Agree with the bailiffs on installment payment.

  • 14.12.2023

The defendant decided not to wait for the bailiffs at home, and came to the department on his own. It is necessary to understand what model of behavior to choose to negotiate in your favor.

To prevent the bailiff from seizing the property, payment must be made within five days from the date of notification of the initiation of enforcement proceedings. It is not necessary to pay the entire amount, a small contribution is enough.

How to behave at the reception?

Debtors rarely come to the BSC voluntarily. People are afraid and try to do everything to be forgotten. But this does not solve the problem.

Debts remain, with all the ensuing consequences:

  • ban on registration actions;


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If a person independently comes to the FSSP employees, then he has more opportunities to negotiate an installment plan or cancel the departure. The bailiffs carry out the collection plan and if payment is received, they turn a blind eye to some things.

The debtor agrees to pay the full amount

Come to the bailiff for an appointment and agree on payment terms:

  1. Find out the full amount of the debt (you can see it on the FSSP website).
  2. Ask for a receipt or print it from the website.
  3. Pay at the bank.

After 7 working days, the money is credited to the account.

Debtors rarely pay their debt voluntarily, so this option is more the exception than the rule. Although, sometimes this happens.

  1. Do not forget to write a statement that you agree with the debt and are ready to pay voluntarily. In this case, the bailiff will not come and seize the property.
  2. After depositing the funds, notify the bailiff about paying the debt by phone or come to the appointment again.
  3. Monitor the receipt of money into the FSSP account and the lifting of bans on movement and property registration.

A common option. The bailiffs reach an agreement with the debtor, this is convenient:

  • the debtor came himself;
  • The debt is slowly being paid off.

The debtor also benefits:

  • no one will go to his home to seize his property;
  • no one will send a writ of execution to work to withhold 50% of the salary. The debtor's business reputation will remain untouched.
  1. Take your 2NDFL certificate with you to confirm your income.
  2. If you have loans from other banks, take the agreements with you.
  3. Indicate additional sources of income. This is done if you are determined to pay off the debt.

Talk to the bailiff and, taking into account your income, calculate the monthly payment. This is a normal move. People pay off debts this way. If FSSP employees see the payment, they will not bother you.

If in this way you are repaying a debt to an individual or legal creditors, then it is important to remember:

The plaintiff may request additional collection measures even if funds are regularly received as payment. The bailiff is obliged to obey and carry out a set of compulsory measures.

The defendant does not agree with the debt

We would like to immediately warn you that in this case it is better not to go to the bailiff. Take care of the property in advance and wait for them to come to you. There is no point in aggravating the situation. After all, if you have nothing to take, then in a year the enforcement proceedings will be closed due to the impossibility of collection.

If the amount of debt exceeds 1.5 million rubles from an individual, the bailiffs may initiate the initiation of a criminal case under Art. 177 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The debtor has the right to use.

Is it possible to pay off a debt in installments? This question worries many respondents. After reading Federal Law 229, it is clear that the debt must be paid in full. But there is a way out of the situation.

Article 37 of the law allows the debtor to go to court and obtain a deferred payment. During the deferment period, no enforcement actions are taken and restrictions are lifted.

In practice, this provision does not make sense to apply. Any bailiff is ready for negotiations. You will be given the opportunity to make partial monthly payments without any problems. The only condition is the adequacy of the amount. Therefore, calmly negotiate on the money that suits both parties.

  1. Don't be afraid to negotiate if you have something to offer.
  2. Fulfill the agreements reached.
  3. Try to pay more than agreed upon.
  4. Stay in touch.
  5. If you are late with payment, notify the bailiff.

All these points will help to avoid seizure of property and a ban on registration of housing or car.

Due to their workload, FSSP employees are limited to seizing salary cards and banning travel. If enforcement proceedings were initiated a long time ago and they are not touching you, then maybe there is no need to fuss? Why come on demand?

If you lack funds, let the situation go. There is nothing to pay; you most likely will not go on vacation abroad. The best tactic here is don’t touch and that’s okay. This way, you can gain a lot of time and improve your financial life. The main thing is to pay off the debt as soon as possible.

What happens if you don't pay for three years?

Three years are , this means that if during this period you are not sued in court on any matter, then the claims will no longer be accepted. The exception is a good reason for the plaintiff. For example, illness or military service.

But if you do not pay the debt within three years under enforcement proceedings, this does not mean anything. The debt will be closed only after full payment, even if it takes ten years.

Do not confuse the statute of limitations with the period of enforcement proceedings.

We pay without commission

You cannot pay debts without a commission. The exception is the possibility of paying the plaintiff directly by agreement. With minimal costs, you can close the debt through Sberbank or VTB.

All other types of payments, for example, through, are more expensive than everywhere else. This must be taken into account.

Do not forget about the execution fee and the deadline for crediting money to FSSP accounts (seven working days).

Bottom line

If you come to an appointment at the FSSP to talk, do it as friendly as possible. Don't be rude. A bailiff is a person who can make life very difficult. Although his actions are disputed. Or, on the contrary, it can help with debt repayment.

  1. If the debt is fully repaid, the money will be credited to the account within seven working days. Don't forget to inform the bailiff about the payment.
  2. Partial payment is possible only by agreement.
  3. If you cannot or do not want to pay, do not aggravate the situation by visiting the SSP. It's better to leave everything as is.
  4. Installment payment can be obtained by law through court proceedings.
  5. Payment without commission is not possible, only directly to the lender by agreement.

In any case, whether you pay or not, BSC employees play an important role. But ultimately, this is just an obstacle to a debt-free life that can be intelligently bypassed or passed through by picking up the keys to a closed door.

If you have questions or require specialist advice, ask a question in the comments or contact the site’s duty lawyer. We will definitely answer and help.

​Initiation of enforcement proceedings on a loan (IP) means that the bank went to court with a demand to collect the loan debt, and the court, in turn, decided to satisfy the claim. A court decision can take the form of a court order (simplified form) or a decision. In the first case, the order is also an executive document. In the second case, to initiate an IP, in addition to the decision, a writ of execution issued by the court that made the decision on recovery is required. Today we will talk about what to do if enforcement proceedings have been initiated on a loan.

Issues of interaction with bailiffs

Bailiffs have a wide range of powers to take measures to enforce debt collection. However, as a rule, the defendant is given some time to voluntarily repay the debt, often slightly exceeding the period established by law. In any case, if an IP has already been initiated, you can proceed as follows:

  1. Come to the bailiff in charge of the case and discuss the current situation. This is a more effective option than starting a correspondence or avoiding contact altogether. When you visit the bailiff, most likely, you will be required to explain the circumstances of the case and your readiness/unwillingness to voluntarily repay the debt. From the bailiff you can obtain the necessary explanations, an explanation of rights and obligations, as well as a copy of the resolution on the initiation of an individual entrepreneur - FSSP employees are required to provide all this.
  2. If it is not possible to immediately repay the debt, you should prepare yourself for a constructive dialogue with the bailiff and decide on the issue of granting a deferment or installment plan for repaying the debt.
  3. To obtain an installment plan/deferment, you must contact the court that made the decision on the case with a corresponding application. Going to court in itself can give you some time to resolve your financial problems. Usually, the courts agree to satisfy the request of debtors if the latter provide convincing evidence of a difficult financial situation, the presence of temporary financial difficulties and similar situations that do not allow repaying the entire debt at once. A good result of going to court can be a deferment or installment plan set for 6-12 months. True, much depends on the amount of debt and the persuasiveness of the arguments. If you want to get an installment plan, you need to think through the payment scheme and its rationale in advance. To obtain a deferment, it is advisable to prepare convincing arguments in favor of the fact that after a certain period of time you will be able to repay the debt in full.

What to do if the bailiffs have started forcible collection

If the bailiffs have begun active efforts to collect the debt, it is necessary to proceed from the exact measures they took. But anyway the debtor has the right:

  1. Submit petitions to the bailiff, make statements asking to suspend or terminate the application of a certain penalty measure, to ensure its execution or to limit the rights of the debtor.
  2. File complaints about the actions (inaction), decisions of the bailiff to his management or to a higher authority.
  3. Appeal (challenge) the actions (inactions) and decisions of the bailiff in court.

Of course, if the actions of the bailiffs are legal, it is impossible to change anything. It is necessary to be prepared in advance for the fact that property and funds, including bank accounts, will be seized. Bailiffs can restrict travel abroad, temporarily deprive a driver’s license, and take measures to withhold part of the funds to pay off the debt from the salary. In fact, only those who do not have property that could be seized or who receive unofficial income will not feel any special changes in their lives.

If enforcement proceedings have been initiated against you regarding a loan, and you do not know what to do in this situation in order to get out of it with minimal losses, then our online duty lawyer is ready to advise you for free. You can describe your situation and ask a question in the form below.

My ex got officially married and filed for alimony for the entire period since the divorce, and they counted me 240 thousand. The bailiff said that they would take 70 percent of my salary from my official employment.

but what will I bring home then? What do I and my family need to live on? QUESTION: Can I sue to cancel the debt if I, my real wife and little son live in a rented apartment, plus utilities.

This is why surety is so widely used.

What to do if a paid traffic fine is listed as unpaid in the database on the traffic police website or State Services? More recently, the Internet has made it possible to pay fines through online services.

As soon as this system began to exist, many letters immediately appeared with questions about why the fine had been paid, but was hanging in the database on the traffic police website. Today, the system has more or less improved, but has not yet been fully improved, which in turn fails when making payments.

Further, enforcement proceedings will be terminated by court decision and the debt will be withdrawn from the database. In the event of the death of the claimant or the debtor, if we are talking about individuals, as well as in cases of declaring him dead or recognizing him as missing, the court may terminate the enforcement proceedings.

In case of cancellation of the judicial act on the basis of which the writ of execution was issued.

FSSP of Russia, how to check debt?

How many stories are there about loans taken out for a lost passport or for a friend? To protect yourself from unpleasant situations, make sure that you have no debts more often.

If you do not pay your debts or fines on time, then information about your debts is transferred to the bailiff service, which must, through certain legal measures, require you to repay the debts.

Let's look at how bailiffs operate: If you want to pay off a debt, but you have circumstances that limit you financially or you intend to get an installment plan, then there are several ways to effectively interact with the bailiff service: An independent visit to the authorized department.

Where can I pay debts to bailiffs?

Bailiffs only take creditors' money after a ruling has been issued that has entered into legal force.

From the above it is clear that forced collection of debt is carried out on the basis of a court verdict. To make a payment, you need to go to the official FSSP page to find out about the amount of debt and click on the “pay” icon.

You can transfer money through the following methods: from a mobile phone, from a bank card, through electronic wallets.

Remove information from the bailiff database

The Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) will post a federal database of seized property and a register of debtors on its new official website ( The head of the department for organizing work on the sale of property of debtors of the service, Alexander Beletsky, told reporters at a briefing. Having an outstanding debt is a rather unpleasant situation, since it creates a certain tension in the relationship between the creditor and the debtor.

The FSSP is not asleep: how to lift the ban on traveling abroad Free legal consultation by phone: +74997034819 (MSK), +78123094679 (St. Petersburg) An important part of a long journey is always the preparation of the necessary documents, without which it is impossible to even cross the state border.

Every Russian citizen has the right to visit foreign countries, unless he has any outstanding obligations or debts to the country, or simply cannot do this due to his duty.

After the divorce, I left my former mother-in-law and for the last 2 years without permanent registration, only temporary, accordingly, with such registration it would be problematic to officially get a good job. Debts from bailiffs Good afternoon, dear reader.

As you know, not all motorists pay fines and transport taxes on time. And many people have questions, what will happen if you don’t pay the fine for a long time? Action (inaction) of bailiffs Good day! I have such a situation.

Deep in debt

In 2019, regional bailiffs issued 1.752 million orders to foreclose on debtors’ accounts. For comparison, last year there were almost a million fewer such resolutions (780 thousand). Withholding debt from your salary or pension is another way to return money to the creditor.

Today, such a compulsory measure is applied to 206 thousand.

South Urals. Bailiffs have the right to write off up to 50% of the proceeds to the account of the unfortunate borrower.

The reasons for not repaying a loan can be very different, but the consequences, unfortunately, are the same for everyone. After unsuccessful attempts to collect the problem debt on its own or with the help of collectors, the bank takes the case to court. After 2-3 months of legal proceedings, provided that the loan agreement and all documents are drawn up in the manner prescribed by law, the court makes a decision on forced repayment of the debt. Bailiffs take on the job. We will tell you further about how events may develop further and what rights bailiffs have.

Basic laws regulating the activities of bailiffs

If the law is on the side of the bank, the defendant, in accordance with the Civil Procedure Code, is given a month to appeal the decision. After 30 days, the court decision comes into force and the bank or collection agency transfers the writ of execution to the Federal Bailiff Service. There the documents are registered and within 3 days a decision is made to initiate proceedings. From this moment on, bailiffs take over the work.

Their activities, unlike collection activities, are strictly regulated by laws:

  • Federal Law No. 118-FZ “On Bailiffs” dated June 21, 1997
  • Federal Law No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings” dated October 2, 1997

These laws define a wide range of powers and rights of bailiffs. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation and not to break the law, it is important to know what the bailiff can do to collect the required amount of debt. More about this in more detail.

Rights of bailiffs

The main goal of the bailiff is to take all measures permitted by law to enforce the court decision, that is, to collect the amount of overdue debt, interest and penalties. The bailiff has the right to collect all necessary information about debtors, announce and independently search for their property. You will not be able to hide your car, apartment, dacha, etc.: the bailiff has access to all the necessary databases and will first send queries to them to find out what you own.

In order to enforce a court decision, the bailiff is given the right to:

  • Collect information from banks about whether you are their client (all accounts may be seized in order to subsequently write off funds from them to repay the debt).
  • Contact your employer to find out the amount of salary you receive.
  • Come to your home on weekdays from 6 am to 10 pm. You have no right to interfere with the bailiff, and besides, you shouldn’t do this: within a few hours he will receive the appropriate court ruling and knock down the door, with the support of the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees.
  • Arrest identified property, confiscate it, transfer it to storage and sell it. The bailiff may even use your car to remove the seized property: in this case, you will not be able to stop him.
  • Enlist the support of the police, security services, internal troops, etc. – unlike the situation with debt collectors, the police always take the side of the bailiff (if he did not break the law - did not threaten you, did not bother you at night, etc.).

Having become familiar with the rights vested in bailiffs, let us consider exactly how employees of the enforcement service interact with debtors.

What you need to be prepared for after the start of enforcement proceedings

Immediately after the start of enforcement proceedings, the bailiff sends the debtor a copy of the relevant resolution. Debtors are also given the right to voluntarily execute a court decision within a certain period (usually 5 days): the letter will indicate the details and amounts that need to be transferred (this includes the enforcement fee). If you do not want or cannot voluntarily repay the debt, a bailiff will come to you within 2 months from the date of receipt of the letter (he is not obliged to notify you of his visit in advance).

The bailiff must have with him documents certifying his official powers, certified by the signature of the head of the department and the seal, he must be dressed in a special uniform.

You should not avoid communicating with the bailiff or behave rudely: for this you can be punished in accordance with Article 17.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses “Obstruction of the lawful activities of a bailiff while on duty.” In addition to the fine, which is provided for in Article 17.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the provisions of the Criminal Code may also be applied to you. Thus, according to Article 319 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Insulting a representative of authority”, rudeness towards a bailiff is punishable by 180 hours of compulsory labor or correctional labor for 6-12 months.

Please note that debtors who agree to conduct a constructive dialogue with the bailiffs have the opportunity to obtain a deferment. You will be given a period during which you can voluntarily repay the loan, avoiding the procedure of confiscation and forced sale of property. According to paragraph 1 of Art. 203 of the Civil Procedure Code, the debtor can file an application with the court asking for a deferment of payment: if the executive service does not object, the court will rule in your favor. According to the law, if the borrower is granted a deferment or he voluntarily repays the debt, the bailiff has no right to disturb him.

Of course, there are situations when borrowers immediately understand that they will not be able to pay off their debts. In this case, they need to be prepared for the procedure of forced sale of property, seizure of accounts and writing off part of the debt from wages. We will tell you how these unpleasant procedures are carried out in