Negative traits of different zodiac signs. Problematic character traits of different zodiac signs

  • 11.10.2019

We are all not perfect and are often ourselves familiar with our shortcomings. But each person also has dignity. Find out what positive qualities you have in your Zodiac Sign, and how to make them your strength.


Aries are distinguished by their hard work and willingness to work for the sake of their tasks. Seeing a goal in front of them, they will make every effort and come to it. Aries are great partners in both work and personal life. You can trust these people, and it is also good to achieve what you want with them.


Taurus is distinguished by perseverance and loyalty, both to his ideals and to his soul mate. They make faithful girlfriends and loving husbands. It's good to build a joint cozy nest with them, and to go hiking - rest assured, Taurus will not forget to grab a spare box of salt, and his matches will definitely not get damp.


If there is a stagnation in your life, it means that there is not a single Gemini surrounded by friends who can push you to adventures. Gemini can often boast of an unexpected skill and often combine seemingly incompatible hobbies: these are the very people who can cross-stitch, storm the mountains, and jump with a parachute in their free time from office work.


Cancer-born people are often shy and shy. They have a subtle sense of what is happening around them, they know how to capture the mood of others. With them, any person next to them feels that they understand him. Cancers make excellent artists, psychologists and just good listeners and friends.

a lion

For all their manner of presenting themselves regal, Leos really love to do good to people and help others. This desire is not always ostentatious, more often, it comes from a pure heart. Lions are generous and know how to help loved ones out of trouble, without thinking that they can get their skin dirty.


Those born under the sign of Virgo can bring harmony and order any chaos. It is comfortable and calm with them. At the same time, Virgo is not necessarily a meticulous pedant. Just with her, you will never forget to grab a warm sweater on the plane and you will not find yourself without help at a critical moment.


Libra is characterized by daydreaming and a sense of beauty. Libras are good at being inspired and inspiring. They can serve as a muse, or they can write poetry about you themselves. They are overly sensitive, but they always strive for harmony and balance. They have a keen sense of justice.


Scorpios know how to make an impression. Their character is not simple, which often repels other signs of the Zodiac from them. But at the same time, Scorpios are smart and endowed with intuition, which makes them indispensable helpers in difficult times. They know how to apologize when they are really wrong, and know how to wait if necessary.


Representatives of this Sign will charge anyone with cheerfulness and positive thinking. If you are a Sagittarius, then your desire to do a lot, and to redo even more will ultimately lead you to your goals. Sagittarius is characterized by frankness and frankness, which will be appreciated by people who are waiting for an honest opinion in all matters.


Capricorns seem to be difficult people in superficial communication, but if Capricorn finds true friendship or strong love, he is ready for a lot to keep this person close. You can rely on them in difficult times and not worry that the representative of this Sign may not understand correctly or not shake hands.


Aquarians have a clear gift of intuition. As a rule, in the chosen field of activity, Aquarians are very talented. They have a rich imagination and a broad outlook. These are the very people with whom there is a desire to change life, write a book or urgently make a childhood dream come true.


It can be difficult for Pisces to find a common language with the world. But in communication, especially close, Pisces are pleasant, and they want to reciprocate. They love and know how to make gifts, they know how to surprise and are quite empathetic. Together with Pisces, you can change a lot: when ready to swim against the current, Pisces does truly impossible things.

Any Zodiac Sign has a couple of drawbacks, but there are also real talents. It is they who allow you to achieve success in business and find a worthy person nearby, because when goals and desires coincide, it is pleasant and good to go through life together. Therefore, look into horoscopes, appreciate those who are near, and and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.09.2015 00:50

Astrologers claim that each zodiac sign according to the horoscope has its own favorable days of the week. V...

Imperious, interested only in himself and having an excessively inflated conceit. A typical Aries flies through life at full speed, challenging anyone who crosses his path. If you are unlucky and you fall under his feet, then you will fully experience what an irritated Aries is: his eyes are burning, his face is red from screaming, and he can also stomp his feet. Aries often destroys their own happiness, because they never want to realize and check anything. Aries is unable to admit his mistakes.

after marriage, he expects you to kiss the ground on which he makes you crawl, while he declares his need for freedom. He will demand that the house shine, the car is washed, and all this before he returns home, enjoying another adventure. Stripping on the go and throwing dirty clothes wherever he can, he makes his way into the bathroom, shouting over his shoulder on the way: “Wife, serve dinner!”. Sitting down at the table, he will expect you to instantly come running from the kitchen, holding a plate with a gourmet dish in one hand, and his favorite soft drink in the other. By the way, it would be better for you to look as if you have stepped out of the pages of a fashion magazine. This person needs an ideal, not a real woman. He wants her to adore him like a mommy, to have the unearthly qualities of a fairy from a fairy tale and a figure like the beauties from Playboy.
He considers himself invulnerable, but something always happens to him. He will bring his wife to the point of exhaustion with his savings. You will have to learn to sew, you will never have a housekeeper and sooner or later you will face the fact that, in his opinion, you eat too much and spend too much money. Aries man will always start a small war in order to have a reason, slamming the door, disappear from the house and stagger into no one knows where until dawn. Aries man will accuse you of all mortal sins, and he himself will remain a hero.

there is no interest in a conversation if it does not begin with the word “I” and does not end with the word “me”. She thinks that if she is fascinated by herself, then you, of course, should be crazy about her. She is impatient, critical, and has a tendency to constantly start and drop projects. Aries woman wants power, position and money as much as possible. If you want to be told what to wear, what to eat, what to think about and constantly remind you that she is faster and smarter than you, then the Aries woman is just what you need. She is jealous, scandalous, able to argue, talk, outwit and shoot everyone around her.
Aries is the most intolerant sign in the zodiac. Aries is constantly fluttering its tongue. Aries considers himself a born leader, so it is useless to try to command him.
TIPS: Aries need to pay more attention and praise them more often. Remember that their self-esteem is as vulnerable as that of children, and act accordingly. Exercise can help Aries let off steam.

Don't even try to budge Taurus. Taurus is a stubborn, edifying, boring curmudgeon with weight problems. Coming into a rage, his face darkens, his eyes become bloodshot, and the lower jaw, though slightly, but protrudes forward. Taurus is incapable of listening to the opinions of others.

not prone to praise and generous courtesies. His ideas about the independence of women remained at the level of the Middle Ages. He will choose friends for you and criticize your beliefs. Whatever you say, whatever you do, you cannot change it. He is jealous and possessive. Taurus loves to eat well. For him, having fun means sitting in an armchair in front of the TV and watching various programs. If he will take you anywhere, it will only be to one of his favorite restaurants, where he will be too busy filling his stomach to have a conversation with you. Taurus is a curmudgeon. He may have millions, but you will never see money, and you can get them only after his death. Taurus will rummage through your papers, poke his nose into your diary. The wife is only interested in Taurus as a housewife. Although he does not at all like any changes, he is quite capable of taking and throwing you out of the house one day, replacing you with another unfortunate victim.

always plays the role of a victim. And her husband or “beloved” will always be the cause of her failures, in any case, she will blame her soul mate always and for any miscalculations of her own. Without the slightest hesitation, she will launch any object at hand at your head. Eating for her is almost a sensual pleasure. A couple of years after getting married, she might get fat. As her weight grows, the desire to maintain order in the house will fade away. (!!!) However, this does not prevent her from expecting that you will work two jobs in order to give her a new car, which she already deserves, if only by the fact that she has to endure you. She loves to provoke family scandals, utters orders, makes statements, plans the future of each family member and expects blind obedience. Convincing her with logic is useless. She will only put her jaw forward and take a fighting stance, spreading her thick legs wider. She will spend your money faster than you can make it. She is a martyr. You, children, colleagues are always to blame for her mistakes ...
TIPS: Taurus needs to feel protected. When he starts to rampage, do not argue and keep your distance from him.

stubborn, crafty, masters of speaking their tongues. They slide through life without delving deeply into it. They are too preoccupied with their rebelliousness to listen to a different point of view and consider only their own opinion correct.

Gemini man
only interested in adding another friend's phone to his notebook and bra size to the ever-growing list of his victims. All Gemini men have a fatal weakness for cute faces. The Gemini husband is always cheating on his wife. To humiliate a person is the highest pleasure for him. Heartless and calculating, he uses any means to take a higher position, and without hesitation will make a marriage proposal on the very first date if he smells money. Living with a Gemini, you will constantly be hysterical, but you will never be bored. True, life with a Gemini shortens the life of a partner by at least twenty years.

- man of moods. She loves gossip, she cannot keep secrets. Do not feed the Gemini woman with bread, let me fix something. She will surround you with love and devotion for about five minutes, and then she will begin to correct you for your own good. She will overwhelm you with tips and examples from her own life. An independent woman, she believes that life is a banquet and whoever did not have time for it, let him remain hungry. Somehow it turns out that it is you who will remain hungry. In no case should she be told about your dark past, because it will certainly become known to everyone. At home, she does not really like to work, and even taking out the trash is a burden to her. And the daily tidying is not at all for her.
TIPS: Gemini needs communication. Praise their ideas. Listen to them carefully.

Cancer's mood changes hourly. He is able to laugh, sob, sulk, joke, attack, whine - all within 24 hours. Figuratively speaking, you can go to bed with one person and wake up with another. Cancers are nervous and shy, cowards and touchy. Cancers go through life confident that everyone around them is doing nothing but offending them. That is why, at the first opportunity, they chop off a finger to the offender, even if he does not suspect that he has somehow offended Cancer.
In the view of CANCER-MAN, being an ideal spouse means tying your wife hand and foot. In bed, he is gentle, but so passive that you will soon get tired of always being on top. Cancer expects you to read his mind, sense his mood, and tidy up his disheveled feelings, all with no idea what exactly upset him. However, absolutely everything upsets him. You forget to buy toothpaste, and he decides that you no longer love him. You are going to go to a cafe with your friends in the evening, and he is tormented by doubts whether you will file for divorce in the morning. The Cancer man is obsessed with personal safety, but he expects that in difficult times it is you who will shoulder the entire burden of responsibility for the family, regulate expenses and work two jobs. And he himself will be so worried about the situation that he will be covered with acne due to nervousness, and it will be impossible for him to appear in public with such a face.
Cancer man is absolutely deaf and blind to everything that does not correspond to his narrow, every now and then changing views. And you will have to endure his constant boring criticism and whining, designed to ensure your slavish unconditional loyalty.

will turn the house into a museum, where relics associated with every stage of her life are kept. The walls will be decorated with portraits of relatives and friends. Every Cancer woman has a box where unpaired earrings, seashells, postcards, her child's milk tooth are kept ... She is terribly afraid of unforeseen situations. She is so vague that it is often difficult to tell if she is listening to you intently or sleeping with her eyes open. And while she'll apologize for spilling coffee on your favorite autographed poster of your favorite soccer player, you'll never know if it was a fluke or how she punished you for coming home too late last month. Your Cancer wife can fool you into thinking that you are the master of the house, but in fact she will control you with the help of well-played performances, various illnesses allegedly on the basis of nervousness and constant calls to the ambulance.
TIPS: Cancers need confirmation of your love and loyalty. Hug them when they are sad. Encourage their original sense of humor. Remember. that they behave especially nicely before the attack.

Warms at a distance. Try to get close - and burn to the ground. Favorite pastime: giving orders. Lions are eager to be in the spotlight, domineering fanatics of their own “I”, whose infantilism and egoism are exceeded only by their desire to dispose of others. Leo (or Lioness) considers himself the center around which everyone should revolve. Of course, they want explicit worship, but they will be satisfied with the fact that you acknowledge their leading role in everything. Leos are either loud, unceremonious and cheeky, or sly quiet with a sense of their own dignity. But don't confuse calmness with shyness. There are no shy Lions in nature. Try to argue with Leo, and he will roar indignantly and furiously. Win the argument and Leo stares at you silently, then steps back into the shadows and begins planning his next attack.

gives orders with the air of a general ordering his soldiers, and expects you to rush to serve him. He demands a reward for coming home tonight and demands your respect, whether he deserves it or not. He rarely loses his temper as long as you call him “master” and bows in respect. But try to challenge his power, and he will growl, start kicking the couch and deliver a couple of ultimatums designed to plant fear in your soul. Leo will want you to massage his shoulders, admire his great physical shape and how strong, handsome and generally wonderful he is, no matter how old he is or in what physical condition he is. On the other hand, he is without any embarrassment able to declare that your hair is poorly styled, your bottom is too thick, and that you have no more intelligence than a mosquito. Lev is arrogant. He will spend money faster than you can make it. And by the age of forty, he will resemble an aging teenage bully with a beer belly. His vanity knows no bounds. And of course, he considers himself the most unsurpassed lover in the world, which he loudly declares to everyone around him. In fact, there is nothing to talk about here at all.

love to spin quick novels. She loves mirrors and lives to own luxurious things. The peculiarity of Lionesses is that they like to pass off cheap things as branded ones. The same is true for bed scenes. She may pretend to be a sexy kitty, but in reality she is more interested in power than sex. She believes that her admirer should call her daily, send flowers every day, and arrange romantic trips at least once a week. If you are not rich, then she will move to someone else. The Leo woman appreciates only her humor and laughs loudly at her own jokes. She is very vain and, perhaps, will not sparkle like a Christmas tree, but she will always demand attention to herself.
TIPS: Usually Leo roars loudly, but rarely releases its claws. With attention and flattery, you will make your Leo purr with pleasure. You can irritate Leo by ignoring his roar.

Favorite pastime: worry. Body part: intestines. You can always identify Virgo by sudden absences to the toilet. Virgo is restless, fussy, petty, prone to endless analysis and subjective evaluations, critic and bigot. Virgos fall into anxiety for the slightest reason. Of all the signs, Virgo is the least able to admit their mistakes. Virgos make great bureaucrats because they love to keep people queuing up for hours. Virgo is the only sign in the zodiac that looks forward to the moment when you need to brush your teeth.

endowed with an innate sense of superiority and a desire to improve everything except his own behavior, he is ruthless in his quibbles, like a pit bull clinging to the leg, and just as insensitive. For him, talking means pouring out a ceaseless stream of criticism on every aspect of your life, from the way you style your hair to the color of your eyes. Many Virgo men are not able to formulate a more or less intelligible statement. Try to argue with Virgo and he will stare at you as if you are crazy. He cannot understand how you dare to disagree with him. If you decide to force him to do something, then he will immediately lie down, complaining of pain in the stomach. A Virgo man is generally able to simulate anything from a headache to a heart attack. Of course he will expect you to rush to his bed with a bowl of broth and spoon feed him. If you want romantic relationships and tender words, choose any other sign, because with a Virgo man you will not expect anything like that. Even with his legal half, he has sex on a schedule and this time is limited to two days a week for 10 minutes. The Virgo man is nervous, picky and just as selfish as an old maid.
There are a lot of old maidens among VIRGIN WOMEN. She is very critical. The Virgo woman analyzes and criticizes everything from your choice of car to your way of holding the plug. She is a slave to the routine. A great weekend, in her understanding, is to force household members to clean the toilet or weed the beds, while she herself will criticize their every move, so that she can then redo everything herself. Your home will always look like it has just been raided by pirates, as Virgo is too busy making a to-do list to really get down to business. In a state of anger, she becomes fussy and stubborn. Considering her as an object of love, imagine that she is a fortress and you are about to siege it. Be patient trying to reach out to her heart. The Virgo woman is full of passion if you have the patience to reach her through a tight jacket, long nightgown, socks ...
TIPS: Virgos need an established order of things. To stay calm, Virgos need to eat plenty of nutritious food and take massage sessions. You can irritate them by rearranging the socks in the dresser.

Libra's air causes a constant buzzing in your ears. Libra's idea of ​​intelligent discussion is that they are discussing, and you are listening to the winding on the mustache. As a result, it will seem to you that your head is stuck in a hive. Favorite pastime: It's unnatural to smile. Favorite book: “How to Marry Yourself”. Body Part: Kidneys full of grit from crumbling teeth that they grind at night to compensate for the fake smiles they give out so lavishly during the day.
In Libra's view, peace and harmony is your complete agreement with their momentary opinion on a particular occasion. Libra views dissent as a personal insult. They will pout even if you just switch the radio to another station.

quite capable of marrying you on Saturday and starting an affair with someone on Sunday. He is inconsistent, inconsistent and now and then looks to the side. He is absolutely not serious. After two rounds of sex, you’re already starting to make plans for the future, but for him the future extends no further than tomorrow morning, and your name will fade from his memory even before he finishes brushing his gorgeous white teeth. He does not want to have a real woman next to him who will pull him out of the world of dreams, where there are no problems, and drag him into the real world, where you have to pay rent and where children are screaming incessantly. He is an unsurpassed demagogue, capable of turning any fact upside down, so that no one will be able to figure out where is the lie and where the truth is.

nothing can cheer you up than a daily shopping run. She never weighs the pros and cons, except at the moment when she evaluates whether it is time for her to do the next facelift. Not that she's stupid, no. It's just that common sense rarely gets through the thick layer of hairspray on her hair. By the time she is sixty, she will surely be pumped up with silicone from head to toe. The Libra woman craves attention, is usually promiscuous, and doesn't care if you are married, divorced or engaged if you are attractive. Having met a man, she makes a stance like a hungry hyena on a lame antelope, and immediately rushes in pursuit. Offer her a cup of coffee and she will infer that you are going to ask her out on a date. Ask her out on a date and she is planning a wedding. Marry her and she will become a sensitive and tender lover - for about a week. After this period, she will present you with a set of internal rules she compiled. For example: you should be willing to help her around the house, you should under no circumstances use her towel or bath, etc. etc. The longer you live together, the longer the list will be, which in the end will include the rules for your behavior in a married bed. She will cling to you for a very long time after you break up, even if the divorce was her idea. She's not going to ruin your life at all. She just wants to make sure that you are suffering, and all the time she will try to check whether she still retained her power over you, calling on any, the smallest issue.
TIPS: Libra needs harmony. Praise them often, and the smile will not leave their faces. Never force them to make hasty decisions.

Scorpio water is a bottomless ocean poisoned by toxic waste. Try to dive into it without a spacesuit, and you will only have horns and legs. Suspicious hothead. Obsession and obsession are two in one. Favorite book: “How I found mercy - the confession of a maniac”. Scorpios are obsessive, secretive and prone to assault, feeding their pride with humiliation of others. His favorite game is The Bonfire of the Inquisition. If you die, then you are innocent. If you survive, you are guilty. Scorpios are not rational, their element is extremes. They see life in black and white and rarely compromise. Their motto is “all or nothing,” so they rarely manage to maintain a long-term relationship with someone who refuses to submit to their control. Enter into an argument with Scorpio, and he will begin to whip you with words so that you think: it would be better if he hit me. Prove your point of view, and he will come out of his skin to take revenge.
Falling in love with SCORPION MAN is like having affection for King Kong. Mr. Scorpio will not reckon with your feelings. He'll just rip them to shreds. He is selfish. It doesn't matter if you are married to him or in a serious relationship. According to Scorpio, keeping a marital obligation usually means showing up like a bayonet for dinner, and that's all. He will cheat on you until the grave. Scorpio men have two reasons to live in this world. The first is power. The second is control. He would control his own destiny if he could, and some even try. He usually makes a good earner because his desire for power and control makes him succeed in his chosen profession. It is impossible to keep track of the change in his whims, and as a proof of love, he will demand from you an almost fanatical devotion. He will be jealous of you for every pillar, and his possessiveness and sarcasm will lead you to the point that you want to add poison to his food. It is impossible to find a council on it. Either you tolerate him, or run away from him without looking back. The Scorpio man binds with the help of threats, frightening first of all with the fact that he will leave you. But he's also a big liar. A Scorpio man often looks like he just ate a cactus. If you find him with his mistress, he will give such an idea, he will humiliate himself so much, whine and beg for mercy that his suffering will seem quite natural to you. Do not flatter yourself. He is as much a masochist as he is a manipulator. To be drawn into the whirlpool of his charm is the same as disappearing into the Bermuda Triangle. On this journey, you either survive or not.
The SCORPIO WOMAN is absolutely confident in herself and expresses her opinion, in passing, hurting your pride and in one fell swoop smashing your pride. She is not afraid of anything, questioning everything and moving mountains for a friend or lover. Never betray this woman. She is so insightful that she is able to instantly characterize each of your friends at the party, and will tell you exactly which of them can help realize your ambitious plans and who should be avoided. In fact, she will manage you and your career so skillfully that it will seem to you that you owe your position of chairman of the board to yourself only. The Scorpio woman is as evasive and manipulative as women of other water signs. In love, she is sensual and dreams of merging into one with a person equal to her. Unfortunately, she never considers any man her equal. She will always try to make a doormat out of you, and when you bury your nose in the dirt, she will gladly tap dance on your back. The best way to keep your romance with a Scorpio woman from drying out is to buy her a new luxurious coat or fur coat every month and never point out her flaws.
TIPS: Scorpios need unconditional love. Patience is the key to gaining their trust. By flattery you will get anything out of them.

Element - Fire. The Sagittarius fire is a pile of embers. Her warmth seems so affectionate and soothing, but try to bask near her and she will shoot sparks at you. The symbol is Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the hunter of the zodiac. A hunter for cheap goods, a sexual predator. A favorite pastime is to rant in front of anyone who wants to listen. Part of the body - the lower back, constantly aching, because Sagittarius is a continuous hemorrhoid.
Sagittarius is a loud, tactless subject, stomping through life with one leg stuck in a bucket, and always speaking out of place. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, and he endows his charges with a restless character and extravagance. All Sagittarians, men and women alike, believe they know everything in the world and spend their time trying to educate the rest of humanity. Sagittarius laughs deafeningly or lusciously smile, but behind this mask of a cheerful fool hides restrained rage, and some other. It is because of this suppressed anger that Sagittarius becomes the world's most famous serial killers. Fortunately, the average Sagittarius rarely goes into a frenzy and usually prefers not to use physical force, but to shake his fist through the door and shout out vile epithets about your relatives.
The Sagittarius man has a rather peculiar idea of ​​the marriage bond. His entire youth and most of his adult life is filled with ebullient activity. He's a great lover, but he doesn't want you, but something to do. You will no doubt be captivated by his open smile and talent for quoting Shakespeare while unbuttoning your bra. But soon after the wedding, it turns out that you rather acquired not a husband, but a good friend. He believes that home is a place to look in if it's time to change clothes or take a shower. Since Sagittarius is quite capable of living in a cave for months, eating only sausage and contemplating your navel - even if you marry him, you will feel as if you are still alone. For him, you will become a girlfriend and get ready for the fact that you will have to spend many lonely nights. He'll be pumping beer with his buddies sometimes all night. He is the only guy in the world born to remain a bachelor. He will not be interested in how you dress, who your friends are, or where you are spending your time, unless you tell him yourself.
Sagittarius' favorite game is "How to make the situation worse". Tell him that the drain is clogged and he will flood the neighbors downstairs because he forgets to turn off the water before removing all the plumbing. Ask him not to go out tonight with his friends, but to have dinner at home with his family, and he will yell that you are stifling his need for freedom. Sagittarius, although it resembles a fire-breathing dragon, but rather a cartoon one, which stomps its paws and flaps its wings, not wanting to offend at all, and the damage from it, frankly, is insignificant.
The Sagittarius woman has the intuitive ability to be in the wrong place, albeit at the right time. She is also prone to chronic tardiness. She also has a tendency to fall frequently, so don't be surprised if she limps at least once a month. Her anger is like a burst of fire that scorches your eyebrows before you can recoil. Press the button that turns on its volcano, and cups and plates will fly at you with such speed that you just have time to dodge. A Sagittarius woman can speak for an hour in a row in one breath. Her mouth is always open to her ears in a smile. She hates homework, and for the most part, your home looks like it's been hit by a hurricane. Hiring a housekeeper will at least ensure that your bathroom won't get moldy and your kids won't drown in the trash. Among her acquaintances there are many men with whom she will maintain a relationship even after marriage. And if you arrange scenes of jealousy for her, she will prefer to find someone more agreeable.
Tips: Sagittarius needs adventure. Be a good listener. Irritate them by insisting on complete silence.

Element - Earth. Favorite pastime - playing the boss. Part of his body is his knees, worn out by the fact that he often stands on them in front of his chest with money. When communicating with Capricorn you will be dealing with a pompous, domineering careerist, clutching the “Civil Code” in one hand and a marriage contract in the other. Capricorns don't live - they make a career. These creatures are born with a manic desire to be the first in their flock. What they love is to tell in great detail the story of how hard they managed to reach their current position. Of course, the fact that they used to live in slums and now sell fried sunflower seeds outside the train station doesn't matter. The idea of ​​the pinnacle of success in Capricorn is absolutely subjective. Capricorn is serious and completely devoid of spontaneity.
Living with a Capricorn man is like being tied to a chair and being forced to listen to Beethoven's music over and over again. If you meet a Capricorn man, then by your third date he will decide whether he really wants to date you, and whether you want the same thing, it is absolutely unimportant for him. Capricorn is very fond of applause. As for love, Capricorn's attitude to his half can be described as follows: “Close your mouth and open your legs.” During courtship, he may forget and squeeze out of himself: “I love you,” but do not expect that he will ever say these words again, even if he marries you. He will consider that since he entered into a legal marriage with you, then this in itself is sufficient proof of his feelings. He will make love to you with the same unflappable technique that he uses in the boardroom or billiards. He can be surprisingly passionate if he feels like he can get rid of inhibitions. He treats people downright and completely pays no attention to anyone's feelings other than his own. He's so stingy that he will check a used tube of toothpaste that you throw away. He does not need a spouse who can think. He needs a woman with a pleasant appearance, so that he would not be ashamed to walk down the street with her. His motto is “Do as I say, not as I do”. He has a disgusting manner of forcing you to behave like a dog that he saved from a slaughterhouse, expecting the same loyalty and blind devotion in return. If you manage to hurt his pride, he will sit in the farthest room in the house and indulge in gloomy reflections.
The Capricorn woman is emotional and unceremonious. Social status is so important to her that she will not plan a vacation until she is sure that the intended vacation spot is exactly a prestigious resort, and not some kind of hole. At secular parties, she herself is charm and sophistication and always shoots her eyes from right to left in search of someone rich and famous with whom she could kiss. She spends most of the day walking around the house and blowing kisses to all her dearly beloved interior items and trinkets. She is pretentious. Your Capricorn may not be that ambitious, but she will certainly be inclined to embellish the truth. In love, she is very serious and expects that she will be sought, asked, pleaded, etc., and not only during courtship, but also in family life, and after five to six years this behavior, frankly speaking, becomes somewhat tiresome ... Tucking a diamond ring under her pillow is a surefire way to get her to dive into bed.
Tips: Capricorns need financial security. Capricorns value practical discussions more than emotional arguments. Awaken the romantic side of their nature with lyrical music and burning candles.

Element - Air. Aquarius air is saturated with electricity and unpredictability. You know the storm is coming. You are just not sure when it will break out and with what force. Favorite pastime - catching someone's eye. Part of the body - the ankles, twisted because their owner constantly turns sharply on the heels, moving away from the room. Aquarius is a straightforward eccentric, pouring a whole bunch of scattered bizarre theories on the head of anyone he manages to squeeze in a corner. Introducing confusion and disorder is Volodya's true vocation. Aquarians are detached people, not passionate. They chase the future instead of living in the present.
The Aquarius man is moody, irritable and eccentric. He lives by his thoughts, but generally harmless. At its worst, it's a cold-blooded, joyful monster that will torture you endlessly and then watch you fall apart with the dispassion of a psychopath. And his sharp tongue can sting like a snake. Or he will behave like an ordinary person for many years, and one day he will go out for cigarettes and disappear forever. Aquarius-man fancies himself the savior of the world, but whether the world wants to be saved, he does not care at all. Aquarius is stubborn and loves to be in the spotlight. He's irritable. On especially creepy days, when he appears alone, dogs begin to bark and cats hiss. It happens that he is inclined to drink. Sometimes he seems paranoid. Although he loves to wander around the apartment naked, he prefers a book or an interesting TV program to love. But if you touch the perverse side of his nature, tell him that he is an unsurpassed lover, then a night of innumerable pleasures awaits you. One.
The Aquarius woman always does only what her heart desires. The Aquarius woman is disobedient, stubborn and intractable. Her independence borders on selfishness, and she can be simply unbearable. Angry, she becomes aggressive, showing her anger in a childish way. In a fit of indignation, she can stomp her feet, yell for you to get out of the house, and even rampage, throwing furniture and dishes around her. She is so unpredictable that every time you kiss her goodbye, you never know who or what will greet you when you return home. She can wear a nose ring or six earrings in one ear. The Aquarius woman is a passionate gossip collector. She has a ton of friends among a wide variety of people of all ages, gender and beliefs. The more unusual you behave, the more likely you are to get her attention. In her soul, Madame Aquarius is very partial to money, although her greed is not at all so obvious.
Tips: Aquarians need a lot of space. They love unexpected or unusual gifts.

Element - Water. Pisces never know if they have already arrived or are still moving. A favorite pastime is mixing over-the-counter drugs to experience their hallucinatory effects. The ideal job is a professional funeral mourner. Part of the body is the feet. Tramples them to blood, running away from life.
Pisces are dreamers upset by the realities of life, gullible, disorganized, constantly in a state of confusion and absolutely helpless. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the god of illusion, and he endows a person born under this sign with naivety and a tendency to run away from problems. These people go through life armed with narrow views and covering their eyes with blinders. They evaluate every action through the shield of their prejudices, against which any truth is shattered to smithereens. This makes Pisces the champion among losers. Pisces stumbles more often than any other sign. Pisces are persistent people, but looking at things is completely unrealistic. Deprived of ambition, Pisces surrenders to their desire to bury their heads in the sand.
The Pisces Man is the emotional black hole of the universe. Throw your heart, soul, car keys into it, and it will all disappear there forever. From an early age, this guy knows how to enchant a woman with meaningless words without the slightest difficulty. He is definitely sensual, sexy and very good in bed. At home, he may be a little Rybka, quietly swimming around with a bottle of beer, but as far as love affairs are concerned, here he is a real big shark of the Zodiac. He is a born liar and hones this art until he begins to deceive himself. He will have an affair with every woman. Having assured you of his immortal love, he is able to immediately throw you out of his head and go straight to his favorite bar, where he will immediately remove the first girl he sees. Don't expect your chosen one, Pisces, to be the breadwinner. Some Pisces men start making a career early, but if your boyfriend by the age of thirty does not let go of the TV remote and does not start moving, then you can no longer hope for this. You will find yourself in the arms of an idiot husband who believes that the source of wealth is winning the lottery, and the source of culture is TV. He is a bore, inclined to use formulaic expressions, learned by him in school. A soap bubble flying at the behest of the wind, the Pisces man himself does not know where he will be carried at the next moment.
The Pisces woman is as sexually promiscuous as the Pisces man, with the only exception that the Pisces man fools his lovers into believing that he is a prince in the form of a frog, and she convinces herself that any man she has , even in bed, even on the writing table - this is her only true love, even for a couple of hours. This woman kissed many toads in search of a true lover. It is a pity that she is looking for him mainly in the swamp. An angry Pisces woman, like a whale, releases a powerful fountain of anger, and then dives into the depths. If you start to press on her, she becomes agitated and may make a few sarcastic remarks, but most likely she will scream at first and then fall into a real tantrum. At first, you will bathe in the rays of her generous attention. However, very soon, when she starts to grumble, you will feel some shock. Further more. The Pisces woman brought the art of finding fault to absolute perfection, to the level of torture. She will itch, prod, harass - in short, do everything to turn you into an ideal spouse. The trouble is, she has no idea what it should be. The Pisces woman can seem fragile, helpless and generally out of this world. However, behind an innocent smile lies a ridge of steel. Madame Pisces is her own worst enemy, and she prefers self-pity to calm discussion of the problem. Start arguing with her, and she will pour out such a stream of abominations on you that the virtuoso of the unprintable word would blush, or throw herself face down on the nearest piece of furniture and begin to shake the air with heartbreaking sobs. No other woman in the Universe will seem to you as devoted, disinterested and understanding as the Pisces woman. And no other woman will leave your life, grabbing a larger piece of your bleeding heart with her graceful pink nails.
Tips: Fish needs privacy. Remember romance. Praise them often.

Perhaps, there are very few people who do not even know their zodiac sign. Some people look at their horoscope quite regularly just out of curiosity. Most people don't believe in astrology, but it's hard to deny that there can be a lot of truth in the characteristics of the signs. Let's see what are the most obvious positive and negative features of different signs.


Aries has many advantages. Such people love adventure, they are willing to take risks and are not afraid of it. They are brave, it is difficult to find a more courageous person than Aries. In addition, it is not difficult for Aries to adapt to new conditions and try something unusual in life. They have enough strength for everything, because they are distinguished by amazing energy. The extremely positive nature also affects, which explains the popularity of such a person among friends. Aries is usually distinguished by a passionate nature, he takes up a new business with all his heart. What are the cons? Aries are arrogant and often forget about the emotions of others, because they are sure that they know everything in the world. Representatives of this sign are extremely stubborn and impulsive. It is difficult for them to adhere to discipline and not go to confrontation, because Aries likes to argue too much.


The positive traits of Taurus make these people attractive enough to those around them. Taurus are generous and willing to help those in need, and you can rely on them, making them great colleagues and friends. The representative of this sign is usually quite simple in communication and polite, he is patient and does not give in to impulses. Taurus is distinguished by independence, both financial and emotional. They know how to move towards the goal, despite the failures. Among the negative traits, it is worth mentioning stubbornness, albeit combined with respect for other people, the desire to pamper yourself, forgetting about others, and laziness: without motivation, Taurus will not even move. These people are materialists, a secure future is extremely important for them.


Gemini is great at adapting, they are very flexible and receptive. They are interested in many different topics and overwhelmed with enthusiasm. At the same time, they are quite soft, which allows them to achieve incredible success in communication. They are witty and like to joke, in such a company it is impossible to get bored. In addition, Gemini is extremely intelligent. What are the disadvantages of Gemini? First, inconstancy and inability to be interested in one thing for a long time. Second, lack of interest in detail. Thirdly, the lack of the skill to make a specific decision. Fourth, lack of motivation and constant boredom. Finally, it is worth noting the tendency of such people to unnecessary worries.


A positive trait of Cancers can be called creativity, these are people from whom you can expect amazing ideas. In addition, they are able to make spontaneous decisions based on their intuition. Cancers are loyal and don't expect anything in return. These are loving and caring people, emotional, although sometimes they tend to withdraw into themselves. A negative trait is constant mood swings. Cancer is often a pessimist, ready to give up any action, just not to face failure. Cancers do not know how to move on, they are too immersed in their emotions and are extremely suspicious.

a lion

Representatives of this sign are kind and ready to help; they easily demonstrate love and affection to others. These people are energetic and always ready to act, their outlook on life is full of optimism, and their glass is always half full. Leos are straightforward and always behave honestly. They are loyal and demand the same in return. There are also disadvantages, for example, stubbornness. You will need a lot of energy to convince Leo of something. Representatives of this sign are selfish, which can be an obstacle for them on their way to success, they are prone to jealousy and love to dominate. They also lack patience and humility.


Virgos who are prone to perfectionism have many strengths. They are very observant and notice even the smallest details. They have a lively mind that helps them to always learn new things. These are practical people who do not like to live in fantasies. They know how to analyze the situation, you can always rely on them, while Virgos are quite modest. What about the negativity? Virgos are overly critical due to the fact that they always have a clear idea of ​​the correct behavior. Such people are picky and too striving for order. They can be quite tough and conservative, which leads to a habit of judging others.


Libra is incredibly tactful and able to handle difficult situations. They are romantic and adorable, their behavior is simply bewitching. Moreover, such people are very honest and prefer to behave openly. Libras are excellent diplomats who are always able to listen to different opinions. On the other hand, Libra can be quite superficial, they are attracted only by external beauty. Sometimes they pretend that everything is in order so as not to disappoint anyone. Libra is difficult to rely on, and they are often lazy and indecisive.


Scorpios are great at focusing, they are not distracted from the goal. No matter how difficult the situation seems, Scorpio will find a way to solve the problem. Such people know how to find balance, they are emotional, but not reckless. In addition, Scorpio knows how to appreciate affection and support loved ones. Representatives of this sign are very ambitious, they are motivated by strength and power. They have great intuition, as if they read the thoughts of others. The disadvantages of Scorpio include a tendency to jealousy, secrecy and sensitivity, as well as a love of manipulation.


Sagittarians are straightforward, they always tell the truth. They have impressive intelligence that shows up in every conversation. Such people tend to philosophize, they perfectly define what is bad and what is good. However, they are generous, they have a big heart. The cons of a Sagittarius is his carelessness and desire to take things for granted. Representatives of this sign sometimes speak too bluntly and rudely, they are impatient and inconsistent, which does not prevent them from being extremely self-confident.


A positive feature of Capricorn can be considered its practicality, he evaluates all the details before making a decision. Capricorns are usually ambitious and wise. They do a great job of creating discipline, because without it, it's hard to get things done. They are patient and careful. The negative sides of this sign are pessimism and stubbornness. Capricorns are too shy and only get along with close friends.


Representatives of this sign are very friendly, they easily make many friends. They are doing everything they can to change the world for the better. Aquarians are smart and imaginative. They value independence, both financial and emotional. If Aquarius makes a promise, he always keeps it. On the other hand, Aquarians are quite unpredictable and inconsistent, it all depends on their mood. They behave distantly and are often quite stubborn, it is very difficult to convince them. Moreover, they are maximalists - all or nothing!


A positive trait in Pisces is a rich imagination. In addition, Pisces are usually very gentle and kind people who know how to be compassionate and understand the emotions of others. They actively use their intuition and are not prone to selfishness. Negative traits of Pisces are a tendency to run away from circumstances, idealism and excessive sensitivity. In addition, fish are pessimists, and they are also quite lazy.

All people hide their flaws, but they still climb to the surface. The Zodiac Signs are responsible for this, and we will tell you about the worst features of each of them.


If you met Aries on the way, then be prepared that this person can express everything directly in the forehead, without hiding anything. And you yourself will not hide from him - if you want to get it, you will certainly get it. What other desires are there, what other personal space is there! Aries will break into you in the middle of the night with a nonsense problem and will sincerely wonder - why are they looking at him askance? It has long been known about Aries that they break through any walls with their foreheads, well, that's right, the head was not created to think with it, you need to eat into it. By the way, about food. Aries know that they are simple-minded and like to pretend to be such gourmets and connoisseurs of all sorts of delights. Let them tell stories about how they love deflope and blue cheese - don't believe it! The same applies to fashion, art, film and theatrical performances. You look at Aries at some premiere - his teeth are bored, but all the same, he is chasing the image of an intellectual. In love, Aries resembles a natural disaster. Having received what they want - be it a loved one, a toy, a position, Aries instantly loses interest in all this and rushes headlong further, looking for new adventures on its sirloin and finding them, joyfully and with enthusiasm comes again and again on the same rake.


The fact that Taurus is never in a hurry (with conclusions) is clear to many after the very first minutes of communication. But this is only an appearance. A Taurus may sleep with open eyes during a conversation, or make out-of-place remarks. And all due to the fact that the topic is not interesting to him, that is, it does not directly concern him personally. Your Taurus acquaintance will be cute, sleepy and fluffy until his interests are piqued. Here everyone will immediately see how a soft and kind chick turns into an angry buffalo. And you don't need any red rags - just try to take from the plate the last cookie that Taurus is targeting. Sitting then on the tallest tree in the area, you will have enough time to think about the restraint of Taurus and their generosity. By the way, about the soul and matter - Taurus are terrible materialists. And disinterestedly love money. How disinterested can anyone who tries to do business with Taurus can be convinced. Employers shudder nervously at the mere mention of Taurus - not only will it not be overworked for such a time, but it will also demand all the required vacation, bonus, maternity pay, as well as the 13th and 14th salaries. In love, Taurus is a romantic idealist. He can devour you with a languid look for years, but he will either be lazy or scared to approach you. A good kick in the form of a potential rival or boyfriend does not hurt to push a Taurus into a love attack.


The fact that Gemini are well-known talkers and "powdery" of the brain is not known only by the lazy or those who have not encountered them in life. Gemini is as if created in order to generate and spread rumors, which they sincerely consider to be objective information. Irony, in their understanding, is a rather specific humor aimed at stamping absent friends and acquaintances. At the same time, any self-respecting Gemini looks like an angel without wings. Therefore, when you once again cheerfully laugh at his overbearing jokes directed against a mutual acquaintance, think - and what does Gemini say about you when you are not around? It is unlikely that he sings praises to you, for sure, you will not expect such a thing from him. In Gemini's head, sometimes there is complete confusion - today he says one thing, tomorrow - completely different, but he himself does not know what he will say the day after tomorrow. The advice “Sometimes it's better to chew than talk” was definitely created by someone who suffered from Gemini's talkativeness. But even quite restrained Gemini (and there are also such, yes, yes!) Can surprise especially in the love sphere. How do you like this idea - to have several love relationships at the same time and put psychological experiments on naive girls (or boys)? Sigmund Freud just nervously smokes on the sidelines!


What Cancer comes up with in his head, no psychoanalyst can unravel, and if he tries, then Cancer, most likely, will be mortally offended. There are sacred words for any Cancer - this is "mine", "personal", "property". Therefore, Cancers will protect their property and their privacy with the same frenzy. Cancers are so original! They can ignore something really rude about themselves, and take offense to an innocent remark. By the way, speaking of offenses - it is almost impossible to understand what Cancer is offended at. You can guess on cards, on coffee grounds, on beans - the result is the same, you will get your finger into the sky. Cancer simply has not yet come up with it - for what to pout at you, there will always be a reason, this will not be the case. In love, Cancers are eerily mysterious - they love-cannot-can, overpowering the object of passion with calls and winding pink snot on their fist, then cold-bloodedly cheat with those who are better off and stronger in terms of character.


Anyone who meets Leo in society is usually fascinated - what a sweetheart, charming and charming! Attention! This is a demo. Everyone is pleased to admire the handsome Leo solo at the party. But don't forget - only admire from a distance! If such a specimen approaches and enters your life, it will be a disaster - first of all, for you. Have you heard the words - despot, tyrant? So, that's all about him. To subordinate a loved one or a friend to their will, Lviv uses everything - threats, smashing dishes and furniture. Remember that Leo seeks to fill the entire space with itself, so all that remains is either to provide him with everything, or to drive him to the reservation. True, in this case, the relationship or friendship with Leo clearly will not last. To say that in love Leos pull the blanket over themselves is to say nothing. You will communicate with whoever the Leo says, go where he is interested and live his life.


Those who believe that Virgos are harmless, kind, meek and humble creatures, oh, how wrong they are. This is only an appearance! Such a modest chamomile will easily cut off anyone who inadvertently decides to cross the road for her or her loved ones. In career matters, Virgo's disinterested look regularly deceives the vigilance of competitors. While they are running, it turns out that it is Virgo who becomes the boss. Sleight of hand and no fraud! From time to time he finds a verse on Dev, and they suddenly become kind and generous, but they usually do not last long. Virgos are thrifty to horror, and with great difficulty they part with both money and spiritual energy. In love, the most difficult thing is to get a Virgo, this sign is really not disposed towards marriage. But then you can relax - Virgo will selflessly and gratuitously correct you with criticism, teach life and polish such a diamond like you, but she will not go anywhere from you.


Libra is romantic and sweet, but with strangers and strangers. Therefore, it is better for them to stay that way. Should Libra get to know you better - where does that come from! Rather, where everything disappears - gallantry, politeness, attentiveness! Libra can resemble unsweetened candy in a very beautiful package: on closer acquaintance, stubbornness, egocentrism, whims, mood swings climb from them. A special bummer threatens lovers who are seduced by the sexy appearance of Libra. Under the sexy wrapper is a cold careerist or careerist, with sudden mood swings, obsessed with achieving their personal goals. Anyone who has seriously fallen in love with Libra should know that they are also mercantile, so a marriage of convenience for them is not a rarity, but rather a rule. True, we should pay tribute to them, Libra has their own code of honor, which they do not violate - since they promised to be together in illness and health, in poverty and wealth, in sorrow and joy, they will have something to do with - clenching their teeth and through “ can".


Astrologers responsibly declare that the sexual capabilities of Scorpios are greatly exaggerated! Most likely, by the Scorpions themselves. As a slow, fixed sign, Scorpios are slow to develop relationships. The fire in them flares up slowly, but just as slowly and goes out. That is, the object of Scorpio love can go to another for a long time, get married and give birth to children, and the Scorpio will continue to call and breathe into the phone, lie in wait at the entrance and offer to "start all over again." It is worth giving slack once and answering “yes” - before you have time to look back, you will be sitting in his kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, making a pot of borscht according to his mother's favorite recipe. Such a development of relations is clearly intended for an amateur, so Scorpios live in anticipation of such a frame. And in work and around the house, Scorpios do only what they themselves see fit. Caring for their daily bread and everyday life often falls on the shoulders of the Scorpio spouses, therefore, it is better to connect your life only with Scorpions - hereditary princes or oligarchs.


The enthusiasm and optimism of Streltsov helps them a lot to cope with various problems and difficulties, which they themselves have organized. Sagittarius is a typical shoemaker without boots, this is the case when the fat one teaches how to lose weight, the poor one teaches how to get rich and childless teaches how to raise children. The riddle is that it teaches, as a rule, successfully! Getting a Sagittarius is easy - pretend you need to learn something from him and that's it. It is enough just to nod from time to time and say: "Yes?", "Really?", "I never would have thought." If Sagittarius is not a professional teacher, then he torments his family and colleagues at work, teaching everyone everything. Possessing the same sickly conceit, Sagittarius is never able to suspect how they tire everyone around them. In addition, Sagittarius is so unbearably kind, so willingly rushing to help, that no one just dares to open their eyes. Fortunately for the environment, most representatives of this sign love change, so their jobs, colleagues, wives and husbands change at regular intervals.


This sign seems to be created in order to forever prepare for something important and global in your life. They even go to the store with the same look as others on the storming of the Winter Palace. Capricorns are rarely satisfied with their fate: they were either in a hurry to be born, or late, or it was better for them not to be born at all. Realists and pessimists Capricorns in some matters, however, are naive, like children. It seems to them, for example, that if you plan your whole life correctly, you will get - well, if not fame, then at least fame. Thank God, Capricorns do not have the patience to follow their own cheating plans, but no one bothers them to be sad and depressed about what has not happened in their life. Over the years, when youthful idealism evaporates, Capricorns turn into cheerful and optimistic old men and women. They finally begin to live one day, and their spouses for once receive bouquets of flowers and romantic gifts - if, of course, they live to see this happy day.


Aquarians are real aliens, and those who do not seem to be such are simply successfully disguised. Almost every Aquarius has its own "fad", sometimes it is hidden, and sometimes not. Someone photographs UFOs, someone deduces the formula for money, playing all possible gambling games, someone invents a time machine, someone comes up with a super-successful business. Aquarius selects friends and loved ones from like-minded people. But if everything is clear with friends - they are the same enthusiasts as he is, then with loved ones not everything is so transparent. The love boat of Aquarius often breaks down on everyday life. After some time, it turns out that a loved one does not understand a family as a joint “invention of the bicycle” and not a trip with Aquarius through the Altai taiga in search of “places of power”. The only thing that sometimes reconciles Aquarius with family life is children. Most Aquarius cherish in the depths of their hearts the dream that someday the children will continue their work and find the same den of the Bigfoot in the forests of the Moscow region or find the treasures of the Romanov family in an abandoned sewer.


I must say, in all fairness - persons born under the sign of Pisces and freely related to the norms of morality are found more often than under other signs of the zodiac. Those of them who swim against the tide, at least, do not pretend to be saints, but honestly twist towards their goal, demolishing everything in their path like a tsunami wave. The strong intuition and energy of Pisces allows them to instantly "read" the situation and make the right moves. Fortunately, there are not so many such Pisces, otherwise mere mortals would not have resisted their hypnotic charm and magical magnetism. Much more common are lovers of secret adultery, "underground" millionaires, as well as mystics, fortune-tellers and clairvoyants. At first glance, these are good spouses, friends, colleagues and parents, but what they really think about their life, fortunately, is a mystery covered in darkness. A self-respecting Pisces will never confess to treason, even caught red-handed, she will say that everything is not so and you imagined everything. The Pisces will say the same if she is accused of some other unseemly act. Before you have time to look back, you yourself will be to blame for everything, and Pisces will still heartily console you and ask you not to worry and not blame yourself for everything.

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Capricorn is a focused, restrained personality, by type - melancholic. Capricorns can have great willpower, energy, or they can be pessimists who love solitude and sadness. In the first half of life, Capricorns are passive and more vulnerable. But the older they are, the more confident and stronger they become. Gaining experience, Capricorn acquires fewer fears and complexes.



Capricorn horoscope: positive traits


Prudence and practicality are considered the most important advantages of Capricorn. He can cope with problems and make independent decisions, pondering his every step. Capricorns with a great sense of responsibility will justify the trust of their loved ones.

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Negative traits of Capricorn


Sometimes Capricorns are selfish. You can meet with a very tough, stubborn Capricorn, who is cold and insensitive, while not capable of compassion. Among Capricorns there are materialists who are stingy in everything that touches the material sphere.

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Capricorn Tips


The Capricorn horoscope says that Capricorns are excellent hard workers, as they adore material security. Their endurance and efficiency bring the desired results. Capricorns spend little time on emotions, as they prefer rational, reasonable approaches to business. Capricorns should avoid fuss, excitement, it is necessary to develop an optimistic and practical outlook on life. The more calmly, more confidently Capricorn acts, the easier it will be to build his destiny. The enemies of Capricorn are doubts, hesitation in decision-making, and also a fear of change.



Famous Capricorns: Nostradamus, Moliere, Jeanne Dark, Ricky Martin, Kate Moss, Andrey Malakhov, Sienna Miller, Amanda Peet, Adriano Celentano, Sergey Amoralov.

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Gemini constantly draws ideas from the world, guided by rational motives, but not the call of the heart. They try to find a compelling justification for any facts and phenomena. Due to the dual nature of Gemini, they constantly change their interests, tastes, values, life guidelines, mood. Gemini quite often commit unpredictable actions, reason abstractly, build various constructions in their minds. Gemini's psyche is extremely unstable.



Gemini horoscope: positive traits


Gemini are so tuned that they constantly replenish their knowledge base, not getting tired of developing mentally. They love to have aesthetic and intellectual hobbies. Gemini are great at adapting to almost any system, adapting to new circumstances, communicating and making new acquaintances. In risky situations, they behave calmly, solve complex problems that others sometimes cannot solve.

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Negative about Gemini


Gemini are not distinguished by conceit, selfishness, however, they tend to break promises, obligations, often deceive, lie, without feeling any remorse, which negatively affects their relationships with loved ones. Gemini fanatically, to the detriment of themselves, avoid attachments, look for adventure, variety, without which life seems dull and uninteresting to them.

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Gemini Tips


Gemini horoscope: they often need that their interest in the project has always been fueled, since it is difficult for them to concentrate on one thing. Gemini needs to try to bring things to the end, without jumping from one thing to another, since Gemini is wasting time and energy. Gemini, who have devoted themselves to intellectual work related to advertising, information, journalism, correspondence, as well as areas where eloquence, skill, wit, resourcefulness are in demand, where many business contacts and travel are needed, are achieving good success.

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Famous Gemini People: Johnny Depp, M. Galkin, Angelina Jolie, Anna Kournikova, D. Dyuzhev, Nicole Kidman, Christina Orbakaite, Kylie Minogue, Angelica Varum, Chris Evans.



Zodiac sign Scorpio personifies the principle of rebirth and death, transformation, transformation and destruction. There are several zodiac types of Scorpio, but their activity is always directed inward. The Scorpio horoscope speaks volumes. Scorpio is an introvert who is torn apart by internal contradictions. He is prone to introspection, which can lead to destructive self-criticism. Quite rare


Scorpios who show no signs of imbalance or tension. Scorpio's psyche is unstable, his intense excitement can be replaced by depression.


Scorpio cannot quickly adapt to a new environment, it can be withdrawn, uncommunicative. His silent presence crushes, and the heavy energy of Scorpio manifests itself in movements and gaze.

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Scorpio horoscope: positive traits


Thanks to the supersensible perception of the world, intuition, Scorpio can develop mystical abilities. This ability also helps Scorpio to transform and improve spiritually. One of the best Scorpio benefits is the presence of powerful energy, excess energy. The main thing for a Scorpio is to be able to direct this gift in the right direction.

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Negative about Scorpio


Scorpio is extremely suspicious, which can often turn into hostility. This process can be attributed more to the unconscious than to the conscious. Hence the crazy jealousy of Scorpio, deceit, vindictiveness. He remembers the insults for a long time, becomes cruel to the one who hurt him. Just one step separates Scorpio from love to hate. Scorpio often has to suppress emotions, which contributes to breakdowns, unpredictability. Scorpio can provoke conflicts, scandals.



Scorpio Tips


The Scorpio's path of life can be difficult, full of unexpected twists of fate, but he has a great chance of overcoming dangerous situations, as well as recovering from crises. Scorpio has a ton of energy. He cannot go to extremes, he cannot alienate people with his ambitions and ambition. Scorpio is best to act independently if possible. When making plans, Scorpio needs to consider any little things, tie events together, which will help him survive, adapt to circumstances. Scorpio, thanks to its charm, magnetism, can easily manipulate people, feel power over them.

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Famous Scorpios: Leonardo DiCaprio, Goebbels, Julia Roberts, Ksenia Sobchak, Evgeny Plushenko, F. Dostoevsky, Picasso, Lomonosov, Paganini, Demi Moore, Sophie Marceau, Turgenev, Voltaire, Vanessa May.



Virgo has a rational mind, she is attached to reality. By temperament, Virgos are related to asthenics and phlegmatic, by the type of thinking - to theoretician logicians, whose motto is realism and practicality. Virgo demands to call all things by their proper names, demanding the same from others. She perfectly perceives what can be easily touched, heard, seen, proved and confirmed by facts. Virgo has excellent logic, easily separates the main from the secondary. It often seems that Virgo is insensitive, but she simply does not give in to momentary emotional outbursts.

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Virgo horoscope positive traits


The best character trait of a Virgo is the desire for improvement and growth. Virgo is hardworking and meticulous: like a jeweler, she polishes everything she touches with special care. Virgo always prefers to be responsible for their actions and their lives. She knows how to extract the right essence from minimal information.



Negative about Virgo


Moralism, excessive caution, cynicism and limitedness of the Virgo are her negative traits. Virgo can be a prude and pedant who is obsessed with cleanliness, order, lack of imagination and fantasy. Virgo sometimes lacks tolerance, condescension, calm reaction to the shortcomings and weaknesses of people. Internal prescriptions and an analytical mind make Virgo look like a robot without a heart and soul.

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Tips for Virgo


The Virgo horoscope advises her to be extremely dedicated to her work, be careful and consistent, which will help insure herself against unpleasant accidents. Virgo's willingness to plunge headlong into business, connect to specific work, the ability to follow every detail of large-scale projects, build intelligent structures are the best benefits for a career. The task of the Virgo is to try not to lose the natural gift for systematization and analysis, using its benefit.



Famous Virgins : Goethe, Faraday, Ivan the Terrible, Richelieu, Hugh Grant, Jason Statham, Cameron Diaz, Salma Hayek, Beyonce, Alexey Chadov, Igor Petrenko, Keanu Reeves.



Pisces horoscope - the planet Neptune gave Pisces sensuality, musicality, poetry, artistry. The temper and character of Pisces correlates with the dual nature of this sign, which makes the personality incomprehensible and multifaceted. A distinctive feature of Pisces is the ability to pass a lot of sensations and impressions through consciousness, as well as fear of the future, a tendency to move away from the real world.



Pisces horoscope: positive traits


The most valuable qualities of Pisces are responsiveness and sensitivity, the ability to be imbued with compassion and sympathy. Pisces help quietly, at the behest of the heart, not for show. The Pisces man quite often is not guided by social standard attitudes in the field of well-being and prestige, but follows his own spiritual path.

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Negative about Pisces


Pisces, due to their subtle mental organization, constantly suffer, are prone to melancholy, hopeless despair. Quite often, Pisces are in a world of fantasies that are destructive to the body, soul, they are prone to phobias and fears, they tend to abuse sedatives. Pisces are able to draw secrets from people. Another negative trait of Pisces is the tendency to hypocrisy and lies.

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Pisces Tips


The Pisces horoscope says that due to the duality of nature, Pisces are able to combine creativity and fantasy with practical and business aspirations. Material support from other people helps to unleash the potential of Pisces, and one's material independence comes with some delay. Young Pisces must figure out what is promising and important for them, and when making plans, they must get rid of unnecessary illusions in time, objectively and honestly look at themselves from the outside, be able to fulfill obligations in cooperation with other people. For Pisces to catch their luck, they need to swim against the current. They should not take a passive life position, as they can live an inconspicuous life or become hostages of obligations.

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Famous Pisces: Vrubel, Vivaldi, Bach, Botticelli, Rimsky-Korsakov, Bruce Willis, Drew Barrymore, Daniel Craig, Zhdanov, Renoir, Gorbachev, Alexey Yagudin, Eva Gertsigova.



Libra zodiac sign is able to make wise informed decisions. Libra is diplomatic, balanced, loves order, knows how to maintain balance in relations with people. Libra has a developed instinctual need to please people, they have a developed sense of beauty. Among Libra, there are many people who work in the field of communication, as well as art.

Libra is characterized by an appeal to the world, the ease of establishing contacts with people, the search for satisfaction and inner comfort, the absence of emotional resonance, the ability to find compromises, and the peaceful resolution of disputes. When Libra cannot reach a general agreement, they withdraw into themselves, as if fencing themselves off from others by an invisible wall, and their motives for actions remain incomprehensible.

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Libra horoscope: positive traits


Libra is free from instincts, their mental attitudes prevail over the animal principle. The vibrations of both "scales" contribute to balance and the subsequent achievement of a balance between the spiritual and the material.


Libras are associated with partnerships, thanks to which they are excellent at communicating, interacting with people and working with them competently. Libras have no desire to draw attention to themselves.

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Negative about Libra


When the aesthetics of Libra begins to take on hypertrophied forms, Libra begins to depend on a comfortable life that meets their needs for harmony and beauty, in addition, the conditions should be luxurious, chic, fashionable, and prestigious. From here, Libra simply adore attending secular parties, demonstratively showing their exquisite toilets, accessories of a glamorous lifestyle. For Libra, the external effect becomes more important than the internal essence.

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Libra Tips


The Libra horoscope advises to eliminate the haste and impulsiveness of decision-making, ill-considered actions, which will come in handy for Libra on the way to their success. Quite often, the weight does not have enough energy to realize their desires. Libras who have project ideas should not be silent, but should carry them into the world, actively demonstrating to other people. Libras are susceptible to doubts, hesitate, do not trust their strengths, therefore, without an energetic partner, they can miss out on excellent opportunities.



Famous Libra: Rimbaud, M. Lermontov, M. Thatcher, Nelson, Van Damme, Ani Lorak, Gwyneth Paltrow, Alicia Silverstone, Egor Beroev, Sergey Bezrukov, Enrique Bernoldi.



Consider the Aquarius horoscope. Aquarius has uranian energy - unpredictable, powerful, which symbolizes transformation, modification, radical upheavals and reaction to change. The image of the zodiac Aquarius-water-bearer, which pours water from jugs, corresponds to how Aquarius fills the world around him with his extraordinary ideas and thoughts. Aquarius needs a lot of space to carry these ideas to the masses, to have a circle of their listeners, to exchange information.

Aquarius is an abstract-minded intuition that needs facts to support its hypotheses. The element of air implies the sociability and lively disposition of Aquarius, but coldness in the manifestation of feelings and emotions. Aquarius is torn between reason and instinct.

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Aquarius horoscope: positive traits


The main advantages of Aquarius are artistry, ease of communication, friendliness, curiosity, inventiveness. Aquarius loves to broaden their horizons, develop their mind. At the same time, he thinks in an unusual and large-scale manner. Therefore, it is no coincidence that it was the sign of Aquarius that gave birth to many innovators, geniuses, futurists, whose thoughts and discoveries were ahead of their time.

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Negative about Aquarius


Aquarius can transform his originality into a desire to shock people in various ways, which will create him a reputation as a brawler, a buffoonery jester. Avoiding commitments and striving for freedom creates communication problems, provokes the loss of loved ones and friends. Aquarius is a philanthropist, a humanist who is interested in creating a perfect world, but his words are not supported by good deeds.



Aquarius Tips


The Aquarius horoscope says that Aquarius rarely live in one day, their goals are vague, distant from time, which makes Aquarius dreamers, builders of castles in the air. Thanks to a developed imagination, you can engage in creativity, but Aquarius lacks practicality, a sense of reality. Therefore, he needs a specific direction of thoughts, actions, otherwise theories will not be able to be embodied in practice. Aquarius needs to distinguish between freedom of commitment and inner freedom.

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Famous Aquarians: Dickens, Jules Verne, Beaumarchais, Stendhal, Vysotsky, Mendeleev, Mozart, Marat Safin, Justin Timberlake, Ashton Kutcher, Vera Brezhneva, Paris Hilton, Jennifer Aniston.



The instinct of the conqueror and ambition of Sagittarius are similar to other signs of the zodiac of the fiery type, however, they are distinguished by a tendency towards idealism and spiritual perfection. Sagittarius is an extrovert who dreams of going beyond the real and possible, overcoming obstacles without limits. Most of the time, Sagittarius is in a good mood, however, as a fire sign of the zodiac, it can easily flare up, get annoyed, be familiar and rude when oppressed.


Sagittarius loves new experiences, hates boredom, everyday problems and monotony. He wants to be self-reliant, independent, have power, splendor and splendor. In the character of Sagittarius there is rebellion, rebellion.

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Sagittarius horoscope: positive traits


Sagittarius can be people with a clear mind. They easily win over people due to their magnetic charm, attractiveness of ideas, lofty goals. Sagittarius are easy-going, energetic, their inexhaustible enthusiasm and optimism are infectious. Sagittarius see life as a specific task. They only move forward.



Negative traits of Sagittarius:
Cruelty in any form is alien to his nature, and he avoids hurting others. But ironically, his straightforwardness in everything, including human relationships, often leads to tactless remarks that inadvertently deeply offend - both loved ones and strangers!
A Sagittarius marriage can be unhappy if the spouse does not understand and accept the deep need for personal freedom. Sagittarius wants the marriage partner to fully trust him, cannot stand domestic quarrels, jealousy and restrictions. Relatives do not always understand his irritability and anxiety, as he tries to avoid, if possible, the troubles of family scenes. His solution may simply be to leave, often permanently.
The Sagittarius must beware of the innate desire for speed and adventure, which in our age can be expressed as the habit of reckless driving and exuberant sports. These impulsive tendencies can be detrimental to him, as he is by nature prone to accidents. Typically, injuries occur in the hip, legs, sacrum, buttocks, thighs, and pelvic muscles. The danger of falling increases over the years, so it is wiser to avoid wet and icy surfaces, steep stairs, etc.
In general, Sagittarius is in good health, if it is not undermined by improper diet, alcohol addiction or excessive exercise. Usually, his ailments begin in the liver, arterial system, or are associated with nervous tension.


Famous Sagittarius: Mark Twain, Walt Disney, Yuri Nikulin, Jonathan Swift, Woody Allen, Paracelsus, Alexander Suvorov, Augusto Pinochet, Charles de Gaulle, Winston Churchill, Bruce Lee, Norbert Wiener, Ludwig van Beethoven, Arthur Clarke, Gianni Versace, Mila Steven Jovovich Spielberg, Brad Pitt.

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The desire to protect the offended and offended sometimes leads to unnecessary waste of time, effort and money wasted. Aries is happy only when he feels himself the master of the situation, he can follow the chosen path. Nothing infringes him more than orders from a person whom he considers inferior to himself (and most of the work is distributed among all colleagues).


Although the range of interests of Aries is wide, and he is a zealous reader, his desire for knowledge is often devoid of direction and therefore it all ends in a mishmash of different data. He should ask himself the question from time to time: Where am I going? Am I undermining my health with zealous zeal? Exceptional intelligence and a strong constitution can allow Aries to prove to himself that he is wrong, if only he takes the time to seriously think about it.


With the first breath, a thirst for creative activity penetrated into the body of Aries, which will remain with him forever. Despite the dynamism and boldness of character, the seemingly limitless energy of Aries is actually not limitless. The tendency to overestimate it leads to overstrain. Since his most active part is the brain, he is convinced that everything else can withstand a large number of plans and events in which a typical Aries is constantly involved.



Aries horoscope: positive traits


The main qualities of Aries are risk appetite, courage, willfulness, impartiality, optimism, self-confidence, brilliance, volatility, easy excitability, enterprise, sharpness, idealism, generosity, and sometimes insane courage. Enthusiasm and the desire for superiority sometimes lead to an unreasonable expenditure of energy reserves, but the Sun in Aries gives the newborn the ability to resist ailments. It is very rare to find disabled people - carriers of this sign. The will to overcome the disease and the ardent desire to "get involved in vigorous activity" turns out to be stronger than the disease.

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Negative about Aries


Contempt for ailments also has a negative side. Sometimes Aries will return to heavy loads instead of lying in bed. You should listen to the advice of your doctor, friends, or family.


Everyone born under this sign should avoid colds and eye strain, go to the dentist more often, and avoid quarrels and mental strain that may arise due to their temperament.


Aries are prone to headaches, fever, skin diseases, memory impairments, neuralgia of the head and face, dizziness and nervous exhaustion. Many, if not all, claim that they could have avoided this if they followed a regimen, diet, and self-discipline. Over the years, Aries must find a passion for themselves that helps to avoid being depressed. Since this is an intellectual sign, there are many activities for him (reading, club activities, creativity in any form of art) that will take all his time and allow him to use his life abilities.

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Famous Aries: Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, Nikolai Gogol, Kornei Chukovsky, Hans Christian Andersen, Eddie Murphy, Andrei Tarkovsky, Alexander Herzen, Francis Coppola, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Stephen Segal, Garry Kasparov, Alla Pugacheva, Giacomo Casanova.

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a lion



Leo is strong, straightforward, honest, generous, creative, enthusiastic, loyal, romantic, insightful, deeply affectionate, kind and self-confident. The list is endless. Of course, no Leo will refuse such an assessment of his character. Moreover, he thinks of himself in exactly the same way. When flattered, he purrs with pleasure.


However, as a generalization, all these provisions are correct. Leo is a sign of royal greatness and therefore behaves accordingly. Even in love affairs, he shows a certain amount of condescension. It is characterized by ambiguity and a royal manner of innuendo. He likes to be in the spotlight, but only in the role of a monarch, indifferently performing his state functions.


The basic rule is to control the output of solar energy, which Leo has in abundance. Moderation is needed to the extent that it is possible for a violent Leo. He needs restorative sleep, such as midday sleep, or at least short breaks from work. Lack of sleep can not only undermine your health, but also deprive you of the ability to be active or carry out important missions. As Don Quixote's squire Sapcho Panza said: "God bless the one who invented sleep."

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Leo horoscope: positive traits


Leos are fiery passionate, both men and women who refuse to play second fiddle, consider themselves the center of the universe, a star, a reflection of their own imagination. They want to lead, lead, inspire, give good luck, shower with gifts, protect, have fun. They can be magnanimous to the point of recklessness. They have no sense of danger. Loyal, explicit, frank, they cannot live in moral denial, they need an explanation and settlement at the first shadow of doubt. The secret of their strength is faith and truth.



Negative about Leo


Although it is difficult to believe, there are undeveloped types of Lions, bearing the seal of the beast. With an unfavorable arrangement of the planets, Leo is more arrogant than proud; rude than strong; sensual, not in love; protective, not sympathetic or good-natured. Although he is never deliberately cruel, his disregard for the rights of others can lead to the worst kind of oppression and tyranny if he is in a high position or does someone else's will. Even the noblest Leo is lazy and has a tendency to procrastinate from day to day. Natural courage and confidence in a lucky star can lead Leo to take on risky ventures both at work and in business, and in gambling.


The main diseases of the bearer of this sign are associated with this vital organ and its function: atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, carditis, aneurysm and tachycardia. With an unfavorable location of the planets, Leo can be exposed to short-term outbreaks of high temperature, pain in the back and spine, and motor ataxia. Leos are prone to rheumatic ailments, measles and meningitis if forced to be in a crowded room. Usually they do not undergo long-term chronic diseases, but only acute, rapidly passing attacks of illness.



Famous Lions: Napoleon I Bonaparte, Queen Cleopatra, Madonna, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill Clinton, Bernard Shaw, Mick Jagger, Alexander Dumas father, Alexander Dumas son, Maris Liepa, Neil Armstrong, Guy de Maupassant, Helena Blavatskaya, Walter Scott, Yves Saint- Laurent, Jacqueline Kennedy, Coco Chanel, Mata Hari.

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Impressions and experiences of early childhood are important for the formation of the character of all people, especially they affect the later life of Taurus. Home conditions, feelings of love, trust and respect for the adults involved in his upbringing and education - all this affects his personality for a long time. A distinctive character trait is persistence in achieving the set goal. Whatever he takes, he does it with great determination and diligence, and sometimes with stubbornness.
In love, he is prone to great tenderness. Although he is betrayed in marriage, it is not always easy to live with him, since it is not known what he can throw out in an angry state. But these explosions are rare. Basically Taurus is balanced and delicate. But when he is forced to act against his will, his personal freedom is threatened, or his domestic authority is undermined, he "bows his head and kicks with his hooves." He is loyal to his friends and is ready to help even with finances if they need it.
All important decisions Taurus must make alone, for example, walking in a garden or park.
Taurus, according to its symbol, is a peaceful creature, until it is frightened or pissed off. If this happens, he rushes to attack the enemy, regardless of his strength and height. Physically, he has great vitality and endurance, but his energy does not arise by itself, as for the bearers of the constellations with the signs of fire and water. It requires stimulus from the outside, from conditions or people.
Venus - his planet - awarded him with a pleasant musical voice and love of beauty in all arts.

Taurus horoscope: positive traits
Taurus is endowed with extraordinary mental abilities and, if the arrangement of the planets was favorable, he is usually seriously engaged in science. Patience and perseverance allows him to achieve great academic titles if he follows a formal course of study. Self-improvement helps to achieve success in achieving personal aspirations. For Taurus, objectivity is important, they do not like to think, are less religious than other signs of the zodiac, have an excellent memory, keep their word. Taurus is inherent in common sense, simplicity, pragmatic intellectuality. Taurus's feelings are sharper than those of other signs.

Negative about Taurus
Taurus is easily influenced by people whose horoscopes are dominated by constant signs (Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). The planets located in these signs during the period of his birth can affect the heart, genitals and calves.
The fear of illness is deeply embedded in him. He tends to assume the worst and trusts more those who talk about it. It is worth cultivating a more optimistic outlook, bearing in mind that Taurus tends to show tremendous resistance to most diseases.
The most common ailments are: throat infections; diseases associated with the larynx, neck, ears, genitals (the influence of Scorpio); diphtheria; Graves' disease; angina; asthma; fistulas; ailments associated with overeating. Common diseases, for example, colds and sore throats, easily overcome by people born under other signs, can be serious for Taurus, since they affect the organs most sensitive to him. Therefore, treatment cannot be neglected.
The pathological qualities of this sign: anger, dark thoughts, love of luxury, excessive stubbornness and uncontrollable emotions.

Famous Taurus: Catherine the Great, Socrates, Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Nicholas II, Sigmund Freud, Pope John Paul II, William Shakespeare, Salvador Dali, Honore de Balzac, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Georgy Sedov, Jack Nicholson, George Clooney, Benjamin Spock, George Lucas , Michael Bulgakov.

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Typical Cancers are most often described in the following words: sensitive, humble, imaginative, couch potato, fun-loving, moody and frugal. Representatives of this constellation have strong protective and maternal instincts; control the gateway between the visible and the invisible, through which souls must pass in physical embodiment. He is subject to psychic influence and is attracted by the occult world. His interest extends to spiritualism and other forms of contact with supernatural forces.
Usually Cancer is somewhat shy, but when he is sure that he is among friends, he can show himself off: maybe in search of recognition and approval, and partly just out of a desire to see others laughing and cheerful. Seemingly paradoxical behavior - from social modesty to outward display - is embedded in various phases of Cancer's character. When left to himself and to his natural inclinations, he can easily become an idle dreamer or a mystic. But when external conditions prompt him to action, he shows great persistence in achieving the goal.


Cancer needs to make sure that the individuals or groups of people with whom he deals in this type of activity have the highest intentions and good character. Communication with people with a lower psyche can be disastrous for him.
When choosing a profession, he should look for a job where his sensitive nature would be a blessing, and not a hindrance. Because he is affable, likeable, and popular, he can be successful in politics.


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