The main psychological crises of life. Crisis periods in human life

  • 26.09.2019

Crisis of human life

According to the theory of the famous psychologist Eric Eriksoncrisis of human life It is divided into 8 steps. And each is waiting for the crisis. But not catastrophic. It just comes a certain turning point to which it is worth being prepared ...

Man's life crises 18 - 20 years old
Life takes place under the motto "You need to break away from the parent home." And at the age of 20, when a person is truly distinguished from the family (Institute, Military Service, Brief Trips, etc.), another question arises: "How to stay in the world of adults?"

Man's Life Crisis 30 years
Slap the thought: "What did I achieve in life?" The desire to snatch a passing piece of life and start all over again.
A lonely man begins to look for a partner. A woman who used to be satisfied with the fact that he was sitting at home with children, seeks to go out. And childless parents - have children.

Man's Life Crisis 35 years
After 30 years, life becomes more rational and ordered. We begin to justify. People buy at home and make sharp attempts to move on the service staircase.
Women tend to reach their sexual peak. But at the same time they require men to feed them first of all respect. Men understand that in sex they are "no longer the ones that at 18 years old." They are brighter than women, the first signs of aging are manifested.

Man's Life Crisis 40 years
By 40 years ends "the age of youth" of young scientists, novice writers, etc.
Having reached the middle of life, we already see where it ends.
Time begins to shrink. Loss of youth, extinction of physical forces, changing the usual roles - any of these moments can lead to a crisis.
40-year-olds are unlikely to appear new friends.
To achieve the highest achievements, breakfast abilities are needed. In 40 years, the last chances of breaking forward.
Who has not yet been seen, it will be offered with subsequent increases.

Man's life crises 45 years
We begin to think seriously about the fact that mortals. And if we do not hurt to decide, life will turn into the fulfillment of trivial duties to maintain existence. This simple truth causes us shock. The transition to the second half of life seems to us very tough and too fast to accept it.
The impassive statistics state: the number of divorces in the people who have reached the 40s - 45 years increases.

Man's Life Crisis 50 years
The nervous system becomes iron: many people already react to exterior stimuli type chief chief or brown of his wife. And in its professional sphere remains valuable workers. It is at this age that they know how to separate the main thing from the secondary, are fully concentrated on the main issues, which gives high results.
By 50 years, many people seem to re-discover the joy of life - from cooking to philosophy. And literally in one day they can make a decision to change the lifestyle, exercising it with enviable pedanticity.
The obvious advantages strongly overshadows a substantial minus: many 50-year-old men weakly weak potency.

Human Life Crisis 55 Years
During these years, heat and wisdom comes. Especially in those who managed to take high leadership positions. Friends and personal life are becoming important than ever. Living up to 55 years most often declare that their motto is now "not engaged in nonsense." And some new creative abilities appear.
The crisis comes when a man understands that he still is engaged in nonsense.
And the woman goes to the crossroads. Someone complains: "I never could do anything for myself. All only for the family ... And now it's too late ... "
And some gladly accept that they are able to live for others, enjoy their garden or to build a grandmother.

Man's life crises of 56 years and further
In an amazing way, this age is found almost all of all scientists who have reached fame. There are many artists who created their best works over the age of 70.
According to legend, Japanese artist Hokusai said that everything created by him up to 73 years old should not. Titian wrote his most exciting paintings by almost 100 years. Verdi, Richard Strauss, Schyutz, Sibelius and other composers created up to 80 years.
By the way, writers, artists and musicians compared to scientists and businessmen can often do their job longer. The reason is that in deep old age a person is deeply immersed in the inner world, while the ability of perception of what is happening in the outside world, weakens.

By the way ...
How to measure the psychological age
We must ask a person to answer the question: "If all the content of your life is consecrated for a hundred percent, then what percentage of this content is implemented by you to today?" And already knowing how a person is assessed by the made and lived, it is possible to establish its psychological age. To do this, it is sufficient to multiply the "implementation indicator" for the number of years that a person hopes to live.
For example, someone believes that his life was half realized, and implies to live only 80 years. Its psychological age will be equal to 40 years (0.5 x 80), regardless of whether it is 20 or 60 years old.


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age crises - ordinary and at the same time mysterious phenomenon, which everyone has heard more than once. Thus, the notorious "middle-aged crisis" inevitably pops up in conversations of older people, and the "fourth crisis" became a real plane of modern 20-year-olds. It is important to understand that the psychological problems associated with a certain age are not at all inflated: we are all somehow faced with them. Once in the situation of a life crisis, the main thing is to remember that you are not the first one who is experiencing it. With most age crises, it is quite possible to cope, as a result, turning them into a productive period of life. With the help of the psychotherapist, Olga Miloradova we understand, through what existential crises we are destined to pass, why they arise and how to survive them.

dasha Tatarkova

Teenage crisis

Any age associated with one or another crisis is, of course, is very conditional. So, one of the brightest and most difficult stages of our cultivation falls for 14-19 years. This time is associated with various psychological, physiological and social rearrangements, which strongly change the person. Seating ripening becomes the strongest shake, turning a teenager every day in American slides of emotions. What is important, it is at this moment that people first have to think about what awaits them in the near future, when they formally will already be considered "adults". Anyone does not know how it knows how difficult it is to decide in 16, 17, 18 years old, than you will deal with the rest of your life and for what to work without turning hands to university years.

Modern teens spend most of the time in the school system. The regulation of life makes it necessary to make an alleged fateful solution particularly difficult. The incredible public pressure does not help: the teacher's school is taught by graduation exams, parents are frightened at home. And only a few adults guess to ask what he thinks and what the teenager himself wants, whose future stands on Konu. Such psychological pressure can lead to a sad outcome: for example, in South Korea it is believed that the prospects are only among graduates of the three most prestigious universities in the country. Therefore, local adolescents in the desire to enroll in the university adjacent to complete exhaustion and at school, and at additional courses. Such a load in turn leads to an unprecedented number of suicide among young people.

Soberly look at their desires and abilities to teenagers do not allow excavating emotions and the aggravated perception of the world. Otherwise, any 17-year-old would quickly realize that at his age, not to know what you want. It is the teenagers most often chase their hobbies that were invented and imposed by their parents in childhood. Refuse to the old and look for a new - natural process. American teenagers have long come up with a way to survive this moment with the mind: many decide to take the so-called Gap Year after graduation, that is, a break between studying to travel, work and generally look at life outside the usual system and better understand yourself. This method does not promise divine revelations, but helps to look at the world under a new angle.

The desire for independence is the natural desire of a teenager who should be encouraged in reasonable limits

The crisis of self-identification is not only attempts to understand who you "want to be when you grow up." It is much more important that it is at this moment that the formation of an assessment of his personality occurs. Girls are often faced with difficulties when it comes to the adoption of his changing body. Cultural pressure does not facilitate the task when the Victoria's Secret model looks from all the billboards, and you need to pull up braces once a month. The study of its own sexual orientation still leads to a huge number of tragedies due to the fact that those surrounding (both peers and older people) are not always taken by homosexual adolescents. It is difficult to also receive transgender teenagers for which sexual ripening in someone else's body can turn into a severe psychological trauma.

At the same time, social identification occurs - the search for yourself in the context of the surrounding society. To deal with all this sometimes not easy without a psychologist, coach or even psychoanalyst, but you need to start with yourself, in whatever roles you are. A loving family, ready to accept his growing child, and not only to control and urge, is the key to successful mature, even taking into account the adolescent rebellion and alienation. The desire for independence is the natural desire of a teenager, which is good to encourage, not to repair the obstacles, and allow him to openly demonstrate his emotions and desires. Empathy is a ticket for a very, very long train, so that in a hurry and be angry that it does not happen simultaneously, meaningless.

Olga Miloradova


The main crises that are allocated by psychologists in a person's life are crisis of children's age. Newborn crisis, early childhood, preschool age, schoolpiece and so on. If we talk about the crisis already at a more or less adult person, then in principle there is no clear attachment to age - rather to events. If children's crises are almost a complete decay of the old system and the assembly of a new one, then adults are always a certain choice. Conflict contradictions: Slow downstream or completely change everything, to be like everything or go to your goal in advance of the rules. Since we are talking about a point of choice, then, it seems to me, most Russian teenagers immediately come to the university, so the experiences and moment of the crisis are rather preceded by the point of choice. When the choice was already accomplished and the change of conditions was successful, then, in general, there is no choice: now it is necessary to adapt.

The crisis of a quarter of life

Have you graduated from university and do not know what to do with yourself? We managed to work on 2-3 different works, but do not find yourself? Friends marry, bred, give birth to children, and you do not feel ready for such changes? Congratulations, you are not at all alone in your problem - you just have a fourth-life crisis. For more poetic and detailed definition of this life period, you can contact pop culture, regularly comprehending the psychological problems of those who are under thirty: it is his heroine of the TV series "Girls" and "Brother City" or the characters of Greta Greta in the films "Cute Francis" and Miss America.

Over the past decades, there has been a noticeable shift in the socially admissible time of joining an independent adult life. Many factors came together: together with the growth of life, the situation in the labor market gradually changed. Financial crises and change of priorities with loyalty of one company throughout their life to personal growth and frequent change of work led to the revision of their achievements and disorientation, known as the "crisis of thirty years", many moved to the conditioned twenty-five. To this age, many have already managed to try different relationships and professions, but still not ready to dwell on something one and just begin to be determined with their aspirations, feelings and interests. Twenty-five is the approximate age: in fact, most people who feel like lonely, lost and shot down from the way, are approaching their thirtieth anniversary.

Parents of modern 30-year-olds tried to provide them as a comfortable life. Many "children", accustomed to this, do not want to live on their own: Richard Linklater noted it in his film "Locking" back in the distant 1991. Not applicable to parents, today's 30-year-olds do not seek to raise children and do not put career stability in chapter success. At the same time, global social sentiments do not sleep behind their view of the world, and the experience of fathers and mothers inspires additional uncertainty in its choice and provokes a sense of guilt. For the "reluctance to grow" Millenielov even nicked by the generation of Peter Pan.

All this, which appeared in the era of social networks. It invariably seems to us that we do something wrong, because if you believe myth, formed by Facebook and Instagram, then only we have problems - but not our friends or colleagues. When the fear of becoming less successful and interesting than your friends, I do not let go, remind myself that the account in the social network of any person is just a refillament of the best, social construct, created by efforting thoughts. Try to focus on what you want and can achieve here and now, and proceed to the fulfillment of the plan.

Popular advice on how to overcome and even take a state of uncertainty, characteristic of a quarter of life, most often rely on zen practices. First, it is useful to draw up lists, but not enough for one hundred affairs at the same time, but to be taken for the tasks gradually, making a little every day. It is necessary to accept the fact that mistakes are inevitable - and not be afraid of them. It is also important to finally honestly admit to yourself that you are interested in and what hobbies do you really like, and not imposed by relatives or friends. The main advice, especially useful in the light of the above-mentioned social networks, is to learn not to compare ourselves with others. The society gradually begins to realize that the path is only up - not the only possible and definitely not the best, so it's time to find something comfortable to everyone individually. On the road will always help on what is happening. A quarter of life's crisis is actually even useful, it helps break out of imposed expectations, bring life to us in order and rebuild it to your taste.

Olga Miloradova


The crisis is essentially not destructive - it gives the possibility of personal growth. Due to the displacement of adulthood, the frames were shifted. Someone at twenty-five only graduated from the university, and someone at the thirty already 5-7 years old career behind the shoulders and the reassessment of achievements. Other scenario: Career is moving, but there is no personal life; Or exactly the opposite - there is a child, but for years a career. The crisis is a feeling of either a complete dead end, or prolonged stagnation. After the university, he may come, if, for example, a man studied not for himself, but for the sake of "crusts", moms and dads, and I dreamed of a completely friend myself. When an understanding comes that you have given time not at all about what they have always dreamed of, then new things begin to seem important and restructuring of life under new ideals.

Middle age crisis

If the previous type of crisis has been connected, in fact, with fear for its future, then this entirely tied to the past. The middle-aged crisis implies that one day you wake up and uninvited horror rolls on you: everything you achieved to date, as if it loses any meaning. Work, house, partner, children - Everything seems sad and meaningless: The point that the whole life is spent, does not bring pleasure, love and love seems distant, and children are most likely so busy with their affairs that you hardly pay attention to you . It was in connection with this stage that the clichés like the purchase of expensive cars, alcohol abuse, thrust to novels with younger partners on the side, inevitable divorce and all attempts to touch the left youth. Such stories we have repeatedly seen in the "Beauty of American", "Greenberg", "Great Disappointment", the apatovskaya "adult love" or in the new "While we are young."

The term "middle-aged crisis" came up with Canadian psychoanalyst Elliot Jacques. He denoted a transitional period of life, covering the time somewhere between 40 and 60, when life loses their paints and the rethinking of everything happened earlier. The famous psychoanalyst Eric Ericson, who developed the theory of personality development, described the last two stages of human life (maturity and old age or stagnation and despair) very similar to the general provisions of the middle-aged crisis. In particular, Erickson briefly described this life stage with two questions: "How to make that my life is not wasted" and "how to understand what is wrong?".

Despite the fact that the concept of middle-aged crisis is firmly ass in modern culture (there is a theory that Bond is the result of such a period in the life of Jan Fleming), it is not possible to unambiguously describe it is not easier than all of the above crises. In different people, it is manifested in different ways, overtakes them at different ages, for someone becoming positive experience, and for someone - the beginning of severe depression. Financial position, the state of personal life and other sociocultural factors strongly influenced that it will happen with a man of middle-aged crisis or not.

However, there are constant variables: for the middle-aged crisis, a graceful feeling of disappointment is characterized, as well as awareness of human mortality. During this period of life, many are experiencing the death of the closest relatives, such as parents. Such a loss is not only a grief with which it is hard to cope: it also makes you think about the inevitability of your death and provoke existential fear. At the same age, the end of a career comes for many or at least restrictions appear in conditions or duration of work. Age makes itself felt at the physiology level: mobility decreases, and women comes with menopause, connected not only with a strong hormone, but also psychological restructuring. Contrary to popular opinion, the male organism is also experiencing changes, the so-called andropause when the testosterone is reduced in the blood.

Psychologists note that all the symptoms listed above cause stress, but not necessarily introduce into a state of crisis. Even when they are superimposed on each other, a person will not necessarily be in deep depression. Middle-aged crisis is primarily the time of reflection and rethinking of life. The fact that he most often overtakes those for forty, does not mean that he will not happen to you later or earlier with other things being equal.

With the crisis of middle age (as well as any other), it is important not to miss the moment when it goes into clinical depression. In this case, it is necessary to seek professional help. In all other cases, practical advice on overcoming psychological problems can be briefly described as "do not be afraid of change and not give in to a panic." Physical exertion will help not only feel as actively as before, but also in a natural way to improve the mood. The most difficult and most useful is to take change, try to send the fear of parental mistakes into the productive channel and establish relationships with children. As if, the captain whatever it sounded, but the search for new non-destructive hobbies will really help relieve existential fear. Aging, like growing, inevitable part of life, and it needs to be taken and work with what is.

Olga Miloradova


If the majority of crises about which have previously been discussed are not so many crises (despite their names), how many productive periods of change and growth, then under the middle-aged crisis it is customary to imply a crisis in a psychological sense. It is expressed in unproductive depression, depreciation and denial of all achieved. Conduct such a state can both routine, and thoughts of death, and the syndrome of the empty nest. Nihilistic position appears: everything is bad simply because it is bad.

A classic example: Faced with the death of loved ones and feeling an animal horror, many seeking comfort in religion and seemingly finding. In fact, the majority finds themselves a cozy house, hiding immediately from several existential duties, with which everyone else faces and which need to be taken, are a matter of mortality and loneliness. In essence, a person remains in an unresolved conflict, frantically granting the fact that there is life after death. As a result, there is no growth, no acceptance, no next step. Therefore, the main rule that needs to be followed regardless of what a life crisis was found: it is impossible to hide the head in the sand - you need to try to recycle the revelation of you on something productive.

Each of these stages has its own specifics, its own patterns of human development. In different periods of life there are stable and crisis stages. The development of a person as a person is determined by the fact that society expects what values \u200b\u200band ideals does it offer, what tasks puts in front of him at different ages. A person, grown and developing, passes a number of people next to each other not only psychological, but also biological, that is, associated with physical changes and processes in the body.

At each stage, the person acquires a certain quality (neoplasm), which is preserved in subsequent periods of life. Crisis can occur on all age stages. These are the turning points when the question is solved, we will go ahead in our development or back. In each personal capacity, which appears at a certain age, is a deep relationship to the world and to itself. This ratio can be both positive and negative. It is very interesting to know what crises will lie in life, especially since in their description, many of us can learn and situations from our own life.

In other words, our whole life consists of crisis. After all, we constantly solve problems, set ourselves tasks and again solve them. And even more growing, develop, change.

Age crises are special, relatively short periods in human life characterized by sharp mental changes. These are the normal processes necessary for the normal gradual progress of personal development.

The crisis, from Greek Krineo, literally means "separation of roads". The concept of "crisis" means an acute situation for making some decision, a turning point, the most important moment in the life or activity of a person.

The form, duration and sharpness of the crisis is dependent on the individual characteristics, environmental conditions and the environment in which a person is located.

In age psychology there is no consensus on crises; Part of psychologists believes that development should be harmonious, uncruiscuous. And crises are an abnormal, "painful" phenomenon, the result of improper education. Another part of psychologists claims that the presence of crises in the development is natural. Moreover, according to some ideas in age psychology, a child who has not survived a truly crisis will not be fully developed in its continued life. All crises can shift over time and do not have a clear time frame.

How much time is the crisis and how do they proceed?

Crises last long, about several months, but with an unfavorable coat of circumstances can be stretched up to a year or even two years. It is usually brief, but stormy stages.

For a child, means a sharp change in many of his features. Development can take a catastrophic character at this time. The crisis begins and ends imperceptibly, its borders are blurred, inquisitive. The aggravation occurs in the middle of the period. For the people around the child, it is associated with a change in behavior, the appearance of "hard-priminess". The child comes out of the control of adults. Bright emotional outbreaks, whims, conflicts with loved ones may appear. Schoolchildren falls performance, the interest in classes is weakened, the performance is reduced, sometimes painful experiences arise, internal conflicts.

For an adult, crises also play a significant role in life. In crisis, development acquires a negative character: disintegrating, disappears what was formed in the previous stage. But it is necessarily created and something new necessary to overcome further vital difficulties.

This is a situation in which a person is faced with the impossibility of implementing the inner need for his life (motives, aspirations, values) due to obstacles (most often external), to overcome, relying on their past experience, it cannot.

A person gets used to a certain form of his life and activity: the image and condition of the body, food, clothing, more or less comfortable conditions for existence. For example, in childhood, this is the growth of a little man, the size of their own handles and legs, the ability or inability to go, speak, on their own, the usual and mandatory presence of a number of significant adults. For an adult, this can be an account in a bank, car, wife and children, social status, as well as spiritual values. And the crisis state deprives him of this support, scares with change and uncertainty in tomorrow.

However, a large number of positive points should be allocated. The crisis gives to see the main thing and the present in man destroys the meaningless and external attributes of his life. There is a cleansing of consciousness, understanding the true value of life.

Therefore, the psychological crisis is a physical and mental suffering, on the one hand, and restructuring, development and personal growth - on the other. In the event of a new in development, the decay of the old one is mandatory at the same time. And psychologists believe that the situation is necessary.

Overcoming and outcome of crises

The outcome of the crisis depends on how constructive (creative) or destructive (destructive) was output from this crisis. In other words, the benefit or harm brought this period to a person. This is not a dead end, but some contradictions that accumulate in humans, and must lead to some decision and act. This is an unpleasant moment, as a person is knocked out of his usual rhythm. All life crises are similar to Matreshka: one replaces the other, and with each of them we become more as a person. It is hard when a person does not come out of the crisis, but accumulates "stuck" in it, I do not solve my own problems, going into myself. The correct resolution of the crisis leads to evolution in the development of the personality - a better understanding of our goals, desires, aspirations, human harmony in relations with himself.

Each of us has internal reserves (adaptation properties) in order to solve emerging psychological difficulties. But these protective mechanisms do not always cope with their task. Considering the crises as a pattern, you can predict and mitigate the inevitable consequences and changes, as well as to avoid those that are the result of the wrong choice of human itself. The crisis as a "indicator" of development shows that a person has already changed physically and mentally, but can not yet cope with these changes. A person can overcome him and, thus, enter into a new reality, and may not overcome, remaining in the former close frames that he is no longer suitable. Independent overcoming crisis is considered to be most favorable for human development.

However, various situations may occur in life, because sometimes we face face to face with psychological problems and just do not know how you can cope with them. Sometimes it is better to get professional help in order to understand your own life circumstances.

Modern psychologists consider such periods

in the development of man, like:

  • newborn (1-10 days);
  • chest age (10 days - 1 year);
  • early childhood (1-3 years);
  • first childhood (4-7 years);
  • second childhood (8-12 years);
  • adolescent age (13-16 years);
  • youth age (17-21 years);
  • mature age (first period: years - men, years old women;
  • the second period: years-makers, years old women);
  • elderly age (61-74 years old - men, women);
  • senile age (75-90 years old - men and women);
  • long-livers (90 years and older).

However, the mental development of a person individually, it is conditional, and with difficulty can fit into the rigid framework of periodization. Next, we give the main periods of human mental development and we describe the age crises corresponding to each of them.

· Large - change in the relationship between the child with the outside world (crisis of newborn, 3 years old, adolescence -let);

· Small - restructuring of external relationships. Proceed more smoothed. The crisis is completed by the neoplasm - changing the type of activity (crisis of 1 year, 6-7 years old).

The transition from one crisis to another is a change in the consciousness and child's relationship to the surrounding reality, leading activity. The crisis usually occurs when moving from one physical or psychological age to another. During this period, the previous social relationship between the child and others occurs.

During the critical phase period, children are difficult to educate, they have stubbornness, negativism, disobedience, incidence.

Negativism - When a child can refuse to do what he even really wants only because it requires an adult. This reaction is due to an adult requirement, but a child's attitude to an adult.

Stubbornness - The reaction of the child, when he insists not because, not because he wants it, and therefore he demanded it.

Stropiveness - Bunk baby against the entire lifestyle, rates of education, all adults. If the adult does not change its behavior, the plumpness is held for a long time in character.

Positive role of crisis: Stimulates the search for new forms of implementing itself in this profession. Constructive function is expressed in the desire to improve the qualifications, take a new high position.

The destructive role of the crisis: It is expressed in the formation of professionally undesirable personal qualities. Escalating (further promotion) of this process leads to the formation of insolvent employees, the stay of which in this position becomes undesirable. Exit - Hobbies, Sports, Life. Unwanted output - alcoholism, offense, vagrancy.

1. Newborn crisis - the transition from the intrauterine to the outtitic, from one type of power to another, from darkness to light, to other temperature effects. These changes may strike on the senses and nervous system. The decisive circumstances of normal development are created by adults, otherwise the child will die in a few hours. Heriatributed unconditional reflexes are helped to adapt to new conditions: 1) Food reflexes (while touching the corners of the lips or language, sucking movements appear, and all other movements are inhibited); 2) Protective and indicative (setting sticks or fingers embedded in its palm). An important mental neoplasm occurs at the end of 1 month - "Complex of revival" (smiles, seeing mom).

2. Crisis one year - A peculiar separation of a child from an adult. Associated with a surge independence, the appearance of affective reactions in the lack of understanding of the desires, words, gestures of a child, or understanding, but not fulfilling what he wants (some, with the next "impossible" or "no" shrill, fall on the floor - which is associated with the style Education is not enough independence, impermanence of requirements - great independence, patience and excerpt will help get rid of). Disobedience is observed - curiousness is encountered on misunderstanding and resistance to adults. The neoplasm is the appearance of autonomous speech (BBB, AB-AB, other invented words) associated with the need to communicate with adults.

3. Crisis 3 years (I myself) - expressed in the needs of the child to increased independence. It is expressed in the form of stubbornness, inconsistency. This crisis is associated with the establishment of a child's self-consciousness (learns himself in the mirror, responds to his name, actively begins to use the pronoun "I"). So The neoplasm is "me" - the first step towards the formation of as a person, aware of himself as a person (begins to compare himself with the surrounding, gradually make up self-esteem, the level of claims, the feeling of shame, the need for independence and achieving success).

4. Crisis 7 years - The child begins to experience a need for serious activities. The games stop satisfying it (it is, and not the ability to read and display the letters - an important sign of readiness for school). Younger schoolboy has to spend a lot of effort to learn how to learn, master the activities of the exercise. The main mental neoplasia is an increase in arbitrary regulation of activity, awareness of its changes to both subjective and acquired new knowledge, skills, new provisions.

5. Crisis of adolescence - Transition from childhood to adulthood. It is expressed in the desire to declare themselves, show your personality. A new idea is formed. It is often manifested in sharp and unstable forms of behavior. Associated with active sexual development and reduction in intellectual activity. Manifests itself in negativism, egocentrism.

6. Crisis 17 years old - The period of acquiring social maturity - a worthy and justified place in society should still be found. "Copying" adults.

The crisis is. Age crises in psychology. Features of manifestation and consequences of crisis

The crisis is something that many people have to deal with. Almost every person, to be more accurate. The concept occurred from the Greek word Krisis, which translated means "turning point" or "solution". Accordingly, the crisis is such a living period during which a person goes to a new level of age development, which is characterized by psychological changes. And this process is accompanied by the destruction of the usual social defendant.

First stage

First, it is worth noting the attention of the crisis of newborn. The period in which there is no mental component, since it implies the transition from the intrauterine life to real. Birth is the first injury that every one is worried. And she is very strong. So much that the whole life next for birth is under the sign of this injury.

It is very important that the newborn period is under the supervision of adults. In principle, it happens in a normal society - the parents are always located next to the baby, who provide him with the transition to a new type of functioning. Baby is helpless. He does not even have a pre-formed behavioral principle. Because all this is only to come. And most importantly - the child during the neonatal period is not considered separately from the adult. Since he has no way to interact with the medium.

When does the "exit" occurs from the crisis of newborn? Scientists argue - when the child begins to interact with his parents, and they notice the development of its emotional sphere. As a rule, this is the second month of the life of the baby.

Crisis of three years old

This is the next stage. The period during which the transition from an early age to the preschool. At that moment, the established personal mechanisms are radically rebuilt, and the child has new features and consciousness. Plus, it goes to a new level of interaction with the world and people. It is important to note that this period does not have clear time limits.


It is interesting to represent the crisis of three years Soviet psychologist Lion Semenovich Vygotsky. He highlights the seven of the brightest "symptoms" in the behavior of the child, who give out what it passes through the aforementioned period.

The first is negativism. The child refuses to do something only because it was offered to him a concrete adult man. And it, as a rule, acts exactly the opposite.

The next symptom is stubbornness. The child insists on something just because he cannot refuse his decision from principle. Even if the circumstances changed.

Third, which is noted - lines. That is, the tendency to do everything upper order. The fourth symptom is a matterful. Or, in simple language, everyone is familiar, the initiative "I myself!", Aimed at self-affirmation and stimulation of pride.

Another symptom is a riot protest. Manifesting in regular conflicts with adults. As a rule, due to the fact that the child does not feel respect for him and to his desires.

There is also a depreciation. The child ceases to interest everything that was interested in him before. But the last symptom is the most unpleasant. This is despotism. The child comes out from under control and requires adult instant performance of all his desires and requirements. Looking at all this, the question arises: for whom a three-year-old crisis is hard for a child or for parents?

Third stage

After all of the above, it follows the crisis of seven years. We all went through it. The causes of the crisis lie in psychological changes in personality. The child develops an internal position, some "rod" and its own "I" begin to emerge. In the same period, he enters school, falling into a completely different environment. Before that moment he played. Now he will have to learn. For many children, this is the first manifestation of labor.

There are other concomitant causes of the crisis. Some children, enrolling in school, begin to be afraid to fulfill the work entrusted to them, for the first time feeling responsibility for the result. They are aware of themselves now and as a schoolchildren, comrade. It is important to become full members of the new society - and this is stress. The period of the crisis of seven years is important, since it is at this time that children are attached to people, to the Society itself. As a rule, the acquired rod, the so-called "trunk" remains for life. Yes, he then, for life, turns "branches" and "leaves", but the basis is laid in childhood.

Teenage crisis

This is the very period that most of us clearly remembers. Since it happens already fully conscious age. Eale, to be more accurate. It is believed that this period during which the child goes from childhood to adulthood. It can last long. At this point, adolescents are developing very dynamically - both in physical and mental terms. They are formed by the needs that cannot be satisfied immediately, because they themselves have not yet achieved social maturity.

A teenage crisis is a period accompanied by excessive care and control from parents. And still forces, quarrels that arise due to attempts to get around them and much more. All this prevents the teenager to know ourselves and identify the features inherent only to him - as a separate person.

About the specifics and features of the adolescence

This stage is one of the most severe person in human life. A teenager, in addition to new needs, there are special thoughts, meditation, important issues, problems. And the majority is usually hard to survive this period, because the parents seem not important to parents. "What problems can your child be? Too little, did not live! " - Most adults are hooked. And very in vain.

Then adults are surprised - why the relationship with their child spoiled? And because they were indifferent. Not considered with his opinion, continued to perceive him like a baby. And the consequences of the crisis, by the way, can be very deplorable. In this case, the notorious rafter can manifest itself. If parents have been forbidden to go to a party, what will the teenager do? Run through the window! And it is not known what the consequences of the parties will be - maybe they will have to pay all the subsequent life for them. Therefore, it is very important to reckon with a teenager, to build relationships with him, as with an adult man. And be able to make compromises. So do adequate adults.


This period should also be noted by attention, telling about age crises. In psychology, youth is also considered to be. Why? Because this is the time when a person begins to make really important decisions. It should decide on a future profession, public position, worldview, to build life plans. It used to be believed that youth - etcoity. But now - 17-18, and even earlier, since many parents believe that the earlier their child graduates from school - the better.

But, nevertheless, in youth it is very important to make the right choice. And if we talk about what age crises in psychology are the most dynamic, the youth will be at the same level with the adolescence. During this period, much happens, in addition to choosing a profession. Service in the army, for example, or even the first marriage, often accompanied by the spontaneous birth of a child. In adolescence, many make mistakes due to social immaturity. And in our time, as practice shows, this period is not accompanied by the fact that it was previously considered a characteristic feature of youth. And this is to overcome a person dependence on adults (parents). In particular, financial.

The "middle" period

Now you can talk about the so-called "thirty-year-old" crisis. This in psychology is called a period of early adults. People understand that the peak of their youth is already behind. Many summarize some results, begin to look soberly into the future. Most people begins to feel the need for calm stability. There is a desire to find the meaning of life.

Some have a feeling of wonderful time. Awareness comes - I live on this light of the whole 30 years! And what did I achieve? Wearing back, many understand - not so much. He seeks comparing itself with successful peers or even younger people. Even worse if they are close or acquaintances. So before depression not far. And many women, besides, all of the above is accompanied by awareness that they are no longer so young, fresh and beautiful. Here he is a typical thirty-year crisis. This is in psychology one of the most "sad" periods.

Middle age crisis

This is perhaps the period about which everyone is heard. It is a long emotional stage, which is directly related to the revaluation of life experience. During this period, a person realizes that the occurrence of old age is not far off. She is close, and not as in youth - "someday in the distant future." The moment in which a person understands that he has never been young - this is a middle-aged crisis.

Symptoms are numerous. The notorious depression, the pity for himself, the feeling of devastation, the feeling that life is unfair. A person refuses to recognize the success, which he reached, despite the fact that they are evaluated by other people positively. It loses interest in many sides of life - even to those that were previously significant for him. The circle of reference persons is changing - the opinion of random people is valued more than what close / colleagues say / friends say. There may even be a change in value guidelines. And also becomes other behavior and style. A person is trying to create the visibility of the transformation of life by changing some external manifestations.


So, the features of the manifestation of the middle-aged crisis are understandable. Now - a few words about the consequences. In the case of this period, they may be hard. Because the degree of seriousness of the perfect errors is directly proportional to the age of a person.

A deep "search ourselves" is possible, a sudden dismissal with good work, on which a person crushed far from one year, a desire to move somewhere or radically changing the generation. But the most serious consequence is a destroyed family. Some people leave their "second half," from which not one dozen years could live because of the extinguished feelings. Others do not leave the family, but just looking for "entertainment" on the side, which is no better. Women are looking for lovers to make sure they are still attractive. Men find mistresses for the same reason.

Final stage

The pension crisis is the last in our lives. Associate, usually, bloom. This is also not an easy period. Most pensioners worked all their lives, and, after going to a well-deserved rest, simply do not know how to take themselves. Health with age has not improved, friends either far or even left this light. Children grew up, left their native nest and long lived their lives. A person understands - His time comes to an end. He feels unnecessary and lost. And in this case it is very important to find the strength to continue to enjoy life, find a new meaning, passion and like-minded people. In the century of modern technologies, it seems more than possible.

The problem of age crises is alone. And she lies in the fact that they accompany us all their lives. Only for some people are just periods, and for others - really crises in the traditional understanding that poison existence. Well, the most important thing is to accept the fact that no change is impossible. This awareness will help not only prepare for them, but also to benefit from them for themselves and lesson.

18, 30, 40: age crises and how to cope with them

age crises - ordinary and at the same time mysterious phenomenon, which each heard more than once. Thus, the notorious "middle-aged crisis" inevitably pops up in conversations of older people, and the "fourth crisis" became a real plane of modern 20-year-olds. It is important to understand that the psychological problems associated with a certain age are not at all inflated: we are all somehow faced with them. Once in the situation of a life crisis, the main thing is to remember that you are not the first one who is experiencing it. With most age crises, it is quite possible to cope, as a result, turning them into a productive period of life. With the help of the psychotherapist, Olga Miloradova we understand, through what existential crises we are destined to pass, why they arise and how to survive them.

Teenage crisis

Any age associated with one or another crisis is, of course, is very conditional. So, one of the brightest and most difficult stages of our cultivation falls for 14-19 years. This time is associated with various psychological, physiological and social rearrangements, which strongly change the person. Seating ripening becomes the strongest shake, turning a teenager every day in American slides of emotions. What is important, it is at this moment that people first have to think about what awaits them in the near future, when they formally will already be considered "adults". Anyone does not know how it knows how difficult it is to decide in 16, 17, 18 years old, than you will deal with the rest of your life and for what to work without turning hands to university years.

Modern teens spend most of the time in the school system. The regulation of life makes it necessary to make an alleged fateful solution particularly difficult. The incredible public pressure does not help: the teacher's school is taught by graduation exams, parents are frightened at home. And only a few adults guess to ask what he thinks and what the teenager himself wants, whose future stands on Konu. Such psychological pressure can lead to a sad outcome: for example, in South Korea it is believed that the prospects are only among graduates of the three most prestigious universities in the country. Therefore, local adolescents in the desire to enroll in the university adjacent to complete exhaustion and at school, and at additional courses. Such a load in turn leads to an unprecedented number of suicide among young people.

Soberly look at their desires and abilities to teenagers do not allow excavating emotions and the aggravated perception of the world. Otherwise, any 17-year-old would quickly realize that at his age, not to know what you want. It is the teenagers most often chase their hobbies that were invented and imposed by their parents in childhood. Refuse to the old and look for a new - natural process. American teenagers have long come up with a way to survive this moment with the mind: many decide to take the so-called Gap Year after graduation, that is, a break between studying to travel, work and generally look at life outside the usual system and better understand yourself. This method does not promise divine revelations, but helps to look at the world under a new angle.

The desire for independence is the natural desire of a teenager who should be encouraged in reasonable limits

The crisis of self-identification is not only attempts to understand who you "want to be when you grow up." It is much more important that it is at this moment that the formation of an assessment of his personality occurs. Girls are often faced with difficulties when it comes to the adoption of his changing body. Cultural pressure does not facilitate the task when the Victoria's Secret model looks from all the billboards, and you need to pull up braces once a month. The study of its own sexual orientation still leads to a huge number of tragedies due to the fact that those surrounding (both peers and older people) are not always taken by homosexual adolescents. It is difficult to also receive transgender teenagers for which sexual ripening in someone else's body can turn into a severe psychological trauma.

At the same time, social identification occurs - the search for yourself in the context of the surrounding society. To deal with all this sometimes not easy without a psychologist, coach or even psychoanalyst, but you need to start with yourself, in whatever roles you are. A loving family, ready to accept his growing child, and not only to control and urge, is the key to successful mature, even taking into account the adolescent rebellion and alienation. The desire for independence is the natural desire of a teenager, which is good to encourage, not to repair the obstacles, and allow him to openly demonstrate his emotions and desires. Empathy is a ticket for a very, very long train, so that in a hurry and be angry that it does not happen simultaneously, meaningless.

The main crises that are allocated by psychologists in a person's life are crisis of children's age. Newborn crisis, early childhood, preschool age, schoolpiece and so on. If we talk about the crisis already at a more or less adult person, then in principle there is no clear attachment to age - rather to events. If children's crises are almost a complete decay of the old system and the assembly of a new one, then adults are always a certain choice. Conflict contradictions: Slow downstream or completely change everything, to be like everything or go to your goal in advance of the rules. Since we are talking about a point of choice, then, it seems to me, most Russian teenagers immediately come to the university, so the experiences and moment of the crisis are rather preceded by the point of choice. When the choice was already accomplished and the change of conditions was successful, then, in general, there is no choice: now it is necessary to adapt.

The crisis of a quarter of life

Have you graduated from university and do not know what to do with yourself? We managed to work on 2-3 different works, but do not find yourself? Friends marry, bred, give birth to children, and you do not feel ready for such changes? Congratulations, you are not at all alone in your problem - you just have a fourth-life crisis. For more poetic and detailed definition of this life period, you can contact pop culture, regularly comprehending the psychological problems of those who are under thirty: it is his heroine of the TV series "Girls" and "Brother City" or the characters of Greta Greta in the films "Cute Francis" and Miss America.

Over the past decades, there has been a noticeable shift in the socially admissible time of joining an independent adult life. Many factors came together: together with the growth of life, the situation in the labor market gradually changed. Financial crises and change of priorities with loyalty of one company throughout their life to personal growth and frequent change of work led to the revision of their achievements and disorientation, known as the "crisis of thirty years", many moved to the conditioned twenty-five. To this age, many have already managed to try different relationships and professions, but still not ready to dwell on something one and just begin to be determined with their aspirations, feelings and interests. Twenty-five is the approximate age: in fact, most people who feel like lonely, lost and shot down from the way, are approaching their thirtieth anniversary.

Parents of modern 30-year-olds tried to provide them as a comfortable life. Many "children", accustomed to this, do not want to live on their own: Richard Linklater noted it in his film "Locking" back in the distant 1991. Not applicable to parents, today's 30-year-olds do not seek to raise children and do not put career stability in chapter success. At the same time, global social sentiments do not sleep behind their view of the world, and the experience of fathers and mothers inspires additional uncertainty in its choice and provokes a sense of guilt. For the "reluctance to grow" Millenielov even nicked by the generation of Peter Pan.

do not compare yourself with others

The neurosis appeared in the era of social networks is also superimposed on all this. It invariably seems to us that we do something wrong, because if you believe myth, formed by Facebook and Instagram, then only we have problems - but not our friends or colleagues. When the fear of becoming less successful and interesting than your friends, I do not let go, remind myself that the account in the social network of any person is just a refillament of the best, social construct, created by efforting thoughts. Try to focus on what you want and can achieve here and now, and proceed to the fulfillment of the plan.

Popular advice on how to overcome and even take a state of uncertainty, characteristic of a quarter of life, most often rely on zen practices. First, it is useful to draw up lists, but not enough for one hundred affairs at the same time, but to be taken for the tasks gradually, making a little every day. It is necessary to accept the fact that mistakes are inevitable - and not be afraid of them. It is also important to finally honestly admit to yourself that you are interested in and what hobbies do you really like, and not imposed by relatives or friends. The main advice, especially useful in the light of the above-mentioned social networks, is to learn not to compare ourselves with others. The society gradually begins to realize that the path is only up - not the only possible and definitely not the best, so it's time to find something comfortable to everyone individually. On the road, an ironic look at what is happening will always help. A quarter of life's crisis is actually even useful, it helps break out of imposed expectations, bring life to us in order and rebuild it to your taste.

The crisis is essentially not destructive - it gives the possibility of personal growth. Due to the displacement of adulthood, the frames were shifted. Someone at twenty-five only graduated from the university, and someone at the thirty already 5-7 years old career behind the shoulders and the reassessment of achievements. Other scenario: Career is moving, but there is no personal life; Or exactly the opposite - there is a child, but for years a career. The crisis is a feeling of either a complete dead end, or prolonged stagnation. After the university, he may come, if, for example, a man studied not for himself, but for the sake of "crusts", moms and dads, and I dreamed of a completely friend myself. When an understanding comes that you have given time not at all about what they have always dreamed of, then new things begin to seem important and restructuring of life under new ideals.

Middle age crisis

If the previous type of crisis has been connected, in fact, with fear for its future, then this entirely tied to the past. The middle-aged crisis implies that one day you wake up and uninvited horror rolls on you: everything you achieved to date, as if it loses any meaning. Work, house, partner, children - Everything seems sad and meaningless: The point that the whole life is spent, does not bring pleasure, love and love seems distant, and children are most likely so busy with their affairs that you hardly pay attention to you . It was in connection with this stage that the clichés like the purchase of expensive cars, alcohol abuse, thrust to novels with younger partners on the side, inevitable divorce and all attempts to touch the left youth. Such stories we have repeatedly seen in the "Beauty of American", "Greenberg", "Great Disappointment", the apatovskaya "adult love" or in the new "While we are young."

The term "middle-aged crisis" came up with Canadian psychoanalyst Elliot Jacques. He denoted a transitional period of life, covering the time somewhere between 40 and 60, when life loses their paints and the rethinking of everything happened earlier. The famous psychoanalyst Eric Ericson, who developed the theory of personality development, described the last two stages of human life (maturity and old age or stagnation and despair) very similar to the general provisions of the middle-aged crisis. In particular, Erickson briefly described this life stage with two questions: "How to make that my life is not wasted" and "how to understand what is wrong?".

Despite the fact that the concept of middle-aged crisis is firmly ass in modern culture (there is a theory that Bond is the result of such a period in the life of Jan Fleming), it is not possible to unambiguously describe it is not easier than all of the above crises. In different people, it is manifested in different ways, overtakes them at different ages, for someone becoming positive experience, and for someone - the beginning of severe depression. Financial position, the state of personal life and other sociocultural factors strongly influenced that it will happen with a man of middle-aged crisis or not.

Middle age crisis -

this is primarily the time of reflection

and rethinking life

However, there are constant variables: for the middle-aged crisis, a graceful feeling of disappointment is characterized, as well as awareness of human mortality. During this period of life, many are experiencing the death of the closest relatives, such as parents. Such a loss is not only a grief with which it is hard to cope: it also makes you think about the inevitability of your death and provoke existential fear. At the same age, the end of a career comes for many or at least restrictions appear in conditions or duration of work. Age makes itself felt at the physiology level: mobility decreases, and women comes with menopause, connected not only with a strong hormone, but also psychological restructuring. Contrary to popular opinion, the male organism is also experiencing changes, the so-called andropause when the testosterone is reduced in the blood.

Psychologists note that all the symptoms listed above cause stress, but not necessarily introduce into a state of crisis. Even when they are superimposed on each other, a person will not necessarily be in deep depression. Middle-aged crisis is primarily the time of reflection and rethinking of life. The fact that he most often overtakes those for forty, does not mean that he will not happen to you later or earlier with other things being equal.

With the crisis of middle age (as well as any other), it is important not to miss the moment when it goes into clinical depression. In this case, it is necessary to seek professional help. In all other cases, practical advice on overcoming psychological problems can be briefly described as "do not be afraid of change and not give in to a panic." Physical exertion will help not only feel as actively as before, but also in a natural way to improve the mood. The most difficult and most useful is to take change, try to send the fear of parental mistakes into the productive channel and establish relationships with children. As if, the captain whatever it sounded, but the search for new non-destructive hobbies will really help relieve existential fear. Aging, like growing, inevitable part of life, and it needs to be taken and work with what is.

If the majority of crises about which have previously been discussed are not so many crises (despite their names), how many productive periods of change and growth, then under the middle-aged crisis it is customary to imply a crisis in a psychological sense. It is expressed in unproductive depression, depreciation and denial of all achieved. Conduct such a state can both routine, and thoughts of death, and the syndrome of the empty nest. Nihilistic position appears: everything is bad simply because it is bad.

A classic example: Faced with the death of loved ones and feeling an animal horror, many seeking comfort in religion and seemingly finding. In fact, the majority finds themselves a cozy house, hiding immediately from several existential duties, with which everyone else faces and which need to be taken, are a matter of mortality and loneliness. In essence, a person remains in an unresolved conflict, frantically granting the fact that there is life after death. As a result, there is no growth, no acceptance, no next step. Therefore, the main rule that needs to be followed regardless of what a life crisis was found: it is impossible to hide the head in the sand - you need to try to recycle the revelation of you on something productive.

The main characteristics of age crises in human life.

Age crises of personality are alternating, temporary manifestations of changes in the psychological attitude of a person to the surrounding reality, depending on the age period. As a rule, this kind of phenomena is negative, which can contribute to stimulating not only stressful impact on the human psyche, but also the development of some psychopathological conditions and disorders, for example, the states of anxiety, phobias, depressive-like disorders and so on.

In some cases, to prevent the development of pathological conditions it is necessary to intervene a specialist with imposing in the state of the help of drugs. However, it is worth noting that the age crises of the personality - the phenomenon of physiologically normal, which arises from the prevailing number of people and contributes to the direct development of the personality, which is due to the change of life values. But not all psychologists and psychotherapists will agree with this statement, some of them quite confidently believe that the emergence of age crises in men and women is a pathological process due to a number of etiological causes and dependencies. And it must be treated, like any mental deviation or disorder.

The power of manifestation and the period of age crises are always different, although there is some kind of binding to a certain age. However, it is quite conditional, since only the individual features of a person surrounding social and microsococial factors are decisive.

In domestic psychotherapy, L. S. Vygotsky is played by research, which did not consider the age crisis as pathology. He believed that a smooth transition to the next age crisis, especially in childhood, contributes to the formation of a stronger person with a volitional resistance to negative manifestations of the environment. However, such a phenomenon is appropriate, subject to not only the smooth appearance of the crisis period, but the correct relationship of others, or psychologists, if their intervention is necessary.

In addition, according to L. S. Vygotsky, a sharp jump in the crisis phase and its safe overcoming contributes to the formation of a new turn of character in human psychology of ¬ factors contributing to some descriptive characterization with the individual.

Some features of the age crisis

Age-related personality crises are of sufficient crucial importance in childhood, since in this age period there is a human formation, its relationship with society and volitional characteristics. For the same reason, the most quantity of consecutive crisis flashes falls on the age period of childhood and early adolescence when episodes are quite stormy.

In general, age crises in children will not last long, as a rule, for several months and, only in particularly launched cases, with a certain coating of concomitant circumstances, are delayed for a couple of years. For a child, a sharp change of attitudes towards themselves is always characteristic of their parents and the environment. The boundaries of children's crises are always fuzzy and extremely blurred, the transition will always be smooth, but the middle of the crisis period is always characterized by a sharp emotional splash and the swinging of the affect.

Externally, the children's age crisis is manifested by strong difficulties in raising, disobedience, the appearance of bad habits, sometimes - asocial behavior. As a rule, such a picture is always complemented by a decline in school performance and a bright manifestation of internal experiences, looping on any problems that, in fact, cannot be something significant.

A characteristic feature of age crises, both in children's and older age, is the spontaneous occurrence of the so-called neoplasms in the nature of the individual, which determine its attitude towards various surrounding factors. It should be noted that such neoplasms are pronounced temporary character, quickly appear and also quickly disappear, allowing the opportunity to appear as follows. In a word, not every neoplasm in personality is fixed in the nature of the character of the individual, but only those that are most firmly, for various reasons, are delayed in consciousness. Those who bring a positive effect and euphoria to their owner, thanks to which a person understands that it is able to get some benefit and pleasure. Although it is often of this awareness of utility is deeply subjective and does not combine with the norms of generally accepted morality.

D. B. Elkonin made an attempt to somewhat materialize the causality of the manifestation of a crisis condition associated with age. He argues that the reason for the appearance of the crisis is to conflict between the well-established understanding of a person who have arisen in the previous crisis period, and new factors that gradually appear in life. The critical point of such a conflict, when accumulated in the present knowledge and awareness reaches its maximum amount, determines the development of crisis signs. With such statements, it will not be difficult to agree, because the concept of "age" necessarily provides for the dynamics, in this case, the associated years associated with the number of years.

Age associated with the appearance of crises

Modern practical psychology owns sufficient experience in order to attempt to rank age crises depending on the number of time lived.

The crisis of newborns. Despite the insufficient possibilities of manifestation of verbal and motor disconnects, even in such a small age, a person has some awareness of the crisis situation, which arose due to the living conditions and adaptation to new conditions of existence. Many psychologists argue that the crisis of newborns is hardly the most difficult of the whole set of such crises;

The crisis of the first year of life. This period is very significant for a person, first of all, the fact that it appears to verbally state their requirements, and on the general background of non-verbal manifestations of affective signs;

The crisis of the third year of life. It is characterized by the formation and first manifestations of independence. There is a desire to form new ways to communicate with adults, the emergence of contacts with other representatives of the surrounding society - their peers, educators in kindergarten and so on. A new world of unknown earlier opportunities opens for a child who effectively make their own adjustments to the possible development of stress factors.

L. S. Vygotsky allocates several main signs of the crisis of the three-year-old age, which are inherent in any healthy in physiological and mental terms, child. The main one of such signs is negativism to the requests of others about the implementation of any action, which externally manifests itself with accuracy to the opposite.

The first signs of stubbornness begin to appear at this age - the child first meets the situation when not everything can be done as he wanted and how he considers it right.

The trend towards the manifestation of independence also has any child aged for about three years. This could be given a positive assessment if the child could objectively assess its capabilities. But, often it is impossible, therefore, the overestimation of its capabilities and arose as a result of its incorrect actions, the situation leads to a conflict.

Seven-year crisis. More correctly, this crisis was called school, since his manifestation contributes to the beginning of human school activities. In addition to the fact that the learning process makes it concentrate on obtaining new knowledge, to grow new social contacts, get acquainted with the positions of your peers, who, as it turned out, there are views on what is happening around, the school crisis begins to form the true will of man, relying on his genetically laid potential. Thus, it is thanks to the school that a person has a concept either about its inferiority, reduced self-esteem, insufficient level of intelligence, or - on the contrary, an increased sense of self-importance, egoism, an insurmountable sense of own competence and social significance.

The prevailing number of all schoolchildren occupy one of the two mentioned extremes and only a few, thanks to their gennic deposits and upbringing, are able to take a neutral, median position that allows you to study on the errors of others. Such children tend to have a high level of intelligence, against the background of demonstrative inoperability, otherwise. The reason for this is quite simple - there is the possibility of using its weaker emotions, dependencies and mind, peers.

In addition, during this period, the inner life of a child begins for the first time in life, which imposes a meaning imprint on the nature of his behavior. The little man gradually begins to enjoy the opportunity to think about the possible consequences of its decisions, thus, his physical activity begins to gain intellectual attack;

Crisis age from 11 to 15 years. The next most important stress period in a person's life, this time associated with sex ripening. Such a situation opens up new features and new dependencies that may prevail over old stereotypes, and so much that they are completely blocked. This period is also called a transitional or pubertal crisis. This is the first opportunity to look at the opposite sex through the hormonal prism of desires and pleasures, and not as on ordinary peers.

The sexual attraction contributes to the formation of its ego - at this time, teenagers begin to pay attention to their appearance, listen to the words of more experienced young men and girls.

The constant desire to be adults or appear to them often leads to a conflict with parents who have already managed to adapt about their such period. Often during the pubertal crisis requires the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist, especially in problem, defective families;

Crisis 17 years. Stimulated by the end of school activities and the transition to adult life. Depending on the year of graduation, the age of the crisis may have to come from 15 to 18 years. Now it is possible to share the problem of age crises in men and women. Often by this time, the first sexual experience, which can also serve as a certain reason for the occurrence of sexual crisis in women. But, as a rule, this problem is very violent - the pleasure is blown away all negative thoughts and experiences.

This period is characterized by the generation of various fears, in women - the upcoming family life, in men - leaving the army. In addition, there is a problem of obtaining professional education - a step that will determine the upcoming life of each individual.

Middle age crisis. It comes, as a rule, in the middle of the distance and is characterized by a deep reassessment of values, weighing the experience gained against the background of the quality of achievements. As a rule, a very small number of people are quite her life, believing that they lived their life is not fully or useless. During this period, real maturity comes, which allows us to evaluate the meaning of his life.

Retirement crisis. Like the crisis of newborns, is one of the most severe in a person's life. If in the first case a person is aware of the critical impact of stressful factors, then during the last crisis, the situation worsens full-fledged perception and awareness. This period is equally seriously experiencing women and men. This is especially true of a sharp sense of non-knowledge on a professional arena - a person still retains its performance, feels that it can benefit, but his employer does not suit a similar state of affairs. Somewhat improves the situation of grandchildren, especially this mitigates the course of the age crisis in women.

Biological aging, a number of serious diseases, loneliness due to the death of one of the spouses, an understanding of the speedy completion of a life process, very often lead to a situation when a specialist's help begins to be required.

Consultant - Dianalitik, teacher - psychologist Bykov Svetlana Viktorovna.

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Personal problems, conflicts solve with the help of sanity.

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Age crises [Greek. Krisis is a solution, turning point] - special, relatively short-term transition periods in age developing to a new qualitatively specific stage characterized by sharp psychological changes. The age crises are primarily due to the destruction of the usual social development situation and the emergence of another, which more corresponds to the new level of human psychological development.

Age crises accompany a person throughout life. Someone has smoothly, someone does not find place at all. The form, duration and acuity of crises may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the person, social conditions, the singularities of education in the family. Age crises are natural and necessary for development. It helps a person to find a new relative to the stable form of relationship with the outside world.

Much less studied age crises of mature periods of life and old age. They arise noticeably less often than in childhood, and proceed, as a rule, more hidden, without pronounced changes in behavior. The processes of restructuring the semantic structures of consciousness and reorientation on new life tasks, leading to the change of the nature of the activity and relationships, have a profound impact on the further course of personality development.

The first such crisis is approximately 16-20 years. At this age, a person is already formally considered adults. Moreover, he considers himself an adult himself, and accordingly tries to prove it to all the rest of the world. In addition, this time is a real, adult responsibility: army, first work, university, perhaps the first marriage. The parents stand behind his back, the independent life, impregnated with numerous hopes for the future begins.

The next age crisis accounts for about the 30th anniversary. At this time, a person appreciates the made and already much more soberly looking into the future. He begins to want peace, stability. Many at this age begin to "make a career", others, on the contrary, give more time to the family in the hope of finding a certain "meaning of life", something seriously took the mind and heart.

Next, the age crisis falls 40-45 years. A person sees ahead of old age, and behind her the worst is death. The body loses strength and beauty, wrinkles appear, gray hair, overcome diseases. The time comes for the first battle with old age, the time when they hit in love adventures, then the heads go to work, they begin to make extreme actions like jumping with parachutes or climbing on Everest. During this period, some are looking for salvation in religion, others - in various philosophies, the third, on the contrary, become cynical and evil.

The next age crisis accounted for 60-70 years. The man in these years, as a rule, is retired and does not know at all how to take himself. In addition, health is no longer the old friends, and someone may be alive, the children rose and live for a long time with their lives, even if in the same house with their parents. A person suddenly understands that life comes to an end and he is no longer in the center of her cycle, that his age ends. He feels lost, can fall into depression, lose interest in life.

The content of the article:

Crisis periods in life - this is a normal, physiological process, which is due to the change of life values \u200b\u200band installations. These mandatory stages of personality development occur in most people, but everyone proceeds in different ways. If a person is ready to change and develop, there should be no problems with the psychological state, but often crises entail the development of various phobias, complexes, depressed. Often people drive themselves into a state from which only a psychologist can get to get out.

The concept and theses of the crisis period in the life of a person

The crisis is always an important period of human life associated with the adoption of a fateful decision. Translated from the Greek language means "separation of roads", so this spiritual state is also called the "turn of fate."

Any internal crisis period is developing against the background of an already familiar lifestyle when a person gets used to a certain embezzlement, dimension and comfortable conditions. But at one moment there is a dun, and an unstable psychological state deprives him of support, the confidence that his life is really what he needs. Human new needs appear.

In these periods, people enter the conflict with the outside world, they are unhappy with everyone that surrounds them. And in fact, as psychologists say, the essence of the crisis is in the internal conflict and the inability of a person to take reality, desire to make it perfect. A protest occurs on this background, and then the search for solutions starts. It is important that they are found, and the person sent all the accumulated energy to their implementation.

The concept of the crisis period includes such basic theses:

  • Any crisis is a psychologically difficult period to be accepted and survived.
  • This period in no case cannot be considered a deadlock. This accumulated contradictions come into combating your inner "I".
  • From the crisis period of life there is always ways out of the exit that lie in the action, the realization of needs and desires.
  • The experienced crisis contributes to becoming a character, the development of strong volitional qualities.
  • After a difficult stage, a person finds confidence, and he has a new comfortable model of behavior.
Turnstanding moments can occur for various reasons associated with personal life, work or health. These are individual situations, and there are a number of so-called "mandatory age crises" through which all people pass, and people cannot affect their beginning.

The main causes of crisis age periods

The emergence of the crisis at various age is a pattern, which indicates the development of the personality. In addition to physiological aspects, there are some more important reasons for the emergence of such periods.

What leads to the appearance of a crisis:

  1. Injury. It may be an injury that the child is experiencing in the process of birth, or by man transferred in early childhood. These factors affect the crisis and its duration.
  2. Formation of personality and formation of character. This happens when a person already has a certain set of information about the world around and begins to fully use the knowledge gained: manipulate, demand, learn the boundaries of the permitted.
  3. Influence of others. Parents, friends, spouse or spouse, acquaintances and colleagues play not the last role in the start of the crisis. Sometimes an impetus can serve as an abandoned phrase, a quarrel or a certain negative situation. These circumstances are forced to think about life priorities, they can lead to the analysis of achievements, dissatisfaction and, as a result, crisis.
  4. The pursuit of excellence. A person is developing throughout life, but there are periods when it is not pleased with its appearance, wage or housing condition. It also causes the crisis period. People who set an overwhelmed bar are especially subject to this.
  5. Sharp change of the usual lifestyle. It can be a transition to a new job, moving to another city or to a new apartment. Against this background, new needs and desires may appear, the individual will develop reflection, internal experiences that will turn into a crisis.

Pay attention, during the crisis, a person always becomes in front of the choice, and on what choice he will do depends on how much his life will be successful in the future.

The main signs of the crisis period in life

A person who is experiencing a turning point in life is enough to simply highlight from the crowd on visual symptoms - a wandering look, downshine. There are also a number of internal signs that characterize this condition:
  • Empty look. It seems that a person constantly thinks about something. Often, people who are experiencing a crisis are so immersed in themselves, that they do not even respond when the interlocutor is drawn.
  • . A person can be completely calm at first glance and suddenly to start crying or wild laugh at a banal joke. It all depends on the age of the individual. For example, teenagers are difficult to control their negative emotions, and people of mature age are already able to keep themselves in their hands.
  • Failure and sleep. Sometimes consciously, and sometimes because of the nervous tension, a person cannot eat normally and sleep.
  • Pessimistic or unnecessary optimistic attitude for the future. For people in these periods inherent excessive emotionality: they have plans and desires, but some people fall into depression, because they cannot implement them, while others begin to create a rapid activity. These two options are not the norm in ordinary life and are considered a bright sign that a person is experiencing internal tension.

Any age crisis should not be suppressed by the person or parents themselves, if we are talking about the critical moments in children. Only the accommodation of this situation and the way out of it with new models of behavior will avoid psychological disorders.

Characteristics of crisis periods of different years of life

At each stage of adults and changes in the inner world of a person, a certain age crisis is waiting for a person. As a child, these states pass unnoticed for the child, the behavior of parents is played here a very important role. For the first time, consciously with the crisis, a person faces in adolescence. This is a very important period when on the one hand you need to give a child the opportunity to make decisions yourself, and on the other - to protect it from the negative consequences of these decisions. In adulthood there is also a place to crisis, the main images are due to the non-ability to take reality and thirst for new impressions.

Children's crisis periods in life

Life of a little man from the first minutes of existence begins with stress. The so-called newborn crisis is the first turning point when it comes into fighting for his life and wins, making the first sigh.

The following children's crises appear at different stages of the development of the kid:

  1. In the first year of life. The reason is the first conscious distance from the closest person - Mom. The child begins to walk, expanding its horizons. And the kroch learns to speak and can already be expressing with native scraps of words. This leads to emotional excitement, an acute need to do everything yourself: find out what it is for the subject, touch it and even try. Parents at this time are better simply watching the champ, without interfering to know the world, eliminating obvious hazardous items from its zone of reach.
  2. On the third year. The most emotionally pronounced children's crisis, which is characterized by several symptoms: a negative reaction associated with the attitude of one person to another, stubbornness, desire, to the decision of the crumbs considered, a protest against home orders, the desire for emancipation from adults. In fact, at that time, the child wants to do everything himself, a break of communication with adults, he begins a period of allocating his own "I". At this time it is very important to laid the love of the love of the world, show him that this world loves him. Only children with such confidence grow optimists who do not fear make decisions and respond to their lives.
  3. On the seventh year. This is a "school crisis", which is characterized by receiving new knowledge, the beginning of the thought process, when the baby can already think about and analyze its actions. During this period, children are observed with a symptom of "bitter candy": they are closed in themselves, pretend that they are not bothering them, and they themselves may suffer. Emotionally they are experiencing great stress, because their life after a hike to school changes radically, social ties begin to form. The support of parents is very important here, their maximum participation in the life of the first grader.

Crisis periods of human life in his youth

The transition into adulthood life is also marked by several crisis periods. At this time, yesterday's child should have to make serious decisions, to respond to his actions, be able to dispose of finances. Many children are first separated from their parents, leaving for study. This is a strong stress who either raises the will in a child, or the cause of a number of irresponsible deeds.

What crisis age periods are distinguished in the youth:

  • In adolescence 12-16 years. This age is also called "transition" and "difficult". At this time, the baby's body changes, puberty occurs and interest in the opposite sex appears. From a psychological point of view, an adult child estimates himself through the prism of perception by other people. He most importantly, they said about him, his dress or a girlfriend bag or a friend. It is very important not to inspire shortcuts, do not focus on its shortcomings, because in an adult life it will turn into complexes. It is necessary to give the child confidence that he has many positive qualities and advantages - so he will develop them.
  • Self-determination crisis. He is observed at the age of 18-22, when a person understands that youthful maximalism does not always work and can not be divided into "white" and "black". At this time, a lot of opportunities are revealed before youth, and choose one correct option is difficult. Therefore, people often make mistakes, following not with their dreams, but what was imposed on parents, teachers, friends. During this period, it is important to listen to yourself and make a choice in favor of your desires, you will be able to defend them. And it is also necessary to accept and love yourself with all its shortcomings.

Crisis periods of personality development in adulthood

After 30 years, when a person has already been chosen in life, priorities and goals have been identified, it may be disturbed by the feeling of dissatisfaction, they can throw thoughts from the series "How could my life could have happened if ...". This is the first bell that on the nose crisis periods of mature years.

Consider the features of crisis periods in adulthood:

  1. Aged 32-37 years. A person can enter the contradiction with himself. Seeing his mistakes, he can no longer, as in his youth, easy to agree with them and take the fact of their presence. On the contrary, he starts the inner struggle, proving himself that he could not be mistakes, and all his actions were correct. Output from this crisis Two: Take mistakes, adjust the plan for the future and get the influx of energy for its implementation, or clinging for past experience and illusory ideals, remaining in place. The last option can last for several years and make a person extremely unhappy.
  2. Aged 37-45 years. The most complicated period of life, when both men, and women tend to tear well-established ties for the sake of desire to go further, develop and receive the desired one. Family, work, life - all this may seem "excess cargo", which pulls on the bottom. A clear understanding comes to a person that life is alone and spend her for fresh existence there is no desire. The exit is visible in the interruption of burdensive connections, the redistribution of responsibilities, the change of activity in order to get more free time to implement their own goals.
  3. After 45 years. This is the time of the second youth, when both men and women cease to measure their age by the years, and begin to feel their internal potential for future years. During this period, because of the hormonal restructuring, women become similar to adolescents - they often change the mood, they are offended for any occasion. Men develops the instinct of the male, they again seek to become conquerors, fight for their own. As psychologists say, at this age, you can either make fresh married relations with more sharp, or find a new one suitable for the partner temperament.
  4. After 55 years. During this period, a prolonged crisis is observed, which involves the adoption of several truths: your body has changed, you will have to retire, I will inevit from life. Psychologists believe that the worst thing for a person at this time remains one, without the need to take care of someone or go to his beloved job. However, it is impossible to fall in spirit, the main indisputable plus of this period - a person receives a lot of free time, which dreamed of throughout his life. Now is the time to use them, because mature age is not a disease, but the moment when you can afford to travel, relax. It is also desirable to find a hobby after retirement to fill a lot of time. It is important that the concept of "old age" does not synonymous with passivity. This period is rejected by the results of your life, the time you can devote only to yourself.
Transitional stages in life should be perceived calmly, smoothly crossing the crisis from one step to another, realizing that it would not work out to jump somewhat in one fear. It is important from each crisis to learn internally enriched, with a new stimulus for further accomplishments.

How to survive crisis periods of life

Any crisis is stress for a person who can cause deterioration of well-being and health. To this not happen, it is necessary to comply with the rules that will help survive the crisis periods of personality development:
  • Find the stimulus to get up with bed. Even during the crisis of each person surrounds many little and great joys. The main thing to find them. It can be a laughter of your child while playing, morning walk with a dog, a cup of beloved coffee or a daily jog. At first, all this will seem small and unimportant to you, but doing these rituals, you will realize that it is from such joys a lot of happiness is being built.
  • Do yoga or pilates. During the difficult moments in life, it is important to learn how to relax as much as possible, turning off not only the body, but also the head. These practices will help you handle it, and will also keep muscles in a tone.
  • Give yourself positive emotions. During stress it is very useful to walk in the parks, walking at the exhibition, in a movie for comedy films. Smile, laughter, joy is a base that will not give negative thoughts to absorb you. This also applies to children who are experiencing a crisis - give them more bright emotions.
  • Praise yourself. Do it at every step: managed on a minibus - excellent, managed to pass the report on time - your merit is also. You must improve self-esteem.
  • Want to cry - cry. Coach emotions is harmful at any age, and especially during the crisis. With tears and screams, accumulated inside the negative. The man is depleted, cleared and opened towards new accomplishments.
  • Do not go to yourself. Remember, age crises are a natural process, hide from it or pass by it will not work, it is important to survive. If it is difficult for you, lonely and it seems that you can not cope with all the collapsed thoughts, be sure to pay for help to a psychologist.
What is the crisis period in a person's life - look at the video:

Lighter people, those who recently survived the death of a loved one or patients with severe diagnoses are subject to breakdowns against the background of the crisis. To prevent depression, help these people should have their friends and their relatives and participation.