The writer and religious philosopher Viktor Trostnikov has died. Viktor Trostnikov - modern Orthodox theologian and philosopher

  • 20.09.2019

Religious philosophy in Russia, which originated in ancient times and developed especially rapidly in the 19th century, clearly manifested its features back in the Slavophilism movement. It has always been something original and original, differing from the European one in its impressive sentimentality, metaphysics, artistic pathos and intuition. This philosophy was formed on the basis of questions asked by life itself and dictated by the interests of the Russian people with their national Orthodox core. One of the brightest contemporary figures noted in this field was the recently deceased Viktor Trostnikov, a prominent scientist who began as a physicist and mathematician, but especially became famous as a renowned thinker and theologian.

Biographical information

This man has proven himself in many areas of activity. With adolescence I am used to working selflessly. It started back in the war, when he worked as a teenager at a sugar factory and then at an aircraft factory, helping his people win victory. In mature post-war years he led a mathematical club for pioneers and schoolchildren, in addition to scientific and literary activity actively worked on television and radio, giving lectures.

The biography of Viktor Nikolaevich Trostnikov is in many ways common, but at the same time not entirely typical for his era. This man was born on September 14, 1928. This happened in Moscow. Here he entered Moscow State University and graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Technology in 1953. Then he began teaching and working at MIIT and other universities with the rank of associate professor. About his successful scientific activity during this period, evidenced by numerous publications of his works on physics, mathematics and logic.

Changing priorities

Over the years, Viktor Trostnikov became more and more interested in philosophy. It was in this area that he wrote and defended his dissertation in 1970. He was also increasingly interested in religion. Over the next few years, he taught at the Russian Orthodox University with the rank of professor. general history and philosophy of law. During the same period, he created works that did not at all correspond to the style and spirit Soviet era, for which he fell into the category of dissidents. His first book, entitled “Thoughts before Dawn,” where the former mathematician touched upon pressing issues of Orthodox philosophy, was published in 1980, but not in his homeland, but in Paris.

"Thoughts Before Dawn"

This book is devoted to an interesting and fashionable problem for that period. It tells about the difficult relationship between science and religion, reflects the author’s spiritual doubts about the legitimacy of the opinion of the obedient majority, as well as the universal human need to search for the meaning and essence of existence. Revealing his views to the reader, Trostnikov stated that any experiments and discoveries of scientists should personify the wise and expedient structure of the world, and, therefore, testify to the God who created it. For example, in physics (as he believed) this has been the case since the time of the great Newton, who founded this discipline as a means of knowing the Creator. The same applies to mathematics, philosophy and other sciences. This is exactly what Trostnikov thought. Viktor Nikolaevich bitterly denounced the lack of spirituality and ideological immorality that gave rise to atheism and was cultivated during the years of Soviet power.

Such views and “dubious” activities could not go unnoticed in the era of Stagnation and without consequences. Viktor Trostnikov’s career as a Soviet scientist came to an end during this period. The reason for this was his views, as well as participation in the almanac called “Metropol”. This is a collection of texts by banned authors and writers, notorious in those days. It was published in Moscow in 1979 with a circulation of only 12 copies, but despite this, it attracted the interest of the audience and close attention authorities. The affairs of Viktor Trostnikov turned out to be so disappointing that he, having fallen out of favor, had to work as a laborer, mason, watchman and foreman until the end of the Soviet period.

Works of the philosopher

Trostnikov's works in the field of politics, history and theology were published by many well-known publications. Among them are the weekly “Arguments and Facts”, “Literary Newspaper”, the magazines “Young Guard”, “Russian House”, “Orthodox Conversation”, “Moscow” and other periodicals.

We can list the best and most interesting books Viktor Trostnikov. These include “History as the Providence of God.” Its name speaks for itself. It talks about the role of Divine guidance, directing people to goodness and moral perfection, in historical events. "Treatise on Love. Spiritual Sacraments" explores the meaning in a person’s life of one important word"Love". The author considered this concept to be the highest manifestation of the Divine essence.

Among others amazing books: “Who are we?”, “Basics Orthodox culture", "Having life, they returned to death" and many others. In “Orthodox Civilization,” Viktor Trostnikov spoke with the reader about eternal values, analyzed the meaning of such concepts as justice, property, power.

What kind of person was he?

He was a true philosophizing sage and a warm-hearted, sympathetic Christian. He strived with all his heart to convey to his fellow citizens the history of his own country and their Orthodox roots. Even in difficult times, he did not give up his ideas and beliefs, actively promoting them. Orthodox philosopher died, having reached wise maturity, in the 90th year of his life. This happened on September 29, 2017. Two days later, his funeral service and subsequent funeral took place at the Holy Trinity Church in Moscow.

People who knew Viktor Trostnikov closely spoke about him in the most nice words. They sincerely believed that this man gave all of himself to people, combining in his person a talented scientist and a convinced Christian. It was noted that he tried not to leave a single question addressed to him from interested people without a thoughtful answer. And life was in full swing within him, embodied in his productive scientific and Christian activities and talented works.

Viktor Nikolaevich Trostnikov (September 14, 1928, Moscow - September 29, 2017) is a modern Orthodox Russian philosopher and theologian. A mathematician by training. Most important work: « Constructive processes in mathematics”, “Thoughts before dawn”, “Orthodox civilization”, “Fundamentals of Orthodox culture”, “God in Russian history”, “Who are we?”, “Faith and reason. European philosophy and its contribution to the knowledge of truth”, “Look and you will see”, “Having life, we returned to death.”

During the Great Patriotic War was evacuated to Uzbekistan, where from the age of 14 almost until the end of the war he worked at a sugar factory. Upon returning to Moscow, he was mobilized to the labor front and worked as a mechanic at the 45th aircraft engine plant. Studied at Faculty of Physics and Technology Moscow State University. Then, holding the rank of associate professor in the department of higher mathematics, he taught at MEPhI, MISS, MHTI, MIIT and a number of other universities. He led a mathematics club at the Moscow City Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren. He defended his PhD thesis in philosophy in 1970.

At the beginning of his literary activity, he prepared a number of articles and books on the history of mathematics and mathematical logic. Gradually his interests shifted to religious philosophy. For many years he was a professor at the Russian Orthodox University, teaching philosophy, philosophy of law and world history. One of his first books on Orthodox philosophy (Thoughts Before Dawn) was published in Paris in 1980. This fact, as well as his participation in Vasily Aksenov’s almanac “Metropol,” was regarded as dissidence, and Viktor Trostnikov was fired from his job. From that moment on, his career as a mathematician ended. Until the collapse Soviet Union Trostnikov worked as a watchman, mason, laborer, and foreman.

His works on Orthodox theology, philosophy, history and politics were published in the journals " New world", "Moscow", "Young Guard", "Orthodox Conversation", "Literary Study", "Russian House", "Energopolis", the weekly "Arguments and Facts", the newspapers "Zavtra", "Pravda", "Literary Gazette" , as well as in other print media. Total number There are several hundred such publications.

Despite his venerable age, Viktor Trostnikov wrote and published books about Orthodox philosophy and problems of modern theology. In 2012-2014, the publishing house “Dimitri and Evdokia” published the books “Look and you will see”, “Having life, returned to death” and “Conversations about our lives”, which, according to the author, constitute a trilogy. In 2014, the same publishing house published a book of poems by Viktor Trostnikov, “We are the Third Rome.” In 2015, the book “Thoughts before Sunset” was published, which received the “Golden Delvig” award from the Literary Newspaper. It was assumed that this book would be the last, but in the summer of 2016, Viktor Nikolaevich wrote another one - “After What was Written,” which was published in January 2017.

In addition to his literary activities, Viktor Trostnikov gave lectures on radio and television.

Books (11)

To be Russian is our destiny

Behind last decade We restored both private property and freedom of speech, eliminated the Iron Curtain...

But the West still treats us biasedly and unfriendly.

There is no need to become bitter. Russians are the most patient people in the world, and we must endure the unfair attitude of the West towards us. After all, the hour will come when the West itself will understand the need to borrow from us what it lost and we preserved - Christ.

Faith and Reason

European philosophy and its contribution to the knowledge of truth.

The author of the book, a famous religious philosopher, strives to show how simple, deep and clear the thing “real philosophy” is - not its theoretical justification ordered by an assertive and self-confident Protestant civilization, but an honest search for the Truth - and how such a philosophy is needed by those Russian people who, in their own way, nature needs to strengthen faith with the arguments of reason.

In the form of fascinating conversations, not only the heights and abysses of European philosophy are shown, but also the significant achievements of the Russian philosophical school, rooted in the Orthodox worldview. The origins of modern Western anthropocentrism and the break with Divine Truth are traced.

The heat of cold numbers and the pathos of dispassionate logic

The purpose of the book by Doctor of Philosophy B.V. Biryukov and candidate of philosophical sciences V.N. Trostnikova - create big picture preparation and development of logical and mathematical aspects of cybernetics.

The authors talk about the long development of the science of logic, which arose back in Ancient Greece, trace an unbroken thread of continuity stretching from Aristotle to the “miracle of the 20th century” - high-speed cybernetic devices.

Einstein's riddle

The brochure "Einstein's Mystery" talks about modern philosophical views on mathematics, about the axiomatic method that permeates all mathematics today, about those channels through which objective reality invades mathematical structures.

Constructive processes in mathematics

The book “Constructive Processes in Mathematics” is devoted to the analysis of those areas of mathematics that consider the concept of an infinite set to be fuzzy and, therefore, refuse to use it in theory building.

The main attention is paid to the philosophical and scientific views of the Soviet school of constructive mathematics. The concepts of related movements are also considered.

The book analyzes the views of traditional schools, in particular, the scientific concept of a team of French mathematicians speaking under the pseudonym N. Bourbaki.

Mathematicians about mathematics

Goffrey Harold Hardy: Confessions of a Mathematician
Tobias Danzing: Symbols
Henri Poincaré: Mathematical Discoveries

The three articles that make up the contents of this collection of translations are united by one common goal- reveal to a wide range of readers some fundamental aspects of mathematics.

His material does not relate to new stages in the development of mathematics; it clearly illuminates the main aspects of the very essence of mathematics as a science, its role in the formation of human thinking, and shows the nature of mathematical creativity.

Thoughts before dawn

The book is addressed to people who feel the need to understand the essence of Existence and the meaning of their own lives.

God can be found in different ways. There are people who are born with such a strong sense of God in their souls that they do not need rational argumentation. The author does not belong to such chosen ones. He came to God the hard way thoughts...

Do we understand the Gospel?

Viktor Nikolaevich Trostnikov - writer, scientist, philosopher. Professor of the Russian Orthodox University. St. John the Theologian. Author of more than a hundred works on various areas of physics and mathematics, as well as books on scientific apologetics

Russia earthly and heavenly

Longest decade.

This is not an ordinary book about Russia, compiled from the works of different years, the famous Russian scientist and thinker Viktor Nikolaevich Trostnikov.

The author, having enormous experience accumulated over many years of life in a wide variety of conditions, remains surprisingly young. Indeed, Russia has, in a sense, experienced its “longest decade.”

This makes V.N.’s book largely prophetic. Trostnikov's "Earthly and Heavenly Russia" is an invaluable gift for several generations of relatively young people who do not have personal experience significant past - both in science and in spiritual insight, which comes to a person, alas, not always in youth, but over the years. Issues of spiritual and religious maturity also became an important element of the book.

The book “Man and Information” introduces the main problems of information theory and clearly shows its applications to specific tasks. The book is written popularly. And although it contains the main mathematical formulas theory, presentation is accessible to persons who have not studied higher mathematics.

Victor Ivanovich Ovcharenko
Date of Birth February 5th(1943-02-05 )
Place of Birth Melekess, Ulyanovsk region
Date of death 5 May(2009-05-05 ) (66 years old)
A place of death Moscow
A country USSR USSR→Russia Russia
Academic degree doctor of philosophical science
Alma mater
  • Faculty of History of BSU
Viktor Ivanovich Ovcharenko at Wikimedia Commons


The main results of V. I. Ovcharenko’s research are related to the study of sociological psychologism, personality problems and interpersonal relationships, contents and models of the psyche; history, theory and methodology of psychoanalysis and post-Freudianism; human dimension of history, alienation, humanism; history of philosophy, sociology and psychology; metaphilosophy, methods of teaching philosophy, etc. Showed that one of the first socially significant results of systematic philosophical activity in Ancient world was the creation of Western and Eastern versions of conceptual humanism. Conducted a philosophical study of paradigms, ideas, theories, methodology, methods, models and trends of classical and modern social thought.

Key Ideas and Concepts

Ethics of rational correctness

The ethics of rational correctness is a universal system of moral imperatives of expedient and reasonable human existence, commensurate with all that exists as a single universality. The idea, concept and concept were put into circulation by Viktor Ovcharenko.

As a theoretical and practical model for understanding and solving problems of survival, a worthy life for people and harmonious development, the ethics of rational correctness takes as its basis and fundamental norm of human life the principle of a correct attitude towards all things.

The main dimensions of this multidimensional ethics as forms and norms of consciousness, self-awareness and regulatory rules (principles, requirements and norms) of purposeful activity fix, condition and direct: a person’s attitude towards a person and himself, his attitude towards various groups, society and the state, attitude to the artificial environment and culture (that is, the results and products of the material and spiritual activities of people) and attitude to living and inanimate nature (mainly to a specific environmental sphere); the relationship of groups, society and the state to man and nature (cosmic, planetary and regional scale), the relationship of groups, the relationship of society to the state and the state to society and the system of relationships and interactions of states, societies and peoples.

The principle of a correct attitude towards everything that exists as a maxim presupposes the need for a universal conscious and purposeful systemic cultivation of the best human properties and qualities, a respectful and friendly attitude towards the existing and socially significant translation of samples of the corresponding moral behavior of people.

The role of the impulse and basis of the ethics of rational correctness is the positive and negative historical experience of mankind, intellectual potential and reasonableness, moral values and humanistic orientations of people, achievements of science, technology, engineering and the content of the substantive focus of philosophy on the universe, man and society.

Latent and contact World history

Latent and contact World history (from Lat. Latentis - “hidden” and Lat. Contactus - “contact”) - the main periods of the World historical process, distinguished on the basis of knowledge and awareness of humanity as a single planetary social universality.

The Age of Great Geographical and Ethnographic Discoveries was a phase transition from latent to contact World History.

Contact world history chronologically covers the period from the middle of the 17th century. to the present time and is characterized by an explicit, open form of the World Historical Process.

Distinctive features of the contact world history are a constant and rapid increase in the level of knowledge and self-awareness of people in the unity and diversity of their kind, a constant increase in the number of diverse contacts between individuals, groups and states (based on the rapid progress of communications and transport, liberalization and democratization of people’s lives), migration, active cross-breeding , the creation of a number of world organizations and international law.

Dispersive rational environment

Dispersive rational environment (from lat. Dispersus - “scattered, scattered” and lat. Ratio - “mind”) - a set of dispersed information fields of mass everyday consciousness, including various reduced and primitivized results of rational (philosophical and scientific) knowledge and some ideas about their social, cultural, technological and technical consequences, which exist in fragmented forms of everyday and self-evident reality.

Dispersive psychoanalytic environment

Dispersive psychoanalytic environment (from the Latin Dispersus - “scattered, scattered”) - a specific dispersed information field of mass ordinary consciousness, ensuring the perception and assimilation of psychoanalytic ideas and elements of psychoanalytic teachings as a kind of everyday and self-evident reality.

The dispersive psychoanalytic environment is one of the fragments of the modern dispersive rational environment and plays a significant role in the assimilation and development of a complex of psychoanalytic and psychoanalytically oriented ideas and concepts.

Conceptual-problem complexes

Conceptual-problem complexes are a set of various traditional and innovative concepts and categories connected by a common purpose, focused on fixation, comprehensive research, comprehension and knowledge of a specific problem, a specific object (thing), process or phenomenon.

Sociological psychologism

Sociological psychologism is a pluralistic branch of sociology that takes as its basic premise research and explanation social phenomena and processes of action and interaction of social, group and individual mental factors.

In the process of creating sociology and forming general ideas about its subject, method, goals, objectives, possibilities, status, etc. under the influence of the already existing three main versions and models of the organization of sociological knowledge: physicalist (O. Comte), biologicalist (G. Spencer) and philosophical (K. Marx , F. Engels), as well as social philosophy, psychology and anthropology, a renovationist alternative gradually emerged, focused on the study of various kinds of mental factors influencing social action and interactions between individuals, groups, societies and states.

The evolution of sociological psychologism is characterized by the presence of different qualitative states, which represent three main stages of its development: 1) Creation and formation, 2) Approval, constitution and institutionalization, 3) Formation of sociological neopsychologism.

At the stage of creation and formation, which occurred mainly at the regional level (


Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) - famous Austrian psychotherapist, psychologist and philosopher. During World War II, he had a terrible opportunity to test his own concept.

Having passed through the Nazi death camps, he saw that greatest chance survive in inhumane conditions were not strong in body, but strong-willed. Those who knew what they lived for.

Frankl himself had something to live for: he took with him to the concentration camp a manuscript that was to become a great book.

Quotes from the work

In the end, to God, if he exists, it is more important whether you are a good person than whether you believe in him or not

If you are asked about something, you should answer as truthfully as possible, but about what is not asked, it is better to remain silent.

We have already said that every attempt to spiritually restore, “straighten” a person again and again convinced that this can only be done by orienting him to some goal in the future. The motto of all psychotherapeutic and psychohygienic efforts can be a thought, perhaps most clearly expressed in the words of Nietzsche: “He who has a Why can withstand almost any How.”

So what is a person? This is the being that always decides who he is. This is the creature who invented the gas chambers. But this is also the creature who walked into these cells, standing up proudly, with a prayer on his lips.

Even for some minutes, even in some special situations, but humor is also a weapon of the soul in the struggle for self-preservation. After all, it is known that humor, like nothing else, is capable of creating for a person a certain distance between himself and his situation, putting him above the situation, even if, as already mentioned, not for long.

And then something unexpected appeared: black humor. We realized that we had nothing to lose except this funny naked body. While still in the shower, we began exchanging humorous remarks to cheer each other up and, above all, ourselves. There was some reason for this - after all, there really is water coming out of the taps!

Happiness is when the worst has passed by.

A man incapable of the last flight of feeling self-esteem to oppose oneself to reality, generally loses the feeling of oneself as a subject in a concentration camp, not to mention the feeling of oneself as a spiritual being with a sense of inner freedom and personal value. He begins to perceive himself rather as a part of some large mass, his existence descends to the level of herd existence.

One of my friends, when asked how he managed to get rid of hunger swelling, answered: “I cried them out”...

No one has the right to commit lawlessness, even those who suffered from lawlessness, and suffered very cruelly.

At that moment it occurred to me with extraordinary acuteness that no dream, no matter how nightmare it may be, could be worse than the reality that surrounded us in the camp...

The will to humor, the attempt to see at least something that happens in a funny light can be considered as a kind of art of living.

One noble Persian was once walking through the garden, accompanied by a servant. And so the servant, assuring him that he had now seen Death, which threatened him, began to beg to give him the fastest horse so that he could rush away from here like a whirlwind and be in Tehran in the evening. The owner gave him such a horse, and the servant rode off. Returning home, the owner himself saw Death and asked: “Why did you frighten my servant so much and threaten him?” “Not at all,” answered Death, “I didn’t scare him, I myself was surprised that he was still here - after all, I am supposed to meet him this evening in Tehran.”

From all this we can conclude that there are two “races” of people in the world, only two! - decent people and dishonest people. Both of these "races" are widespread everywhere, and no human group consists exclusively of the decent or exclusively of the dishonest; in this sense, no group has “racial purity!”

Only love is that final and highest thing that justifies our existence here, that can elevate and strengthen us!

The spirit is stubborn, despite the suffering that the body may experience, despite the discord that the soul may experience.

Each time requires its own psychotherapy.

Even for some minutes, even in some special situations, but humor is also a weapon of the soul in the struggle for self-preservation.