What a year it will be for Capricorn.

  • 10.02.2024

Capricorn is one of the most stable and firmly standing signs; Aries and Taurus combined will envy his stubbornness in all matters. But the older a representative of this sign gets, the more difficult it is for him to compromise both with himself and with his conscience. The Queen of the Year Dog will calmly look at his behavior, however, until it begins to harm others, which is also not uncommon.

General trends

Throughout 2018, Capricorn will pull the blanket over itself. He believes that he is always right in everything, and in order for everything to work out the way he planned, everyone around him must obey only this strong representative of the earthly element. Despite the fact that the Year of the Rooster was difficult for him, and they very often, so to speak, disagreed with him in principles and opinions. The dog is more pragmatic and consistent, which Capricorns really like. Their life will stabilize and there will be confidence in the future. They will boldly lead everyone who is next to them on the path. Trust them, representatives of the earthly element will not lead you down a bad path, they will think through their every step. By the way, it is best not to rush anyone in this matter, since these people usually think for a long time, make any decisions carefully and not in one day.

Stubbornness does not always lead to good results. Unfortunately, they do not listen to anyone, and having made a decision they will not move to the side, even if the other party is right. Because of this, disagreements may arise with work colleagues, especially with superior people. Capricorns who have set themselves the goal of making a career move in 2018 need to be very, very careful in their expressions and actions, otherwise your hopes will not come true.

Capricorn love horoscope for 2018

Capricorns are very selective in love; they look closely at their partner for a long time before making their choice. But after they have done it, they make loyal and caring family men or wives. Every step they take will be taken for the sake of the family and for the family. Loving people just have to not irritate or put pressure on the one who cares about them.

The beginning of the year should be left for comfortable rest and recuperation, because the Rooster made the representative of this constellation work very hard and get nervous. Every day was devoted to work and putting your own affairs in order, so throughout January you need to remain quiet and not get to know your potential other half. It is important. First, your exhausted mind may miss the “me” and find something completely unsuitable for you. Secondly, you may simply start to get irritated over every little thing and annoy everyone around you.

Starting from mid-February, you can think about love and romantic games. In March and April, some of you will get the chance to meet your other half. There is one small nuance here: from the very beginning there should be not just sympathy, but mutual understanding between you. The stronger the friendship between you, the stronger the future relationship will be.

Summer will be a testing period for love. The reason may be a short separation, business trips, jealousy.

The autumn period, as our ancestors said, is good for weddings. In addition, the earthly element that patronizes this sign will help maintain the stability of a future marriage, be long and fertile.

Towards the end of the year, the horoscope advises all free representatives of this sign to give up all their urgent matters and urgently start organizing their personal lives. Although, of course, this should have been done earlier. The Year of the Dog is most suitable for creating a cozy family corner. If you are an ardent bachelor and do not want to change anything in your life, then put all your energy into completing work and financial matters.

Capricorn money horoscope for 2018 Year of the Dog

Financial stability will come to Capricorns; they worked so hard last year that the Dog will not test them this year either. The money invested will begin to generate income, and frequent expenses will significantly decrease. Possible business trips will improve your financial condition; the horoscope advises you not to shy away from them.

The winter period will be passive in relation to income growth, but stable. Large expenses are also not expected. In the spring, many representatives of the earth element will have the opportunity to make excellent investments and earn outside income. Advice to the female half of this sign: don’t take on too much, you can overstrain yourself and literally fall ill. Leave financial issues to your men, work for pleasure. Of course, this state of affairs concerns only those women whose rear is covered by a reliable male back. Although such advice may seem ridiculous to single ladies, it is still worth listening and turning your attention to the children for whom you work so hard. Perhaps at the moment, they need your attention more than good financial security. Don't forget that family values ​​come first in 2018.

Summer is a time for excellent business trips; it makes sense to hold off on vacation for now. Many people believe that summer is a stagnant period for business, but this is not always the case. Businessmen never rest at all. Ordinary Capricorn employees in the summer months, when a good half of their colleagues have gone “across the seas,” are given the opportunity to distinguish themselves in front of their boss.

Autumn can be reserved for relaxation. The housewife herself becomes lazy and slow in the fall, why don’t you relax with her?

You must complete your business before the end of the year. The dog likes things to be simple. At the same time, she must take care of her future, therefore, while working for a whole year, do not forget to “bury a bone” for the next year, 2019. And, be careful, the Pig just loves to spend money.

Health of Capricorns in the Year of the Dog

At the beginning of 2018, gourmet Capricorns may suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If you don’t go on a diet in a timely manner, there is a high probability of gaining extra pounds.

Due to your weakness for tasty food, you are not at risk of vitamin deficiency; your body is still full of strength. But by the month of May, perhaps, it’s time to remember both a healthy diet and adequate physical activity, otherwise the body will fail. Both pharmaceutical and natural products are excellent for obtaining vitamins. An excellent appetite and “workaholism” undermine health, so you should not forget about a sufficient amount of water, which helps your body renew its cells, cleanse the body of toxins, and cleanse the blood vessels of cholesterol. Preparing yourself for the hot summer period will also be useful.

In the fall, it is important to eat well and properly; regain your strength before next summer, because in the future, you will have to work even harder to satisfy the patroness of the year. Try not to catch a cold; autumn colds can be persistent. The weak point will be the nose and, accordingly, the ears; beware, the disease may drag on.

By the end of the year, Capricorns face the danger of injury, ranging from dislocations to fractures. Be careful and take your time, especially for the fairer sex, who often “run” through life much more than men.

Capricorn woman horoscope for 2018

Women of this sign are unbearably stubborn, which the Dog does not support at all. The stars warn you: you should not always and not everywhere show this side of your character. There is a high probability of petty and unnecessary quarrels precisely because of your stubbornness. Especially beware of arguing with your superiors and your other half. Every argument you have is a step towards a possible separation. Give in in small things, give in in big disputes, even when you are sure that you are right. Your methods of proving it are very pushy and annoying. Sometimes it is better to step back and wait to resolve the issue. Weigh the evidence of your rightness, write it on paper, in the end, and give it to your opponent to read. Perhaps with a fresh mind and peacefully you will achieve much greater results.

Women who have adult children should think about whether you are imposing your opinion on them a little. It may be worth giving individuals separate from you the green light to make their own decisions. Mothers of teenagers should let go of the rules and let their children choose their own route. Of course, you don’t need to stop watching them completely, just help them become more confident and independent. You can observe and control from afar. Remember: the golden mean is the right decision in all aspects of life.

For single ladies, the Year of the Dog will be an excellent time to resolve this issue. An ardent supporter of family life, she will lead you to various acquaintances and romances, so that you can quickly find your other half. The horoscope advises, when meeting a potential groom, not to scare him off with your assertiveness. Remember: we reveal the strengths of our character little by little.

Horoscope for Capricorn Men for 2018

In the year of the Earth Dog, it is important for Capricorn men to stay with their family. Very often work becomes almost the only value, which is extremely wrong! The patroness will support you in any business or career endeavors, but only if you do not approach this issue fanatically.

We earnestly ask men - do not quarrel with your family over trifles. Petty quarrels not only exhaust you, they take up a lot of your health and time. Give in more, the mistress of the year is not stubborn, she is pliable and faithful to her loved ones. Support your children in their honest endeavors and creative ideas. Both boys and girls need the good opinion of family authority.

Single men of this sign will be able to improve relationships on the love front and even start a family. 2018, in general, is a great time for marriage and serious relationships. Be sure to devote time to travel, perhaps this is where the most amazing novels and adventures await you. Good times will be in August and September.

As summer approaches, be sure to get involved in sports, regardless of age. Improving your health and improving your appearance after a long winter will not harm anyone.

On the eve of the Year of the Pig, Capricorns hope that, finally, their life will change dramatically, and from now on there will be only positive events and joyful moments. The horoscope promises many zodiac signs of the Earth element good luck and happiness in the coming period. That is why Capricorns are already actively making plans for their bright and problem-free future. Will the special horoscope for 2019 live up to the expectations of Saturn's wards? You can find out about this by reading accurate astrological forecasts for people born under the sign of Capricorn for the year of the Earth Pig.

Horoscope for 2019 for Capricorns

Capricorns will experience many intriguing events in 2019 that they never even dreamed of. From the very beginning of the period of dominance of the Earth Pig, interesting meetings, pleasant surprises and many small joys will take place in the lives of representatives of the sign. The horoscope for 2019 predicts negative events for Capricorns, but very few of them are expected.

The horoscope advises not to hold back your positive emotions. Representatives of this sign can safely dance the night away, sing even if they are completely deaf and laugh loudly, rejoicing in their successes.

The Earth Pig will additionally reward Capricorns who do not hide their good mood. People of this sign will have new paths of development, hobbies and dreams. Even if representatives of the sign will be forced to spend a lot of effort and energy to realize their desires, it is worth it.

New horizons will be opened for Capricorn in 2019. The Year of the Pig promises them travel and exciting business trips. For 2019, Capricorn students can safely make plans for busy activities for the holidays. The horoscope for Capricorns also provided for good luck in the implementation of their business plans. The year will go well, but if you are not friends with its owner, the Pig, then positive forecasts will not come true. Therefore, Capricorns should try to maintain a positive attitude in all situations, never despair, never lose heart, and be as active as possible.

Romantic horoscope for 2019 for Capricorns

The romantic horoscope for Capricorn for 2019 did not disappoint either. He promises people born under this sign many pleasant moments with their loved ones. Capricorns who have not yet met their soulmate will have a chance to start a tender relationship in early spring 2019. There will be very few disagreements with your loved one in the year of the Earth Pig. The horoscope determines the days when the risk of quarreling is very high: February 16 and August 27. On these dates, people of the Capricorn sign need to show leniency and not be too principled.

If Capricorns have a wedding planned for 2019, then there is no need to postpone it under any circumstances. The horoscope calls for a celebration to be held in the first half of the period of dominance of the Earth Pig. For those Capricorns who want to part with their significant other, the horoscope recommends postponing their decision. By the end of the year, the situation on the personal front promises to stabilize.

Success awaits Capricorns in the intimate sphere. The sexual side of relationships will delight those who have already found their soul mate and tied the knot with her. The sexual horoscope for single people for 2019 does not contain such rosy predictions. Therefore, it is better for representatives of this sign to pay attention to spiritual feelings.

Financial horoscope for Capricorns for 2019

People of this sign often experienced financial difficulties during the period of the Monkey's dominance. Does the horoscope for 2019 for Capricorns contain comforting forecasts regarding finances? The Year of the Pig is in no hurry to spoil the wards of Saturn with success in the financial sphere. Capricorns will feel the crisis already in the first months of the new period. The horoscope draws Capricorns' attention to its short duration. In addition, Capricorns do not need to be afraid that a difficult stage will lead them to bankruptcy or another undesirable outcome.

The 2019 horoscope tells Capricorns that their financial relationships will be settled in the second half of the year. At the same time, the Earth Pig sets a condition: representatives of this zodiac sign should not increase debt bondage, regardless of the situation in their life. Otherwise, Capricorns will not soon feel like wealthy people.

Some Capricorns are counting on an increase in wages in the new period. Yes, in 2019, representatives of the sign are expected to increase their earnings, but only due to their efforts. The horoscope encourages Capricorns not to be lazy and to work conscientiously, expecting a solid reward for honest work. The year will also be successful for Capricorn businessmen. Profit from the enterprises of representatives of the sign will depend solely on the amount of effort and time that they themselves invest in their own business.

Capricorn career in 2019

Capricorn is expecting several major changes in the business sphere in 2019. If at first they seem strange and even frightening to the representatives of the sign, then soon Capricorns will understand that this is a chance of fate that is presented only once in a lifetime. People born under this sign will experience both ups and downs in the new period. Ultimately, they will only lead Capricorns to good things.

The Capricorn horoscope for 2019 also contains forecasts regarding a change of duty station. People of this sign will receive several job offers at once in prestigious companies. Capricorns will think for a long time about which decision is correct. During this period, Capricorn should consult with his most devoted and close ones, so as not to make a mistake in his choice.

The horoscope for Capricorns also predicts success in business. Representatives of the sign will take new positions and significantly expand their spheres of influence. The horoscope for 2019 also included negative aspects. At some point, Capricorn's business will be under threat due to the machinations of competitors.

Capricorn health in 2019

Capricorns will be forced to seek medical help more than once in 2019. They do not need to worry: the horoscope for 2019 does not contain predictions about a serious illness. Representatives of the sign will need a little time to rest to regain strength and gain energy. The horoscope focuses on the fact that if you take care of prevention at the very beginning of the period of dominance of the Earth Pig, then not a single illness will befall you. Immediately after the Lunar New Year, which is scheduled for February 28, Capricorns need to plan outdoor trips to ski or skate. Closer to spring, people of this sign should start taking dietary supplements and vitamins. In the summer, the swimming season will open for Capricorns, which, according to the health horoscope, should not be missed under any circumstances.

As for the health of people of this zodiac sign, during the period of the Pig’s dominance, the respiratory and digestive systems will become the most vulnerable areas for them. The horoscope for 2019 warns Capricorns to monitor the functioning of the liver and gall bladder. Women of the sign should pay attention to their hair, teeth and nails. The horoscope for 2019 recommends that representatives of the stronger half of Capricorns take more care of their men's health.

Horoscope for 2019 for Capricorn women

The women's horoscope for 2019 predicts a very successful and calm period for the fair half. Surprises from fans and chosen ones, thousands of compliments and delightful dates await them.

The horoscope for 2019 predicts success for Capricorn women in realizing their plans for arranging their family nest. If the owners of the Capricorn sign were planning to renovate their house, then 2019 is the time to do it.

Horoscope for 2019 for Capricorn men

In 2019, the Pig decided not to pamper Capricorn men too much. People of this sign have to work a lot, so there will be no time to wait for pleasant surprises from fate. Men will feel an urgent need to escape from everyday life. There is no need to regard such a desire as a whim. The horoscope recommends following the call of the body and going to the bathhouse or for a massage - Capricorns will not find a better way to relax this year.

Capricorn men may be faced with the need to make serious decisions for their entire family. The horoscope advises them to accept responsibility and find the right way out, objectively assessing all the pros and cons of the possible consequences.

Horoscope for 2019 for other zodiac signs

There is probably not a single one of us who would not want to know what awaits him in the future. After all, this would help avoid many mistakes and unforeseen situations. Therefore, whether we believe it or not, from time to time each of us is interested in fortune predictions.

A detailed Capricorn horoscope for 2019 will help people born during the reign of this sign to meet the tests prepared for them by fate, as they say, fully armed. The stars foreshadow many events for the representatives of this strong zodiac sign, characterized by their inconsistency. Some of them are ready to take them to the top, others are ready to destroy all hopes and dreams. Wait for the changes in fate that await all Capricorns. Waiting for what awaits in 2019 is useful, at least in order to find the best options for achieving the goal, to protect yourself from troubles and failures.

So, what the future predicts for representatives of this rather stubborn, but cautious and assertive animal can be found out by studying the Capricorn horoscope for 2019.

Capricorn love horoscope

If in the previous year businesslike activity dominated this zodiac sign, then the stars predict that for Capricorn work will fade into the background in 2019. They will shift all their attention to their personal life.

Many of them will have the happiness of plunging into the arms of great feelings, experiencing the bliss of loving and being loved.

The stars give advice; if one of the Capricorns is confident in their favor towards their loved one, then they can move to the highest level of relationships - make an offer. There will be no refusal.

The Capricorn love horoscope for 2019 advises this sign to show wisdom and maturity in personal relationships, support a loved one in everything and do not skimp on compliments for him. This will help create the necessary harmony that is important for relationships.

Family horoscope for Capricorn

Mutual respect, love and tranquility are suggested for family Capricorns by the stars. Of course, such an idyll will not always be observed. We cannot do without conflicts, disputes and all sorts of disagreements. But all this will in no way have a negative impact on the relationship between two loving hearts.

The family horoscope for Capricorn advises representatives of this sign to exercise caution in the Year of the Pig, which values ​​fidelity most of all, not to scatter their feelings and not try to start relationships on the side. You are guaranteed a scandal that will lead to divorce.

Do something useful around the house. This could be renovation or improvement of your home. Or go with your significant other to a resort - a change of scenery will benefit you and strengthen your relationship.

Horoscope for single Capricorns

Forecasters also promise changes for the better to lonely people. Throughout the year, everything will turn out well for them.

There will be bright prospects in your personal life as well. First half of the year

2019 may be marked by an unexpected resumption of previous relationships. But the truce never has time to turn into a new passion. But closer to autumn, a new romance may begin, and again with an old acquaintance, but this time feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.

The second half of the year will turn out to be more successful for those born under this sign than the first, with success on the love front. Favor will also be shown in the case when one of the Capricorns, having broken off an old relationship, plunges headlong into a new one.

Capricorn health horoscope

Regarding health this year, Capricorns will require special attention. It is possible that they will be haunted by emotional outbursts during this period, the best fight against which is not to react violently to what is happening, but to try to remain calm. It is not difficult to learn this - you just need to pay due attention to sports.

The health horoscope for Capricorn for the new year 2019 advises, if necessary, to carry out surgical treatment, and not to put off such a decision for a long time. It is advisable to have surgery before summer.

During cold seasons, hypothermia should be avoided. After all, the first cold you catch, if not treated, will have consequences literally until spring. And in order not to get sick, you need to take care of strengthening your immune system.

Stress at work and insufficient sleep can trigger disruptions in the cardiovascular system. Try not to get overwhelmed. And if necessary, get examined.

To make Capricorns happy with their health in 2019, they need to spend more time in the fresh air, run, don’t bypass the gym, eat well and sleep. Then their health will only please them.

😊Capricorns are sick. Diagnosis: acute lack of fairy-tale events in everyday life.😊

Career and finance

Capricorns will not be long in coming for noticeable changes in how their careers and finances will develop in the Year of the Pig. Literally at the beginning of spring they will show their best side at work. But the luminaries warn them against dissipating their strength. It is important to focus on one direction and rely only on yourself.

Perhaps someone will receive an offer to work abroad. It is better not to rush to refuse such an offer - this trip will also allow you to show all your abilities and talents.

Career and finances in the second half of 2019 may present Capricorns with the problem of choosing regarding success and integrity. If they choose the first, they may undermine their authority in the eyes of colleagues and partners. The second option will deprive them of prospects for career growth or improved financial well-being for six months.

The financial horoscope for 2019 also promises certain difficulties for Capricorns. But the stars advise them not to despair, but to tighten their belts and follow their intended goal. The situation will gradually begin to improve as summer approaches. In the fall, cash income will exceed all expectations.

But they will not be able to save extra money. This will constantly be hampered by unforeseen circumstances that require certain costs.

But there is no need to regret the waste. They are made for good.

General forecast for Capricorn for 2019

In general, the year of the Pig's dominance will be marked for representatives of this zodiac sign with many interesting and exciting events that they did not even have to think about. These, in addition to ordinary everyday joys, are unforgettable meetings, pleasant surprises.

But the horoscope for 2019 does not exclude some negative manifestations for Capricorns. Although they are expected to be negligible.

But almost all representatives of this constellation will have additional ways of growth, new hobbies and dreams. And even if Capricorns have to make a lot of effort to translate them into reality, these costs will not be in vain.

The horoscope advises them to direct all their positive emotions to achieve success in the implementation of business plans. After all, even the best predictions will not come true if you do not appease the owner of the year - the Pig. And this can only be done by maintaining endurance, patience and a positive attitude in all situations that arise.

Capricorns will especially need maximum composure and organization at work at the end of March. But the whole summer will pass more calmly and quietly. But October will require a new surge of activity from them. It will be possible to take on interesting projects again. The end of the year will bring representatives of this sign a wonderful, pleasing outcome.

The stars predict a mandatory taboo for Capricorns in 2019:

  • gambling;
  • lending money;
  • investments in dubious projects;
  • spending money on spontaneous purchases;
  • trusting strangers regarding financial relationships.

All this is fraught with loss of well-being for Capricorns. They should treat anything related to monetary expenses or investments with caution.

Capricorn woman horoscope

Determination and drive are what the horoscope focuses on for women in 2019. As a rule, they will experience career growth and success on the personal front. They use every opportunity to fill their lives with joy and positivity.

They will make every effort to bring their plans to life. And this is not very difficult for them to do. The main characteristic features of Capricorns - diligence, discipline and efficiency will be appreciated by management. Therefore, the stars predict a promotion for them.

Family life for Capricorns also does not foretell stormy forecasts. They expect complete mutual understanding and satisfaction with their soul mate.

But unmarried women or girls should expect a surprise from a secret admirer. A new love adventure will only benefit them. However, one should not rush headlong into the whirlpool of these relationships. After all, it’s not difficult to tie them, but not everyone can maintain them.

Capricorn man horoscope

The accurate horoscope for 2019 does not imply any special life changes or negatives for representatives of the male sign. Success in business life will definitely come to them at the beginning of autumn if they use non-standard approaches to implement their plans.

The failures and losses of the beginning of 2019 will be compensated in mid-autumn. The main thing is not to lose attention to financial decisions and spending.

The stars note that the most active representatives of this sign will be able to improve their financial situation. They will not shepherd those behind them on the personal front either.

But in the relationships of married Capricorn men, misunderstandings may arise. And if the situation is not corrected in time, this can lead to divorce. But it is not all that bad. By the end of the year, if this happens, men may regain happiness.

Until May, Capricorns will receive interesting, and most importantly, profitable offers from business partners (of which, by the way, there will be much more than last year). Career growth is expected at the beginning of summer - suits from fashionable stylists will suit the guys on earth, and a new expensive watch won’t hurt you either (respectable people don’t check the time on their phones). Behind all the financial and professional successes, it is important for Capricorns not to forget about their personal life. Saturn's family pets will enjoy endless visits from distant and close relatives, and besides, your partner's relatives will often visit you. No one will annoy you; on the contrary, guests will help with gardening chores, repairs, and other household amenities.

Singles from the constellation Capricorn may be flipping through wedding magazines - that's exactly what you're thinking. The merry and mischievous Cupid will not be able to fly past you, because you are such sweet and shy creatures. Fans will begin to wake up in the spring, and already in the middle of summer, Saturn’s wards will want to escape to the ends of the earth so as not to listen to love serenades every night. Nothing will work out - suitors will find you even at the North Pole, and will run after you through the snowdrifts, disguised as polar bears.

Autumn will be hot for Capricorns. Outside the window there is a gloomy sky and slush, but you have forgotten to think about the blues and ailments. Vigorous people from the earthly element will be able to open their own business, or please the boss, who will definitely appoint you to a respectable and responsible position. This is a great place to relax, but don’t rush – you’ll go to the resort later, but for now you need to deal with your competitors and win them over to your side.

Until winter, Capricorns will enjoy victories in the professional sphere, counting profits and enjoying new useful connections. And in December 2018, Saturn’s wards can rush to the resort. (Capricorns who have a stamp in their passport are able to take the whole family to the sea, because there is more than enough money, and free earth signs will have a great time in the company of their future chosen one, and besides, there is always a romantic atmosphere on the beaches).

The dog will not let you get bored at the end of the year. Vacationing and working Capricorns will be equally happy - you are valued and adored, loved and idolized. Sometimes you will even want to climb into the doghouse and complain about your ideal life. Don’t get carried away, otherwise suddenly the Yellow Mistress of 2018, out of excess of feelings, will give you her beautiful collar, and the throne at the same time (you will have to rule the world, and this is not an easy and very responsible task, believe the stars).

Love horoscope for Capricorns for 2018

Serious passions will flare up on the love front - Capricorns are in great demand, and admirers will achieve their goal and bring you to the altar (they are intriguers).

All signs are submissive to love, and Capricorns especially. Cupid is on the hunt, so be on the lookout - your soul mate can meet anywhere. Even if you sit at home, worried about an unsuccessful romance, a courier will knock on the door and turn out to be your chosen one (or a prince who has decided to hide from the caring royal family will settle next door).

Your charm will increase exponentially in the Year of the Dog - don’t be alarmed when you leave the house and see loving fans fighting with swords in the entrance. Reduce the requirements for your future chosen one - believe the stars that living with an ideal person is boring and uninteresting. But, if you are an angel with wings, you can also look for Mr. (Miss) perfection.

Don’t be shy to show emotions – sincerity is encouraged in the Year of the Dog. It is undesirable to shout about unearthly love in the square - they will also arrest you for hooliganism, and instead of walking under the moonlight, you will have to listen to the compliments of the police. It’s a good idea to diversify your relationship with fans - run away to Chukotka, let the suitors prove that they have serious intentions.

Business forecast for Capricorns for 2018

The Yellow Dog will help you find your dream job, or open your own business - persistent Capricorns will easily get rich if they get rid of shyness.

Capricorns 1st decade (December 22-December 31) Prices are rising, wages are falling – isn’t it time to think about something new? Capricorns have a lot of ideas - start making your dreams come true right now. The dog believes that you are unusually talented - even your competitors do not dare to argue with it. It’s better not to get involved in adventures - you can get rich without risk, your environment is full of lawyers and financial geniuses.

Capricorns 2nd decade (January 1-January 10) Don’t be afraid of responsibility - in the year of the Dog everyone trusts you and is ready to give you their money for safekeeping. Of course, there is no need to hide other people’s banknotes under the mattress; it’s better to let the capital work. By the way, did you know that Earth signs are born with a set of entrepreneurial talents? Your friends are sure of this, and will soon offer you a profitable deal.

Capricorns 3rd decade (January 11-January 20) As soon as the Year of the Dog arrives, run to the store for new things. There is nothing to do at the bazaar - things must be expensive (as if you were already oligarchs). And then it’s a matter of technology - banknotes are already falling from the sky, it remains to find out where the money is raining. Competition does not threaten Capricorns - you are so honest that your rivals blush at their insidious thoughts.

Family horoscope for Capricorns for 2018

The time has come for renovation or expansion of the home - in the year of the Dog, Capricorns will want to organize family evenings, with guests and music.

Capricorns 1st decade (December 22-December 31) Family life in the year of the Dog will become bright and colorful - this is the merit of cute Capricorns. Every day you surprise and pamper your chosen one, and in return he is ready to carry you in his arms. You will have to monitor your weight so that your beloved partner does not get too much. Everyday issues are resolved by themselves - finally, the good brownie Kuzya has settled in your home.

Capricorns 2nd decade (January 1-January 10) There are no clouds in your family sky, only one cloud is visible. Well, of course, the jealous chosen one doesn’t trust him again, of course, because you are fabulously beautiful and incredibly charming. Find an old and stretched tracksuit in the closet so that your loved one can finally calm down. In a week, your better half will buy you beautiful things herself.

Capricorns 3rd decade (January 11-January 20) If you are still single, then it's time to correct the situation. The dog will smell suitable fans and will definitely arrange a meeting. But don’t yawn either - save up money for a luxurious wedding. But if you are from the community of family Capricorns, get ready to meet cute birds - the storks are getting ready to set off and have already packed the babies into bundles.

Health horoscope for Capricorns for 2018

No problems are expected in the Year of the Dog, but it is important to take care of your mental health. It’s easier than ever to throw out your emotions - bark at your neighbors, only in a whisper.

Capricorns 1st decade (December 22-December 31) In the year of the Yellow Dog, you suddenly decide that you have an imperfect figure. Calm down, and first find out the opinion of your friends - if Capricorns have an extra kilogram, then it is most likely from an excess of intelligence. To be on the safe side, go jogging - it greatly improves your self-esteem (you can swim in the pool, but if you don’t know how, then swim like a dog).

Capricorns 2nd decade (January 1-January 10) In the Year of the Dog, you will be unusually hardy - play sports around the clock, you will not get tired at all. Just have pity on your neighbors and don’t jump rope at three in the morning. If the blues suddenly attack, stretch your lips into a smile - doesn’t it help? Then go to the mirror and stick your tongue out at your reflection until it laughs.

Capricorns 3rd decade (January 11-January 20) Do not listen to the advice of doctors without a diploma - all their knowledge is of no use. Capricorns should also not communicate with healers and sorcerers - they will dump a lot of unnecessary information on you. In the Year of the Dog, meditation and yoga are useful - they will improve your mood and raise your self-esteem. Just don’t go to the astral plane, there are so many people there now that you can’t squeeze through.

Horoscope for little Capricorns for 2018

Naughty Capricorns in the year of Dogs will become incredibly inquisitive - you will hear questions “Why” and “Why” fifty times a day.

Mischievous Capricorns 1st decade (December 22-December 31) Your children will strive for independence. If Capricorns go for a walk, do not find out exactly where they are going, it is better to play detective and follow the earthly fidgets. Just don’t give yourself away when you find your naughty kids in the company of equally serious guys. Most likely, the brats are discussing a plan to take over the world.

Why Capricorns 2 decades (January 1-January 10) There is only one correct opinion - this is the opinion of your fidgets. It is useless to argue with earthly tomboys - stubborn Capricorns will not stomp their feet and fight on the floor in hysterics, they will simply shrug their shoulders and stay the same. You can correct the situation - give the kids smart books, or turn on films with the desired plot.

Tomboys Capricorns 3rd decade (January 11-January 20) If Capricorns suddenly stop laughing, do not rush to hire clowns. Most likely, fidgets are thinking about something important and do not want to waste energy on nonsense. Your children will also need solitude - Capricorns should have their own room, and let the kids arrange it to their liking (children have many talents, including design).

Horoscope 2018 Capricorn by year of birth

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn – Rat

Capricorn-Rats in the year of the Dog can achieve incredible success. There is only one entrance to your hole, but there are a million exits from it - go right, left, or straight (happiness will definitely overtake you). In the sphere of love, you will be known as lucky - but remember that real joy can be experienced with one partner, and not with an army of fans. Storks are active in 2018 - save up money, perhaps they will bring you two packages.

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn – Ox

Capricorns, and even Bulls, you are destined to be persistent and patient. And there is no need to butt heads in the Year of the Dog - competitors politely make way and take off their hats (their rivals hope that you will take them in for a share). On the love front, the situation is more complicated - rivals will appear on the horizon, and you will have to work hard so that the chosen one looks only at you (don’t worry, everything will work out, because you are charm itself).

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn – Tiger

You turn any negative into a positive - with such a positive attitude, you are not afraid of any problems, and the word Obstacle simply does not exist for you. So, Capricorn-Tiger cubs can clean their beautiful skins and set off to conquer the world - the doors to the mysterious kingdom in which the oligarchs live have long been open. Love affairs will please you - Cupid was waiting for the Year of the Dog to come to show you your soul mate.

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn – Cat (Rabbit)

In the year of the Dog, Capricorn-Cats will surpass themselves and become surprisingly sociable - you won’t be ashamed to receive a reception from the king (there will be enough such offers). When making acquaintances with influential guys, remember your uniqueness - you are a genius, and you can’t argue with that. A lot of romances are also expected - purr with pleasure, but hide your paws so that no one can put on a ring without your consent.

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn – Dragon

Don’t hold back your desires - in the year of the Yellow Dog you have a sea of ​​opportunities and an ocean of chances. Capricorn-Dragons can spread their beautiful wings and fly to distant countries or neighboring cities - a warm and friendly welcome will await you everywhere. Just don’t abandon your chosen one - let him climb on your back and help you earn money (two heads are always better than one).

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn – Snake

You will be the first to be made happy by the good mistress of the year. The Yellow Dog adores Capricorn Snakes, because you are so wise. You don't have to crawl into caves to hide from your enemies - bask in the sun and don't be afraid of anything. Only a bag of money can fall from the sky on you - look up to have time to move away (or millionaire fans will parachute from a private plane).

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn – Horse

The trees are flashing, there is a column of dust on the roads - Capricorn-Horses are galloping for good luck. Slow down sometimes so as not to miss the most interesting things. The competitors are behind, they don’t have brand new golden horseshoes. Rivals in the love sphere are left hanging - you will charm anyone, most importantly, do not let anyone climb on your soft back (except perhaps your heirs; their appearance is quite possible in 2018).

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn – Goat (Sheep)

Capricorn-Goat – the combination speaks for itself. But why fight if all issues can be resolved peacefully, especially since in the Year of the Dog you will become surprisingly accommodating and diplomatic. On the love front, you won’t need horns at all (cut them off so they don’t interfere with charming your fans). You will have an instinct for money, the main thing is to look at your feet - you will definitely find a bill (and more than one).

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn – Monkey

While other zodiac signs are reading horoscopes, Capricorn-Monkeys are booking tickets to a country called: “Happiness.” In the Year of the Yellow Dog, you will get not only to this fabulous place - tickets are issued to both “Love” and “Wealth”. The stars will not say anything about the meeting with storks, they will only report that they saw birds that, with a mysterious look, wrapped babies in bundles (marked for Capricorns).

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn – Rooster

Clean your feathers and peck tasty grains - in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, many important things await you. In the breaks between concluding deals and signing contracts, you can get better - business is business, and fans don’t like to wait. Some Capricorn-Roosters will even make it to the registry office - really, how long can you go as a bachelor when there are so many cute birds around (from titmice to cranes).

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn – Dog

The mistress of 2018 will not bark - Capricorn-Dogs can occupy a cozy two-story booth. You won’t need a chain (although who would refuse a meter-long gold chain?), and your life won’t be like a dog. Don't believe me? And you look out the window - there are fans on white horses, and business partners on black jeeps. The main thing is to decide: which issue to solve first - love or financial?

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn – Pig

(Boar) Friends consider you naive, competitors call you gullible, and fans think that you are easy to conquer. And only the Dog knows that Capricorn-Pigs are cunning guys. Continue in the same spirit, and by the middle of the year you will have a personal mansion on the ocean shore, a dozen servants, and a hundred loving suitors, ready to fall on their knees in front of you at one click and propose.

Capricorns belong to the element of Earth, just like the symbol of the New Year, the Yellow Dog. That is why Capricorns and representatives of other zodiac signs of the Earth element are entitled to small privileges.

Most of your plans will be implemented within a year, business and family affairs will improve. In general, everything will go on as usual, of course, there will be exceptions, because everything cannot immediately become ideal.

Most of the plans are realized as if by themselves, you shouldn’t be surprised by this. But envy and conversations from others are quite possible. So learn to respond to your opponents, or even better, not notice them at all and live your life.

In the new year, events will develop more gradually and smoothly. You need to remember one point - money does not like shocks, this is how 2018 will be characterized. Try to move financially with this motto.

Learn not to waste money left and right; it is quite possible that you will soon need it for some major purchase. So manage your budget better and save the excess.

Love and family for Capricorns in the new year

If in the sphere of finance everything will go gradually and in the right direction, then in the sphere of love things are completely different. Capricorns are waiting for big changes in their relationships, they can be compared to a roller coaster, where there are sharp turns everywhere.

Changes for the better await you on the family front. You need to sort out all the existing problems and fix them, don’t repeat the mistakes again and everything will be fine, you just need to try a little.

Peace and tranquility will accompany you only in study or work. Although, as soon as you appear in any society, this same peace immediately disappears from there. But this is very good! If you bring joy to people and are ready to achieve your goals, then success is already waiting for you somewhere very close.

2018 will be a very good year for Capricorn lovers; in any case, you need to remain yourself and take an active position. You shouldn’t go overboard with this activity either; you don’t need to constantly take the initiative at every opportunity.

2018 Moods for Capricorns

For Capricorns, this year may seem very unusual and unlike previous ones. You will understand this at the very beginning of the year. Understand that you can use completely different methods and any chances to achieve your cherished goals.

A lot of situations will revolve around your feelings and emotions. Although Capricorns themselves do not like to share their problems and experiences with others. And they don’t really want to listen to other people’s concerns either. Therefore, some situations in this regard will seem quite difficult.

Nevertheless, these 12 months will go calmly and measuredly, this gives you the opportunity to stop at any moment and think: is this what I’m doing? Do I need all this? This will help Capricorns choose the right direction of movement and move on.

Capricorns, it is quite possible that for some reason they will pay more attention to you than before. These could be people from your close circle or work colleagues. There is a possibility of an office romance.

You must clearly understand what this can lead to and make decisions with a sober head. Sometimes such relationships can ruin the whole thing and bring nothing good. Therefore, think carefully about actions of this kind.

If there is even a slight doubt, it is better to refuse such a turn of events. Change your job or field of activity, this option can improve your situation. If you show a little patience and flexibility, everything will go well, because the Dog will not leave Capricorns unattended.

How to start the year so that it goes well

Remember that the Year of the Dog should go slowly, just move forward, slowly, and without clinging to everything at once. Sometimes things will happen much faster than you expected.

And if you yourself try to act faster, then the real state of affairs and your expectations may not coincide. But what to do to achieve success? First of all, take your time, it's more about work than anything else.

In the field of business and finance, things will go well only if Capricorns are ready to change a lot in themselves, but not only that. You will have to change your environment, and indeed the world around you.

Of course, you shouldn’t immediately change everything radically and turn it upside down. The main thing here is to understand it well; over time, some events will happen that, as if by themselves, will bring something new, and you won’t even have to do anything for change.

Rest and health

Capricorns are not expected to have any health problems in the near future, but this does not mean that they need to leave everything as it is. Now it’s good to take care of the body’s prevention, which will definitely be beneficial.

Although you have a lot of work to do, and it takes a lot of time, you need to be able to allocate at least a couple of hours a day for rest. Better yet, take a vacation from all your affairs and go somewhere far away, where you don’t have to think about anything.

Try to perceive everything that happens from a positive point of view. The dog will always help you, the main thing is to understand in time when you need to act and when to let things take their course. Always look for motivation for yourself and your loved ones when they need it.

The stars do not recommend Capricorns to make big plans. For example, regarding a change of home, it is better to postpone this issue, just like other particularly important matters. Try to focus on smaller goals and gradually work towards them.