Eva Lyopa from Ukraine became the winner of the Children's New Wave at Artek. When is Sosiskin coming? New wave children eva lepa

  • 12.06.2019

A twelve-year-old singer from Ukraine became the winner of the Children's New Wave competition, which was held in Crimea. Eva Lepa's parents said that Ukrainians would react negatively to such an event. On her social network, the girl posted many photos that she took in Yalta.

The Children's New Wave competition took place a few days earlier, namely from May 31 to June 1, 2018.

The Ukrainian girl not only lit the audience, but also became the winner of the competition, which gives her the right to perform on the same stage with Russian performers.

Eva Lepa, became popular thanks to the project “Voice. Children ", which took place in Ukraine in 2017. At the blind auditions, Eva was able to impress the jury with her talent, and literally, the struggle began for her. But, the girl made a decision that her mentors would be members of the group "Time and Glass" - Nadezhda Dorofeeva and Positive.

Lepa, in spite of the fact that in the first stage of the competition she attracted the attention of all the mentors, could not make it to the final.

For 12 years soybeans, Eva took part in a large number of competitions, in some she even won first places. The girl received a vocal education thanks to one of music schools Kiev, but Eva was born in Kremenchug.

The girl has repeatedly stated that she dreams of performing with Polina Gagarina and Dima Bilan.

Eva Lepa: victory in the competition in Crimea

Despite the fact that Eva Lepa is a citizen of Ukraine, she was not afraid to perform in Crimea.

On May 31 and June 1, the "New Wave Children's" took place on the peninsula, in which Eva was able to win.

The stage of the competition was attended by talented children aged 8-12 years. But, along with young vocalists, such stars also performed Russian stage like: Alexander Vorobyov, singer Jasmine, the Pizza group and Timur Rodriguez.

The jury of the competition included Nikolay Baskov, Oleg Gazmanov, Evgeny Kombarov, Sergey Lazarev, Larisa Dolina and others. There was also showman Igor Krutoy, who is present at the competition every year.

Children performed various hits, both foreign and domestic performers... And despite the fact that they chose one winner, all participants were presented with diplomas of the "New Wave Children's 2018" and a microphone as a gift.

Eva Lepa became the absolute winner. In two days of the 11th annual competition, she had a large number of points, namely: 80 points on the first day and the same amount on the second.

After the victory, the 12-year-old girl thanked everyone present for their support.

Eva Lepa: scandal after the competition in Ukraine

After Eva left for the Russian competition, many Ukrainian viewers of the "Voice" condemned the girl. The singer's parents reported earlier that the trip to Crimea would cause a lot of criticism in Ukraine. But still, they said that talented musicians should not pay attention to politics and perform wherever they want.

Users social networks reacted very negatively to the photos of Eva from Yalta. Some of them even expressed their opinion on this matter. They believe that the girl's parents should be deprived of Ukrainian citizenship, since many are sure that a 12-year-old child is unlikely to independently decide whether to go to another country for the competition.

Eve herself is very happy with the victory in Russian competition and in the future he plans to perform on the same stage with such performers as Dima Bilan and Polina Gagarina.

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Eva Lyopa performed the song Do not forget the singer Evgenia Vlasova at the blind auditions in the 3rd issue of the 4th season of the Voice. Children. Watch Online Voice... Children 4 season 3 release from 11/19/2017 blind choice.
My kohannya akord ostaniy
grabbed the blueoka n_ch.
And the same rosette is just a hand for me.
Hands to me.
And the wind from the sea goyda zorі
on the praises of memory "to sleep and sleep.
That I until you dawn from the sky will not turn.
I will not turn any more.

Ale, I pray you don’t eat chiy won.

One in heaven, one without you.
Holy and sinful at once.
I forgave you and let you
Siwa sadness, Siwa my sorrow.
Do not forget that here at the sky є the dawn is summed up,
Ale, I pray you don’t eat chiy won.
In my eyes, my sorrow, my sorrow zgoraє.
Do not forget that here at the sky є the dawn is summed up,
Ale, I pray you don’t eat chiy won.
In my eyes, my sorrow, my sorrow zgoraє.
Chiyas hope for you zigrin i
I know Happiness turn.
I will stop, let me go,
So, yak me. So, yak have seen me.
Do not forget that here at the sky є the dawn is summed up,
Ale, I pray, do not feed chiy won.
In my eyes, my sorrow, my sorrow zgoraє.

Video reviews

1. Gorpina Tsigelman
Zadovbala already tsya movna schizophrenia, і trainers, і leading. coarsely to go, not trivial, not more stinky not to bash? Now psuvati time, skipping from mov to mov? you can’t grow normally? from how a child comes from the іnshoi land, since it’s not a matter of mind, that’s why go with her to an earthly one of those children, read only from Osadchey all garazd, іnshim, it seems, a psychologist is needed, do not split up.

2. Alexandra Egorova
Well, too proud. I really liked the song and the performance. But I think I need to be more modest. Yes best friend, but still superfluous information that classmates wanted to meet Nastya, but she did not want to, or something.

3. Siberian Health
To be honest, I understand her desire to become popular. Since she is offended when they approach Nastya to be photographed, and no one does not notice her. If she did not know her, she would not want to become popular. And she sings super

In my artist there is a classmate of classmate Eva. I found her VK, she has almost all the pictures with the stars, and so on. I wanted to talk to her, but if you knew how rude and greyhound she is

6. Galina Levitskaya

7. InnaZazazu
I have nothing against the girl, but she shouted the song. who is engaged in vocals will understand what the difference is. Only the throat is involved, which at the end is necessarily torn off.

8.liza open smile
Here the time was vibrated and the glass I go to the site voice children 1 plus one and there is no eyo, I hope yeo was not removed and ana is my town

9. Olya Andiychuk
Such a talented girl, and such a beauty. And on the scale of popularity, then the whole child, and the whole bazhannya is adequate for a wick.

10. Zhani Moon
She shows off a lot I want to be like Nastya, so that everyone would take pictures with me, not as with a friend, but with the star Eva Lyopa

11. Vocal Group
The girl is weak, the timbre is ugly, she moves awkwardly, yells high notes, sings out of tune. It is not clear at all how she was taken away

12.lena bon
I overplayed it, I don't like it. Here Nastya really was a bomb, but she just tried to either copy, or overestimate herself.

13. Dasha Svintsova
To come just to be famous is stupidity. She does not know how to sing at all, and she does not speak the words clearly.

14. Ler Ava
Well done. Very talented. I hope she wins. She has a goal to become like Nastya Baginskaya, it pleases me.

15. Liza Baranova
This girl pisses me off. She only talked about Nastya. It would be better to tell about myself. And then Nastya. Yes, Nastya.

Barely getting to her feet after bone marrow transplantation, Marina put on a clown costume, turned into Lyopa Sosiskin and went to the neighboring wards - to the children

Lyopa Sosiskin quickly moves along the hall of the Gorbacheva Research Institute: a hat on one side, a clown nose, a red T-shirt sticking out from under a medical gown. At first, they look at him with bewilderment - he is so foreign-bright against the background of emaciated faces. Do the children smile at him? Because of the medical masks, it is not visible. But they answer questions, they make contact. Even teenagers respond. Moreover, they turn out to be the most grateful audience.

"And what is this with you?" - Sosiskin asks a girl of about thirteen and immediately takes out a foam rubber ball from behind her ear. The girl laughs, followed by a younger boy, who also had a "treasure" behind his ear, and his parents. Until Sosiskin appeared in the hall, there was silence, interrupted by crying from time to time. And now there are chuckles here and there. They may go out quickly, but something subtly changes: those who have allowed themselves to be carried away by the game relax for at least a few minutes. Both children and adults.

Sosiskin comes up to me and becomes Marina. “I didn't have time to donate blood. I'll come here again tomorrow morning, ”she says in an undertone. Four years after the bone marrow transplant, Marina still regularly travels from Tomsk to St. Petersburg for scheduled consultations with a doctor. And almost always comes to the children, at least for a short while. She is worried that this time she took so few things with her. In Tomsk, in the oncohematological department, she was given a whole office, wardrobes for suits and props. There, the children of Sosiskin are no longer surprised - they are waiting for him.

Seeing a child, frightened by the upcoming procedure, Marina immediately turns back into a clown. "Blow!" - asks the clown of his new acquaintance. He obediently blows on the outstretched ball, and there are three balls. "Are you a wizard or what?" - Sosiskin asks. I would like to ask Sosiskin himself the same thing. Rather, at Marina.

Three in one

“I have always dreamed of becoming either a doctor, or a teacher, or an actress. And wow - I'm a clown doctor, I play and work with children. Three in one!" - Marina smiles. She studied acting in theater school, since childhood I was used to performing on stage. Then she graduated from the Pedagogical University, worked as a teacher and child psychologist. But only when I became a clown, I realized that this is much more than just a job. Fifteen years have passed since then.

At first, Marina, in the form of Lyopa Sosiskin, spent children's parties. But when her son was in intensive care with poisoning, she realized: the clown is most needed not at the holidays, but in hospitals. So Lyopa Sosiskin became the first hospital clown in Tomsk.

Photo: Valery Zaitsev for TD

Soon, Marina Myrina had a like-minded person - Natalia Shimina. They started working together, founded the Hospital Clown organization, trained volunteers, and created their own Joy Partners foundation. Most of them came to study as hospital clowns different people - medical workers, journalists, teachers.

Clowns get sick too

At first, Marina worked in all children's hospitals in Tomsk, then she came to the oncohematology department and realized that it was on him that she should focus, because there is perhaps the most difficult thing for children. Imagine the surprise of the doctors when Marina came to them as a patient, and even with a diagnosis of leukemia.

It happened in 2013. Marina spent six months in intensive care, where no one was allowed to see her, another six months - in an ordinary ward. “The doctors didn't give me a chance at all,” she recalls. “There were a lot of complications, no one thought that I would get out.” Marina still went into remission. But the head of the department honestly told her that this type of leukemia would come back again and again, that each relapse would leave less and less chance of survival. It is better to have a bone marrow transplant after the first remission.

The search for bone marrow donors begins with close relatives. Marina has a brother, a surgeon. Fortunately, he turned out to be the perfect donor - one hundred percent coincidence. And they went to St. Petersburg, to the Raisa Gorbacheva Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Transplantology. Despite the word "child" in the name, bone marrow transplantation is also carried out here for adults. An expensive drug was required to prepare for the transplant. The AdVita charitable foundation helped pay for it. He also supports the work of the laboratories of the Gorbacheva Research Institute, which are deprived of sufficient funding from the state, pays for reagents, consumables, and also the search for donors in the Russian and international registers for those whose relatives are not suitable for this role.

Sosiskin in space

“After the transplant, there were a lot of complications - both pneumonia and mucositis. She could neither speak nor swallow, did not eat anything, was on artificial nutrition. Well, and then like a flight into space: once - and you fly! " - says Marina. Soon she got hold of a clown costume, nose, toys and, as soon as she could stand on her feet, went to the children.

“They dug up the chemistry - I immediately put on a nose, a hat, took toys and went to the kids,” says Marina. “They knew which ward I was in. When they pass by, they always look in, and they don't care if I have a nose or not, in makeup or not in makeup, in a wig or not in a wig. They still perceive me as Lyopa Sosiskin. They shout: "Sosiskin, hello!" Sometimes they complain: "They put a catheter in me!" And I say: "Here, look, I have the same!" They ask: "Well, do clowns get sick too?"

Photo: Valery Zaitsev for TD

At first, the doctor scolded Marina, saying that she had just gone crazy. But Marina felt that in this way she helped to recover not only the children, but also herself. After the transplantation, she was to be monitored in St. Petersburg for six months, but in the third month the doctors let her go home.

The return was exciting. When Marina fell ill, her son Yaroslav was still only in the third grade. “I was hairless,” recalls Marina. - I go up to the apartment and think, what should I say to the child? I decided: I will say that the chewing gum got stuck in my hair and I had to cut it off. I go in, take off my hat ... But he himself understood everything. We probably cried for half an hour hugging each other, I didn't even have to invent anything. "

Radar man

At home, Marina did not even think of stopping - she continued to go to the oncohematological department to see the children. She says that now she is with them as if of the same blood. She determined for herself that the hospital clown is not an animator at all. He distracts children while they fearfully await their turn at the doctor's office, he turns a boring room into a place where miracles are possible. For adults, the arrival of a clown is a respite, an opportunity to be absent from the ward for a short time, or, more importantly, for the first time in long time see the smile of a child. And also, of course, hope. After all, Marina honestly tells both parents and children that she herself survived the illness and was able to recover.

“The clown has to feel the situation, the state of the child, scan the situation,” she says. - You will go to someone, and it is enough just to sit next to, take a hand, stroke, someone needs something more emotional. When I go to the children, I have with me a whole suitcase of games, toys, magic tricks. Everyone's age is different, their condition is different, a different approach is needed. Children if only there was new person, something interesting. They lie for six months or longer, each time they need something new. "

Pajama parties with pillows, fireworks with colorful T-shirt bags, shows soap bubbles... You have to navigate according to the situation, you can never plan everything in advance.

Tricks of Lyopa Sosiskin
Photo: Valery Zaitsev for TD

Marina wants to ensure that the clown doctor was on the staff of the hospital, came to the round every day, not once a week. So far, it has not been possible to arrange it - there is no funding. But Marina does not give up.

“There are, of course, difficult moments,” she admits. - You come to the department in the morning and you see that the child already has no chance, that he is from last strength smiles. And at lunchtime he had already died. These last smiles remain forever in my memory. "

Marina, like many others, was helped to get out by the AdVita charity foundation. So that as possible more people defeated a dangerous disease and returned to a full life, we, in turn, need to support AdVita. It is very difficult for him now. There is not enough money to save the patients for whom he is - last hope to pay for an expensive medicine, or to search for a bone marrow donor in the international registry (after all, not everyone is as lucky as Marina was). Our monthly 100 or 200 rubles is a great help for charitable foundation, someone's hope of recovery.