Compatibility of Virgo and Aries according to the horoscope. Astrology

  • 10.02.2024

Compatibility between Aries and Virgo is considered unfavorable. From an astrological point of view, such a union is doomed to failure. But let’s try to figure it out, perhaps there is still a chance to build a happy and harmonious relationship.

The relationship between Aries and Virgo is usually extremely painful and difficult. Virgo will especially suffer, because she is the one who will fall in love, and then realize that she is not so needed by her chosen one.

At the beginning, their relationship is a friendship, which gradually develops into a romantic union. The features of such a pair and its characteristics are as follows:

  1. Virgo often has a presentiment that a relationship with Aries will not bring her anything good, so she subconsciously avoids intimacy, hiding behind friendly feelings. But if Aries decides to woo his chosen one, he will easily win her heart.
  2. As soon as Virgo falls in love, all that remains is to feel sorry for her. She is ready to do anything for her chosen one and sees him as an ideal life partner. In his imagination he draws a brutal knight who conquered her. At a more mature age, everything can end well for Virgo, thanks to her experience, but at a young age there is practically no chance of a good outcome.
  3. Virgo is also attracted to Aries. He likes her refined manners, restraint, resignation and loyalty. It will certainly seem to him at first that he has met his ideal, that very other half, which will inspire and support, complement him with the qualities he lacks.
  4. Aries is characterized by swiftness, authority, determination and steadfastness, so he will always be the head and leader in a couple. Virgo’s submissiveness and burning eyes attract him, so he tries with all his might to achieve her favor.
  5. At first, Virgo will like the pressure and fiery temperament of Aries. In her characteristic romantic manner, she will fall head over heels in love, adding non-existent advantages to her chosen one.
  6. If everything is so good, why is this zodiac union considered unfavorable? But the fact is that Aries’s desire to subjugate and crush his chosen one is so great that she begins to worry, suffer, and may even fall into depression.

If she is deeply in love, she will allow her to violate her personal boundaries and wipe her feet on herself, which is absolutely forbidden to do with an Aries. He will quickly get bored with this humility and permissiveness, which will ultimately lead to separation. Only Aries's material dependence on Virgo will help them stay together; nothing else will keep them together.

Causes of conflicts

If you have already managed to start building a relationship in such a couple, do not be discouraged. There is a chance for love, but you need to learn to behave correctly in order to correct the negative qualities of your partner and be able to eliminate conflicts.

What may be the reasons for quarrels and disagreements in this zodiac couple:

  1. Thanks to Virgo's strong love for her partner, the union will be able to stay afloat for a long time. It is only important for her to learn to adapt to the violent and uncompromising character of Aries, gathering all her patience into a fist.
  2. Virgo will also have to come to terms with the fact that the selfish Aries will not care about how she feels. He constantly comes closer and then moves away, from which the chosen one develops a strong emotional dependence. If she does not learn to defend her boundaries and does not win the respect of her chosen one, but decides that this is how it should be, the relationship is doomed. Aries will leave as soon as he becomes completely insolent.
  3. Virgo needs a family, a home, a strong rear. She is able to save, save, deny herself everything, just so that her family does not need anything. Aries is disgusted by everyday problems, he is bored. He wants a constant holiday, an explosion of emotions. If Virgo learns to give these emotions and abstract from routine, there is still a chance to preserve feelings.
  4. You can't let Aries do everything. Permissiveness spoils his character and turns him into a real tyrant. Virgo will have to gain wisdom and behave as cunningly as possible so as not to turn into a victim who is mocked by her life partner.
  5. Conflicts also arise due to disagreements in financial matters. Aries likes to spend, Virgo likes to save. The most favorable option for such a couple is a separate budget and discussion of large purchases together.

To summarize: the chances of a happy relationship are slim. And success depends solely on Virgo. The extent to which she will be able to adapt to the difficult character of Aries, but also how clearly she will be able to adhere to her boundaries, not allowing them to be violated.

Watch the love horoscope video for these signs:

Virgo woman and Aries man

The classic union of these two signs can be successful, but the chances are low. An ideal relationship can only be between a stunning beauty, a conqueror of men's hearts, and a strong, powerful, successful and status man.

If both in a couple are bright enough and fulfilled in life, they can be happy together. But a man must be a seasoned fighter who has achieved a lot, played enough and is ready for a serious relationship. And the woman is quite experienced and has gained wisdom.

Then the girl will always be safe, feel protected and supported, protected. And the man will receive the inspiration and energy he needs for new exploits. The rationality of his companion at critical moments will cool him down and prevent him from doing anything stupid.

But he will cheat in any case, because he will never receive the necessary bright emotions in a relationship with Virgo.

Virgo man and Aries woman

For this couple, the initiative in dating and relationships is almost always with the woman. She decisively “takes” the gentleman she likes, without thinking about whether he wants to be with her at all.

First she will make friends, and then she will try to get closer, and the Virgo man will not resist such a temperament. Most often, rapprochement occurs during noisy corporate events or at friendly drunken parties.

A man in such a relationship will lose a lot of nerve cells and significantly empty his wallet. Gradually this will begin to depress him, and he will decide to break up. A couple will stay together as long as their feelings are strong.

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So different

To begin with, it’s worth characterizing each sign before talking about their compatibility. Aries and Virgo are two completely different people. Aries are sociable and do not like to think about things, even if there is a whole mountain of them. Virgo, on the contrary, loves to analyze and reflect on everything. Aries are sensitive individuals, they trust only their emotions and are skeptical about practicality. But Virgo focuses on her intellectual qualities and practice. Sensitivity and emotionality are not about them.


Now it’s worth talking about compatibility. Aries and Virgo... From an emotional point of view, these are very different people. Virgos accumulate emotions within themselves, and if Aries offends them in some way, they will not show it, but they will change their attitude towards them and will harbor resentment for a long time. They never open. Very rarely they can tell what is going on in their souls. Aries, of course, also do not open up to the first person they meet, but they will not hesitate to have a heart-to-heart talk with a friend.


But it’s worth mentioning general qualities when talking about compatibility. Aries and Virgo: both are always ready to help someone who needs it. However, their motives for this are different. Virgos do something to prove that they can do it better than others. And Aries is for the good.

Compatibility: Aries and Virgo

A fairly strong union can develop, despite the differences. They can make excellent business partners - this can be stated based on the fact that both love to help. In a family, they can also successfully exist together, but they will not always understand the thoughts and intentions of their partner. In addition, Aries feels great if his partner is not happy with him. A Virgo can be upset and angry by many things - from being late for a meeting to negligence and irresponsibility. It is worth noting that people of this sign take all work matters very seriously. But Aries is not like that.


It may seem to Aries that his partner is a calculating and cold person. However, it is not. They are very vulnerable and sentimental at heart. Therefore, the astrologers who created the “Aries and Virgo” horoscope give advice to the fire sign - if you want to build a relationship with this special person, then you first need to get to know him better - in order to know how to act in certain situations and predict the partner’s reaction to some. or actions. And Virgos, in turn, should sometimes refrain from their comments and criticism - Aries do not like this. In general, they do not treat criticism quite adequately.

Happy union

The compatibility horoscope “Aries and Virgo” contains information that the couple can work out successfully. But this is only if everyone accepts all the shortcomings of the other and does not focus their attention on them. It is better for Aries to sometimes listen to the very practical advice of his partner, and for Virgo to allow Aries to bring a little emotionality into their common life. Virgo can find in Aries someone who will help her reveal her character, which is actually not so unemotional. The personality of the Fire sign will help Virgo to find herself and believe in her strength. And she, in turn, will teach Aries to reveal beauty in little things and help him acquire such qualities as prudence and wisdom.

Complicated and painful love awaits this couple. Especially unfortunate for Virgo, as a “rabbit” paired with a “boa constrictor” - Aries. Although everything can begin as a successful friendship, followed by a very romantic continuation.

More often than not, the “rabbit” sign avoids its “boa constrictor”, because feels something dangerous about it. But once under his influence, the “rabbit” instantly melts and becomes ready for anything. The success of Virgo’s first meeting with Aries also lies in the fact that with close communication, Aries in her fantasies will appear as some kind of ideal knight or a passionate goddess of love - depending on what gender Virgo herself is. An experienced Virgo will most likely quickly understand that this opinion is wrong, but a young representative of the sign can easily fall into the trap of Aries’s spell.

However, Virgo will also attract Aries. With his manners, resignation, restraint and loyalty. Aries may think that this is the ideal partner for him. After all, he himself is swift, powerful, decisive and unshakable. He undoubtedly could have left the first place in the pair for himself, and Virgo would have carried out his will, provided for him or supported his life. At the same time, it was always 100% his and no one else’s. Therefore, at the sight of Virgo’s burning eyes, if they seem attractive to him, Aries will immediately jump up and run to win the heart of their owner.

At first, the passion and assertiveness of Aries can captivate the romantic Virgo. However, over time, dissonance in opinions, the inability to come to an agreement with Aries, his desire to subjugate his partner - all this will begin to drive Virgo into depression. The lifespan of the couple will largely depend on the degree of Virgo’s love and her willingness to allow herself to be wiped off her feet. And on the part of Aries, it will be influenced by how dependent he will be financially or in some other way from Virgo, and whether he is bored with this earthly partner. Representatives of the Earth element in this pair act as a submissive rabbit, hypnotized mentally by a stronger boa constrictor.

The main conflicts in a pair of Virgo and Aries

Virgo can love Aries for a very long time and with all her soul from the first day, while still being influenced by those fantasies that Aries is her ideal. Virgo’s colossal ability to adapt to a partner will push the huge problems in the couple into the background.

Firstly, everything that happens in Virgo’s soul will not worry the selfish Aries at all. He would like to generally take her when he needs her, and put her in her place when he has played enough. In emotions, no reciprocity should be expected either. But Virgo will come up with the idea that a real passionate partner should be like this - burning and cold at the same time.

For Virgos, it is very important to have a strong rear, that is, a cozy home and an organized life. Virgo can save diligently, trying to ensure a comfortable future for herself and her significant other. For Aries, everything related to everyday life is boring and uninteresting. He needs a constant holiday, the opportunity to spend money, travel and get new experiences. Although he may go to the extent of buying and decorating his house in order to impress his circle. But he would rather leave what the housekeeping is based on to the domestic Virgin, whom he took for this purpose.

A serious moment that will sharpen the foundation of relationships is the authority of Aries. He seeks to subjugate the softer Virgo, to force her to fulfill all his wishes, without giving anything in return. At first, such relationships stir blood. Some Virgos are even subconsciously turned on by elements of violence towards themselves. But it’s one thing when it’s for variety and show, and quite another when it comes to everyday family life. It’s not that Virgo will eventually get tired of carrying the burden of household chores placed on her, fulfilling all the instructions of her partner and being under his pressure. Just a rational mind and the ability to calculate benefits better than anyone else will force her to look at all this from the outside. And understand that she is being mercilessly exploited.

The physical side also looks problematic. It would seem that Aries is so passionate, there are no complexes or prejudices in him, but still the Virgo in her soul cannot open up with him. All this seems staged to her in some places, and pointlessly rude in others. In love, she expects something completely different.

Virgo woman and Aries man

The ideal relationship would be between an Aries boss and his stunning Virgo secretary. This is simply the best and most harmonious embodiment of the “boa constrictor and the rabbit.”

In life, they could also play such a game, if the Aries man is a real mature fighter, tempered by more than one fight for his prey and able to break through any walls. With this, the Virgo woman will feel completely safe and in relative harmony. She will be able to gently and unobtrusively help him in business, using her cold and rational mind. But at the same time, she will have to fill the emotional gap somewhere else. Perhaps it will be another man, for which Aries, if this fact is discovered, will be absolutely merciless towards Virgo.

Virgo man and Aries woman

The initiative here will belong to the determined Aries woman. Perhaps somewhere at work she will notice a strict Virgo man for his business and analytical talents. Without a shadow of embarrassment, she will impose her collegial friendship on him and, being in close contact, will completely turn his head.

Perhaps, somewhere at a noisy party, an Aries woman will be able to cheer up a tired Virgo businessman. And then he himself, in his calm manner, will offer her a continuation of the meeting, and she, of course, will agree, wanting to take advantage of his capabilities.

For a Virgo man in this relationship, what will be scary is not so much the loss of nerve cells, but rather the material loss. After all, he knows how to count what he has earned so well and is so reluctant to part with it. Here he will be forced to do this by the vague prospect of a relationship with a hot Aries woman, whose type he was previously afraid of, but whom he still dreamed of touching.

The relationship in this couple will not develop in the most successful way. The compatibility horoscope for Aries and Virgo predicts discord in this couple due to the most banal boredom. Aries is used to acting and then thinking, Virgo, on the contrary, is inclined to constantly analyze all actions, she will carefully study her partner, his behavior, and after a while she will be able to easily determine how he will act in a given situation. This behavior of his companion will irritate him, and in the end everything will come to the point that both signs will lose interest in each other, including in the sexual area.

Zodiac sign compatibility looks at the relationships of signs between which there is a gap.

Virgo is calculating and cold; she evaluates any relationship from the point of view of material gain. Aries, although he is able to satisfy her material interest, is in a losing position in this relationship, because he needs love, sensuality and tenderness, and Virgo is simply not capable of these feelings.

If two signs come together in the professional field, then success is quite possible if Virgo is a subordinate, and Aries is a leader and ideological inspirer. Virgo is hardworking, but no less demanding. She demands the same attitude towards work from those around her; she always gives her all, while managing to provide all possible assistance to her colleagues. However, such exactingness is completely unviable in the relationship between Aries and Virgo, since any activity of Aries that they try to limit to some kind of framework will cause a negative reaction from him.

When entering into marriage, both partners must be well aware that they will not be able to have a quiet and measured family life. Peaceful coexistence will often be interspersed with quarrels, mutual claims and discontent. For Virgo, this will not be a burden; she will be able to put up with all the inconveniences in life. Aries will have a much more difficult time, since he is not ready to sacrifice anything for the sake of a calm relationship.

Compatibility Man – Aries – Woman – Virgo

At the very beginning of the relationship, the Virgo woman impresses the Aries man with her calmness, sanity and pedantry, and he, in turn, attracts her with his dynamism and individuality. True, after some time these qualities will begin to irritate partners, and in connection with this, difficulties will begin in the relationship between Aries and Virgo.

Both signs are complete opposites in this relationship. As much as the Aries man is talkative and sociable, the Virgo woman is silent and withdrawn. It is difficult for her to accept her partner’s desire to constantly communicate; for her, it is more important to spend time usefully and do something around the house. Instead of noisy companies, she prefers joint recreation in nature and solitude. It is difficult for her to be on the same territory with her partner, because the Aries man is in constant motion, creating chaos around himself, and the Virgo woman is too accustomed to constant order, a measured and calm life.

The Virgo woman always sets rules that she strictly follows, demanding from her loved ones the unquestioning fulfillment of all conditions. An Aries man who cannot stand the daily routine, much less is not accustomed to order, will get bored and begin to spend more time in the company of friends. His partner will perceive such behavior as complete indifference to family responsibilities and indifference to her.

In a relationship where a man is Aries and a woman is Virgo, peaceful coexistence is possible only if the partner depends on her companion in material terms. If both partners can come to an agreement not to limit each other’s freedom, the Virgo woman will be able not to find fault or judge her partner, and the Aries man will moderate his emotional fervor, then the relationship will be able to last for quite a long time.

Compatibility Woman – Aries – Man – Virgo

Due to the complete opposite of the partners, this couple is unlikely to last long. Favorable relationships are possible between these signs in the professional sphere, in business or in ordinary friendship, thanks to the ability to use their best qualities at the right time.

They will not be able to achieve harmony in love relationships. Constantly arising disagreements and quarrels in this couple will not contribute to the development of the relationship. The Aries woman is prone to adventure and likes to take risks; the Virgo man, on the contrary, is accustomed to stability, prefers a measured life, and always makes only thoughtful and balanced decisions. Due to a conflict of interest, both partners will constantly argue and sort things out.

Many conflicts in the relationship of the couple Woman - Aries and Man - Virgo will arise in the financial sphere. This will be caused by the fact that both partners have different attitudes towards money. The Virgo man will always accurately plan all expenses, and his companion is used to spending money without hesitation.