Different types of dances. Types of modern dance: choreography for every taste

  • 12.06.2019

Dance is one of the most popular way to express yourself, his mood and emotion. In addition, the dance helps perfectly preserve a good physical shape. From a long time, people expressed their feelings through the movements, which then united in styles. Nowadays, there are many directions and flows in the dance world. Modern dance styles They are distinguished by a wide variety and wide popularity among the most different age groups. To learn to dance, it is absolutely optionally to be a child, this wisdom is under the power even to the people of old age.

List of dance styles

The ability to dance is becoming increasingly popular in the modern world. Dance is not only a set of movements, it is sometimes a sign of belonging to a specific subculture. Modern styles of dancing make it possible to everyone who is involved in this kind of art, to express themselves. To sort out all the diversity of directions, you can make a kind of, which included The most popular genres:

  • dancing in the style of hip hop (very popular among young people, are performed under a rhythmic speech);
  • jazz Dancing (the energy of movements is combined with energetically strong music);
  • eastern dance styles (For those who love smooth and beautiful movements);
  • bollywood Dancing (appeared together with popular colorful Indian films);
  • dance in the style of disco ("Spring" and very rhythmic dance style);
  • styles of street dance (As a rule, they do not have clear sets of movements, are designed to express the mood of modern youth).

Dance style Vog.

Among the large number of directions of modern dances is a special place. It is believed that by his appearance we are obliged to singer Madonna, who came up with movement for one of his clips. Now Vogue is an excellent opportunity to maintain an excellent physical form, since the dance is involved muscles of hands and feet. Among the main features of this area can be allocated:

  • all movements are similar to walking on the podium (hence the name);
  • special emphasis is placed on facial expressions (a kind of parody of models on feshn shows);
  • dance impactability is often used as a way to relax and think about.

In addition, VOG is great for those who dream of removing excess fat: the movements of the dance involve hands, legs and muscles of the abdomen. There is also a load on the tail. This is a very fast and energetic dance, so if you decide to engage Vogue, be prepared for serious physical exertion. Unfortunately, the teachers of the VOG find it difficult enough, but you can master the basics yourself. It is enough to attach patience and pay lessons a few minutes a day. It is noteworthy that in this direction there is a youth current, and a set of movements for older people.

House dancing style

Dynamic dance style House appeared in the 80s of the last century in Chicago. At the beginning, the dance was characterized by sharp moving movements, then more and more plastic televitations appeared. Like the music of this style, House - very rhythmic, energetic and positive dance. For those who want to master the art, you need to know that there are a number of mandatory elements:

  1. Kach. That is, the body is swinging in a certain rhythm.
  2. Wave. The peculiarity of this element is that the body moves independently of the rhythm of music.
  3. Footwork. Very important item, since the legs perform the "springs", steps, shocks and a variety of rotations.

It is the combination of all dance elements that creates a unique individual style of professional house dancers. Everyone who is engaged in this area knows that the most important thing in the dancing house is to find its lead element. Most often - this is the work of the legs. All other dance details are awaited over the lead. To learn how to dance House it is not necessary to be a professional. It is necessary to master the technique and your body. HOUSE style is quite simple in performance, and movements involve all muscle groups. Therefore, this dance is perfect for those who cares about their physical form.

Dance Style Jazz Funk

The last ten years in the world is gaining popularity. This style is characterized by rippled movements and plasticity of their execution. This direction arose from Hip Hop and the VOG. The jazz-funk dance is actively used in the settings of the clips of famous performers, for example, Britney Spears and Beyonce. For those who want to learn how to dance Jazz Funk, you need to remember the main rule: if a mistake is made in the dance, then it must be played in this way To get an independent element. Choreographers who are doing the productions of Jazz-Funk claim that everyone may learn how to dance "as in the clips". Jazz Funk - Female dance. As a rule, a group of girls is performed, but recently, more and more young men appeal to dance studios, wanting to learn how to dance Jazz-Funk. To learn how to perform Jazz Funk, you need to remember a few mandatory elements:

  • the movements of the hands and legs must be rhythmic and synchronous;
  • all emotions from dance are expressed on the faces of dancers - Mimica plays a leading role;
  • the combination of movements should be as original and unpredictable as possible.

The birth of Jazz Funka occurred in Los Angeles, but the dance was active in Europe.

Dance style where you shake boo

Among modern dance directions, Bethi-Dance uses tremendous popularity. Very sexual dance direction, in which the movements boot play a leading role. In addition to the fact that girls who mastered the art of Booty Dance, always attract attention, this dance very useful for training berry and abdominal muscles. It also improves blood circulation in a small pelvis and eliminates women from a number of gynecological problems. Especially since the Booty Dance dance is easy enough, because it is based on two moves:

  1. Hip Rolling - Purgeted by the hips. In this element, the smoothness of movements is especially important. Beads need to learn how to draw smooth "eights".
  2. Booty Shake is a relaxation and tension of the jagged muscles. The main task is to learn how it is not sharp, but gradually, smoothly.

In order to dance But-Dance, you do not need to resort to the help of a professional choreographer, you can learn your desire enough. And, of course, the clothes in which you dance are very important. It must be very short shorts that do not make up your movements and profitable emphasizing your ass.

Dance style cramp

Among the modern destinations in the dance there is a special place. Initially, this dance was a protest against violence in the ghetto of the United States. One local clown specially came to the "black" areas and performed dancing on the street, in which the movements of different directions mixed up. However, he did it so inly that very soon he had followers - local adolescents. The only mandatory attribute of Krampa was the clown coloring of the face. But gradually this element is outlived. Now the cramp is very popular among young people. Among the main characteristics of Krampa can be allocated:

  • rhythm;
  • energy;
  • impulsiveness;
  • some aggressiveness.

A distinctive feature of modern Krampa is physical contact with a partner, a kind of dance fight. That is, this is a contact dance, requiring not only knowledge of technology, but also skills work in the group. At the same time, Cramp - the child's child, so the partners are very often unfamiliar with each other. Dance battles in the United States, for example, sometimes become so massive that they look like a fight. But actually cramps - a great way to relax and get rid of negative emotions.

  • Regular dance classes will make your body slimmer. During training burned from 200 to 800 kcal per hour - no worse than in fitness classes.
  • You can strengthen the respiratory and heart organs, increase the endurance of the body, clean the vessels from cholesterol.
  • And gait - what you can be proud of after regular classes. Dancing will help learn to keep your back correctly.
  • You will develop excellent coordination, reaction speed and body flexibility.
  • We will become sociable and confident.
  • Learn not to shove your own body and move beautifully to the music.
  • You will have the possibility of self-expression. In the dance, the person is completely liberated, which contributes to psycho-emotional unloading.
  • You have a great mood. After the simulator room or fitness training, many people feel fatigue, and after dancing, on the contrary, tide of strength and vigor.

What direction to choose


Hip-Hop is a cheerful, perky and very energy-cost youth dance direction. You can express your emotions, experiences or protest, to liberate thanks to the movements that the body itself tells. This is Drive and Adrenaline, the spirit of rivalry and leadership. The rules and restrictions are blurred here, but at the same time a bright clear style is felt.

This direction is inherent in movements that are drawn down, relaxed semi-bent knees and body body located in a low landing. High jumps are replaced by sliding on the floor, there is a quick unexpected transition from wave-like and slow movements to sharp and clear. The dancer should seem completely relaxed, and the dance is an unclusion.

Who fits

To everyone who is young or feels so confident in themselves and muster. Hip-hop can become useful hobbies for your child. Children and teenagers, he will help strengthen the musculoskeletal system, adjust light stuff and form a proportional figure. Moreover, this dance direction brings up volitional qualities and purposefulness, helps manifest individuality.

According to the study Kids Inactive Most of the Time During Dance Classes, hip-hop - the most useful for the child. Dance direction: 57% of the duration of the training person is in motion. The most low-active scientists recognized Flamenco: in this case, the children were moving only 14% of the total time.


  • The main distinguishing feature: hip-hop dancing not under the rhythm of the melody, but under the bit that you need to recognize and clearly trap in the musical composition.
  • This is not just a dance, but a way of self-expression and lifestyle. Hip-hop lovers often wear clothes that emphasizes their freedom: wide pants, sneakers, baseball caps, hooded sweatshirts.
  • Hip Hop is always open for experiments and improvisation. An important role in this direction is characterized by character, namely confidence, self-affirmation, some stubbornness and perseverance. This type of dance will help become more bold, liberated psychologically and open in communication.
  • Such a dance perfectly worked out the muscles of legs, hands and shoulder belts, improves small motility.


Hip-hop can be considered a set, so the contraindications are standard, as well as for ordinary workouts. With extreme caution, it is worth considering such classes to people who have problems with knee joints, as they have a large load.


Training combines an aerobic burden with elements of seductive dance. Each occupation includes workout, including stretching, and learning dance ligaments. Muscles of legs and arms, hollows and buttocks, abdomen, back and chest get excellent load.

The beginners will have to master the basic elements: the waves of the body and arms, circular movements of the hips and breasts, the back of the back standing, sitting and lying on the floor. As progress, the training includes complicated dance bundles with elements of acrobatics (swords, cakes, racks).

Who fits

This type of dance is created for all girls and women, regardless of their physical form, external data and age. If you not only strive for a beautiful figure and elegant gait, but also want to learn how to love yourself, attract and seduce the opposite sex, then the strip-plastic is perfect for you.


  • Strip plastic will help to overcome the complexes, will give an opportunity to see his body and its dignity in a new way, as well as correct or hide disadvantages. After regular classes, you will not only look better, but you will feel more confident and more attractive.
  • Much attention in teaching this style is paid to posture and, without which it is impossible to qualitatively perform dance elements.
  • The program also includes defile. It will take several weeks, and you will start moving smoothly and relaxed, and the gait will become easy.
  • Another advantage is that many movements are made with a deflection in the lower back. Usually these muscles are developed weakly due to a low-lifestyle lifestyle. This type of dance will become an excellent prevention of diseases such as scoliosis and osteochondrosis.
  • During such a workout, there is a reincarnation, you can reveal your sensuality and tell about secret desires, try different roles from a modest housewife to a Vamp woman. You will master the art of attracting men and learn to awaken interest in them.


An obstacle to classes can be the disease of the respiratory, hearts, vessels and joints. When osteochondrosis, there is a limitation: it is impossible to twist a lot in the spine. At the same time, the strengthening of muscles of the back and press, stretching muscles hips, shoulder belt and pelvis will help to significantly alleviate the manifestations of the disease.


This is one of the sexiest areas that helps to extend the youth and attractiveness of a woman. The mandatory components of the eastern dances are blows (sharp movements of the hips) and vibration in combination with smooth waves, circles, eights. Coordination of movements is very important. Dance drawing should look holly, caring all the attention of the viewer.

Who fits

Ideal for women already formed. Unlike jogging or aerobics, the belly dance is a gentle type of physical activity. This means that you can perform movements without exposing your knees, leg and feet of excessive load.


  • You can even begin to master the eastern direction in a bad physical form: the belly dance will independently prepare your body to the necessary loads.
  • This type of activity helps to form a feminine figure. Since the beeter movements in this dance are quite complex from the point of view of coordination, those muscles that are difficult to use during ordinary exercises are being worked out. Such F.ice load contributes to healthy flow and facilitates childbirth.
  • After 2-3 months of classes, the abdominal dance in women improves well-being in gynecological diseases. The blood circulation is improved, especially in the bodies of the small pelvis, there is inflammation of the appendages, menstrual pain is forgotten.
  • Taking only oriental dances, it is impossible to create a perfect figure, as it is a rather similar load. Not all muscle groups are involved here, for example, the rear surface of the hip, the jagged muscle, triceps, practically does not work.


Latin American Dancing (Salsa, Bachata, Cha-Cha-Cha, Mamba, Rumba)

Latin American dances are known for their incense, impulsiveness and positive. Classes consist of three parts:

  • The warm-up - semicircular rotation head, hollows, circular movements shoulders and the like.
  • The main part is to educate movements and their multiple repetition.
  • Zaminka is usually static stretching exercises and dance movements at a slow pace.

To whom fit

This type of training is ideal for energetic and emotional people. It embodies the incendiary rhythm and the clarity of movements. Latin American dances are also a great way to warm the relationship in a pair or make new acquaintances.


  • The main feature of such dances is the constant work of the muscles of the hip with the fixed position of the back and the spring step. Therefore, the main load falls on the muscles of the shoulders, loins and legs. Also, this type of dance helps to improve the heart rhythm.
  • One of the important features is that you will not even notice the burden on the body as a whole. Maximum that you will feel - light pleasant fatigue. This is due to the proportionality of the load on the whole body.
  • Actively engaging in Latin American dances, you can not only lose weight, but also throw the hips if there is a tendency.


In the presence of cardiovascular diseases and problems with the musculoskeletal system, such dances are contraindicated.

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One of the most popular weight loss workouts. She gained distribution in more than 180 countries. This fitness program combines elements of hip-hop, salsa, samba, meringue, mambo, flamenco and belly dance. Its goal is to work out the maximum amount of muscles, while not uptaking you with repeated repetitions of trivial exercises.

The direction was invented by Columbian Alberto Perez (Alberto Perez) in the late 90s. He was a professional choreographer and dedicated all his life to teaching other Latin dances. Later, Zumba became the basis of the training of many stars (Shakira, Beyonce, Britney Spears).

Who fits

Zumba does not tolerate restrictions, it can be engaged in people of any age, men and women with any abilities and skills. All choreographic movements are simple and understandable.


  • Training resembles a party where everyone is dancing using simple combinations of movements.
  • To start doing, do not need special physical training, so Zumba is great for beginners.
  • The dance program is very diverse, which means that it will not be boring.
  • The emphasis in training is made on the lower part of the body, which allows you to tighten the muscles well and get rid of cellulite.


Categorical contraindications are the hernia of the lumbar spine, the displacement of the vertebrae, diseases of bones, ligaments, joints, thrombosis, problems with the heart muscle, high pressure, post-traumatic period, pregnancy on any period.


Contem - Association of dance techniques from Western (classic dance, jazz modern) and Eastern (qigong, Taijice, Yoga) Movement arts.

The main exercises are built by analogy with classic and modern: from simple to more complex. In the lesson included exercises in the parter (work on the floor), the technique of relaxation, as well as stretching.

Who fits

Lovers and professional dancers. Here are not important, weight, a person's complex. Contem will suit you if you want not just to maintain a good shape, moving beautifully, but also know yourself.


  • A globally conteph differs from other dance directions by orientation, interest in the quality of a moving body, its relationship with space, time, partner. The dancer accumulates in itself energy, thoughts, emotions, and then gives them to the viewer.
  • The feature of the dance is also alternating the voltage and relaxation of muscles, falling and lifting, sharp stops (often on straight legs), balancing.
  • Breathing during the case should be measured, it seems to continue movement. This requirement in the dance brought martial arts.
  • Contem is greater to the floor, while emphasizing the ease and expressiveness of movements. Usually dancing barefoot.


Standard restrictions for physical activity. Moreover, this kind of dance is quite difficult, exhausting, and you need to be in excellent psychological form for training. Long-term stretch marks, exhaust jumps can use a person with a thin soulful organization and bring it to a state.


This is a rather complicated set of movements, when performing which you need to keep the whole body in tension. Training often exhausting, with a fairly heavy load. Before starting, a 15-minute warm-up is necessary for heating the main muscle groups, after that the testing of the base elements of dance begins. Not only the movement of the dancer, but also its appearance, especially shoes are important for the performance of this style. The most famous type of Celtic dance, which everyone knows is the step.

To whom fit

Patient people attracting social dance. This style is inherent in complex combinations, to learn the elements of which will have not only in class, but also at home (perhaps even mentally).


  • We'll have to get used to a rather unusual pose. The dance is performed on the semi-winges (the dancer lifts his heels and stands on the fingers of the legs), the upper part of the body is still, the hands are always omitted. The main rule is fast work.
  • This is a group dance, so you have to, on the one hand, refuse all kinds, on the other - to develop a sense of partnership when you feel one whole with other people. Psychologists assure that such training are especially useful for those who hardly strengthen the team or afraid of communication.
  • Music is distinguished by a clear rhythm and requires the same accurate steps. It is important to get into a note, and in the leg.
  • Another curious feature is that before the workout starts, it is better not to do any other dances. Classical choreographic training is often interferes. For example, in the ballet of the foot and the hodges are strongly deployed on the parties. Here legs, on the contrary, are always crossed. And about the hands at all worth forgetting.
  • The Celtic dance system is extremely interesting because she is healing the spine, not missing a single department, no worse than this doctor. The habit of keeping your back will be directly formed after a few weeks of regular classes.
  • Permanent workouts will form ideal icy muscles. Although any kind of dance has a positive effect on the muscles of the legs, Celtic receive a well-deserved gold medal.
  • This type of activity does not give any load on hand, so if necessary (or if desired), it is necessary to work this zone separately.


Large shock loads (jumping) do not allow Celtic dancing to those who have heart problems, vessels, spine and. Contraindication is also progressive varicose veins.

We reviewed several basic dance directions from which you can start a familiarity with the world of dance. Visit several classes, and you will understand what is suitable for you. When choosing, take into account your age, the complexity of training, your physical condition and purpose.

To express thoughts and feelings, a person uses oral and written speech. But there are other ways of self-expression. One of the options for transmitting experiences is the dance. Due to the televitations, accompanied by music or rhythm, a person is divided by its emotional state. Different styles have the need to consider the list of dance directions and flows.

Everyone who studies the dance topic is faced with the question of which styles and directions exist. For a holistic understanding, what dance flows are, it is necessary to consider the dance from a retrospective point of view.

Choreographic art has very ancient origins. Initially, the movements were hiding exclusively sacral meaning. Rhythmic movements served to achieve a specific purpose.

People tried to cause rain or demonstrate interest in the opposite sex. Over time, the dance acquired great beauty and sophistication. The significance of musical accompaniment has increased.

The choreographic image of a particular nation had characteristic features. Colorism was determined not only by movements, but also unusual rhythmic sketches.

For each era, their current dance styles are characteristic. It is quite difficult to meet in the daily execution of folk choreography. In its original form, it has been preserved only on stage. Popular current currents include the diversity of street and club dances. The main thing is that unites existing fashion trends, a new vision of the body language.

Styles and directions

Studying the topic of dance styles and directions is advisable to start with such a source like Wikipedia. Among the styles of Wikipedia dance, the following directions are given:


It implies the competition between the protruding athletes. Parameters for judicial assessment - technical skills and expressive execution taking into account musical accompaniment.

The basis is particularly complex dance and acrobatic elements.


The essence is a combination of movements in the form of a theatrical presentation. The basis of the speech is the expression of thoughts, emotions and feelings of the artist through plastic, facial expressions, movements and gestures. Parameters for the audience - expressiveness and grace. Target audience - the audience and his reaction to what he saw.

Includes three categories: modern, romantic and classical flow. Base for modern ballet is a classic ballet direction. A characteristic feature is the lack of harsh requirements and standards. The subcategory of modern ballet - Contemporary, Modern, Postmodern and Jazz-Modern. The main requirement is the self-expression of the dancer.


The target audience is the protruding dancers themselves. Species of ballroom programs - Standard and Latina. The standard includes Tango, Vienna Waltz, Slow Waltz, Slow Foxtrot, Quixsthep (or Fast Foxtrot). Latin includes Rumba, Samba, Jiv, Cha-Cha-Cha, Pasodobl.

Mandatory condition - the pair execution of movements of a man and a woman. Balling includes a sports ball (known as dance sports).


General name for the dance styles of past centuries, present in the programs of modern dancers. The direction includes the Epoch of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo, 19 and 20th century:

  • Medieval currents - Estampi, Sarabanda, Bergamasca, Saltarello.
  • Renaissance - Masseca, Bolshadans, Cascardes, countersders.
  • Baroque and Rococo - Paspie, Menuet, Burre.
  • 19th century - Krakowak, Waltz, Polka.
  • 20th century - Foxtrot, Tango, Lindi Hall.

Folk (folk)

The essence is the reflection of traditions, the nature and customs of a certain nationality. Considers the rhythms characteristic of the specific locality, movement, costumes. Target audience - dancers and viewer. The basis of movements is the imitation of animal behavior with the passion of the movements of the labor process in humans.

Related props - household accessories, musical instruments, weapons. The folk direction includes:

  • polka,
  • lezginka
  • gypsy,
  • chardash and others.

Latino American

Includes Argentine Tango, Bachata, Mambo, Lambada, Merenge, Salsa, Flamenco, Bolero, Capoeur. Basic base - pair performance. Capoeira is Brazilian martial art, including acrobatic elements and mahs with legs under the musical accompaniment.

The essence of Flamenco - a combination of cotton hands and foot stove using kastaniet.


The initial value is the transfer of sacred value, and not receiving practical benefits. Drum tools were used as musical accompaniment.

There are still several common directions:

  1. Street. The sphere of occurrence is dance parties, streets, school yards, parks, nightclubs. The essence is a massive vacation within the city. The basis is an improvisational element in combination with the social interaction between dancers and a visual audience. Flows - popping, hip-hop, Locking, break-dance.
  2. Erotic. Basic parameters for estimating - absorption, expressiveness, self-expression. Flows - striptease and belly dance.
  3. Pop. The essence is a stage presentation. Feature is a short presentation in the form of miniatures.
  4. Swing. The basis is West African and African American traditions. Feature - rhythm syncopes and jazz. Includes jive, Charleston, Bogi-WGOG, blues, rock and roll and other trends.
  5. Modern (or modern). The essence is the denial of traditional ballet traditions. Represents a type of scenic choreographic presentation.
  6. Hastle. The essence is the execution of dance movements in a pair of musical accompaniment of disco style. Includes Jack-N-Jill, Freestyle, Ice Hastoll, Sports Hastle, Show Hastoll, Double Hastoll.

Styles for girls

A variety of directions come back to the question of which styles are suitable for girls.

Existing dance styles are in demand for both representatives of strong and beautiful sex. The main criteria of dancing for women and girls are learning plastic movements and getting rid of excess weight. The combination of these parameters allows you to draw up the following list of currents for girls:

  • Belly dance (or Ballidens). Eastern direction, the performer can be any woman regardless of the age parameter or the complex. Classes are developing femininity, the inner beauty and harmony, improve the figure, grace. It is considered extremely useful for health.
  • Strip-plastic refers to the frank dance directions, is designed to eliminate stiffness and increase the plasticity of the female body. Feature - there is no need for undressing. Allows you to get rid of the complexes and overcome the internal fears.
  • Go go. Feature - In the course of execution, elements of erotica are demonstrated without exposing the dancer. It has similarities with strip-plastic, the difference is a big degree of aggressiveness and pace during dance movements. The prerequisite is the perfect figure of the dancer.
  • The dance on the pylon represents a combination of acrobatic and gymnastic elements, is considered complex dance art. Good preparation, physical shape and endurance.
  • Electroda. Feature - musical accompaniment from electronic music. Condition is a high frequency, speed and amplitude of the performance of movements.
  • The tectonics is considered a combination of hip-hop, techno, popping and electrodes, includes movements with hands and legs, jumping.

Note! The presented directions are not exclusively female. Dance delimitation is conditionally and determined by the performer himself.

Popular destinations

Every day new styles appear. It is important to understand that it is impossible to know all the names in the world and remember their description. This is due to the rapid development of dance art.

Despite its essential diversity, all styles have characteristic features. Due to such a feature, it seems possible to give them a brief description.

The list of relevant directions includes:

  • Booth Dance. Artists - women's audience. Feature - frankness and erotic in the speech. The origins of the emergence are ancient Africa. The creators of execution techniques are strippers from New Orleans. Includes rotations, blows and eight hips, vibration with buttocks.
  • Units on Hip Rolling, Rump Shaking (Booty Shake), Twerk (Twerking). Requirements for the dancer - developed muscles of buttocks and legs. The advantages of the flow - the study of spinal muscles, improving the shape of the female body. Requirements for clothing are comfortable shorts or leggings with an emphasis on the buttocks and hips, sneakers, accessories.
  • Break Dance (Break Dance) includes lower and top break. It is considered to be a compound of elements of hip-hop and musical accompaniment DUPSTEP. Technical element - torque from any point of support, including on the head. Feature - High trauma. There is an acrobatic variety.
  • Club Dance (Club Dance) is a common name for many currents, includes the direction of direct and broken rhythm.
  • Direct rhythm - musical accompaniment from Techno, Disco House, Progressive, the flow of rhythm - Hip-Hop, Breaks, Break Bit, R & B.
  • Contemporary Dance. The base is the elements of choreography. It is a combination of flexibility and technical freedom.
  • C-Walk. Feature - jumping and active machines for the musical accompaniment of direct rhythm. The complexity is the lack of significant space for the mass performance.

We list a few more existing varieties:

  • Dance Mix (Dance Mix),
  • Dancehall,
  • Disco (disco)
  • Electro (Electro),
  • Electrobit (Electrobit),
  • Frame Up Strip,

Important! For a detailed study of styles, in addition to the list compiled list, it is recommended to watch videos. The undoubted advantage of the video is the ability to observe dance movements in the frame pass.

Useful video

Let's summarize

The dance is considered not only the tongue of the body, but also the soul. The centuries-old history of its development led to the emergence of a set of currents. The diversity of styles and directions allows the Contractor to transfer the entire spectrum of emotions and passions.

So, you decided to do dancing, but do you know what style to choose? You came to the studio, saw a list of unfamiliar names such as GO-Go, Stretching, Waaking and the like, proposed by the administrator, and was horrified? Do not be afraid! This list is different dance directions, and to understand what is suitable for you, we suggest reading this article.

For starters, let's define what led you to thinking to do dancing? You fell in love with a guy on a disco, which is cool moving, and shy to come to him? Or decided to surprise your fight-Friend with his new abilities, staying with him alone? Or, once again looking in the mirror, did you suddenly decide that you have an extra girlfriend on the hips? Or maybe you just want to relax after work and diversify your day? All this determines the goal with which you will come to the dance studio. And do not be afraid to seem clumsy - go to classes in order to learn!

The most popular among girls today is the direction called GO-GO. This is a dance that girls dance on the club scene, leaving for help to help to visit visitors. It is not surprising, but GO-go has been around for 50 years. He came to us from California as an alternative to striptease. This dance is directed to the liberation and development of self-confidence. It is difficult to say that this is some independent style, rather a combination of modern directions (Streep, Jazz, Latina, Erotic Dance, etc.) Go-go will teach you easy to improvise under any club music, move well and beautiful, combine the combination of movements and Completely bind them among themselves. Such preparation in the dance studio will give you confidence in movements, suitable emotional attitude and a lot of internal positive. In the club you can immediately stand out from the total mass and attract the attention of even the most indifferent guy.

Lady-Mix or Lady-Style are suitable for those who want to study several dance directions at the same time, but it does not have the opportunity to visit them all. Of course, it is impossible here, what is called, "in-depth" to know every style separately, but in general, you will own elements of Erotic Dance, Jazz, Reggeton, House, Salsa, and even R'n'B. You will learn to the most different movements, and no matter where and in what clothes you will find (be it a secular corporate party, the graduation ball or the "Repper Tusnik"), you can surprise others.

Erotic Dance. Literally from the first lesson, you will understand that you did not suspect your abilities! It turns out that you can move so erotic. And now it does not look like so went as before. At the occupation of Erotic Dance, you can come on heels, not afraid to break your leg. Here you will learn to move plastic, flexibly, gracefully, feminine and at the same time confidently and freely. Heels will help you develop coordination in movements. Men will not be able to leave you without attention. The main thing is not too fond!

There are also several varieties of Erootic Dance: Strip Dance - aims to develop plastics, flexibility and skills to show all the attractiveness of the female body. Strip-Dance will reveal the secrets of a beautiful striptease. Another sub-style - LAP-DANCE - a dance on a chair (literally "knees") is performed for one viewer. It can be just a sensual dance with a maximum contact with the viewer, and it can be performed very spectacular with sharp moms with legs or tipping the chair (naturally in the absence of a viewer). Poledance or more familiar name Dance on Pilon (on the pole) is also born of Erotic Dance style. Seeing at least once a professionally executed Poledance, few people remain indifferent. To many girls you want to "be able to also". But in fact, "Dance on Pilon" is difficult at all attributed to the dances. This is rather an artistic gymnastics performed under exciting music. This Poledance is a big work with sports (can be said, powerful) preparation and acrobatic stretching. Well, if you have choreographic preparation. Poledance is suitable for those who bought simulators in the gym, and simple fitness seems not effective enough. You can be sure: all groups of muscles are swinging on the pylon.

And if you still prefer something mean between fitness and dancing - Come on Stretching. In this direction, the stretching itself is most of time - self-standing, sitting, lying and in pairs. Stretching classes will help bring the muscles into a healthy tone - relieve tension and pain, fix posture, increase physical endurance, learn how to adjust the breath and lose weight. Here is the choice of a teacher - it should be quite professionally prepared. Health jokes are bad. And most importantly, stretching classes increase the level of dance training, after which any elements of different dances will be given to you easily.

Modern or more correct in modern dance - truly modern dance, which has a century-old history and undeservedly forgotten. This dance is completely different about others. It is only worth come to a couple of classes, and he will absorb you from head to head. There is important goal with which you go to dance. If you are a busy girl and are constantly in mental and emotional tension, modern will help you withdraw stress and disable thoughts. The dance will allow you to forget about the bustling of the world, understand your body and the feeling of earthly attraction, fully relax for nice music. Modern suggests the lack of shoes and as much as possible clothing. In the first lesson, it is not possible to dance - you will only begin to dive into the world of modern and try to realize the mechanisms of driving forces in nature and the human body. Modern movements based on inertia, first may seem strange and ridiculous, but gradually you will cease to be afraid to reproduce them, you will feel the inner freedom, ease, expand the boundaries of your own, which interfere with both everyday life. In the dance mode, you relax not only outwardly, but also internally. Modern in some sense combines dance and meditation. Technique in modern playing not the last role, however, as in other dances. Here it helps to express emotions that simply ask to pour into the composition of Modern dance composition. You will feel that you just do not have enough dance items to fly in space, and you will ask the teacher to disclose the secrets of modernity also.

Solo Latina. Rarely who can stand in place, having heard the incendiary rhythms of the Latin American dance, be it samba, Rumba, Salsa, Mamba, Cha-Cha-Cha, Bachata or Jiv. At least a smile on the face and positive thoughts combine all the "listeners". Sad autumn in the evening, when I want to sleep, the cat hurts and the cat screams on the soul, try to make yourself go at least one lesson in the style of Latina and you will not notice how even the shortest depression will disappear. You will not only get a lot of positive, but also we will master the special language of the body, you will feel the freedom of incendiary rhythm, grace, femininity and energy. You can come to the classes in a flirtattical snatch and at a low heel.

Belly dance, perhaps, one of those dances that exist since ancient times. To date, he managed to mix the styles of dances from different countries of the East. Lovers of club dance, perhaps at first they may seem unusual movements characteristic of the belly dance. In particular, in order to hold the arms, follow the posture, be able to combine the movements of the shoulders and the hips and, of course, shake the belly (shaking species in fact about ten) requires some physical and mental efforts. But the belly dance was designed for no accident, since he had a beneficial effect on the health of the female body. It simulates the perfect figure (truly female), the breath and the vestibular apparatus trains, pumps the muscles of the abdominal press, develops the diaphragm, forms beautiful hips, does not load the joints. Become a real woman and reveal yourself you can in the class of Belly Dance. If your chosen one is worthy of you, and you want to ignite the sexy lust to the maximum - the Belly Dance hangs him!

To express their emotions and feelings, expectations and hopes, our ancient ancestors used rhythmic ritual dances. As the person and social environment develops, it surrounded, there were more and more different dances that became more complex and sophisticated. Today, even experts will not be able to indicate the name of the types of dancing - all those executed by people over the centuries. However, dance culture, passing through the century, is actively developing. Based on folk and classic, new and modern styles and directions appear.

What it is?

Before considering what kinds of dance are, let's clarify, and what is it really? The most short-lived and most complicated art of art in which the human body and its plastic capabilities are used to create a unique image, is a dance.

It is impossible without the personality of artist and music. The performer, pushing away from the content of the musical work, builds a "picture" of dance and embodies his vision and sensual perception in motion. This action can be used as a way of social communication and self-expression, combination sports discipline and part of the religious cult, as well as a demonstrative type of art that is constantly evolving and modified. It appears all new styles and forms, different types of dances, whose diversity even puts specialists in a "deadline".

History of appearance

The most first dancing people were ritual, performed by them in the hope of successful hunting or abundant harvest, healing the patient or victory in the war. Over time, rhythmic movements were generalized, which was the beginning of the formation of the art of the ethnic direction, which has its own characteristics and traditions in each of the peoples.

The whole variety of dance passes occurred from the main types of human movements - run, walking, jumping, swinging and turns. Over time, the following types of household appeared (for themselves), as well as executable deposit - religious and scenic.

Main directions

Among the current diverse dance styles and destinations today can be called the following, most popular and known:

In this article, consider in more detail what kind of dance types in modern

Start and middle of the XX century

Such a division into two stages, not by chance. According to many performers of the beginning of the last century, the dance as a type of art should have displayed a new reality, and not to adhere to the "frozen" canons of old ballet schools. At this time, such choreographic directions are arising, popular today, as:

  1. Free dance.
  2. Modern.
  3. Boto.
  4. Contemporary (contemp).
  5. Jazz Modern.

Let us dwell on each of them, as they had a great influence on the formation and development of many styles and directions of modern dance art.

Free dance

This is primarily a special worldview of the artist, formed under the influence of Nietzsche's ideas. The performer, denying canonical rules of ballet choreography, sought to connect dance and real life, showing himself as a liberated spirit of creativity. It is based on a free style that such directions as modern and buto, jazz-modern and contemp, originated and developed.


Embed at the beginning of the century, this dance direction today is very popular and is one of the leading in Western choreographic school.

As well as free denies any ballet norms and seeks to embody a variety of forms on the stage using new original methods. It is characterized by meaningful fullness, a wide amplitude of movements, high jumps and flexibility, unusual for ballet choreography "broken" postures and movements, a variety of twisting.


It is quite reasonable to say that those popular in the late XIX and early 20th century styles, like a free dance and modern, served as the basis for the formation of such a direction as contemporary (contemp). This suits the dancer through various choreographic styles as fully demonstrated in the improvisation all of its internal emotions and resources.

Jazz Modern

The main feature of this direction is the combination of jazz improvisational rhythms and energy, coordination and working with the body and breathing of the artist MODERN, as well as movements inherent in the classic ballet school. Thus, the body of the jazz modern dancer becomes another musical instrument that manifests the melody by means of plastic of his own body.


This is one of the youngest dance techniques that appeared in the fifties of the XX century in Japan. Buto, despite the rather long existence, and today it remains for people of the Western world the most difficult to understand. It is based on cultural, philosophical, religious and aesthetic values \u200b\u200bof the country of the rising sun. This dance seeks to show the landiness of the everyday life of an ordinary person, as well as to comprehend and demonstrate the body and its capabilities in space and time.

Modern dance of the end of the XX and early XXI century

All the variety of modern dance can be, of course, conditionally, to divide into two large groups:

  • street;
  • club.

Street Dance

Hip Hop and Krump, Popping and Lokkin, Break Dance and C-Walk - All this name of the types of dances, "born" are not on stage sites and in choreographic studios, but on the streets and in the courtyards of megacities, discos and clubs.

For the most part, they are based on hip-hop. The performer is not limited to any form and can boldly improvise and experiment, creating an individual and unique pattern of movements, as well as interact with both other dancers and the public. In the "pure" form, they are extremely rare, and for the most part began to be executed in clubs, and not on the streets, because of what they often fall into the club category. Here are the most popular and widespread directions:

  • New Style (NewStyle).
  • Krump is a reduction from Kingdom Radically uplifted Mighty Praise, meaning the "empire of the absolute force of spiritual praise."
  • Locking.
  • Popping.
  • La-Style.
  • CRIP WALK (C-Walk).
  • Brakedance.
  • Hip-hop (HIP-HOP).

It is temperamental, bright and incredible mixture of a variety of modern styles allowing to express yourself in motion. All as they say, "on hearing" the name of the types of dancing of this direction:

  • Tectonics or Electro Dance.
  • House (House).
  • JumpStyle (Jimplel).
  • Melbourne Shuffle (Schaffle).
  • Wacking (Vaking).
  • GO-GO (club GOU).
  • Square Dance (Squar Dance).
  • DnBStep.
  • Ragga (Rugga) and many others.

It is impossible to list all kinds of dances. The list of the names of modern styles and directions is constantly changing and complemented. Today, dancing is not only plastic art, but also a fairly common sport.

Dance Sport

If in former times the dances were perceived only as a type of art, then the complication of technical and choreographic requirements for execution led to the need for an excellent physical form of those who do this. Today, sports dancing is, first of all, ballrooms. Their feature is the execution of the partners of a set of certain mandatory movements and figures under predetermined music. Assessed at competitions consist of three parts: mandatory, original and arbitrary.

Over time, all new musical and choreographic styles and directions appear. And now such modern types of sports dancing, like break or Locking, Jamplel or Pole Dance (dancing on the six), attract more fans from different age groups. To participate in competitions in these areas, athletes need not only excellent choreographic, but also physical training. The same one who seeks to win international competitions, and trying to maintain their own body in good shape, you can recommend fitness classes in various dance techniques. Truster, High Heels, Gou, Strip Plastic, Belly Dance, Zumba, Sexy R & B, Rugga, Betho-Dance - Here are the most sought-after from the wonderful dance. Girls attracts not only the opportunity to adjust the figure, but also improve plastic and increase their own self-esteem.