Our failures are more instructive than our successes. Henry Ford - "Our failures are more instructive than our successes."

  • 17.01.2024

Today I really needed to remember those people who unbendingly believed in themselves when circumstances were VERY difficult. Much more difficult than mine, many times - when there was real poverty and a family that needed to be fed, and at the same time their soul was drawn to do something that few people around believed in.

These are all completely real stories, and it’s very inspiring.

Bruce Lee

One of my favorites is Bruce Lee.

At one time I read the book by Bruce Thomas “Bruce Lee. Fighting spirit."

A wonderful biographical story that vividly describes all the difficulties that Bruce Lee faced - when no one believed in him, all plans collapsed, he had to feed his family and there were a lot of debts, when at certain periods he had terrible back pain, and he in general I shouldn't even have the strength to get up and move. At the same time, he acted as if everything was fine with his health, continued to make visualizations in which he was a famous Hollywood actor, studied treatises on fortitude and believed in himself and his dreams. I definitely need to re-read this book in the near future.

One of my favorite quotes:

Jack London

I was greatly impressed by his autobiographical novel Martin Eden, about a sailor who became a famous writer. A very strong story.

Jack London's own youth occurred during a severe economic crisis and unemployment in America, and his life was full of hardships, difficult varied work, hunger, and despair. Where was there before such a whim as writing? But he had his own vision, he really wanted it and worked very hard - 15-17 hours a day.

Vincent Van Gogh

The biographical novel “Lust for Life” by Irving Stone made a similar stunning impression on me. I’m writing these lines now, and the memories of reading give me goosebumps. An incredible story of believing in yourself and your dreams, also full of hunger, deprivation, loneliness, despair, madness, and lack of faith on the part of loved ones.

After this story, a strong belief in the unlimited possibilities of man appears.

Colonel Sanders - founder of KFC

Legendary old man. At the age of 62, he lost his small business, which he built after 40 years after a very difficult life, full of unemployment and hardship, and the inability to even finish school.

I often imagine what it would be like to be left without money again at the age of 60, and at that age to go from restaurant to restaurant and offer to try and use his signature seasoning for chicken. At the same time, do not lose heart after the first few dozen failures and continue, continue, and believe in yourself and your idea. From restaurant to restaurant, until finally the hundredth restaurant agreed to pay him 5 cents per chicken, as he asked.

Incredible perseverance led him to the fact that ten years later he sold his business to KFC for $2 million.

This is, of course, a classic. Walt Disney achieved some gigantic successes and did a bunch of new things that were only in his head and did not exist anywhere in the world before.

I got goosebumps and tears welled up as I re-read parts of his stories now and imagined how he felt at different moments in his life, especially as a little boy. After all, he didn’t just go towards his goal and overcome some fears that he was doing the wrong thing, but he repeatedly put absolutely everything on the line.

Many times he was on the verge of ruin - when he created the first sound and very expensive cartoon "Steamboat Willie" or when he invested 2 million dollars in the first full-length cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" he practically bankrupted the studio, when he lost the rights to the first cartoon character - the rabbit Oswald, in whom so much effort and money was invested, or when he was planning the world's first fairy-tale amusement park.

By the way, the first Mickey Mouse in “Steamboat Willie” was voiced by Walt himself.

At the same time, he still had to earn a lot of money in order to be able to create and make his dreams come true. “I don't make films just to make money. I make money to make movies,” said Walt Disney.

The brutal beatings of little Walt by his father as a child were brightened up by his mother reading bedtime stories. There was no money for paper and pencils for his favorite drawing - he drew with sticks on the ground or on toilet paper, and he also constantly received money for this from his father. Once he even ran away from home at the age of 8, but he was found and returned. For 6 years he delivered mail and advertising brochures for his father’s company in any weather, and had to give all the money to his father. In order to have his own money for his favorite hobbies, he “simply” began to take on 2 times more work in secret from his father.

He found a way out of any troubles and difficult situations and turned them to his advantage.

Having learned that, due to the unscrupulousness of his business partners, he did not have the rights to the first character, Oswald, he became enraged, threw out all the drawings with him and told his former partners that “there are many more characters living where he came from.”

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After some time, he is overwhelmed by the idea of ​​​​creating an incredible fairy-tale amusement park. They came up with this idea together with their daughters. “We believed in our idea of ​​a family park where parents and children can have fun together,” Walt said. He also said, “Disneyland will never be finished, it will continue to grow as long as the imagination in the world lasts.”

Walt Disney was the first to create the first full-length animated films. He created about 700 cartoons and was awarded an Oscar 29 (!) times. A man who did not have a single normal toy as a child managed to create a huge fairyland. The scale of the realization of what was in his head is amazing.

Thomas Edison and his 2000 light bulbs

The example of the inventor of the light bulb is also well known to everyone.

When at a press conference dedicated to the new invention, he was asked:

- Tell me, Mr. Edison, what is it like to fail two thousand times in a row trying to create one light bulb?

He replied:

“Young man, I didn’t make mistakes two thousand times when creating this light bulb.” I have discovered one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine ways NOT to make a light bulb.

Well that's amazing)

Henry Ford

Henry Ford, the “father of the automobile industry,” is known for being able to make the car mass-produced and affordable. And in his time it was bordering on fantasy, like making an airplane available to the public today. For the sake of his idea, he was the first to realize the ability to produce highly complex mechanisms using an assembly line method and generally overcame a huge number of large and small obstacles, believing in his idea.

He also had a difficult childhood, a job he didn’t like very much on the farm, and a tough father who didn’t love him. But quite early he married his beloved wife Clara, who for many years provided him with unconditional support in everything. She believed in his success even more than he did and devoted a lot of time to his affairs, without interfering in them.

When Ford was once asked if he would like to live another life, he will answer this way: “Only if he can marry Clara again.”

Henry Ford saw his mission as improving people's lives, because for him cars were not only machines, but also a source of joy. And when journalists asked him what such a rich man could want, Ford answered them like this:

“I would like to improve the world by living in it.”

When his successful production was supplanted by competitors following in his footsteps, he was for some time on the verge of ruin. But he did not give up and released a new car model, which again became very successful.

Henry Ford is also known for his wonderful quotes.

“Failure is an opportunity. You can start all over again, but taking into account the mistakes you made."

“Our failures are more instructive than our successes”

“Obstacles are scary things that appear when you stop looking at your goal.”

“Failures only give you a reason to start again and smarter. There is no shame in honest failure. The fear of failure is shameful."

“The past is the past. He's gone. If yesterday’s methods don’t work, it’s time to come up with new ones.”

“They are everywhere - these strange people who don’t know that yesterday is yesterday, and who wake up every morning with last year’s thoughts in their heads.”

“If you have passion, you can accomplish anything. Enthusiasm is the basis of any progress."

“When it seems like the whole world is against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind!”

“People give up much more often than they fail.”

"Quality is doing something right, even when no one is looking"

“Thinking about the future, the desire to do more, puts the mind in a state where it seems that nothing is impossible

“If you do what you always do, you will get what you always got”

“The air is full of ideas. They are constantly knocking on your head. You just have to know what you want, then forget it and do your thing. The idea will come suddenly. It's always been like that."

“The best job is a highly paid hobby”

“Nothing is particularly difficult if you divide the work into small parts.”

“Old people always advise young people to save money. This is bad advice. Don't save nickels. Invest in yourself. I never saved a dollar in my life until I was forty.”

"I want it. So it will be"

JK Rowling's story is amazing too.

She wrote her first fairy tale at the age of 5, and her classmates remember her as a girl living in a fantasy world. She says she wrote off Hermione when she was 11 years old.

But at some point she had to show remarkable faith in herself and her fairy tales.

Her husband kicked her out with a child who was several months old, her mother died a long time ago, she did not communicate with her father, and in such a situation, without money, without work, without a family, she found herself completely alone, except perhaps with the help of her sister. With benefits she could only pay for a tiny apartment and the cheapest food. Then her husband decided to take the child away from her, but, fortunately, she won the case.

Everyone laughed at her and her “scribbles” and advised her to find a normal job.

Joan had a long and severe depression, and she considered herself the biggest loser in the world.

"Harry Potter" was rejected not so many times - 12 times in a row, but this would be enough for anyone in this situation. It was published miraculously - only because the publisher’s little daughter read the first chapter and wanted a sequel. The first circulation was only a thousand copies and half were sent free to libraries. The editor advised Joan to get a proper job because "children's books aren't selling anymore."

“I was still alive, I had a growing daughter, and I also had an old typewriter and a big idea. On this solid foundation I rebuilt my life.”

But very quickly, even with such a first printing, the novel was recognized as “the best children's book of the year” in the UK.

And in 2011, crazy circulation allowed Rowling to become the world's first female author to earn $1 billion from her work.

Almost 20 years have passed since the release of the first Harry Potter book.

She once barely lived on £77 a month and managed not to give up. Now JK Rowling earns much more than even £77 a minute. The Harry Potter series has become the best-selling series in history, second only to the Bible. The Harry Potter brand is valued at $15 billion.

In addition to fairy tales, Joan also writes adult novels, and even under a male pseudonym she publishes detective stories, on the basis of which a series will be based on the BBC One channel.

In her 2008 Harvard commencement address, Rowling talked about how things don't always work out on the first try:

“My biggest fear at your age was not poverty, but failure.

There is no need to be afraid of failures - they are inevitable.

It is impossible to live and not fail, unless you live so carefully that, in fact, you do not live at all - in which case you obviously fail.”

The famous children's writer, who was twice awarded the highest US award for a work for children - the Newbery, was rejected by publishers approximately 450 times (!) before publishing her first book. For six years (!) she sent out texts and received refusals. She began writing at the age of 30, when she got a job in a book warehouse.

When she speaks to children, she always says: “Imagine if I had stopped then, given up after yet another refusal.”

“In college, teachers praised my writing, but I was wrong when I thought I had talent. Much later I realized that talent has nothing to do with it, everything is achieved through hard work. That's why I write 5 days a week, 2 pages each. I’m always reluctant to write, but I’m very happy when I get these two pages.”

Her most famous fairy tales are “The Adventures of Despereaux the Mouse”, “The Amazing Journey of Edward the Rabbit”, “How the Elephant Fell from the Sky”, “The Soaring Tiger”, “Thank You Winn-Dixie”, about Mila Pig and others.

“There must be expectation and anticipation inside. We must live in hope, bathe in it.”

“Open your heart,” she said softly. - Someone will come. Someone will come for you, for sure. But first you must open your heart."

Kate DiCamillo "The Wonderful Journey of Edward Rabbit"

Towards the end I still remembered Winston Churchill with his memorable speech.

There is either a story floating around the Internet, or a real story, that when he was invited to give a speech and he was already about 90 years old, and a lot of people gathered from all over, especially to listen to the most famous Englishman, he came out and said only

"Never, never, never, never give up."

And the people were shocked that this was the whole speech for which they came) But this was the concentrated main wisdom that he took from his life.

In other sources, there was no such short speech at all, but he gave a long speech to the students of Harrow College in 1941, during which he said:

“Over the past 10 months, terrible and catastrophic events have occurred in the world - our defeats and failures<...>

But what we have experienced during this time should serve as a lesson to everyone - I am addressing the School - the absolute lesson of these 10 months is: never give in, never give in, never, never, never - in anything, not in anything big, not in small, neither great nor petty - never give in to anything other than your honor and common sense.

Never give in to force; never give in to the enemy's seeming invincibility. We stood alone a year ago and in many countries many believed that our song was finished and we were dead. All our traditions, the history of our School, as part of the history of our country - all this is irretrievably destroyed and lost. We’re not in the same mood today...”

Try, imagine the situation - during the war, German planes begin to bomb London, everyone around is pressing, those close to him demand that Churchill surrender.

They tell him:

“Don't you see that with every new bomb many British people are dying? Capitulate, the Germans will win anyway. Resistance only leads to unnecessary bloodshed, for which you are responsible. Look, your people are suffering greatly because of your stubbornness. Be reasonable..."

Churchill shook his fists at the German bombers that night and shouted: “You will not defeat me. I never give up. Never, never, never!”

And, I also really like the example of the eternally young, beautiful, brave, prolific Jared Leto - an excellent actor with an Oscar and other awards, ready to lose weight and gain weight and radically change for the sake of his roles, the vocalist of the very popular group “30 seconds to Mars”, screenwriter and director, rock climber, artist, person with a lot of hobbies.

From his interview in Evening Urgant.

— Regarding the single that you launched into the space station. Jared, please tell us about this.

- Well... I had this crazy idea, I thought it would be really cool to launch our first single into space. So I called NASA...

- And it’s so simple: you pick up the phone and you can call NASA, right?

- Well, yes, that’s usually how it is with me. 😀

I read this part of an interview with one friend with this comment:

Wow, friends! :))) You also noticed that Jared Leto, between the events “came up with an idea” and “called NASA,” somehow missed the stages “thought, is this even real?”, “reflected well,” “got scared, but what if it doesn’t work out”, “doubted yourself” and other nonsense that many of us (including myself) sometimes like to suffer from? :))))

In general, for me, after today’s global brainwashing, everything becomes clear)

To blog or not to blog? What nonsense and trifle torments and occupies me)) Of course, do it if you want! And the blog, and a million other projects that my soul will reach for. Bigger, faster, bolder, more intense, brighter, more active, more fun!)

In general, until my at least 2000 light bulbs and 450 refusals are exhausted, I will try what seems right for me now.

I will be very glad to see your examples, comments and stories!

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When it seems like the whole world is against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind! This was one of the mottos of the brilliant engineer and inventor - Henry Ford. You can write books and make films about the life of this person, create entire educational manuals, and no matter how many of them are published, it will always be few, they will never fully reveal the life of this amazing person.


Henry Ford was born in Michigan in 1863. He was one of eight children in a family that considered farming to be its main source of income. The boy constantly helped his parents on the farm, and when he had a free minute, he enthusiastically studied watches and equipment, repairing them. Henry received his primary education at a local school. There he learned reading and writing, the basics of arithmetic. But this knowledge was not enough to become an educated person. Henry's mother, Mary, died when the boy was only thirteen years old. After living on the farm for another four years, Henry collected his meager belongings at night and headed to Detroit on foot. He firmly decided for himself that he would never become a farmer. Naturally, no one was waiting for him in Detroit, and since there was very little money, the 17-year-old boy immediately looked for work. He gets a job at a factory where they made horse-drawn carriages. He did not last long in this place. The main reason is the envy of employees and the inattention of directors. The first ones were green with anger that an untrained boy, just by glancing at the car, could already tell where the breakdown was, so they tried in every possible way to get him out of the factory, whatever they wanted. In other words, it worked. After this, Henry gets a job at the Flower Brothers shipyard. To have money to pay for the room, he worked at night repairing watches.

One day, a plant engineer shouted to puny Henry, who was just carrying a heavily loaded cart: “Pull your toes in tighter, boy, and you will succeed.” This advice is firmly ingrained in the guy’s memory. After all, you need not only to conquer something, but also to hold on to it tightly. Many years later, the automotive monarch ordered these words to be engraved in his engineering laboratory.

But this was still very far away. In the meantime, Ford goes to work as a mechanic for the Westinghouse company, which deals with locomotives.

In 1888, Henry married Clara Bryant. From this marriage the family would have only one son, Edsel. Time passed, and the Ford family moved to Detroit. There Ford goes to work for the Detroit Electric Company. There he was responsible for providing electricity in the city, and it was absolutely normal when he was called to work at 2 a.m., 4 a.m., and even on any weekend or holiday. In fits and starts, Ford begins its experiments on creating a car with a gasoline engine.

When Henry was already 28 years old, he got a job at Edison's company, where he had the opportunity to conduct experiments. It is worth noting that Ford throughout his life considered Thomas Edison the only person worthy of admiration and imitation. At the 1887 Electrical Engineering Congress in Atlantic City, Ford managed to catch Edison alone for a minute, and there he told him that he was working on an internal combustion engine. The young man asked the genius of electricity if his work had a future? Henry himself expected that the scientist would start telling him about the almighty electricity, but he only said that Henry should continue his work, and if everything worked out for him, then the guy would have a great future. After that, Henry flew to Detroit as if on wings. And then he is invited to work for the Edison company. But after working for some time at the Detroit Electric Company, they saw that Ford was spending his energy on a gasoline cart rather than on office work. He was offered a leadership position, with a condition set: he must give up his invention. Ford hesitated for a long time. He could not choose - a prestigious job and a happy family, or attempts to create something new that might change the world, but that could completely destroy his life. In this case, his wife played a significant role, who told him that she would support her husband in any situation.

Henry refused the offer and quit. From this time on, he again begins his work on inventions and is looking for companions.

Henry Ford
The birth of a legend.

Henry built the first internal combustion engine in 1893, and the first car in 1896. It was the lightest car at that time. Four large bicycle wheels were attached to its frame, and it was already clear that its creator would focus on low cost products in the future. Henry sold this first car and used all the money to create a second one. Having sold the second one, he invested money in creating a third one.

Over the course of seven years, from 1896 to 1903, Henry Ford, with the assistance of some sponsors who established the Detroit Automobile Company in 1899, released several new car models. Ford served as manager of the new Detroit Automobile company. But, since he had no experience in properly organizing production, Henry failed, and the company, after less than a year of work, self-liquidated.

Instead of the Detroit Automobile Company, a new company was created - Henry Ford Company. Over the years, Ford built several racing cars and made them popular. He also recruited the brilliant engineer Child Harold Wills to collaborate. Wills made a special contribution to the development of Ford cars.

But, all this time, Henry Ford felt that his cars did not meet the needs of customers. Therefore, he strived for changes and looked for the perfect model. But the partners sought to produce models that would provide quick profits.

Due to disagreements with his partners, Henry Ford left the Henry Ford Company in 1902, and the company itself was later renamed the Cadillac Motor Car Company. Despite the fact that Henry Ford irritated many wealthy residents of Detroit because of his manner of doing work and business, as well as his relationship with his former partners, he still managed to find new partners. They became a group of businessmen, headed by Alexander Malcolmson.

Ford Motor Company
As a result of this union, the Ford Motor Company was created, and Henry Ford himself and Alexander Malcolmson became its main shareholders. Other shareholders: Horace and John Dodge (chassis, transmission and engine manufacturers), John Couzens (business agent for H. Ford). Ford and Malkosmson successfully collaborated until 1905. But then they had a discussion about what kind of cars to produce: expensive or cheap. After this, Ford buys out Malcolmson's shares and gains almost complete control over the company.

From 1908 to 1914, Ford paid a lot of attention to popularizing its successes, the main lever for which was the Model T. This car became the point of the fight against Selden's patent. The “Model T” (or, as it was also called, “Tin Lizzie”) went into assembly in October 1908 and remained in production for 19 years at home, 250 thousand were sold in England, and another 1 million in Canada. “Tin Lizzie” became the main driving force behind all changes in the country. This car stimulated the construction of roads, the processes of urbanization of the population accelerated significantly, many farmers finally ceased to be isolated from cities, and the dominance of horse-drawn transport in agriculture finally ceased. Many people began to travel freely around the country, which was previously unattainable for many.

The main principle of the company is discipline.

Ford's career reached its highest point in the late 1910s and early 1920s. This decade marked a period of sustained financial growth for his company.

Work at his factories was in full swing. Both from the technical and social sides. To begin with, Ford introduced the “$5 per working day” principle at his company’s factories. This was a lot of money for that time, and the workers praised the boss. But everything was not as simple as it seemed. Only worthy workers were entitled to receive this additional increase. To the question “Who is a “worthy worker?” “Ford answered very simply - a person who does not drink, does not gamble and does not smoke, spends his evenings with his family, takes care of his old age and saves money for it. To determine which employees deserve a raise, Ford even organized a sociological department at his company. This organization once gave recommendations on who should be paid bonuses and who should not. To achieve this, raids were constantly carried out on workers’ homes, checking where they were. In their absence, the family was questioned about his behavior. If the moral character of the employee “corresponded” to what was required, then his name was included in special lists.

Everyone knew that the boss did not tolerate smokers. Also, workers were not allowed to talk at the plant on topics that did not relate to work. Another pathological dislike of Ford is fat people. He even fired one engineer, saying, “You can come back when you lose 50 pounds.”

Needless to say, these harsh methods were, in fact, very effective. The symbol of a healthy worker and his happy family accompanied the company.

Until 1917, before America entered World War I, the country's automobile industry produced a strictly limited volume of military products. Ford even made a naive attempt to stop the warring parties, but soon realized that he could not do this and announced that the government could fully count on the production forces of his company. In addition, Ford promised to return to the country all profits that would be received for the production of military equipment. It is worth noting that this was an extremely effective move, and its main goal was to impress the public. But, after such a statement, the company received quite large orders for the production of aircraft engines, several warships and military vehicles. At the same time, construction began on a new company plant near Detroit. When it was completely finished and began operating, car production exceeded all existing levels. But, in 1920, new companies entered the automobile market that offered more advanced models than the Model T, and their price was not much higher.

By this time, Ford had achieved almost everything he set out to achieve. He becomes increasingly unpredictable and complacent. He treats the company's managers harshly, firing the best of them. The car models created by the company are becoming outdated and are already beginning to be significantly inferior to new models. Ford is losing its leadership in the automotive industry. After 1925, Ford was not interested in the company's affairs, stopped delving into the details of the Ford Motor Company, and transferred most of his responsibilities for managing the company to his son Edsel. In fact, until his retirement in 1944, the company’s plant was run by “Iron Charlie” Sorensen. It was thanks to him that the organization maintained its unity. According to data for 1936, Ford took third place in terms of volume. New companies such as General Motors and Chrysler were in the lead.

The Second World War.

During World War II, Ford Motor Company paid a lot of attention to the production of military products. During these same years, the founder of the company suffered an apoplexy, and Edsel, the son of the automobile king, became seriously ill. Then Henry Ford has a second stroke, after which he becomes forgetful, fearful for no reason, he lost the ability to think clearly, and sometimes began to talk.

Henry Ford

It is worth noting that due to Ford’s reluctance to stop producing the Model T, the company was going through some pretty hard times. Ford constantly broke lucrative contracts, which his son Edsel achieved with considerable difficulty. From now on, it becomes clear that Henry is no longer able to lead the company.

On April 7, 1947, Henry Ford got into his car, but instead of the usual walk, he ordered the driver to take him to the River Rouge plant. There he saw the cargo ship Henry Ford II docking. He proudly said, “This is my ship.” But when he saw the number “II” on board, he was clearly upset. After River Rouge, Henry asked to be taken to visit the family cemetery. That same night, the car king died. The minute his coffin was lowered into the ground, all factories stopped working. After saying goodbye to Henry Ford, it was decided to restore work in the workshops.

During his entire life, the automobile king never learned to read blueprints. Therefore, engineers made a wooden model for it, after which they gave it to Ford for judgment and listened to criticism.

Despite what Henry did for his. life has many mistakes, he was and remains an outstanding example of the fulfillment of bold desires. He was admired by many. For some years after his death, his methods of doing work and introducing innovations were criticized, but then they were appreciated and received recognition.


Answers to individual exercises are given in the Appendix.


Prepare a word of praise addressed to:

Colleagues: demanding, patient, kind, never raises his voice...,

boss: wise, fair, reserved, competent, impressive...,

partner: smart, erudite, punctual... etc.


Make a congratulatory speech addressed to your... briefcase, computer, favorite work chair, cup of coffee that you like to drink during a break, your favorite writing pen, etc. Congratulate them on some anniversary or holiday.


Write two toasts - concrete and abstract, using aphorisms.

As one wise man said, in life a person either rolls or climbs.

“Hurry to do good!” - exclaimed the legendary doctor of the last century, Haass.

King Solomon said: “Celebrate every day!”

It is rightly said that it is better to stretch out your arms a hundred times than to stretch out your legs once.

They say that any mood is good if you have someone to share it with.

The ancients said: a plucked flower should be given as a gift.

Use the following wishes:

Health (to the boss on his birthday);

Good luck in your work (to a colleague on his birthday);

Happiness and joy in life (for wife, husband on his birthday);

Happiness, success, good luck in the New Year (to friends in the New Year);

New profitable contracts (on the day the contract is concluded);

Success in scientific work (to the person who defended his dissertation).


Choose arguments for the theses below, using techniques for strengthening argumentation.

You need to sleep at least 9 hours.

Everyone needs to know how to swim.

Gestures convey information just like words.

The closer you get to a person, the easier it is to convince him.

He who runs fast thinks quickly.

He who eats slowly works slowly.


Prepare a persuasive speech based on a proverb (aphorism). Confirm or deny it. First, explain the meaning of the proverb (aphorism) in your own words, then remember or come up with a story that would illustrate or refute its meaning, select arguments. During the speech, it is necessary to cite a proverb (aphorism) at least twice (usually at the beginning and at the end), give at least three arguments, and draw an unambiguous conclusion.

Possible aphorisms for speeches

He who does not see good in others is deprived of it himself.

Our failures are more instructive than our successes. G. Ford.

It's not a shame to learn, it's a shame not to know.

Knowledge that you have to pay for yourself is learned better.

Education is what remains after everything we were taught is forgotten. A. Einstein.

If a person is able to listen to insults with a smile, he is worthy of becoming a leader.

Many people complain about their appearance, but no one complains about their brains.

From the book Rhetoric. The Art of Public Speaking author Leshutina Irina

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Self-marketing... Exercise Analyze, from the point of view of expert assessment, A. Shirvindt’s speech at the anniversary evening of Z. Gerdt. Pay attention to the oratorical techniques used in the speech. Friends! Allow me to raise, in this case speculatively, this symbolic

Henry Ford is the founder of the world famous automobile concern Ford. During his life, he patented 161 inventions in the United States. Henry Ford was a purposeful man and always knew what he wanted. Thanks to this, he was one of the most famous and richest people of the 20th century.

Henry Ford's interest in cars came at the age of twelve, when the boy first saw a locomobile. From that meeting, attempts began to create our own means of transportation. His parents were skeptical about the young man’s hobby; they wanted to see him become a successful farmer. But Henry persistently pursued his dream and at the age of 17 he went to study at a mechanical workshop, where initially they did not see any special talent in him either.

In 1887, Henry married Clara Bryant and they began farming together. But he did not abandon his idea of ​​​​creating a car accessible to everyone; on the contrary, he spent nights designing the car. Clara Bryant was perhaps the only one who believed in the idea; she supported Ford in everything.

In 1893, attempts to create a universal car were successful. In 1902, Henry took part in racing competitions, where he even overtook the American champion in his car. It was an excellent PR move, since then all entrepreneurs to this day are convinced that advertising is the key to success. There were many people who wanted to drive such a car, and in 1903 Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company, named after himself.


Quality is doing something right even when no one is looking.

If a person is not controlled, in most cases he will suck.

With passion you can achieve anything. Enthusiasm is the sparkle of your eyes, the swiftness of your gait, the strength of your handshake, an irresistible surge of energy and will to implement your ideas. Enthusiasm is the cornerstone of all progress! Only with him is success possible. Without it, you only have possibilities.

A person must not only want, he must be fired up by the idea, and then he will definitely succeed.

Isolate the 50 richest Jews and the wars will stop.

Greed and the pursuit of money destroy human values.

Work and only work can create value. Deep down, everyone knows this. Skepticism, coinciding with caution, is the compass of civilization.

Only hard work teaches a person to see what is truly valuable.

Anyone who stops learning grows old, whether at 20 or 80, but anyone else who continues to learn remains young. The most important thing in life is to keep your brain young.

You can study all your life. As long as there is interest in new knowledge, a person is young.

If I only did what people wanted me to do, they would still be riding carriages.

Sometimes people themselves don’t know what they want, so first of all you need to listen to yourself.

Obstacles are scary things that appear when you stop looking at your goal.

There is no need to be afraid of obstacles, they need to be overcome.

It's good that people don't understand how our banking system works. Otherwise there would be a revolution tomorrow.

When humanity finds out that it has been deceived, it is ready for anything, even revolution.

The employer does not issue the salary, the employer only distributes the money. The client issues the salary.

The employer himself depends on the clients...

It seems that everyone was looking for the shortest road to money and at the same time bypassing the most direct one - the one that leads through work.

There is one sure way to earn money - work, work and work again.

Only two incentives force people to work: the thirst for wages and the fear of losing it.

Dependence on money makes you appreciate the place where they pay.

The air is full of ideas. They are constantly knocking on your head. You just have to know what you want, then forget it and do your thing. The idea will come suddenly. It has always been this way.

New things, discoveries, happiness, love, success at work - everything comes suddenly.

I want it. So it will be.

You can achieve anything, the main thing is to want it badly.

Old people always advise young people to save money. This is bad advice. Don't save nickels. Invest in yourself. I never saved a dollar in my life until I was forty.

It happens that while worrying about the future, young people stop living in the present. And that’s why youth is given, to live here and now.

They are everywhere - these strange people who do not know that yesterday is yesterday, and who wake up every morning with last year's thoughts in their heads.

Life does not stand still, it changes, which means that thoughts must also change.

Our failures are more instructive than our successes.

Victory is taken for granted, but failure forces us to draw conclusions.

When it seems like the whole world is against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind!

If you are confident in what you are doing, don’t listen to anyone - go towards your goal.

Thinking is the hardest job, which is why so few people do it.

Many people prefer to do it without thinking. They think it's easier this way.

Time doesn't like to be wasted.

If you want to achieve something in this life, learn how to manage time correctly.

Failures only give you a reason to start again and smarter. Honest failure is not shameful. The fear of failure is shameful.

You shouldn’t be ashamed of your failures, you need to be able to accept them and draw appropriate conclusions.

A person has two motives for behavior - one real and the second, which sounds beautiful.

An excuse is a beautiful explanation of one’s actions, but an ugly one is the truth, otherwise there would be no need to invent something.

People capitulate more often than they fail.

Never give up, go to the end and you will definitely achieve your goal.

Successful people get ahead by using time that others waste.

Successful people tend to be those who work hard and never waste a second.

Any customer can get a car painted in the color he wants - as long as that color is black.

A black car is like a classic of the automotive “genre”.

A woman is not only a car of pleasures, but also three or even four tons of problems.

And yet, everyone prefers to take on these tons of problems than to live calmly, but alone.

The best car is a new car!

Can not argue with that)

If we don't learn to use machines better, we won't have time to enjoy trees and birds, flowers and meadows.

The car allows you to save time, which you can spend enjoying life.

If someone refuses my car, I know it's my fault.

If the car is good, no one will refuse it, no matter how much it costs.

A person dies when he stops changing, and a funeral is just a formality.

When a person loses interest in life and stops improving, it means his life has already been lived.

Don't let those who work for you live too calmly. Always do the opposite of what they expect from you. Let them worry and look over their shoulders all the time.

Subordinates must live in tension, otherwise they will simply relax and do nothing.

Ignore the competition. Let the one who does the job better work.

The superiority of competitors is an incentive to become the same, or even better, than them.

Henry Ford is an example of a hardworking, self-confident and persistent person. His approach to life teaches you to never give up, overcome all obstacles, analyze your mistakes and, no matter what, go towards your goal. Add Henry Ford quotes to your statuses, share them with friends and be inspired for new achievements. Rest assured, you will succeed!