Josephine's fortune telling. Fortune telling with solitaire online for free Josephine Beauharnais Solitaire fortune telling by Josephine Beauharnais

  • 10.02.2024

The meeting of Napoleon Bonaparte with Josephine de Beauharnais occurred when the woman was already over thirty years old. Napoleon worshiped his experienced mistress and gave her his love.

Josephine was a superstitious woman, believed in fate and fortune telling, and spent a lot of time on magic. In addition, she constantly resorted to the services of the world famous and very popular fortune teller Madame Lenormand. It was Lenormand who prophesied to Josephine the separation from Napoleon, the loss of the French army, and also the crown.

But Josephine de Beauharnais herself knew how to tell fortunes, and even invented her own method. The French of Josephine de Beauharnais is very accurate and unique among other predictions. It is performed on French maps. The principle of fortune telling by Madame de Beauharnais is passed down from generation to generation, new details are added, but this does not change the meaning of fortune telling.

The French cards that are used for this fortune-telling do not have suits or standard images; they have special designs. Each card is cut in half. Before fortune telling begins, all cards are thoroughly shuffled, after which the cards must be laid out in eight rows. Then you start looking for the halves of the cards that match. Those pictures that you have as a result of this simple fortune-telling will be a prediction of your future.

Fortune telling by Josephine de Beauharnais interpretation

Horseman card

Indicates news, changes, movements. This could be news from someone you know or from a stranger. The adjacent card will tell you what kind of news you should expect. If the card is located on the front line, expect new interesting information soon. You will have new thoughts and ideas regarding your career. Business trips and travel may be expected. If you make an arrangement for your personal life, then a cycle of events or a new relationship awaits you.

Clover card

Symbolizes anticipation, hope and happiness. All your dreams will come true if this card is adjacent to favorable cards. If she is surrounded by negative cards, expect that your plans will be destroyed and you will be disappointed. Be sure to try to be sociable and make contact with others. In business relationships, expect profit and success.

"Ship" card

Represents wealth and travel. This card symbolizes promising opportunities, good luck and luck in business. In the subconscious, the ship symbolizes the desire for change and the desire for personal growth. You can also gain wealth through trading. This card is favorable.

Home Map

Symbolizes family and stability. Safety, reliability, successful completion of unfinished business. in any matter. Denotes peace, confidence due to one’s own knowledge. You can provide your own protection.

Tree Card

Vitality, hidden potential and possibilities. You have enormous potential and excellent internal resources. It also symbolizes wisdom, experience, and independence. Stable income.

Map "Clouds"

Impending troubles, mental crisis. Pay attention to the neighboring cards - they will tell you where to expect trouble. Internal instability. When dealing with relationships, this card should be regarded as a test of the strength of your feelings. Health problems and prolonged illness are possible.

"Snake" card

Betrayal, lies. If you get this card, consider it as an important warning. The snake denotes an enemy, a rival and symbolizes deception. Be very careful in your dealings. Jealousy and sins await you. In a love relationship, it denotes the intensity of passion and strong sexual energy.

This is a single case in history when the popularity of a prophetic ritual called the “fortune telling of Josephine Beauharnais” is equivalent to the glory of its creator, the mysterious and magnificent wife of Napoleon. Moreover, some fans of this solitaire game do not even realize that the author of the symbols from the fortune-telling deck was precisely her, a daring beauty, a flighty lover who miraculously managed to walk on the edge of the blade and remain safe and sound.

In the article:

Fortune telling by Josephine Beauharnais - a mystical gift of fate

Josephine's life was surrounded by mystical events from childhood. It seems that someone’s strong hand led her through fate and pulled her out of the most dangerous events that threatened the life and freedom of the beauty. Several times she miraculously avoided the death penalty and imprisonment.

She changed men like gloves, despite the fact that they were famous, influential people. Despite this, she managed to put off her divorce from Napoleon for quite a long time. She was incredibly spendthrift, but there was always someone who replenished her wallet and paid off her debts.

Either fate loved this lady very much, or magical patrons helped, one way or another, her secret will never be revealed. The only magical legacy left after this femme fatale is the fortune-telling of Josephine Beauharnais, created from beginning to end with her own hands. It seems that this ritual played an important role in the life of the French woman.

True deck made by yourself

Madame Beauharnais communicated very closely with people practicing magical rituals. Her closest friend was Napoleon's personal fortune teller -. Skillfully using her own intuition and magical knowledge received from her friend, Josephine created her own prediction system, a kind of solitaire from pictures drawn with her own hands.

This solitaire game requires a deck of 40 pictures, each of which should be cut in half diagonally. You will get 80 triangles, which are laid out in 10 rows of 8 pieces. Matching images predict the future or answer a question.

Ideally, the pictures should be made with your own hands. Such a deck will absorb the energy of the creator and answer his questions as truthfully as possible. Moreover, Josephine Beauharnais's fortune telling is based on very simple symbols and objects, and their meaning is easily deciphered.

Original card meanings

Josephine's deck is conventionally divided into two parts. The first includes symbols that have a direct, inherent meaning.

  • Ring - relationships leading to the creation of a family or well-being in an existing marriage.
  • Laurel wreath - success, recognition, victory.
  • Road - trip, journey.
  • Crown - career growth.
  • Border - a new period in life is approaching, you just need to take a step.
  • Key - the solution to an important issue is already in hand.
  • Horseshoe - absolute success in all endeavors.
  • Glass - a festive feast is just around the corner.
  • Sun - everything in life goes smoothly, calmly and well.
  • Scull - an omen of illness.
  • Snake - an unkind woman surrounded, capable of betraying at the most unexpected moment.
  • Mask - a meeting with a new person is approaching, who will play an important role in your destiny.
  • Woman's face - a woman who will become an obstacle on your way.
  • Penguin - a respectable and wise person who can come to the rescue at any moment.
  • Ship - life goes with the flow, but storms are possible soon.
  • Arrow - a showdown is approaching.
  • Saber - a very loud scandal, quarrel.
  • Anchor - forced stop, time to rest from problems, think about the situation.
  • Church - only faith and higher powers will help in your situation.
  • Flag - complete victory.
  • Heart - it's time to listen to your own intuition.
  • Coin - money will help solve all issues.
  • Watch - time does not stand still, it is necessary to act.
  • Bell - bad rumors, slander and gossip behind your back.
  • Chains - there is nothing stronger than blood ties, only they will help and lend a shoulder in difficult moments.

Along with these pictures, the deck contains signs with a very specific interpretation.

  • Spruce - loneliness, solitary lifestyle.
  • Well - a very difficult period, insoluble problems.
  • Book - a financial or professional crisis is brewing.
  • Bonfire - a strong emotional outburst is brewing.
  • Interrogative sign - a new face in the social circle.
  • Moon - there is a calendar month left until your problems are resolved.
  • Letter - very soon what you have been waiting for will happen.
  • Pigeon - There is complete calm ahead.
  • Table - your house is full, no problems with money are expected.
  • Lightning - unexpected, but very important news.
  • Scales - advice, neutral opinion is needed.
  • Tangled rope - You cannot solve your problems without the help of a friend.

Fortune telling by Josephine Beauharnais contains three special cards that are a signal to stop the ritual. If the layout matches Balloon , Candle or Lock , you can safely collect cards - now is not the time for fortune telling, the question does not yet have a clear answer.

Where could Josephine be if it weren't for solitaire?

It is known for certain that even before her marriage to Napoleon, many critical events took place in the life of the future first lady of France that threatened her life. Every time she was on the verge of execution or imprisonment, a magical alignment told her the right actions. Josephine Beauharnais's fortune-telling, like a compass, paved a safe path through the terrible jungle of fate.

It was solitaire that predicted Josephine's acquaintance with Bonaparte, which later made her empress. And, despite her rather frivolous lifestyle, she managed to maintain her marriage bonds for a very long time and even after a divorce retained her status.

It can be assumed that this lady was simply born under a lucky star and fate itself brought her out of difficulties. But even Madame Beauharnais herself has repeatedly stated that magical knowledge and the presence in the lives of people practicing occultism left their mark on her fate.

Oddly enough, every significant person in history had direct contact with magic, prophecies, and fortune telling. Russian monarchs practiced which were reflected in many fateful decisions for the Russian people. European royal families used it for several hundred years

Among lovers of fortune-telling, fortune-telling or solitaire by Josephine Beauharnais has a special place. It's all about an unusual ritual: before fortune telling, you need to cut square cards with pictures diagonally into equal halves.

The process of preparing for Josephine's fortune-telling proceeds slowly, with fingers touching each card. These actions in themselves make you think about fortune telling and focus your attention.

Josephine's passion for mysticism and divination is not accidental. In her early childhood, the girl was fascinated by an old fortune teller who predicted the crown for her. That's exactly what happened: Josephine Beauharnais became the wife of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.

For fortune telling, Josephine used symbol cards, which were widespread in France at that time. The process of divination itself resembles solitaire. But the solitaire game that Josephine perfected is no ordinary one.

How to play solitaire?

In the online version of Josephine's fortune telling, all actions take place in the blink of an eye. It is possible that you will like the entertainment provided for free by Internet resources: you do not need to prepare cards, cut and lay them out.

Those who love the process of divination itself will, of course, resort to leisurely solitaire with cards that can be “touched.”

If you decide to tell your fortune on your own, without using the online version, which, although it is provided for free, then the fortune telling will look like this:

  • Print or draw pictures.
  • Cut the card squares into halves. Diagonal cut line.
  • Shuffle the cards randomly.
  • First row: lay out 8 halves with the pattern facing up
  • Second row: lay out 8 halves face down.
  • We turn over the second row on the map, revealing the picture.
  • If the halves of the top and bottom rows match, the picture is put aside.
  • Under the finished rows we lay out the next 8 halves with the pictures facing up. And then the halves go face down and the same manipulations occur as in the steps described above.
  • The halves combined into a whole are intended to answer the question posed.

Symbol meanings

  • The crown is success.
  • Balloon - meaningless things, events or people.
  • Libra is a balanced act.
  • The question is an introduction to interest.
  • Border - a life lesson awaits.
  • Home is everything about family.
  • The road is to leave the house.
  • Spruce - to be left without the support of family and friends.
  • Woman - intervention of an unknown person.
  • Castle - the cards are not ready to give an answer, postpone fortune telling for three days.
  • Snake – affairs in your social circle.
  • Ring - plans for marriage.
  • Bonfire - hot temper, from which things can “burn out”.
  • The book is a record of business.
  • Bell - bad gossip.
  • The crown is a major victory.
  • A well is a hopeless situation.
  • The ship is to “take the helm” of the situation into your own hands.
  • The key is discovery, guesswork, necessary information.

  • The moon is waiting for a favorable moment.
  • The mask is an intriguing encounter.
  • Coin - money matters.
  • Lightning - Rock.
  • Penguin is good advice.
  • The letter is the expected outcome.
  • Horseshoe - “free” luck.
  • A glass is a noisy feast.
  • The heart is the hint of the heart.
  • Dove - serenity.
  • Arrow - attacks from enemies.
  • The sun is happiness.
  • Saber - divorce, or severance of business relations.
  • Candle - cards ask you to clarify the question. Play solitaire.
  • Flag - get the upper hand over your opponent.
  • The skull is a serious illness.
  • Table – stable prosperity.
  • The clock - we must hurry!
  • Church - only God can help.
  • Chains are family ties.
  • An anchor is a “time out” in all matters, a respite.

Of course, on sites that provide fortune telling services for free, the meanings of the symbols often do not agree. This is not a reason for disappointment. Symbols are just images, but the meaning can be conveyed in completely different words.

When playing Madame de Beauharnais's solitaire game, rearranging cards with symbols, you need to be in a special mood. Bonaparte's wife was a lover of mystical sensations.

Therefore, if you create a similar aura in the room: scented candles, twilight, turned off electrical appliances, silence, then you can create the atmosphere of fortune telling that reigned in those days.

It is possible that Josephine, by heeding the respect shown to her divination, will help you find out the “real” future.
Author: Igor Vaskin

Fortune telling by Josephine Beauharnais is a French method of finding out the future and getting an answer to a question of interest. Josephine de Beauharnais's talents were also evident in the fact that she got along well with cards, which revealed all the secrets to her, allowing her to find out everything she needed. Fortune telling that has come down to us will help us look into the future.

The woman who went down in history as having defeated Napoleon Bonaparte himself not only turned the heads of all the men of that century, but was also familiar with the mysterious ritual of fortune telling.

She achieved a lot on her own, without resorting to the help of influential people in the empire. She herself knew how to weave intrigues and arrange the future of her protégés, she did not make decisions that were imposed on her by those around her. She decided everything herself - how to love, how to play, how to build her destiny.

She had one secret - she knew how to consult with Tarot cards - this was precisely her secret power and charm. The ability to predict events using cards gave enormous power over the minds of that generation. Josephine didn’t just say what would happen, she instructed how best to do in order to achieve more.

The charming Josephine de Beauharnais became a symbol of the woman of the era of the great Bonaparte. And we will use her secret and conduct a Tarot fortune telling ritual with you. The way Josephine once spent it a long time ago, and which has since carried her name.

Fortune telling by Josephine Beauharnais online

So, let's begin the fortune-telling of “Josephine de Beauharnais.” This event should not be carried out very often and it depends, first of all, on the phases of the moon. On the eve of the full moon, but not on the night of this event - quite suitable. It is better to guess alone, because the cards themselves will give you advice, and you should not interpret them in additions and statements “from knowledgeable people.”

Online fortune telling will save you from what Josephine herself did - from cutting a deck of cards. The computer will do this, you just have to wait and follow the instructions that appear on the screen. Fortune telling "Josephine" is based on three "pillars" - love, wealth and power.

These components may apply not only to you alone, but also to a person close to you. The prediction that falls on each of the three parts of the ritual can be general and individual. You decide this at the very beginning, when you just start it.

The cards will show what awaits both of you in the near future, and most importantly, they will indicate existing obstacles to achieving the goal. If you are guessing only for yourself, expect very useful advice on what to pay special attention to now.

This will prevent troubles in the future, and you can be prepared for future events or even prevent them. One way or another, you will learn not only your destiny, but also the secret thoughts of those around you. The cards will reveal who is your true friend, and who is not too attached to you and may turn out to be a traitor.

Fortune telling by the famous French empress involves the use of a special deck, which contains only seven types of cards, with a total of 28 elements. If it is not possible to buy such a deck, then you can make it yourself.

Josephine de Beauharnais's method involves, after thorough mixing, a layout in four columns of two cards. If some of them match, say, two cards, and two are the same, then you should look at the value.

Fortune telling by Josephine Beauharnais - the meaning of the cards

Rider– movement, news, changes. The news can come to you either from a close and familiar person or from a stranger. Whether this news is good or bad will be shown by the card located nearby.

Clover– happiness, hope, expectation, pleasant chores. If the card is located near favorable cards, then this means that all desires and dreams will come true. Negative neighbors will be evidence of the destruction of all hopes and desires that will not be fulfilled.

Ship– financial benefits and travel, discovering new things. Symbolizes good luck, fortune and the discovery of new opportunities. The ship itself is considered a sign of the desire to change something and grow, both personally and in work. A favorable meaning that can promise winnings or successful transactions.

House– stability, constancy, family. A favorable meaning that can be a harbinger of successful transactions and good luck in any endeavor. It also symbolizes reliability, self-protection and safety of both the fortuneteller himself and his loved ones.

Tree– opportunities, potential and hidden talents. At the moment, a person has all the prerequisites to start something new, both a relationship and a job or project. You are now more wise and reasonable than ever.

Clouds– crisis, emotional unrest, troubles. And where you can expect trouble, the neighboring cards will tell you. This card is believed to help test your aspirations and values.

Snake- treason, hypocrisy, betrayal, lies. Considered a warning and symbolizes an enemy who is waiting to strike. In the love sphere there is intense passion, jealousy, scandals.

Fortune telling by Josephine Beauharnais is a method invented by the French Empress in order to know the future and make decisions based on reliable facts. This fortune telling is considered very accurate and reliable.

Fortune telling by Josephine Beauharnais - video

Josephine knew how to treat not only men, but also women. We should take a close look at her behavior, and we will see that the ability to be courteous is dictated by some thoughts, and not by the natural course of life. These thoughts were suggested to her by the cards. Do not move away from your enemies, get closer to them - in this case, they will not be able to hide their true face.

This will give you additional strength and self-confidence; nothing and no one can shake your convictions and aspirations. Fortune telling by Josephine Beauharnais will become your secret weapon, will help you build relationships with others correctly and will bring you sure luck.

Perhaps only fortune telling connoisseurs, professional fortune tellers and history buffs are aware of the fact that the famous solitaire game Madame Beauharnais and the brilliant Empress of France Josephine have a direct connection. After all, it was Napoleon’s wife who was its author. This beautiful and passionate woman followed the instructions of personal solitaire all her life and only thanks to him was able to achieve what she had.

Biography of Josephine

The future first lady was born on June 23, 1763 in a French colony, on the distant island of Martinique. Her full name is Marie-Joseph-Rose de Taché da la Pagerie. The girl's father was an official from an impoverished noble family. In 1779, the short Creole beauty married nineteen-year-old Viscount Alexandre de Beauharnais, taking his surname and changing her name to “Josephine,” by which the whole world recognized her. Having moved with her husband to the capital of the kingdom, in 1781 she gave birth to a son, Eugene, and in 1783, a daughter, Hortensia, her only and beloved children.

The beauty, who grew up in the provinces, was attracted by the brilliance and radiance of high society. The husband, although he was the heir of one of the most ancient families, was not a fan of ceremonial receptions in the Louvre and Versailles and opposed such idle pastime and her communication with aristocrats. Therefore, the marriage did not last long - in 1785 the couple divorced.

The life that Josephine was so eager for began - visiting balls, salons and shops of leading milliners. But the situation was rapidly melting, the young woman could no longer satisfy her needs and in 1788 was forced to return to her homeland.

The next year for the entire country, including distant possessions, became a turning point - the Great French Revolution began. But fortune smiled on Josephine. While the entire noble class, led by the royal family, was persecuted, and the country was engulfed arrests and executions of aristocrats, the future empress shone in Paris under the patronage of her ex-husband. Alexander sided with the bourgeoisie and took leading positions in the National Assembly.

He did not approve of many things in the policies of the new government, so he soon left this path and joined the ranks of the military. In 1794, he was forced to leave the service due to the adoption of a law on the inadmissibility of nobles being in the army and was executed on a false denunciation. Everyone around him was in danger: his relatives were arrested and imprisoned. Fate had prepared the same fate for his ex-wife; Josephine faced execution.

But even here the brilliant Creole was lucky - a coup broke out. She was released and recognized as a victim of the Jacobins. The new society enthusiastically accepted the beauty, for whom the usual life of a socialite began again. It was at that time, with the light hand of Madame Beauharnais, dresses in the empire style came into fashion. Such success would not have been possible without a high patron - she managed to attract the attention of the leader of the Thermidorians, Paul de Barras, and became his mistress.

Napoleon's lucky star

They met in 1795 in one of the Parisian salons. She is a delightful and popular trendsetter and high society star. He is a little-known general, and also six years younger. The story of their relationship subsequently formed the basis of many fiction books and films. What brought these seemingly different people together?

On March 9, 1796, they entered into a civil marriage, popular at that time. He adopted his beloved's children and treated them as his own. Despite all the love and passion, there was also a practical side to this union. The future emperor received connections in the world and opened access to the highest echelon of power. His wife acquired guarantees and protection from persecution by the new government.

Bonaparte loved his wife madly. Being away because of his military service, every day he wrote her letters, full of passion and calls to come to him as quickly as possible. Josephine, on the other hand, did not strive for a speedy reunion and continued to lead her usual lifestyle in Paris, attending all social events and at the same time cheating on her husband.

Their entire life together was full of crazy passion, scandals and jealousy, which could lead to divorce. But every time Josephine managed to calm her furious temper Corsican and save their marriage. Moreover, small love affairs began on his part, which also began to reconcile him to the infidelities of his other half.

After the Egyptian Company, in 1799, Napoleon organized a conspiracy and carried out a coup, as a result of which he headed the Republic and became First Consul. Josephine became the country's first lady. Napoleon began to dream of an Empire.

A difficult period began for Josephine. She understood that her husband, who planned to become an emperor, needed an heir. And she was already 40, and simply due to her age she could not give birth to a son. Although Bonaparte continued to love his wife, coldness appeared on his part in their relationship. The woman herself, on the contrary, became more and more attached to her husband. They switched places - now she began to suffer from constant betrayal.

Nevertheless, on December 1, 1804, their official wedding took place, and the next day in Notre Dame Cathedral, Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor and crowned himself and his wife with his own hands.

The question of an heir has become even more pressing. Josephine enjoyed universal love among her subjects thanks to her kindness and generosity, but this did not save her from divorce. In December 1809, their marriage was dissolved. Josephine retained her status as empress and continued to live in her usual way. The ruler married the Austrian princess, who in 1811 gave him a son.

Death of the Empress

Despite the divorce, warm relations remained between Napoleon and Josephine. He constantly continued to write to her, telling her about his plans and current affairs, came to her residence, but was never alone with her again. After parting with the love of his life, the happy star of the Emperor of France set - a devastating defeat in Russia and a lifelong exile to the Elbe lay ahead.

Josephine herself continued to follow the life of her ex-husband with interest. And in 1814 she did everything possible to go to the island for her beloved. But she was refused. Two months after the overthrow of the emperor, she fell ill and died on May 29.

Subsequently, historians will write that Napoleon’s last words were:

Army... France... Josephine...

The Secret of a Successful Life

Skeptics will find it difficult to believe, but Joseph-Rose's constant luck can be explained by her passion for magic and fortune telling. She was quite superstitious. And before making any important decision that would affect her fate, she turned to the cards.

But she was guided not only by personal plans. A historical fact is Beauharnais’s acquaintance with the then popular seer Madame Lenormand. It was she who advised the woman who came to her for a prophecy to pay attention to the young general, in alliance with whom a great future awaited her. According to legend, she predicted to Napoleon that only as long as Josephine was with him would he be successful in all his endeavors.

The essence of fortune telling by Josephine Beauharnais

In fact, Fortune telling by Josephine Beauharnais can be classified as solitaire. It requires not ordinary cards with suits, but with special images. They are cut into two equal parts and mixed. Anyone who wants to know the future asks the question that worries him most at the moment. Next comes the layout - 10 rows of 8 cards. You should look at those pictures whose halves match.

Each drawing has its own interpretation. But you need not only to know its meaning, but also to understand which cards the prediction was surrounded by.

You can play Beauharnais solitaire yourself. A more guaranteed result is if the cards are made personally by the fortuneteller, since they carry his energy. If this is not possible, then you can find online fortune telling by Madame Beauharnais. There is no need to figure out the meaning yourself. Everything is issued by the embedded program.

The meaning of cards in solitaire

The deck can be divided into several parts. One includes cards with direct meaning:

  • The ring is a symbol of success in love, imminent marriage, well-being in the family, if a person is already married.
  • Laurel wreath - universal recognition, success.
  • The road is an opportunity for a quick trip.
  • Crown - fast career growth.
  • The border is the onset of a new period in life.
  • The key is that the issue has already been practically resolved.
  • Horseshoe - complete luck in everything.
  • A glass - soon there will be some kind of celebration.
  • The sun means a calm life without problems.
  • Skull - probability of illness.
  • The snake is an ill-wisher woman among close people, from whom you can expect trouble.
  • A mask is a meeting with someone who will play an important role in your future fate.
  • A woman's face is a woman who can interfere with business.
  • Penguin is a wise man who will always come to the rescue.
  • Ship - everything in life is calm, but shocks are possible.
  • Arrow - a quick showdown.
  • Saber - a strong quarrel or scandal.
  • Anchor - it is necessary to make a stop to take a break from problems.
  • Church - only faith can help in resolving the issue.
  • Flag - victory.
  • Heart - you should trust your intuition.
  • Coin - only money will solve the problem.
  • Watch - you need to act.
  • Bell - gossip, slander behind your back.
  • Chains - only relatives can help.

In addition to this series, there are cards with special meanings:

If you get a Balloon, a Castle or a Candle, then you don’t have to continue guessing - you can’t wait for an answer now, the time for a decision has not yet come.

When starting fortune telling, you need to fully concentrate on the question being asked and discard all unnecessary thoughts, otherwise you may not get a definite answer, but only become more confused in the situation.

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