Summoning a Demon in Latin. Summoning a Demon - do not read for the faint of heart! Demon summoning rituals are complex

  • 23.02.2024

- a serious and dangerous matter, which does not tolerate negligence and amateurism. Before embarking on dark rituals, it is better to gain experience and knowledge, because a mistake can even lead to death.

You can summon Satan at home with appropriate preparation. Just for summoning the prince you will have to pay dearly - are you sure you are ready for this?


Satan can fulfill any of your desires - love, wealth, success, but you need to formulate your desire carefully and in detail: the demon does not understand allegories and metaphors, so you need to speak to him directly.

Summon only for the sake of a big desire, when there is no other way out, and if you do a ritual for fun, as an experiment, or to ask some question, the spirit will get angry and direct its anger at the one who caused it. Demons and spirits exist to carry out small tasks or obtain information.

How to summon Satan without sacrifice?

Usually, when summoning a demon or devil, magicians make a sacrifice to the spirit - sometimes it is a flower or an inanimate object (food, wine), often a small animal (cat, rooster, mouse), less often - a human sacrifice (in emergency cases).

But there are rituals with which you can summon the devil without making a sacrifice, because Satan already receives his prize - the soul of the person who called him.

Home ritual

You need to tune in to the ritual, free your thoughts from garbage. Be sure to lock the door to the room with a key, then draw an inverted pentagram in a circle with chalk and evenly place 13 black candles along its contour.

Sit near the circle, but without going into the circle, and put the middle size opposite yourself on the other side of the circle so that you can clearly see yourself. Then start lighting the candles while reciting the spell:

“I call on you, O great prince of this world, Prince of Darkness and Lord of the Night, come to me and fulfill what I desire.”

You need to cast the spell three times, preferably without losing sight of the mirror. After some time, a shadow or some kind of clot should appear in the circle, a sign that an otherworldly entity has come to you.

For each person, this sign is defined differently - someone sees a shadow, a silhouette, or even an entire image of the devil, someone hears sounds or smells. With the arrival of this feeling, you can start a conversation, but remember that you should not cross the boundaries of the pentagram.

Then you need to conclude an agreement. Prepare in advance a sheet of good, expensive paper, preferably papyrus, and ink. Certainly, the ideal option would be to write the contract in blood, but ink or an ink fountain pen will do. On paper you need to write your name and the condition to be fulfilled.

For example, “I, (full name), wish to meet the love of my life in the next year. For this I give my soul to the devil for full possession after 20 years of life on earth, starting from this day.”

The text can be anything, the main thing is that it must specify the desire, conditions and lifespan. Finally, you need to drop a drop of blood on the paper, just a little, to make the deal valid. The contract must be tied with a red ribbon and kept in a place inaccessible to anyone, not even you.

After writing the contract, you must obtain the approval of the otherworldly entity. This could be any sign - a strange glow, sound, the appearance of a pungent smell of sulfur, a cold breeze, strange behavior of candle fire (candles can suddenly flare up brightly or, conversely, go out) and the like. This means that Satan has taken your soul.

If nothing happens, no signs or strange occurrences, then this means that the transaction is not completed.

Finally, you need to release the demon. To do this, you need to thank him for coming and say loudly three times, “Go to hell!”, then turn off all the candles clockwise, curtain the mirror with black cloth and remove it, erase the pentagram.

Don't be surprised if you feel bad after the ritual - this is a sign that the contract is being fulfilled.

Day ritual

Warlocks prefer to perform such rituals at night and in the cemetery. This enhances the effect of the ritual and maximizes the potential of the magician, leading him to the desired result.

But Calling the devil is also effective during the day - it can be carried out both indoors and outdoors. It is advisable to make a call outside the home: in a cemetery, in an abandoned house, in a forest clearing, and so on.

Having chosen a location, you can proceed directly to the ritual. To do this, you need to take a young, recently cut twig of hazel or aspen. Draw a large triangle on the floor (with chalk or a knife) and stand in it. Cast a spell by holding the twig in front of you (here it plays the role of a magic wand):

“I call from the depths of the blue sea, from the bowels of the earth, from hell itself! Oh, Lucifer, appear before me, come out of the wasteland, leave your demons. I command you to come and serve me."

After this, wait for manifestations of otherworldly activity - then you will understand what and when to say. Maybe it will be a sudden cold snap or strange sounds. Do not leave the triangle under any circumstances, so as not to be seen or heard.

After voice your desire and conditions (for example, I want to be rich and I give you my soul in 10 years). If the situation does not change, then Satan agrees. After this say:

“Our agreement is concluded - you are satisfied, I am satisfied. So be it. Go in peace."

After this, you can leave the triangle and erase its outlines, but leave the twig at the site of the ritual.

In Latin

The most ancient and effective challenge to Satan is a spell cast in Latin.

Before the ritual, draw an inverted pentagram and sit inside it. The spell goes like this:

“Satanas, veniat ad me.” Satanas, veniat ad me. Satanas, veniat ad me. Veni, veni, veni! Satanas, ter oro te! Ter oro te! Satanas, veni! Ameno."

Read the spell until you clearly feel that you are not alone in the room. If it becomes unbearably scary and uncomfortable, then loudly say “Get out!” three times., and everything will pass.


The price of calling Satan and fulfilling your desire is your soul. The purer the soul of the calling person, the more desirable it is for the devil, and, therefore, the greater the scale of the desire. In this case, the magician can wish for almost anything.

And, conversely, the more a person has in his soul, the more reluctant the devil is to agree to do what he wants. You may not agree at all.

If you made a deal, then the devil will take your soul after exactly as many years as specified in the contract. Therefore, agree to extend the term for a longer period - for 15, 20, 30 years.

But even having fulfilled the desire, the devil brings destruction and grief into the life of everyone who caused it. Satan gets what he wants, but ruins the rest of his life. For example, you will receive wealth, but will be left alone.

Possible consequences are:

  • Family destruction- first of all, you lose those who are nearby and who love you. Those who swear allegiance to the devil cannot have a family.
  • Death loved ones, friends, close relatives.
  • Disease, which will not allow you to die prematurely, but will torment you all this time.
  • Psychological problems, drug and alcohol addiction.
  • Bad Luck.
  • Losing interest in life– it also happens that, having received what you wanted, you suddenly lose interest in it.
  • Yours own death.

We can conclude that the negative consequences of communication with Satan are much greater than the positive results. Therefore, think very, very carefully before you make a deal with the devil.

Demons are powerful supernatural entities. They occupy an intermediate position between gods and people. Initially, demons could serve both good and evil. But later the Christian religion gave this term a purely negative meaning. Demons are fallen angels who have lost their divine essence and sided with Evil. According to Christian superstitions, demons have their own hierarchy, which consists of nine steps. The highest, first rank is, for example, the demon Beelzebub.

Many black magicians know how to summon a demon from the other world in order to learn something from them or force them to fulfill their desire. When summoning demons, you must be extremely careful, since demons are insidious and selfish, and also very powerful creatures. If the magician does not have sufficient strength, the demon can break out of his power and cause harm to the caller.

During the Middle Ages, the science of demonology flourished, which studied demons and everything connected with them. The most famous grimoire is the “Small Key of Solomon” or “Lemegeton”. This grimoire describes 72 types of demons and how they can be useful to the magician who summoned them. It also describes how to create seals that summon specific demons. Another famous manuscript dedicated to demonology is called “Secrets of the Worm.” It is believed to have been written in 331 AD. Roman Tertius Sibellius. Here magicians will find guidelines for summoning demons. The book Necronomicon is on everyone's lips. Scientists believe that this book was invented by writer H. P. Lovecraft, but some believe that it exists, or at least that it has a historical prototype. The prototype of the Necronomicon could be the Egyptian Book of the Dead, although it did not tell at all how to summon a demon. This book is a guide for the deceased to the afterlife. The books often mention a Pact with the Devil, when a magician pledges his soul in exchange for demonic services. Goethe vividly described such a case in his tragedy Faust.

So, are you not afraid and still want to know how to summon a demon? Then read on.

How to Summon a Demon: Ritual

  • Develop in yourself the qualities that a strong black magician should have. You must have an unbending will and other leadership qualities. Get people to obey your will. You must have an inner core and a firm position from which you cannot be knocked down. Learn to control your emotions, feelings, desires. Remember, demons will try in any way to break through your defenses and take over your personality. If you are not sure that you can overcome the temptation of demons, then it is better not to risk it. Demons must be summoned after a nine-day fast.
  • Protection. Before summoning a demon, you need to organize reliable protection for yourself. The easiest way is to draw a protective magic circle. It can be drawn with a knife, chalk, herbal powder, etc. You need to draw counterclockwise, starting from the north. But one circle is not enough. You also need to have the Pentacle of Solomon, which will force the demon to obey. It is best to make the pentacle yourself.
  • In black magic, instead of a circle, they draw a five-pointed star and stand so that it is upside down. For black rites, animal sacrifice is required; their blood is sprinkled on each top of the star. Ritual copulation with dark forces, drinking demonic blood, etc. are also used.
  • The demon is summoned using a special summoning spell, and a special seal is also used for this spirit. When the magician senses the presence of a demon, he establishes a connection with him and voices his desire. After which, it is necessary to perform an expulsion ritual, otherwise the demon will remain in the material world.

Likewise, there are rituals that explain how to summon the crossroads demon, the desire demon, and the guardian demon. The meaning of the magical action is the same, but different spells and different demon seals are used.

So now you know how to summon a demon.

Magicians quite often shift their work onto the shoulders of entities from another world. This requires special formulas. They are called " spells to summon" This is a serious thing. If you use it correctly, you can gain almost absolute power. No one will dare to contradict, except another magician. In addition, there are spells for causing weather changes, wind, waves and so on. However, this is just a variation of the previous formulas.

Benefits and Dangers of Summoning Spells

You know, nowadays anyone can do it. Many, by the way, are trying to do this. Some succeed, others not so much. And the second one is luckier more often than the first one. It's all about inner strength and abilities. To practice magic you need a lot of them. You must have fearlessness and courage in your soul, the ability to completely detach yourself from the situation, perceive it without emotion, and you will need a strong reaction.

You see, when you cast a spell for personal purposes, or are trying to influence one or two people, the answer will not be particularly strong. The scale of the “action”, you understand, is micron. It's a different matter when you try to come into contact with serious entities, such as demons or the devil, or take responsibility for climate change. Here you can get such a return that it will blow you off the surface of the planet. However, you can also dodge. But you should understand what is happening, feel the world of energy with your skin.

So it turns out that it is better when the experiment of a dropout fails, but he remains alive, than vice versa. Usually, the entity that is closer in strength and spiritual development responds to a summoning spell. Therefore, look at the answer critically. If the King of Darkness was called, then, for example, a demon or a larva will appear. It depends on the internal content that is in your soul at the time of the ritual.

Those who want to criticize the authors of the texts should be especially warned. Without reading carefully, without understanding the essence, they immediately try to implement the presented material. Often doing this out of mischief or curiosity. People don’t think about who will come when called. But in vain. Only in the human worldview is the world divided. In fact, he is more united than lovers in their moments of greatest pleasure. The energies are interconnected. In any person, both God and the devil, strength and weakness, black and light, and so on are constantly present.

Spell to summon spirits

Most often, spirits are summoned in company. Surely the curious studied the experience of spiritualism sessions, which were popular in past centuries. We won't dwell on them. We will look at a method that allows you to independently summon any desired spirit. You can talk to him later if you wish. But more often they are simply given instructions.

Time of ceremony: after midnight. It is advisable not to violate it. This is done for security reasons. After all, the spirit may simply be afraid of our modernity. He is already far from the current bustle. A church candle should be lit. Place it in front of the mirror. Concentrate and say the following words out loud:

“By the power given to me from birth, confirmed in the worlds, immersed in darkness, they call forth the spirit (name)! Appear in fire, obey my will! Amen!"

Spell to call an angel

Light entities come to a person’s call more willingly. However, one should keep one's ears open here too. In general, who knows who can incarnate. The summoning spell is cast before noon. This way it is more likely that an Angel will come. Stand facing east, raise your hands to the sky. Say this:

“I am calling the Lord’s messenger. The one who is the patron of my soul, the guarantor on the earthly journey! Come to the call! Deprive me of earthly shackles! Amen!"

Next, you should formulate the purpose of the ritual. You won’t bother the angels out of pampering. Prepare the text of your request in advance, formulating it as specifically and clearly as possible. Cast a spell, read the request. Now watch. The answer could be anything. For one magician, the window will open suddenly, for another, his stomach will ache. This is an individual matter.

Spell to call a person

Of all those described, this is perhaps the most harmless formula. To do this, you should say the following words:

“Amdbiri diavolus, tesiri predo deampolo fext trepoli menk tekras!”

You should speak while holding the image of a person in your imagination. If you manage not to let go, not to get distracted, then within ten to fifteen minutes he will appear in reality. Lubo will try to contact you if he is far away. The effect of this spell directly depends on the ability to concentrate.

Spell to summon a demon, Satan

It is not advisable to mess around with black entities. If you decide to experiment, then carry out the ritual very carefully and seriously. And come up with a good job for the black one, so that he won’t be offended for the wasted challenge. Beginners are recommended to perform the ritual after midnight in the churchyard.

You should say the following words (learn, don’t read!):

“Haman Etan Haman Etan Il Oti Teteip isia hen tun menosel Ashodon vai vau iue eiu akse a il il il a hau. Khavayot. Aue Soraue, aue Soraue, aue Soraue, aue Vatave. Pyur Eloyum, Arham, Rabuar, Waqas super Abkas ruetnes superveneus Abkar Khvoyot. Imporo you peer slaovem Solomonis et nomen mugnum gihaforas"

Start with a whisper and build up the sound. The last words should be shouted. Pronounce each letter clearly and strongly. Even a whisper should be made in such a way that it “bends the branches.” That is, fill it with feelings. Then everything will work out. Just don’t be scared when you see the one who comes.

Spell to make it rain

Despite the rather simple task, these rituals are considered aerobatics. Words are not enough here. It is necessary to feel a connection with nature, understand and feel it. The words of the spell are very ancient. All vowels in them are pronounced “from the throat”. Practice before experimenting. It is necessary that the chest vibrate clearly from the sound.

The words are:

“Aaride Perth merikerbata dnekht! Plemo dlieene permerise Poyartobe vert!”

On the words “dnekht” and “vert” you should knock on the ground with a staff or foot. This enhances their original meaning. The spell is cast directly into the sky. If you do everything correctly, then in half an hour clouds will roll in, and maybe it will rain.

It doesn’t matter for what reason you decided to turn to the dark forces, but for some reason you found yourself needing a demon. If you are not embarrassed by the religious side of the issue and you are not afraid of a representative of otherworldly forces appearing in your life, then we will help you. In this material you will learn how to summon a demon yourself, at home and without turning to dark magicians.

Method "Home"

To prevent the “on call” demon from getting angry with you and taking your soul, you will have to

sacrifice a pet to him. Usually chicken or goat is used for these purposes. You must kill the animal yourself and then place it in the center of the drawn pentagram. This will help win over the demon and get the desired help from him. So, after the animal is sacrificed, begin to read the spell. The main thing is that the words come from the heart, with desire and appeal.

Method "Crossroads"

Now let's look at how to summon the crossroads demon. It is similar to the previous method, only the pentagram should be drawn at the intersection of roads on a dark night. You will also have to sacrifice an animal and cast a summoning spell. Be careful - there should be no one around you.

Tips for Summoning a Demon

Now you know about that, but there are also points that are extremely important for the ritual.

1. First of all, you must have the skills to work with black magic. If you are new to this matter, then it is better to leave the idea of ​​​​summoning a demon. At best, you will not succeed, and at worst, you may suffer the wrath of otherworldly forces.

2. You can't be afraid. The slightest fear can lead to irreversible consequences. Demons perfectly feel their superiority and can calmly take possession of your soul so that you obey only them for the rest of your life.

3. Another important tip on how to summon a demon is sacrifice. The larger the animal, the better. In some cases, you will have to drink the victim's blood yourself to show the demon your dark side. He may also demand that you kill a living animal in front of him. You will have to obey and do it with maximum cruelty. If you feel sorry for the animal, the demon will not like it very much.

After summoning a demon, you will never be the same person. From now on, you will serve evil, and otherworldly forces will be permanent guests in your home.

You need to carry out the summoning ritual strictly alone! Otherwise you

You can bring trouble to the whole family.

Before summoning a demon, think carefully about whether it is worth doing. After this act, you will never be allowed into heaven after death, and the road to church during your lifetime will be closed. If you want to get an answer to a specific question, then call on white magic, it will give the answer much more truthfully and accurately. After all, demons have one very bad property - they lie and can simply laugh at you. And after the ritual they will not leave you alone. Be careful what you do and don't

Demons are powerful entities that represent evil forces. They were once kind, but they sinned and were punished. Since ancient times, people have tried to find a way to make contact with demons. Several have survived to this day, making it possible to summon dark forces. There is a special direction that deals with the study of evil forces - demonology.

Initially, it is worth making a reservation that only those who really believe in their power can cope with the rituals. It is also important, before using magic, to decide for what purpose you want to summon a demon, since if you do this for fun, everything can end quite disastrously. Beginners in black magic are not recommended to perform such rituals, as negative consequences may arise. You cannot start summoning a demon if you are experiencing even the slightest fear, as the dark forces will feel superior and take over your soul.

An important part of such rituals is sacrifice, this is a kind of appeasement of evil spirits. In essence, the animal is a vessel for concentrating energy. Demons may not fulfill wishes unless you give them something in return. Payment can be completely different, both a banal thing and a human soul.

How to summon a demon at home?

To make contact with dark forces, it is recommended to carry out the ritual in an abandoned church or, as a last resort, in any other building that is not in use. Take a piece of coal and draw a 5-pointed star. Stand so that it is upside down. To make a sacrifice, you need to take a black chicken and cut off its head, and collect the secreted blood in a bowl. Then, walking counterclockwise around the star, sprinkle it with blood and say:

“Per Adonai Eloym, Adonai Yeshova, Adonai Soboch, Matraton On Agla Adonai Mashon, verbut pushhonikum, mysterium Salamander, sonventus sulhorum, antra gnomorum, demonia Coeli Gad Almousun Gibor, Ishoy, Evam Zarianatmik, veni, veni, veni.”

Return to the place where you made the sacrifice and cast the spell to summon the demon:

“Hemen-Etan! Hemen-Yetavun! Hemen-Etan! El Ati Titep Asia Hun Ten Minosel Ashadon Wau Waa Eue Aaa Eee A El El El A Hu! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Shvazhoch. E Sara Supervenius Abokor Super Aber Shvazhoch! Shvazhoch! Shvazhoch! Impero tibi per clavem. Solotonus et nomen magnum Gemshamhoras.”

After the words have been spoken, you can see a demon in the center of the pictogram.

How to summon the demon of desires?

To fulfill your cherished desire, you can summon crossroads demons. Only in return for the service rendered will it be necessary to give them your soul. A person who calls upon dark forces receives a certain life span, after which he falls into the underworld. Crossroads demons are excellent manipulators and are adept at preying on people's weaknesses.

To perform the ritual, you need to come to a crossroads after sunset and dig a hole in the center. Place a box there with your own photo, soil from the cemetery and a black cat bone. Once the hole is buried, a demon should appear. Most often they appear in the form of a young girl.

You can summon a demon, both at home and on the street, using such a ritual. To make his wish come true, you can read the following plot:

“Creator of evil, demons of hell - water demon, stone demon, marsh demon, big Uruku, terrible whirlwind, evil demon, promise with an oath. Demon, capturing a person, Gigim, committing atrocities, promise with an oath. (Own wish)".

How to summon a demon without sacrifice?

Before starting the rituals, it is recommended to fast for 40 days. This is necessary to cleanse the body and soul. On the day of the ritual, draw a pictogram on the floor. It is a regular pentagon with Isosceles triangles of the same height are constructed on each side. Then proceed to preparing a potion based on toad skin, mandrake and essential oils. Place a quartz stone in each corner of the pictogram to restrain evil forces. Light black or red candles. Diffuse bergamot or rosewood essential oil into the air. Set fire to the sulfur in the crystals and from 11:30 pm to 2:00 am you must read the following words:

"Great Satan! The one who was imprisoned in darkness! Let’s go here…(name of the demon you want to summon and why).”

After this, a demon should appear in the center of the pictogram, if everything is done correctly. After this, you can ask for help in making your desire come true.