All fortune telling is Lenormand. Online fortune telling with Lenormand cards

  • 29.03.2024

Welcome to the world of Lenormand fortune telling! If you are not yet familiar with Lenormand cards, with the help of the information posted on the site, you will very quickly learn to understand their language and interpret the meaning. If this oracle is already familiar to you, then here you will find not only traditional, but also new layouts, as well as ways to interpret cards, the versatility of which will allow you to clarify the situation in any area of ​​life. Despite the apparent simplicity of the images on the cards, they contain a deep meaning that you can comprehend as you become more familiar with fortune telling.

The world of the Lenormand Oracle is filled with magic, and in order to learn to understand it, you have to overcome a long and adventurous path. Like the heroes of fairy tales and legends, each of us has to face various life situations that can cause fear, a sense of danger, doubt or confusion. Sometimes on our way we meet people, animals, various objects and places that protect us, protect us, shelter us and give us guidance. As soon as you find yourself in the mysterious world of Lenormand fortune telling, you will learn to control your own destiny. If you look closely at the cards, you will see that the images on them interact with each other, acquiring many additional meanings and providing a deeper vision of a given situation.

Origin of Lenormand cards

Fortune telling using the Lenormand system became widespread in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century and still remains popular in many countries around the world.

The fortune telling cards used in this oracle were named after the famous French fortune teller Mademoiselle Marie-Anne Lenormand (1772-1843), whose life was full of adventures. During the French Revolution, thanks to her extraordinary abilities in predicting fate, she won fame and respect from Parisian high society, in which she was called the Parisian Sibyl. She was always surrounded by rich and famous people, including the Empress Josephine, whom she advised before, during and after her marriage to Napoleon. However, the emperor was very outraged by the careless prediction of his divorce from Josephine. This divorce, according to Marie Lenormand, should have occurred due to the fact that Josephine was too old to bear Napoleon an heir. Without thinking twice, the emperor hastened to arrest Lenormand and imprisoned her so that the prophecy would not come true.

Despite the fact that the cards bear her name, Mademoiselle Lenormand is not their author. She used various methods of fortune telling for her predictions, including palmistry and Tarot. At first, like other fortune tellers of that time, she, like other fortune tellers of that time, used a picket deck consisting of 32 cards, which did not contain low cards with numbers from 2 to 6. Picket is a card game that has been very common in France and Italy since the 16th century . The popularizer of fortune telling on the picket deck was the influential French esotericist Jean-Baptiste Aliette.

The traditional Lenormand deck used today was created by Johann Caspar Hechtel and first published in 1800 for a family card game called The Game of Hope. Its essence was that the players took turns laying out 36 cards in the shape of a square on the playing field; the values ​​of two dice were used to move. The cards had numbering, images, and also included elements of a playing piquet deck, which included sixes. Thanks to this interweaving of images and elements of the picket deck, fortune tellers had an illustrated deck that combined the meanings of playing cards and symbolic images. It was this deck that began to be used for the most common type of fortune telling at that time - the Small Oracle of Lenormand.

The Lesser Oracle consists of 36 cards, each of which depicts only one symbol that has a specific meaning; but when interpreting it, the property of the corresponding playing card is also taken into account.

Lenormand fortune telling is a unique and accurate oracle, the simplicity of which allows it to be widely used to find answers to any questions. This fortune telling is very popular as a parlor entertainment, and is also used in the practice of gypsies and wandering people.

Oracle structure

The Lesser Oracle of Lenormand first attracted my attention several years ago, intrigued by the possibility of receiving more accurate predictions compared to Tarot cards. Based on my experience with many Lenormand decks, I can say that the more details depicted on the card, the more difficult it is to interpret. Simple and understandable symbols on fortune-telling cards more accurately convey the deep meaning and meaning inherent in them, which cannot be said about complex and intricate images.

It is not often that soothsayers make a reading for themselves, but at the same time this is an excellent opportunity to hone their skill in interpreting cards.

Teaching the basic principles of interpretation:

Description of layouts using examples:

Many predictors who prefer to work with Lenormand cards never cease to be amazed at how easy they are to understand. However, some beginners are concerned that they are not able to immediately connect to their intuition or inspiration, as happens when working with Tarot cards. Don't retreat! Once you remember the basic meaning of each card, you can quickly assess the situation and make connections between pairs and triplets of cards. In no time at all, you'll be able to instantly see the big picture, identify key messages, and interpret them with confidence.

The process can be compared to learning a foreign language: at first you will inevitably stumble when trying to say “hello” or “thank you”, but as your vocabulary increases, you will eventually begin to confidently formulate entire sentences. The more you practice, the faster you will master the language of Lenormand fortune telling and feel their charm.

To predict the future, Maria used 36 cards with different symbols, each of which had its own meaning. You can use ordinary Lenormand for fortune telling, although it is not recommended. It will be better if you purchase a special deck or make one.

When fortune telling Lenormand, you can use two different methods. The first option concerns layouts in which subsequent positions do not have a close connection with the previous ones. An example would be the questions “How does the person feel”, “What attitude does he show”, “What are his goals”. In this case, you need to concentrate on the issue that interests you, shuffle the deck, remove it with your left hand, and then lay the top card on the table. The second option concerns Lenormand’s fortune telling about a situation or relationship with questions such as “What did he feel in the past”, “What were his emotions in the present”, “How will his attitude change in the future”. In this case, only the first card is laid out in the manner described above. After looking at its number, you need to take out a card that is under the same number in the deck. For example, if a Ship appears, this means that the third card from the top should be drawn.

To begin with, it is recommended to master several simple fortune telling options, including the “Card of the Day”. This will help you become more familiar with the deck and learn how to make accurate predictions. Subsequently, you can move on to more complex layouts.

How to understand the meaning of Lenormand cards

The most difficult and at the same time the most interesting part of fortune telling by Lenormand is the interpretation of the alignment. In this system, cards are very rarely interpreted on their own. In most cases, a corrector is drawn out for each of them, or the fortune teller lays out a whole series of cards and takes into account their combinations when interpreting.

When determining the meanings of cards, it is very important to rely on your associations. The same alignment can have different meanings depending on what emotions it evokes in the fortuneteller and what his intuition tells the soothsayer. Thus, a mountain can speak of obstacles or career growth, rise or fall, difficulties or overcoming challenges. A child can evoke associations with innocence, gullibility, purity, sincere emotions, immaturity, and stupid whims. That is why, when learning Lenormand fortune telling, it is important not so much to rely on the interpretations proposed by someone, but to create your own, taking into account your own observations and the characteristics of a particular situation. Try it and you will see that this is a very exciting activity, which will subsequently help you develop intuition and learn to predict the future!

Each card from Madame Lenormand's oracle contains 2 images, in the Big Lenormand deck there are 6 of them, this is a very complex deck that requires knowledge in several related areas, for example, astrology, numerology, geomancy, the language of flowers Selam, as well as knowledge of the mythology of Ancient Greece. In the Small Deck there are two images: the main picture, which is interpreted intuitively easily and is close in its meaning to the dream book, as well as a playing card - it is usually located on the side or top in the center - this part of the card is more difficult to interpret and for beginners it is recommended to guess, focusing on the main symbol. Later, with accumulated experience, you will be able to interpret the meanings of gypsy cards.

Traditionally, Lenormand cards are interpreted in an upright position, because Each card has several meanings at once, for example, the Child card can be a signifier of a child, indicate something new, excessive gullibility and naivety, inexperience, the birth of a child.

There are also bad-good-neutral cards in the deck, in addition, the cards are read in a special way, we will talk about this in more detail later: in pairs and triads, which also greatly expands the meaning of one card and does not require their inverted position. Depending on the Querent's question, each card can represent the person himself, some action, emotion, object or way of life. You can easily determine each specific meaning in a separate case when you study the basic meanings of the Lenormand cards. It is the key words that will help you understand the essence of the layout in relation to the question posed.

For example, the Garden card itself means public fame or collective initiative, and the Child means simplicity. The combination of the Garden and Child cards means: some social initiative will prevail due to its simplicity. This is not the same as Child and Garden, because if 2 cards fell together, then the second card describes the first, it characterizes the first card, its value becomes auxiliary to the main value. The location of the Lenormand cards in the layout greatly influences their interpretation. The Horseman and the Fox are false information or a cunning courier; and the Fox and the Horseman are a talkative deceiver, talking with his teeth, an agile criminal. The card that comes out first influences the next card, its meaning is secondary and more as an adjective or definition. The next additional map expands on this story, but also within the framework of the first map!

"Horseman and Fox" and "Fox and Horseman" - Not the same thing

  • Keywords - a list of words from which you can choose the most suitable ones for interpreting the meaning of the card in the layout.
  • Map description – description of the image on the map, taking into account the nuances.
  • Symbolism is the key symbolism of the card, it allows you to understand where the meaning and interpretation came from, because the images are archetypal and, in principle, easy to read.
  • Characteristics - at this point the connection of Lenormand cards with astrology, elements, organs in the body, dates and time frames, professions according to Lenormand cards, as well as an advice card, a warning card and a day card.
  • Character – the person under this card; people, occupation, main features.
  • The main value is a key block, because it reflects all the main aspects of interpreting the meanings of Lenormand cards. We compare cards whose main meanings are closely related, so that you can more accurately interpret their meanings and not get confused at first.
  • Negative value (Shadow of the card) – every card, even the best one in terms of its values, has a negative side, for example, from an overabundance of quality, this point is also worth taking into account. When a positive card is a description of a negative one.
  • Issues of personal relationships - the most popular topic for fortune telling is love and relationships. We tell you what the meaning of Lenormand cards is in fortune telling for love.
  • Issues of business and finance - the second most popular topic for fortune telling is work and money. We tell you how each card describes a given area of ​​life.
  • Medical issues - the main areas of health that each card describes are touched upon
  • Personality Map - questions are often asked about third parties, this description will help you characterize the person in general terms.
  • Interpretation of the card in the layout - we reveal the nuances of practical work.

Combinations with all cards from the Lenormand deck - gives clues to how you can independently compose interpretations by summing up the meanings of two cards. Combinations are presented here, but, naturally, not a complete list of all possible options, but only an example of how you can read the cards together. Essentially, it’s like adding syllables or assembling sentences from a given noun, verb, adjective, definition, pronoun. When reading the layouts, you will come across various combinations that form Lenormand pairs and triads; they must always be analyzed individually and in the context of the question asked.


In the lives of each of us, sometimes incomprehensible, unpleasant or just a little strange situations happen when we cannot understand what to do or what to pay attention to. If you find yourself in difficult circumstances, try making a Lenormand spread for the situation - the cards of the great fortune teller will help you navigate and find a way out.

For what questions is the situation layout suitable?

For absolutely anyone. You can consider issues of personal life on the Lenormand deck. For example, you cannot understand the behavior of your loved one and do not know how best to behave with him, or you find yourself in the notorious love triangle and want to come out of it as the winning side. You can consider career issues (conflict situations at work, relationships with colleagues or superiors, prospects for a project), financial (purchase and sale, real estate), social (relationships with relatives, friends, acquaintances). In Lenormand layouts for the situation, the meaning of the cards is classical, so even a beginner will not get confused when fortune telling. In addition, we will provide simple, accessible examples of interpretation.

Lenormand layout for a situation using three cards

The easiest way to consider the events that interest you is Lenormand fortune telling for the situation with 3 cards. You just need to mentally focus on the question that interests you and pull out three cards from the deck. The first will show what is bothering you, the second - what, on the contrary, is helping, and the third will describe how events on this issue will develop in the near future.

Let's look at an example. Suppose that a girl comes to us who cannot forgive her loved one for cheating, although he is trying with all his might to renew the relationship. We pulled out the Snake, Ship, Scythe cards.

Now let's see how we can interpret the Lenormand layout for a situation with 3 cards in this case.

  • Snake - a girl is prevented from making the right decision by the very fact of betrayal, deception, betrayal of a loved one. She finds it difficult to come to terms with his behavior.
  • The ship will help the client to orient herself and come to her senses, some kind of trip, rest, change of scenery
  • The prospects, however, are very disappointing: The scythe means rupture, destruction, so we see that the couple will still not be able to start a new life together

To summarize, we can say that the girl will never be able to come to terms with betrayal, so it is better for her to abstract herself from this situation, distract herself, change the situation in order to finally break up with this young man.

Lenormand "Situation" layout with five cards

The Lenormand layout for the situation, the diagram of which you see in the picture, is also not at all difficult to perform, but with its help you can consider the issue of interest in more depth. First, we take out a blank card from the deck (Man or Woman, depending on the gender of the querent), think about exciting matters and take out four more cards from the deck, which we will open sequentially.

Position meaning

  • S (center) - Significator
  1. (above the form) - Background of the question
  2. (to the left of the form) - Opportunities to influence the situation that the querent has at the moment. There may be behavior here, an indication of help from a person, or, conversely, a negative card warning of possible obstacles
  3. (to the right of the form) - A person’s desires and plans, what he intends to do in the near future. You can consider the map as advice, necessary actions
  4. (under the form) - Result, the final result of the question of interest, how everything will end in the end

Let's look at an example. A man approached us. An old friend suggested that he start a business together, but the querent is tormented by doubts, since they have not really communicated with this friend for several years, although they previously maintained very warm relations. The man is very interested in the proposal, but he is afraid of being framed or deceived.

Interpretation of dropped cards

  • S - Use the form to choose a Man
  1. Heart. The background map shows that these people actually had cordial, sincere, friendly relationships in the past
  2. Ring. The best opportunity for the querent is to agree to a friend’s proposal, because the Ring is a card for concluding agreements and partnerships
  3. Stars. A card favorable for beginnings, which speaks of good prospects and the implementation of ideas. The man should definitely start this joint project
  4. Ship. Map of new horizons, expansion, business trips. According to it, we can assume that the man will experience business expansion, profit, and development.

Our advice to the querent would be this: cast aside all doubts and start a business with a friend.

Lenormand layout “9 cards”

The Lenormand layout for the “9 cards” situation is more voluminous than the previous two fortune tellings. It comes in handy when a person has a serious problem that he cannot solve. To begin with, we select a significator (blank), which we place next to the future layout (not shown in the picture), and then, after thinking about the question, we select nine cards from the shuffled deck and place them as shown in the picture.

Position meaning

  1. Past events, background
  2. The essence of the problem is in the present tense
  3. Near-term prospects for the development of the situation
  4. Actions of the querent that will lead to the result he needs
  5. Connection between past and present events
  6. What or who influences the questioner
  7. Events that will happen to the querent in the near future
  8. A person’s internal reserve: the means and forces that he has to influence the outcome of a case
  9. The most likely outcome of the situation if conditions do not change

Let’s assume that we were asked to do a Lenormand fortune-telling for the “9 cards” situation by a woman who inherited a spacious apartment in another city from her grandmother. All the relatives (husband, children) insist on moving, but the woman herself wants to sell the property and spend the money on something important, for example, educating a child, buying a car or a summer house.

We take the Woman as the significator.

  1. House. From this card we can say that the woman is very attached to her home, everyday life, stability - she does not want to change her life so radically
  2. Bouquet. In financial matters, the card means an increase in income, so we can say that our madam wants to use the opportunity given to her as a way to improve her financial situation
  3. Fox. In the near future, she will have to face cunning, tricks, and intrigues. Judging by the situation, most likely, the relatives will try to get their way by deception
  4. Broom. In order to insist on her position, a woman will have to seriously quarrel with her family.
  5. Book. The card hints that the querent should more closely study all the nuances of the issue that interests her. Perhaps something in this apartment story remains a mystery for now?
  6. Clover. A woman is influenced by the desire to grab luck by the tail. Most likely, she perceives the fallen inheritance as a “lucky ticket” to a new life, which will help make old dreams come true - that is why she is so clinging to the sale
  7. Ring. In this case, the card may mean the signing of official papers - perhaps just about the sale
  8. Birds. A woman needs to reconsider her decision - it is likely that it will entail a number of problems. The card advises you to wait a little, think
  9. Tree. The card indicates a happy future and the fulfillment of desires, the opportunity to “take root.” In our case, we can interpret it as the implementation of the plan

In general, based on the results of the situation, we can advise the woman not to rush, once again weigh all the pros and cons, find out all the nuances about the received property, do not get carried away, but make a balanced and wise decision, determining for herself whether she is ready to go against the opinions of your own family.

As you can see, any Lenormand layout for the situation will perfectly describe the question of interest, just some will do it more briefly, and some will do it more deeply and more informatively.

Recently, fortune telling with cards by Maria Lenormand has become increasingly popular. For a person far from esotericism, these cards seem more understandable and easier to learn than the mysterious or. And all because the Lenormand Oracle is based on ordinary playing cards. Only an additional picture was added to each card.

For example, the Jack of Hearts in fortune telling with playing cards is a young man, love affairs, courtship. In Lenormand cards, the Knave of Hearts corresponds to the image of the Heart, which means love, heartfelt affection and experiences. However, the meanings of playing cards and Marie Lenormand cards do not always coincide. For example, Ten Tambourines means cash receipts, successful efforts about money. In the Lenormand Oracle, the Ten of Diamonds corresponds to the Key card, and it has a broader meaning than the 10 of Diamonds. The key is solving a problem (not just a monetary one), moving ahead in business, getting out of a crisis situation. The Seven of Spades, for example, in a playing deck means an unpleasant surprise, tears, deception, and in the fortune-telling cards of Maria Lenormand, the Seven of Spades is called a Letter. This card means news, telephone conversation, message. If the Letter card falls next to the Clouds or Mountain card, the news is unpleasant. If it’s near a Bouquet or a Garden, it’s a pleasant surprise! And next to the Pisces card are cash receipts.

The Lenormand Oracle is named after the famous French fortune teller Marie Lenormand, who lived during the time of Napoleon. It was she who predicted the crown and power to the then-unknown 24-year-old Lieutenant Bonaparte. A dizzying rise and an equally rapid fall. Marie Lenormand was Empress Josephine's personal fortune teller and fell out of favor with the imperial couple after seeing the collapse of the Empire and the exile of Napoleon.

The famous fortune teller used ordinary playing cards to tell fortunes. The only thing unusual was their meaning. After the death of the seer, the secret of her skill was lost. There is almost no written evidence left that would shed light on how Madame Lenormand interpreted the cards. And we would not know anything about them to this day if Erna Drusbeke, a famous tarot reader and fortuneteller, had not started studying Lenormand fortune telling cards. She revived this fortune-telling and, for a better understanding of the fortune-telling meaning of the cards, added drawings to the playing deck.

For those who know how to tell fortunes with playing cards, mastering fortune telling with the cards of Maria Lenormand will not be difficult.

The first method of fortune telling, the easiest, is fortune telling using three cards. All that is required of the fortuneteller is to listen to his intuition. Make a question and take out three cards. For example, a girl tells fortunes about love and asks if her boyfriend, with whom she recently quarreled, will call her. We take out three cards: Man, Moon and Broom. You can immediately tell from the first call that he will call. The girl will hear from him, but the Broom card indicates quarrels, squabbles and other troubles. And next to the Moon card, this is a very emotional showdown. The girl will be very worried. How will this end? In order to find out, we use the numerological meaning of Marie Lenormand cards. The Man card corresponds to the serial number 28, the Moon and the Broom are 32 and 11, respectively. By adding the serial numbers we get the number of the final card of the layout. The result is the Anchor card. The anchor speaks of stability and reliability nearby, but can also indicate stagnation, delays, slowdowns if it is surrounded by not very favorable cards, as in this example. This conflict situation will not be resolved quickly and easily with the Anchor. And in order to find out the true background of events, you need to make a Big layout on a full deck.

A large layout on the fortune-telling cards of Maria Lenormand allows for a wider use of the numerological capabilities of this deck and provides the most complete information about the problem. A large layout shows not only the past and future developments of events, but also the reasons for the situation, hidden forces at play, problem areas and ways to overcome these problems. This method of fortune telling is much more complex than the first one and beginners will not be able to do it. But if you are seriously interested in fortune telling by Maria Lenormand cards, you can always turn to specialists for help.