How to start a new life and change yourself.

  • 19.08.2023

Reading time 8 minutes

How often have you said to yourself: “That's enough, that's enough!” From Monday, I start life anew!”? And how many people make such a promise to themselves on New Year's Eve or their next birthday. Even the happiest and most prosperous person has such moments in his life when he wants to quit everything. I want to cross out the past and start my life completely from scratch. Why do people sometimes so passionately want to say goodbye to their past and embark on a new unexplored voyage through life? How to start a new life and change yourself?

Such a desire may arise from extreme overwork, satiety with everyday life, or as a result of experienced stress. There are many reasons for such drastic changes and they are all purely individual. But, having made the decision to say goodbye to the past, many are faced with the problem of not knowing how to start a new life and change themselves.

After all, a significant period of life is lived according to certain principles and motives, was aimed at achieving any specific goals. A new life implies total changes in all spheres of human life and activity. Where to find the strength for this and where to start such global changes?

Reasons to say goodbye to the past

Of course, it is impossible to single out any reasons that are relevant for everyone. But there are many typical and similar situations in which people simply need to start over.

One of the most common reasons is the divorce of a married couple breaking up after a long relationship. Most people who find themselves in a similar situation, quite logically wonder how to live on. Most likely, life will have to start over. Revise the usual home way or completely build a life from scratch. Get used to a new marital status, learn to live independently, without a partner's shoulder. It is generally accepted that when parting, it is doubly harder for those who have been abandoned. And this means that they will have to make twice as much effort to figure out how to start a new life after a divorce.

Another reason is the death of a loved one. In such a situation, before starting a new life and changing himself, a bereaved person needs to cope with a difficult state of mind, overcome depression and stress. After all, such psychological traumas are characterized by a state of apathy and constant fatigue, and a large amount of energy and vitality is needed to build a new way of life.

How to motivate yourself to change

The most compelling reasons for a person to have a desire to start life anew are stressful situations and complete dissatisfaction with the current way of life.

Whatever these reasons that prompted a person to cross out all the past, for a start one should be clearly aware and fully accept one fact. ,A negative past experience is like a suitcase without a handle: it’s a pity to leave it and it’s hard to carry it. If you have learned all the life lessons you need from such an experience, then you need to be able to say goodbye to depressing memories without regret. You need to be able to forget the events of past years and stop reflecting, endlessly analyzing your past. Instead, you need to evaluate your present and develop ways to start a new life.

“The past is as dead as a broken gramophone record. Chasing the past is a thankless task, and if you want to be convinced of this, go to the places of your past battles.
Ernest Hemingway

How to let go of the past

If behind your shoulders you will carry the burden of the past years and constantly return to the past in your thoughts, then starting a new life will not only be problematic, but almost impossible. But for many people it is very difficult to part with memories, even if they are sad and painful.

How do you let go of the past and start living again?

  1. Stop replaying possible scenarios of past situations in your head. Eliminate from your thoughts the wording: “But if then, I would have done this and that.” What has been done cannot be returned, so do not fill your head with useless thoughts.
  2. Try not to make mistakes in the present so that you don't regret them later. For some reason, human memory is arranged in such a way that negative memories linger in it longer than happy moments. By your actions today you are creating your past. And it is in your power to make it cloudless and pleasant.
  3. Drive away the fear of change. Give yourself a mindset that the new life will be much better and happier. If you yourself believe in it, then, undoubtedly, it will be so.
  4. Conduct an audit in the house, getting rid of all things reminiscent of the past. The same can be done with respect to the people around you with whom, for some personal reason, you have long wanted to cut off communication.
  5. Love yourself. After all, for the person you love, you always want to do everything in the best way, to fence off all troubles. Become that person for yourself.

How to start a new life

An easy way to start a new life is to follow the tips below.

  1. First of all, follow the rule of the moment. Start a new life not from Monday, not from the first day of the new month and not from the New Year. If you have already made the decision to change, now is the time to do so. Most likely, you are delaying the moment because you subconsciously succumb to the fear of change. Remember that in any business the most important thing is to take action, and then the changes will move rapidly, like a snowball.
  2. The next task after parting with the past is to say goodbye to the present.. If a person thinks about how to start a new life and change himself, then it follows logically that this individual is not completely satisfied with his present. Think about what and whom you would like to get rid of, what to change. You can make a list of all this and symbolically burn it - by eliminating the material confirmation of your present, it will be easier to let it go morally.
  3. Change your habits. It is better to get rid of negative habits altogether, but you should also reconsider the usual household chores that you do purely automatically. For example, instead of your usual morning cup of coffee, start taking a cold shower. Are you used to sitting in an armchair after work and aimlessly watching TV shows? Try not turning on the TV at all. Yes, at first it will not be easy, you will have to step over yourself, however, positive results will not be long in coming. After two months - according to psychologists, this is exactly how long it takes to get rid of old habits and develop new ones - you will notice that you have become a completely different person.
  4. Change hobbies, find new hobbies. How to start a new life and change yourself, if you don’t start trying to do what you have long wanted, but were afraid or could not afford? A new life is the time to realize all your wildest dreams.
  5. Change your social circle. Make new friends, get to know people with whom communication brings you pleasure and benefit. Strive to communicate with positive and successful people - they will motivate you to strive for your ideal and achieve your goals.
  6. Make major changes, like changing your home or job. Perhaps you wanted to change your activity in general, try something completely new. If you have long dreamed of mastering cycling, then why not change your office chair to a bicycle saddle.
  7. Don't be afraid of failure. Everything in this world is known through trial and error. And if you stumble on something, this is not a reason to stop moving on.
  8. Work on yourself. And do it all the time. After all, permanent self-development is the right path to success and harmony in the soul.

Changing ourselves - 10 effective methods

In order to find the strength and energy in yourself to change your life for the better, you need to make adjustments to your personality, change your character and habits. Otherwise, how to change your life for the better, remaining the same? After all, you, exactly the way you are now, have created for yourself a present that does not suit you, and which you are striving to radically reshape in a new way. If you have not yet developed your own individual strategy on how to start a new life and change yourself, then check out the selection of psychologists' advice below in our article.

10 ways to change for the better

  1. Cultivate positive thinking. If you constantly tune yourself in and think in a positive way, then over time you will notice that the world around you accepts you with joy. The well-known psychological law of interchange: what you give, you get.
  2. Learn to see the positive in others, try to become an optimist. Surely, you yourself are pleased to communicate with smiling and hospitable people. So why not become the same yourself so that people reach out to you.
  3. Don't Forget About Your Appearance– after all, the appearance perfectly reflects the internal changes. You should not drastically and drastically change your appearance if you are not ready for this. A neat and clean appearance will be enough to win over those around you and feel comfortable yourself.
  4. Eliminate bad habits. TO Smoking and alcohol are active depressants that irritate the psyche. It is difficult for an addicted person to find harmony with his inner “I”.
  5. Stick to a daily routine. Sleep at least 8 hours a day, train yourself to get up and go to bed at about the same time. The daily routine has a positive effect on both the psyche and physical health of a person.
  6. Switch to proper nutrition. Down with junk food like fast food. Include only healthy and natural products in your menu. In addition to avoiding gastrointestinal problems and improving your well-being, proper nutrition is an extremely practical and low-cost option.
  7. Go in for sports. It is not necessary to torture yourself with grueling workouts in the gym. A light jog or daily morning exercise will be enough. Even minimal physical activity will keep the body in good shape.
  8. Become the master of your emotions. A restrained person who knows how to control his inner impulses is less prone to everyday stress. This means that it is easier for him to adapt to changes and new conditions of life.
  9. Find motivation. If you clearly know why you need to change, then all changes and work on yourself will be easy.
  10. Engage in self-development. Read books, listen to good music, improve in your favorite business. Self-development is an excellent driving force that makes a person better and better every day.

How to start a new life and change yourself?

This is where you should start with yourself. All changes in life begin in our head. Only by setting the right psychological attitude, you can make changes in your life.

People are so afraid to take a step towards a new life that they are ready to close their eyes to everything that does not suit them. But it's even scarier: to wake up one day and realize that everything is not right next to you. © Confucius

We hope that in our article you were able to find answers for yourself on how to start a new life and change yourself. As the famous saying goes, if you think you need to change something, then you don't. Throw away all doubts and fears, and boldly move forward to a new life and new victories. Remember that only you yourself are the creator of your own destiny, and it is up to you to decide whether to be content with the gray present or turn the page and open up to a new better life.

The return of a former lover can be compared to the beginning of a new relationship. But everything is not so simple, because you already have common memories, experiences. Once you broke each other's heart, and therefore the appearance of distrust is quite natural. After all, it is not so easy to again entrust your feelings to someone who once betrayed. Therefore, the most important thing in how to start a relationship anew is to restore mutual respect.

Physical proximity is not enough

Finding the strength to return to your former partner, you may encounter rejection and misunderstanding. If there were too many contradictions between you, it will not be possible to resolve them at one moment. Do not step on the same rake again. Remember what caused the breakup - were the circumstances so catastrophic or did your relationship cease to suit both? If circumstances are to blame, then it will be much easier for you to overcome the barrier. Of course, provided that you no longer run away from problems, breaking the thin threads of attachment at the first difficulty.

And here if the reason is inside, the matter becomes more complicated. If you are not equal in any area: intellectual, spiritual, professional, if you are simply from too distant social circles, before starting a relationship anew, Both of you must firmly decide what is more important for you - upholding your own values ​​​​or love.

Lower your bar

In order not to break firewood and not be disappointed from the very first steps of a new rapprochement, lower the level of your requests as low as possible. Don't turn your life together into an arms race. You've already caused each other a lot of pain. The only true option for the development of relations is mutual concessions, respect for each other's feelings, the ability and desire to seek a common language.

Put a taboo on the past

In a new life together, the emergence of new conflicts is inevitable, but no matter how offended you may be, never remind you of what happened before. Do not threaten to leave again, do not humiliate the dignity of a loved one. There is an attraction between you, which made you meet again and, despite the problems that arose earlier, trust your partner with your fate.

Think again about how important it is to bring back the past. Maybe now you are proceeding from a purely sporting interest: will it be possible to return it. Or maybe you are just afraid of loneliness, you lack communication, sex, or are you just too lazy to build relationships with other members of the opposite sex? All this is not a reason to break into the life of an ex-lover. Only with mutual desire and love is it possible not only to restore relations, but also to strengthen them and turn into a real marriage.

I hate every morning. Every day reminds of the past and nothing new. I had enough! How to start a new life if there are many things around that do not suit you? Why does stability get boring over time? Get rid of fears and start change today! If the thought of starting everything from scratch does not give you rest, you do not need to put off the idea until better times. They are unlikely to come, and precious years will go into the abyss. The tips from the article will help you find what you have been looking for in yourself for so long!

I want to start a new life.

Where does the desire to start a new life come from? When everything around ceases to bring joy, and you resemble a squeezed lemon - it's time to start a life reset. As soon as the first signal “I urgently need changes, and I can’t do this anymore” appears, the die is cast.

A strong desire to start a new life arises when life becomes more of a sentence than a pleasure. Such a bold act can be done at any age, regardless of social status and even more so gender. For everyone, she has prepared a secret road, which is important to come consciously.

How to start a new life if desire is present only in ideas?

It is because of fears that perseverance may not be expressed. If a person loses after several attempts, then he will automatically think that nothing else will come of it. But all the same, that hope will live inside, which after a while will light up again. The excitement in the soul that everything will end in failure must be defeated by cardinal steps. The more we delay the jump, the harder it is to make it. No wonder it is said everywhere that you need to act at the first stage, when the desire is the most fiery. We often do not listen to the call of the soul and often regret the time spent in vain.

Where to start a new life? The first is to feel the truth. The second is to start developing a plan to escape from the routine and its strong shackles. New life frightens with its uncertainty, but you can do it smartly - build its implementation step by step. The separation from what “is now” and what “will be later” - this is what scares!

It is unlikely that a person is afraid that after three mountains he will be able to buy a house. He is more concerned about how he can either leave his old job for a more interesting one or how he will deny himself buying unnecessary things. If everyone knew that the result is guaranteed, everyone would rush into this unknown.

There are three rules that successful people always use:

1. Be determined.

“That's it, I'm starting a new life today and no excuses!” - a great start! Dreams don't like to be thrown around. If there is a goal, then it should be decisive, and not lie on a subconscious level. This is the same as dreaming all your life about traveling to Italy and not even trying to save up for the trip. What do you really want? It is important to write down on paper the largest possible list of things that periodically appear in ideas. Each captain of his own ship, which can go with the flow and it is not clear when it will come to the shore, or has a clear course to meet the dream.

2. Down with templates!

The generally accepted framework, personal prejudices - they are the whole point! Life is not a template, like a robot with an autopilot. How if many do not understand me? It is to break the wall of misunderstanding and not be afraid to express yourself. Naturally, if people give advice, then you can listen to it. The experience of adults has not been canceled, and it can be a good clue. No need to become unarmed in the wrong hands and play along with others. If in the same place you are surrounded only by pessimists, critics, you should avoid such communication. The taste for freedom manifests itself when we are surrounded by open and positive people.

3. Enjoy the process.

If the idea does not please me? Obviously not! Actions should not go under pressure, but with a sincere belief in the best result. We are the directors of our lives who write the script. It is important to enjoy the process. The more a person is satisfied with himself, the easier it is for him to make difficult decisions. Life will not become new without bright moments, exciting situations, from which impressions appear.

Now let's go directly to the tips that we have personally prepared for those who are determined to start a new life.

How to start a new life?

In order to knock on the door as soon as possible, you need to understand that the past is an obsolete time that you do not need to think about and regret. If an unloved job takes away vital energy for many years, you should immediately get rid of it. It’s scary to imagine what will happen to a person in another 10 years! Taking risks - such a skill helps to quickly get rid of what only pulls back or leaves in place. Stability is sometimes illusory. Behind it, there may be a chronic fear of taking a responsible step and sacrificing the present.

There is a well-known saying: "Better a titmouse in the hands than a crane in the sky." She explains that you can be content with the existing and not take more from life. Yes, this rule can be applied at the first stages or if everything builds. But, and start a new life, when you are already covered with dust? Don't run away from potential opportunities!

1. Don't be verbose on a new path.

Where to start a new life, if not with great enthusiasm. No need to tell everyone in a row: "I'm starting, stop doing this and start this." With a high probability, others will be indifferent to this or, conversely, will scoff. Only those who really understand and support you should talk about global ideas. Words don't like to be thrown to the wind. People who have experienced an unpleasant experience or believe “as Galina said” will only fill life with skepticism.

2. Clear life of unnecessary rubbish.

If you really start everything from scratch, then you need to get rid of unnecessary trash. What affects a person? His setting! If it is full of unnecessary trifles, worse than that, garbage, then an imbalance occurs. It is worth now to see what surrounds us at home - in our fortress. Everything seems to be perfect? Why have a lot of services, a copper vase, unnecessary magazines, things from an unpleasant past. It can be sold, given to those in need. The less the environment is filled with rubbish, the easier it is felt on the soul. Lightness in the soul is the absence of empty stresses.

3. Learn to value time.

How to start a new life? Learn to value time. This is the most important asset that should not be scattered! A day consists of only 24 hours, of which almost half is spent on rest. You can not sit for hours on end at the TV, behind the screen of the phone, devoting time to trifles. How can you learn a foreign language if you constantly look at photos on social media? networks? How to manage to do exercises if we constantly get up late? It is important to control the daily routine and give enough time for sleep and cheerfulness. Useless deeds should be replaced with useful ones, from which there will be an effect. A minute of idleness becomes well-deserved if you work enough for it.

4. Get rid of bad habits.

It takes 3 weeks to form any habit. During this time, the body and the brain completely acquires a new pace of life. It is important to get rid of harmful behavior, from which there are only problems. Have you ever wanted to quit smoking? Go to a weight loss gym? Maybe stop eating a lot of sweets? Only great willpower and perseverance will help overcome unnecessary habits.

5. Make a list of "dissatisfied" things.

“I'm not happy with my job, I don't like the way I behave in society, I don't like my style of dress,” such thoughts definitely push for change. It is important to write a list of those things that do not satisfy a person. It is necessary to honestly point out what the internal struggle comes from. The result may surprise! Opposite each item you need to write a way that will solve this problem. It is the "paths of solution" that will become the goals to be strived for.

6. Change outwardly.

Why not create your own new image that will symbolize change? Change your hair, wear new makeup, change the style of your wardrobe, replace your glasses with contact lenses - should match the inner mood. An unremarkable girl will become a fatal lady, who will always be complimented. An insecure guy will be able to impress the audience in a slightly daring way. The exit to a new life is a podium where we appear in all our glory.

7. Get rid of fear.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Go ahead, go to your boss and ask for a raise! Say what doesn’t suit you, ”such thoughts make you fall through the ground. It is always scary to start a new life when there is uncertainty inside. It is enough to take one step and then it will be easier to control the situation. Why take a long time to set yourself up and still not get on the long-awaited road? It is important to step over an invisible barrier that prevents you from moving forward.

8. Maintain old contacts.

We should never forget our bosom friends with whom we have known joy and sorrow. Despite being very busy, permanent plans, it is important to maintain a relationship with them. Write a message, but it’s better to call and find out: “How are you? Are you all right? Can meet?". Knowing that there are those in life who can support and be around is the most pleasant feeling. True friends, good acquaintances will always support, despite the circumstances.

9. Stop waiting for a miracle.

A good moment will never come like now! We have already had enough of "breakfasts" to our heart's content, we have already imagined so much - it's time to start acting. There will be no better time than now to say "I love you", "I appreciate you", "let's try", etc. It is important to stop looking for excuses, but to confidently step on the path to your desired dream.

How to start a new life without super abilities, great connections and money? Feel a great desire to change course for a happy future. Each of us is a durable granite that requires detailed work. As a result, the result will surprise even the greatest master! It is enough to apply the tips from the article, and you will never remain the same. Great success and no despondency!

An amazing and beloved profile.

Have you ever thought about what could be if we had the opportunity to rebuild everything in our lives that we wished? No pain, no doubts, no ghosts of the past... No remorse, trail of past failures and painful partings with anyone or anything... No false expectations, disappointments and initiative-killing stereotypes... No thoughts "I must”, “I can’t”, “what should I do?”... Without being tied to things that are no longer needed, memories that cause pain, fears that hinder the future... Today's text is just about how start life from scratch, how to prepare your consciousness for total zeroing and let changes into yourself and your life.


Now imagine that you have such an opportunity.. I'm serious, close your eyes and try to see with your inner vision how your former world is collapsing, collapsing without your pain and regrets, everything is in order, everything is for the better, your soul is quiet and calm. And on its ruins lay a new foundation, build walls and ceiling - the house of your dreams. There is spaciousness, cleanliness, emptiness and white walls all around... What would you like to add to this house without restraining yourself with material frames? Imagine to the smallest detail, details, sensations...

I can feel the creaking under my feet and the smell of fresh wood coming from the parquet or the new window frame. I feel a light cool breeze tingling my bare shoulders, I inhale the aroma of a flourishing world...

Outside the window, let there be high-rise buildings. They have always beckoned me, like a cozy shell of life churning inside them. Especially in the evenings, when each window lights up with its own shade of warm light.

No unnecessary things, a complete absence, which we have been dragging with us since childhood. Only what is needed at the moment, for a new life and a new you. What are these things and objects? What are the walls decorated with? What are the curtains on the windows? How spacious are the rooms?

I never needed space, the tighter - the sometimes even more comfortable. But I would definitely like more light. Snow-white purity with an emphasis on greenery and wood. Dream...

Why did I start building a new life from home? Of course, this is all external. Global personal transformations are best started from the inside, and housing can change depending on the situation and location. But I am absolutely sure that one follows the other. Our own home is a sacred place for us, a space for rest and constant renewal of physical and mental strength. Security is one of the basic needs, and the house is the foundation of the foundations, the foundation of the future personality, the ability to sort thoughts and plans along with things. I started a new life with personal space. But you can go straight to the next point.


If you had the opportunity to become that incomparable personality, which you perform in your wildest dreams, would you take this chance? Become who you feel like in a dream: without fear, doubt and prejudice? Possess those qualities and character traits that so attract you in others? To have and be able to do what you want, to create without barriers and shame? Forget the past that hurts, give up bad habits that hinder the development of personality and the flourishing of life? Change yourself completely and completely from head to toe, from thoughts and inner sensations to external appearance?

Past events obstruct the path, acting as a terrible obstacle to building a dream personality. We respond to stereotypes. The opinions people have about us. About ideas about themselves based on experience and successful or unsuccessful attempts. We do not take into account external factors that contributed to success or failure. We do not think about internal obstacles or pushes that motivated us or slowed us down in the process of implementing certain ideas. We only remember the facts. "Won? I'm great, I can do everything further. ” “Didn't it work out? I'm a failure, I'm not capable of anything, it's not worth trying. And who told us about this? Why all of a sudden such categoricalness? "Oh, how I would like to forget everything, change myself, start over... If only I could..."

Do you know what is the most curious thing? It’s not even so much the opinion of other people about us that bothers us, but own interpretation and representations of these opinions. You won’t get into other people’s thoughts, you won’t dive into the inner world of another person, and your own imagination works wonders and winds a false interpretation of other people’s ideas about us skein after skein on a ball of uncertainty. It's hard to stop. You continue to act automatically, programmed by other people's attitudes and expectations. But oddly enough, we are the programmer ourselves.

It is quite possible to write for yourself any program you want and create yourself exactly the way you want to be.

The only question is how exactly to do it.

And now to practice. Imagination comes into play again. In the house of our dreams, we place a little man - an empty, clean and transparent phantom. We slowly fill it with pleasant memories, bright thoughts, pure hopes, desirable qualities and UNQUICKLY BELIEVE IN SUCCESS.

Only we ourselves set the program, whether we will succeed or not. Only we ourselves create the image of a dream from ourselves.

Of course, forgetting all the bad things at once, crossing out the past, throwing presets and stereotypes out of your head will not work. But I can assure you by my own example that a decent amount of doubt, uncertainty and negative thoughts disappear instantly and for no reason. It works and gives a tremendous influx of vital energy. About how I coped with the endless stream of negative thoughts that obscured all aspirations, I will tell you in more detail in. In the meantime, just try the imaginary update visualization exercises.


The life of a dream is the colors with which we paint our first imaginary house and ourselves.. You can draw anything, extending the boundaries of your life far beyond the boundaries of the house, as you wish. No one ever limits us to anything, except ourselves. Nobody has the right to do so. It is important to remember that there are many possibilities open to us. We have the right, and even the obligation to bring into our lives what is truly important, interesting and necessary for us. This is a complex and lengthy process, but quite real.

We are able to rebuild both the dream house and the desired personality. And limited only in time. A lot of unexplored roads lead to dreams transformed into goals, which you can turn or go to completely unexpectedly. And everything is much easier than it seems. It is important just not to be afraid to choose at least one of the visible directions, take the first step, walk, run and not give up, gradually acquiring faster vehicles. Good luck everyone!


In the project, I live with you all the agreed moments and share my experience, show what works for me and what doesn’t. And here are a few points from my personal plan for building a life from scratch.

  1. Get rid of negative thoughts that do not allow you to live and act. (Done, post about it soon).
  2. Get rid of an unpleasant past by decluttering your home (this will most likely be a series of articles).
  3. Create your dream home from the available options and what is at hand.
  4. Get to the bottom of the most painful and far-hidden memories and deprive them of emotional overtones. ().
  5. Remember what brought joy in the past and find new sources. Add this to your life().
  6. Live imaginary dream lives (more on that very soon).
  7. Bring the external image in line with the internal sensations and aspirations.

That's all for now. Not an easy task, to be honest. But I'm sure I can handle it. And I'm sure of you. If you want to start life from scratch - join silently or share your impressions in the comments. Together more fun and easier! 😉

On New Year's Eve, many people dream of a new life and change. In this article, I will share how you can start your life over again, with a clean slate.

The desire to change life does not appear under the influence of the moment. It sits deep, generating dissatisfaction with the surrounding reality, and then breaks out, bringing great discomfort and sadness. To change the situation, you will have to reconsider a lot in life and in yourself, figure out what is important to you, and also determine what you want. There is a lot of work to be done, but I am sure that you will succeed. Get a notebook and collect in it all the information that you will receive from working with yourself.

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1. Information detox

Everything that surrounds us is information. About the world, people, incidents and so on. An overabundance of information drowns out your inner voice and prevents you from hearing yourself. For the duration of this article and exercises, limit your absorption of news, TV shows, and other things that may prevent you from delving into tasks more deeply and consciously.

2. Fixing your thoughts

To trigger change, you need to change the track you are on, but first you need to define it. What scenario are you living in? What do you do every day? What routine and tasks? What is going on in your head, body and heart? For a week (at least), try to take 20 minutes to write down your thoughts. No censorship, no bullying. Just your thoughts.

3. Tracking mood and thoughts

It is important. Are you positive or in green anguish? Why is it important? Because, as my practice has shown, it can sneak up unnoticed and you can get out of it for a long time. It is better to diagnose yourself in advance and take action. Set a reminder on your phone at least 3 times a day. When your alarm goes off, take a break from what you're doing and take a few minutes to assess your condition. You can do this through 3 questions: what mood am I in, what I think about, how I feel. Take care of yourself for at least a few days.

4. What do you have, what resources

Determine what resources you already have in terms of knowledge, acquaintances, finances, energy, good habits you have.

5. What relationships are pulling back

Relationships, like clothes, can grow. Think about who in your environment is pulling you back, who does not allow you to believe in yourself, who convinces you that everything is useless. To change your life, you must first change. If someone prevents you from doing this, try to exclude or reduce this communication.

6. Assessment of your health

To what extent does your health allow you to start the process of change? How long ago did you have your body diagnosed? Our body is our main asset, but, unfortunately, many people forget about it. Schedule your health check and make an appointment with the dentist! Self-love is one of the conditions for change for the better.

7. Dream of a perfect life

What kind of change do you want? In what area? How do you, in general, want to see your life? Dream about it, our dreams contain a huge amount of valuable information. Remove any distractions and focus on your dreams.

8. What needs to be done to move in this direction

What is your dream? What parts? What needs to be done to make the dream a reality? In the working room, you can work through these and other issues, and the result will be a clear and clear picture in your head, as well as a plan for the upcoming work.

9. Remove what doesn't work

What habits and activities are preventing you from developing? Write your list, determine what needs to be done to change the situation, and start working on each item in turn. One at a time, not all.

10. Make a plan

Without a plan, our actions are chaotic. What seems clear and understandable in the head, when trying to transfer it to paper, loses its clarity and consistency. How to draw up a plan that works for you, I wrote in.

11. Who can help?

Who can you turn to for help or advice? It can be not only familiar people, but also people from social networks who have already implemented what you just want. Write to them, ask for advice. In the worst case, they simply will not answer you, at best, they will give you useful information for reflection. Do not be afraid. New life takes courage.

12. What kind of people nearby will be able to support? How to find them if they are not in the environment?

You are the average of the five people around you. The people you hang out with most often influence how you perceive the world and how you feel. Surround yourself with those who will support you. Look for events where you can meet like-minded people, or sign up for interest groups. Communication in them can also help you gain allies.

13. Parsing things

In a clean, clutter-free space, you can breathe easier. Cold evenings in a warm house are the perfect time to sort through clothes, papers, and other rubble. Put on some nice music, make some cookies for your break, and start decluttering. But do not rush to carry everything in the trash, determine what things can be given away or even sold. Give them a second chance at life, don't throw them away. I recommend considering clothes in the context of states and feelings about yourself that you would like to feel. Will it suit the new you?

14. Decide how to motivate yourself in difficult moments

Sooner or later, motivation fades, resistance comes into play and slows down the movement towards the goal. Determine how you can support yourself along the way, how you can get your motivation back. There are several ideas in the articles “ ” and “ ”.

15. How to restore energy

Knowing your list of activities that restore energy and bring joy is an important step in the journey to a new you. Batteries have a tendency to sit down, the ability to recharge them in time will be a good helper on the way to a new life. Write your list, try to do at least once a week something from the above. This is how you avoid burnout.

16. Take the first steps

So that the plan does not remain a to-do list on paper, take and complete one of the items on the first day. Let this be the smallest point, but it will turn you in the direction of change and show that you have already begun to change and change. In , performing exercise after exercise, you will begin to fulfill your dream and realize your goal.

As a person, I am able to provide support to people who are in a state of uncertainty and a strong desire to change. With my feedback, I help the participants to dig deeper into themselves, to hear their answers, their voice and their soul. 6 weeks of close cooperation lead to the fact that at the exit, the participants begin to not only see their path, but are already walking along it. If you want to be among them, come to the marathon!