From early photoaging and appearance. Photoaging of the skin

  • 18.08.2023

Photoaging - the sum of changes at the molecular and visible levels that occur in the skin during its long-term damage to solar (ultraviolet) radiation. These processes have significant differences from natural (biological) aging, their synonyms are: actinic dermatosis, heliodermatitis, solar dermatitis, premature skin aging.

Biological and photoaging

"Normal" aging is a natural process when it occurs according to biological terms. Over time, breakdowns accumulate in all organs and tissues, the number of which constantly increases with age. This is due to the combination of many processes:

  • slowing down metabolism;
  • a decrease in the activity of enzyme systems and their ability to break down toxic compounds;
  • depletion of stem cells;
  • loss of tissue fluid;
  • a decrease in the tension of immunity;
  • gradual replacement of functionally active tissue with inert connective tissue;
  • deterioration of microcirculation and oxygen delivery to cells;
  • changes in the level and ratio of various hormones;
  • genetic factors.

The skin, which is the largest organ in terms of mass and area, experiences an increased load, since it is located on the periphery of the body. In addition to the above internal processes, it is constantly exposed to damaging environmental factors - temperature changes, weathering, dust, smoke, toxins and various types of radiation.

Ultraviolet radiation is a natural factor necessary for the normal functioning of the body. However, with its excess due to constant work in the open air or the systematic abuse of tanning (including in the solarium), it can cause pathological changes in the structure of the epidermis and dermis - photoaging of the skin. Biological and photoaging often occur in parallel, however, these processes differ both in external manifestations and in the mechanisms underlying them.

Molecular mechanisms of photoaging

Ultraviolet has an irritating, stimulating and damaging effect on the basal (basic) layer of the epidermis. The energy absorbed by the skin causes the launch of "harmful" lipid peroxidation reactions with the formation of reactive oxygen species and free radicals that damage proteins and nucleic acids. In the epidermis, inflammation begins, activating the division and renewal of keratinocytes. It is rather chaotic; in parallel, the process of differentiation (successive development) and keratinization (keratinization) of cells is disrupted. All this leads to an uneven thickening of the outer layer of the skin.

In the deeper dermal layers, a phenomenon called solar elastosis occurs - the destruction of fibrous structures (primarily elastin) under the action of enzymes activated by ultraviolet radiation. At the same time, the molecules are compacted, fragmented and twisted into balls; their diameter and number decreases. The substances formed as a result of peroxide reactions are foreign to the body. The immune system begins to produce antibodies to them, which cause additional damage to the fibers.

The diameter of the capillaries increases, the structure of their walls and its permeability change. The speed of blood flow in the microcirculatory bed decreases, congestion occurs and the excretion of toxic reaction products slows down, which aggravates the process of photoaging.

External signs of skin photoaging

Age aging is mainly due to a decrease in the synthesis of structural proteins and hyaluronic acid, the level of sex hormones and a slowdown in regeneration processes. It is manifested primarily by drooping and sagging of the skin (gravitational ptosis), its dryness, thinning, the development of seborrheic keratosis and the appearance of yellowish pigment spots in the periorbital areas.

A feature of photoaging is the fact that it can occur long before the onset of the natural process caused by age. The main signs of photoaging, depending on long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation, are as follows:

  • Decreased elasticity and turgor of the dermis.
  • Roughening and underlining of the skin pattern.
  • Uneven pigment distribution (freckles, lentigo, vitiligo, melasma, hypomelanosis).
  • The appearance of neoplasms.
  • The appearance of wrinkles (at first small and superficial, then larger and deeper).
  • Visible expansion of the capillary network (telangiectasia).
  • Point hemorrhages (petechiae).
  • Increased dryness.

Photoaging not only leads to premature fading and deterioration of the appearance of the skin - against its background, the likelihood of developing serious complications such as skin cancer and melanoma increases.

Prevention and correction of photoaging

Photoaging of the face is much easier to prevent than to deal with its consequences. The main ways to prevent heliodermatosis:

  • Rational tanning - avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun, especially during the "aggressive hours" (from 11 to 16), as well as refraining from too frequent visits to the solarium. This is especially true for fair-skinned individuals (c).
  • The use of sunscreens (creams, emulsions, oils) containing retinoids, azelaic acid and other external photoprotectors.
  • Taking drugs related to internal photoprotectors: vitamins A, E and C, squalene, ubiquinone, bioflavonoids, alpha-lipoic acid, leukopine, selenium compounds, antihistamines, etc. These substances reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory reaction, strengthen capillary walls, bind free radicals and stimulate regenerative processes.

With already existing photodamage of the skin, it is indicated:

  • Carrying out superficial and median procedures based on AHA (fruit) and other acids - glycolic, mandelic, lactic, azelaic, retinoid.
  • Mechanical and physical methods of exposure: microdermabrasion, dermabrasion, laser skin resurfacing.

Photoaging of the skin- the result of its damage by ultraviolet radiation - can be corrected by cosmetic methods. At the same time, it is much more expedient and effective to use means of protection and prevention to prevent premature skin aging.

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Many developments in the field of medical cosmetology and dermatology are devoted to the problem of early skin aging. In medicine, the process of permanent damage to the skin is called photoaging. It arises from the fashion for tanning.

Cosmetologists pay close attention to the correction of the process. The data obtained from the results of studies show that strong insolation causes premature age-related changes, which in general worsen the condition of the skin even more than stress and ecology.

Researchers have been able to make a lot of progress by studying the subject of photo damage. Increasing life expectancy and the desire of many to improve skin color under the influence of ultraviolet rays and tanning beds have activated the market for products aimed at solving these problems. Emerging trends may lead to the emergence in the near future of new developments that protect the skin from the dangerous effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Clinical picture

Cosmetologists identify signs of photoaging on the basis of which it can be recognized that the skin is healthy or aging. Healthy skin is elastic, has a uniform color and normal texture, moisture. In the second often thin and dry skin. It is possible to determine the characteristic signs of photoaging much earlier than age-related changes appear. They manifest themselves exclusively in open areas that have been exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

In these cases, there is increased wrinkling, trauma, and reduced elasticity. This is due to the presence of dermal disorders. Pronounced epidermal changes appear when normal skin color (lentigo) is disturbed and diffuse hyperpigmentation occurs.

The risk group includes menopausal women with I-II skin phototype. They are prone to photoaging. Medical studies do not support the effects of oral contraceptive use and smoking.

It has been established that smokers are more active in photoaging of the skin (photoporation helps), since smoking contributes to the appearance of wrinkles and leads to a deterioration in complexion. Men with dark skin color are most prone to the appearance of such changes.

Histological signs of photoaging

In the course of scientific research, it has been established that signs of hyperkeratosis are noted in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, while the thickness of the epidermis may not change. It has hypertrophy and atrophy. Basal keratinocytes can be damaged, causing the basement membrane to thicken. The number of processes of melanocytes and the accumulation of pigment will be uneven along this line.

A direct relationship has been established between the level of damage and the power of UV radiation over many years. This is most significantly manifested in the destruction of elastin fibers, which make up a different component. Another manifestation of phytopathology in the skin is basophilic degeneration of collagen, when undamaged collagen areas are replaced by collagen.

Such processes can be traced in pronounced areas. The most severe manifestations of photopathology include the appearance of areas in which there is an accumulation of glucose-minoglycans responsible for the strength characteristics of cell membranes.

Photobiology of skin aging

Based on the wavelength, ultraviolet has the ability to correlate with different skin cells located in different deep layers. Ultraviolet radiation having a short wavelength (part B, 280-320 nm) can be absorbed by the epidermis.

Photoaging occurs in areas where damaged keratinocytes are present. The waves are longer and deeper. Such processes contribute to their interaction with epidermal cells and fibroblasts. The difference between melanin is the absorption of ultraviolet radiation. Due to this, the cells are protected from destruction. The part of the spectrum that has penetrated the barrier has a negative effect on tissues in a variety of ways.

Rays of the UV A spectrum have the ability to act indirectly. With their help, the production of free oxygen radicals is carried out. The process of lipid peroxidation can be carried out, which causes breaks in DNA chains.

The ability of UVB is to produce free oxygen species. Such rays have the ability to have a direct damaging effect on DNA due to the direct activation of specific substances associated with transcription factors. Through them, the process of production of metalloproteinase in cells is started. These are enzymes that have an increased splitting activity in relation to the building protein of cells.

Who is at risk

Statistics show that skin photoaging affects fair-skinned people. The protective potential has the ability to significantly decrease with unsatisfactory production of melanin. Therefore, those who have such skin need to be extra vigilant when sunbathing.

Increased attention to the influence of sunlight should also be shown to owners of dark skin. When sunburn is not present, it cannot be said with certainty that the cells of the epidermis are not damaged. The risk group is dominated by women during the period of hormonal disruptions. The functioning of hormones is directly determined by the activity of melanocytes. If the balance of estrogen and progesterone is disturbed, the sensitivity of the skin to the influence of sunlight increases. As a result of such processes, cell regeneration slows down.

Diagnosis of the endocrine system

If there are problems with the integument, then a dermatologist or cosmetologist will help. If there are suspicions of problems of the endocrine system, then consultation with an endocrinologist is required. A blood test is ordered to determine the level of hormones (estrogen).

Ways to eliminate photoaging

Patients with signs of photoaging are shown photoprotection and certain medical procedures. These are activities that reduce the impact of UVI. The cosmetologist selects them based on their nature of skin changes.

Despite new developments in the field of cosmetology, it is impossible to gain eternal youth. But still, you can “deceive nature and lose a few years” by resorting to effective cosmetic procedures.

Photoaging can be prevented in a variety of ways. Biorevitalization is the introduction of hyaluronic acid under the skin. In the process, there is a moisturizing effect on the skin. As a result, it becomes elastic and elastic. You can use a similar procedure when the characteristic features of early aging appear, starting from the age of thirty. The whole process takes no more than an hour. Its feature is a prolonged action that can keep the result for several months.

An effective procedure is dermabrasion, carried out with the help of nozzles and abrasive materials. You can get a visual effect a few weeks after its implementation. This procedure allows you to get rid of age spots and scars. When performing a chemical peel procedure, retinol and glycol are used. Under the influence of this process, collagen synthesis is activated. Thus, it is possible to enhance the process of restoration of the epidermis and stop photoaging.

Laser skin resurfacing helps to get rid of serious scars. With its help, you can eliminate old cells and regenerate new ones. Cosmetologists call mesotherapy an effective way. A few sessions are enough for the patient to forget about dry skin and shallow wrinkles. This procedure involves the introduction of therapeutic cocktails.

The photorejuvenation technique can hide the consequences of premature skin aging. When prescribing the procedure, the cosmetologist is guided by the position of photoaging of the skin according to microbial 10. When a session is performed, the skin is exposed to a pulsating stream of light. Under its influence, cell division is accelerated and skin elasticity increases. It also improves metabolism.

Sunburn without exposure to sunlight

Those who want to have an even, attractive tan without exposing their skin to ultraviolet radiation should take advantage of the self-tanning procedure. The skin acquires a golden hue, skin tone is evened out or depigmented areas (vitiligo) are hidden.

The agents used have ketosaccharides or derivatives of glucose, fructose. These funds do not have a harmful effect on the body, as they do not contribute to the formation of melanin. Cells do not change.

Before the self-tanning procedure, peeling is required so that the thickness of the stratum corneum becomes the same. During this period, the use of scrubs and acid peels is indicated. The quality of the tan improves if you eat foods rich in carotene (carrots, oranges).

Sun exposure prevention

To avoid photoaging outside of the season, when the weather is sunny, it is necessary to use sunscreen. In summer, it is better to use a cream with an increased SPF of at least 30. Those who have fair skin should use a cream with an SPF of at least 50. In early autumn, you need to use BB creams that protect it and maintain moisture balance. With their application, the tone is evened out without clogging the pores.

Taking baths, both in natural conditions and in a solarium, one must strictly adhere to the rules of tanning. It should be remembered that exposure to the sun, in a solarium should be strictly dosed. Otherwise, the risk of acquiring skin melanoma increases.

Also, increased attention should be paid to the preparation of a balanced diet. On the table should always be vegetables and fruits saturated with beta-carotene. These include tomatoes, spinach, apricots and bell peppers. This substance helps to synthesize melanin.

Prevents photoaging taking dietary supplements that contain antioxidants. Vitamins E, A, C, selenium, flavonoids, etc. have a pharmacological effect. You also need to use sunscreens, which must be of high quality. External UV protection is provided by photoprotectors, as in

Photoaging of the skin- the process of negative changes in the skin under the influence of sunlight. Due to the active influence of harmful solar radiation, the process of photoaging of the face starts. In most cases, it leads to excessive dryness of the skin, hyperpigmentation, the appearance of wrinkles, both superficial and deep.

Reasons for the process

Usually the process of photoaging goes in parallel with age-related changes in the skin. The harmful effects of sunlight, leading to the appearance of wrinkles and vascular patterns on the skin, have become especially pronounced in recent years. After all, just not so long ago, having a beautiful tan has become very fashionable. And in order for the skin to acquire a uniform brown color, many women and girls began to actively use the services of a solarium, spend too much time in the sun in order to tan.

However, not all sun rays adversely affect the condition of the skin. The process of photoaging is triggered only by UVA radiation. It penetrates deep into the dermis, where it destroys collagen fibers, which leads to premature aging. UVB radiation, on the contrary, triggers the synthesis of melanin and contributes to the fact that the skin acquires an even tan.

Signs and mechanisms of photoaging of the face

The process of photoaging is in many ways similar to age-related changes in the skin, however, with it, the signs of epidermal aging are more pronounced. Photoaging of the face characterized by the following clinical manifestations:

  • increased early wrinkling,
  • decrease in firmness and elasticity of the skin,
  • on the skin, small wounds heal poorly and take a long time.

The skin is easily damaged even with a slight traumatic effect. In some cases, there may be violations of the color of the skin.

At the cellular level, a degradation process occurs in the skin, characterized by the destruction of collagen fibers and their replacement with similar collagen fibers, but with initially damaged areas.

In parallel with collagen fibers, damage to elastin fibers occurs, all these processes together lead to abnormally early aging of the facial skin.

Damage to the skin fibers is caused by free radicals, the increased formation in the deep layers of the protective cover of which is provoked by the sun's rays of the UVA spectrum. Thus, the sun's rays do not have a direct, but indirect negative effect on the skin of the face, hands, forearms, causing the formation of free radicals, which then, in turn, disrupt lipid synthesis, which leads to damage in DNA structures.

How to protect your skin from premature aging?

To protect the skin from harmful radiation, special photoprotectors have been created, some of which protect the skin from the penetration of harmful radiation into it, while others act from the inside, preventing the formation of free radicals. Vitamins A and E are among the drugs that have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect on the body from the inside. There are also combined photoprotective drugs for internal use.

For external protection of the skin from UV radiation, special creams, gels, emulsions are used, the application of which to the epidermis prevents the penetration of harmful solar radiation into it.

Long-term use of photoprotectors for more than 6 months leads to a decrease in the external signs of photoaging of the facial skin: wrinkles become less noticeable, the skin color evens out, and hyperpigmented areas disappear.

To effectively protect the skin from the sun, when leaving the house in sunny weather, sunscreen with a protection level of at least 15 SPF should be applied to the skin of the face.

Skin photoaging treatment

To reduce the symptoms of this disorder, cosmetic procedures are indicated, such as chemical peels with fruit acids, vitamin A and other components.

Such activities have a complex effect on the skin:

  • exfoliate dead cells
  • eliminate hyperpigmentation,
  • moisturize the skin.

The most frequently used method of skin rejuvenation has recently been used, which eliminates the effects of photoaging, such as excessive pigmentation, increases skin firmness and elasticity, and fights fine wrinkles. The essence of this method is the impact on the epidermis and dermis with a small amount of thermal energy and light radiation.

To reduce the signs of photoaging of the skin of the face, mesotherapy is used, during which special cocktails of antioxidants are used.

A good effect for normalizing the condition of the skin of the face after exposure to solar radiation is given by injections of hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes the skin well and fights wrinkles.

Photoaging of the face in some cases leads to irreversible effects in the skin, so if you have to be exposed to sunlight for a long time, you should think about a good sunscreen that can protect your skin from the negative effects of UVA radiation.

It has long been noticed that the skin of people who spend a lot of time in the sun begins to undergo negative changes much earlier. They manifest themselves in the form of increased keratinization (hyperkeratosis) and pigmentation, a network of fine wrinkles, increased dryness and sagging. With age, the skin folds deepen, the thickness of the dermis gradually decreases, and the oval of the face is deformed. Such skin loses its protective properties, which significantly increases the likelihood of developing diseases, including oncological processes. A person looks older than his biological age, because photoaging is one of the main causes of the early appearance of wrinkles.
Under the influence of sunlight, cell membranes are damaged, DNA cells, intercellular structures and collagen fibers responsible for skin elasticity are destroyed, pathologically altered elastin accumulates, the strength of blood vessels decreases, and the process of keratosis intensifies.
As a result of the accumulation of such defects, cells gradually lose the ability to perform their functions, stop dividing, degrade and die. The inability to retain moisture leads to dry skin, loss of firmness and elasticity, and the appearance of fine wrinkles. In addition, the destructive effect of ultraviolet radiation causes the expansion of capillaries, the appearance of spider veins and age spots.
It must be remembered that photoaging is usually observed in parallel with signs of age-related (chrono-) aging. However, there are special symptoms that are found almost exclusively in the first case and are not found in the second. This makes it possible to transfer this condition into a separate nosological form, which is associated with a special pathogenetic mechanism for the development of photo-damage.
The clinical signs of photoaging have already been described quite fully, but only relatively recently has light been shed on the molecular mechanisms responsible for macro- and microscopic tissue damage. The role of some factors of transmission (transcription) of cellular information in the pathogenesis of photoaging was demonstrated, and it was also found that mitochondrial DNA mutation plays an important role in the development of this pathology.
The process of photoaging of the skin is characterized by a number of clinical, histological and biochemical changes, which, unlike age-related fading of the skin, have a special nature.
There are a number of synonyms for this process, which are also used when discussing this topic: "heliodermatitis", "actinic dermatosis" and "premature aging of the skin."

Photoaging (the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation) affects all people, regardless of age and gender. However, certain categories of people are more susceptible to it. These include:
- people with fair skin;
- women in the period of hormonal changes (pregnancy and menopause), due to increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation;
- people who often visit the solarium, sunbathing, residents of southern cities, often in the sun.
According to its composition, solar radiation is divided into ultraviolet, visible light and infrared waves, perceived by humans as heat. It is the ultraviolet part of the spectrum that is responsible for the premature aging of the skin. The ultraviolet part, in turn, is divided into three areas - A, B and C. It is the area "C" that has such a destructive effect that it threatens a person with a fatal outcome. The well-known ozone layer serves as protection against it.
UVA radiation causes a rapid change in skin color, it is transformed in just a couple of hours. However, the duration of the resulting tan is short, since it is only a protective reaction of the cells, designed to stop the penetration of ultraviolet into the deeper layers of the skin.
Long-term effect leaves exposure to UVB - rays, it lasts for many weeks and even months. Meanwhile, in addition to a beautiful brown skin tone, class B ultraviolet radiation is accompanied by drying and coarsening of the skin due to a more active keratinization process.
In this regard, it should be noted that the spectrum of waves created by artificial sources is sometimes more harmful than sunlight. A visit to the solarium should be treated with caution, as it is not at all a safe alternative to natural tanning. After excessive enthusiasm for such procedures, all signs of photoaging appear on the face, including significant roughening of the skin.

Photodamage is characterized by a number of quantitative and qualitative features.

In the stratum corneum of the epidermis, signs of hyperkeratosis can be found, but often the thickness of the epidermis remains unchanged.
Changes in the epidermis can also range from hypertrophy to atrophy. The basement membrane is thickened, reflecting possible damage to the basal keratinocytes. At the same time, an uneven distribution of melanocyte processes of various sizes, accumulation of pigment and the number of processes of melanocytes is noted along the basement membrane.
There is a relationship between the severity of damage and the strength-time of exposure to UV radiation. In other words, the formation of a vertical damage gradient is noted. The most striking histological sign of this dependence is the destruction of elastin fibers, while damaged fibers can occupy a different part of the dermis.
Another sign of "photopathology" in the dermis is the replacement of normal collagen fibers with collagen with clear damaged areas. This phenomenon is called "basophilic collagen degeneration".
More severe manifestations of photodamage are the expansion of areas of deposition of glucosaminoglycans responsible for the strength of cell membranes and fragmented elastin fibers, as well as dermal extracellular proteins - elastin.
It is much easier to prevent photoaging than to eliminate its consequences. The simplest preventive measures taken on a regular basis prevent the formation of wrinkles, age spots, and increased dryness of the skin.
A feature of the changes caused by exposure to UV radiation is their reversibility. The sooner an active fight against the signs of photoaging begins, the better results it can achieve with the help of special procedures that stimulate regeneration processes, you can return the skin to its original blooming appearance. These include

It is not uncommon for people to experience premature skin aging. Often this is due to external factors. There are two main types: chronoaging is a biological process associated with a genetic disorder of cell metabolism and a decrease in the activity of certain enzymes. Photoaging is skin changes caused by ultraviolet radiation. In small amounts, it is good for health, as it contributes to the production of vitamin D, but excess exposure to sunlight leads to premature aging of the skin.

Video - Photoaging and how it can be seen (anticipated)


What is skin photoaging? This is damage to all layers of the skin. Photoaging is otherwise known as actinic or premature. The deep layers of the epidermis are most affected. As a result, a complex of negative biological changes and biochemical reactions immediately arises. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the structure of DNA cells is disrupted and even their degeneration and mutation can occur.

Signs of photoaging are different from age-related skin changes. First of all, premature fading of the epidermis occurs due to excessive tanning (on the beaches, in the solarium). Often, ladies neglect cosmetics that protect the skin from excessive ultraviolet radiation.

Photoaging according to Glogau

The Glogau classification of photoaging is divided into four types:

  • During the initial stage (at the age of 20-40 years), small pigment spots appear on the skin, there is no keratosis. On the skin - the minimum number of wrinkles. Make-up is light or not required at all.
  • The middle stage of photoaging (age from 35-50 years): senile early lentigo, keratosis begins to be felt, but is not visible outwardly. The first mimic wrinkles appear around the mouth. Makeup requires the use of foundation.
  • The advanced stage of photoaging (from 50 years old) has noticeable signs of keratosis and dyschromia. Mimic wrinkles are clearly marked, which clearly stand out even on a calm face. Makeup requires foundation.
  • During the severe stage of photoaging (from 60 or 70 years old), the skin color of the face becomes gray. There are malignant skin diseases, many deep wrinkles. There are no places of smooth skin at all. Makeup is applied with difficulty or does not fit at all.

Twin sisters who lived in different regions - the effect of photoaging

How to help skin with Glockow photoaging?

  • At the first stage, proper care is recommended, according to the type of facial skin. Its individual characteristics and the use of UV protection should be taken into account. It is necessary to carry out surface peels that stimulate the skin and cleanse it. Methods of biorevitalization are shown.
  • In the second stage, the program to eliminate photoaging is expanded. The surface-median levels of peels are shown, due to which the microrelief and structure of the epidermis are improved. Deep wrinkles are reduced, small ones are smoothed out. To eliminate photoaging, a complex of techniques is used.
  • At the third stage of photoaging, more active methods of rejuvenation of the epidermis are required. In addition, competent skin care and the constant use of photoprotective agents are shown. It is necessary to carry out deep peelings and contouring.
  • At the fourth stage of photoaging, a special anti-aging program is drawn up, which must be approached very responsibly. It consists of a combination of several rejuvenation techniques. When using radical measures, supportive and rehabilitation procedures are carried out.

How to get rid of photoaging?

To date, the cosmetic market has developed protection against photoaging with the help of special tools and procedures. Deep wrinkles, dry skin and its hyperpigmentation are eliminated in more than one procedure. Special techniques have been developed to help eliminate photo- and chronoaging:

  • biorevitalization;
  • photorejuvenation;
  • dermabrasion;
  • laser skin resurfacing;
  • chemical peeling.

Mesotherapy is one of the most effective. It happens that only two sessions are enough to rid the skin of dryness, small wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. During the procedure, therapeutic cocktails are introduced under the epidermis. The usual course of skin aging treatment is 5 to 10 sessions.

Biorevitalization is a cosmetic procedure during which hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin, which has a strong moisturizing effect. As a result, the epidermis becomes more elastic and resilient. It is best to resort to this technique at the first signs of skin aging, immediately after the 30-year milestone. The procedure lasts no more than an hour. The effect persists for several months.

The method of photorejuvenation uses a pulsating stream of light. As a result, the cells begin to actively divide, the elasticity of the epidermis increases, wrinkles are smoothed, and metabolic processes are accelerated. This method is the ideal protection against photoaging.

Dermabrasion is performed using special devices. During the procedure, various nozzles, microscopic crystals and diamond dust are used. The effect is noticeable only a few weeks after the end of the course of treatment. This method allows you to get rid of not only age spots and wrinkles, but also scars and scars.

Laser skin resurfacing is mainly used to remove old skin defects. During the procedure, old epidermal cells are removed and new ones are built up. Elasticity returns to the skin, wrinkles and strong pigmentation disappear.

Chemical peeling is carried out only in beauty salons with the help of devices and special substances: glycol and retinol. As a result, the production of collagen is activated, which contributes to the rapid regeneration of the skin.

Mesotherapy in the fight against photoaging: before and after

Alternative tan

Photoaging of the face can be stopped with one of the most innovative methods of skin rejuvenation. This is her tinting with special means. In dermatology, this technique is used to mask depigmented areas. Basically, self-tanning products contain fructose and glucose, which temporarily stain the horny cells.

A new shade appears a few hours after the procedure. The effect persists for at least 5 days. Self-tanning products are mostly safe, they are not absorbed into the blood, do not cause skin pigmentation and changes in its cells. To prolong self-tanning, preparations are applied after washing with soap. Otherwise, a slightly alkaline reaction of the epidermis may occur, and it will acquire a yellowish tint. To prolong the effect of self-tanning, it is necessary to maintain a normal acid-base balance. To do this, the skin must be regularly toned and moisturized.

When the self-tanner is not evenly distributed, the skin can take on different shades. It depends on the thickness of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Therefore, it is best to do the procedure in beauty salons, and not on your own.

A few weeks before the session, it is necessary to prepare the skin. To smooth the stratum corneum, acid peels and scrubs are used, made on the basis of azelaic, salicylic, lactic or benzoic acid. The natural tone of the face is improved with diet.

Prevention of photoaging

To prevent photoaging, it is necessary to avoid prolonged exposure of the skin to sunlight. The face is covered with a shadow from headdresses. You can’t get carried away with artificial tanning and do it only under the supervision of a cosmetologist or medical worker. Otherwise, skin melanoma may develop.

Abundant and repeated application of sunscreens, gels or oils: 10+, 16+, etc., up to 30+ (SPF). These products contain filters of chemical or natural origin: lavender and chamomile emulsions, beta-glucans, caffeic acid, etc.

It is necessary to maintain a sufficient level of skin hydration. For this, methods of biorevitalization and mesotherapy are used. The use of antioxidant cosmetics, which are divided into fat- and water-soluble.

Photoaging is a reversible process, therefore, in the presence of the first signs, it is necessary to use drugs based on retinoids, exfoliating components and vitamins. Shown mesotherapy, biorevitalization, dermabrasion and laser resurfacing.

Despite the fact that there are many methods for the treatment of chrono- and photoaging, it is easier to prevent skin aging than to apply cosmetic therapy later. To prevent photoaging, various suitable cosmetic procedures can be done, in combination with the protection of the epidermis from ultraviolet rays (photoprotection).

Video - Photoaging, which gives out our age