Tales of generous and greedy Russians. Generous and greedy (Avar folk tale)

  • 17.01.2024

Today, guys, I will tell you a story that could actually happen to each of you.
In one small town there were many children. Every day they went outside, took out their toys, bicycles, roller skates, scooters and all played different games together. It was fun in the yard, children's voices and cheerful children's laughter were heard everywhere.
On the ground floor of one of the houses, a small, thin old woman settled, to whom no one even paid attention at first.
The old woman was annoyed by children's laughter, she could not stand friendly guys, their games disturbed her sleep. And she slept only during the day, and at night the light was on in her room and no one knew what her grandmother did at night. She did not invite any of her neighbors to visit her and led a very secluded lifestyle.
None of the neighbors could even imagine that greed had settled in their house, that she did not sleep at night - counting her capital, and how many children she had won over to her side. The more guys started to get greedy, the bigger and fatter the old lady became.
And incredible events began to happen in the yard when the children appeared there - new toys, cars, balls appeared in the sandbox and just on the grass, which the mischievous old woman threw into the yard and watched which of the children would take these toys home.
At first the children did not pay attention to this and played with new toys, but if one of the children took such a toy home, greed settled in him. Such children became withdrawn, stopped playing outdoor games with friends and every morning they got up at first light to see if new toys had appeared in the yard, and if they noticed something, they rushed down like an arrow and took the toys for themselves.
Parents began to ask, “Where did they get new toys?” - children, infected with greed, began to imagine that these toys were given to them by friends to play with. Children began to deceive their parents, they became evil deceivers, they ceased to be interested in friends. And they went to school only so as not to anger their parents. They no longer spent the money that their parents gave them for lunch, but put it in a secluded place.
Greed just needed this, it became bigger and fatter. When the children quarreled among themselves and cried, greed rejoiced and grew fat.
But not all children were greedy. The guys understood that something was wrong in their yard, but they didn’t know how to fix it, because they couldn’t even think that greed had settled in their yard in the person of a lonely old woman. Greed, which hated kind and affectionate people, she lost weight and became smaller from kind, polite treatment of her.
On the third floor of the same house lived a very kind grandfather, Leonid Mikhailovich, and although he lived alone, his doors were always open, he greeted everyone with a kind smile, and always tried to give guests tea with jam, which he made himself. Leonid Mikhailovich always fixed broken toys for the children, repaired broken electrical appliances and tape recorders, and helped everyone who needed help...
One day, little Katya came to Grandfather Lena, in tears, and showed her a doll, from which the boys, infected with greed, had torn off her hand. The boys wanted to give Katya a new beautiful doll, but the girl cried, took her old doll, which she had played with since childhood, and came for help. to the good grandfather. Grandfather Lenya gave Katyusha tea with strawberry jam and began asking his guest what was happening in their yard? Why did the guys stop being friends with each other? Why did so many of them quarrel? Why did so many angry and envious children appear in their yard?
Katenka told her grandfather Lena everything she knew, and the good neighbor decided to help the guys.
The next day, Leonid Mikhailovich woke up very early and went out into the yard, despite the early morning there were many children in the yard, they were all quarreling over toys, everyone wanted to take the same toy, and no one knew where these toys came from .
When grandfather Lenya asked: “What’s the matter? Why do you quarrel over other people's things? - the guys snapped angrily: “Grandfather, if you minded your own business and went your own way, you won’t get anything here anyway.” Leonid Mikhailovich shrugged his shoulders, stepped aside and thought: “It wouldn’t be a bad idea to keep an eye on the guys.”
And at that time Glafira Petrovna, the old woman from the first floor, was getting fat and was glad that she had so cleverly lured the guys to her side and made them greedy, angry, cruel and envious.
That night Leonid Mikhailovich could not fall asleep for a long time, he looked into the yard and thought about how to help the guys. And suddenly he saw through the window how someone plump came out of the entrance with a full bag, and returned without a bag.
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Without thinking twice, Leonid Mikhailovich ran down the stairs and on the first floor almost tripped over his new neighbor, who had recently gained a lot of weight; she could barely enter the doorway and pulled a huge bag out into the street. The kind neighbor smiled and offered Glafira Petrovna his help, but greed, he did not expect to see anyone at the entrance at such an early hour. Eyes flashing angrily, she dragged the bag back to her apartment. Grandfather Lenya, going out into the yard, immediately understood everything. He collected every single toy and took them to the owner. Glafira Petrovna at first denied, and then even turned green with anger, why the neighbor did not take anything from such a mountain of things, although this time there were many useful things and tools besides toys.
That morning, the guys did not find anything new in their usual place and were sad - but Grandfather Lenya came out into the yard and told everyone what he had seen that night. Leonid Mikhailovich began to remember how noisy and fun it used to be in their yard, how everyone played hide and seek, volleyball and other games together, built sand castles, and helped each other. Grandfather Lenya showed old photographs from which happy, friendly children with mischievous smiles on their faces looked at them. A good neighbor invited everyone to visit him. The children all drank tea with sweets together, joked, remembered their friendly yard and decided to all go on a hike together. And all that they took from someone else was to return to the owner, but there were so many toys that they did not fit in the apartment of greed, and a large mountain of toys formed under her window.
Greed decreased and grew thinner before our eyes and even planned to move to another house where there would be greedy children, but Grandfather Lenya and the guys could not allow this, they surrounded Aunt Glasha with affection and care. Leonid Mikhailovich began to give her flowers, say good kind words and invite his neighbor to visit him. The greed in Aunt Glasha completely melted away, she became just a kind and sweet grandmother.
So good defeated evil and there was no more greed in their city. And all the toys were loaded into cars and taken to the nurseries and distributed to those children who did not have parents.

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What to read about generosity and greed:
"About a hedgehog" Lyudmila Konevets
"Cat's House", "Greedy", S.Ya. Marshak
"Greedy" Akim Yakov,
"Greedy" Tatyana Kazirina
"Greedy" Emma Moshkovskaya

fairy tales
A tale of greed. M. Plyatskovsky
Suteev "Apple", "Sack of Apples"
(you can download a beautiful card game based on the fairy tale "Bag of Apples")
"Two Greedy Little Bears" Hungarian folk tale
(you can download tabletop theater)
.A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”
Brothers Grimm's fairy tale "A Pot of Porridge", "Gifts of the Little People"
Aesop's fables "The Dog with a Piece of Meat", "The Fox and the Reflection of the Moon"

Avar fairy tale "The Generous and the Greedy"
Jewish fairy tale "The Miser and the Shaydim"
Montenegrin fairy tale "Greed"
O. V. Kolpakova “Non-scary tales about the terrible Buka”
M. S. Kutovaya “Tales of great battles, sneaks and greedy people”
S. L. Prokofiev “Masha and Oika”
Collection of folk tales “Slothless, Greedy and Others”
fairytale therapy "The Tale of the Generous Anya"
Proverbs and sayings
story by V. Oseeva "Blue Leaves"

Game "Two Gifts"
Prepare two gifts in advance. Place 2 candies in the first one, and the second according to the number of children in the group. Wrap the gifts in paper, make several layers so that the gifts seem voluminous and the first is larger than the second. Call two children. Give the first one to the one who wanted it more than others, jumped up, shouted and showed his desire, and the second one - to a calmer child. Give them the opportunity to choose their own gifts. Let them open them here. The reaction to the contents of gifts is in your hands. Point her in the right direction. It is advisable that the one who has enough candy for everyone shares it with his friends
- It turns out that the biggest gift is not always the most valuable. What do generous people do? That's right, they share what they have. Praise the guys for sharing the candy.(agapeua.com)
"Chalk Exchange"
This game will show how to share and play fairly. You will need a group of two or more children, multiples of crayons, and a piece of paper for each child. Hand a crayon to each of the children (or an equal number of crayons to each) and explain that they must all draw the same picture, but using all colors of crayons. To do this, they will have to exchange crayons with each other. Once the drawings are completed, each child can show off their work and share how they were able to exchange crayons to complete their drawing and help others do the same.

Ideas for activities based on a fairy tale:

Once upon a time there was a very greedy girl in this world. She did not share food with anyone, and did not let anyone play with her toys. At school, she would hide in a corner somewhere and secretly eat her breakfast. If they gave her something, for example a chocolate bar, then she did not treat her mother, father, or grandfather. She ate everything herself.

A kind wizard from the land of Knowledge and Skill found out about this girl. He decided to help the greedy girl get rid of greed. He sent her to the planet Zhadin. There are only greedy people on this planet. Each of them has their own house, where they do not allow anyone. It rains all the time on this planet. That's why all the greedy people sit in their houses and gorge themselves on food. Due to the fact that they were never able to get rid of greed, each of them has an invisible little man sitting on their shoulder. His name is Zhadulka. It arose in the subtle world, which is why we cannot see it. This Zhadulka is very harmful. He whispers in their ears all the time: “Don’t share it.” Don't share." And they listen to him.

A greedy girl is walking down the street. She knocks on every house, asking to be let in to warm up and give her something to eat. She is all wet, cold and wants to eat. Of course, you already guessed that not a single greedy person allowed her in or shared her food. She goes further, approaches the very last house. All so unhappy and sad. She is already beginning to understand how bad it is when everyone around is greedy.

She knocks on the door of the last house, hoping that at least here they will let her in and feed her. Do you think they will let her in or not? The door opened and a small, cute girl stood on the threshold. She let the greedy girl into the house, gave her dry clothes, sat her down by the stove and fed her delicious food. At that moment, the greedy girl was happy even with a crust of black bread, she was so hungry. She ate, and then said: “Thank you” and burst into tears.

“Why are you crying,” asked the cute girl. I think you already guessed who this girl was. Yes, it was a good wizard in the form of a girl. “I am very ashamed that I was so greedy. Now I understand what it was like for those people with whom I did not share,” the girl answered, sobbing. The greed left her. The Vile little man sitting on her shoulder disappeared. She helped the cute little girl wash the dishes and clean the house. She didn’t want to leave this house. It was so cozy and joyful. But it's time to return home.

The next day at school, the girl treated all the kids to candy. Now she didn't feel greedy. The greedy thing on her shoulder was no longer there. She gained a sense of generosity and always treated her mom, dad, and grandparents when they gave her something tasty, like chocolate. Are you, readers, greedy or generous?

Dear parents, it is very useful to read the fairy tale “The Generous and the Greedy (Avar Tale)” to children before bedtime, so that the good ending of the fairy tale makes them happy and calm, and they fall asleep. Probably due to the inviolability of human qualities over time, all moral teachings, morals and issues remain relevant at all times and eras. Rivers, trees, animals, birds - everything comes to life, is filled with living colors, helps the heroes of the work in gratitude for their kindness and affection. How clearly the superiority of the positive heroes over the negative ones is depicted, how lively and bright we see the former and the petty ones - the latter. The main character always wins not through cunning and cunning, but through kindness, kindness and love - this is the most important quality of children's characters. All images are simple, ordinary and do not cause youthful misunderstanding, because we encounter them every day in our everyday life. Despite the fact that all fairy tales are fantasy, they often retain logic and a sequence of events. The fairy tale “The Generous and the Greedy (Avar Tale)” is worth reading for free online for everyone; there is deep wisdom, philosophy, and simplicity of the plot with a good ending.

Somehow it happened that Generous and Greedy lived together. They decided to go seek their fortune. They put the khurjins on their shoulders and set off. They walked cheerfully, told fables and fairy tales, and the road seemed shorter to them.
At the halt, Generous took food out of the khurjin, and Greedy said that he would leave his own in reserve. Somehow it happened that Generous and Greedy lived together. They decided to go seek their fortune. They put the khurjins on their shoulders and set off. They walked cheerfully, told fables and fairy tales, and the road seemed shorter to them.
At the halt, Generous took food out of the khurjin, and Greedy said that he would leave his own in reserve. The generous man, of course, treated his friend, and so it happened every time. When the Generous One ran out of food, the Greedy One left him to his fate and, without saying a word, walked on. Generous, despondent, turned onto the path.
Soon it got dark, and it was time to take care of the night. Generous saw an abandoned mill, lay down in a grain trough and fell asleep.
A strange noise woke him up. Waking up, he saw that a fire was burning nearby, and a fox, a wolf and a bear were sitting around it. Generous was very frightened and lay motionless.
“Tell me something,” the wolf and the bear asked the fox.
“I’ll tell you about something that is useless for us, but useful for humans,” said the fox. “Near the mill ditch there are two
large stones, under them there is a hole, and in the hole lives a mouse. At sunrise, she takes gold out of the hole, and in the evening she takes it back.
“And now it’s your turn,” the fox turned to the wolf.
“There are sheep grazing on that high mountain,” said the wolf. “One of them, the lousiest one, produces as much wool as the entire flock does not.” That's what a person should know!
“And I know that there is a treasure buried under the walnut tree at the city gate,” said the bear.
At dawn the animals left, and the Generous One took for himself all the treasures that the animals spoke about and bought the worst sheep from the shepherds.
The Generous One returned home and lived in abundance.
And then Greedy returned. He was very exhausted and dressed in rags. At home he was told about the good fortune of his traveling companion.
On the second day, Greedy went to Generous and began to complain about his fate:
- I traveled to many countries, and everywhere I experienced grief and suffering. How did your luck come to you, my brother?
The generous one told him everything and shared his treasures with him.
But it seemed to Greedy that he had been deprived, and he decided to go to the same place himself and eavesdrop on the conversation of the animals. Suddenly they will tell you about new treasures!
Having found the mill, he climbed into the grain trough and waited.
At midnight the animals came, lit a fire and began to warm themselves. They looked very unhappy.
- Why are you sad, fox? - asked the wolf and the bear.
“How can I be cheerful when someone found out my secret and stole the gold,” answered the fox.
“And someone took our treasures,” the wolf and the bear complained. “They must have overheard us!” Let's check if anyone is here.
The animals began to search the mill. They found Greedy in the grain trough and tore him to pieces.

Somehow it happened that Generous and Greedy lived together. They decided to go seek their fortune. They put the khurjins on their shoulders and set off. They walked cheerfully, told fables and fairy tales, and the road seemed shorter to them.

At the halt, Generous took food out of the khurjin, and Greedy said that he would leave his own in reserve. Somehow it happened that Generous and Greedy lived together. They decided to go seek their fortune. They put the khurjins on their shoulders and set off. They walked cheerfully, told fables and fairy tales, and the road seemed shorter to them. At the halt, Generous took food out of the khurjin, and Greedy said that he would leave his own in reserve. The generous man, of course, treated his friend, and so it happened every time.

When the Generous One ran out of food, the Greedy One left him to his fate and, without saying a word, walked on. Generous, despondent, turned onto the path. Soon it got dark, and it was time to take care of the night. Generous saw an abandoned mill, lay down in a grain trough and fell asleep. A strange noise woke him up. Waking up, he saw that a fire was burning nearby, and a fox, a wolf and a bear were sitting around it. Generous was very frightened and lay motionless.

“Tell me something,” the wolf and the bear asked the fox.

“I’ll tell you about things that are useless for us, but useful for humans,” said the fox. — Near the mill ditch there are two large stones, under them there is a hole, and in the hole lives a mouse. At sunrise, she takes gold out of the hole, and in the evening she takes it back. “And now it’s your turn,” the fox turned to the wolf.

“There are sheep grazing on that high mountain,” said the wolf. “One of them, the lousiest one, produces as much wool as the whole flock does not.” That's what a person should know!

“And I know that there is a treasure buried under the walnut tree at the city gate,” said the bear.

At dawn the animals left, and the Generous One took for himself all the treasures that the animals spoke about and bought the worst sheep from the shepherds.

The Generous One returned home and lived in abundance. And then Greedy returned. He was very exhausted and dressed in rags. At home he was told about the good fortune of his traveling companion. On the second day, Greedy went to Generous and began to complain about his fate:

“I traveled to many countries, and everywhere I experienced grief and suffering. How did your luck come to you, my brother?

The generous one told him everything and shared his treasures with him. But it seemed to Greedy that he had been deprived, and he decided to go to the same place himself and eavesdrop on the conversation of the animals. Suddenly they will tell you about new treasures! Having found the mill, he climbed into the grain trough and waited. At midnight the animals came, lit a fire and began to warm themselves. They looked very unhappy.

- Why are you sad, fox? - asked the wolf and the bear.

“How merry can I be when someone found out my secret and stole the gold,” answered the fox.

“And someone took our treasures,” complained the wolf and the bear. “They must have overheard us!” Let's check if anyone is here. The animals began to search the mill. They found Greedy in the grain trough and tore him to pieces.