Names for your beloved guy. How to affectionately call a guy - unusual cute nicknames

  • 13.03.2022

Affectionate words are the flower petals of the soul, carried away by a magical breeze towards Love, which calls and beckons them...

Dear girls, women, ladies, mademoiselles! Please admit that you can be selfish. In general, selfishness is common to everyone, and therefore there is nothing shameful in it. Right now I am referring to that case of selfishness when you expect pleasant and affectionate words from your young people, but do not say them to them yourself. Beautiful, right? Men have ears too!

How can you call your beloved guy affectionately?

Sweet words for your boyfriend

See bunnies and cats, how to verbally please your beloved men and boys. Watch to remember! Watch to write! Watch to tell!

Verbal compliments for the most romantic guys

Your fingers are so soft and strong

Many men and boys are pleased when a woman notices the tenderness emanating from the skin of their hands. Unfortunately, a very small percentage of girls “remember” what can and should be said about such a guy or man.

You are so sensual!

The man is glad that the woman verbally confirms and emphasizes this without hesitation. He himself knows what he is like, looking at himself in the mirror. A man loves confirmation, even if he is two hundred percent confident in himself.

You have such beautiful and strong breasts...

Not only women want to hear something pleasant addressed to their powerful and courageous “pear”. Give men kind words. They are not the type to remain in debt!

Your smile is so infectious!

From such kind words, a man will surely bloom like a thousand bouquets of flowers. And he will smile more often. Although he often gives a smile.

What cool muscles you have

A man from such words will certainly “fall” into a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction. Self-esteem will be higher than Mount Everest.

Words of affection for your beloved guys


A man, having read or heard such a word addressed to himself, will understand how important he is!


Of course, a man is pleased to know that he is one of a kind, “without likeness.”

You are the best

Add – “most”…. And this phrase is the limit of all men’s dreams.


Well, there is no doubt about it: the word is the most precious (meaning priceless).


It’s so nice when it comes towards a single man….


The word speaks for itself. No comments will be useful here. Everything is clear without them.


The sound of the word is simply angelic. Tell your loved one that he is exactly like that. And you will read a lot in his bottomless eyes!


No humor! Don’t you think that your loved one is sweeter than any honey, any candy, any sweets?


And “diamond” is also suitable. If you think that this “description” will suit your man, call him that.


Everything ingenious is so simple... There is no need to sort out the words: it just asks to be added to the list of the most affectionate words.


In general, you can take a look: “wonderful” comes from the word “notice.” This means that a man will never go unnoticed by you.



Some people think that it is not very tactful to characterize and call a man this way. It is not true!

The only one

A beautiful, affectionate word, the letters of which will not leave a man indifferent. Even the most “iron” ones.

Cool affectionate words dedicated to your beloved guy


  1. Bagel.
  2. Busechka.
  3. Sweetie.
  4. Musipusik.
  5. Winnieplush.
  6. My good little fairy.
  7. Dinosaur.
  8. Little dragon.
  9. Sparrow.
  10. Little Zhmurichek is a darling.
  11. Samovar gold.
  12. Little Star.
  13. Hesitation.
  14. Sneaky.
  15. Little reed.
  16. Zilibobic.
  17. My little locomotive.
  18. Darling.
  19. Baby elephant.
  20. Knopik.
  21. Cigarette smoke.

If you didn’t like something, don’t be upset: You can think through everything yourself. It is enough just to study the character of the chosen one thoroughly. Then, as a good experiment, see which of the words is his. Don’t worry about repeating something: your love is different, because you are completely different people. So it is with the rest: we all do not lose our individuality. Affectionate words are multifaceted and meaningful. That is, for example, one person will really like this or that word, but another will never like it.

Don't call guys rude names!

They, taking it personally, will never think anything you said is complete nonsense, a joke, nonsense. Even if what you say is taken from a collection of endearments. And, dear ones, you need to watch your tone.

Where is the best place to say kind words to your beloved guy?

Now all that remains is to decide on the place where the flurry of tenderness and caresses will occur:


Expensive? There are cafes, by the way, which are cool. Look on the websites to see what “lives” in the city.


Yours or his - what's the difference? Speak words when you yourself want to see joy on your little one’s face. Here…. I'm drawn to jokes again. Solve your housing issues...for now!


Trite. But there is one huge “plus”: there are many places for confessions on the street. You can test your imagination in such a way that you recognize all its possibilities and “impossibilities.”

Car (or any other type of transport)

Make “kindnesses” in your ear, in a whisper, so that the people who are traveling with you do not hear your frankness. If you are traveling together, there are no restrictions.


Take a tent, something to eat and drink, a tape recorder or laptop. Take everything you want to relax with. You don’t have to take anything, but just take a walk. The point is different. While enjoying the beauty of nature, looking into each other’s eyes, tell your loved one everything that has accumulated (good and passionate) in your loving soul.

Examples of affectionate words are above. Yes, there are undoubtedly very, very many of them in your “verbal collection”. All that remains is to think about what to say, in what tone, and in what “sequence.” It probably won't be difficult for you. The main thing is courage and not constraint.

Affectionate continuation. . .

Caress your beloved... -

How can you affectionately call a guy? —

Couples in love very often call each other affectionate and sometimes funny nicknames. Men and women are impressed when the other half does not just pronounce his or her name, but comes up with a gentle and original nickname. With the help of such little things that are significant only to them, they express their emotions, understanding each other perfectly. What affectionate nicknames can you come up with for a boyfriend or beloved husband?

Lovers come up with funny nicknames for each other when the relationship reaches a completely new stage, accompanied by complete trust and mutual understanding. Source: Flickr (Ninon_Mallet)

Why do we come up with nicknames for our loved ones?

At the initial stage of a relationship, young people are still looking closely at each other, they are embarrassed to show their feelings fully, so they are not sophisticated, limiting themselves to calling each other by name. When the flow of emotions goes off scale, and there is no strength to restrain warm feelings, then the time comes for the most tender words and nicknames. Lovers come up with funny nicknames for each other when the relationship reaches a completely new stage, accompanied by complete trust and mutual understanding. Why are these nicknames needed at all?

The fact is that people are addressed by name in educational institutions, at work, in the company of friends and close relatives, so such address seems ordinary and boring. Lovers want to create their own little world, a secluded place where they can talk about things that only the two of them understand. What cute nicknames can a girl use for a guy to please him and not offend him?

Note! The nickname does not have to correspond to the type of temperament and character traits of the young man. With some phrases you can cheer up your chosen one and stroke his pride.

Since diminutive words also emphasize the depth of your feelings, pronounce them with a special intonation so that the man correctly understands the meaning of your tender sayings.

Affectionate nicknames for a guy

Let's start with the most common, but no less pleasant nicknames for representatives of the stronger half of humanity:

  • beloved, dear, gentle, dear, cute, handsome, baby, sunshine
  • cat, bunny, tiger or cub, hippopotamus, bear cub, lion cub and other animals

Original nicknames include the following:

  • lapusik, baby, half, beech, masik, angel, murzik, fry, saffron milk cap (for red-haired people)
  • genius, king, naughty, sorcerer, flower, firefly, buttercup, little animal

Several interpretations with names:

  • Alexander - Sanyusya, Shurik, Sanechik, Alexik, Sanyunya
  • Andrey - Dyusha, Drosha, Andryusha, Andreychik
  • Boris - Boryusik, Boryunya, Bronka, Barefoot
  • Victor - Vityunya, Viktusik, Vityusha
  • Vitaly - Tasya, Vitik, Taska, Vitusik, Vitasya
  • Grigory - Grunya, Gryuska, Grishenka, Grigorik
  • Dmitry - Dimanya, Dimasya, Mityusha
  • Denis - Denya, Deniska, Denyunya
  • Evgeniy – Evgesha, Zhenechka, Zhenya, Evgeshka
  • Leonid – Lenchik, Lenechka, Lesik
  • Mikhail – Mishutka, Mishanka, Misya, Mikhailyunya
  • Nikolai – Nikolushka, Niki, Niko, Kolyusik
  • Pavel - Pavlushka, Pavlunya, Pashunya, Pavlik
  • Serezha - Serenya, Serzhik, Sergusik
  • Svyatoslav - Svyatik, Svyatunya, Slavusya
  • Yuri – Yurchik, Yurunya, Yusik

If not a single meeting is complete without humor, then you can safely come up with cool names for each other. Be sure that your chosen one will appreciate your subtle sense of humor and originality.

Source: Flickr (Melinda )

Cool nicknames for men

What women can come up with to make their other half laugh. Some nicknames are really funny, while others can sound a little offensive. Therefore, you should not use them immediately after meeting. It’s better to test the waters and then move on to the “heavy artillery.”

Funny nicknames for men:

  • bus, little eye, hedgehog, zhuzhik, finch, kazyavka, cat, kroshkin, kuksik, biter
  • lintipuzik, little one, mammoth, mouse, murketsalo, daddy, persyunya, rodent
  • plushie, puzyandy, fluffy, gopher, tarapul, tusik, khmurik, hamster, tsemchik, chicken

The selection of the above words proves that lovers can come up with nicknames that are absolutely not related to animals or any phenomena.

What do lovers call each other?

We all know the basic truth - there is no limit to perfection. This expression also applies to this topic. No one can limit people in choosing nicknames for each other. The larger the vocabulary and the more extensive the flight of fancy, the more refined the nicknames. Some affectionate names are touching, while others are confusing. Usually, couples in love don’t bother and limit themselves to hackneyed phrases like “my dear” or “my beloved.” But there are also those who want sophisticated appeals in a more frank manner.

Important! Be sure to say kind words and compliments to your loved one. Then he will feel desired, loved and significant.

Coming up with an affectionate nickname for your beloved guy is not so difficult, especially if you have known your chosen one for several days. Ingenuity and creative thinking are your faithful helpers in this matter.

Video on the topic

In a couple's relationship, both girls and boys equally require affection, tenderness and care. What can be done for this? So, it’s good to learn to say pleasant words to your soulmate. This article will be useful for ladies who simply do not know how to affectionately call their loved one.


So, it’s worth saying that you need to think carefully before choosing a gentle and affectionate nickname for your lover. To do this, you need to thoroughly study your soul mate, take a closer look at your sweetheart, and find out the special aspects of his personality. You don’t need to think that a huge man won’t like the nickname “baby”, and a hairy macho – “cat”. So, you just need to contact your man in this way a couple of times and see his reaction. If he smiles and reacts well to such treatment, so be it. However, if a man objects to the chosen nickname, it is better to simply change it. And there’s definitely plenty to choose from!


So, why not choose the name of a specific animal for this? A man can be called “bunny”, “cat”, “bear”, etc. Moreover, these are quite common nicknames for loved ones. However, you can not just choose a specific name for the animal, but slightly adjust it. So, a guy can be called “little bunny”, “little bunny”, “little bunny”, etc. It is also good to first take a closer look at your loved one and note his features. Pot-bellied men can be called “little penguins”, those who like to wear a beard can be called “lefties”, etc.


How to affectionately call your loved one? Why not just choose a sweet, soft nickname for him? So, a man can be called “baby”, “baby”, “paw” without any problems. However, in this case, there is no need to babysit too much; guys most often do not like and do not accept this.

All is mine

The following tips on how to affectionately call your loved one: use the prefix “my”. It could be “my beloved”, “my boy”, “my sun”. So, a woman not only pleases her man, but also insists every time that this is only her man. And that's always nice to hear.

Other nicknames

You can also call your man “sun” - this will mean that in a girl’s life he is a ray of light and warmth. It’s also good to call a guy “golden,” this indicates that the man is very dear to this lady. Without any problems, you can use simple ordinary words such as “affectionate”, “dear”, “beloved” - this is also an excellent way out of the situation if the lady has not yet come up with a special nickname for her lover.


If you want to choose a gentle nickname for your man, you can simply use diminutive forms of names and titles. So, call the guy Dima Dimochka, Dimasik, Dimuley, Dimchik, etc. And according to the same principle, transform other nicknames.

Fantastic names

What else can you call your lover? So, why not come up with something of your own, incomprehensible to anyone and hitherto unknown? Interesting and unusual nicknames are “kudoska”, “murunya”, etc. Often such tender names can reflect special nuances of a relationship or be a reflection of funny situations that happened to a couple.


Don’t forget that a man definitely needs to give various kinds of compliments. They need to hear from a woman that they are doing everything right, that their actions are appreciated. This will not only cheer up any representative of the stronger sex, but will also give him an impetus to become even better for his beloved. However, here you need to be extremely careful not to overdo it, because praise can quickly turn into false flattery.

What should you not do?

When choosing a guy for your beloved, you should also pay attention to those nuances that are best avoided.

  1. All nicknames must be pronounced “naturally”, without exaggeration. Only in this case will the guy believe in the sincerity of the words, and the nickname will bring him great pleasure.
  2. You don’t even need to use affectionate nicknames to emphasize people’s shortcomings. So, short guys are unlikely to like the nickname “baby” or “baby”, and an overweight person will not like the nickname “pot-bellied” or “fatty”.
  3. If a guy does not like excessive tenderness and hooting, it is better to choose a more “severe” and “strict” nickname for him, such as “breadwinner”, “my warrior”, etc.
  4. Often a guy needs to be given several gentle and affectionate nicknames. So, some will be for others, by which a lady can call her lover among friends and acquaintances - “darling”, “sweetheart”, etc. And another nickname can be exclusively for personal use. Behind a closed bedroom door, a man may not even mind the “miracle hedgehog.”

Simple conclusions

But still, the kindest words to your beloved are those that will come from the bottom of your heart, those that the girl will not think about, pronouncing them out loud. And in this case, whatever the nickname given to the beloved, he will always like it, and he will respond with pleasure to such treatment.

Having started dating or living together, a couple comes up with not only general rules and traditions, but also cute affectionate nicknames for each other. Some of them are widely used by many lovers, others are known only to two people.

Often girls want to say kind words to their beloved, call him in a special and unusual way, but they don’t know whether the guy will like them. To help such individuals, we have compiled our list of the most interesting and original pet nicknames.

The most popular tender words for your beloved guy

Most often, in everyday communication or among friends, girls call their beloved in the most neutral words, generally known to everyone. Even if a couple has their own affectionate nicknames, you shouldn’t introduce them to everyone around you. Let your invented words remain a secret for strangers.

Here is a list of popular words you can use to call your boyfriend in public:

  • Cute
  • Darling
  • Expensive
  • My good
  • Native
  • My sun
  • My handsome

Using these affectionate words in the company of friends, you can show others your feelings for your guy, demonstrate a tender and romantic relationship between you. Many girls like to call their boyfriend affectionately, and gentlemen are usually very pleased and flattered to hear this. Attaching the pronoun “my” to any pleasant word further indicates closeness in a relationship; there is no need to be afraid to say it often.

Affectionate words-associations for your beloved guy

Many couples like to call each other diminutive words or phrases associated with beautiful, strong, cute animals. You can follow their example and affectionately call your loved one by some pleasant nickname. The main thing is not to use offensive nicknames, so as not to accidentally call your gentleman a goat or a ram.

Here are the most commonly used nicknames:

  • Teddy bear, little bear
  • Cat, kitten, cat
  • Lion, lion cub, lion cub
  • Tiger, little tiger
  • Hare, bunny

You can bend these words, come up with similar ones based on them, it’s not forbidden to even affectionately call a guy a gopher, a hamster or a piglet if he likes it. However, you should not use such nicknames in an unfamiliar group or in a serious situation.

Cute pet nicknames for your loved one

In a circle of friends or at home, you can call each other what you want, any phrases, nicknames, as long as they are not offensive. If you have at least a little imagination, it’s not forbidden to come up with them yourself, it will even be more interesting and original. If nothing comes to mind, you can use the hints.

Here are the most common nicknames for lovers:

  • Fluffy
  • Sun
  • Baby
  • My hero
  • My treasure
  • My joy
  • Playful

You can affectionately call your loved one by name, for example, not Seryozha or Seryoga, but Serezhenka or Serzhik. A lot of guys like this. If your boyfriend has some outstanding abilities, for example in cooking, repairs, sex, why not come up with words for praise? It would also be useful to note muscles, appearance, hairstyle, and manner of dressing.

Suitable nicknames include:

  • My strongman
  • Sexual
  • Desired
  • Superman
  • Sweet
  • Zolotse
  • My precious
  • Sweet tooth
  • The only one

Guys like it when their girlfriends call them affectionately and tenderly, while hugging or kissing them. It is even more necessary to say kind words if the gentleman is embarrassed by his appearance or has low self-esteem - let him believe in his strength, in your love.

Gentle praise and sayings for a guy

To call your loved one affectionately, you don’t need to invent complex phrases - you just need to praise him, say something tender. You can even compare him with one of the actors, film heroes, fairy-tale characters, as long as the young man likes it.

  • You are the best
  • You are my strongest and most fearless
  • You are my only, most beloved in the world
  • There is no one better than you
  • My most tender romantic
  • How sexy and tireless you are
  • I go crazy from your kisses and touches
  • Only with you I feel good and comfortable
  • I think about you constantly, all day

The list of phrases may depend on the friend’s mood, his abilities, skills, strength, intelligence, appearance. Don’t be afraid to praise a guy even for a trivial matter or help, he will definitely appreciate it and take it into account.

Unusual and funny nicknames for boyfriend

If your relationship is long enough and strong enough, and both of you have good humor, you can come up with any stupid or funny words for each other. Make sure that they do not sound too offensive or stupid, otherwise you can upset your gentleman with your joke.

It will be unusual to hear such nicknames addressed to you as:

  • Sweeties
  • Fat Tummy
  • Lysik
  • Pepper
  • Heffalump
  • Sonya
  • Peach
  • Angel
  • sexy
  • Donut

If the guy is not offended, you can call him whatever you like. The main thing is that the words should be gentle and sincere.

Therefore, don’t be shy about giving your loved one cute nicknames, unless, of course, he doesn’t mind.

Naturally, all couples are unique, as is their relationship. A girl in love strives to come up with an original nickname for her chosen one. But in pursuit of exclusivity, it is necessary to remember that it must be affectionate and pleasant to the ear. It would also be a good idea to ask the guy if he is ready to be “sunshine”, “light” or “crocodile”.

The nature

The easiest way is to choose a nickname for your loved one, starting from his first name, last name or personality trait. “Vanilla” definitions are not always successful: “angel”, “tiger cub”, “gingerbread”. You can add a bit of humor and call the guy, for example, “Ivashechka” if his last name is Ivanov or his name is Vanya. Or “domestic Napoleon,” hinting at his domineering, hot-tempered character. The original nickname with subtext would be “sofa tyrant”, affectionately expressing your attitude towards his whims.

According to the age

In order not to damage a man’s prestige, when choosing a nickname, pay attention to his age. If you have a 10-15 year difference, you can affectionately call him “daddy” or “daddy,” but not “daddy” - it sounds vulgar and cynical.


Don’t discount common nicknames: “baby,” “handsome,” “peach,” “paw,” “baby,” “penguin,” or simply “darling.” Of course, before calling your boyfriend that, you should ask him if he himself is okay with it. Well, the word “my” will help enhance the effect of the nickname and make it more intimate.

For love

In general, a man can tolerate any nickname if it is preceded by “my” or “mine.” Even a banal “cat” will appeal to a guy if he knows that he is “your cat” and no one else’s. In the same way, you can call your loved one “my dear”, “my sunshine”, “my affectionate”, “my only” and even “my hippopotamus”.


The favorite phrase of the stronger sex is “my most...”: “my most gentle”, “my most intelligent”, “my kindest”, “my most generous”. These are not just kind words, they are a kind of “attitude”. You will see, even with your intelligence, regularly calling him the smartest and most generous, you can achieve significant success.

By name

By the way, the guy’s name itself can turn into an affectionate nickname. Try different variations of the name. For example, if your loved one’s name is Vladimir, you can call him Volodenka, Volodyusha, Vovulya, Bobchik (instead of the traditional Vovchik), Valanchik. And don’t forget that Vladimir is “the one who owns the world.” Therefore, from this name the nickname “lord”, “ladinka”, “ladik” is easily formed.

Remember, no matter what you call your loved one, he should like it.

In addition to communication techniques, there are many ways in a relationship to show your partner your love. How to show the seriousness of your feelings? Let's watch the video!