Center for Legal Animal Protection. Cats, dogs and the rule of law: how they fight for animal rights in Germany Where is it bad for a mongrel to live?

  • 25.04.2024

MOSCOW, December 14 - Anna Krivolapova. The State Duma adopted a law to toughen penalties for cruelty to animals. Parliamentarians increased both prison terms and fines. Animal rights activists, in turn, point to another aspect - how the regions solve the problem of stray animals. According to them, sometimes it resembles “legal famine.” RIA Novosti looked into the controversial issue.

Where is it bad for a mongrel to live?

Scandals related to the mass killings of stray animals arise regularly across the country. Meanwhile, 2017 was named the Year of Environmental Protection. However, animal rights activists insist that it is time to rename it the “year of the dog hunter” - they say, such a cruel “hunt” has never happened before.

“The worst thing is that killing does not solve the population problem in any way. The problem, on the contrary, is getting worse, nature is trying to make up for what has been lost, and next year the population of stray dogs will double,” says Angela Makarova, director of the Volgograd Animal Welfare Fund.

This year, animal rights activists included Volgograd, Yakutsk, Magadan, Rostov, and Ulan-Ude on the list of cities that are inhumane towards four-legged strays. Also, in their opinion, the situation is acute in Dagestan and Tatarstan. During 2017, it was from these points in the country that there were the most news reports and signals on social networks about shooting cases - these are the statistics of animal rights activists.

To kill or not

What is a "killer tender"? Every year, on the government procurement website, municipalities announce an auction called “Provision of services for the capture, transportation and disposal of stray animals.” The service is valued at between three and 15 million rubles, depending on the region. Money for these tasks is allocated from the federal budget.

In the regions there are different ways to deal with stray animals. Firms that win the tender receive signals from local residents that a pack of stray dogs has appeared in the area. Employees go to the site and try to catch the mongrels. If they show obvious signs of rabies, they are destroyed. Most municipalities use so-called humane euthanasia. That is, they shoot dogs with poison capsules. The synthetic curare-like poison causes paralysis and suffocation, resulting in the animal dying in terrible agony. Therefore, animal rights activists insist, medical euthanasia of stray dogs cannot be called humane.

“One of the cities in their reports indicates that four thousand animals were eliminated in a “humane way” during the year. Almost all 15 million rubles were spent on this. But there simply aren’t that many dogs there! We may well be talking about some kind of corruption scheme,” — the animal rights activist, who asked not to be named, expresses his opinion.

What do the officials themselves say? For example, the administration of Volgograd, where a RIA Novosti correspondent contacted, commented that the city really has problems with homeless animals. But at the same time, officials do not agree with the picture shown by animal rights activists, and claim that the latter greatly exaggerate the scale of the problem.

“Previously, responsibility for catching stray animals in the city rested with district administrations. Based on the results of competitive procedures, contractors were selected to catch the animals. Unscrupulous contractors often violated the terms of municipal contracts and ignored residents’ complaints,” says the administration’s press service.

But now the situation has changed, the mayor’s office assures. This year, the catching functions were transferred to the municipal institution "Gorpitomnik". After catching a stray animal, it is examined by a veterinarian. Dogs with dangerous diseases are euthanized with special drugs, and the rest of the strays are placed in a special shelter on the territory of the Gorken Nursery, designed for 100-150 animals.

The shelter has more than ten indoor enclosures for animals to live in, and fifteen more will be built in the near future. An enclosed walking area will also appear next to the enclosures. Animals are provided with food and water.

Exterminate, cannot be pardoned

At the same time, animal rights activists blame the fact that some particularly enterprising companies do not spend money on poison, but simply negotiate and pay dog ​​hunters. Most often, this role is played by hunters who have a license. “For a dozen dogs, a hunter receives an average of 2,000 rubles. Even according to rough calculations, this is a very good saving,” says Gennady Kovalenko from Rostov.

Fighters for the rights of our little brothers also report that dog hunters, feeling their impunity, go hunting in broad daylight, not at all embarrassed by either adults or children.

“My third-grader daughter came home from school and told me how she saw a dog that was lying and twitching, bleeding. I barely calmed it down,” wrote Marina Gerasimova, a resident of Yakutsk, in a group of animal activists on one of the social networks.

There are a lot of similar messages. At least on VKontakte, at least on Facebook. Scrolling through the news feed in our accounts, we all often come across posts about dog hunters. Outraged people write how a dog was killed before their eyes.

Some people let off steam on social networks, but there are also those who not only express their condolences with words in the comments, but also try to solve everything according to the law - they go to the police with a statement. Often they are disappointed: law enforcement officers conduct an investigation, but in the end they do not find the culprits and limit themselves to a formal reply. Criminal punishment is provided, but according to statistics, the number of criminal cases under the article for cruelty to animals is negligible, animal rights activists believe.

“The only way out of this situation is the abolition of “slaughter tenders” fixed at the federal level. That is, a ban on competitions for killing by any means applied throughout the country. This need is due to the fact that regions periodically and in waves produce bloody outbreaks of killing in the form of shootings and other types of killing,” Anastasia Katsubo, head of the Territory World environmental revival fund, voices her position.

"Zooreals" against animal rights activists

Meanwhile, there is such a movement as “zooreals” - those who advocate the killing of homeless people and consider dog hunters to be “city orderlies.” They become especially active when in a particular region packs of stray dogs attack people. Children in particular suffer. And then, literally, ordinary people go out into the street and start shooting. This story happened in Makhachkala in February 2017. Dogs killed a nine-year-old girl.

For a long time, the authorities completely ignored the problem of catching stray animals. And after the tragic incident, people’s aggression spilled over onto dogs. Those who had weapons seemed to receive moral justification from society and began to shoot dogs day and night. Even those four-legged animals that had owners then became victims of the “city orderlies.” Animals were destroyed, including near schools, in front of children. After the incident, city authorities finally realized the scale of the problem and built a shelter for stray animals.

Recently, a pack attacked a child in Ulan-Ude. Passers-by came to the rescue in time, drove off the dogs and saved the child.
However, animal rights activists still insist that there is no need to shoot mongrels. They actively promote the TSVR (trap, sterilize, vaccinate and return) scheme. A street dog is caught, checked for rabies, then given an ear tag (chipped) and released.

In turn, “zooreals” find arguments against and accuse animal rights activists of corruption. The practice of catching stray dogs and then releasing them is “absurd, its effect is zero, but it allows you to constantly steal money, this is a goldmine for officials and the involved “animal defenders” - such a comment was left in the group by one of the supporters of dog hunting.

According to “zooreals,” they saw dogs with tags that, together with a pack, attacked people. And therefore we are sure: only the destruction of the animal can limit the growth of aggression and fertility of mongrels.

“Dogs attack at the time of heat and mating. Sterilized dogs are no longer aggressive,” retorts Ekaterina Arkhipova, an animal rights activist from Yekaterinburg.

Law for the four-legged street child

The law “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals,” which the State Duma has not been able to pass since 2010, should put an end to the dispute between both. A year ago, President Vladimir Putin asked parliamentarians to hurry up and finally pass the law. But so far there is no agreement on some points of the document. The question hung in the air.

Although there is progress in the case of four-legged street children. On December 12, the State Duma in its final reading adopted a bill to toughen penalties for cruelty to animals. According to the amendments, the prison term for killing with hooligan motives has increased to three years. Previously, punishment was limited to arrest for six months, a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles, or correctional labor.

For collective abuse of an animal by prior conspiracy, all participants now face up to five years in prison instead of two years in prison. In addition, according to the new law, the court can fine flayers up to 300 thousand rubles or send them to correctional or forced labor.

Also, up to five years in prison will be given to anyone who decides to torture an animal in front of children. Punishment is being introduced for killing several animals and publicly broadcasting the killing on the Internet - again, up to five years in prison.

Animal rights activists are happy about the changes, but still expect that the law “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals” will be adopted in the near future.

“Now in the country there is no ban on regulating the number of stray animals by killing. The majority of regions decide to destroy mongrels. That is why shootings of dogs and cats periodically occur in one region or another. In the spring of 2017, environmentalists sent their amendments to the law on animals, which spell out this point,” explained one of the fighters for the rights of four-legged animals.

They advocate that regions should be able to use different programs - from WWTP to shelters, or use them all together at once. As animal rights activists say, the leaders in humaneness so far are only St. Petersburg, the Leningrad region and Moscow - there is a system of shelters for four-legged animals, and there is also an OSVV scheme.

The rebel Pink is capable of biting to pieces those who offend our smaller brothers. And if she sees a person who is dressed in real fur or leather - good for nothing... Pink was not afraid to write an angry letter to Prince William, where in a rather harsh form she expressed her attitude towards the tradition of the royal family - fox hunting, and Elizabeth II herself reprimanded her for the abundance of fur in her wardrobe and on the shakos of the guards.

In the fight for her beliefs, the girl exposed herself for a charity photo shoot, the motto of which was the phrase:

“It’s better to go naked than to wear fur made from the skins of killed animals.”

Today, September 8, in honor of the 36th birthday of singer Pink, a true vegetarian and member of the PETA organization, we decided to gather other celebrities who ardently protect animals and promote vegetarianism.

A pretty blonde, an ambitious actress and the passion of boxer Vladimir Klitschko does not eat products of animal origin (although, according to other sources, she sometimes betrays her gastronomic beliefs and allows herself something from the menu of meat and fish eaters for lunch). What Hayden really can't change is PETA and the Forest Defense Fund. The girl transfers fabulous sums to these organizations. In addition, in 2007, the actress was almost arrested for participating in a charity protest against dolphin hunting. Everything turned out well for the girl - she did not go to prison, attracted the attention of the media and concerned people to the problem, and also received a special award from PETA, which she is proud of to this day.

This guy is known around the world for his role as Spider-Man, as well as for his beliefs about animal products. He became a vegetarian (although Toby himself positions himself as almost a vegan) at the age of 19: “I’m almost a vegan: I don’t eat eggs or dairy products: no cheese or milk. True, sometimes I eat honey and milk chocolate. I have never had a desire to eat meat. Rather, it was not an easy time for me when I was fed it as a child.” Toby has another funny trick - the actor does not allow people into his home who come to him in leather or fur clothes, because he does not want the smell of death to hover in his house. Guests leave all these elements at the entrance to the celebrity’s house.

Charlize is not only a vegetarian, but also an active member of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and represents them in an anti-fur advertising campaign. On the Internet, the most famous poster of Theron is a photo of her with her beloved dog. The inscription on the poster reads:

“Animals that are killed for their fur and skin are no different from our domestic animals - the only difference is that the latter have someone to care for.”

Charlize and the poster shout that living beings should not suffer for the whims and pleasure of people. The actress herself does not change her principles and does not wear fur and leather items.

The five-time Oscar nominee and confirmed Hollywood bachelor has not remained aloof from the issue of animal welfare. Leo was helped to take the right path by his longtime friend, Tobey Maguire, who showed the actor that a person can easily get by with plant products and avoid animal materials in clothing. In 2010, Leonardo even came to St. Petersburg for an international forum dedicated to the conservation of tigers and donated $3 million to their benefit. Yes, in addition to protecting animal rights, Leo is a convinced fighter for the environment - he switched to an environmentally friendly car, equipped his mansion with a solar battery, appears in short documentary films dedicated to ecology, and actively speaks at conferences. Wow! But you can’t tell by his appearance and manners that this handsome man and ladies’ man can show mercy to the animal world and fight for the environment.

After 8-year-old Natalie attended a medical conference with her father and saw how a poor chicken was being “tortured” with a surgical laser, the girl flatly refused to eat meat. At the age of 15, the actress refused other animal products, explaining her decision by saying that she did not want to eat at the expense of the suffering of our little brothers. Only during pregnancy did Portman return from veganism to vegetarianism in order to provide her body and baby with the necessary microelements. Every year, Natalie’s beliefs only become stronger; she is an active member of PETA and does not wear clothes made of leather, fur or feathers. The actress even created her own shoe brand, which uses exclusively artificial materials. In general, Natalie not only talks about protecting animals, but also tries to minimize their killing for the sake of fashion.

Former member of The Beatles Sir Paul McCartney, according to some sources, became a vegetarian as a child after watching the cartoon “Bambi”; according to others, his now deceased wife Linda Eastman convinced him to switch to such a diet. Together with Linda, Paul actively fought for animal rights, was a member of the PETA organization and opposed genetically modified foods. In 2008, Sir McCartney spoke out against the killing of kangaroos and tried to persuade Americans to stop eating turkey for Thanksgiving. Few people listened to the musician, but at least he tried. Interestingly, Paul's daughter, designer Stella McCartney, is also a member of PETA and does not use leather and fur in her outfits, replacing them with artificial materials.

Lily's doll-like face cannot be ignored among ordinary and similar models. Thanks to her unusual appearance, Lily can make candy out of nothing, and also draw people's attention to the problem of killing animals for profit. The supermodel is an active member of the Society for the Protection of the Environment and often donates considerable sums to animal shelters. In 2005, having learned that during the show the designer was using items made from natural fur, Lily refused to go on the catwalk, paying a large penalty. True, the supermodel cannot yet completely give up animal products: “I am a purposeful vegan... which means that I am trying to be a vegan, but it is not always easy. Even if I eat non-vegan food, I try to maintain my attitude."

Svetlana Misnik(born December 16, 1992) - life-style journalist, a philosopher by primary education, and a lawyer by secondary education. Since the age of 15, he has been writing for,,, about psychology, celebrities and beauty.. He values ​​honesty in people, his favorite pastime is watching a good movie, and his personal recipe for a good mood is a beach holiday .

I wanted to approach her and, like in some part of Scary Movie, touch her shoulder with the question “Are you okay?”, where at the end of the scene the girl’s head falls off. Well, really, where are you coming from with your crazy advice?

How to raise a child - they climb. How to live correctly - they climb. Now they come up with advice on how to treat dogs. I won’t be surprised that in the foreseeable future an expert will come up to me and popularly explain how to walk small. In this country, people like to teach you because they sincerely believe that you are stupid, unlike them, smart, educated and intelligent people.

Like, you don’t need to take your dog with you to the store. I want to declare with full responsibility that a dog is not a bicycle. I tie her up not so that she won’t be embarrassed, but so that she won’t attack anyone while she sits humbly. It’s a perversion to leave a dog outside when it’s minus twenty. I have seen such idiots, I have seen other idiots who wrap small dogs in a long fur coat so that the security guard will let them into the store.

And if I walked the dog separately, an eternity would not be enough for me to get everything done. I simultaneously walk the dog, walk my daughter, walk myself, go to the store for groceries, go to the pharmacy for medicine, go to another store for toys and at the same time cross paths with a friend to pick up a charger for my camera. And this is not a complete list of cases.

I don’t yet know a single person whose dog has been stolen. I know cases where people, bicycles, children were stolen, and then they were all left tied up. Especially children, of course (sarcasm sign). But for a dog - no.

We have a quiet, peaceful area on the outskirts of the city. There are no dog hunters, shady types who scatter poison, etc. Everyone here is parallel to these dogs. Every second person here is in the yard with a dog.

It’s amazing when a creature almost decomposed into molecules comes up to you and declares that she has a VKontakte group for the protection of animals. And I have a blog on LiveJournal and an account on Kinopoisk, this does not mean that my opinion is exclusively correct, I do not seek to teach others and only express my opinion, but I do not impose it on anyone - write in the comments what you want, scold, hang on pillars, it will be as you please, really.

Animal rights activists should defend the rights of animals, and not enhance their self-esteem by voicing delusional initiatives. These defenders are from the category of ownerless ladies with a pronounced underfed on their faces, working in the guardianship authorities.

If a representative of these authorities shows up at your home, he will definitely find a discrepancy, he will definitely discover that you are a lousy parent, and family relations here are generally a quiet horror. Animal rights activists do exactly the same thing. They are ready with incomprehensible persistence to defend the rights of animals that do not need to be protected if they have a sane owner.

This is actually the first time I've heard that it's bad to leave a dog on the street. On a warm, fine day. That I am abusing an animal. Comrade activists, animal lovers and other animal prototypes, go and protect yourself and your brain from the unauthorized penetration of ideas that reptilians are telling you. True, I no longer have any strength.

At the end of December 2018, the president signed a law on the responsible treatment of animals, which “completely prohibits the killing of animals under any pretext, provides for the creation of special shelters, prohibits fighting involving animals, and introduces a ban on the disposal of animals without transferring them to a new owner or placement in a shelter, a ban on keeping animals in bars, restaurants, and promoting cruelty to animals.” Activists have been pushing for the creation of a law for several years, but is that what they were fighting for? "Caravan+Ya" spoke with Tver animal activists and animal owners.

“It’s unlikely that we will live to see the situation improve”

Natalya Fedorova, owner of the refugee shelter for homeless animals:

– Of course, this law is needed, but it will probably take decades before it works effectively. Throwing animals into the street will be equated to cruelty, this will help reduce the number of animals in our shelter, but it is not a fact that we will live to see this. So, in order to accurately determine the owners of abandoned dogs, mandatory microchipping must be introduced. Moreover, it should be free; most will not spend money on it. But there’s no way without this, imagine: we picked up some Vaska’s dog, how can we prove that it belongs to him? I am a former investigator, I can prove it by interviewing the same neighbors, but all this is too complicated.

In the meantime, everything is sad, in a year our number of dogs has increased to 300. Every day we cook four bags of rolled oats and seventy kilograms of meat. We feed our dogs once a day; only sick and puppies eat twice.

P.S. You can help the shelter by sending money to the card using the phone number 8-920-687-45-04 (Natalya Alexandrovna Fedorova).

“The officials wrote another nonsense”

Yana and Alexey Murashov, famous biologists and wild animal specialists:

– The conclusions of officials regarding “dangerous breeds of dogs” are completely incomprehensible. Who came up with this? According to statistics, many more people suffer from bites from small dogs than from large ones. With walking only on sites, it’s completely nonsense: where are these sites? Or will there be one for the entire area? How can I get to her without the dog doing his business along the way?

There is an article about the ban on killing animals. What about fur farms then? Or are it not animals sitting there, but fur coats and hats? Or maybe they skin them and leave them alive? Or if this is a business, then everything is possible?

Of course, it is high time to ban all animal farms called petting zoos, traveling circuses and dolphinariums, and possibly circuses with wild animals. But the question is? Where will all those animals that are confiscated go? You can't kill! You can’t release it into nature! There is nowhere to keep it! What's next?

About the content of people. Here, too, everything is ambiguous. Many wild animals, including rare ones, breed only among hobbyists, not in zoos, not in government institutions. This means that excellent conditions have been created for them! Of course, this is nonsense if wolves and bears are kept in apartments, car trailers, containers... But, for example, a private shelter for wolves has been created in the Moscow region - specifically for those animals that have already suffered from humans, those who were sold as living toys ... So what - now these people will be prohibited from keeping rescued animals where excellent conditions have been created for them?

The same applies to people who rescue and help wild animals in trouble survive. And in our country there are hundreds of them who support and help animals for their own money. What should we do with animals and birds that can no longer live in nature? Take it away and kill it? So this same law prohibits doing this!

Officials, as always, wrote another piece of nonsense without consulting either biologists or pet lovers. They just raked everything into a pile and decided to ban it! Although before such a law was passed, it was necessary to ban the trade in wild animals! Abroad, private owners are prohibited from breeding animals - only nurseries are allowed, which must be properly decorated and not located in apartments. Before breeding a dog, the owner of the kennel finds people willing to buy a puppy and takes a deposit from him - a decent amount. All puppies and kittens are microchipped; if they are thrown into the street, the owner will face a hefty fine. For us, the main thing is to ban it, without building any centers where animals will be seized, and, most importantly, without banning their sale! The law is about nothing!

Well, as an example, they will take some measures, for example, they will take away grandma’s favorite squirrel, give the old lady a heart attack, and that will all end. Because no one will let any officials near their site or into their apartment.

Another paper law that will not make life easier for either animals or people who care for all living things.

“Flayers should be prohibited from having animals”

Ekaterina Chuprina, resident of Tver:

– As a person who bought not one horse from not entirely favorable conditions, but one from a “concentration camp” in general, I am only for this law to come into force. Many people buy animals for their material benefits, but do not think about their maintenance and health. In some cases, this results in injuries that cannot be treated, and sometimes even worse - in death.

I believe that such a law will allow maximum tracking of people who abuse animals. The only negative, in my opinion, is that the flayers get off with small fines and continue to abuse the animals. I would introduce not warnings, not a fine, but a lifelong ban on such people from owning any animal. People do not change.

As a horse owner involved in riding, I would like to see some strict rules for rentals introduced, first of all, so that rentals are carried out by adults. The horse is far from an attraction, and is mostly ridden by teenagers aged 13–16 years. Yes, I don’t argue, it’s very difficult to keep track of all this, but if you do raids, check papers, including veterinary certificates, perhaps many will change their attitude towards animals.

I would even suggest creating some kind of party or organization of volunteers so that we have the right to legally check such people.

“I don’t agree with all points”

Regina Smirnova, resident of Vyshny Volochok:

– A lot of good stuff has been written, but a small part, it seems to me, will be controlled or implemented. I don’t quite agree about wild animals. I have friends who keep owls, elk, crows, deer, she-wolves, and raccoons, but they take proper care of them and do not pose a danger to others. Moreover, they were not caught from nature, but acquired from long-domesticated parents or picked up when otherwise the animal would not have survived.

I partially agree about dogs with a muzzle and a leash. A leash in crowded places is a must, but a muzzle depends on the dog’s character. I feel sorry for carrying mine around with a muzzle, there’s no point in it, but the dog suffers and doesn’t enjoy the walk.

By the way, you can’t build rubber shelters. They will 100% start dragging unwanted pets and unplanned kittens/puppies there under the cover of darkness.

"The law will not work"

Anna Buryakevich, veterinarian of the State Budgetary Institution “Konakovskaya SBBZH”:

“I would like to believe that he will work for us.” Again, the law will exist, this is great, but who will implement it, what body? After all, this should be done by people who understand at least something about the physiology of animals and their way of life, not to mention the intricacies of veterinary medicine, etc. What do we mean by responsible content? Feed and water? This alone, for example, is not enough to create an overall picture of responsible content.

If we let you take it for a stray walk, then we will also face a problem - who will prove, for example, that the dog Bobik, for example, running along the street, is my dog? Nobody. Who will we punish? There is no body that will keep records of animal owners. I also have every right not to allow them into the territory of my house where I keep the animal.

There are zoo police abroad that specifically work with animals and monitor their fate in the future. In general, there are many shortcomings; I believe that the law will not work 100% in full under the current conditions.

Ekaterina Smirnova

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For a whole month now, a flash mob has been held throughout Russia on the Internet and in real life in defense of stray animals. The reason for this was the published materials of abuse of dogs and cats by two girls from Khabarovsk. And everything would be fine, but under this auspices radical animal rights activists decided to attack those who oppose dangerous packs of stray dogs on the streets and for a civilized method of controlling their numbers, relying on the experience of European countries where, among other things, humane euthanasia is used unclaimed animals. This measure is necessary, because otherwise the shelters will always be overcrowded, and there will be a huge number of dogs on the streets.
More and more often on the Internet you can see how fanatical lovers of stray dogs accuse of “knackering” even those who, in their opinion, have “little sympathy” for the problems of stray animals or do not fervently wish the “Khabarovsk knackers” a brutal death. Love and tolerance for stray dogs is imposed on people in an extremely aggressive form, and even in the highest echelons of our government they started talking about the fact that “stray dogs are an integral part of the urban environment.” But doesn’t recognizing stray dogs on the streets as the norm mean that we should forget about Art. 42 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which every person has the right to a safe living environment? Not to mention the fact that now the opinion of realistic animal rights activists (who propose a European approach to solving the problem) is practically not considered, and no one remembers the victims of stray dogs, of which there are more and more in Russia every day. But what about the opinion of ordinary citizens who are afraid of dogs and advocate for safe streets? Are cities and villages no longer for them?
Meanwhile, while radical animal rights activists have been holding a flash mob against animal husbandry for a whole month and at the same time wish everyone who advocates the need for humane euthanasia of unclaimed animals after keeping them for a period of time specified by law to “burn in hell,” people in Russia continue to suffer from stray dogs.
On November 25, Lenta published news about a woman torn to death by stray dogs in Magadan. On the same day, a stray dog ​​attacked two schoolchildren in Agapovka (Chelyabinsk region) and seriously injured them.
According to information from a social network, in Sochi, around the beginning of the third ten days of November, a woman going to work was scalped by stray dogs and is in extremely serious condition in intensive care. This information appeared on social networks and was very soon deleted. But the matter did not end there. One day later, photographs of a child with a torn face appear, attacked by a stray dog ​​in Lukino-Varino. And if little is known about the unfortunate woman, then much more information has been published on the Internet about the boy; In support of Kirill Klementyev, a fundraiser was even organized on VKontakte.
As you know, a dog doesn’t just bite - it also “tears”, resulting in lacerations that take a very long time to heal. The child's lip was partially bitten off and there were deep wounds on his cheek and neck. Two large tears are rolling down the torn face of the baby in the photograph, but the pain of the little man no longer interests Russians much, and the media does not show interest. For a whole month now, all attention has been focused only on the “suffering” of stray dogs. And radical animal lovers are now actively fighting for their rights, trampling on the rights of people!
Everyone who speaks out in the information field against radical lovers of stray animals receives a huge number of death threats, and these citizens invent the most cruel executions and describe them with pleasure. To execute and use sophisticated torture in the name of stray dogs is a desire that radical animal rights activists admit without hesitation. Personally, as a person who is fighting for a civilized solution to the problem with stray animals without the use of animal-killing methods, but taking into account human interests, I receive quite a lot of such threats.
The mentioned category of animal defenders regularly and without evidence accuses all undesirable people of doghunting, knackering and... creating “wrong petitions, writing bad articles.” And even for the latter they can actively threaten with physical violence.
So recently, a petition appeared on the Internet entitled “Let’s support Alina Orlova and Alena Savchenko” (girls accused of knackering and currently under investigation). The petition does not ask to exempt them from criminal prosecution for their acts, but the author asks the authorities to take action against unbridled animal defenders who publish calls for the execution by “mob trial” of not only the girls, but also their relatives. The initiative caused a huge stir among stray dog ​​advocates; they regarded it as an encroachment on their movement. “Everyone they considered involved in the creation of this inherently peaceful initiative” began receiving death threats.
Radical animal rights activists have declared war on people! Threats are even being made against citizens who called for a pack of dangerous stray dogs to be caught in their yard and were not afraid to admit it.
Radical animal rights activists accuse people of being attacked by stray dogs, while gloating and confidently declaring that “dogs don’t just attack.” What is this, a sect for the worship of stray animals? Are they trying to establish a “zoodictate” in the country?
Dog terror is sweeping across the country in large strides - dogs attack people every day, which can be tracked by publications on social networks. But to us, people, a love for stray dogs is being imposed on us, almost at the state level, and today the possibility of adopting a law looming menacingly, providing not for the cleansing of the human environment from predatory animals for safety and sanitary and epidemiological well-being, but for imposing them on the population under the WWW program ( O - catching, C - sterilization, B - vaccination, B - return). If this law is passed, then no one will save you from a pack of stray dogs - at best, they will “sterilize” it and return it back under your windows so that it can continue to frolic, bark at night, and rush at cats and your children. What is this if not terror of people? We look to distant Syria and are outraged by the actions of radical Islamists, while we do not notice our potential terrorists who threaten people with violence just because they do not want to tolerate stray dogs in their habitat.
The trampling of human rights in the name of “stray dog ​​rights” is today ignored both at the state and public levels. This allows “dog fans” to go even further in their actions. Threats, terror of the population by packs of dogs, propaganda of the “holiness and infallibility” of animals - this is what we are seeing in the country today. And if the authorities and society do not pay attention to this problem, laws may be passed that take into account only “dog’s interests”, and the Constitution will simply have to be forgotten.
What to do if you are also concerned about this problem? Do not remain silent and exercise your civil right to protect your interests (appealing to various authorities, organizing pickets and rallies in accordance with the procedure established by law). Today in the State Duma only defenders of stray dogs are heard, and there are few of us who are not afraid to speak out against them. That is why they are not afraid to threaten us. When other people, concerned about the safety of themselves and their families, begin to speak up, the situation will change.
It’s time to pay the attention of law enforcement agencies to the death threats from radical animal rights activists that the Internet is full of against “dissenters” and check this category of citizens for the presence of extremism in their statements and possible formations of organized criminal groups in their midst. I ask you to regard this statement as my appeal to law enforcement agencies!
It is worth considering the experience of foreign countries, where many radical animal activists have already received prison sentences for various real crimes. Why bring it to this point in Russia when it can be prevented at an early stage of development?

Marta Maksimovic