Page of coins meaning. Tarot card Page Denariev - meaning, interpretation and layouts in fortune telling

  • 29.03.2024

Title: Page of Pentacles, Page of Denarii, Page of Coins, Jack of Diamonds, Messenger, Servant of Affairs, Money Courier, Servant of Children or Society. Princess on the Mountain of Echoes.

Papus value: Young Brunette, Study, Training, Class, Study, Diligence, Discussion, Reflection. Student, Apprentice, Pupil, Apprentice, Scholar, Amateur, Negotiant, Speculator.

Interpretation of Tarot cards of pentacles: The appearance of the Page of Pentacles card means the time to receive net profit. Your past achievements have borne fruit that allow you to rest on your laurels.

Interpretation of the Page of Pentacles (denarii) Tarot in the upright position

Interpretation: Tarot card Page of Pentacles is interpreted as a young man who knows how to learn and loves knowledge. He seeks and finds practical meaning in everything, which makes him an indispensable assistant and a talented student. He learns so quickly that very soon he can surpass his teacher in skill. But for a real Teacher there is no greater reward than such a pupil.

The Jack of Pentacles can mean soon good news about money or your well-being. This could be a cash reward or prize, a birthday gift or an inheritance. Perhaps a promotion with an increase in salary or a lucrative vacancy that will go to you.

Interpretation of the inverted Page of Pentacles (denarii) Tarot

Papus value: Excess, Luxury, Splendor, Splendor, Multitude, Abundance. Profession. Charity, Generosity, Beneficence. Multitude, Crowd. Extravagance, Extravagance, Robbery, Humiliation.

Interpretation: The reversed Page of Pentacles Tarot is interpreted as a turn in the bad direction. As a result, it turned out to be not worth the effort and money spent on it. Something went wrong, perhaps someone's wastefulness or incompetence led to losses. Perhaps someone will decide to commit a direct robbery if you receive the entire amount.

The reversed Jack of Denarii Tarot can symbolize a poorly behaved young man. He easily succumbs to the influence of others and is completely incapable of learning anything sensible. His mind is constantly in the clouds and he learns bad things on the fly. Conversation with him is completely impossible, he jumps from one subject to another, his speech is unclear and incoherent.

The inverted Jack of Coins can symbolize a young man who will convey urgent unpleasant news about your well-being.

Jack of Pentacles (denarii) card of the day

Today you will have information that will give you a chance to improve your financial well-being. Even if you didn’t expect anything like this, react to the circumstances immediately. You can safely count on luck, so don’t miss a moment with far-reaching consequences. Be alert when you are offered, for example, a new position or a lucrative deal. Providing practical help or moral support can also bear fruit. However, this chance may also concern your personal life, promising pleasant events and sensations.

Jack of Denarii card advice: agree to a good offer and accept it, use it creatively and give yourself time to fully enjoy it.

Jack of Denarii Card Caution: think about your personal life and pleasant moments, do not plunge completely into the abyss of material gain.

Straight position

With the card of the Page of Pentacles, a person realizes himself in life. He approaches business with a creative approach, behaves sensually and naturally. Thanks to this, a person develops and grows professionally. The card may indicate the future that soon awaits the fortuneteller. For example, this may be associated with a good harvest or with the birth of a child in the future, some specific result (completed report).

As a rule, the card describes a young person (boy or girl) who has a talent for applied art and is capable of creating incredible works of art. And, despite his youth, the man feels that he is a master of his craft. He is in good health and has a wonderful value system. He has very good ethics and sense of morality.

The information obtained will be related to education, work and income. The card has a positive meaning and has a beneficial effect on solving everyday issues.
Inverted position

The inverted lasso has a negative side, since a person under its influence neglects spiritual development, shows his greed and selfishness, and becomes fussy and wasteful.

When one looks at a person’s character, it implies laziness and pettiness. Sometimes he even does illogical things, is too wasteful, and is not in good health. Depending on different situations, his mood often changes. Such a person may take life lightly, without even trying to analyze problems.

One of the main problems of such a person is mistrust, because he simply does not believe people, their actions and words. He does not learn from his mistakes, so he misses the chance to study and risks losing material wealth. A craving for a luxurious life at someone else's expense is noticeably manifested in him. All his money-making opportunities turn out to be unsuccessful.

Page of Pentacles: Meaning in Love and Relationships

Straight position

Sensuality is observed in the relationship between lovers. People build their relationships on mutual understanding. A person, thanks to his partner, will gain useful experience that will prompt him to move to a new stage of the relationship. For example, from falling in love to stability, from friendship to love. Even if there are problematic situations in relationships, they will quickly become solvable.

As a rule, the card falls out to a romantic, a dreamer. And if a person really dreams of achieving good results in love, then he needs to work on it.

It is necessary to set goals, create plans, and implement them. But before you bring yourself closer to what you want, you need to get to know and study well the person you dream of.
Inverted position

A fortuneteller experiences a lack of respect from a loved one, and perhaps this disrespect comes from both partners. In addition, they do not know how to plan a joint budget. One of the partners is clearly stingy and is trying to control the partner’s expenses. There is boredom and routine in relationships.

A pregnancy with an inverted card cannot be called healthy, since the woman runs the risk of losing the child (miscarriage). A fortuneteller will face financial problems, which will also negatively affect his family relationships.

Page of Pentacles: Meaning in Situation and Question

Straight position

The person will exhibit practical activity. This will be associated with some kind of production, gardening. However, he will set realistic goals that can actually be achieved through his efforts.

If we characterize the situation with the appearance of this card, then it is directly related to the offer of a new position, work, planning of planned affairs. But a person not only plans his projects and intentions, but also successfully implements them.

The card warns a person to be attentive to those documents that require his signature, as well as to details and other little things. If he wants, he will be able to get to the bottom of the truth, and he has a chance of getting a good education.
Inverted position

The card is characterized by additional spending of money in your own business. Perhaps the person being told fortunes does not understand very well what he is doing, and therefore makes mistakes in business. In many situations he will not be able to evaluate himself adequately.

This person will build up his pettiness, selfishness, and envy, considering them his merits. Although it is thanks to the feeling of envy that he will be able to achieve a lot in life, because envy is a push forward, a desire for a better future.

The lasso symbolizes quarrels, unpleasant news, and financial difficulties. The person who gets the Page of Pentacles is a rude and banal person, narcissistic and selfish. In some situations, he is capable of not only humiliating a person, but also using physical violence.

Page of Pentacles: The meaning of the card of the day

Today there will be a chance to get something you never even dreamed of. Don’t refuse profitable deals, help people, provide them with practical assistance and material support.

In your personal life, changes are expected that will be associated exclusively with pleasant events and sensations. A person will receive useful advice from a partner, which will encourage him to create a strong and long-term union.

On this day, problems and disputes that have been accumulating for years will be successfully resolved.

Don't believe everything they say, trust only verified facts. It is possible that a person will receive false news. Only thanks to reliable information can you move towards your intended goal. Don't give up on handmade work, because with this card it will work best. In addition, it will give a person positive emotions and satisfaction.

Page of Pentacles: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands Cups Swords Pentacles

empty efforts, searches

Ace of Wands

a new project through which you can earn money

increase in salary, professionalism

King of Wands

take a leadership position

Receiving a profit

Queen of Wands

desire for business success


growth of profits, results

Knight of Wands

lack of endurance



Page of Wands

creative approach to a practical issue

study of religion, philosophy

Two of Wands

doubts about your financial capabilities


sensual interest in relationships

Three of Wands

cautious but beneficial cooperation


lose meaning; a game

Four of Wands

achievements; reward; graduation

improve health

Five of Wands



Pages in the Tarot reading represent immature youth and inexperience, but at the same time the potential for realization. The Page of Pentacles is traditionally depicted as a young man wearing simple, natural-colored clothing. The main element of the suit is Earth. On the Page of Pentacles card it is especially evident. The young man is surrounded by a plowed field, where small shoots have recently appeared. The idea of ​​the image is some kind of undertaking, this is indicated by young growth. At the same time, this means patience, since nature cannot be rushed, over time it will manifest itself fully. In the hands of the young man is a pentacle, which personifies as yet unrealized potential.

Page of Pentacles Tarot: meaning and interpretation in the general layout

What does this card mean? The main meaning of the Page of Pentacles Tarot is as the threshold of something new, which is more related to the financial or professional sphere. A card in the layout may indicate a change of job, mastering a new profession, or the implementation of a new project. The card indicates an unstable situation, since, on the one hand, mastering something new always requires some experience, which may not yet exist, so a new business should be approached with caution. At the same time, the card indicates that it is necessary to show some determination in order to easily overcome all the obstacles that will undoubtedly be encountered along the way. Don't be afraid to set goals and conquer new heights.

Page of Pentacles for those looking for work

The meaning of the Page of Pentacles Tarot in a reading may indicate the need to acquire certain experience or skill. And this can only be achieved through hard work on yourself. The card indicates that it is also necessary to learn while working. The main thing that a job seeker must understand is that no one wants to hire an employee without work experience. But at the same time, a person will never get this experience if he doesn’t work. Therefore, to begin with, you should simply do something on a voluntary basis. If the Page of Pentacles card appears in a job search scenario, then the questioner will have the opportunity to get into an organization in which he can also undergo the necessary training and gain the necessary skills and experience. We can say that this card symbolizes practical learning of something. On the other hand, the card indicates that you should not begin to act until the essence of the matter is fully understood and a clear action plan has been developed. Especially if the questioner wants to know how to properly manage their finances.

in unlocking inner potential

The suit of Pentacles or Coins is inextricably linked with the Earth. Most often, this card in a reading indicates that you need to bring something new into your inner life, refresh your feelings and fill your heart with new emotions. You should pay special attention to studying everything that is around. This can be learned from children, who comprehend the world around them with particular inquisitiveness and openness. You should also think about your connection to the elements of nature. The card indicates the importance of receiving not only physical, but also aesthetic pleasure. The Page of Coins helps to develop new skills and habits, which over time become firmly established in the mind and become second nature to a person, making it possible to gain additional energy for new things.

As a rule, Pages indicate the development of communication. Specifically, the Page of Pentacles may demonstrate the ability to transmit any information to others through writing letters, the telephone, or the Internet.

Page of Pentacles: fortune telling for love

Although the Coin cards are not directly related to matters of the heart, if they appear in love scenarios, they most often symbolize purity and sensuality. Especially if the Page of Pentacles Tarot card appears. Meaning in love - romantic relationships, falling in love, kindling passion. As a rule, the card indicates the beginning of a relationship. But if a relationship already exists, then the card may indicate that more decisive action should be taken. If the card falls to those who are already married, this may mean that the time has come to resolve controversial issues. And, when all of them are resolved, the relationship can reach a new level.

Significance in the scenario for the development of relationships

There is also an opinion that in a love reading, the meaning of the Page of Pentacles Tarot may indicate the appearance of a person in life who will be interested exclusively in money, that is, a gigolo or a kept woman. However, this is not an entirely correct interpretation. It takes place if we are talking about the relationship between a rich elderly man and a young girl. But in most cases, the card indicates that the love union was created not only for the sake of intimate relationships for a short period. Rather, it indicates the seriousness of the relationship, but this is just the beginning and is not always connected with the upcoming engagement or wedding. But at the same time, the card can also portend a serious long-term alliance. In any case, it is necessary to take into account the meaning of neighboring cards in the layout.

I would like to note one more feature of the Page of Pentacles Tarot card - its meaning in friendly relationships. The card can tell about friendship, which in the future can turn into a more long-term and related union. For example, two families who have been friends for a long time and are planning to marry their children may become related. However, all actions will most likely be aimed at satisfying their material needs.

The meaning of a reversed card

In this position, the Page of Pentacles warns of a complete loss of practicality in life, the possible destruction of plans, expectations and loss of purpose. Moreover, the culprit of everything can be the questioner himself. Difficulties arise in mastering something new; it is impossible to systematize information. You can quickly lose patience and interest in something important. Thus, you may miss a valuable opportunity. There may be a loss of interest in something that was previously very attractive. Sometimes the card indicates an intensified search for errors and shortcomings in some important matter.

Since the card is associated with finances, its inverted position indicates that a person becomes a slave to money, he puts it first in his life. It also indicates an unhealthy attachment to loved ones or acquaintances. Sometimes this means that a person takes on too many things that he simply cannot handle.

Discovering new potential. Inverted position

In some cases, the Page of Pentacles Tarot is important for understanding that everything material should be pushed into the background and immersed in reflection on spiritual truths. Internal development is now much more important than any external activity. There is a high probability of acquiring a new hobby, for example, fortune telling, practicing spiritualism or mastering magic. But it is better to keep it a secret from others. The deepening of innermost experiences is also indicated by the inverted position of the Page of Pentacles Tarot card. The meaning for personal relationships in this situation speaks of the emergence of pure love.

Page of Pentacles Tarot: meaning and interpretation. The meaning of the Page of Pentacles Tarot in relationships

Page of Pentacles Tarot: meaning in relationships, business

The interpretation of figured cards sometimes brings a lot of difficulties to novice tarot readers, because sometimes it can be very difficult to figure out what exactly we are talking about - a specific person or an event. However, with experience comes understanding.

Today we continue to practice a detailed study of the Arcana, and the topic of the article will be the meaning of the Page of Pentacles of the Tarot.

Other names for the card are Herald of Coins, Prince of the Singing Hills, Jack of Denariev, Young Successor, and in Aleister Crowley’s deck it is not a Page at all, but a Princess - a card with feminine energy.

General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

On the bright yellow background of the card in the Waite deck, we see a young man standing in a blooming green meadow. In the young man’s hands is a pentacle, which he examines with obvious interest, as if studying. Forests and mountains can be seen in the background.

The picture does not cause any disturbing sensations, and on the contrary, it is full of calm and harmony.

Like all cards of the suit of Pentacles, a background with picturesque nature hints at proximity to the elements of the Earth, which means that the Page of Denarii will “own” quite material areas - finances, work, learning something.

Considering that Tarot Pages are often associated with some kind of news, the Messenger of Coins will most likely report favorable news. However, it is just as common to interpret the card as a specific person - then it will be a young man who is studying something and gaining new knowledge.

Key words and ideas of the card in the layout

The meaning of the Page of Pentacles Tarot card can be expressed through the following key expressions:

  • News about finances, work, studies
  • A young man or girl learning something (don’t forget that Pages can also have feminine energy)
  • Favorable opportunities to start something new
  • Good prospects in practical matters
  • Admission to an educational institution
  • Mastering something new
  • Ability to concentrate on work, concentration, hard work
  • Earthly joys

Meaning of the card in the upright position

The upright position of the Page of Coins is traditionally read as favorable news about some everyday affairs. Under this card there can be news about study, work, money, as well as some everyday activities.

So, for example, going shopping in a store, working out at the gym, receiving useful advice in any practical area - all this is under the jurisdiction of this court card.

Almost always it will indicate a good chance, the opening of wonderful prospects, a successful opportunity to use one’s knowledge and abilities. Another question is whether the questioner will be able to take advantage of this chance, but this already needs to be looked at from the surrounding cards.

A more “modest” meaning of the Denarius Tarot Page can be doing a simple earthly activity that brings joy - for example, a walk in nature, an evening with friends in a cafe, making love (this is also quite an earthly joy!).

The meaning of the card in an inverted position

The inverted Page is no longer so concentrated and hardworking, so the reverse card most often reveals vanity, wastefulness, and impracticality.

If the upright Jack spoke about good prospects for starting something new, then the inverted one, on the contrary, reports that there is little chance of success or the result will not meet expectations, since the person is negligent in his responsibilities and does not know how to learn from his own mistakes. It is also about missed opportunities, having your head in the clouds, canceling plans, and the inability to realize your plans.

The meaning of the Denariev Page in fortune telling for love and personal relationships

Consider the traditional meaning of the Page of Pentacles Tarot card on relationships and love.

Straight position

The straight Jack of Coins informs that you will have to try hard to win the heart of the person you are interested in, but the chances are quite high. The main thing is to take the initiative into your own hands and take consistent steps to conquer the one who won your heart.

The meaning of the Page of Pentacles Tarot in a relationship, if we describe the personality of a partner - a wonderful lover, a person who feels the slightest needs of a loved one. He may be a little lacking in romance, but he will always make sure that his partner feels comfortable.

Yes, he won’t write you extravagant poems or sing a serenade under your window, but he will always feed you delicious food, pay all your utility bills and make sure you don’t go outside in winter without a hat and gloves. It is very easy to live with the Page of Pentacles.

And, of course, in such a relationship there will definitely be a lot of sex, because the element of Earth is closely related to physical contact.

Inverted position

The Reverse Page is no longer such a practical gentleman, or rather, not practical at all. He fusses a lot, constantly loses concentration or scatters his energy on a bunch of different things. Trying to simultaneously prepare dinner, do the cleaning, run to the store, and walk the dog before your beloved arrives, you end up not having time to properly complete any of the planned tasks.

Dinner burns on the stove, the room is greeted with a half-cleaned mess, the most necessary things have not been purchased, and even the dog remains forgotten and tied up at the store. In a word, it is simply impossible to live with him in everyday life! The card can also indicate an inability to manage the family budget, an obsession with sex, having your head in the clouds and the futility of relationships in principle.

The meaning of the Page of Pentacles in matters of health

What can a practical Page of the Earth tell us if we start diagnosing our health? Let's get a look!

Straight position

For a woman, the traditional meaning of the Page of Pentacles of the Tarot is pregnancy, conception, the body’s readiness to bear and give birth to a child. The card can also report diseases that people usually suffer from in childhood - chickenpox, rubella, diathesis.

Inverted position

The Reverse Page is often associated with disorders of some processes, for example, indigestion, urinary incontinence, and poor blood clotting. In a word, one of the body’s systems, for some reason, is not working as it should.

The meaning of the card in layouts for personality analysis and state of mind

The most interesting thing about court cards is how they describe a person’s personality. This is exactly what we will do now.

Straight position

This is a very practical person - a reliable friend, a comrade who will never leave you in trouble, a responsible colleague. A very hard-working person who enjoys learning something new and is always looking for a chance to put the acquired knowledge into practice. Such a person necessarily has a favorite hobby to which he devotes a lot of time.

Pages of Pentacles are often inclined to collect things, such as stamps, models of ships or airplanes, or topical books. At home, such a person always has complete order - every thing is in its place.

If we are talking about the state of mental health, then everything is completely fine with it, the person adequately assesses his capabilities and does not give in in the face of difficulties.

Inverted position

Page of Coins Tarot meaning in an inverted position is no longer so good. This is a fussy, absent-minded person who constantly has his head in the clouds. He wants to do something, but after half an hour he completely forgets about it. Complete chaos reigns in his house, as well as in his thoughts.

It is difficult for such a person to implement his plans, and he can repeat the same rake countless times, because he does not know how to learn from his mistakes and draw logical conclusions.

On the psychological plane - immersion in the illusory world of one’s fantasies, confusion in life, inability to find one’s place, scattering oneself into a bunch of different, and sometimes completely useless, things.

The meaning of the card when fortune telling about finances and work

Now let's see how the meaning of the Page of Pentacles Tarot manifests itself in work. Since the card is associated with the element of Earth, it has the most direct relation to the field of professional activity.

Straight position

The most popular meaning of the Page of Pentacles Tarot is working with maximum concentration and diligence, a practical approach to business without unnecessary sentimentality, the desire to improve your skills and learn something new, professionalism or at least the desire for it.

The most interesting thing about the Page of Coins is that he will work thoughtfully and leisurely, not chase an immediate result, and one day, after a while, he will demonstrate everything he has learned to the fullest, to the envy of all his colleagues and to the surprise of his superiors.

Professions of the card - everything that is associated with manual labor or something that can be tasted or touched: cook, agricultural specialist, florist, winegrower, ecologist, livestock breeder or veterinarian.

Inverted position

Reverse Page is irresponsibility, inability to concentrate on assigned tasks, reluctance to learn, inability to properly manage one’s time and talent, impatience, poor career prospects.

The meaning of the Jack of Denarii in combination with the Major Arcana

Any Arcana fully reveals all the subtleties of its interpretation next to others, so now we will consider the Page of Pentacles of the Tarot in combination with the cards of the deck. First, let's talk about the Major Arcana.

  • Jester: Pointless efforts
  • Mage: Study of magic or medicine
  • High Priestess: Higher Education
  • Empress: Profit growth
  • Emperor: Career advancement
  • Hierophant: Study religion, philosophy
  • Lovers: Sensual Interest
  • Chariot: Driving Training
  • Strength: Strengthen your health
  • Hermit: Losses
  • Wheel of Fortune: Put it all on the line
  • Justice: Study jurisprudence
  • The Hanged Man: Empty Victims
  • Death: Futility
  • Moderation: Patience
  • Devil: Unfair Profits
  • Tower: Illness, deterioration of health
  • Star: Finding your calling, studying astronomy, astrology
  • Moon: Be in captivity of illusions
  • Sun: Make a discovery
  • Court: Get to the bottom of it
  • World: Finish your studies, get a diploma, certificate

Combination of the Page of Pentacles with the Minor Arcana

Now let's look at possible combinations with figure and number cards.

With the suit of staves

  • Ace: New promising project
  • Two: Doubt your financial capabilities
  • Three: Cautious Establishment of Contact
  • Four: Academic achievements, awards
  • Five: Spray
  • Six: Gain useful experience
  • Seven: Face difficulties
  • Eight: Make an offer
  • Nine: Testing due to mistrust
  • Ten: Hopes that were not realized
  • Page: Creative approach to learning
  • Knight: Meaning of the Page of Coins Tarot with Knight of Staffs - Be impatient
  • Queen: Strive for success
  • King: Be a leader

With the suit of cups

  • Ace: Learn the art of love
  • Two: Grinding in with each other
  • Troika: Prom
  • Four: Tired of studying
  • Five: Regret unused knowledge or unfinished education
  • Six: Learning in the Past
  • Seven: Make plans for the future
  • Eight: Reconsider your views
  • Nine: Get the education you want
  • Ten: Learn to live in a family
  • Page: Dream about the future
  • Knight: Explore your feelings
  • Queen: Get advice from a woman close to you
  • King: Get advice from a close man

With the suit of swords

  • Ace: Triumph of the Mind
  • Two: Willingness to show your knowledge
  • Troika: The collapse of a project that a person really counted on
  • Four: Vacations, rest from studying
  • Five: Lose in an argument
  • Six: Quit studying
  • Seven: Meaning of the Page of Pentacles Tarot with the Seven of Swords - A Thoughtful Trick
  • Eight: Inability to concentrate
  • Nine: The less you know, the better you sleep
  • Ten: Destroyed Beginnings
  • Page: Dangerous occupation
  • Knight: Find a like-minded person
  • Queen: Find a patron
  • King: Strive for power, developing the necessary qualities for this

With the suit of pentacles

  • Ace: Brilliant Education
  • Two: Ability to use acquired knowledge in practice
  • Troika: Hone your skills
  • Four: Reluctance to share knowledge
  • Five: Expulsion from educational institution
  • Six: Someone will share their knowledge with you
  • Seven: Expect results from applying knowledge in practice
  • Eight: Immersion in study
  • Nine: Reward for Knowledge
  • Ten: Good job, family of intellectuals
  • Knight: Control your destiny
  • Queen: Get rich honestly
  • King: Material interest

Be open to everything new! Feel free to take on new things or learn something - amazing prospects open up before you.

Card Warning

Don’t try to do several things at the same time, because if you chase two hares, you won’t catch either!

Questions answered by Valet Denariev

  • Do you know how to concentrate on the task at hand?
  • Can you call yourself a practical person?
  • Are you able to gain useful experience from your own mistakes?
  • Is your soul open to something new, unknown?

As you can see, the interpretation of the Page of Pentacles turned out to be not at all as difficult as one might initially think. But everything, as they say, comes with practice. Therefore, learn, practice, remember!


Tarot Page of Pentacles: meaning in fortune telling

The Page of Pentacles card depicts a young man standing in a flowery meadow and holding a pentacle in his hand. The young man discovers the world, is amazed at its beauty, and uses every chance to learn something new. The meaning of the Tarot Page of Pentacles changes depending on the position of the lasso and how it is combined with other cards.

Basic Concepts

Description: chance, learning, knowledge of the world, benefit, decisive step, wit, good impulse, economy.


First of all, if the card lies straight, it indicates a new project, opening new horizons, learning something new. The lasso is associated with a pragmatic, materialistic approach to any business, careful analysis and diligence.

The Jack of Pentacles predicts the arrival of pleasant news, good results from business. These news may affect further developments. The person is full of energy and desire to learn as much new things as possible; he is a capable and grateful student.

In the Thoth Tarot, the Princess of Discs (Page of Pentacles) symbolizes a young woman, pregnancy, and creativity.

The fortuneteller feels the approach of change, he is ready to take advantage of all opportunities to change his life. Even if everything turns out to be a failure or collapse, this lesson will bring a lot of benefit and life experience that can later be applied.

Also Page of Discs indicates matter, carnal pleasure, initiative and youth. This is a card of earthly pleasures and time well spent.


In an inverted position, the lasso indicates lack of demand, neglect of business and studies, material losses, missed chances, fixation on one’s mistakes or past negative experiences.

A person cannot concentrate, takes on several tasks at the same time, but is not able to complete even one.

This is an inveterate truant, a hack and a slob, a lover of freebies and collective responsibility.

Also map indicates receiving bad news, petty theft, gossip behind your back, embezzlement. In a positive sense, the inverted Page of Pentacles personifies generosity, the desire for luxury, freedom of morals, free love, and unconventional orientation.

Human health

Favorable card for health. Often indicates pregnancy, recovery, or a successful outcome of the operation. It can become a harbinger of childhood diseases - diathesis, rubella, chickenpox.

Upside down indicates problems with the digestive system.

Love relationship

The card indicates the acquisition of new experience in love relationships, in particular, the experience of sensual pleasures. For those who have not been able to take a step and admit their feelings for a long time, the card says that now is the most favorable moment.

This a map of new acquaintances and the beginning of new relationships, the seriousness of which is too early to talk about. For those already in a relationship, it's time to take it to the next level. For spouses, such a step may mean conceiving children or moving to a new home.

The Page of Coins is a wonderful lover who sincerely cares about his partner, literally blowing away specks of dust from him. He can be reproached for the lack of romance and tenderness, but he will always take care of paying bills, a delicious dinner, and gifts.

Page a little obsessed with food and bed, prefers comfort and sitting at home, but there is money in his pockets.

In an inverted position, the lasso indicates reproaches, disrespect towards a partner, waste of the family budget. Often indicates a partner’s greed, unwillingness to share and dissatisfaction in bed.

Answer to the question

The card represents a situation in which the fortuneteller will have the opportunity to earn money and realize himself in the necessary field. This circumstance will slightly elevate him above those around him and endow him with some special functions and skills. The lasso also indicates that the work done will be appreciated and generously rewarded.

In an inverted position, the lasso characterizes inattention, problems, difficulties in areas that you are not aware of.

Field of activity

The Page of Discs represents practical activity, focus on a specific result, ambitious aspirations, and an innovative approach to business. A person is distinguished by extraordinary accuracy, strict adherence to instructions and rules, and the concentration of all forces.

The card speaks of a change of place of work, field of activity, involvement in a new project, a business trip to another city, the discovery of something, a breakthrough. The person who has the lasso prefers a stable income to risky operations and a nervous, stressful position.

Often lasso indicates entering university or taking courses. In this case, the card speaks of successful progress and the acquisition of practical knowledge.

In the reversed position, the Page of Pentacles indicates the danger of getting stuck in a small position, lack of prospects, lack of awareness in your field, or focusing only on work.

Fields of activity: biology, ecology, handicrafts, gardening, assistant, management, eternal student, graduate student, scientist, veterinarian, cook, insurance agent.

Combination with other arcana

With the major arcana:

  • Jester- unnecessary troubles, illness of the child.
  • Mage– salary increase, demonstration of skill.
  • High Priestess– training, education, knowledge acquisition, library.
  • Empress– reaping the fruits of work or training, profit.
  • Emperor- promotion up the career ladder.
  • Hierophant– study of religion, philosophy, wise mentor, teacher.
  • Lovers– passion in relationships, sensuality.
  • Chariot– excitement, play, interest.
  • Force– the desire to achieve goals, good health.
  • Hermit- deduction, loss of money.
  • Fortune- adventure, gambling, putting everything on the line.
  • Justice- to prove that you are right, to find the truth.
  • Hanged– it’s a disservice to reach a dead end.
  • Death– it’s a waste of time to stand in one place.
  • Moderation– gaining experience, expecting results.
  • Devil– achieving goals through criminal, dishonest means, taking advantage of others, money laundering.
  • Tower– health problems, disappointment.
  • Star– a happy chance to find something you like.
  • Moon– to be mistaken, loss of profit, vain expectations.
  • Sun– a breakthrough, an opening, a door to a bright future.
  • Last Judgment– second chance, repetition – the mother of learning.
  • World– successful completion of studies, get a place in a prestigious place, go to practice abroad.

With wands:

  • Ace of Wands– an opportunity to earn money, a long way to the top.
  • Two of Wands– doubts about your financial capabilities.
  • Three of Wands– beneficial cooperation, a good start to a career.
  • Four of Wands– reward, family tradition, gratitude.
  • Five of Wands- throw dust in the eyes, quarrel over a share of the profit.
  • Six of Wands– acquisition of useful knowledge, diploma.
  • Seven of Wands– resistance to circumstances, choosing a life path under the pressure of something or someone.
  • Eight of Wands- offer, mutual benefit.
  • Nine of Wands– doubt about success, re-check.
  • Ten of Wands- making a mistake, vain dreams.
  • Page of Wands– comprehensive approach, creativity.
  • Knight of Wands- impulsiveness, impatience.
  • Queen of Wands– planning, careful approach, entrepreneurship.
  • King of Wands– leadership, high demands.

With cups:

  • Ace of Cups– variety of interests, luxury.
  • Two of Cups– collective decision, union.
  • Three of Cups– a friend from school or university, help.
  • Four of Cups– stagnation in business, lack of ideas, living from paycheck to paycheck.
  • Five of Cups– postponement, deadline, cannot be delayed any longer.
  • Six of Cups– presentation of one’s works, art.
  • Seven of Cups– vain expectations, loss of interest in the matter.
  • Eight of Cups– second education, an attempt to find myself.
  • Nine of Cups– a successful deal, profit, receiving a grant.
  • Ten of Cups– recognition of merit, pride, reward to loved ones.
  • Page of Cups– non-trivial activity, originality.
  • Knight of Cups– a complete dreamer, romantic, love ideals.
  • Queen of Cups– eternal beauty, admiration.
  • King of Cups– strict boss, demanding.

With pentacles:

  • Ace of Pentacles– profitable offer, winning.
  • Two of Pentacles– difficult choice, game.
  • Three of Pentacles– promotion, good place.
  • Four of Pentacles– thinking about the proposal is a good idea.
  • Five of Pentacles– lung disease, loss of inheritance, missing a chance.
  • Six of Pentacles– a powerful mentor, an increase in salary.
  • Seven of Pentacles- routine, getting bogged down in bustle.
  • Eight of Pentacles- do something with your own hands, craft.
  • Nine of Pentacles- women's work, mother's approval.
  • Ten of Pentacles- not fulfilling your duties to the end, an unpleasant sight.
  • Knight of Pentacles- difficult but useful work, labor, accumulation.
  • Queen of Pentacles– home improvement, capable student.
  • King of Pentacles– a strict teacher, occupying an unexpectedly high position.

With swords:

  • Ace of Swords– passionate love, practice, getting your way.
  • 2 swords– combining study and work, lack of funds.
  • 3 swords– collapse of all plans, loss of the opportunity to study.
  • 4 swords- go to extremes, choose a difficult path.
  • 5 swords– worry about doing business, expulsion.
  • 6 swords– getting a ticket to life, new opportunities.
  • 7 swords– substitution of values, does not know what he wants.
  • 8 swords– lack of funds, occupy a symbolic position, part-time work.
  • 9 swords– loss of job, unwillingness to work, poor health.
  • 10 swords– serious illness, loss of a child, dismissal.
  • Page of Swords– irritability, dissatisfaction, problems with concentration.
  • Knight of Swords– losing your job due to a quarrel with your superiors, bias.
  • Queen of Swords- it’s an important thing to get under the protection of a woman, to carve out a place for yourself.
  • King of Swords– invest money in a profitable business, a promising project, a strict father.

Card of the Day - Page of Pentacles

Card tip: Now is the best time to put into practice what you have learned. On this day, you should follow all the rules and not take risks, do not improvise, carefully fill out papers and monitor the payment of bills. Pay attention to your physical condition.


Page of Pentacles (Coins) Tarot: meaning in relationships, love, work

As usual for the Court cards in the Waite deck, the description of the card provided by the author is very superficial and undetailed. Of the many details depicted on the card, Waite found it necessary to mention only “the young man gazing at the coin, which floats between his upraised palms.”

The Page depicted on the card does not notice anything around him. But it always remains a mystery what red and yellow berries grow under his feet, what is sown in the field in the background, what trees the grove consists of, and what the name of the lonely mountain is.

Well, maybe, in fact, these details are not so important for understanding the map.

An interesting point is made by Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin in their book The Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot. They noticed that the Pages of Swords and Pentacles are dressed in tunics without a pattern, and the tunics of the Pages of Cups and Staves are decorated with symbols of the corresponding elements. It was not possible to find out what the reason was.

Map Keywords

  • Student
  • Scheme
  • Knowledge
  • Studies
  • Obedient

Key ideas of the map

  • Logical and rational
  • Research before using or acting
  • A child is like an old man
  • Methodical research

Main meaning of the card

It must be admitted that the meanings of the Page of Pentacles Tarot card proposed by Waite are not too different from modern ones. Waite suggests the following meanings for this card: “Discovery, exploration, learning; knowledge of the rules of action, management.” For the inverted position, the meanings are a little strange: “Wastefulness, liberality, luxury and unpleasant news.”

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Modern meanings of the Page of Coins Tarot emphasize study and the creation of various kinds of plans and schemes. The semantic formula of the Page of Pentacles is “Don’t do it because you don’t know.”

The card suggests, before acting, to study the issue and learn special techniques. That is, one way or another, to be in the role of a student.

It should also be added that the Page of Coins is a very dependent card that is not associated with leadership qualities.

Open-hole card

The meaning of the Page of Pentacles in relationships shows that this is a very closed card. If he had the opportunity, he would prefer not to enter into any relationship with anyone at all.

Relationship intensity

Since the Page of Coins strives to avoid relationships, the higher the initial energy of the relationship, the faster he will try to end it or reduce it to a zero option.

Map as a scenario for relationships: love, family, relatives, work

Let's consider the meaning of the Tarot card Page of Pentacles in matters of love relationships and events.

An android, a biorobot who is trying to become human by mechanically copying Carnegie’s book “How to Win Friends.” To me it's a horror film.

Normal Pages of Coins are practically unable to distinguish shades of human behavior, intonations, and semantic layers of statements.

An absent-minded professor, a nerdy nerd, a nerd - the standard types of the Page of Pentacles, played out in numerous comedies. Understanding with his mind that people’s behavior is irrational, the Page of Coins, nevertheless, strives to rationalize it, grasp patterns, and build schemes. As a result, another comedy is being filmed. But for those around him this is a comedy, but for Page it is a tragedy.

An ideal subordinate and one of the worst bosses. The Walt of Coins card has a negative charisma value. As a boss, he tries to compensate for this in some way. As a rule, the most ineffective of all conceivable ineffective methods is chosen.

Now let’s look at the Page of Pentacles Tarot card in card combinations.

In combination with the Major Arcana

Page of Pentacles in combination with the Major Arcana

  • combination with the Hanged Man card: Lack of knowledge
  • combination with the Sun card: Happy childhood
  • combination with the Last Judgment card: Long, long study

Psychological condition

The Page of Coins often resembles a well-oiled mechanism that performs a clearly fixed and finite set of actions.

Let me remind you once again that we are not talking about living people, but about some ideal models.

Mechanisms cannot have emotional states by definition. The Jack of Coins will not humanize his machine or machine. For him, only the proper functioning of the mechanism is important. And approximately the same applies to living beings, girls, dogs, canaries...

In combination with the suit of Wands

Page of Pentacles in combination with the suit of Wands

  • in combination with the 4 of Wands: Successful passing of the exam should be celebrated
  • in combination with the 6 of Wands: Well-deserved success, secured by your knowledge
  • in conjunction with the King of Wands: Harmonious union of knowledge and power

The meaning of the card in health matters

In matters of health, the Page of Pentacles indicates the work of a not-so-perfect organism, which is capable of functioning normally only within a very narrow range. Everything is fresh, nothing salty, spicy, sour, and so on. The Page of Pentacles indicates that the body is not ready for heavy physical activity.

Possibly poor coordination, poor joint function. At the same time, the Jack of Coins does not talk about diseases or any critical malfunctions in the body.

In combination with the suit of Cups

Page of Pentacles combined with the suit of Cups

  • in combination with 3 Cups: Friendly relations in the educational team
  • in combination with the Knight of Cups: Friends and fellow practitioners
  • combined with Queen of Cups: An Educational Romance, whatever that means

Stability, controllability, controllability

The Jack of Coins indicates a stable financial situation. But the Valte of Pentacles is beyond the power to manage and control it.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

This is the only page who is involved in financial activities. But he is at the learning stage, he is just trying to master the topic. To speed up, he needs to become an apprentice to understand how the business is done, where the money comes from and where it goes.

General state of finances and trends of changes

The Jack of Pentacles tends to indicate the possibility of improvement. But its movement from zero to plus has only just begun. For other Pages, at best, everything will remain as it is.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The meaning of the Tarot card Page of Pentacles in matters of work indicates that in order to increase income, one should learn to work with money, study disciplines that in one way or another contribute to increasing income. Perhaps learn the secrets of your craft.

The negative influence of this card is manifested in the fact that the Jack of Pentacles is not proactive, not inclined to take decisive action, or to take responsibility. It is difficult for him to take advantage of the opportunity that arises due to constant doubts and lack of confidence in his abilities.

In combination with the suit of Swords

Page of Pentacles combined with the suit of Swords

  • in combination with 5 of Swords: Indecision will result in defeat
  • combined with 9 of Swords: Woe from Wit
  • in combination with the Knight of Swords: Move from theory to practice

Card of the day Caution

No diagram reflects reality.

In combination with the suit of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles combined with the suit of Pentacles

Questions to ask when drawing a card

  • What am I learning?
  • Why do I prefer to study rather than act?
  • What area of ​​knowledge am I an expert in?
  • How balanced are my mind and emotions?

Page of Denariev (aka Page of Pentacles) is the embodiment of the spirit of the Earth in the physical world. In Crowley's deck, the Page of Pentacles appears in the guise of the Princess of the Spheres, who received from the creator the characteristic of a generous, kind, diligent, benevolent, courageous and hardworking personality.

Denarii or Pentacles are responsible for the sphere of the physical and material. Therefore, if the Tarot card Page of Denariev appears in the layout, you should expect news that will relate to material well-being or health.

If in the layout the card represents a person who is telling fortunes, then it’s time for him to pay attention to his physical development.

In any case, when the Page of Pentacles appears in the layout, you can expect an influx of new energy, improved health, and an increase in physical strength. In love, the card can be a herald of an upcoming acquaintance with a dark-haired young man of a military profession, the emergence of a new feeling.

In layouts, the Page of Denariev has both positive and negative interpretation. In a positive sense, the card is a symbol of success, financial well-being, and career advancement. If a person asks the cards for advice and the Denariev Page appears, this means that it is necessary to approach a creative solution to a problem or use a suggestion creatively, and not follow standard paths.

In the case when the Tarot card Page of Denariev appears upside down, it is worth stopping and thinking about whether interest in material causes harm to others.

Page of Pentacles in readings

Page Denariev is a young man who is just beginning to “get on his feet.” In a personal scenario, the card means that it is time to start leading an independent lifestyle and leave the care of others. First of all, this concerns the financial issue. To achieve what you want, you will have to go through a lot, since now a person does not have the proper experience.

If the Page of Denariev appears in tandem with the Page of Cups, then this is an excellent omen that promises successful upward mobility in all areas of life. If the card falls in the layout for the current situation, this can only mean one thing - solving the problem using old methods will not bring the desired result. New acquaintances, new ideas, new actions - this is what you can use to achieve what you want.

Tarot card Page Denariev and its meanings in relationships

The direct card in a love scenario has the following interpretation - attraction, sensual mutual attraction. Also, Page Denariev means that the relationship will move to the next level, to the realization of what is desired, and problems will soon be resolved.

An inverted lasso indicates disrespect in love and in relationships, stinginess and boredom between partners, cooled feelings.

Page Denariev in the reading for work

This lasso means practical actions, creating specific objects, working on material things. Page Denariev is always realistic goals, tangible support, a new job or the beginning of training. Combination with other Tarot cards often indicates attention to little things that will make a big difference in business.

The inverted Page of Denariev has the meaning of financial investments in one's business, and also indicates a lack of knowledge and experience.

Interpretation of the Tarot card Page Denariev in a health reading

This lasso usually means good health, sometimes predicts pregnancy, in other cases it can indicate minor problems, myopia. An inverted card indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

Page of Denariev in combination with the Major Arcana

In layouts, the Page of Pentacles often appears in combination with other cards; such “pairs” can have different meanings:

  • 0 – “Fool” - all efforts will be in vain.
  • 1 – “Magician” - work - you can expect a salary increase.
  • 2 – “High Priestess” – speaks of receiving additional education.
  • 3 – “Empress” - efforts will soon bring results.
  • 4 – “Emperor” - it’s time for career growth.
  • 5 – “The Hierophant” - you will get acquainted with new religious directions, you need to keep your “ears sharp” - not all that glitters is gold.
  • 6 – “Lovers” - a new acquaintance will arouse mutual interest.
  • 7 – “Chariot” - a person will be disappointed in business, in relationships and life in general.
  • 8 – “Strength” - you should pay attention to your own health and strengthen your body with physical exercise.
  • 9 - “Hermit” - such a tandem promises losses.
  • 10 – “Wheel of Fortune” - in business you will have to sacrifice something, “put it on the line” and such a risk will pay off in the best way.
  • 11 – “Justice” - you will be able to see the truth.
  • 12 – “The Hanged Man” - everything that is done will not bring any results.
  • 13 – “Death” - attempts to improve your life will be in vain.
  • 14 – “Moderation” - you should be patient, all good things will happen soon.
  • 15 – “Devil” - profit will be obtained dishonestly.
  • 16 – “Tower” – in health – unexpected deterioration.
  • 17 – “Star” - there will be a real chance to find your calling.
  • 18 – “Moon” - promises waste and unjustified hopes.
  • 19 – “Sun” - you will be able to learn the truth or make some kind of discovery.
  • 20 – “Court” - there will be an opportunity to sort out your affairs and put things in order in your life.
  • 21 – “Peace” - you should expect a promotion or receiving some kind of title.

Tarot card Page Denariev and its interpretation in combination with some minor arcana

With the “Ace of Wands” - the beginning of a new business, work that will bring financial success;

With the “Two of Wands” - doubt about your financial situation;

With the Three of Wands - difficult but useful interaction;

With the “Four of Wands” - achieve success, gain maximum knowledge in your field;

With the “Five of Wands” - scatter yourself, act in several directions at once;

With the “Six of Wands” - follow the right path;

With the “Seven of Wands” - difficulties and obstacles on the way;

With the Eight of Wands - offer something;

With the “Nine of Wands” - doubts, in love - lack of trust;

With the Ten of Wands - lose hope;

With the “Page of Wands” - an unusual solution to a problem, creativity;

With the “Knight of Wands” - lose self-control;

With the “Queen of Wands” - healthy ambitions;

With the “King of Wands” - leadership.

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