Prayer from energy vampires is an effective way of protection. Protect from evil people and energy vampires

  • 11.10.2019

Protect your energy from negative people with a simple but effective remedy - amulets.

Who are energy vampires?

They are also called emotional or physical or psychological vampires. These are people who feed on the vital energy of others. Most of us have experienced exhaustion and fatigue after interacting with a certain work colleague or so-called friend. Empaths should be especially wary - people who tend to empathize and empathize. They will definitely want to feed on your energy.

Usually, energy vampires adhere to the same model of behavior - they are always negative, complain about life, others, whine and cry. But any attempts to help are discarded, advice is not followed.

But as soon as you start to distance yourself from them, do not play their game, do not sympathize and do not delve into their inflated problems, then energetic vampires will retreat and go to look for another naive victim.

How to protect yourself from energy vampires?

Naturally, ideally, do not communicate with them. But sometimes this is simply not possible if, for example, your boss or close relative is the emotional vampire. Then you need physical protection with natural talisman stones.

With their vibrations, such minerals protect the human energy field, and some even energize you. Keep these stones in your bag, wallet, or on your desk. And as soon as you feel that you need recharge, hold them in your hands for 5 minutes.


This stone has a very unusual effect. First, it gives you vitality when you feel tired or exhausted. Secondly, it will be great to have it with you at all times. After all, a pomegranate of any kind acts as a bait for energy vampires - they can only draw energy from the stone, and not from you.


The message this crystal sends to the psychic vampires is, "Back off!" Share your existing bond with the psychic vampire with obsidian jewelry or souvenir stone. Ideally, wear this mineral in a necklace near your solar plexus or heart chakra. Obsidian jewelry breaks the connection between energy vampires and your energy field.


The incredibly beautiful blue glow of aquamarine creates a powerful protective field around its owner. Aquamarine also clears the aura, improves sleep, relieves stress and improves overall emotional well-being.

Buy aquamarine products by link.


Citrine carries a powerful charge of solar energy, and we all know how vampires love the sun! Mineral works like this. Thanks to its positive energy vibrations, it keeps people with negative intentions away from your aura. And psychic vampires cannot harm you.


Labrador stone bracelets and beads strengthen your aura and hide it from energy vampires and just negative people. Thus, no one will darken your mood and take away a piece of your vitality.

Have you felt the influence of energy vampires? What do you do if someone tries to turn you into a pillow for crying and whining? Share your experiences in the comments below!

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Do vampires exist in our modern age? Of course, Count Dracula and similar ghouls became only echoes of the past, and vampirism took on a different form - energetic. Prayer from energy vampires is more relevant and modern than ever because they are around us.

A vampire relative may live next to you, a boss may live at work, and even among friends and girlfriends there may be vampires. Vampirism took on a latent form, put on a mask of friendship and mercy. And sometimes a vampire can disguise himself as a miserable loser who is terribly unlucky in life - and only you can help him with your participation. True, at the expense of your personal energy. Consider different ways to protect yourself from this "evil".

What is vampirism? It is always a defective energy of a person, in other words, a disease. A person lacks personal vitality, and he intuitively takes it away from those around him. There are many ways to take energy:

  • cause aggression in the donor object;
  • whining about your failures, feeding on the sympathy of the donor;
  • constantly be near the donor and get on your nerves with your presence;
  • "Pulling the soul" out of a person is not by washing, so by rolling;
  • whining and boring;
  • deification and veneration of the donor;
  • to make you feel guilty - “guilty without guilt”.

A vampire may not be aware of his own characteristics, acting instinctively. Unconscious vampires include all seriously ill people, people of old age, lonely losers, schizophrenics and people with clearly inappropriate behavior.

In the old days, such people were treated with bloodletting - they put leeches. Most young ghouls have no obvious diseases, but the blood is heavily slagged.

There is another type of ghouls - envious ones. Envy can eat away at a person's soul, deplete energy. The way out in such a situation is the selection of life force from another person. The envious person can also feed on the energy of the one he envies.

Oddly enough, but nowadays there are whole dens of vampires, where they gather in a heap:

  • nursing homes, clinics and hospitals;
  • city ​​hall and city administration;
  • prisons and pre-trial detention centers;
  • places of mass graves.

In all these and similar places there is a very unfavorable atmosphere. After visiting these establishments, there is an unpleasant aftertaste, and sometimes a breakdown. Try to appear there as rarely as possible, and if necessary, put a talisman. After visiting public places, always take a cleansing shower and dump negativity onto a candle. From the flame of a candle, you can be filled with energy, restore your strength.

Energy protection methods

Esotericists believe that it is easy to protect yourself from a vampire personality if you know about its intentions. As soon as you realize that there is a ghoul in front of you, put a mental barrier between him and you. It can be a brick or concrete wall, a glass sphere, a mirrored dome with a reflective side outside.

At the same time, it is important to maintain emotional balance, not to get irritated and not throw out your emotions: the ghoul is exactly what I need from you. Even if some boor on the tram openly expresses his attitude to you in an obscene manner, do not react. This will be difficult at first, but as you become aware of the problem, you will be able to correct your behavior.

It is very important to immediately cut off the energy outflow channel. This can be done very simply: stop thinking about the ghoul and remember him. Imagine that a cord or hose is stretched between you and him - and cut it off. Cut off the hose with anything: you can imagine that it burned out. Human thought is material. Remember this and direct your thoughts in the right direction.

Prayer protection

Protection from energy vampires with the help of prayer is an excellent amulet. Prayers protect a person from negative energies. If you are affected by the actions of a vampire, read the prayer:

After that, imagine in your hand a double-edged knife and make movements around you that imitate chopping off the vampire's channel. Since you do not know where he is, cut off the space around you - in a circle.

Protective sachet

If you have an energy vampire in your home, make a protective herbal sachet. To do this, take a canvas bag or roll the gauze in several layers. Put the following ingredients in there:

  • flowers from rose hips;
  • pink petals (white);
  • leaves from ash;
  • dry herb thyme;
  • aspen leaves;
  • garlic husks;
  • a feather from a crow;
  • peppercorns;
  • silver item.

Tie the bag with a red cord and carry it with you constantly in the bag. When communicating with an energy vampire, you must touch the sachet.

However, no defenses will help you if you respond to a vampire's summons. Do not succumb to provocations, do not respond with abuse to abuse, do not even make remarks to ghouls. Emotional emptiness is the worst punishment for a vampire and the best amulet for you.

Vampire Protection Ritual

In order not to become a victim of a ghoul, you need to protect yourself. The ritual is very simple, but it requires concentration and concentration.


  • a sheet of white paper;
  • a simple white candle and matches;
  • felt-tip pen or fountain pen;
  • metal tray.

The ritual is performed at sunset on any day of the waning moon (see the calendar). You must be alone, shower, and wear loose clothing and a belt. You should not have looping objects - rings, chains, earrings, bracelets and hairpins. Loosen your hair, it is better to remain barefoot or in cotton socks.

These preparations are very important because you will be handling energies. Energy needs free movement, and looping objects will distort its flow. The purity of the body is also important: traces of sweat distort the informational component of a person's energy.

Light a white candle from a match, put it in a candlestick on an empty table (remove all objects from it). Place a sheet of paper with a pen in front of you, recite a prayer or mantra, and draw an equilateral cross.

Now you should imagine how all the energy from space flows into the symbol of the cross. This energy is very powerful, it literally seethes and fills space with its vibrations. This energy can have color, or it can be absolutely transparent - it doesn't matter.

Put out the candle and hide. When the need arises, ignite and visualize the power of the universe that protects you.

Mirror protection

Mirrors have very effective protection. They tend to reflect the negative messages of ill-wishers. The mirror needs to be put on the chest in the form of a pendant. You can order a small round mirror in the workshop and make any frame for it. Only you don't need to drill a hole in the mirror: the amulet must be intact. Wear the mirror amulet with the reflective side out.

The principle of operation of such a talisman is simple: any attempt at a psychic or energy attack will be sent back, that is, reflected. The amulet should be hidden under clothing, in direct contact with your body.

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People energetically influence each other, but at the same time many do not know how to protect themselves from negative influences. One of the types of such effects is energy vampirism. There are individuals who consume a lot of energy. It can be positive and negative. As a weed interferes with the growth of a flower, they dry out a person, exposing him to stress, depression, and illness. Such pests are not aware of their characteristics. There are magical charms that block the escape of energy outside the human aura.

To determine if a person is an energy vampire, you should ask him for the exact date of birth. Write the year, month and date in a row, add them up. The total amount should be unambiguous, add up until you achieve the result.

For example, we have the date 12/19/1988. We calculate the sum 1 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 8, we get 39, these numbers should also be summed up, in the end we get 12. Twelve consists of two digits 1 + 2 = 3. This indicator is the number of energy.

The results are decoded as follows:

  • on the scale of energy vampirism, the most powerful numbers are 1 and 2. When faced with such a representative, urgently start a talisman, or stop communicating with him;
  • numbers 5 and 7 indicate that a person is extremely weak, he himself is subjected to all kinds of attacks. Recommend him to use a talisman, or read esoteric literature;
  • intermediate symbols 3, 6, 8 characterize the wearer as the owner of a powerful aura. It is quite difficult to break through, so existence next to energy vampires does not bother them;
  • the number 4 indicates the uniqueness of the energy sector. It can be both donor and vice versa;
  • the number 9 indicates a powerful aura. Any negative emotions will not be able to reach such a person, but, if not applied in the right direction, the feature will remain unrealized.

Visually, the destroyer of the human aura may be no different from the rest. However, there are groups of individuals, among which energy vampires are more common:

  • people in years;
  • children;
  • patients undergoing long-term treatment;
  • hospice patients, psychiatric clinic;
  • prisoners.

All of them are in the circle of suspects. Previously, such people were treated with bloodletting, leeches were put on them. They helped to dissolve blood clots and the patient's well-being instantly improved.

An important sign of the presence of an energy vampire is a sense of loss of balance. This attack, similar to mild panic, will overtake you after a short conversation. Unexplained fatigue and loss of strength will appear. In this case, the interlocutor will continue his conversation, regardless of your appearance. Energy vampires love to conduct empty conversations about nothing, saturated with a huge number of meaningless phrases that do not carry any meaning. The main fuel for energy vampires is unexpected emotions. They can specifically describe the details of the incident, causing only disgust, fear. Colleagues who often do not answer specific questions, or change their minds, most likely belong to energy vampires.

Setting up the barrier

Finding an energy vampire is easy. Often they are work colleagues. You can protect yourself from them in the following ways:

  • if such a person is following you, keep your cool and ignore him. In a telephone conversation, feel free to hang up as soon as the tone rises. The main thing is to maintain composure;
  • the second way to defend against the energy vampire is to escape. Do not be afraid to seem cowardly or misunderstood, just close the door, or do not cross the threshold of the office at all;
  • shrill laughter will be an alternative way to fight. This surge will give rise to a feeling of misunderstanding, irritability in the interlocutor and close the portal for the release of energy;
  • keep your distance from your colleagues. Dine alone or in a private room. If you can't hide from prying eyes, just keep quiet.

What if the energy vampire is the boss?

In this case, it is problematic to ignore the commands of your leadership, and even more abruptly interrupt the conversation, hang up the phone. In such cases, any obstacle will do. You can protect yourself in the following way:

  • objects such as a chair, cabinet, table, and gestures, closed poses can act as an obstacle. Let something be between you during the conversation, and if this is not possible, then just cross your arms and legs. This gesture will help from any negativity thrown at your side;
  • focus mentally on the fact that you are hidden from everyone behind a fence, or a dome through which no dark energy penetrates;
  • try more often, but in moderation, to joke, smile. An unconventional reaction acts instantly, closing the channel of information transmission;
  • think that you are the boss, and in front of you is a subordinate, or an unreasonable child, scold him. The main thing is not to say anything like that out loud;
  • do not let the leadership escalate the situation, dominate you in the pose. When the boss leans over you, stand up to balance the position.

Protection from the energy vampire at home

An energy vampire can be born in a family. No one is immune from this, the child will not be to blame for this. Try to help the child. A very small baby needs to be reassured, and simply ignored in moments of tantrum. Over time, he himself will calm down and understand that no one needs his concerts. When your relative begins to absorb energy, try talking to him. Explain your discomfort to him, suggest a couple of options where you can recharge with positive energy. Take a trip to nature or a performance of your favorite artist.

Place a protective sachet in your room. It looks like a small canvas bag of dried herbs. There may be protective plants: wild rose, ash, aspen, thyme. You can add rose petals, pea peppers, crow feathers, and garlic peels. Complete it with a silver piece. Fasten the bag with a red tape and put it in a secluded place where you can often touch it.

How to put a block for a mother

Mom is the most dear person for us, it is impermissible to ignore and interrupt communication with her. As soon as strange behavior began to manifest itself already in the adult period of your life, try to move to separate housing so that everyday life does not kill family relationships. Agree with most of your mother's words, do not argue or piss her off. Show discreet love. Surround mom with care and attention. Place a barrier between you in your mind and don't go beyond it. Over time, mom herself will stop bothering you.

If none of the above helps, then use the following ritual. Get a candle, a metal tray, a sheet of clean paper, and a felt-tip pen. Prepare for the process, wash yourself, put on loose clothing without buttons and braces, remove all jewelry and loose your hair. The action should take place on the waning moon. Place the candle on an empty table, place a piece of paper and a felt-tip pen next to it. An even cross should be depicted on paper. Read a prayer that is close to you. Now visualize an image of the energy of the Cosmos flowing down to the center of the cross. As soon as you understand that the symbol is full, give a speech:

“O mighty heavens! Take all the blackness of the world away from me, fill with powerful protection. May it be so! Amen".

Now burn the leaf and take the energy of the cross upon yourself. End the ritual with the words:

"As this fire destroyed the cross, but did not reach the power of heaven, so no magic will dispute my words."

Hide the remaining candle stub, it will be needed for future re-processes.

Protection from a spouse

It is not always possible to choose your husband with all the positive qualities. Love is evil. If your spouse turns out to be an energy vampire, don't worry, you won't have to get divorced. Ignoring tantrums won't always help either. Check your birth date. When you have a strong aura, the proximity to the absorber of excess energy will benefit you. You will balance each other. Embroider with thread amulets on tablecloths, towels, napkins. A fireball is considered the symbol of protection. Do common things more often: go for a walk, solve work and household issues together. Extinguish your spouse's outbursts of anger by switching to a barely audible whisper. In this case, the husband will be forced to shut up in order to hear you. Think of a hobby for your husband that suits both, for example, watching football or fishing. Do not succumb to provocations, it is better to retire to the next room, making it clear that the dialogue is over. Give your spouse a compliment about

his household chores, ask him to do it again. The lesson will extinguish the outbreak, and the husband will be pleased that it is beneficial and cannot be dispensed with.

Energy Vampire Complainer

Such a person is called lunar. He does not show aggression and does not display strong emotions. However, the interlocutor will have to feel sorry for and sympathize with the complainant. If you do not stop the flow of negative information in time, it will draw all the energy out of you. Try to stop the pest with a story about successes, or, conversely, failures. In this case, he will need to show participation himself and the negative action will stop. Do not try to be polite with energy vampires, they can cause irreparable damage to health and balance of life.

The lunar energy vampire will not openly demonstrate a desire to get enough of someone else's energy. However, the harm from them is no less than from the sun. The solar energy vampire will try to challenge you into open conflict, not hiding the pleasure of what is happening.

Salt as a talisman

Natural mineral has amazing cleaning properties both literally and figuratively. Similar properties were noticed by the Slavs and Eastern sages. In the teachings, a special place is given to salt, and in pagan traditions they always take bread and salt.

There must be an uncovered salt shaker on the table. She will extinguish the evil eye and evil thoughts of the guests. There is a special cleansing ritual. Take a large box of coarse sea salt and pour half of it into a hot skillet. You must wait for the characteristic crackling sounds. Then remove it from the fire, take it in your right hand and go around the house, passing every corner. During the ritual, the prayer "Our Father" is read.

Reflection with a mirror

The mirror is considered to be a unique means of fighting unwanted energy channels. You can apply the subject both physically and mentally. Protect your mind from the interlocutor with a reflective wall and hold it until communication stops. In ordinary life, small mirrors can be worn in a pocket with the front side away from you, or as a pendant on a chain. Make a frame for the mirror, behind which

thread the chain. Never make holes in the mirror. It will bring unhappiness.

Verbal amulets

As with any illness and misfortune, there are prayers and conspiracies that do not allow violating the integrity of the aura. It is worth reading a prayer to an angel, or to the Mother of God. It helps to destroy any evil spirits, the evil eye and restore health. There are a number of conspiracies for protection against corruption that also refer to the Virgin, use the one that you like. You can come up with a conspiracy yourself, the main thing is that the spoken text comes from a pure heart and is thought out.

Stones as amulets

Stones are successfully used in the fight against energy vampires. They can be put in your pocket or purse. Also, protective precious stones are used as a pendant.

  • bright yellow agate has excellent absorbency. He is able to catch and close the sent information in himself. You cannot wear it for a long time, since the energy accumulated by the stone can be destructive for the mineral;
  • jet is still actively used in the fight against spoilage and bad thoughts. Bracelets or rosary beads are made of it. For greater efficiency, you need to touch it more often;
  • tiger's eye wards off any dangers and warns the wearer by changing weight and temperature.

You can choose stones at your own will. Often, a mineral corresponding to your zodiac sign is unconsciously liked more than others, and you choose it as your amulet. The protective property of the pebble will be stronger if you find harmony with the mineral.

Types of amulets that save from energy vampires

Usually, at the mention of energy vampires, an association with an aspen stake appears in the head. This is no accident. Using aspen wood will help you feel the attack. The subject will darken. Decorations, rosary, combs are made of wood.

Rock crystal is so pure and transparent that it is able to refract streams of negativity and turn them aside. Place a small pebble in a clean box that allows light to pass through and put it in your pocket. The talisman can be hidden from prying eyes, or located in plain sight.

Wearing under the hem does a great job with magical storms. Also "" works. Similar on rings, pendants and earrings.

Delicious and healthy food always helps to fight bad thoughts. Eat your favorite fruits more often, which increase mood and immunity to various kinds of attacks. In the kitchen, make a garlic braid as a decor. He will keep the harmony and atmosphere of mutual respect in the house.

Pendants and amulets

She considers the solar symbol to be a universal powerful talisman, usually depicted on amulets. Wear the pendant close to your body and do not lose it.

The clover sign is more common in North America and Canada. An image of a clover leaf made of silver or wood will quickly ward off an energetic vampire. He has a particular influence over men.

Use the positive emotions from communicating with furry pets as an amulet. A beloved animal sets the owner up only for joyful thoughts and helps not to let strangers into his head.

Runic amulets

The symbols of Perth and Hagalaz together double their power in the battle against energy vampires. Perth helps to maintain the flow of energy, and Hagalaz helps to be guided by it correctly. with this symbolism, without removing, and also order curtains or bedding with the necessary signs, if the energy vampire lives in your family.

Protective methods

Often, we unconsciously take one or another guard posture when we are uncomfortable or worried about something. Such gestures are called mudras. A popular type is the interlacing of the fingers of both hands, located opposite the solar plexus with the palm facing you.

The mudra from Shambhala looks like a clasped bent palm in an open hand. It restores strength and balances the inner spirit. To create the effect, the body should be held in this position for at least fifteen minutes.

Use intrusion prevention techniques. Imagine yourself under the dome of the golden pyramid after your daily hygiene. Arrange its walls so that the enclosed space does not scare you, finding it should become comfortable. The erection of the dome is also possible over the relatives, who are protected in the first place.

Silver is a purifying metal. If you are afraid of the attack of energy vampires on your family, then buy a silver chain or a cross as a gift. Such valuable items are immediately put on by a person, which means they can protect against black messages. Tie a woolen thread or bracelet with wool on your loved one's wrist. Natural material can protect a relative from potential illnesses and keep him awake.

A young plant can also help. Add a couple of beautiful potted flowers to your home. They will produce oxygen and absorb negativity along with carbon dioxide. From the point of view of aesthetic function, plants will also help to restore strength. Treat relatives to nutmeg by adding to tea or coffee. It restores the aura and improves well-being.

When you still did not manage to avoid the attacks of the energy vampire, then do not lose heart. Take a trip to nature, snuggle up to a lonely tree and exchange vitality with it. Aspen, pine and linden will additionally improve diseased internal organs.

Visit a place that can bring maximum joy. Go to a bathhouse or beauty salon. Clean the outer shell to facilitate access to recovery methods. Perfectly restores strength tea on aromatic herbs such as mint or chamomile. Set aside time for yourself to sleep well in a comfortable environment.

Do what you love, away from the energy vampire, even a child or husband. Remember, balance is the most important thing when dealing with an energy vampire.

Probably everyone has heard of energy vampires. And these are not fairy tales - such phenomena really exist in the modern world, and we often have to deal with them.

When after a normal conversation or meeting with someone you feel tired, empty and apathetic, or you have a headache and your health worsens - you know, it was a meeting with an energy vampire.

In the subtle world, everything is more complicated than in real life. It is a mistake to think that an energy vampire is a pale creature with fangs. In fact, these are the same people, the most ordinary, and it is curious that almost none of them even suspects their vampirism. It is unlikely that someone himself decided to become such on purpose.

What is such vampirism? The fact that this person uses special forms of communication that literally draw energy from the interlocutors. In addition, some of them are able to take vitality without even doing anything special. This can happen in different ways, but the consequences are always the same: you feel apathy, a terrible breakdown, blues and even start to get sick.

Anyone can become an energy vampire by accident. And it's one thing to meet him in a queue, in public transport or a bank, but quite another thing if your boss, work colleague or even a close person becomes him. This happens, and very often! Energovampirism is the unconscious, and a person can draw strength from you without realizing it. And then the only option is reliable protection.

Many people know that pets are the best helpers in this matter. If you meet an energy vampire during the day, just chatting with your cat, dog or rabbit will help restore energy and improve your mood. If you regularly communicate with such a person, get a black cat or a cat, they perfectly maintain the energy balance in the house.

The simplest amulet against the effects of energy vampires is a safety pin. The simplest thing, but what protection! Just pin the pin to your clothes, you can from the inside, and wear it on you. This is my grandmother's method, proven over the years. Nothing threatens you! It is also worth pinning the pin to the clothes of children so that they are protected.

A good amulet that helps against the evil eye, evil and energy vampires is the Turkish blue eye, or the eye of Fatima. It costs a penny, but it is a really effective talisman that will help you every day. Remember - you need to wear this eye so that it is visible, only in this way it will repel the influence of dark forces. It can be in the form of a brooch, pendant or ring, or it can be pinned to a pin, there are a lot of options.

Clover is another proven and ancient remedy for energy vampires. His defense is very strong. Amulets and charms with the image of clover are very different, from any material - from gold to wood.

You can make such a reliable amulet even with your own hands, and it will be an excellent defender against vampires. It is not difficult to make clover from polymer clay, leather or any other material, and all you need is to wear it constantly on yourself. He will protect you!

A very effective amulet that protects against energy vampires is the sun. This symbol will reliably protect against any negative energies and will not give you offense, you will be reliably protected. In addition, you yourself will feel a surge of strength and energy when you wear such an amulet. It can be earrings, a pendant or a ring with the image of the sun, or you can even make a charm yourself.

It can be an image of Yaril, a Solstice or another ancient Slavic solar symbol, as well as just an image of the sun - at your request. Belonging to culture or religion does not play a role, the amulet will reliably protect you in any case.

Turquoise is a very strong stone from which you can make a wonderful amulet against vampires. Just wear any turquoise jewelry: ring, earrings, beads or pendant - and it will be your personal amulet. You can simply carry the turquoise ball with you in your purse.

Wonderful amulets - with zodiac signs. These are universal talismans for life, they can help everyone from birth. A talisman with the image of your zodiac sign will not only protect against energy vampires, but will always bring good luck, ward off trouble, and help in any difficult situation. So feel free to use it! Find a beautiful pendant with your zodiac sign and wear it every day. It will be a stylish decoration and reliable protection!

And remember: the main thing is not to be afraid. Do not be afraid of dark energies, and you can protect yourself from them. Learn to feel for yourself what kind of people "pull" strength and energy from you, and limit communication with them. Try to communicate only with those people from whom you, on the contrary, feel a surge of strength and joy! And find the type of amulet that will help you feel safe and not afraid of anything.

In the space of each person, there are invariably individuals whom we call energy vampires. Signs of their influence are loss of strength, fatigue, constant fatigue, irritability, despondency.

The most difficult thing is when there is an emotional vampire in the family and close environment, and you cannot refuse to communicate with him and start living separately. Such people do not always act consciously, but they always cause harm and draw strength and energy from you.

Everyday ways to protect yourself from vampires

To protect yourself from energy vampires, you must first of all observe the following safety rules: If you feel that after communicating with any person, a headache begins, a loss of strength and other unpleasant sensations arise, it is imperative to carry out energy cleansing by the elements. Take a glass of clean water, light a candle, looking at its flame, imagine how all your negative energy burns out. Sip the water in slow sips, imagining that you are filled with pure energy and strength. If a loved one is a vampire, try to end the dialogue or argument immediately, so as not to bring the situation to a conflict and release of aggression. Wearing a charm will also help protect the biofield from the effects of energy vampires.

Making a charm with your own hands

To create a charm, you will need a red thread made of natural material 90 centimeters long, a pendant made of coral (or a piece of coral), essential oil of wormwood, myrtle and lemon, and a wax candle. The amulet must be made during the full moon. It is important that no one and nothing distracts you, that you are calm and focused on your goal. Light a candle, start breathing evenly, looking at its flame, in order to come to a calm and peaceful state. In a container, mix 2 drops of wormwood oil, 12 drops of myrtle and 7 drops of lemon oil. Apply the mixture evenly and gently over the entire length of the thread. Take a pendant with a coral in your hands, hold it at the level of the solar plexus, trying to imagine when you inhale how pure energy fills it, and when you exhale - how it mirrors any negative. Take 12 of these energy breaths. Then thread the thread through your pendant and start making magic knots (knots) on both sides of it. You tie the first knot to the left of the pendant, and say, concentrating all your thoughts: "I reflect blows and attacks, I keep my strength." The second knot is to the right of the pendant: “I keep health and luck, I don’t let the negative”. The third node is on the left: "I increase the good, I send the evil back to my enemies." The fourth node is on the right: "The power of the Universe protects me, the negative destroys." Then, touching each knot in the original sequence, say the same settings 12 times, corresponding to the knots. Then tie the thread to whatever length is comfortable for you to wear around your neck. It is desirable that the pendant is located in the area just above the solar plexus (in the heart area). Cut the rest of the thread and burn in a candle flame. The candle cannot be extinguished; you must let it burn out to the end. Gently wrap the candle stub in a paper napkin and take it out of the house immediately.

I will choose the right gem for your jewelry or talisman, and things in the problematic area of ​​your life will start to improve. If you were lonely, then you will definitely meet a worthy person, there were problems at work - your career will go uphill, and if you did not have enough energy, there will be more than enough energy with the right mineral!

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