Describe a picture of three heroes. "Bogatyrs": description of the painting

  • 28.06.2019

Heroes. (Three heroes) - Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. 1898. Oil on canvas. 295,3x446

The painting "Heroes" by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is rightfully considered a real folk masterpiece and a symbol of Russian art. The painting was created in the second half of the 19th century, when the theme of folk culture, Russian folklore was very popular among. For many artists, this hobby turned out to be short-lived, but for Vasnetsov folklore themes became the basis of all creativity.

The painting "Heroes" depicts three Russian heroes: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich - famous heroes of folk epics.

The gigantic figures of the heroes and their horses, located in the foreground of the picture, symbolize the strength and power of the Russian people. This impression is also facilitated by the impressive size of the painting - 295x446 cm.

The artist worked on the creation of this picture for almost 30 years. In 1871, the first sketch of the plot was created in pencil, and since then the artist has been carried away by the idea of ​​creating this painting. In 1876, the famous sketch was made with the already found basis for the compositional solution. Work on the painting itself lasted from 1881 to 1898. The finished painting was bought by P. Tretyakov, and it still adorns the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

In the center of the picture is depicted Ilya Muromets, the people's favorite, the hero of Russian epics. Not everyone knows that Ilya Muromets is not a fairy-tale character, but a real historical person. The story of his life and feats of arms are real events. Subsequently, having finished his work on protecting his homeland, he became a monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. Was canonized. Vasnetsov knew these facts, creating the image of Ilya Muromets. "Mother is a man Ilya Muromets" - says the epic. And in Vasnetsov's painting, we see a mighty warrior and, at the same time, an ingenuous open person. It combines gigantic strength and generosity. "And the horse under Elijah is a fierce beast" - the legend continues. The powerful figure of the horse depicted in the painting with a massive metal chain instead of a harness testifies to this.

Dobrynya Nikitich, according to folk legends, was a very educated and courageous person. Many miracles are associated with his personality, for example, the enchanted armor on his shoulders, the magic sword-kladenets. Dobrynya is depicted as in the epics - stately, with delicate, noble features, emphasizing his culture, education, resolutely taking his sword out of its scabbard with a readiness to rush into battle, defending his homeland.

Alyosha Popovich is young and slender in comparison with his comrades. He is depicted with a bow and arrow in his hands, but the harp attached to the saddle testifies to the fact that he is not only a fearless warrior, but also a guslar, songwriter, and merry fellow. There are many details in the picture that characterize the images of her characters.

Horse harnesses, clothing, and ammunition are not fictional. The artist saw such samples in museums and read their descriptions in historical literature. The artist masterfully conveys the state of nature, as if heralding the onset of danger. But the heroes represent a reliable and powerful force of the defenders of their native land.

Contemporaries about the painting "Heroes".

His knights and heroes, resurrecting the very atmosphere of Ancient Russia, instilled in me the feeling of great power and savagery - physical and spiritual. From the creativity of Viktor Vasnetsov breathed "The Word of Igor's Regiment." Unforgettable on mighty horses, these stern, frowning knights, looking out from under their mittens into the distance - not at the crossroads ...

V.M. Vasilenko. "Heroes".

The stems of herbs are reddening. The hills are steep and bare.
Above them the clouds are silent. From above
Eagles descend. Weaved with ivy
Steep mountain slopes. And naked in the blue haze.

The ravines are deep. And strange verbs
Sometimes in the depths of their thickets you can hear:
Then the wind whirls, the honey spirit of spring
Filled everything around - both sweet and heavy.

Shields shine like gold in the sun.
The heroes look into the distance of the steppe, into the desert:
Ilya is a peasant son, Alyosha and Dobrynya!

And their horses are silent. Flowers at the horse's feet
Spread out, trembling. Wormwood smells of herbs.
Bogatyrs stand at the Kiev outpost.

F.I.Shalyapin. "Mask and Soul". 1932.

The painting by V.M. Vasnetsov depicts three heroes. Bogatyrs are mighty, brave people, defenders of the fatherland. They vigilantly look into the distance, as they guard the borders of Russia. And these three powerful people are ready to join the battle with the enemies of Russia at any moment. They perform their heroic duty and are confident in the correctness of their cause. The expression on their faces is serious, cold-blooded, a formidable look. These three heroes are called Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich. All these daredevils are full of dignity, dignified and very collected, ready to fight at any moment not for life, but for death. They are very confident in themselves and are ready to die for Russia.

Ilya Muromets - the hero of epics - is located in the very center of the picture. A peasant son from the village of Karacharovo from the city of Muroml is the oldest and most powerful hero. He is not rich, but it is clear from him that he does not need wealth. He is dressed simply. Ilya Muromets wears simple chain mail, a rough gray mitten and the most ordinary boots in the color of brown trousers. He easily holds a club, which weighs more than four hundred kilograms. Ilya Muromets also holds a large spear, which is placed in the center of the picture, which suggests that he can handle such a large weapon. His peasant origins are evident in his face. It is wide with large cheekbones. He vigilantly looks away. His eyes are very serious and his eyebrows are furrowed. Ilya Muromets sits on a mighty black horse. His horse is as heavy as earth, and very beautiful. This horse is a match for the owner. The horse's harness is beautiful, and it seems that when he gallops, a bell rings. The horse looks with a slight reproach in the same direction as the owner. I think that Ilya Muromets takes good care of his horse, as he is well-groomed, vigorous and large.

Dobrynya Nikitich - the son of the Ryazan prince - is to the left of Ilya Muromets. He's rich. He is wearing rich chain mail, his shield is adorned with pearls, a golden scabbard and a sword hilt. His eagle gaze is stern. His beard is well-groomed and long. He is far-sighted. Dobrynya Nikitich is younger than Ilya Muromets. His horse is handsome and white. His harness looks great on him, and besides, she is very rich. The horse's mane is like women's hair, well-groomed and fluttering in the wind. Some epics say that the horse's name is Belyushka. This horse is fast as the wind. He seems to be telling the owner that the enemy is close.

Alyosha Popovich was born into the family of a priest. He is not richly dressed, but not poor either. His mail and helmet shine. He is the youngest and without a beard. Alyosha is thin. His gaze slants slightly to the side. His gaze is sly, as it seems that he is plotting some kind of cunning. He is holding his favorite weapon - a bow. His bow is explosive, his bowstring is hardened, and his arrow is fast. He carries a harp with him. Alyosha Popovich is sitting on a red horse with a white speck on his forehead. His mane is light, beautiful and well-groomed. The horse of the hero is hot as fire.

I think that Vasnetsov managed to convey the anxiety of that historical time when heroic outposts existed in Russia through heavy clouds and thunderclouds over Russia. Also through the strong wind, which is visible on the waving of the manes and tails of horses and on the swaying grass.

I believe that the artist shows the power of the heroes and creates the monumentality of their images, since they occupy a huge area in the picture. Vasnetsov also raises the horizon line, and the figures of horses go into the sky. Vasnetsov depicted the Christmas trees as small, and the heroes as large, and this creates a contrast between the trees and large figures and emphasizes the power of the heroes.

Viktor Vasnetsov was born into the family of a priest. The birthplace of the artist was the Vyatka Territory - a place where at that time they remembered and sacredly revered ancient rites and customs, folk legends. The boy's imagination was captured by the poetics of fairy tales, epics, songs. During his studies at the Academy of Arts (1868 -1875) Vasnetsov studied the history of his people, Russian heroic epics with eager interest. One of the first works of the artist was the painting "The Knight", which depicts a calm hero guarding the border of the Russian land. With great enthusiasm, the young artist worked on illustrations for fairy tales: "The Little Humpbacked Horse", "The Firebird". Passion for the epic and fairytale genre made Viktor Vasnetsov a real star of Russian painting. His paintings are not just an image of Russian antiquity, but a reproduction of the mighty national spirit and meaning of Russian history.

The famous painting "Heroes" was created in the village of Abramtsevo near Moscow. Today this canvas is often called "The Three Heroes". Vasnetsov gave in a short but succinct remark: "The heroes Dobrynya, Ilya and Alyosha Popovich on the heroic exit - they notice in the field whether there is an enemy anywhere, whether they are offending someone."

There is a wide hilly steppe overgrown with feather grass and in some places with young fir-trees the steppe. She herself, as acting characters, speaks of the strength and courage of Russian heroes. Let us note this, preceding the description of the picture. Three heroes Vasnetsov are ready to stand up to defend their native land and their people.

Work on the great canvas took the artist almost seventeen years, and it began with a sketch made in pencil in distant Paris. As soon as the artist made the final touch, Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov bought a canvas for his collection. This is how this painting by Vasnetsov found its place in the Tretyakov Gallery. Three heroes to this day look at us from the wall of the famous gallery.

The artist understood his work on the painting as "a creative duty, an obligation to his native people." He noticed that even in the moments when he left work on a work, his heart was always drawn to him and his hand reached out. What can be discerned when trying to make a sufficiently deep description of the picture?

Three heroes

Vasnetsov was captured by heroic characters. Creating these monumental images on canvas, the artist strove to endow them with an impressive appearance, memorable features. Ilya Muromets in the center of the composition is an extraordinary nature, he is powerful, calm, collected, wisdom and confidence are felt in his appearance. His hand, raised to his eyes, easily holds the heavy club, the spear in the other hand sparkles sharply. Nevertheless, the hero's appearance is not intimidating - he breathes all the pacified kindness.

To the left of Ilya is Dobrynya, the second most important in the heroic trinity. A prince by birth, a warrior by vocation, Dobrynya Nikitich is smart and educated. In a decisive pose and a sharp look, the artist emphasizes the remarkable character of the snake-fighter Dobrynya (it is he who defeats the Serpent Gorynych in the epics). In his hands is a sword, which the hero holds not with reckless daring, but with confident strength. Looking at the hero, we are convinced that he will be able to skillfully use the weapon at the right time. Alyosha, the son of a Rostov priest, is riding on a horse to the right of the older comrades. He easily holds the bow in his hand and glances with cunning. In Alyosha Popovich, young enthusiasm plays, and one feels that the boy with passion will rush into the moment of danger to protect his friends and the land.

Without the characteristics of horses, the description of the picture will not be complete. Three heroes Vasnetsov see friends and comrades-in-arms in their horses. The appearance of each animal is associated with the qualities of the hero. Under Ilya - a solid, stubborn and loyal crow. The white horse of Dobrynya is proud and full of dignity. Alyosha's red horse is graceful and simple, a harp is fastened to the blanket.

Composition and landscape

Every detail is full of meaning, and this is important to say when making a detailed description of the picture. The three heroes Vasnetsov seemed to have become akin to the landscape, subtly conveying the heroic mood of the picture. The figures are located in the center of the border between earth and sky, a rebellious free wind is blowing, a strong bird soars over the hills in the depths of the canvas. There is tension and anxiety in the air. But the appearance of heroes - warriors and godly people of the Russian land exudes confidence and reliability.

"Heroes". The heroic outpost vigilantly guards the Russian land. There are three heroes on patrol. The number "three" in folk art has the meaning of plurality. The people used this conventional concept in the heroic epic constantly. In the person of three heroes, the people stand guard over the borders of their homeland.

Vasnetsov's heroes are endowed with distinctive features of the national-Russian character.

In the center, on a stout black horse, sits Ilya Muromets, a glorious hero, sung in folk epics. Powerful strength, wisdom and endurance are felt in all his appearance. Muromets has a noble Russian face, clear keen eyes, a straight nose, a strong-willed mouth with tightly compressed lips, a thick beard with gray hair. Ilya is sitting in a Circassian saddle. On the harness and bridle "buckles are red gold, they get wet, but do not rust." Silk reins and girths, they "stretch, but do not break." There is no such force that could not only knock the hero out of the saddle, but even move him. The horse stands and slightly shakes its bells under the bangs, angrily squints its eye towards the enemy. "If he moves, the ground seems to hum from the step." From the right hand of Ilya Muromets hangs a damask club, behind it is a quiver with arrows, in his left hand - a shield and a huge "Murzavets" spear. He is dressed in an iron chain mail, a helmet on his head. Ilya peers sharply from under a patterned mitten into the steppe distance, towards the nomadic enemies. He is ready for battle, but he is in no hurry: he even freed his leg from the stirrup. Ilya Muromets is fair, fearless, straightforward, incapable of cunning and tricks. He will not shed human blood in vain.

On the right hand of Ilya Muromets - brother Dobrynya Nikitich, no less famous and beloved by the people hero. Dobrynya is skilled in battles and amusements, in archery he has always always excelled. He knows how to play the harp and sing songs. Moreover, "Dobrynyushka is polite, courteous. Dobrynyushka knows how to conduct speech, how to look after himself." Dobrynya's facial features resemble the artist Viktor Vasnetsov himself; the type of the hero's face is characteristic of Russian people. He is dressed richly and smartly. Over the chain mail - precious princely armor, a shield made of expensive red metal inlaid with gold, a patterned high helmet, elegant turquoise-colored boots. Dobrynya is not as calm and reasonable as Ilya Muromets. He impatiently grips the hilt of the sword, half drawn from its scabbard; legs in stirrups, eyes peering into the distance, he is ready to rush into battle at any moment. Ilya is the senior at the outpost, without his order the outpost will not budge. If Ilya removes the spear, it means that Dobrynya can rush at the enemy.

The third hero, Alyosha Popovich, the son of the Rostov priest Leonty, is also brave and courageous, although not as strong as Ilya Muromets or Dobrynya Nikitich. But Alyosha "is not strong by force, but he dared to admit it." Where not to take by force, he takes by dexterity, grasp, resourcefulness. The red horse, on which Alyosha Popovich sits, lowered his head, intending to nibble the steppe grass, but pricked up his ears - he was waiting for the command. Cunning Alyosha! He does not look towards the enemy, squints his eyes, and keeps a tight bow with a "red-hot arrow" at the ready. He is younger than the other two heroes. The beardless face is youthfully pretty. The slender figure is surrounded by a wide gold belt. Helmet with earpieces, plate mail, rich and beautiful; a gusli is seen from the side - the merry fellow and joker Alyosha Popovich.

The heroes are depicted against the background of a harsh steppe landscape, their heads and shoulders rise above the horizon line, which makes the heroes seem even more powerful and significant. The symmetrical arrangement of the figures, the stability of the composition, the deliberate constraint in their movements (for the time being) convey the solidarity of the heroes, united by a common desire - not to let the enemy into Russia.

The steppe is covered with dense feather grass. A low sky, covered with cold leaden clouds, loomed over a distant, hilly chain of hills with thickets. Behind the hills to the north - Russia, that wide, free-ranging Russia, which raised and equipped mighty heroes to defend their borders from numerous hordes of nomads.

VM Vasnetsov's painting "Heroes" is a monument to the military glory of the Russian people. The artist managed to convey in his work the popular understanding of the images of heroes; this is the strength and persuasiveness of the picture.

Viktor Vasnetsov is one of the most famous artists of pre-revolutionary Russia. His fabulous, fantastic plots are known to almost every schoolchild. Vasnetsov's painting "Three Heroes" is the most ambitious in size, and even in importance, in the artist's career. It embodied the power, pride, strength, to become the Russian people. It is almost impossible to remain indifferent looking at this work.

Only now, before analyzing the main images, it should be noted that very often the picture is called incorrectly. The real name is "Bogatyrs", not "Three Bogatyrs", as many believe. Although now art critics do not particularly insist on this.

The idea of ​​the painting

The idea of ​​the painting came to the artist much earlier than it was painted. For thirty years, the first sketch, still a very crude drawing, was created during Vasnetsov's stay in Paris. As the painter himself said, although the work took a very long time, but still his hands literally reached out to her. Writing "The Bogatyrs" was his creative duty, a duty to every Russian person.

Already in Russia, within the walls of his beloved workshop, Vasnetsov calmly and painstakingly finished the masterpiece. Vasnetsov's painting "Three Heroes" was published at the very end of the nineteenth century. Immediately after Viktor Mikhailovich finished writing it, it was acquired by Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov for the collection of the world famous gallery. The painting by Vasnetsov "Three heroes" is very interesting, and also well remembered by the viewer, the photo is located above.

Critical Notes

Reading the critical articles of those before whom Vasnetsov's painting "Three Heroes" appeared for the first time, one can notice that the reviews about it are only positive. Color, design, perspective and realism - everything in this work is just admiration. The critic V. Stasov wrote that no other canvas is so saturated with patriotism and the spirit of Russia.

Painting "Three heroes", Vasnetsov. Description

This is a real ode to heroism and love for their Fatherland. The main characters of the picture have an unusual appearance. Ancient heroes appear before the audience, those same epic heroes, whose exploits were once legends: Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich. So, it took a very long time to prepare for the publication of the picture "Three Heroes". Vasnetsov did not leave his own description, theoretical. But on the other hand, there are many art criticism analyzes of this masterpiece.

Ilya Muromets

In the central part of the picture, the Murom hero Ilya is sitting astride a black horse. This image exudes confidence, power and strength. He is strikingly different from the other two heroes in his wisdom and calmness. He is like a mighty oak, which does not even care for a storm.

With one hand he shields from the sun, looking out for the enemy, a heavy club hangs on his forearm, with the other he holds the spear. And although Ilya Muromets is painted in chain mail, with a military weapon, there is still nothing dangerous and frightening in this image.

Alesha Popovich

To the right is the youngest hero - Alyosha Popovich. His boldness seems slightly feigned. He doesn't have as much strength as his comrades. But how beautiful and splendid this warrior is. He, too, is not afraid of a slaughter, and if he has to meet the enemy, he will definitely not let him down. Under his saddle is a red horse, a harp is tied to the saddle, for sure Alyosha Popovich entertains the heroes during a difficult and long campaign. His weaponry is light - a bow and a quiver with arrows.


Well, the third, already on a white horse, appears before the viewer Dobrynya Nikitich. It differs from the other two images, embodying the knowledge and culture of the Russian people. He is as strong as Ilya Muromets, but this power is hidden in him. He emanates prudence and thoughtfulness of actions.

That is why Vasnetsov's painting "Three Heroes" is good, that you see the heroes all at once. Their images merge into a single spirit - the spirit of the Russian people. The perspective from which the artist started is obvious: the viewer seems to be looking at the heroes a little from below, from the ground, which is why the picture looks so pompous and solemn.


The detailing of the picture is also interesting. The fact is that absolutely everything that appears before your eyes when you look at this masterpiece is symbolic. It is no coincidence that the Russian field and forest were chosen as the background, this spiritualized landscape seemed to have absorbed the mood of the canvas. Dark clouds swirl over the field, the wind develops the horses' manes and yellowed grass. A scary bird flies farther towards the forest from the scene. All nature seemed to stand still in anticipation of the enemy. The same can be felt in the images of the main characters. The gray tombstones that are located on this field are pushing even more to the thought of the upcoming slaughter - once there were already battles here.

But only this gloomy place does not become scary, because three brave heroes, three heroes are standing on the defense of the borders of the Russians.

It is interesting that usually in Russia the word "hero" was put into not only the well-known meaning - protector, but also the so-called pious, godly man. Vasnetsov's heroes can be called just like that.

Vasnetsov's painting "Three Heroes" is still in the Moscow Tretyakov Gallery, next to it you can always see excursion groups who stay for a long time to get a better look at the world-famous masterpiece. The canvas by V. Vasnetsov is truly one of the most remarkable creations of Russian artists.