What is sports culture. Physical education

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Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Northeast Federal University. MK Ammosova "

Medical Institute

Abstract on the topic:

"Sportsnaya student personality culture »

Completed: Student II course

SD-15-201 groups

Prokopieva Saina Afanasyevna

yakutsk 2016

  • Introduction
  • 1. The concept of sports culture
  • 2. Sports culture of personality
  • 3. Student personality sports culture
  • 4. Formation of students' sports culture
  • Conclusion
  • References


sports culture personality antihuman

Currently, the strategic guidance of the development of society and the education system is the formation of a human culture. The current state of human civilization is characterized by a crisis of culture, manifested in a noticeable decrease in the level of general and personal culture, "erosion" of cultural values \u200b\u200band norms, disruption of the continuity of crops, tensions, and even conflict of intercultural interactions. Under these conditions, it is necessary to strengthen the cultural content of the educational process.

Sports culture as a social phenomenon of society is a special part of culture, the system-forming factor of which are the values \u200b\u200bof sports and the value attitude towards physical cultural and sports activities. Sports culture of personality is understood as an integrative personality education, including a system of funds, methods and results of physical cultural and sports activities aimed at perception, reproduction, creation and dissemination of physical cultural and sports values \u200b\u200band technologies. The sports culture of the person is formed in the process of the identity of the cultural and educational potential, values \u200b\u200band sports technologies, as well as as a result of the accumulation of experience of physical cultural and sports activities and filling its personal meaning.

It is known that the formation and development of the personality is possible only in the space of culture and its values \u200b\u200band only through the identity of the authoritative teacher, the carrier of genuine values \u200b\u200band ideals. Moreover, the teacher must be good to represent the nature of the person and know the humane and effective methods of influencing it.

1 . The concept of sports culture

Under the sports culture is a positive value of the social entity (individual, social group or society as a whole) to sports, social activities and its results on the assimilation, preservation, implementation and development related to sport values. This culture provides for: various forms of sports oriented activities; different forms (rational, motivational, emotional, activity) positive assessment of sports; her substantiation (understanding and explanation); The results of all this social activity are the formed qualities of the individual and its image (style) of life, the rules of conduct, social roles, norms and samples of social relations; Functioning of relevant social institutions, etc.

The positive value of an individual's value for sports is always not common, but a completely concrete character: it implies not a sport at all, but its specific aspects, parties, components, functions, species, varieties, etc. That value system, which the individual connects with sports, i.e. The fact that for him is the most important, meaningful in sports competitions, in the process of preparation for them, determines the specific content, orientation, specificity, i.e. The form (variety) of his sports culture.

It means that various specific forms (varieties) of the positive value of the individual of the individual for sports are possible, and therefore the person's sports culture. The main ones are the following.

Sports and pragmatic culture. This type of personality sports culture characterizes its pronounced utilitarian, pragmatic orientation. It is understood that the most important, meaningful in sports for the individual are purely utilitarian, technological, pragmatic values \u200b\u200b(for example, the opportunity to make money in sports, acquire material goods, etc.).

Antiguman sports culture. Sport can attract an individual to perform for him as value based on what makes it possible to demonstrate its superiority over others, to realize its nationalist ideas, to some way show their aggressiveness, etc. In this case, the personality sports culture includes norms and values \u200b\u200bthat do not coincide with the general cultural values \u200b\u200bof humanistic orientation, as a result of which acts as a sports subculture of an anti-humanity personality (anti-human sports culture).

Sports and humanistic culture. The basis of the sports and humanistic culture of the personality is a positive value of the individual to the sport, to various components (sports training, sports competitions, etc.), species, species, their aspects, functions, etc. From the standpoint of humanism, from the point of view of his ideals and values \u200b\u200b- the holistic development of the person and humane relations to other people, nations, cultures, beliefs.

For all possible differences in the personality sports culture, all its forms (varieties) have something in common. They are united by the general positive value attitude of the individual to sports, to sports activities, to one or another its components, species, varieties, etc. The presence of this relationship makes it possible to estimate this or that its culture as sports, for example, not as physical or intellectual, aesthetic, etc., and consider all the forms of its sports culture precisely, and not to some other culture. The general positive value attitude of the individual to sports, sports activities, to one or another its components, types, etc., which makes up the overall basis of all specific forms (species) of the personality sports culture and defines their total content, the general focus, is the basis of this culture.

The basis of the personality sports culture has a complex structure, includes a complex of interrelated elements.

The main components of this structure include a common positive assessment of the sport: sports activities, certain types, forms, etc. Speakers for an individual as a value (value complex), are evaluated as significant, important, useful. The main manifestations and indicators of such an assessment of sports, i.e. The estimated components of the basis of the sports culture of the personality are:

· Positive opinion in the form of relevant statements, judgments, reviews about sports, various forms and aspects of sports activity - rational (cognitive) component;

· Associated with sports positive emotional reactions (a sense of pleasure, delight from sports, participation in sports competitions, observations of them, etc.) - an emotional (affective) component;

· Interest in sport, to thread of sports activities (such as sports training and competitions, visiting sporting events, watching television sports programs, reading sports newspapers and magazines, collecting sports icons, brands, etc.), The desire (desire) participate in them, etc., i.e. The motivational readiness of the individual to this kind of activity is the motivational component;

· Real forms of activity related to sports (participation in sports training and competitions, visiting sporting events, watching sports television programs, reading sports newspapers and magazines; mastering knowledge, skills, rules, behaviors, social roles that allow you to participate in these activities , etc.) - the activity component.

An important component of the overall positive value of an individual to sports is not only its positive assessment, but also the rationale (understanding, explanation) of this assessment is the reflexive-analytical component of the sporting culture basis.

Justification (understanding explanation) An individual of a positive assessment of sports provides for the solution of the following tasks:

- Choosing a criterion for assessing sports, its species, varieties, components (sports training, competitions, behavior of athlete, fans, etc.): from what positions, on the basis of what ideals, norms, cultural samples, etc. they will be evaluated;

- Determination of the parties, aspects, functions of sports, its species, species, components that make it possible to give it a positive assessment on the basis of a selected criterion, attribute certain values, to give a social and / or personal meaning.

With the substantiation (understanding, explanation) of a positive assessment of the sport, an individual can use: its own practical experience; obtained during the study of knowledge; Traditions, norms, ideals, value stereotypes, dominant in the surrounding social environment, etc.

A prerequisite (prerequisite) for the formation of a general positive value attitude to sports is the presence of source (prerequisites) knowledge, skills, skills. These include:

· Knowledge about what sport is, its components - sports training, sports competitions, etc., Those or other sports varieties - mass sports, sports of higher achievements, etc. - as special social phenomena, differing from others, about their essence, structure, specificity, i.e. The concepts that are necessary in order to be allocated (distinguishing from many other phenomena) and characterize the sport, its components, varieties, etc.;

· Factological knowledge - knowledge of specific facts of sports activities, certain types of its species, varieties at present and in the development process;

· Knowledge of certain ideals, values, norms and patterns of behavior, which are necessary for a particular assessment of sports (its species, varieties, components);

· Knowledge, skills and skills necessary in order to be included in certain types of sports activities (for example, sports training, sports competitions, etc.) in accordance with the rules, norms and samples of behavior.

All these knowledge, skills, skills formed in the process of socialization (spontaneously during life experience, under the influence of the environment, the media, etc., and also consciously, purposefully in the process of education, training, education), form a premanded (Source) Block of knowledge, skills, skills of a sports culture basis. They provide an individual to the right orientation in the world of sports, in various aspects (perform an estimated function), as well as to evaluate, understand and real participation in sports activities (characterize its information and operational preparedness for these activities).

2 . Sports culture of personality

According to L.I. Lubysheva, Sports Culture personality Contains the specific result of human activity, means and methods for transforming the physical and spiritual potential of a person by mastering the values \u200b\u200bof competitive and training activities, as well as those social relations that ensure its effectiveness.

As a basis for classifications of values \u200b\u200bof sports culture, the author is taken by such signs as the need for self-organization of a healthy lifestyle, success, achieving a high sporting result, since value as a social category is always associated with the satisfaction of human needs. The needs of a person are diverse and many of them manifest themselves in the sphere of sports culture. In the process of satisfying needs and create cultural values, including in the sphere of sports.

The basis of the sports culture of the personality, according to S.Yu. Barinova, constitutes a positive value attitude towards sports, within which the standards, values \u200b\u200band norms of culture related to sports are interior with individuals, have become the property of its own inner world.

Our personality culture is understood as an integrative personality education, including a system of funds, methods and results of physical cultural and sports activities aimed at perception, reproduction, the creation and distribution of physical cultural and sports values \u200b\u200band technologies. The sports culture of the person is formed in the process of the identity of the cultural and educational potential, values \u200b\u200band sports technologies, as well as as a result of the accumulation of experience of physical cultural activity and filling its personal meaning.

In our opinion, the personality sports culture includes the following components:

1. Value (a set of physical cultural and sports values, meanings, motifs, goals, means of their achievement).

2. Regulatory (norms of physical development, preparedness, health, moral sports behavior, physical cultural and sports traditions).

3. Socio-communicative (culture of communication and interaction in the process of physical education and sports activities).

4. Cognitive (a set of physical culture and sports values \u200b\u200bin the form of knowledge, beliefs, skills).

3 . Student Personality Sports Culture

Sport is considered as an integral part of the culture of society, which includes competitive activities, special preparations for it, as well as a system of specific interpersonal relations (political, economic, legal, information, managerial, etc.). It is brightly manifested by such priorities for the modern society of value, as equality of chances for success, the achievement of success, the desire to be the first, to defeat not only the opponent, but also to count on themselves.

Participation in sports activities allows the student to develop physical qualities, enriches its experience of interpersonal relations, ensuring successful socialization, contributes to a high organization of life, the formation of the nature and volitional qualities, personal reflection and the ability to life self-determination, leads to the development of self-esteem, growth of respect for oneself as a person.

High emotional attractiveness and pedagogical efficacy of sports activity are an important basis for its application in personal-oriented physical education of students.

Currently, educational institutions are intensively developed and actively introduced technologies of sports oriented physical education, aimed at forming a sports culture from students. The management of this process involves the provision of teachers and students with full, reliable and quantitatively measured information about the level and dynamics of the development of sports culture.

Definition of criteria I. indicators The level of development of the sports culture of the personality and adequate to them measurement methods. The results of the study are presented in the table.

First development criterionmotivational component Sports culture is the sports orientation. Taking into account the indicators of the relative strength of the motives of sports, diagnosed with the help of the "Motive Sports" technique, developed by A.V. Shaboltas, three stages of the development of the sports ordeal personality are distinguished - physical well-recreational, semi-sports, sports.

The second and third criteria for the development of the motivational component is interest in sports and satisfaction with the selected sport sections..

Indicators of the development of these criteria are structural components of interest, namely: emotional, motivational, informative and volitional, diagnosed with the help of the methodology of a survey of a closed type "Interest in sports".

On the level of developmentpersonal behavioral component Specify the indicators of four criteria.

First criterion characterizes the attitude of a person to themselves as a subject of sports activity, the indicators of its development is self-confidence, diagnosed with the help of the Methodology V.G. diagnosed with us Romek "Test self-confidence", which determines the level of subjective control.

Second criterion Reflects the attitude of a person to the conditions of competitive activities. The indicator of its development is calm, diagnosed with the help of the technique of Ch. Spielberger "Personal Anxiety".

Third criterion It is attached to the process and the results of sports. The indicators of its development are the purposefulness and perseverance diagnosed with the help of the "self-assessment of volitional qualities" technique.

And finally the fourth criterion The development of a personality behavioral component is a sporty lifestyle. The indicators of its development are: attendance of training sessions, independent physical activity at odds, participation in sports competitions, rejection of bad habits, compliance with sleep, nutrition, studies, recreation, restoration and hardware events.

The measurement of these indicators is carried out using the developed method of a questionnaire "sports lifestyle" and pedagogical surveillance. First development criterion physical component are the functionality of the body. The indicators of its development are the adaptive capabilities of the CCC, diagnosed using the methodology for determining the adaptation potential of the SCC, the Rufhe region, the ketle index, barbecue samples, Gentha. The second criterion is the level of engine development, diagnosed in indicators of high-speed, speed-force, power and coordination abilities, as well as endurance and flexibility. To measure these indicators, generally accepted in the practice of physical education of students' test exercises are applied.

Criteria, indicators and methods for measuring the structural components of the sports culture of the person

Criteria of the DevelopmentComponents

Indicators developing criteria


Motivational component

Sports orientation personality

Relative power of sports motifs

Methods "Motive Sports" (A.V. Shaballs)

Interest in Sports

Structural components of interest

Questionnaire "Interest in Sports"

Satisfaction with occupations


Personal behavioral component

Attitude towards yourself as a subject of sports activities

Self confidence

"Test confidence" (V.G. Romek)

Attitude to the conditions of competition


Test "Personal Anxiety" (Ch. Spielberger)

Attitude to the process and the result of sports


Methodology "self-assessment of volitional qualities"


Sporty lifestyle

Attending training sessions

Pedagogical observation

Independent physical activity

Pedagogical observation Ankrug survey "Sporty Lifestyle"

Participation in Competitions

Rejection of bad habits

Sleep mode, nutrition, study, rest

Recovery and hardening events

Physical component

Functional capacity of the organism

Indicators of the adaptation capabilities of the cardiovascular system

Adaptation potential of the CSS, the index of RF, the index of Ketle, samples, Gentha

Motor abilities

High-speed abilities

Speed-force abilities

Long jump

Power abilities

Tightening from Visa / Flexion - Extension of hands in the stop lying

Coordination abilities

Shuttle junction


Tilt forward


Information component

Knowledge of physical culture

Pedagogical testing

Knowledge of the chosen sport

Operating component

Organizational-methodical skills

Ability to organize exercise classes

Pedagogical testing

Ownership of the technique and tactics of the chosen sport

Skills to perform technical collections of the selected species

Expert review

Development criteria information component are knowledge. Knowledge in the field of physical culture and knowledge in the field of selected sport, diagnosed with pedagogical testing.

First development criterion operating component There are organizational and methodological skills, the indicators of its development are the ability to organize exercise classes diagnosed with pedagogical testing. The second criterion for the development of the operating component is the ownership of the technique and tactics of the elected sport. The indicators of its development are the ability to perform technical and tactical techniques from the arsenal of the selected sport, diagnosed with the help of an expert assessment.

And finally, development criteria reflexive component are the processes of self-knowledge, self-relation and determination itself (D.A. Leontiev, S.R. Panteleev). The level of development of self-knowledge is determined by the indicators of the completeness and accuracy of knowledge about themselves as a subject of sports activities, self-relation - in terms of emotional adoption of themselves as a subject of sports activities, self-determination - in terms of the ability to independently determine their place and role in the selected type of sport.

In accordance with the dedicated structural components, criteria, development indicators and methods of measurement, we allocated three levels of development of the personality sports culture: reproductive, optimization and creative.

On the reproductive levela person mechanically reproduces actions in accordance with the norms of sports activities.

On the optimization levela person shows the willingness to make changes to the implemented ways of sports activities at the level of individual actions performed and operations, agreeing with the objective and subjective conditions for a particular situation, by optimizing their personal capabilities.

On the creative level man It carries out creative self-realization of sports methods, taking into account the existing human abilities.

Personally oriented physical education on the basis of a selected sport provides a significant increase in the development of structural components of the personality sports culture:

Motivational - strengthening the motive of social self-assertion, belonging to a group and social and emotional motif, characterizing the semi-self-adjustment or Success and personal self-realization in the field of selected sport (sports orientation);

Personal behavioral - development of purposefulness and perseverance as a totality of the volitional qualities and the features of a sports nature that determine sustainable positive attitudes towards various sides of sports life (sports training, sports training, sports behavior, sports lifestyle);

Physical - increasing the pace of development of high-speed, speed-power and power qualities, coordination abilities, endurance, functionality of the body.

Information - improving the quality of learning of knowledge on physical culture and elected sport;

Operational - improving the quality of mastering methods for organizing physical cultural and sports activities, skills and skills to perform basic technical elements of a selected sport.

Reflexive - actualization of the need to find and open new knowledge, new ways of activity, new ways to resolve problem situations, revise motivation and self-assessment, personal self-development and self-improvement.

The level of development of each structural component of the personality sports culture is determined through an integrated assessment of the components of its criteria, and the level of development of sports culture as a whole - through an integrated assessment of the development of all components of its structural components.

The development of the motivational, personal behavioral, physical, information, operational, reflexive components of the personality sports culture is carried out at all stages of sports training through the inclusion of students in all types of educational activities. The stages of personally oriented physical education are in their totality, a necessary and sufficient number of consecutive steps that ensure the solution of the strategic goal - the formation of students' sports culture in the process of sports activities.

Thus, the problem of the formation of a personality sports culture remains relevant and requires the development of an appropriate target, meaningful, organizational and methodological, technological support of personally oriented physical education of students based on a selected sport.

4 . Formation of sports culture students

The formation of sports culture through classes in one or several sports makes it possible to reveal and implement real and potential opportunities, is a promising means of adopting students to physical culture and sports activities, a healthy lifestyle.

The formation of sports culture, an increase in the physical fitness of students, systematic sports activities are important components of the competitiveness of young people in the conditions of society and are the main criteria on all age-related stages of its development. At the same time, deterioration of the health and level of physical fitness of student youth in conditions of social, economic and environmental problems indicates the need to correct the existing traditional approach in the physical education of students in the university. The lack of the most students of the necessary motivation to exercise exercise further aggravates the situation.

In connection with the foregoing, the problem of intensifying the motor activity and the formation of a sustainable motivation of students to physical culture and sports in the university is called.

In most universities, the organization of the process of physical education and the distribution of students in training teams take place without taking into account the interests and needs of the motor activity of the students themselves, which leads to a decrease in motivation and is often accompanied by a deterioration in the dynamics of motor preparedness. In this regard, the number of missed classes without good reasons increases, which significantly reduces the indicators of the overall performance of students and the quality of physical training.

Problems related to the formation of students' sports culture in the university, N. P. Abalakova (2001), V. K. Balsevich (2003), N. I. Volkov (1967), V. M. Zokiorsky (1970), P. Kunat (1973), L. P. Matveyev (1977), M. Ya. Zabatnikov (1982), J. K. Kholodov, V. S. Kuznetsov (2000) and others. It should be noted that the reasons for the negative impact on the figures for physical The preparedness of student youth a lot. This is a decrease in living standards, deterioration of working conditions and recreation, environmental condition, quality and food structure. The fact that 90% of young people are focused on moderate in terms of volume and intensity physical activity, but not to sports. As a result, the level of physical qualities is reduced. Along with this, a decrease in the number of hours in the educational program of universities in senior courses also leads to a decrease in the physical activity of student youth.

Studying at the university is an important stage in the establishment of a future specialist, acquiring them not only special knowledge, but also to comprehend the meaning of physical education, ethics of physical exercises, knowledge of sports hygiene, developing sustainable habits for regular exercise practices.

Studies conducted in Siberian State Technological University show that for most of the specialties manufactured professionally important are such physical qualities as endurance, strength, speed. The development of these qualities in physical education in the university is paid to much attention. Endurance is the only quality that has a direct dependence on the state of cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Closely related to endurance mental and physical performance. The muscle strength is associated with the functions of the organs and systems of the human body, with its emotions and energy. Muscles are associated with the central and peripheral nervous system, the glands of the internal secretion. The trained muscle has more opportunities to protect the entire human body from harmful effects of educational and production activities. The speed is directly related to professional readiness, since its level of development affects the mobility of nerve processes, the efficiency of thinking, mental performance.

To educate these professionally important qualities, the greatest opportunities are of sports such as an athletics, ski racing, sports games, etc.

At the beginning of the school year, students were given the opportunity to determine the choice of a specific sport or any system of physical exercises for regular classes throughout the course of training in the university. At introductory classes with students of 1 courses, survey on the topic "Attitude of students to physical education and sports" was conducted. On the question of the questionnaire "What kind of sport would you like to do in the university?" 78% of respondents chose athletics.

Athletics is one of the most massive sports that promotes the comprehensive development of a person, as it combines common and vital movements. Systematic activities of athletics exercises develop force, speed, endurance and other qualities necessary for a person in everyday life.

In the system of physical education, an athletics is dominated by a variety, availability, dosage, and its applied value.

Of those who wanted to engage in light athletics, an experimental group was formed in the amount of 35 people, the control group consisted of students who attended training studies on the general program.

The curriculum for the experimental group was developed on the basis of regulatory documents of the State Committee of the Russian Federation in physical culture and sports, summarizing the best practices of the work of athletics coaches, taking into account the specifics of study at the university.

The following main tasks were solved in the training process:

- harmonious physical development of students, versatile preparation, health promotion;

- Preparation of athletes of bulk athletics;

- training of community teacher and athletics judges;

- Theoretical preparation with the foundations of pedagogy, physiology, therapeutic physical culture.

Advanced sports experience and scientific studies have shown that to achieve harmonious physical development it is necessary to use a wide range of funds and methods of the learning process. A special place in the training system of athletes should take exercises of a special and general collateral, as well as exercises in difficult and lightweight conditions.

When building a training process, the principles were guided by the principles:

- target orientation;

- proportion to the development of basic physical qualities;

- leading factors determining the level of development of skill.

To solve the tasks, the following research methods were used: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature on the issue of research; Pedagogical observations; Pedagogical experiment; Methods for assessing and monitoring the physical fitness of students; Questioning; Static analysis of the results of the experimental work performed.

To assess and control the physical fitness of students, tests on physical fitness recommended by the Federal Program of 2000: Running 100 m (young men and girls) were used; Long jump (boys and girls); tightening on high crossbar (young men); Lifting the body from the position of lying (girls) and running by 3,000 and 2,000 m (respectively, the young men and girls).

The training process was considered as a holistic dynamic system, where at each specific stage specific tasks of the development of motor qualities, the formation of technical skills and the choice of funds, methods and values \u200b\u200bof training effects are solved. It is organized in accordance with certain target objectives, which are specifically expressed by the value of the projected outcome and determine the necessary implementation of the training process program.

The entire training process was divided into four main stages and is interrelated over the years of study at the university.

The first stage is a medical and pedagogical examination.

It is important to determine the possibilities of students and their individual features, since the teacher's coach must know his pupils, their nature and inclinations, conditions of study, life. Only students attributed to the main medical group are allowed to occupy athletics. It includes persons who do not have deviations in a state of health, physical development and functional preparedness, as well as persons who have minor, more often functional deviations, but not lagging in physical development and functional preparedness.

The second stage is the stage of primary sports specialization. Tasks - Health Strengthening, Comprehensive Physical Development, Training in various physical exercises, attaching interest in athletics classes.

Before the start of the training year, and then anthropometric measurements are carried out every six months. Physical training at this stage with a small amount of special exercises is more favorable for subsequent sports improvement.

The third stage is the stage of an in-depth training process. It is aimed at creating the necessary prerequisites for extremely intense preparations in order to maximize individual opportunities. The work is aimed at forming the foundation of special preparedness and sustainable motivation to achieve high results. This stage falls on the 2nd year of study at the university. The passing of tests and exams creates a stressful situation with the activation of all the adaptive forces of the body. Such a measure of training and competitive loads was chosen so that, on the one hand, creating prerequisites for the initial implementation of individual capabilities, to leave reserves for the complication of the training process, and on the other - on time, without debt, to conduct an educational process.

The fourth stage is the stage of sports perfection. The main task is the maximum use of training tools that can cause the active flow of adaptation processes. In this regard, the share of special exercises in the total exercise load, as well as competitive practice. The sports improvement stage coincides with studies on the 3-5th courses. During this period from athletes, high mental and physical activity is required. The training process is adjusted in accordance with curricula.

The results of the study indicate an increase in all indicators of physical fitness in the experimental group. Physical preparedness in the youth experimental group increased: the 1st course by 3.6%

(p. < 0.05); 2-й курс - на 4.95 % (p. < 0.05); 3-й курс - на 6.87 % (p. < 0.05); 4-й курс - на 5.3 % (p. < 0.05); у девушек соответственно: 3.4 % (p. < 0.05), 3.5 % (p. < 0.05), 3.1 % (p. < 0.05), 4.2 % (p. < 0.05). В то же время у юношей контрольной группы наблюдается изменение показателей физической подготовленности: на 1-м курсе понижение уровня физической подготовленности -1.95 % (p. < 0.05), на 2-м курсе - повышение на 1.6 % (p. < 0.05), на 3-м курсе - повышение на 3.1 % (p. < 0.05), на 4-м курсе - повышение на 0.9 % (p. \u003e 0.05). In the girls of the control group: in the 1st year, a slight increase - 0.6% ( p. \u003e 0.05), on the 2nd course - 1.2% ( p. \u003e 0.05), on the 3rd course - 0.8% ( p. \u003e 0.05), on the 4th year - 0.7% ( p. \u003e 0.05) (Table 1-4).

The results of the pedagogical experiment indicate the greater increase in the figures of physical fitness in the experimental group. One of the reasons for this is stimulating to the maximum manifestation of physical qualities, as well as physical training carried out with the help of athletics exercises.

Table 1. Dynamics of indicators of physical fitness of girls of the 1st and 2nd courses

Control exercise

1st Course, 2002/2003

2nd year, 2003/2004

Running 100 m, with

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

p. > 0.05

p. > 0.05

Long jump, see

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

Lifting the body from the position lying, count

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

Running 2,000 m, min

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

p. > 0.05

p. > 0.05

Note. Here in the table. 2-4: E - experimental group; K - control group.

Bulletgpu. 2010. Issue 4 (94)

table 2 Dynamics of indicators of physical fitness of girls of the 3rd and 4th courses

Control exercise

3rd year, 2004/2005

Growth, %

4th Course, 2005/2006

Running 100 m, with

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

p. > 0.05

p. > 0.05

Long jump, see

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

p. > 0.05

p. < 0.05

Lifting the body from

provisions lying, count

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

Running 2,000 m, min

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

p. > 0.05

p. > 0.05

Table 3. Dynamics of the figures of physical fitness of the young men of the 1st and 2nd courses

Control exercise

1st Course, 2002/2003

Growth, %

2nd year, 2003/2004

Growth, %

Running 100 m, with

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

Long jump, see

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

p. > 0.05

p. > 0.05

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

p. > 0.05

p. > 0.05

Running 3,000 m,

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

p. > 0.05

p. > 0.05

Table 4. Dynamics of indicators of the physical fitness of the young men of the 3rd and 4th courses

Control exercise

3rd year, 2004/2005

Growth, %

4th Course, 2005/2006

Running 100 m, with

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

p. > 0.05

Long jump, see

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

p. > 0.05

p. < 0.05

Tightening on a high crossbar, count

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

p. > 0.05

Running 3,000 m, min

p. < 0.05

p. < 0.05

p. > 0.05

p. > 0.05


1. The results of the study showed significantly large increments of the physical fitness of the students of the experimental group in comparison with the control.

2. Students who regularly engaged in physical exercises of a certain orientation and not interrupting classes even during the exams, more well-adequately undergo a period of student life.

3. Among the students engaged in physical exercises of a certain focus, there is a more rational use of time in day mode, in contrast to students engaged in the standard program. This gives reason to recommend organizing the process of physical education in the university, taking into account the interests and needs of students in the motor activity of a certain focus, increasing the motivation and improving the dynamics of the motor preparedness of students.


In conclusion, you can note the following. In the higher education system, it is necessary to implement the humanistic functions of physical culture and sports and their impact on the person. The humanistic functions of physical culture and sports are to actualize that huge cultural potential, which carry sports and physical culture and sports activities in the formation of the formation of sports culture: educational potential, educational, wellness and developing. In order to most fully implement the humanistic potential of physical culture and sports, it is necessary to create a pedagogical system of physical education and sports education of students aimed at the formation of a person's sports culture.

The basis for the formation of sports culture of students is the values \u200b\u200bof sports and physical culture, as well as universal values. In turn, values \u200b\u200bunderlie value orientations, which are an important component of the personality structure.


1. Diagnosis of sports culture S.Yu. Barinov MGIMO (y) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

2. Stolyarov V.I. Sports culture as an element of culture // Modernity as a subject of research of Social Sciences: Materials of Vseros. Scientific conf. - M.: MGAFK, 2002. - P. 28-33.

3. N. V. Arnst Sports culture of students in the process of physical education in the university p. 103

4. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the sports culture of the personality of 1 Burtsev V.A., 1 Burtseva E.V., 2 Bobyryv N.D. Page 5655.

5. A.I. Zagrevskaya, V.S. Sosenovskaya value orientation as the basis for the formation of students' sports culture in the process of physical education and sports education Bulletin of Tomsk State University. 2013. № 368. P. 119-122

6. Criteria, indicators and methods for measuring the level of development of sports culture of personality 1 Burtsev V.A., 1 Burtseva E.V., 2 Martynova A.S. "Pedagogical Sciences" p. 1147

7. Pedagogy and psychology p.79 I.L. Sofronov, G.L. Drandrov, V.A. Burtsev

Formation of sports culture students based on sports games.

8.A. Pierre's sport and sports culture of students in the system of higher education

Posted on Allbest.ru.


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Sports culture - a positive value of the social entity (individual, social group or society as a whole) to sports:

  • activities and its results on understanding, conservation and development of those species, parties, functions, components of sports, which are evaluated by this subject as the most important, meaningful, i.e. are considered as values;
  • ideals, meanings, symbols, norms, behavior samples, etc., which are regulated, determine their character and focus on the basis of such an assessment.

In accordance with such an understanding, sports culture includes various social phenomena associated with sports:

  • qualities and human abilities;
  • emotional reactions;
  • knowledge, beliefs, interests, needs;
  • a variety of forms of activity;
  • her means, mechanisms and results;
  • certain types of behavior and related ideals, norms, rules, sanctions;
  • social institutions, relations, processes, etc.

But these phenomena become elements of sports culture only if:

a) for the social subject they act as values \u200b\u200b(recognized as significant, important, positive meaning), and therefore are supported, persisted, transmitted from generation to generation, or

b) they provide and regulate production, consumption, functioning, selection, broadcast, replication, preservation and development of sports related to sports.

Sports culture of personality

Sports culture, like culture in general, is the culture of a certain social entity, which is noted above may be a separate person (individual), a social group or society as a whole.

Depending on this, it is legitimate to speak, respectively, about the sports culture of a separate person, some social group or society as a whole.

Sports culture of personality is a positive value of an individual to sports, social activities and its results on understanding, preservation and development of those species, parties, functions, components, etc. Sports that this person assesses as the most important, meaningful, i.e. who have the status of values \u200b\u200bfor him. These values \u200b\u200bappear for an individual as social ideals, meanings, symbols, norms, behavior samples, etc., which regulate all its activities and social relations in the sports field, determine their nature and orientation.

It means that the basis of the sports culture of the individual is such a positive value attitude towards sports, within which the standards, values \u200b\u200band norms of culture related to sports are interior with individuals, i.e. They became the property of his inner world.

Personality Sports Culture Structure

Sports culture of personality has a complex structure, includes a complex of interconnected elements.

Prerequisite (source) block

A prerequisite (prerequisite) for the formation of a positive value attitude to sports is the presence of initial (prerequisites) knowledge, skills, skills. These include:

  • knowledge of what sport is, its components (sports training, sports competitions, etc.) and varieties (mass sports, sports high achievements, etc.) as special social phenomena, differing from others, their essence, structure, specificity, i.e. The concepts that are necessary in order to be allocated (distinguishing from many other phenomena) and characterize the sport, its components, varieties, etc.;
  • factological knowledge - knowledge of specific facts of sports activities, certain types of its species, varieties are currently in the process of development;
  • knowledge, skills and skills necessary for a person so that it can be included in those or other sports activities (sports training, sports competitions, etc.) in accordance with the rules, norms and behaviors.

All these knowledge, skills, skills, formed in humans in the process of socialization (spontaneously during life experience, under the influence of the surrounding social environment, media, etc., and also consciously, purposefully in the process of education, training, upbringing), Form the premanding (source) block of sports culture personality.

The specified knowledge, skills, skills provide an individual with the possibility of proper orientation in the world of sports, in various aspects (perform an indicative function), as well as real participation in sports activities (information and operational preparedness for this activity).

Estimated components

The second important component of the sports culture is a positive assessment of sports, the individual evaluates certain components, species, shapes, types of sports, sport as a whole as significant, important, useful, i.e. as value (value of values).

The main manifestations and indicators of a positive assessment of sports (estimated components of the personality sports culture) are:

  • a positive opinion in the form of relevant statements, judgments, reviews about sports, about various forms and aspects of sports activity - rational (cognitive) component;
  • associated with sports positive emotional reactions (a sense of pleasure, delight from sports, participation in sports competitions, observation by them, etc.) - an emotional (affective) component;
  • interest in sport, to one or another sports activities (such as sports training and competition, visiting sports events, watching television sports programs, reading sports newspapers and magazines, collecting sports icons, brands, etc.), striving (desire) to participate in them, etc., i.e. Motivational readiness of the individual to this kind of activity, -Mimal component;
  • real forms of activities related to sports (participation in sports training and competitions, visiting sporting events, watching sports television programs, reading sports newspapers and magazines; mastering knowledge, skills, rules, behaviors, social roles that allow you to participate in these activities, etc.) into the activity component.

Reflective-analytical component

The value attitude, considered in full, includes, as indicated above, not only an object assessment, but also understanding (justification) of this assessment. Therefore, an important component of the positive value of an individual of an individual to sports is the rationale (understanding! Explanation) of sports assessment is the reflexive analytical component of the sports culture of the individual.

Justification (understanding, explanation) An individual of a positive assessment of sports provides for the solution of the following tasks:

  • choosing a criterion for assessing sports, its species, varieties, components (sports training, competitions, behavior of athlete, fans, etc.): From what positions, based on what ideals, norms, cultural samples, etc. they will be evaluated;
  • determination of the parties, aspects, sports functions, its species, species, components that allow them to give a positive assessment on the basis of a chosen criterion, attribute certain values, give social and / or personal meaning;
  • accounting for those factors on which the real significance of sports depends.

When substantiating (understanding, explaining) a positive assessment of the sport, a person can use: his own practical experience; obtained during the study of knowledge; Traditions, norms, ideals, value stereotypes, dominant in the surrounding social environment, etc.

Resulting component

Another component ("block") of the value of the individual to sports, and therefore its sporting culture - resulting.

This component characterizes the results of the person's inclusion in sports activities and assimilation of ideals, standards, norms, values:

  • the qualities and abilities of the person manifested in sports and in other areas of life;
  • human behavior, his social roles, style (image) of life, the nature of relationships with other people.

The components of the positive value attitude of the individual of the individual of the sports culture of the personality declared above.

This culture includes a variety of phenomena: its qualities and abilities, certain forms, means, mechanisms and performance, emotional reactions, knowledge, beliefs, interests, needs, etc. All these phenomena are characterized by either the sports consciousness of man, or its real sports activities.

In the structure of the sports culture of the personality, it is important to distinguish between the two types of validation of the individual to the sport:

1) generally to sports (to one or another its species, varieties, components, etc.) (let's call this ratio "full");

2) to its own sports activity, to one or another its species, components (this is the relationship is called Aya-sports ").

The value attitude of the personality to its own sports activity is an important motivational determinant of his behavior, a regulator of real and verbal behavior.

From this point of view, the knowledge included in the structure of the sports culture of the personality is divided into two groups:

a) knowledge that characterize the overall awareness of a person in matters of sports: about sports, its varieties, functions, meaning, etc. (let's call these knowledge "full"),

b) knowledge characterizing the awareness of the individual in these issues in relation to himself: knowledge of the meaning of sports activity for him, about the training method in the form of sports, which he is engaged in the rules of relevant sports competitions, etc. (Let's call these knowledge "I-sports").

Under the same angle of view, the skills associated with sports, skills, as well as interests, needs, value orientations, human assessments in the structure of the foundation of its sports culture are also divided into "general support", if they relate to sports at all, and "sports" - affecting their own sports activity of the individual.

Similarly, understanding (explanation and substantiation) An individual of a positive assessment of sports implies reflection in relation to this assessment in relation to its own sports activity and sports activities in general.

Personality Sports Culture Base

With the introduction of the concept of "sports culture of personality", it was noted that it could have a different content, a different character, a different orientation, i.e. It is possible to different

forms (varieties). However, all forms (varieties) of a person's sports culture have something in common:

a) the presence of the individual indicated in the above source (prerequisites) knowledge, skills, skills relative to sports;

b) the positive value of an individual to sports, to sports activities, to one or another its components, species, varieties, etc.

This kind of knowledge, skills, skills and attitudes, which, therefore, as the foundation (foundation) of all specific forms (varieties) of the personality sports culture and defining their total content, the general orientation will be called the basis of this culture. It allows you to highlight sports culture as a special element of the culture of the personality - in contrast to the physical, intellectual, aesthetic, etc., and calculate all the forms of this culture precisely to sports, and not to some other culture.

Sports culture superstructure

Each of the species of sports culture also has its own specific content. It is determined by what parties, aspects, sports functions, its species, varieties, the components of the individual takes into account when they are evaluating, on the basis of which criteria (from what positions, on the basis of what ideals, norms, cultural samples, etc.) assesses them To the realization of what of which he seeks when inclusion in sports activities and, accordingly, to the formation of what qualities and abilities, what behavior, style (image) of life, the nature of relationships with other people, all this activity leads.

The specific content of one or another form (variety) of the personality sports culture, which develops on the basis of a certain rationale (understanding, explanations) by an individual of a positive assessment of sports, as well as inclusion in sports activities, assimilation of certain ideals, standards, norms, values, will be called An add-in over the basis of the sports culture of the person.

Forms (varieties) of personality sports culture

A positive value of an individual's value for sports is always not common, but a completely concrete character: it implies not a sport at all, but those or other aspects, parties, components, functions, species, varieties, etc.

The main value of sports activities for a person can be, for example, the possibility on the basis of sports training and competitions to form and improve their physical condition or mental qualities, such as the will, courage, organization, collens, perseverance in achieving the goals, the ability to systematic work on self-cultivation , the ability to defeat and lose, without losing your dignity and faith in future success, etc. Sports activities can attract a person by the fact that it allows you to strengthen and maintain your health, form and increase the level of intellectual, aesthetic, moral culture, as well as expanding the circle of communication, actively and fascinating your leisure. At the same time, first of all, a person may consider sports as an important means of solving certain economic, political, nationalist purposes: to achieve material benefits, fame, to demonstrate their superiority over other people, etc. The most attractive aspects of sports activities affect the "attachment" of its positive attitude to those or other sports or species of sports activities (for example, to mass sports or to the sports of higher achievements, etc.), i.e. This attitude applies precisely on these, and not some other types (forms, species).

Therefore, the personality sports culture can have a different content, different character, different focus, various features depending on what a person sees the value of sports, those or other types, forms, varieties than sports activities and related sports competitions, training etc. Attractive for him. Specific content, specific focus, the features of each of them determine the values \u200b\u200bthat the individual attributes sports activities, i.e. What are its parties, components, functions, species, varieties, etc. They are most important for him, meaningful in sports competitions and training.

Thus, various specific forms (varieties) of the positive value of the individual of the individual to sports are possible, and therefore the person's sports culture. The main ones are the following.

Sports and Pragmatic Culture

One of the forms of sports culture is a sports and pragmatic culture. This type of personality sports culture characterizes its pronounced utilitarian, pragmatic orientation. It is understood that the most important, in sports for humans are purely utilitarian, technological, pragmatic values.

The most striking example in this regard is such value as an opportunity to make money on sports, acquire material benefits, etc. It is such a value orientation for sports that is characteristic, for example, for athletes in professional sports. The pragmatic values \u200b\u200bof sports activities, of course, also applies to the fact that it focuses on participants in this activity for permanent achievements, success. The utilization of the sports culture of the individual can also manifest itself in the orientation of a person on the formation and improvement with the help of sports that is not holistic personality development, but only some of its individual qualities and abilities (for example, will or other mental abilities, strength or other physical qualities, etc. d.) In isolation from other qualities and abilities.

Antiguman sports culture

As noted above, the sport can attract a person to act as value on the basis of what makes it possible to demonstrate its superiority over others, to realize its nationalist ideas, to determine their aggressiveness in some way. In this case, the personality sports culture includes norms and values \u200b\u200bthat do not coincide with the general cultural values \u200b\u200bof humanistic orientation, as a result of which acts as a sports culture of anti-humanity (anti-human sports culture).

Sports and Humanistic Culture

The specificity of the sports and humanistic culture of the individual is determined by the fact that the sport is estimated from the position of humanism, from the point of view of such ideals and values, as a holistic development of personality and humane social relations.

It means that the sports and humanistic culture of the personality is the humanistic value of a person to sports (to sports training and sports competitions):

  • activities and its results on understanding, preservation and development of those species, parties, functions, components, etc. Sports, which, from the standpoint of humanism, he assesses as the most important, meaningful, i.e. considers as values;
  • ideals, senses, symbols, norms, behavior samples, etc., which are arising from such an assessment, which regulate all human activities and its relationship with other people in sports, determine their nature and orientation.

The basis of this type of personality sports culture is the positive value attitude of the individual to sports, to various components (sports training, sports competitions, etc.), species, varieties, their aspects, functions, etc. from the position of humanism.

First of all, this means the presence of humanistic predisposition (disposition, value installation) to sports, i.e. it is positively estimated (it is considered as an important, significant, useful) precisely from a humanistic point of view, and not with some other positions, it is taken into account His role as the means of holistic development of the personality, humane social relations, and not any other aspects inherent in it, functions.

The main manifestations and indicators of a positive humanistic assessment by an individual of sports, i.e., the estimated components of his sports and humanistic culture are:

  • positive opinion (in the form of relevant statements, judgments, reviews, etc.) on humanistic aspects, sports functions, its species, varieties, components (sports training, sports competitions, etc.) and a negative opinion about those aspects and functions who contradict the ideals and values \u200b\u200bof humanism - a rational (cognitive) component;
  • interest in humanistic aspects, sports functions (its species, species, components), approved norms, samples of behavior], which determine how to behave in sports training, competitions, the stands of the stadium, etc. in accordance with the ideals and values \u200b\u200bof humanism , desire (desire) to focus on them in all its sports activity, i.e. Motivational readiness for humanistically oriented sports activities, -Motive component;
  • positive emotions related to the humanistic aspects of sports activities (a sense of pleasure from the formation through sports of the qualities and abilities characterizing the holistic development of the personality, the possibility of manifestations in the sports activities of humane relations to other people, from observing the manifestation of such qualities, abilities and humane relations on sports competitions, etc.), and negative emotional reactions to the phenomena of sports activities, contrary to humanistic ideals and values, T emotional (affective) component;
  • various forms of real participation in certain forms and types of sports activity with humanistic goals and objectives, mastering knowledge that make it possible to correctly understand and put these goals and objectives, as well as the relevant skills and skills of using this activity in order to their holistic self-improvement - the activity component.

A prerequisite (prerequisite) for the formation of a positive value attitude to the humanistic aspects and functions of sports is the presence of source (prerequisites) knowledge, skills, skills. These include:

  • knowledge and appropriate concepts (about what humanism is, what is its main ideas, ideals, values, in which their specificity, etc.) necessary for humanistic assessment of sports (its species, species, components);
  • knowledge and related concepts characterizing the humanistic aspects and functions of sports (various types of its species, varieties, components), their specificity, as well as the factors on which the humanistic value of sports depends;
  • factological knowledge - knowledge of the specific facts of the current state and history of manifestations in sports (in various types, varieties, components) of its humanistic aspects and functions;
  • knowledge, skills and skills necessary in order to include in certain types of sports activities (sports training, sports competitions, etc.), focusing in the formulation of related goals and objectives on the ideals and values \u200b\u200bof humanism.

All these knowledge, skills, skills form a prerequisite (source) block of knowledge, skills, sports and humanistic culture skills. In the structure of this culture, they perform two main functions. First, they allow a person to navigate in various aspects, sports functions and at the same time distinguishing humanistic aspects and functions from many other (approximate function). Secondly, provide it with information that is necessary so that it can evaluate the sport from the position of humanism (various types of its types, components, etc.), justify its assessment, as well as include in certain forms of sports activities (sports Training, sports competitions, etc.), focusing in the formulation of the goals and objectives related to them and the ideals and values \u200b\u200bof humanism.

So, the source knowledge, skills, skills characterize:

  • the basic sports and humanistic education of the individual, allowing him from the position of humanism to navigate in the world of sports,
  • his information and operational readiness for sports and humanistic activities. An important component of the sports and humanistic culture of the individual is the substantiation (understanding, explanation) of a positive humanistic assessment of sports (certain types of its species, varieties, components, etc.) - the reflexive-analytical component of this culture.

Such understanding (justification, explanation) suggests:

  • understanding the important value of ideas, ideals and values \u200b\u200bof humanism not only in general social, but also in a personal plan;
  • determination of the parties, aspects, sports functions (some kind of its type, component, etc.), which serve as the basis for its positive assessment as a phenomenon, which in its humanistic potential is valuable, social and / or personal meaning;
  • accounting for the factors on which the real humanistic significance of sports depends.

When substantiating (understanding, explaining) a positive assessment of sports with an emphasis on its humanistic aspects and features of the individual can use: its own practical experience; obtained during the study of knowledge; Traditions, norms, ideals, value stereotypes, dominant in the surrounding social environment, etc.

Another component ("block") of a humanistically oriented value of a person to sports, and therefore his sports-gum-uritical culture - resulting.

This component characterizes the results of its assumptions, preservation, implementation and development of humanistic ideals, standards, norms, values:

  • qualities and abilities characterizing the holistic development of the personality;
  • style (image) of life, the nature of relationships with other people in accordance with the ideals and values \u200b\u200bof humanism, etc. Especially important in this regard is the formation of the individual of the two characteristics of a holistic personality.

A. Orientation of the individual at the achievement. This orientation, as noted by the famous modern philosopher from Germany and the Olympic champion of Lenk, is the main condition for self-realization, self-expression of the individual. Personal achievement is the fundamental value of the human life, the expression of his freedom, self-sustaining, self-study, self-affirmation. After all, a man lives not only by bread pressing. He needs the complete importance of the task and goals that meet the meaning. Therefore, the principle of human orientation on personal achievements can carry out an important educational function, especially in a society based on passive consumption, administration and cassens, which have a tendency to drink any individual activity, in the world of cinema and television supporting passive attitude to universal orientation. In such a society, prosperity is a real danger to humans. It seduces it and takes towards passivity, hedonism and to life, complete templates and widespread forms of a fabricated lazy life with her festival and luxury. But the country of utopia, abundant by milk and honey, is not promised to humane paradise - this is a problem that explicitly arises in the society of growing leisure. These thoughts of the city of Lenka are adequate to the understanding of the goals and objectives of humanistic education, which defended the founders of the humanistic theory of the personality of A. Oil and K. Rogers in their works.

B. Humanistic-oriented behavior in sports competitions and in other types of rivalry, which, at least, provides for manifestation of courage, will, perseverance in order to show the maximum possible result, win, but the refusal to defeat at any cost, due to the desire His health or causing damage to the health of rivals, by means of deception, violence, dishonest refereeing and other antihuman actions.

The above components of the sports and humanistic culture of the personality, which are in close connection with each other, constitute the structure of this culture. In the structure of the sports and humanistic culture of the personality, it is important to distinguish between the positive humanistic attitude of the individual:

  • in general to sports activities and sports (one or another their species, varieties, components, etc.) (humanistic full-time ratio);
  • to its own sporting activity, to one or another its species, components (humanistic I-sports attitude). The humanistic attitude of the individual to its own sporting activity is particularly important in the structure of the sports and humanistic culture of the personality. It is a motivational determinant, a regulator of its real and verbal behavior.

From this point of view, knowledge characterizing the sports and humanistic culture of the individual is divided into two groups:

  • knowledge that characterize the overall awareness of the individual in humanistic aspects, functions of sports, its species, varieties, etc. (humanistic full-scale knowledge),
  • knowledge characterizing awareness in these issues in relation to their own sports activity, knowledge of humanistic aspects, functions and humanistic meaning for the individual of the sports activity, which he is engaged in (humanistic I-sports knowledge).

Under the same angle of view, skills associated with sports, as well as interests, money orientations and human assessments in the structure of its sports and humanistic culture are also divided into "full" if they relate to sports at all, and "I-sports" - affecting Own sports activity of this person.

Similarly, understanding (explanation and justification) The individual of a positive humanistic assessment of sports implies reflection in relation to this assessment in relation to its own sports activity and sports activities in general.

Thus, the main features of the personality sports and humanistic culture include the following:

  • knowledge, understanding and positive estimate

General approach to the relationship of sports and culture

One of the most important elements that may have dysfunctional importance for culture as a whole and sports in particular is the cult of success, achieving a high result: "Success occupies such a high place in the hierarchical system of sports values, that the status of this athlete is determined by the level of its current achievements. In battles in the sports fields and the arons, the value has only the status of the results achieved. It is difficult to find another social subsystem, except for the military-army, where success, achievement appreciated so high. If this value orientation became central for the whole culture as a whole, the society, Probably turned out to be in the permanent conflict situation.

Based on this general approach to the interconnection of sports and culture, a positive assessment of sports in this regard is often taken without a critical assessment, as a matter of course. It is especially important to take into account that sport, experiencing a significant impact of the social and cultural system, in the conditions of which occurs its development

Therefore, for the correct assessment of sports as a sociocultural phenomenon, it is necessary to clearly distinguish its cultural humanistic potential and how much this potential is practically implemented, as well as those related to sports, which are only proclaimed and the values \u200b\u200bfor which people are really focused on behavior, real values .

Physical culture as part of the general culture of society

At the present stage of development in the context of the qualitative transformation of all parties to the life of society, the requirements for the physical fitness of citizens needed for successful work activities increase.

The Russian society has entered the phase of translational development, in which socio-economic and political transformations are aimed at approving humanistic values \u200b\u200band ideals, creating a developed economy and a sustainable democratic system. An important place in this process is occupied by issues related to the vital activity of the person himself, his health and lifestyle. Of the consequence of the concept of "healthy lifestyle", which unites all spheres of vital activity, a team, a social group, the nation, the most relevant component is physical culture and sport.

Physical culture originated and developed simultaneously with the universal culture and is its organic part. She satisfies social needs for communication, game and entertainment, in some forms of self-expression through social and active useful activities. The harmony of the development of the personality was valued by all nations and at all times. Initially, the word "culture" translated from Latin meant "cultivation", "Processing". With the development of society, the concept of "culture" was filled with new content.

Today, in a universal understanding, this word means certain features of the person (education, accuracy, etc.) and the forms of human behavior (politeness, self-control, etc.), or form of public, vocational and production activities (production culture, life, leisure, etc.). In the scientific sense, the word "culture" is all forms of public life, ways of activity of people. On the one hand, this is the process of material and spiritual activities of people, and on the other hand, these are the results (products) of this activity. The content of "Culture" in the broad sense of the word includes, for example, philosophy and science, and ideology, right, comprehensive identity development, level and character of human thinking, his speech, ability, etc.

Thus, "culture" is the creative creative activity of man. The basis and maintenance of the cultural and psychological development process of "culture" is, first of all, the development of the physical and intellectual abilities of a person, its moral and aesthetic qualities. Based on this, physical culture is one of the components of a common culture, it arises and develops simultaneously and along with the material and spiritual culture of society. Physical culture has four main forms:

physical education and physical preparations for concrete activities (professional-applied physical training);

restoration of health or lost by means of physical culture - rehabilitation;

exercise classes for rest, so-called. - recreation;

higher achievement in the field of sports.

It should be noted that the level of human culture is manifested in its ability to rationally, to fully use such a public good as free time. From how it is used, not only success in labor activity, studies and general development, but also the human health itself, its fullness of its livelihoods. Physical culture here occupy an important place, for physical culture is health.

Abroad, physical education and sports at all of their levels is a universal mechanism of improving people, the way of self-realization of a person, its self-expression and development, as well as a means of struggle against asocial phenomena. That is why in recent years, the place of physical education and sports in the system of values \u200b\u200bof modern culture has increased dramatically.

Thus, around the world there is a steady tendency to increase the role of physical culture in society, which manifests itself:

in increasing the role of the state in support of the development of physical culture, public forms of organization and activities in this area;

in widespread use of physical culture in the prevention of diseases and promoting public health;

in the extension of the active creative longevity of people; in organizing leisure activities and in the prevention of the asocial behavior of young people;

in the use of physical education as an important component of the moral, aesthetic and intellectual development of students of young people;

in engaging in the physical culture of the working-age population;

in the use of physical culture in social and physical adaptation of persons with disabilities, orphans;

in the increasing volume of sports broadcasting and role of television in the development of physical culture in the formation of a healthy lifestyle;

in the development of physical education and wellness and sports infrastructure, taking into account the interests and needs of the population;

in the diversity of forms, methods and means offered in the market of physical education and wellness and sports services.

The term "physical culture" himself appeared at the end of the XIX century in England during the rapid formation of sports, but did not find widespread in the West and with time almost disappeared from every time. In Russia, on the contrary, entering from the beginning of the 20th century, after the revolution of 1917, the term "physical culture" received his recognition in all high Soviet institutions and firmly entered the scientific and practical lexicon. In 1918, the Institute of Physical Culture was opened in Moscow, in 1919, the Universia was held in physical culture, since 1922, a physical culture magazine was published, and from 1925 to present - the magazine "Theory and Practice of Physical Culture". And as we see, the very name of "physical culture" indicates its belonging to culture.

In the modern world, the role of physical culture as a factor in improving the nature of man and society is significantly increasing. Therefore, care for the development of physical culture is the most important component of the social policy of the state, ensuring the incarnation of humanistic ideals, values \u200b\u200band standards that open a wide space for identifying people's abilities, satisfying their interests and needs, intensifying the human factor.

A healthy lifestyle in general, physical culture in particular, becomes a social phenomenon that unites the strength and national idea that promotes the development of a strong state and a healthy society. In many foreign countries, physical culture and wellness and sports activities organically combine and combines the efforts of the state, its government, public and private organizations, institutions and social institutions.

Formed in the early stages of the development of human society, the improvement of physical culture continues to the present. The role of physical culture was particularly increased due to the urbanization, the deterioration of the environmental situation, the automation of labor contributing to hypocinezia. The end of the XX century in many countries has become a period of modernization and construction of modern sports facilities. Effective models of physical culture and sports movement are created on completely new economic and legal relations, low-cost behavioral programs are actively introduced, such as "health for the sake of life", "healthy heart", "Life - be in it" and others who are directed to the formation of moral responsibility Personality for the state of their own health and lifestyle.

The global trend is also a tremendous increase in interest in the sport of higher achievements, which reflects fundamental shifts in modern culture. Globalization processes to a certain extent were stimulated and the development of modern sports, especially the Olympic.

In accordance with the FZ of the Russian Federation "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation", physical culture is part of the culture, which is a set of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society in order to physical and intellectual development of human abilities, improving its motor activity and Forming a healthy lifestyle, social adaptation through physical education, physical training and physical development.

Physical culture is the type of general culture, the parties to the development, improvement, maintaining and restoring values \u200b\u200bin the field of physical improvement of a person on self-realization of its spiritual and physical abilities and its socio-significant results related to the fulfillment of their duties in society.

Physical culture is part of the overall culture of humanity and absorbed not only the centuries-old valuable experience of preparing a person for life, development, development and management for the benefit of a person laid into it (from a religious point of view - God) physical and mental abilities, but that Equally important, the experience of approval and hardening in the process of physical cultural activities of moral, moral structures began.

Physical culture is one of those areas of social activities in which the social activity of people is formed and implemented. It reflects the state of society as a whole, serves as one of the forms of manifestation of its social, political and moral structure.

Physical culture is a sphere of social activities aimed at preserving and promoting health, the development of human psychophysical abilities in the process of conscious motor activity. The main indicators of the state of physical culture in society are: the level of health and physical development of people and the degree of use of physical culture in the field of education and education, in production and everyday life.

As we see, in physical culture, contrary to its literal meaning, they find their reflection of the achievement of people in improving their physical and largely mental and moral qualities. The level of development of these qualities, as well as personal knowledge, skills and skills on improving them, make up the personal values \u200b\u200bof physical culture and determine the physical culture of the individual as one of the faces of the general culture of man. Indicators of the state of physical culture in society are:

the mass of its development;

the degree of use of physical culture in education and education;

health and comprehensive development of physical abilities;

level of sporting achievements;

the presence and level of qualifications of professional and social physical education staff;

propaganda of physical culture and sports;

the degree and nature of the use of the media, in the field of problems facing the physical culture;

the state of science and the presence of a developed system of physical education.

Thus, all this pronounces that physical culture is a natural part of the culture of society. At the present stage, due to its specificity, physical culture as an important social phenomenon permeates all levels of society, providing a broad impact on the main spheres of the life of society.

Physical education

Berlin 1933: joint preparatory exercises.

Physical education - Social activities aimed at preserving and promoting health, the development of human psychophysical abilities in the process of conscious motor activity. Physical education - part of the culture, which is a set of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society in order to physical and intellectual development of human abilities, improving its motor activity and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, social adaptation through physical education, physical training and physical development (in accordance With the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 4, 2007 N 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation").

The main indicators of the state of physical culture in society are:

  • health and physical development of people;
  • the degree of use of physical culture in the field of education and education, in production and everyday life.

The concept of "physical culture" appeared at the end of the XIX century in England during the rapid formation of modern sports, but did not find widespread use in the West and with time almost disappeared from everyday life. In Russia, on the contrary, entering from the beginning of the 20th century, after the revolution of 1917, the term "physical culture" received his recognition in all high Soviet institutions and firmly entered the scientific and practical lexicon. In 1918, the Institute of Physical Culture was opened in Moscow, in 1919, Vse vocational school held a congress in physical culture, since 1922, a physical culture magazine was published, and from 1925 to the present - the magazine "Theory and Practice of Physical Culture".

The very name of "physical culture" calls something very important. Physical culture is part of the overall culture of mankind and absorbed not only the centuries-old valuable experience of preparing a person for life, development, development and management for the benefit of the person laid into it by natural and mental abilities, but that is equally important, and the experience of approval and hardening Manifesting in the process of physical cultural activity of moral, moral began. Thus, in physical culture, contrary to its literal meaning, they find their reflection of the achievement of people in improving their both physical and largely mental and moral qualities. The level of development of these qualities, as well as personal knowledge, skills and skills on improving them, make up the personal values \u200b\u200bof physical culture and determine the physical culture of the individual as one of the faces of the general culture of the human social and biological basis of physical culture.

To date, a number of theorists are challenged by the use of the term "physical culture". One of the arguments against "is that in most countries of the world, this term is generally absent in scientific lexicon. The exception is only the countries of Eastern Europe, in which the development of physical culture and sports for more than half a century was conducted in the image and likeness of the Soviet system. In this regard, the leading Russian scientists in theory of sports are sometimes expressed by polar opinions about the future use in the science of the concept of "physical culture": so, A. G. Egorov believes that this term should be fully replaced by the concept of "Sport "While L. I. Lubyshev considers the scientific definition of physical culture" step forward "compared with Western Sports Science.

In the present, L.I. Lubyshev actively introduces the concept of "sports culture". Without joining the debate. It can be noted that this position is not productive, since, according to the main theoretics of this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge (P.F.Leshft), it is impossible to fundamentally confuse the concepts of "physical culture and physical education" and the concept of sport. According to this scientist, youth to destroy three things: wine, excitement and sport.

According to A. A. Isaev, it is quite logical to consider physical culture as a goal, and the sport as a means of achieving it. It is for this reason that the definition of "Sport for All" becomes widespread, which reflected more and more objectively at the international level - in UNESCO documents, Council of Europe, IOC. "Sport for all" puts physical culture on its legitimate place of high-quality characteristics, absorbing once belonging to her activities. The theorists of the physical culture of the Soviet school, wrote A. A. Isaev, actively resist the transformation process of the physical culture value dictated by the change in the socio-political dominant in the development of modern Russia. This circumstance, affecting management decisions, is noticeably inhibits the development of adequate changes in the society of Russia's sports policy. This approach is the key to the resolution of methodological contradictions associated with the definition of the concepts of "physical culture" and "Sport" [clarify]

Tools of physical culture

The main means of physical culture, developing and harmonizing all the manifestations of the human body's life, are conscious (conscious) classes with various physical exercises (bodily movements), most of which are invented or improved by the person themselves. They suggest gradually an increase in exercise of exercise from charging and workout to workout, from training to sports games and competitions, from them to the establishment of both personal and universal sports records as personal physical opportunities have grown. Combined using the natural forces of nature (sun, air and water), hygienic factors, nutritional and recreation and, depending on personal purposes, physical culture makes harmoniously to develop and heal the body and maintain it in an excellent physical condition for long years.

Composite parts of physical culture

Each of the components of physical culture has a well-known independence, its own target installation, material and technical support, various levels of development and the volume of personal values. Therefore, sports in the activity sector of physical culture is highlighted especially using the phrases "Physical Culture and Sport", "Physical Education and Sport". In this case, under the "physical culture", "physical education" in a narrow sense, it is possible to mean mass physical culture and therapeutic physical culture.

Mass physical culture

Mass physical culture form the physical activity of people in the framework of the process of physical education and self-education for their general physical development and improving, improving motor capabilities, improving the body and posture, as well as classes at the level of physical recreation.

Physical recreation

Recreation (Lat. - Recreation, - "Restoration") - 1) vacation, change in school, 2) premises for recreation in educational institutions, 3) rest, restoration of human forces. Physical recreation is a motor active leisure and entertainment using exercise, mobile games, various sports, as well as the natural forces of nature, as a result of which it is pleasure and good health and mood is achieved, mental and physical performance is restored. As a rule, classes at the level of mass physical culture for a healthy person are not associated with very large physical and volitional efforts, however, they create a powerful disciplining, toning and harmonizing background for all parties to its activities.

Healing Fitness

Another, also unsportsmanlike for purposes, the direction of physical culture forms therapeutic physical culture (motor rehabilitation), using specially selected exercise and, as already noted, some sports facilities for the treatment and restoration of the functions of the body, disturbed by diseases, injuries, overwork and other reasons.


Adaptive physical culture

The specificity of this activity sphere is expressed in the complementary definition of "adaptive", which emphasizes the purpose of physical culture for persons with disabilities in health. This suggests that physical culture in all its manifestations should stimulate positive morpho-functional shifts in the body, thereby forming the necessary motor coordination, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body. The main direction of adaptive physical culture is the formation of motor activity, as biological and social factors of impact on the body and personality of man. The knowledge of the essence of this phenomenon is a methodological foundation for adaptive physical culture. In St. Petersburg University of Physical Culture. P. F. Lesgaft is opened by the Faculty of Adaptive Physical Culture, whose task is to prepare highly qualified specialists to work in the field of physical culture of persons with disabilities. In addition to working with people rejected in a state of health, adaptive physical culture is aimed at the use of motor activity to promote social and psychological adaptation, prevention of deviations in socialization (for example, within the framework of this direction, the use of physical culture and sports for the prevention of drug addiction is being developed).

Physical education

Under the modern widespread concept of "physical education" means an organic component of the general education - an educational, pedagogical process, aimed at mastering the personality of the personal values \u200b\u200bof physical culture. In other words, the purpose of physical education is the formation of an individual's physical culture, that is, the side of the general culture of a person who helps to realize his biological and spiritual potential. Physical education, we understand this or not, starts from the first days after the birth of a person.

The founder of the scientific system of physical education (initial - education), harmoniously contributes to mental development and moral education of a young man, is Russian teacher, Anatas and Doctor Peter Franventovich Lesgaf (1837-1909). Created by him in 1896 "Courses of educators and managers of physical education" were the first in Russia with a higher educational institution for the preparation of specialists of physical education, the prototype of the modern St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture named after P. F. Lesgafta. Graduates of the Academy receive higher physical education and become experts in various fields of physical culture, including in the field of physical education, that is, the development of physical culture values. With regard to work in higher educational institutions of such a specialist, they call the teacher of physical culture, or the teacher of the Department of Physical Education.

The terms "Physical education" should be distinguished as professional training in special educational institutions and "physical education" in its initial (according to P. F. Lesgaft) the meaning of physical education. In English, the term "Physical Education" can also be used in the other sense. It should also be borne in mind that abroad is not in the course of the English term "en: Physical Culture" in the sense of our widespread concept of "physical culture". There, depending on the specific direction of physical culture activities, the words "en: Sport" are used, "en: Physical Education", "En: Physical Training", "en: Fitness" and others.

Physical education in unity with mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education provides comprehensive identity development. Moreover, these parties of the general process of education are largely manifested in the process of physical education organized accordingly.

In higher educational institutions, the process of physical education of students is carried out at the Department of Physical Education through the educational discipline "Physical Culture".

The purpose of physical education is achieved in solving interrelated wellness, educational, educational and educational tasks.

The wellness and developing tasks of physical education include:

  • improving the health and hardening of the body;
  • harmonic body development and physiological functions of the body;
  • comprehensive development of physical and mental qualities;
  • ensuring a high level of working capacity and creative longevity.

It is believed that in order to fulfill these tasks the total time of training sessions on the discipline "Physical Culture" and additional independent practices of physical exercises and sports for each student should be at least 5 hours a week.

Christianity about physical education

  • Christianity in the 4th century banned the Olympic Games and originated by their Anathema as pagan

see also



  • Federal Law on Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


Concept and shape (model) of sports culture

The concept of " sports culture "It is increasingly used in scientific publications. In the most general form, this culture is characterized as element of culture associated with sports. But when concretizing this general characteristic, various interpretations give the concept of sports culture.

For example, the Romanian Commission on Terminology, including this concept in the system of concepts related to sports, gave him such a definition: "Composite part (region) of world culture, synthesizing categories, patterns, institutions and material benefits created for intensive use of physical exercise As part of the competition, which pursues the idea of \u200b\u200bchampionship or record due to the biological and spiritual improvement of a person "[Definitions. 1971].

According to L.I. Lubysheva, "Sports culture is accomplished in society and transmitted from generation to generation of value, social processes and relationships, developing during competitions and sports preparations for them. Participation in competitions aims to achieve championship or record through physical and spiritual improvement of a person "[Lubyshev, 2009, p. 205]. At the same time, it characterizes the sports culture of personality and "as an integrative personality education, including a system of funds, methods and results of physical culture and sports activities, aimed at perception, reproduction, the creation and dissemination of physical education and sports values \u200b\u200band technologies" [Lubyshev, 2013]. Such an understanding leads to the mixture of two cultures of the person: one of them is associated with physical education, the other - with sports activities.

In the scientific literature there are other characteristics of sports culture [Balsevich, 2006, 2007; Barinov, 2009a, B, 2010; Dranders, Burtsev, Burtseva E.V., 2013; Panachev, 2006, 2007; Sports culture. 2013; Stolyarov, 1997, D, 1998b, Well, Z, 1999b, 2000, 2002, 2004V, 2009, 2010, D, 2011B, G, 2012, 2013a; Stolyarov, Barinov, 2009a, B, B, 2011; Stolyarov, Kozyreva, 2002; Chabansk, 1970; Grupe, 1990, 1991; Jarvie, 2006; Leist, 1995, 2001; Liebau, 1989; Neue Sportkultur. 1995 et al.]

Sports culture - historically changing positive value attitude of the subject (individual, social group or society as a whole) to sports: activities, its funds and results on understanding, preservation and development of those species, parties, functions, components of sports that subject, focusing on certain social ideals, Means, symbols, norms, behavior samples, assesses as the most important, meaningful, i.e. Considers as values.

Main indicators of sports culture:

| Knowledge of the essence, specifics, forms, functions, social and personal signs of sports, as well as ideals, norms, samples of behavior, on the basis of which sports activities (determined components, functions, forms) are evaluated in judgments, opinions, emotions, real actions etc. As significant, important, i.e. as values;

| Understanding of this assessment;

| Interest in sports, desire (need) to participate in sports activities and real participation in it;

| Certain qualities and abilities, behavior, lifestyle, etc., which are the result of sports and so on.

Principal peculiarity author's understanding of sports culture, distinguishing it from other interpretations of this culture, is that the possibility of not only humanistic (as they usually think), but also other orientations Subjects of this culture [see: Stolyarov, 1997, D, 1998b, F, Z, 1999b, 2000, 2002B, 2004V, 2009, 2010, D, 2011V, G, 2012, 2013a; Stolyarov, Barinov, 2009a, B, B, 2011; Stolyarov, Kozyreva, 2002].

Such a position of the author in this problem is a consequence of the above provision that sport can perform a variety of functions, to be used to solve various social and personal significant tasks and therefore, various parties can act as values \u200b\u200bfor the entity, aspects of sports activities. It can attract people to realize various purposes, meeting various needs. It may be "joy of physical effort", the desire for victory, the love of sport, sports excitement, the desire for glory and public recognition, to material benefit, demonstrating their outstanding physical abilities, male qualities, aggressiveness, etc.

The typology of the values \u200b\u200bof sports indicates how diverse those of its aspects, functions that can attract the subject, under the basis of its positive value attitude towards sports in their nature.

It means this attitude is always not common, but a very specific nature: it implies not a sport at all, but those or other aspects, parties, components, functions, species, varieties, etc.

Therefore, sports culture in different persons and social groups may have different content, different character difficult focus various features depending on what the subject sees the value of sports, these or other types, forms, varieties than sports activities and related sports competitions, training, etc. Attractive for him. At various stages of social development, in various socio-economic and cultural conditions, sports culture can also be significantly modified, modified, acquire a variety of forms, i.e. It has specifically historical character . So, sports culture in ancient Greece unlike modern society was closely related to

religious values. A certain imprint on the sporting culture was imposed by the values \u200b\u200bof a socialist or bourgeois society.

It means it is important to take into account various models (shapes, varieties) of sports culture - both humanistic and other orientation. [See: Stolyarov, 1997, D, 1998b, Well, Z, 1999b, 2000, 2002B, 2004V, 2009, 2010, D, 2011V, G, 2012, 2013a; Stolyarov, Barinov, 2009a, B, B, 2011; Stolyarov, Kozyreva, 2002]. In scientific publications, as a rule, attention is not drawn: reasoning is underway on sports culture at all.

To choose from a subject of certain aspects, components, functions, species, species of sports activities in its assessment, its value orientations, installations: those ideals, meanings, symbols, norms, samples of behavior, which he is focused in his vital activity. At the same time, the inclusion of a subject in sports activities can lead to the formation new or to certain modifications his value orientations available, installations [See: Arvisto, 1972, 1975, 1976, 1982; Vinnik, 1991; Egorov A.G., 1991] and other authors. The method of organizing rivalry and cooperation [Stolyarov, 1997, 1998B, E, F, 2000, 2002a, 2004V, 2009, 2010, is especially important in this plan.

It means specific content, specific orientation, features This or that form of sports culture of the subject (individual, (social group, society as a whole) determine its value orientation, installations: ideals, meanings, symbols, norms, samples of behavior, on the basis of which he evaluates the sport, attributes sports activities. Those or other values (determines its most important, significant parties, components, functions, species, types, etc.), puts and solves certain objectives, etc., as well as those new (or modified old) ideals, meanings, symbols, norms , samples of behavior that are formed under the influence of sports activity.

One of the forms of sports culture - sports and Pragmatic Culture .

This kind of sporting culture is characterized by pronounced instrumental (utilitarian, pragmatic ) The focus of the subject of this culture. It is understood that the most important, significant in sports activities for him are purely instrumental (utilitarian, pragmatic) values. The most striking example in this regard is such value as an opportunity to make money on sports, acquire material benefits, etc. It is such a value orientation for sports that is characteristic, for example, for athletes in professional sports. The pragmatic values \u200b\u200bof sports activities, of course, also applies to the fact that it focuses on participants in this activity for permanent achievements, success. The utility of sports culture can also manifest itself in the orientation of a person on the formation and improvement with the help of sports sports not a holistic personality development, and l ish Some of its individual qualities and abilities (for example, will or other mental abilities, strength or other physical qualities, etc.), elements of culture in isolation from other qualities and abilities. One of the options for such an instrumental (utilitarian, pragmatic) orientation of sports culture is its integration with political culture, on the basis of which it acts as sports and political culture [See: Relationship of Sports and Politics., 2005; Stolyarov, 2005A, 2010, 2011; Carpenter, cotton, 2003; Cotton, 2003].

Sports activities can attract the subject of this activity and other With your aspects. So, she can perform for him as a value based on what makes it possible to demonstrate its superiority over others, to realize its nationalist ideas, solve narrow-bore political tasks, to show their aggressiveness, etc. In this case, sports culture includes norms and values \u200b\u200bthat do not coincide with the general cultural values \u200b\u200bof humanistic orientation, as a result of which acts as a sports culture. inhuman (antihuman) Directions - inhuman (antihuman) Sports culture.

The most important in modern conditions has sports and humanistic Culture.

The basis of this kind of sporting culture is a positive value of the subject of sports activities to this activity, to various components (sports training, sports competitions, etc.), species, varieties, their aspects, functions, etc. with pose iTIj. humanism, From the point of view of its ideals and values \u200b\u200b- the holistic development of the person and humane relations to other people, nations, cultures, beliefs.

It means sports and Humanistic culture - This is a humanistic value attitude of the subject of sports activities to this activity (to sports training and sports competitions): process, means and results of understanding, preservation and development of those species, parties, functions, components of sports, which he, focusing on humanistic ideas, ideals, meanings, symbols, norms, samples of behavior, assesses as the most important, meaningful, i.e. Considers as values.

The main features of sports and humanistic culture include the following:

Knowledge, understanding and positive assessment of the concept of humanism, his ideals and values, their roles and meanings in modern society, including in the sports field, the ability to substantiate this assessment;

Knowledge, understanding and positive assessment of the humanistic importance of sports activities, the ability to substantiate this assessment;

In the knowledge of the factors on which this sport depends;

In the desire (desire) to navigate in sports activities on humanistic ideals and values;

Quality and ability (skills and skills), which make it possible to effectively act in sports in accordance with such a focus;

In real participation in sports activities in order to use it for the holistic development of the personality, promoting the implementation of humanistic ideals and values;

The results of sports - humanistic activity: formed as a result of participation in sports activities of the quality and ability characterizing the holistic development of the personality; moral behavior in sports;

adequate humanistic ideals style (image) of life, the nature of relationships with other people; Negative attitude to persons whose behavior is contrary to the ideals of humanism.

In the structure of the sports and humanistic culture of the personality, it is important to distinguish between the positive humanistic attitude of the individual:

¦ at all to sports activities (one or another its species, varieties, components, etc.) (humanistic environmental attitude);

| K. own sporting activity, to one or another its species, components (humanistic I-sports attitude).

The humanistic attitude of the individual to its own sports activity is particularly important in the structure of the sports personality culture. It is a motivational determinant, a regulator of its real and verbal behavior.

Sports and humanistic culture can perform in different shape, depending on how common humanistic ideals and values \u200b\u200bare specified to which the subject of this culture is focused.

Currently, it is important to distinguish between two possible forms of sports - humanistic culture - olympic and spartian [See: Stolyarov, Barinov, 2009V, 2011].