is confirmed by the fact that in 1992 the award received a rebirth. Modern “George,” just like centuries ago, emphasizes the recognition and gratitude of the living for their courage and personal heroism.

Guards ribbon

After the devastating defeats of the initial period of the Great Patriotic War, the leadership of the USSR desperately needed symbols that could unite the people and raise morale at the front. The Red Army had very few military awards and insignia of military valor. This is where the St. George Ribbon came in handy. The USSR did not completely repeat the design and name. The Soviet ribbon was called “Guards”, and its appearance was slightly changed. Paradoxically, the Bolsheviks, hating everything tsarist, overthrew the term “Georgievsky”, returned in 1941 another tsarist term “Guards”, but called it their own, Soviet. So the St. George Ribbon, with minor changes, entered the Soviet award system under the name “Guards Ribbon”.

Orders and medals of the Great Patriotic War

Order of Glory I, II and III degrees.

Order of Glory 1943

November 8, 1943 The Order of Glory was established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council. The Order of Glory is awarded to privates and sergeants of the Red Army, and in aviation, to persons with the rank of junior lieutenant, who have demonstrated glorious feats of bravery, courage and fearlessness in battles for the Soviet Motherland. The sign is connected using an eyelet and a ring to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. The tape has five longitudinal alternating stripes of equal width: three black and two orange. Along the edges of the tape there is one narrow orange stripe 1 mm wide. The Order of Glory was also awarded to military personnel of the allied armies. Thus, on the website of the American collector Paul Schmitt, information was found that the Order of Glory, III degree, was awarded to a US Navy serviceman, Cecil R. Haycraft. Probably, the American Cavalier of Glory could have been part of one of the sea convoys.

By 1945, the Order of Glory was awarded to:

  1. Order of Glory, 1st degree – about 1,500 people
  2. Order of Glory II - about 17,000 people
  3. Order of Glory III degree - about 200,000 people

As of 1989, the Order of Glory was awarded to:

  1. Order of Glory, 1st degree – 2620 people
  2. Order of Glory II degree – 46,473 people
  3. Order of Glory III degree – 997815 people

Guards ribbon on the Naval flag

June 19, 1942 By order of the People's Commissar of the USSR Navy No. 142, the Guards Naval Flag was installed for ships of the Navy whose crews were awarded the Guards rank. On November 16, 1950, by decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, changes were made to the description of the previous flag, and the designs of the star and hammer and sickle of the Naval Flag were also changed. On April 21, 1964, by decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, this flag was re-established. The flag existed in this form until July 26, 1992, when it was replaced by the Russian Guards Naval Flag.
Guards Naval Flag of the USSR - is a Naval flag of the USSR with a Guards ribbon located on it, tied in a bow, with fluttering ends. The guards ribbon is located above the blue stripe, symmetrically relative to the middle vertical line of the flag. The length of the guards ribbon in a straight line is 11/12, and the width is 1/20 of the width of the flag.

Ribbon of guard ships on caps

A special ribbon on the caps of Soviet sailors is the ribbon of Guards ships, approved together with the Guards badge in 1943. The ribbon of the Guards ships has the color of the Order of Glory ribbon of alternating stripes of orange and black, which corresponds to the colors of the St. George ribbon (there is an indication from 1769, which says that the colors are given: orange is the color of flame and black is the color of gunpowder smoke).
The Guards ribbon is laid along the band of the Red Navy caps (peakless caps) of enlisted personnel of Guards ships and units and is secured at the rear seam, with the ends of the ribbon remaining free. On the guards' ribbons, in the place in front of the cap, the name of the ship, unit or formation is stamped in gold, and on the free ends - anchors.

For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"

By Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces dated May 9, 1945 The Medal “For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” was established. It could be received by all military personnel who took part in the war at the front, as well as those who did not take part in hostilities, but served for a certain time in the system of the People's Commissariat of Defense; workers of rear evacuation hospitals of the Red Army and Navy; workers, employees and collective farmers who took part in the fight against the invaders as part of partisan detachments behind enemy lines.
Using an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. The tape has five longitudinal alternating stripes of equal width - three black and two orange. The edges of the ribbon are bordered by narrow orange stripes.
Medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" became the most popular medal. Later, a larger number of awards were made only with anniversary medals. As of January 1, 1995, the medal “For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” approximately 14,933,000 people were awarded, which was approximately 10% of the total population of the USSR. Therefore, it is not surprising that the black-and-orange ribbon is in the minds of Soviet citizens became a real symbol of victory in the war over Nazi Germany. In addition, after the end of the Second World War, the Guards Ribbon was actively used in a wide variety of visual propaganda related to the theme of war.

Medal in honor of the capture of Berlin

Medal "For the Capture of Berlin"

Medal "For the Capture of Berlin"

By Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces dated June 9, 1945, in honor of the capture of Berlin during the Great Patriotic War, the medal “For the Capture of Berlin” was established. It was awarded to “military personnel of the Soviet Army, Navy and NKVD troops - direct participants in the heroic assault and capture of Berlin during the period April 22 - May 2, 1945, as well as the organizers and leaders of military operations during the capture of this city.”
At the top of the medal there is an eyelet, with which the medal is connected by means of a ring to a metal pentagonal block with a pin. The block is covered with a red silk moire ribbon 24 mm wide. There are five stripes running down the middle of the ribbon - three black and two orange.
In total, the medal “For the Capture of Berlin” was awarded over 1,100,000 times.

St. George's ribbon - a symbol of Victory Day

In the Soviet Union, as today, posters and greeting cards were printed with the image of a black and orange ribbon as a symbol of victory.






"9th May"


"May 9 - Victory Day"



"Glory to the Soviet Armed Forces"


Anniversary awards with a black and orange ribbon as a symbol of victory


1995 2005
60 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War


Restoration of the Order of St. George

The statute of the restored Order of St. George was approved by decree of the President of Russia from August 8, 2000 No. 1463, but no awards were made until 2008.

Order of St. George

The restored Order of St. George has the same external features as in tsarist times. The Order of St. George is the highest military award of the Russian Federation. The Order of St. George is awarded to military personnel from among senior and senior officers for conducting combat operations to defend the Fatherland during an attack by an external enemy, which ended in the complete defeat of the enemy, becoming an example of military art, whose exploits serve as an example of valor and courage for all generations of defenders of the Fatherland and who were awarded state awards of the Russian Federation for distinction shown in combat operations.

St. George's Ribbon or Guards Ribbon

Since 1769, no matter what the two-color black and orange ribbon is called, she has always been a symbol of soldier's valor and glory.

Color of St. George's and Guards ribbons

Looking at the St. George ribbons of awards from different times, one notices the difference in shades of orange (even for the same awards).

Over hundreds of years, some ancient ribbons faded, others darkened from dirt and blood in battles, and the technology in those days probably did not allow the production of ribbons of the same orange color. Over time, the appearance of the St. George Ribbon may have changed somewhat, the shades of the ribbon may have changed, but it always remained a ribbon of longitudinal alternating stripes - three black and two orange.

The St. George ribbon in appearance and color combination corresponds to the Guards ribbon, and no matter how the enemies of Russia and neo-fascists try to replace the colors of the stripes (comparing shades of orange) and the width of the stripes (measuring hundredths of a millimeter under a magnifying glass), she always combined stripes of black (the color of gunpowder) and two stripes of orange (the color of fire). So all the discussions about the “different color schemes” of the St. George and Guards ribbons are nothing more than lies, manipulations and fantasies.

Edging on the St. George and Guards ribbons

The St. George ribbon does not have a strict description. The 1913 award statute stated only that the ribbon consisted of 3 black and 2 orange stripes. This is used by opponents of the “St. George Ribbon” in disputes about comparing the St. George and Guards ribbons, because if there is no accurate description of the St. George ribbon, then one can say that the St. George ribbon does not have edging (a thin orange stripe along the edges of the ribbon), but the Guards one has it. Let’s not be unfounded, let’s look at the paintings of famous holders of the Order of St. George, and consider what St. George ribbons they wore on their chests.

Derzhavin Gavriil Romanovich Potemkin Grigory Alexandrovich

The paintings clearly show a narrow strip (Embedding) along the edges of the St. George Ribbon. Only those who don’t want to, of course, won’t notice the orange stripes along the edges of the tape, but they are there. You should also pay attention to the colors of the St. George ribbons, they are all orange, but in different shades, which again confirms that the St. George ribbon does not have a strict description, there was no precisely established color for the St. George ribbon. The only difference between the St. George ribbon is that it should consist of 3 black and 2 orange stripes.

"St. George's Ribbon" - a public event for the distribution of symbolic ribbons

The first St. George's Ribbon event took place in 2005, the year of the 60th anniversary of the Victory. The initiators of the action chose as a symbol that was supposed to symbolize the unification of several generations, St. George's ribbon. Since then, the campaign has been under the motto “I remember! I'm proud!" takes place annually. The St. George's Ribbon campaign is neither commercial nor political.

Who deserves to wear the St. George's Ribbon?

The St. George's Ribbon campaign is traditionally held every year on the eve of Victory Day. "St. George's Ribbon" has never been an award, it is heard symbolically, that is, it cannot be earned. George Ribbon - This symbol awards and memories. The St. George's Ribbon is prohibited from being used as a reward, and it is also prohibited from being sold. Symbolic “St. George Ribbons” are distributed free of charge to everyone who wants to express their respect for veterans, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front, and to honor the memory of those who fell on the battlefield. To all those thanks to whom we defeated fascism in 1945.

"St. George's Ribbon" is a symbol, not a reward

The "St. George's Ribbon" is not a heraldic symbol. This is a symbolic ribbon, a replica of the traditional bicolor St. George ribbon. The use of original St. George's or Guards ribbons in the promotion is not allowed. Whether or not to wear the St. George ribbon is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Now this is a symbol of Victory, not an insignia.

St. George's ribbon is one of the most recognizable symbols

The St. George's Ribbon, uniting millions of people in many countries of the world, in just a few years has become one of the most successful and recognizable symbols. Almost 90 countries around the world took part in the “St. George Ribbon” campaign in 2017, and more than 10 million ribbons were distributed around the world. The St. George ribbon has become an anti-fascist symbol in many countries around the world.

  • St. George's ribbon is a symbol of heroism, military valor and glory of the defenders of Russia
  • St. George's Ribbon - a symbol of awards for heroism
  • St. George's ribbon - a symbol of Victory Day
  • St. George's ribbon - a symbol of anti-fascism

In 1769, Empress Catherine 2 established an award for officers of the Russian Army, awarded for personal courage shown on the battlefields - the Order of St. George, it was supposed to be worn on a “silk ribbon with three black and two yellow stripes”, subsequently the name was assigned to it - St. George Ribbon.

What do black and yellow mean? In Russia, they were the imperial, state colors, corresponding to the black double-headed eagle and the yellow field of the state coat of arms. It was precisely this symbolism that Empress Catherine II apparently adhered to when approving the colors of the ribbon. But, since the order was named in honor of St. George the Victorious, the colors of the ribbon perhaps symbolize St. George himself and indicate his martyrdom - three black stripes, and his miraculous resurrection - two orange stripes. It is these colors that are now called when designating colors St. George Ribbon. In addition, a new award was awarded exclusively for military exploits. And the colors of war are the color of flame, that is, orange, and smoke, black.

Some of the first holders of the Order of St. George were participants in the naval battle in Chesme Bay, which took place in June 1770. In this battle, the Russian squadron, under the overall command of Count A.G. Orlov, completely defeated the superior Turkish fleet. For this battle, Count Orlov was awarded the Order of St. George, first degree, and received the honorary prefix “Chesmensky” to his surname.

First medals St. George's ribbon were awarded in August 1787, when a small detachment under the command of Suvorov repelled an attack by a superior Turkish landing force trying to capture the Kinburn fortress. Suvorov, who was in the front ranks of those who fought and inspired them by personal example, was wounded twice in this battle; the courage of the Russian soldiers allowed them to defeat the Turkish landing. For the first time in Russian history, the medal was not awarded to everyone who took part in the battle; it was awarded only to those who showed the greatest personal courage and heroism. Moreover, it was up to the soldiers who took direct part in the hostilities to decide who was more worthy of the award. Among the twenty awarded for this battle was the grenadier of the Shlisselburg regiment Stepan Novikov, who personally saved Suvorov from the Janissaries who attacked him. Black and orange ribbons were also used for other medals of this war, which were awarded to participants in the heroic assault on Ochakov and those who distinguished themselves during the capture of Izmail.

St. George's ribbon at Russian awards.

The ribbon of the Order of St. George begins to occupy a special position in the design of military awards given for personal bravery. This was also reflected in the collective awards given to various military units of the Russian Army. These include the so-called St. George's pipes, introduced in 1805. These pipes were made of silver; the image of the St. George's Cross and an inscription indicating why this distinction was given were applied to the body. In addition, a lanyard made of black and orange ribbon was attached to the pipe. There were two types of pipes - cavalry and infantry. The differences between them were in their shape. The infantry one was curved, and the cavalry one was straight.

Since 1806, St. George's Banners have appeared among collective incentives. At the top of these banners there was a white order cross, and under the top a St. George ribbon with banner tassels was tied. The first to receive such a banner were the Chernigov Dragoon Regiment, two Don Cossack regiments, the Kiev Grenadier and Pavlograd Hussar regiments. They were awarded “For their exploits at Shengraben on November 4, 1805 in a battle with an enemy consisting of 30 thousand.”

In 1807, Emperor Alexander 1 established a special award for the lower ranks of the Russian Army for personal courage in battle, which was called the Insignia of the Military Order. The wearing of the cross was prescribed on a ribbon, the colors of which corresponded to the colors of the Order of St. George. It was from this period that popularity St. George's ribbon becomes popular, since the common Russian people saw such awards much more often than golden orders of officers of the Russian Army. This sign later received the name soldier's or soldier's George (Egory), as it was popularly called.

Since 1855, officers who received the golden weapon “For Bravery” were ordered to wear lanyards from the St. George ribbon for a more visible distinction.

Also in 1855, the medal “For the Defense of Sevastopol” was established. For the first time in the history of the Russian Empire, a medal was awarded not for a heroic victory, but specifically for the defense of a Russian city. This medal was silver, intended for both military officials and civilians who participated in the defense of Sevastopol. For generals, officers, soldiers and sailors of the Sevastopol garrison who served there from September 1854 to August 1855, the medal was awarded on the St. George Ribbon.

Military distinctions and clergy were not spared. Back in 1790, a special decree was issued to reward military priests for their exploits while participating in military battles. At the same time, the award golden pectoral cross on the St. George ribbon was established. Many of the regimental priests of the Russian Army took direct part in the combat operations of the Russian troops and earned this high distinction with their heroic deeds. One of the first to be awarded the pectoral cross was regimental priest Trofim Kutsinsky. During the storming of the Izmail fortress, the battalion commander, in which Father Trofim was a priest, died. The soldiers stopped in confusion, not knowing what to do next. Father Trofim, unarmed, with a cross in his hands, was the first to rush at the enemy, dragging the soldiers along with him and supporting their fighting spirit. In total, during the period from the establishment of the golden pectoral cross to the Russo-Japanese War, one hundred and eleven people were awarded it. And behind each such award there was a specific feat of the regimental priests of the Russian Army.

Approved back in 1807, the medal “For Bravery”, also worn on a black and orange ribbon, was assigned to the Order of St. George in 1913 and became, along with the Cross of St. George, the most popular soldier’s medal awarded for personal bravery.

During the existence of the black and orange ribbon of St. George, from its appearance in 1769 until 1917, it was an indispensable attribute of a variety of awards of the Russian Empire awarded for military courage. Golden officer's crosses, lanyards of golden weapons, insignia, medals, as well as collective - silver trumpets, banners, standards. Thus, in the award system of Russia, a whole system of military rewards was formed, among which the St. George Ribbon was a kind of connecting link of them all into a single whole, representing a symbol of military valor and glory.

The day of the establishment of the Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George on November 26, 1769 in the history of Russia was considered the Day of the Knights of St. George. This day was celebrated annually. On this day, not only in the capital of the empire, but also in almost all corners of the Russian land, holders of St. George's honors were honored. Everyone was honored, regardless of rank and title, since the feats that these people accomplished were performed not in the name of awards, but in the name of their Fatherland.

Not only in Wikipedia you can find out what the St. George Ribbon means, on the site you are now viewing detailed information and images of most of the awards worn on this glorious ribbon: more than a hundred images of various designs. Large selection of authentic ones.

I recommend watching the video story created in the form video for Igor Rasteryaev’s song “St. George’s Ribbon”, pictures, photos of the war years are interspersed with video sketches from the expedition of the Rubezh search club, which was engaged in finding and burying the remains of Soviet soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War. The result was very emotional and, most importantly, lively, real pictures illustrating the words of a popular song, as if at a battle site... “soldiers lie and sprout new forests,” “three per square meter,” as if to personally hear the voice of the dead, who felt, that they had finally come to the place of the last battle:

Dig me up bro
I'm Sanya Vershinin.
Fifth Mortar Regiment,
I myself am from Ryazan

See how his suicide note is taken out from a sealed cartridge case hanging like a medallion on the neck of a dead Red Army soldier. How carefully they unwrap a piece of paper that has decayed over time, with the hope that the name and surname of the deceased soldier could be preserved there. This is a great success; it will make it possible to write the names of the heroes on the grave being created and reduce the number of nameless soldiers missing in action during the years of the last war, and convey to relatives the news about the created burial of their father or grandfather.

You won’t feel all this by re-reading articles on Wikipedia, but you can see and really feel it by watching video sketches created by search engine guys in the format of a video for a song by Igor Rasteryaev. It is from them that one can understand what the St. George Ribbon means, what significance it has acquired in our time of peace, how the black and orange ribbon has become a symbol of memory of the fallen defenders of the Motherland.

In Tomsk, as in many Russian cities, the traditional St. George's Ribbon event is taking place. The distribution of ribbons starts on April 24 and will last until May 5 (read more about the distribution locations and times in our material). As a symbol of memory, ribbons are tied to handbags, baby strollers, mirrors and car antennas, and pinned to clothing. On the eve of Victory Day website editor website I decided to find out how to wear the St. George ribbon correctly and what one of the main symbols of the holiday means.

Why did the tape get the name “St. George’s”?

The St. George's ribbon first appeared during the reign of Empress Catherine II; it was attached to the soldier's Order of St. George the Victorious. The Order had four degrees: The Order of the first degree was a set of a cross, a star and a ribbon, which had two yellow and three black stripes. Then the yellow color was replaced with orange. The ribbon was worn under the uniform over the right shoulder.

The film was banned in 1917 and was only revived in 1941. During the Great Patriotic War, the Order of Glory was approved. It was a five-pointed star with a block covered with an orange-black ribbon. This combination of colors was reminiscent of the Order of St. George. As in the time of Catherine II, the ribbon again symbolized courage, military valor and continuity of traditions.

In 1992, the former Order of St. George and the distinctive sign "St. George's Cross" were restored. This is how we got a symbol that united the traditions of different eras.

How did the St. George ribbon become one of the most popular symbols of the holiday?

The first St. George's Ribbon event took place in 2005, the year of the 60th anniversary of the Victory. The initiators of the action were the news agency "RIA Novosti" and the ROSPM "Student Community". They chose the St. George ribbon as a symbol that was supposed to symbolize the unification of several generations. Since then, the campaign has been under the motto “I remember! I’m proud!” takes place annually.

What do the orange and black colors of the St. George's ribbon mean?

The Ribbon of St. George is believed to connect the black color of gunpowder (black) and the orange color of fire. However, there is an opinion that these colors correspond to the colors of the coat of arms of the Russian Empire: a black eagle on a golden background.

How to wear the St. George's ribbon?

The website of the All-Russian public movement "Volunteers of Victory" (organizers of the "St. George Ribbon" campaign) published a material that describes the rules for wearing the St. George Ribbon.

“Victory volunteers use three traditional ways to tie ribbons, which are also described in the memo. The movement advocates wearing a ribbon near the heart; during the event, volunteers will remind Russians of this,” the message said.

It is a mistake to believe that the St. George ribbon is a decoration that can be attached anywhere. Volunteers of the movement ask not to forget that for veterans this is a symbol of reward and memory, and such treatment is unacceptable.

Updated based on materials from the sites,, volunteerspobedy.rf