Brain-ring “Healthy children in a healthy family. Brain ring in kindergarten "world health day"

  • 30.04.2019

Extracurricular activity for students primary classes.

Brain-ring “Healthy children in healthy family»

Target : summarize and systematize children’s knowledge on the rules of a healthy lifestyle.


Educational: Systematize students’ knowledge about the rules of a healthy lifestyle;

Developmental: Give students the opportunity to demonstrate their Creative skills when completing tasks on the specified topic, develop logical thinking, ingenuity, memory.

Educational: Provide pedagogical support in the ability to listen to the captain, show personal initiative and bear collective responsibility for decisions made.

Leading: Guys, we all want to be healthy. Nobody wants to be sick, lie in bed, swallow pills, feel pain.

And in order not to get sick, every person should know himself and his body well. Know how his organs work: heart, lungs, brain, muscles. Know what is good for your body and what is harmful. Know how to eat properly and lead a healthy lifestyle. Books help us with this; from books we gain knowledge about everything in the world, including health.

Today we have gathered to remember, discuss and consolidate the rules that are good for our health. The motto of our game: “I take care of my health, I will help myself.” Guys, raise your hands, those who lead a healthy lifestyle. All! We'll check this now. Let's put together a cluster on the topic of healthy lifestyle. (work in teams)

Now we will do a short warm-up, after which we will proceed to the questions of the brain ring game.

If my advice is good,

Clap your hands!

To the wrong advice

Say: no, no, no

Constantly need to eat

For your teeth

Fruits, vegetables, omelette,

Cottage cheese, yogurt.

Don't bite the cabbage leaf

It's completely, completely tasteless.

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade.

Is this the right advice?

Lyuba told her mother:

I won't brush my teeth.

And now our Lyuba

A hole in every, every tooth.

What will be your answer?

Well done Lyuba?

Oh, awkward Lyudmila

She dropped the brush on the floor.

He picks up a brush from the floor,

He continues to brush his teeth.

Who will give the correct answer?

Well done Luda?

Always remember

Dear friends,

Without brushing my teeth,

You can't go to sleep.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

Have you brushed your teeth?

And go to bed.

Grab a bun

Sweets for bed.

Is this the right advice?

To strengthen teeth,

It's good to chew nails.

Is this the right advice?

Remember this useful advice:

You cannot chew on an iron object.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

Well done you guys

Everything will be fine with you!

And now, guys, you must split into 2 teams, each team comes up with a name for itself. We are starting the Brain Ring game “If you want to be healthy.”

Round 1. Did you know?

Questions for the first team:

1. Which human organ is compared to a pump? (heart)

2. What is the function of the skin? (protective)

3. Which human organ is both a filter and a stove? (nose)

4. Why is alcohol harmful to humans?

5. All their lives they have been racing, but they can’t overtake each other (legs)

6. I’ve been wearing them for many years, but I don’t know how many they have (hair)

Questions for the second team:

1. Which human organ is compared to a computer? (brain)

2. What security posts prevent invisible enemies - microbes, viruses, dust and dirt - from entering your body? (skin, nose, tonsils)

3. What human organs are affected by smoking? (lungs, heart, brain)

4. Why do people need eyebrows, eyelashes, tears? (for eye protection)

5. My brother lives behind the mountain, but may not meet me (eyes).

6. Always in your mouth, but you can’t swallow (tongue).

Round 2. Hygiene is the basis of health

There are children in the world who do the opposite. When they are told: “Wash yourself!” - they don’t wash themselves. When they are told: “Don’t climb the tree!” - they are climbing. For such children, the writer G. Oster came up with “Bad Advice.”

Never wash your hands. Neck, ears and face. This stupid activity leads to nothing. Your hands will get dirty again. Neck, ears and face. So why waste energy? Time to waste. Getting a haircut is also useless. There's no point. As you get older, your head will go bald on its own.

Questions for the first team:

1. Why must we brush our teeth twice a day?

2. Why should you cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or at least your hand when coughing and sneezing?

3. What do you think is more correct: to wash the floor with a wet mop, or to sweep it with a dry broom?

Questions for the second team:

1. Why is it necessary to wash your hands before eating?

2. What can it lead to? bad habit- biting your nails?

3. Why should a person wash himself daily, or at least 1-2 times a week, in the shower or in the bathhouse, or in the bathroom?

Round 3. Proper nutrition– guarantee of health

Food should be healthy and varied. Some foods give the body energy to move, think a lot, and not get tired (for example: buckwheat, raisins, butter). Others help the body grow and become strong (fish, meat, nuts). And still others supply the body with vitamins and minerals, helping to grow and develop (vegetables, fruits, dairy products). But not all the foods a person eats are healthy. Proper nutrition is a condition for health, incorrect nutrition leads to illness.

Which foods do you think are healthy and which are harmful? Why?

In the competition "Guess the healthy products" One player from each team participates, 2 minutes are given to think. Arrange the cards with the names of the products according to their usefulness. In one pile - useful, in the other - harmful. Explain why.

(In front of the children there are cards with pictures of products: apple, kiwi, orange, pear, tangerine, banana, cucumber, chips, potatoes, candy, kirieshki, lemonade, etc.)

Round 4. Sports and movement are the key to health

“If you want to be healthy, run! If you want to be beautiful, run! If you want to be smart, run!” - this is what the Greek sages said. They are right - sport strengthens and develops a person’s muscles, makes him strong and healthy.

Now we will conduct game "Sharpshooter" and find out whose team is the most athletic and agile. Four players from each team must take turns throwing all the items from the bag into the basket. So let's begin. Ready, ready to start, attention, MARCH!

(The jury counts the results to see who threw the most items into the basket)

Riddles on the topic “Sports and health”

Get up earlier in the morning

Jump, run, do push-ups.

For health, for order

People all need (charging).

Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet are moving along the road

And two wheels run (bicycle)

The rain is warm and thick,

This is not an easy rain:

He is without clouds, without clouds

Ready to go all day (shower).

He is with you and with me

Walked in forest stitches.

A hiking friend behind your back

On straps with fasteners (backpack)

Guys, I have

Two silver horses.

I drive both at once

What kind of horses do I have? (skates).

Do you want to break the record?

This is how (sports) will help you.

To become a great athlete

There is a lot to know.

And skill will help here

And, of course, (training).

Round 5. “Bad habits”

What does the word habit mean? (children's answers). Habit is behavior, a course of action, an inclination that has become ordinary and constant for someone in life. That is, a habit is something we do constantly.

Today we will try to understand the habits that each of us has and our close ones and their impact on our health.

1. Read the list of habits.

2. Select useful habits from the list and put a “+” next to each one.

3. Select bad habits from the list and put “-” next to each one.

4. If you don’t know what habit it is, then put “?”

List of habits:

Sleep with the window open.


Wash your face

Brush your teeth

Nail biting


Put things back in their place

To do homework


Miss lessons

Wash dishes after yourself

To confront

(After the children complete the task, a discussion is held)

So what can we conclude?

Relaxation wellness minute “Create the sun in yourself”

Result of the event. Our game has come to an end. Let's remember what kind of life we ​​and our family should lead in order to maintain and strengthen our health?

Brain - ring“Who wins, or a teenager in the kingdom of bad habits”

Goal: promoting a healthy lifestyle, preventing bad habits

1. Create conditions for the formation of a stable negative attitude to the use of alcohol and drugs.

2. To promote the development of a critical attitude towards people who harm their health and the health of others.

3. Instill in students the skills of independent thinking.

4. Develop the ability to analyze situations, as well as the ability to draw conclusions based on the material presented.

Design: posters, children's drawings, tape recorder, TV, flash drive, chips, flags.

1. Welcome speech from the presenter.

Good afternoon, dear teams. Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to welcome you within the walls of our club. Today we will play a brain ring game. All questions will be devoted to the prevention of bad habits.

Let's get to know our teams: Conditions of the game: participating teams will be asked questions on the topic: “Bad habits.” 1 minute is given for discussion. The captain of the team that is ready to answer calls the name of the person who will answer. If the answer to a question is incorrect, the floor is given to the other team. If the second team cannot answer, I give the correct answer.

Leading. We would like to start our event with a parable. A certain young man was walking along a muddy road and suddenly saw a gold coin in the mud. He bent down and picked it up. I went further in search of other coins. And indeed, they sometimes came under his feet. This is how his life passed. When he was dying, he, a very old man, was asked what life was. He replied: “Life is a dirt road where sometimes you come across gold coins.” This is how the man said sadly about life.

Let's try to answer this question.

Question 1. What is life? We all know that human life– this is the most precious thing given to a person. And we also know that no amount of money can buy health. Today we will touch on one of the main topics of human life safety - the problem of bad habits. It was not by chance that this topic became a topic. After all, in the life of any person there comes a time when you want to figure everything out yourself and, despite the assurances of adults, you need to check everything from your own experience.


Question 2. What vices and bad habits prevent a person from living long, happily and beautifully? (Tobacco, alcohol, drugs.)

Question 3: Where does tobacco come from? (From America.)

Question 4: When smoking, a person inhales the same poisonous gas that is contained in the exhaust gases of a car engine. What is this gas called? (Carbon monoxide

Question 5: If a person smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, every day for a year, how much tar is deposited in his lungs? (About 1 liter.)

Question 6. How many cigarettes must be smoked in order to disrupt the normal balance of air and blood in the lungs? (One cigarette is enough to increase your heart rate, increase your blood pressure and interfere with normal blood circulation and gas exchange in the lungs.)

Question 7. Why is smoking dangerous for girls? (disease of the reproductive system, infertility).

Question 8. What punishment were the “worst” smokers subjected to during the persecution of smoking in England? (the death penalty)

Musical pause.

Scene (tobacco, alcohol, drugs)

Characters :

Tobacco(boy, on his chest there is a bright sign with the inscription “Tobacco”)

Alcohol(boy, on his chest there is a bright sign with the inscription “Alcohol”)

Drug(boy, on his chest there is a bright sign with the inscription “Drug”)

Brain(boy, on his chest there is a bright sign with the inscription “Brain”)

Stomach(boy, on his chest there is a bright sign with the inscription “Stomach”)

Liver(girl, on her chest there is a bright sign with the inscription “Liver”)

Lungs(two boys or girls in an embrace, with one sign for two “Lungs”)


A cheerful, noisy trio comes out in an embrace Nicotine, Alcohol and Drugs. Introduced to the audience.

Nicotine: Look at me, kids, how good I am - just a drop

I'm killing a horse! Come see me off to the light! After all no smoke without


Sings: "Come on let's smoke, comrade, one at a time, come on let's smoke,

my comrade! (or other more modern strings)

Alcohol: I am Alcohol, I am Alcohol, be friends with me, brother, please!

matching bottles with bright labels): Beer “Let’s get started

little by little", Vodka "Farewell to youth", Brandy (cognac) "Who


Well, who wants to brandy huh?

My favorite toast:

“The first cup of wine belongs to thirst,
The second cup is fun,
The third is pleasure,
The fourth is madness."

Drug: Friends call me Heroinich. They curl around me joint. I

I approach all of them without questions on wheels.

Guess my favorite sport! AIDS wey! And here's another


If you smoke straws, I guarantee you... What? Breaking! Well done!

Well, let's unwind AIDS meter?

Appear Brain, Liver, Lungs And Heart. They joyfully head towards the harmful trio, waving their hands at them.

Alcohol: Hello, Liver! Now I want you I'll lay it out! Hugs the Liver,

kisses her.

Hello, Brain! Let me give you I'll dry you up! Why do you need so much

Nicotine: Hello, brothers! I’m very glad to see you, I have gifts for you, as always. (One by one, he takes bags with easy-to-read inscriptions out of the bag and begins to hand them over).

To the heart: It is for you Angina pectoris. And here Myocardial infarction, vast, vast.

(The heart reacts negatively with facial expressions and pantomime to gifts being given.)

Stomach: It is for you Nausea, Vomit, Ulcer, fresh, gaping. (Praises.)

(The stomach reacts negatively with facial expressions, pantomime, to gifts being given.)

Brain: It is for you Sclerosis, Dementia, rest, darling!

(The brain reacts with facial expressions, a negative pantomime, to the gifts being presented, and then reads a confession poem.)

The vile villain dried me up,
There are no more bright ideas here,

No attention, no memory -
Cigarette smoke killed me!

Light: And to you, my beloved darlings, all the best - Cough, loud, tearful, protracted. Here's another Tuberculosis supply And finally - Cancer!!!

(The lungs react with facial expressions and pantomime to gifts being given. And when

at the presentation of Cancer they fall dead.)

Heart, Stomach and Brain run up to the Lungs and help them rise.

Brain:(using his last convolutions, he advises his friends) We probably won’t

we must accept these gifts. We'll give them back as soon as possible! Not needed

we are such friends!!!

Friends take the advice and throw away the gift bags.

Here Alcohol, Nicotine and Drugs sing a song:

I love you life

Without a bottle, without a glass, without a shot glass...

Our sober life -

So, we give health to our descendants...

Let it make us happy

Life without bad habits from now on...

After all, we only live once


There is probably no person who has not encountered drunk people in one way or another. And not everyone is spared this misfortune...

poem (about alcohol)

Whether at sea or on land So that there is no war

Do not drink under any circumstances You are “fire war”

Hung with stickers and luring weaklings

Mixed with misfortune and grief From the depths of the eyelid

An utter poison for the body and soul

They don't see the bright side of life. Killers are drunks.

Half liters and shot glasses Measured by year

The path, a drunken path that always leads to the edge

It will take a long time to eradicate evil

If only we could consign everything to oblivion, we can live without vodka

Whom do we all want to hold accountable?

And where is the way out of the drunken darkness to the light?

Question 11. What is alcoholism? (Alcoholism is a disease caused by long-term abuse of alcoholic beverages. It is characterized by the formation of first mental, then physical dependence on alcohol.)

Question 12. What alcohol serves as the basis for vodka? Name it chemical formula. (Ethyl alcohol, C2H5OH.)

Question 13. Why does a drunk person freeze in the cold faster than a sober person? (Alcohol dilates blood vessels and increases heat transfer.)

Question Trying to replace vodka with beer is the same as replacing a demon... Finish the sentence. (with the devil)

Question. Johann Goethe was confident that humanity could achieve incredible success if it were more... Finish the sentence. (sober)

Question. Bismarck believed that this drink “makes a person lazy, stupid, and powerless.” (Beer).

Question for the audience.1 Complete the proverb “you take the first glass, and the second...(you have enough)

2. Finish the proverb “the sea is knee-deep for a drunk, and the puddle... (up to your ears)

Question. A woman chopping wood would not be offensive - it’s war;
Husband at the front - you are alone.
But the epidemic is to blame for all this... Finish the sentence. (Guilt

We were born to live in this world for a long time:

Sad and sing, laugh and love.

But so that all dreams become possible,

Ask yourself: are you ready for work?

Move actively and eat and drink in moderation?

Throw away the cigarette? Stomp on drugs?

Look around the beautiful nature

She calls us to live with her in revenge

Give me your hand, friend! Let's help you

Leading.Now the questions will be about one more bad habit

Question 15. What is drug addiction? (This is a disease caused by the systematic use of substances included in the list of drugs, manifested by dependence on these substances and leading to mental disorders, profound personality changes and dysfunction internal organs).

Question 16. What is withdrawal? (Hangover, withdrawal symptoms, as a result of stopping the use of substances that caused physical dependence, it is accompanied by terrible physical pain.)

Question 17. Drug addiction is inextricably linked with one more thing, no less dangerous disease. Its signs:

1. Enlarged lymph nodes, in several places at once: on the neck, in the elbow, under the arms, in the groin.

2. Long-term – more than a month – temperature (37–38 degrees) without established cause.

3. Progressive weight loss, despite maintaining the same diet.

4. Frequent purulent and inflammatory lesions of the genital organs and skin.

5. Long-term stool disorder.

– Based on the above signs, determine what disease you are talking about we're talking about. (AIDS.)

Question 18. What is AIDS? (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.)

Question 19. What is the difference between human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome? (HIV is the causative agent of HIV infection, and AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection.)

Question 20. How dangerous is AIDS for humans? (It destroys the human defense system and the human body cannot fight various infections, and most importantly, AIDS is incurable.)

Question 21. What routes of transmission of HIV infection do you know? (Epidemiologists have identified three routes of transmission of HIV infection: sexual; through blood - parenteral; from mother to child - vertical

Thank you very much to the participating teams. It was a pleasure talking with you. Let's summarize today's game...

Team awards.

Parable. Once upon a time, a long time ago, in an eastern country, near a large noisy city, there lived a sage respected by everyone. People very often turned to him for advice on the most complex issues, and he always helped them solve their problems. The sage was very smart and kind: he did not refuse help to anyone.
And then one day an ambitious young man appeared in the city who wanted to become famous for his abilities. He decided to provide assistance in solving various problems for residents big city. But for some reason people did not go to him, but continued to go to the old sage for advice.
The young man decided to prove to everyone that the sage is not so smart, that he does not know everything in this world. And he came up with the following test for him: “I will catch a butterfly and hold it in my fist, go up to the sage and ask him what is in my hand? If he answers correctly, then I will ask: is she dead or alive? If he says - alive, then I will quietly clench my fist and crush the butterfly, and if he says - dead, then I will let it go, and it will fly away, and everyone will think that I am smarter than the old sage and will honor me more than him.”
The young man called the inhabitants of the city, and they went to the sage. Approaching the sage’s home, he showed a butterfly clutched in his fist and asked: “Do you know what I have in my hand?”
“Butterfly,” the sage answered calmly.
“Which one is she, dead or alive?” asked the young man.
“Everything is in your hands,” answered the sage.

- And I tell you: All in your hands! Do right choice!

I wanted to end our game with the words of Veresaev:

“As long as he’s healthy, there’s nothing scary with him, no trials; to lose it means to lose everything, without it there is no freedom, no independence, a person becomes a slave of the people around him and the environment; it is the highest and necessary good.”


I really want everyone to be happy!
Let the bell ring with cheerful laughter!
Let's become a little more patient!
Let's become a little kinder!
Let's live in peace and harmony!
Let the light of the earth illuminate our path!
We will work creatively and joyfully, but so
To maintain a healthy lifestyle!

A song about a healthy lifestyle.

MKOU "Nizhnesarskaya Secondary School"


Developed by: Germanova O.V.



“We know everything about a healthy lifestyle!”

Goal: Increasing the intellectual level in matters of a healthy lifestyle.

Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Presenter - Health is one of the most important life values man, his pledge

well-being and longevity. An ancient Indian proverb says, “There is no friend equal to

health; there is no enemy equal to disease.”

0Valuing your health, fighting bad habits, helping people in

trouble - this is what we learn when we talk about healthy lifestyle.

Epigraph of our brainring: May you always have:

Air to breathe, Sun to keep warm,

Water to drink, Earth to live!

Presenter - We welcome participants in the brainring, which is called:

“We choose a healthy lifestyle.” Teams of students from grade 8 “A” meet.

Topics: “Healthy lifestyle”, “Bad habits”, “Crime prevention”,

“Etiquette”, “We know everything”.

There are cards on the table:

a) the right to start the game first, b) with the names of the teams,

c) with topics.

The captains play for the right to be the first to start the game:

There are 6 cards on the table, one of which has the number 1 on it.

The captain who chooses the card with the number 1 gets the right to be the first to land

your team at the gaming table.

Then he chooses his opponent, taking a card with the name opposing team.

Among the theme cards, he selects the theme of the first game.

The first two teams take their places at the gaming tables.

The winner is the team that remains at the gaming table in the last round.

Consultants: social teacher, school physician, school psychologist.

Topics and questions:

"Healthy lifestyle"

    What does the concept of a healthy lifestyle include?

Name at least 5 elements of a healthy lifestyle.

(Rational diet, daily routine, physical development, hardening, the ability to control oneself, the emotional sphere of a person, the level of education, moral standards, human culture, the fight against bad habits).

    Anyone who starts every morning with this action will need half as much time to get ready and get into a working mood. (Charger).

    If you do not comply with this, then your appetite disappears, sleep goes away, and your sleep decreases.

performance is also necessary condition saving time. (Mode).

    In order to become for real an outstanding specialist in his

profession requires talent, hard work, perseverance, self-confidence and...

(good health).

    Before performing at a school competition or before passing exams, it will help

ability to manage oneself, or ... (autogenic training - self-suggestion).

6. People spend a third of their lives in this state. IN ancient China one of

the worst tortures was the deprivation of a person of this state. (Dream).

"Crime Prevention"

1. At what age does criminal liability begin? (From 14 years old).

2. What violations carry administrative liability? Name

at least 6 violations. (Violation of silence from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.;

petty hooliganism; dog baiting;

insult; obscene language; breaking windows).

3. What is the name of theft with bodily injury. What criminal

Is the minor responsible?

(Robbery. Responsibility for minor children

carried by parents)

4. Is a 14-year-old teenager who drinks on

disco non-alcoholic beer? If yes, which one?

(Beer is considered an alcoholic drink. Drinking alcohol

drinks in in public places– violation of the administrative code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Parents bear administrative responsibility.

The teenager is registered at the drug dispensary)

5. What is meant by the concept of “Criminal liability”?

(Criminal liability involves a threat to life and

human health; extortion; theft; robbery)

6. What responsibility does a minor bear for storage, distribution?

psychotropic narcotic drugs?

(Article 259 “Illegal acquisition, storage, sale, transportation.”

Criminal liability. The case is being considered in court)

"Bad habits"

    Give at least 5 examples of behavior related to: a) consumption of harmful substances,

b) with bad habits.

(Smoking, drinking alcohol, drug addiction, non-compliance with the regime,

rudeness, lack of hygiene, spending a long time at the computer)

    Blitz tournament. 7 questions for each team. Answer with words: YES or NO.

I group of questions:

1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health? (Yes)

2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? (No)

3. Is it true that cacti remove radiation from a computer? (No)

4. Is it true that smoking kills more than 10,000 people every year? (Yes)

5. Is it true that carrots slow down the aging process of the body? (Yes)

6. Is it true that there are harmless drugs? (No)

7. Is it easy to quit smoking? (No)

II group of questions:

1. Is it true that milk is healthier than yogurt? (No)

2. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for whole year? (No)

3. Is it true that you should drink two glasses of milk every day? (Yes)

4. Is it true that 8 hours of sleep at night is enough for a child? (No)

5. Is it true that children under 15 years old cannot engage in weightlifting? (Yes)

6. Is it true that drugs that are smoked are not as dangerous as intravenous drugs?

drugs? (No)

7. Is it true that there is non-alcoholic beer? (No)

3. Is it necessary to ventilate the room in winter in which a patient with inflammation is located?

lungs? Why?

(It is necessary: ​​at a temperature of 1-2 degrees C, pathogenic bacteria die).

4. What effect does alcohol have on teenagers' vision?

(Severe damage to the optic nerves leading to loss of vision).

5. Is one-time drug use dangerous? Why?

(Yes. There is a strong psychological dependence and need

organism in drugs).

6. What is “passive smoking”?

(Staying in a smoky room is no less harmful than smoking itself)


1. Blitz tournament, questions for each team:

I group of questions from one of the teams:

1. Who gets off the bus first: the girl or her boyfriend?

(Young man offers his hand to the lady)

2. You saw your friend on the street, he is standing with a girl you don’t know.

Who will you say hello to first? (With girl)

3 You have been invited to a banquet. Tableware is laid out in a row near your plate.

devices. The first course was served to you. What cutlery do you use?

will you use first?

(furthest from your plate)

II group of questions for the second team:

    You're late for the cinema. How to behave in a dark auditorium?

(Go to an empty seat, apologizing, facing those sitting)

2. In which hand should you hold the bouquet if you are presenting it to someone?

(On the left, right hand must be free for greeting)

3. Which spoon do you eat porridge with: table spoon, dessert spoon, tea spoon? (dessert)

2. What gifts are appropriate in any case, on any occasion?

(Postcard, flowers, book, box of chocolates)

3. Continue the phrase: “If you don’t feel the beauty of flowers, if you don’t love

friendship, if the song does not impress you, if you are stingy and indifferent

to someone else’s grief, then you need ... " (Treat)

4. Can you eat scrambled eggs with a spoon or fork?

(Either spoon or fork, depending on consistency)

5. This should be taken before bed every day, and in hot weather - in the morning and

In the evening. (Shower)

6. Is it proper for a young man who comes to a disco with his girlfriend to dance with others?

girls? (No)

"We know everything!"

1. If this poison enters the human body in large quantities,

2. Is nasvay considered a narcotic substance? What harm does it do to


(This is a tobacco-containing substance. It corrodes the walls of the stomach,

causes oral cancer. Easily accessible.)

3. Is it possible to recognize a drug addict by appearance?

(External signs: excessive thinness, unhealthy complexion,

the face looks like a mask, dry and pale skin,

lack of pupil reaction to light, slow or accelerated pace

movements, trembling of hands and head, fussiness, untidiness,

injection marks - red dots along the vein; swollen nose)

4. Pity, sympathy caused by the misfortune of another person.

(Mercy, compassion)

5. In 1934 French city Nice youth company arranged

competition: who can smoke the most cigarettes. Two “winners” failed

get a prize because they died after smoking... (40; 60; 80 cigarettes)

6. These cells are the most sensitive to the harmful effects of alcohol.

(Nerve cells brain)

Presenter - We summarize and congratulate the winners of this intellectual

games. You have shown good knowledge and we are confident that you will apply

them in Everyday life, whose motto is:

“We choose a healthy lifestyle!”


"World Health Day".

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about health and factors influencing human health.

Children are divided into two teams, choose a team leader and come up with a name


You are friends with the red sun, Glad to see the cool wave, You're not afraid of the rain Snowfall is not scary. You're not afraid of the wind, You don't get tired in the game, And you go to bed early, And you rise with the sun. In winter you go skiing, You're frolicking on the skating rink. And in the summer, tanned Swimming in the river. Do you like to jump, run, Play with a tight ball. You will grow up healthy! You will be a strong man!
(S. Ostrovsky)

Leading: Guys, can we say that this poem is about you?(YES) Leading: Why do you think so? (We follow a daily routine, in winter we like to ski, skate, sled, and in summer we sunbathe in the sun and swim in the river; we like to play outdoor games, walk, play sports, etc.)
Leading: Guys, if you follow all these rules, then we can say that you lead what kind of life?(Healthy lifestyle) Leading: Right. Why do you think it is so important to lead a healthy lifestyle?(To be healthy) Leading: That's right, guys, in order to be healthy you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Leading: AND We have gathered here because today is World Health Day. We will play and remember what rules must be followed in order to lead a healthy lifestyle, as well as what affects our health. And our game is called brain-ring. Ready?(YES!)

Before the game starts, we will give the floor to our teams to introduce themselves.

Senior team......

Preparatory group team…..

( command presentation)

We're starting the game!

Task 1 “Say a word”

1 Chew steel pipes
If you clean often...
2 I take dumbbells boldly -
I train my muscles...
3 Do you want to become stronger?
Raise everything...
4 Let the temperature go down
Here's a liquid...
5 Svetka is unlucky today -
The doctor gave bitter...
6 Yulia was lucky today -
The doctor gave sweets...
7 Juice tablets are the most beneficial of all,
He will save everyone...
8 Even though it stings the wound,
Redhead heals well...
9 For Alenka’s scratches
The bottle is full...
10 They declared battle against the bacilli,
Wash your hands clean with...
The team that answers correctly first earns 1 point for each answer.

Task 2 “Place the pictures in the correct sequence”

Pictures appear on the screen

Leading: The team's task is to arrange the pictures in the correct sequence and compose a short story based on them.
The jury evaluates each story on a five-point scale (reliability of information, completeness and correctness of sentence construction)
The team receives an additional point for the correct placement of the pictures.

Task 3 “What is useful and what is not”

Pictures for each team appear on the screen.

One of the team members must give the correct answer. One point is awarded for each answer.


Dear guys, now I think it's time to relax a little. And I invite everyone to come out and warm up.

Physical exercise “Forward four steps.”

We've rested a bit and it's time to test our knowledge again!

The next task is not easy! You should now remember the proverbs about health. I will read the beginning of the proverb to you, and you will finish it.

Take care of your dress again, and your health from a young age.

The disease will not catch up with the quick and clever.

Health has no price.

Healthy - jumps, sick - cries.

If you harden yourself from a young age, you will be good for the rest of your life.

Laughter is the health of the soul.

He is weak in health and not a hero in spirit.

Pure water- it’s a disaster for the sick.

Wash yourself more often, don’t be afraid of water.

Healthy teeth- any health.

Cleanliness is the key to health.

Wash yourself whiter, you will be nicer to people.

Vanya was cured - the bathhouse helped him.

Sleep is better than any medicine.

Onions are a friend to health.

Eat right - and you don't need medication.

He who chews long lives long.

Appetite comes with eating.

Bread is the head of everything.

Bread is father, water is mother.

A bad lunch when there is no bread.

The river's banks are red, lunch is pies.

Sugar destroys teeth, but carrots strengthen them.

Lunch without vegetables is like a holiday without music.

Garlic and onions cure seven ailments.

Movement is a companion to health.


I think it's time to play some more. 4 people are invited from each team.

Game "Hygiene Products".

There are various objects on the table in front of you. You can only take one item at a time. You should bring personal hygiene items to your team for the person. Then the team explains what this or that thing is for.


Well done team! They coped with the task perfectly.

I have no time to be sick, friends,

I play football and hockey.

And I'm very proud of myself.

What gives me health? (sport)

Now we will check how you know different kinds sports There are puzzles on the table in front of you. You have to put a picture together and say what sport it is. Ready? Then let's begin.

Game "Assemble the puzzle"

Guys, as they say healthy person life is more fun and enjoyable.

Now, while the results are being summed up, you and I will take a little rest again.

Physical exercise “If life is fun...”

Leading: Z Find this, adults and, of course, children:
D In order for everyone in this world to live long,
ABOUT Give up bad habits completely.
R Wake up early, make friends with sports
ABOUT It is also very important to eat right -
IN vitamins and vegetables will be very useful for everyone.

Which team do you think won? Of course both! You showed excellent knowledge today. And now we will reward both teams.


Guys, you and I know that you can’t watch TV for a long time. So we'll watch it quite a bit. Because we have a surprise for you. And now the famous Smeshariki will remind you once again about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Watching cartoons on healthy lifestyle

Description of material: The script for this event will be useful for primary school teachers and teachers of after-school groups. This is a summary of the final lesson aimed at systematizing children’s knowledge of the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Extracurricular activity for students in grades 3-4. Brain ring “If you want to be healthy”

Target: summarize and systematize children’s knowledge on the rules of a healthy lifestyle.


Educational: Systematize students’ knowledge about the rules of a healthy lifestyle;

Developmental: To give students the opportunity to demonstrate their creative abilities when completing tasks on a specified topic, to develop logical thinking, ingenuity, and memory.

Educational: Provide pedagogical support in the ability to listen to the captain, show personal initiative and bear collective responsibility for decisions made.

Demo material: exhibition of books on the topic: “Growing up healthy”, cards with images of food products.

Leading: Guys, we all want to be healthy. Nobody wants to be sick, lie in bed, swallow pills, feel pain.

And in order not to get sick, every person should know himself and his body well. Know how his organs work: heart, lungs, brain, muscles. Know what is good for your body and what is harmful. Know how to eat properly and lead a healthy lifestyle. Books help us with this; from books we gain knowledge about everything in the world, including health.

Today we have gathered to remember, discuss and consolidate the rules that are good for our health. Guys, raise your hands, those who lead a healthy lifestyle. All! We'll check this now. What should you do to be healthy? I ask you questions, and you answer YES or NO in unison.

Brush your teeth regularly?

Watch more TV?

Keep a daily routine?

Do exercises in the morning?

Eat a lot of sweets?

To walk outside?

Eat vegetables and fruits?

Wash your hands before eating?

Drinking from the same glass with a friend?


Drink alcohol and smoke?

Sit straight at your desk?

I believe you, you answered all the questions correctly.

Now we will do a short warm-up, after which we will proceed to the questions of the brain ring game.

If my advice is good,

Clap your hands!

To the wrong advice

Say: no, no, no

Constantly need to eat

For your teeth

Fruits, vegetables, omelette,

Cottage cheese, yogurt.

Don't bite the cabbage leaf

It's completely, completely tasteless.

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade.

Is this the right advice?

Lyuba told her mother:

I won't brush my teeth.

And now our Lyuba

A hole in every, every tooth.

What will be your answer?

Well done Lyuba?

Oh, awkward Lyudmila

She dropped the brush on the floor.

He picks up a brush from the floor,

He continues to brush his teeth.

Who will give the correct answer?

Well done Luda?

Always remember

Dear friends,

Without brushing my teeth,

You can't go to sleep.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

Have you brushed your teeth?

And go to bed.

Grab a bun

Sweets for bed.

Is this the right advice?

To strengthen teeth,

It's good to chew nails.

Is this the right advice?

Remember this useful advice:

You cannot chew on an iron object.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

Well done you guys

Everything will be fine with you!

And now, guys, you must split into 2 teams, each team comes up with a name for itself. We are starting the Brain Ring game “If you want to be healthy.”

Round 1. Did you know?

Questions for the first team:

1. Which human organ is compared to a pump? (heart)

2. What is the function of the skin? (protective)

3. Which human organ is both a filter and a stove? (nose)

4. Why is alcohol harmful to humans?

5. All their lives they have been racing, but they can’t overtake each other (legs)

6. I’ve been wearing them for many years, but I don’t know how many they have (hair)

Questions for the second team:

1. Which human organ is compared to a computer? (brain)

2. What security posts prevent invisible enemies - microbes, viruses, dust and dirt - from entering your body? (skin, nose, tonsils)

3. What human organs are affected by smoking? (lungs, heart, brain)

4. Why do people need eyebrows, eyelashes, tears? (for eye protection)

5. My brother lives behind the mountain, but may not meet me (eyes).

6. Always in your mouth, but you can’t swallow (tongue).

Round 2. Hygiene is the basis of health

There are children in the world who do the opposite. When they are told: “Wash yourself!” — they don’t wash themselves. When they are told: “Don’t climb the tree!” - they climb. For such children, the writer G. Oster came up with “Bad Advice.”

Never wash your hands. Neck, ears and face. This stupid activity leads to nothing. Your hands will get dirty again. Neck, ears and face. So why waste energy? Time to waste. Getting a haircut is also useless. There's no point. As you get older, your head will go bald on its own.

Questions for the first team:

1. Why must we brush our teeth twice a day?

2. Why should you cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or at least your hand when coughing and sneezing?

3. What do you think is more correct: to wash the floor with a wet mop, or to sweep it with a dry broom?

Questions for the second team:

1. Why is it necessary to wash your hands before eating?

2. What can the bad habit of biting your nails lead to?

3. Why should a person wash himself daily, or at least 1-2 times a week, in the shower or in the bathhouse, or in the bathroom?

Round 3. Proper nutrition is the key to health

Food should be healthy and varied. Some foods give the body energy to move, think a lot, and not get tired (for example: buckwheat, raisins, butter). Others help the body grow and become strong (fish, meat, nuts). And still others supply the body with vitamins and minerals, helping to grow and develop (vegetables, fruits, dairy products). But not all the foods a person eats are healthy. Proper nutrition is a condition for health, incorrect nutrition leads to illness.

Which foods do you think are healthy and which are harmful? Why?

In the competition "Guess the healthy products" One player from each team participates, 2 minutes are given to think. Arrange the cards with the names of the products according to their usefulness. In one pile - useful, in the other - harmful. Explain why.

(In front of the children there are cards with pictures of products: apple, kiwi, orange, pear, tangerine, banana, cucumber, chips, potatoes, candy, kirieshki, lemonade, etc.)

Round 4. Sports and movement are the key to health

“If you want to be healthy, run! If you want to be beautiful, run! If you want to be smart, run!” - this is what the Greek sages said. They are right - sport strengthens and develops a person’s muscles, makes him strong and healthy.

Now we will conduct game "Sharpshooter" and find out whose team is the most athletic and agile. Four players from each team must take turns throwing all the items from the bag into the basket. So let's begin. Ready, ready to start, attention, MARCH!

(The jury counts the results to see who threw the most items into the basket)

Riddles on the topic “Sports and health”

Get up earlier in the morning

Jump, run, do push-ups.

For health, for order

People all need (charging).

Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet are moving along the road

And two wheels run (bicycle)

The rain is warm and thick,

This is not an easy rain:

He is without clouds, without clouds

Ready to go all day (shower).

He is with you and with me

Walked in forest stitches.

A hiking friend behind your back

On straps with fasteners (backpack)

Guys, I have

Two silver horses.

I drive both at once

What kind of horses do I have? (skates).

Do you want to break the record?

This is how (sports) will help you.

To become a great athlete

There is a lot to know.

And skill will help here

And, of course, (training).

Round 5. Green pharmacy - health pantry.

A long time ago, people learned that many plants improve health and even heal. Some plants are used to make decoctions and we gargle sore throats; others are used to make healing infusions and rubs to treat joints, etc. Today we must name what healing properties possesses this or that plant. So, now, by drawing lots, you will receive four names of plants, consult with the team and tell them how this plant helps a person in treatment.

Plants: 1. Nettle, Mother and stepmother, Burdock or burdock, Celandine.

2. Chamomile, Wormwood, Linden blossom, Raspberry.

Round 6. Ambulance.

(Something unexpected can happen to every person: suddenly you fell, injured your leg, or were bitten by a bee. What to do in this case if there are no adults nearby? How to provide first aid?)

Questions for the first team:

1. What first aid does a person need when sunstroke, or when you felt sick in the sun?

2. What should be done first in case of a burn?

3. What to do if you are injured and are bleeding?

Questions for the second team:

1. What to do if a person has a nosebleed?

2. What do you think should be done if you have frostbite on your nose or cheek?

3. What to do if a person has severely bruised and scraped his knee?

And now for the practical competition: "ORDERS" or bandage a wounded friend. Two people from each team come out and, at the command “start,” they bandage the wounded man’s head. The quality of dressing and speed are assessed, i.e. Who is faster.


1. What measures to prevent flu in winter do you know?

2.Name the diseases of “dirty hands”

(gastrointestinal diseases, dysentery, jaundice)

3. What diseases are fraught with a sip of water from a river or lake?

(cholera, jaundice, helminths, dysentery)

4. Why can’t you drink immediately after exercise? cold water? (a sharp cooling of the throat against the background of a general warming up of the body will cause a sore throat)

1. Why shouldn’t you pet unfamiliar cats and dogs?

(possible infection with lichen, fleas, worms)

2. How to avoid sunstroke?

3. Why shouldn’t you chew pencils, pens, or nails?

(harmful for teeth. germs)

4. Why can't I smoke?

The jury sums up the results.

Well done, guys, you did a great job, we hope that today was not in vain, you learned a lot of useful things for yourself. Always be healthy, active, cheerful!

“I wish you to bloom, grow,

Save money, improve your health

It's for a long journey

the most important condition." (S. Ya. Marshak)