Quick cupcake with cocoa. Simple chocolate cupcake

  • 26.01.2024

There are many recipes for chocolate muffins in any housewife’s home cookbook. And if earlier this amazing delicacy was prepared exclusively in the oven, now, when every kitchen has a lot of the most modern equipment, the baking process has been simplified. You can please your loved ones by making chocolate cupcakes in the microwave - in just a couple of minutes. There are also recipes for chocolate muffins for a slow cooker - fragrant, rich in taste and, most importantly, healthy.

Making chocolate cupcakes at home

How often on a gray rainy evening, returning home after a hard day at work, you dream of pampering yourself with at least something tasty, something that no one has ever tried. The soul asks for something sweet, but the nose capriciously turns away from yesterday’s mashed potatoes and soy dumplings...

Baking has always taken pride of place on the table. It is no coincidence that many Russian proverbs and sayings are dedicated specifically to pies, and not to any other dishes. Pies have long been considered a festive dish and a symbol of hospitality, which is why it is said that “a hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies.”

Our mothers and grandmothers always baked cakes, cookies and pies for the holidays, and each family kept its own time-tested recipes. And although the choice of products was not as large as it is now, the baked goods always turned out surprisingly tasty. Today, a variety of confectionery products can be easily bought in any store, but sometimes you really want to remember the taste of a freshly baked bun, familiar from childhood, or surprise your guests with an incredibly beautiful cake made by yourself. A special place in every housewife's cookbook is occupied by recipes for chocolate cupcakes - with chocolate and other fillings.

It is generally accepted that preparing homemade confectionery takes a lot of time, and that is why many housewives bake extremely rarely. Meanwhile, buns, pies, bagels, muffins, rolls can be baked in less than an hour, and from quite affordable products. Recipes for just such baking are collected in this book. Using them, you can serve a new confectionery product to the table every day, without ceasing to delight your loved ones with your culinary skills.

Recipes for chocolate cupcakes with photos and step-by-step descriptions are available for your attention on this page.

Banana Chocolate and Nut Cake Recipe

Banana muffins with chocolate walnuts

Ingredients. 350 g flour and 0/5 tsp. yeast, 100 g sugar, 115 g butter, 2 eggs, 300 ml milk, 2 bananas, 80 g white chocolate, 40 g chopped walnuts, 0/25 tbsp. l. salt.

Preparation. Sift flour through a sieve. Mix with sugar and salt. Next, to make this banana, chocolate and nut cupcake recipe, you need to melt the butter. Beat the eggs and add to the butter, continuing to beat. Pour in milk, beat for another 3 minutes. Wash the bananas, peel them, mash with a fork. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Add nuts, banana and chocolate to the dough and mix until smooth.

Grease a cake pan with butter and sprinkle with a thin layer of flour. Pour the dough into it and place in an oven preheated to 200°. This recipe only takes 20 minutes to bake a cake with nuts, bananas and chocolate.

How to make banana and chocolate cupcake: homemade recipe

Chocolate banana cupcake

Ingredients for chocolate banana cake: 2 ripe bananas; 2 eggs; half a glass of sugar (if you want it sweeter, you can take more); 50 g butter and 100 ml (half a glass) sunflower oil; you can take only 150 g of sunflower, or 100 g of butter and 50 ml of vegetable oil - in general, the oil can be replaced and varied; 1.5 - 1 and 2/3 cups flour; 2-3 tablespoons cocoa powder (the more cocoa, the chocolateier the cake); 1.5 teaspoons baking powder; 0.5 teaspoon of soda.

If desired, a chocolate bar, crumble some into the dough, and use the rest for icing.

Preparation. Before making the chocolate and banana cake, beat the softened butter, eggs and sugar with a mixer. Mash one banana (possibly overripe), and cut the second (more dense) into pieces. Add banana puree to the dough and mix. Then sift the flour with baking powder and soda, mix. Add cocoa and mix again. Add vegetable oil and mix again. The batter should be thicker in consistency than pancakes, like heavy heavy cream. If the dough is too thick, take more butter; if, on the contrary, it is runny, add flour. Place banana pieces and chocolate chips into the chocolate dough and mix. Place the dough in a pan greased with vegetable oil and place in a preheated oven. Bake banana chocolate cake according to this recipe at 180-200C until dry on a wooden stick, about 30-35 minutes. Let the cake cool slightly in the pan, then carefully, so as not to crumble, shake it out onto a plate and cut into pieces.

Cupcakes with chocolate: chocolate baking recipes with photos step by step

In order to clearly understand how chocolate cupcakes are prepared using these recipes, look at the step-by-step photos and carefully read the description:

Light chocolate cake

Ingredients. 125 g butter, 3/4 cup powdered sugar, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. spoon of vanilla essence, 11/2 cups sifted flour with baking powder, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sifted cocoa, 1/2 cup milk, 1/4 teaspoon baking soda, 1/4 cup hot water, 1/2 cup whipped cream, icing sugar, strawberries.

Preparation. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease two shallow cake pans with vegetable oil or butter and line the bottom and sides with oiled paper. Beat butter and sugar in a small bowl until creamy. Pour in the egg and beat well. Add essence, beat until completely mixed. Transfer mixture to a large bowl. Using a metal spoon, mix with sifted ingredients, alternating with milk. Stir until a homogeneous dough is obtained. Dissolve baking soda in hot water. Add to the dough. Divide the dough into the prepared pans; level the surface. Bake for 35 minutes. Test doneness with a sharp knife by inserting it into the middle of the cake. Leave the cupcakes in the pans for 5 minutes, then turn out onto a cooling rack. Combine the cakes with whipped cream. Sprinkle with icing sugar and garnish with strawberries.

As you can see in the photo of a cupcake with chocolate according to this recipe, such baked goods look very appetizing:

Chocolate cupcake with dark chocolate frosting

Ingredients. 2 cups sugar, 2.5 cups flour, 1/2 cup cocoa powder, ½ teaspoon baking soda, 4 eggs, 1 cup buttermilk, 1 teaspoon vanilla essence, pinch salt, 300 g butter, melted, 300 g dark chocolate, white chocolate for decoration.

Glaze. 200 g dark chocolate, 1/3 cup cream.

Preparation. Preheat the oven to 150°C. Grease a deep round circle with vegetable or butter; Line the bottom and sides with parchment paper. Place sugar in a large bowl. Add sifted flour, cocoa and soda. Make a well in the center Using a metal spoon, stir in the mixture of eggs, buttermilk, essence and salt. Mix well. Add butter and chocolate, mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into the mold and level the surface. Bake for 2-21/4 hours or until done. Leave the cake in the pan until cool, then turn out onto a wire rack (the surface of the cake will crack). Using a serrated knife, cut the top off the cake horizontally. Invert the cake and place on a wire rack over a tray lined with paper. Cover the cake completely with frosting, smoothing the top and sides with a round-tip knife. Let the glaze harden. Carefully transfer the cake to a plate. Garnish with whipped cream and white chocolate shavings. Serve by cutting into pieces.

Preparing the glaze. Place chocolate and cream in a small saucepan. Stir over low heat until the chocolate is melted and smooth. Remove from heat. Cool slightly.

Two-color cupcake

Ingredients. 150 g butter, 250 g sour cream, 3 eggs, 11/2 cups sour milk, 1 tbsp. spoon of cocoa, 1/2 packet of vanillin powder, 1 teaspoon of soda, 31/2 cups of flour, 2 cups of sugar, 1 lemon.

Preparation. Grind the butter with sugar, gradually adding eggs, until the consistency of sour cream, rub sour cream into this mixture and add soda diluted with juice squeezed from 1/2 lemon, add flour, quickly knead the dough with a spoon and divide it in half. Stir one half with vanilla and cocoa, the other with the zest grated from 1 lemon. Prepare a mold for a chocolate cake (line it with an oiled sheet of parchment, sprinkle with flour) and spoon out the dough alternately with a tablespoon: a spoonful of dark dough, a spoonful of light dough next to it - in one row. Place the remaining dough on top, placing the dark dough on top of the light dough, and vice versa. After putting all the dough into the mold, put it in the oven. Bake the cake for about 1 hour on low heat.

Easter cake with prunes and dark chocolate

Ingredients. 1 cup pancake flour, 1 cup prunes (pitted), 1 orange, 50 g butter, 1 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp ground cinnamon, 4 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, 2 eggs, 50 g of dark chocolate.

Recipe for chocolate cake with prunes:

1. Rinse the prunes and chop coarsely. Use a grater to remove the zest from the orange. Squeeze the juice from the orange into a bowl, add half the zest and prunes, stir. Place flour, baking powder and cinnamon in a small bowl and stir to combine. Heat the butter to a temperature of 20 °C.

2. Grind the butter with granulated sugar (2 tablespoons) into a light airy mass. Rub in beaten eggs and orange-prune mixture. Then add flour and baking powder and mix everything thoroughly.

3. Line a deep rectangular pan (0.5 liter capacity) with greased parchment paper. Place the dough in the mold, sprinkle with the remaining granulated sugar and grated zest. Bake in the oven at 180°C for 50 minutes. until golden brown.

4. Remove the cake from the oven. Let cool in pan, then invert onto a wire rack, remove paper, and cool completely. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and pour into the cornet. Quickly apply a chocolate outline in the form of different Easter symbols.

Chocolate cupcake “Night”

Ingredients. 150 g butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp. vanilla, 4 eggs, 1.25 cups flour, 3/4 tsp. soda, 1/2 cup chocolate syrup.

Preparation. Before preparing the chocolate cake, melt the butter and add sugar, tsp. vanilla, eggs and mix well. The next step is to mix flour and soda. Now add all this to a mixture of butter, sugar and eggs alternately with chocolate syrup (you can make chocolate syrup by melting a chocolate bar and adding a little water). Fill the muffin tins with the resulting mixture and bake for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Recipes for homemade nut and chocolate muffins

Chocolate cake “Hearty”

Required for 4 servings: 200 g sugar, 150 peeled nuts, 50 g raisins, 150 g flour, 50 g starch, 100 chocolate, 10 g prunes, 3 tbsp. l. wheat flour, 4 eggs, lemon zest, 50 g of powdered sugar, butter for greasing the mold. Preparation time: 30 min. Cooking time: 50 min.

Cooking method. Beat the egg yolks and sugar until fluffy. Carefully add chopped nuts, grated chocolate, raisins, lemon zest, and finely chopped prunes to it.

Beat the whites into a strong foam and carefully add starch mixed with flour to them. Stir carefully.

After this, place the resulting dough in a pre-prepared form, after greasing it with oil and sprinkling it with flour.

Bake for 50 minutes at about 150°C. Cool the finished cake and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

These photos show a recipe for chocolate cake with chocolate, nuts and raisins:

Chocolate Peanut Cupcake

Ingredients. For the dough: 6 eggs, 6 tablespoons sugar, 100 g crushed peanuts, 1 tablespoon semolina, 1/2 tablespoon coffee or 1 teaspoon cocoa, juice and zest of 1 lemon.

For cream: 150 g butter, 3 tablespoons sugar, 2 egg yolks, 100 g chocolate, 1/2 tablespoon instant coffee, 1 teaspoon rum or cognac.

For decoration: 100 g coconut flakes.

Cooking method: Remove the stirrer from the mold and place a sheet of baking paper on the bottom. Separate the yolks from the whites, grind with sugar and gradually add peanuts, semolina, coffee or cocoa, lemon zest and juice, then pre-whipped whites. Pour the dough into the mold, set the “baking only” mode, set the timer for 40–45 minutes.

To prepare the cream beat the softened butter, add sugar, yolks, chocolate melted in a water bath, coffee, rum or cognac.

Cut the cake lengthwise into several pieces, layer them with cream. Cover the cake with the remaining cream and sprinkle with coconut flakes.

Chocolate cupcake “Festive”

Ingredients. For the dough: 650 g flour, 200 g butter, 2 eggs, 200 g sugar, 150 g mayonnaise.

For cream: 100 g sugar, 2 eggs, 150 g butter, 1 tablespoon cocoa.

For decoration: 50 g chocolate, 5 walnuts.

Cooking method: Remove the stirrer from the mold and place a sheet of baking paper on the bottom. Beat the eggs with a mixer, grind with sugar, mix with softened butter, add mayonnaise. Mix the mixture thoroughly, add flour and knead the dough. Place the dough into the mold. Set the “baking only” mode and set the timer for 30–35 minutes. Cool the finished cake and cut it lengthwise into 3 parts.

How to make cream for chocolate cake using this recipe? To prepare the cream, you need to beat the eggs with sugar without ceasing to beat, heat in a water bath, add cocoa, cool. Beat the softened butter and carefully pour the cooled cream into it. Place the cakes on top of each other, greasing each with cream. Coat the top and sides of the cake with cream as well. Sprinkle the finished cake with finely grated chocolate and finely chopped walnut kernels.

Chocolate cupcake "Surprise"

Ingredients. For the dough: 5 eggs, 200 g sugar, 1 teaspoon baking soda slaked with vinegar, 2 tablespoons cocoa, 200 g flour.

For filling: 200 g sugar, 200 g sour cream, 50 g candied fruits, 50 g peeled peanuts.

For the glaze: 3 tablespoons of dry cream, 2 tablespoons of cocoa, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 tablespoon of water, 1 teaspoon of orange liqueur.

Cooking method: Remove the stirrer from the mold and place a sheet of baking paper on the bottom. Beat eggs with sugar and soda, add cocoa and flour. Knead the dough thoroughly, put it in the mold, set the “baking only” mode, and set the timer for 30 minutes. Cool the cake, carefully cut off the top with a sharp knife and remove the crumb.

Beat sour cream with sugar, add chopped crumb, finely chopped candied fruits and peanuts, mix. Place the resulting filling into the cake and cover with the cut top. Mix dry cream, cocoa and butter, add water, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Cool slightly, add liqueur, stir and cover the cake with the resulting glaze.

Chocolate cupcake with cashews and chocolate pieces inside: recipe with photo

Chocolate cashew cupcake

Ingredients. 600 g flour, 400 g sugar, 400 ml fermented baked milk, 4 eggs, 150 g butter, 150 g cashews, 50 g dark chocolate, 3 tablespoons cocoa powder, 1 bag of vanilla sugar, 1 tablespoon margarine, 1 teaspoon soda.

Cooking method. To make this chocolate chip cake recipe, you need to chop the cashews. Break the chocolate into small pieces. Beat eggs with sugar, add softened butter, fermented baked milk and soda dissolved in vinegar, mix. Add sifted flour mixed with cocoa and knead the dough. Add nuts and chocolate pieces, vanilla sugar, mix. Grease a cake pan with margarine, sprinkle with flour and fill 2/3 full with dough. According to this recipe, bake a cupcake with chocolate pieces in an oven preheated to 220 °C for 25–30 minutes.

How to bake chocolate cupcakes: recipes at home

Pineapple cupcake with chocolate

Ingredients. For the dough: 200 g butter, 200 g flour, 100 g chocolate, 180 g sugar, 4 eggs, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, salt.

For cream: 200 g sugar, 200 g butter, 1 egg, 100 ml milk, vanillin on the tip of a knife.

For filling and decoration: 1 pineapple, candied pineapple.

Cooking method. Before baking the chocolate cake according to this recipe, you need to remove the stirrer from the pan and place a sheet of baking paper on the bottom. Wash the pineapple, peel it, cut into thin slices. Beat softened butter with sugar and eggs, add flour, grated chocolate, salt and soda, mix thoroughly. Place the dough in the pan, set the baking mode to “baking only” and set the timer for 30 minutes. Remove the product from the mold, cool and cut lengthwise into 3 layers.

To prepare the cream, mix milk with sugar and heat slightly.

When the sugar dissolves, add the beaten egg, stir and cool. Add softened butter and vanilla, beat. Grease the cakes with cream, place on top of each other, sandwiching them with pineapple slices. Decorate the cupcake with candied fruits.

Marzipan cake with chocolate

Ingredients. For the dough: 3 eggs, 200 g sugar, 1 bag of vanilla sugar, 3 tablespoons flour, 50 g chocolate, baking soda and salt on the tip of a knife.

For the glaze: 100 g dark chocolate, 3 tablespoons milk, 2 tablespoons butter, 2 teaspoons powdered sugar.

For decoration: yellow marzipan mass, sugar balls.

Cooking method: Remove the stirrer from the mold and place a sheet of baking paper on the bottom. Separate the yolks from the whites, mix with half the specified amount of sugar and salt and, gradually adding hot water (3 tablespoons), beat into a foam with a whisk. Add the whites, whipped into a strong foam with the remaining sugar, sifted flour, vanilla sugar, soda and chocolate melted in a water bath. Mix quickly, pour the dough into the mold, set the “baking only” mode and set the timer for 30 minutes.

To prepare the glaze, melt the chocolate in hot milk, cool slightly, add butter and powdered sugar, and grind.

Roll out the marzipan mass thinly, cut out crescent moons and stars with notches.

Place the hot sponge cake on a plate, cover with icing, decorate with marzipan figures and sugar balls.

Cupcake “Day and Night”

Ingredients. 200 g flour, 250 g powdered sugar, 4 eggs, 100 ml vegetable oil, 100 ml water, 50 g seedless raisins, 3 tablespoons baking powder, 1 tablespoon cocoa powder, 1 bag of vanilla sugar, 1 tablespoon margarine.

Cooking method. Before preparing the chocolate cake, the raisins need to be washed and dried. Separate the yolks from the whites, grind with powdered sugar (200 g) and vanilla sugar. Add flour mixed with baking powder, vegetable oil and water in small portions, then add the whipped whites to a strong foam. Grease a cake pan with margarine, sprinkle with flour and place half of the prepared dough into it, and place raisins on top. Add cocoa to the remaining dough, mix and place on top of the raisins. Bake the cake in an oven preheated to 200–220 °C until ready, remove from the pan and sprinkle with the remaining powdered sugar.

Chocolate cupcake with raisins

Ingredients. 600 g flour, 400 g sugar, 400 ml sour cream, 4 eggs, 150 g butter, 150 g seedless raisins, 3 tablespoons cocoa powder, 1 bag of vanilla sugar, 1 tablespoon margarine, 1 teaspoon soda.

Cooking method. To prepare this chocolate cake, the raisins need to be thoroughly washed and dried. Beat eggs with sugar, add softened butter, sour cream and soda dissolved in vinegar, mix. Add sifted flour mixed with cocoa and vanilla sugar and knead the dough. Add raisins, stir. Grease a cake pan with margarine, sprinkle with flour and fill 2/3 full with dough. Bake in an oven preheated to 220°C for 25–30 minutes.

Marble cake with egg white glaze

Ingredients. For the dough: 200 g flour, 200 g butter, 250 g powdered sugar, 6 eggs, 2 tablespoons cocoa powder, 1 tablespoon margarine, 1 teaspoon soda.

For the glaze: 1 egg white, 200 g powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon lemon juice.

Cooking method. To prepare this chocolate cake at home, you need to separate the whites from the yolks and beat them into a strong foam. Grind the softened butter with powdered sugar, add egg yolks and sifted flour mixed with soda. Beat, add whites, mix carefully. Divide the prepared dough into 2 parts, add cocoa to one and mix. Grease a cake pan with margarine and sprinkle with flour. Fill it with dough, placing alternately dark and light using a tablespoon. Bake the cake in a preheated oven until done. To prepare the glaze, beat the whites with powdered sugar and lemon juice. Cool the finished cake, remove from the pan and pour over the glaze.

Chocolate cake "Lemon"

Ingredients. For the dough: 400 g flour, 200 g sugar, 200 ml curdled milk, 170 g margarine, 3 eggs, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest, 0.25 teaspoon soda.

For decoration: 200 g milk chocolate, 100 g lemon drops sweets.

Cooking method. To prepare homemade chocolate cake according to this recipe, melt the margarine over low heat (leave a little to grease the pan), cool slightly, add sugar, eggs, lemon juice, zest and yogurt. Beat with a mixer, add sifted flour mixed with soda. Grease the cake pan with the remaining margarine, sprinkle with flour and fill with dough. Bake the cake in a preheated oven until done. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, cover the cake with the resulting glaze and place the candies on top. Let the glaze harden.

Chocolate cupcake with cherries

Ingredients. 400 g flour, 200 g cherries, 250 g brown sugar, 200 ml sour cream, 150 g butter, 3 eggs, 1 packet vanilla sugar, 1 packet baking powder, 3 tablespoons cocoa powder, 3 tablespoons caster sugar, 1 tablespoon margarine .

Cooking method. Wash the cherries, dry them, remove the pits. Beat eggs with sugar, add melted butter and sour cream. Continuing to beat, add the sifted flour mixed with baking powder, cocoa and vanilla sugar.

Knead a homogeneous dough, add cherries, mix. Pour the dough into a mold greased with margarine and place in a preheated oven. According to this recipe for chocolate cake at home, you need to bake the cake until ready, cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Cupcake "Marble"

Ingredients. 5 eggs, 180 g flour, 100 g sugar, 60 g cocoa powder, juice of 1 orange, 2 tablespoons coconut, vanilla on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method. To prepare homemade chocolate cake according to this recipe, you need to separate the whites from the yolks and beat with a mixer, add the yolks, sugar, flour, vanillin and mix. Divide the dough into 2 equal parts, add cocoa to one. Place the dough in the mold, alternately adding a tablespoon of dough with and without cocoa. Bake at 70% power for 5 minutes, then at 100% power for 2 minutes.

Pour orange juice over the finished cake and sprinkle with coconut flakes.

Homemade dark chocolate cupcake recipe

Cupcake with walnuts and dark chocolate

Cooking time 1 hour 10 minutes.

Ingredients. 2 cups walnuts, 300 g 70% dark chocolate, 210 g softened butter, 200 g flour, 150 g sugar, 4 eggs, 50 g powdered sugar, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of milk, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract.


1. Preheat the oven to 180 °C.

2. Dry the nuts in the oven for 3–4 minutes.

3. Beat eggs with sugar until light and light, add 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract, sifted flour and baking powder, mix everything.

4. Melt 200 g of chocolate in a water bath, add 100 g of softened butter to it.

5. Combine the resulting chocolate mass with beaten eggs and flour, add nuts and mix carefully.

6. Grease a rectangular baking dish with butter, place the dough in it and bake for 40 minutes in a preheated oven.

7. Make the cream: melt the remaining chocolate in a water bath, add 100 g of softened butter, powdered sugar and 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract. If the cream turns out too thick, add a little milk.

8. The finished cake with dark chocolate, according to the recipe, needs to be cooled, cut into rectangles and greased with chocolate cream. You can decorate with walnut halves.

Dark Chocolate Cupcake Recipes

Dark chocolate cupcake


Preparation. To prepare a cupcake in molds according to this recipe, grate the chocolate on a fine grater. Leave the butter at room temperature for 40 minutes, then mix it with sugar, vanillin, chocolate and candied fruits. Beat the resulting mass thoroughly. Then add the broken eggs and beat again. After this, add flour and knead the dough. When the dough has risen, place it in special forms and bake in the oven until ready.

Chocolate cupcake with candied fruits

Ingredients. 1 cup flour, 100 g butter, 150 g sugar, 50 g candied fruits, 100 g dark chocolate, 4 eggs, vanillin to taste.

Preparation. Grate the chocolate on a fine grater. Leave the butter at room temperature for 40 minutes, then mix it with sugar, vanillin, chocolate and candied fruits. Beat the resulting mass thoroughly. Then add the broken eggs and beat again. After this, add flour and knead the dough. When the dough has risen, place it in special forms and bake in the oven until ready.

Multicooker recipes: muffins with cherries, nuts and chocolate inside

Chocolate cupcake with peanuts in a slow cooker

Ingredients. 600 g flour, 400 g sugar, 400 ml cream, 4 eggs, 150 g butter, 50 g shelled peanuts, 50 g dark chocolate, 3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, 1 bag of vanilla sugar, 1 tbsp. l. margarine, 1/3 teaspoon of baking soda.

Cooking method. To make a cupcake with chocolate inside according to the slow cooker recipe, you need to chop the peanuts. Grate the chocolate on a coarse grater. Beat eggs with sugar, add softened butter, cream and soda, mix. Add sifted flour mixed with cocoa and vanilla sugar and knead the dough. Add nuts and chocolate, stir. Grease the bowl with margarine, sprinkle with flour and fill with dough. Cook in the “Baking” mode for 45 minutes. Leave in the “Warming” mode for 5–10 minutes.

Chocolate muffin with cherries in a slow cooker

Ingredients. 400 g frozen pitted cherries, 180 g each butter, sugar, 150 g flour, 100 g chocolate, 3 eggs, 1 bag of vanilla sugar, 2 tbsp. l. cocoa, 1 tbsp. l. cognac, 1 tsp. baking powder.

Cooking method: To prepare a cherry and chocolate cake according to this recipe, beat the butter with sugar and vanilla sugar until foamy. Add 1 egg to the mixture, pour in cognac and chocolate melted in a water bath.

Sift the flour, mix with cocoa and baking powder. Add to the egg-butter mixture, mix well.

Place the berries in the dough and stir. Grease the multicooker bowl with oil and pour the dough into it. Bake on the Baking setting for 60 minutes and keep warm for 20 minutes.

Chocolate Hazelnut Cake

Ingredients. Wheat flour – 200 g, cottage cheese – 300 g, sugar – 150 g, vanilla sugar – 10 g, butter – 150 g, eggs – 3 pcs., raisins – 100 g, cocoa – 4 tbsp. l., walnuts - 3/4 cup, salt - 1/4 tsp, baking powder - 1 tsp, lemon zest - 1 tsp, powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

Preparation. According to this recipe for a chocolate cake in a slow cooker, you need to beat softened butter with sugar, add eggs and salt. Sift flour with baking powder, add cocoa, mix with the rest of the mixture. Roll the raisins in flour so that they do not settle to the bottom of the pan during baking, add to the rest of the mixture, stir. Put the cottage cheese into the mixture, add chopped walnut kernels and lemon zest, stir with a spoon, and add with your hands. Line the bottom of a saucepan with cooking paper or grease with butter. Pour the dough into the mold. Set the baking program timer to 70 minutes. After the signal, open the multicooker lid and let the cake cool slightly. To avoid breaking, remove it from the pan using a steamer basket or, if you used kitchen paper, by gently pulling on the edges.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve with fruit.

How to make chocolate cupcake with cocoa in the microwave

Chocolate cupcake in the microwave


  • Flour – 4 level tablespoons;
  • Sugar – 4 level tablespoons;
  • Cocoa powder – 3 tablespoons;
  • Egg – 1 piece;
  • Milk – 3 tablespoons;
  • Butter – 3 tablespoons;
  • Powdered sugar - for dusting;
  • Chocolate - to taste.

Preparation. Before making chocolate cake in the microwave, mix flour, sugar and cocoa in a bowl. Add the egg and mix well with the flour, cocoa and sugar. Melt the butter in the microwave or in a water bath. Add milk and then butter to the dough. Mix well each time. Place the bowl in the microwave for 4 minutes (this time is at 900 W microwave power.) Immediately turn the hot cake out of the pan onto a plate. Let it cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Made in just 5 minutes, this chocolate cake is ready and ready. Cut and serve!

How to make homemade chocolate cupcakes in the microwave

Chocolate cake in the microwave in 5 minutes

Ingredients. 1 egg; 4 tablespoons milk; 3 tablespoons butter; 2 teaspoons cocoa powder; 2 teaspoons sugar; 4 full tablespoons of flour; 1 teaspoon baking powder.

Preparation. Before preparing the chocolate cake in the microwave, mix the sugar, flour and cocoa. Beat the egg into the resulting mixture, add soft butter and milk. Beat everything well with a whisk. Place the dough in a small cup and bake.

Set the power to 1000 watts and the cooking time to 3 minutes. During the cooking process, the dough will begin to rise quickly - don’t worry, it will fall a little over time. Sprinkle the cooled dessert with powdered sugar, you can top it with jam or spread it with cream. Serve dessert directly in a cup

For a large chocolate cake you need a mold and ingredients: soft butter - 150 g; sugar - 1 glass; cocoa - 65 g; eggs - 2; flour; vanilla or vanilla extract.

Preparation. Add sugar to soft butter and rub thoroughly. Add cocoa and vanilla, stir thoroughly (no lumps!) Beat in the eggs one at a time, stir. Add flour and knead into a homogeneous dough, the consistency of which will be similar to that of pancake batter. Grease the mold, pour the dough into it, and place in the oven. Cook for 4-5 minutes on high. Remove and let sit for 5-7. Don't worry if the center of the cake seems underbaked; it will rest until it's ready. Tip: sprinkle the cake with nuts before baking - it's very tasty!

Microwave chocolate cake recipe


  • 4 tbsp. flour
  • 4 tbsp. Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. cocoa
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tbsp. milk
  • 3 tbsp. butter or vegetable oil

Preparation. Take a ceramic mug (any other microwave-safe shape will also work). Then add flour, sugar and cocoa, mix, add egg, butter and milk, and mix thoroughly.

Set the microwave to maximum power (800-1000 watts) and place the mug for 3 minutes. In the middle of cooking, the mass will begin to rapidly rise above the mug. Don't worry, it will go down after some time. When the chocolate cake is ready, sprinkle with powdered sugar, coconut or vanilla.

Cupcake recipe with liquid hot chocolate inside

Chocolate cupcake with liquid filling

For this hot chocolate cupcake recipe you will need:

  • Chocolate (bitter) 150 g;
  • Cocoa powder 30 g;
  • Natural espresso coffee 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Butter for dough 75–78% fat 120 g;
  • Butter for molds (softened) 60 g;
  • Premium wheat flour 120 g;
  • Sugar 200 g;
  • Baking soda 1/4 teaspoon;
  • Baking powder 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Salt 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Sour cream from 25 to 30% fat 60 ml;
  • Chicken egg (large) 1 pc.;
  • Vanilla extract liquid 1 teaspoon;
  • Chocolate dragee or chocolate candies 200 g or to taste.

For registration:

  • Powdered sugar to taste;
  • Berries (any) to taste.
  • Making a cupcake with hot chocolate inside:

Step 1: prepare the dry mass.

Using a fine mesh sieve, sift the required amount of wheat flour into a deep bowl. Add sugar, soda, salt and baking powder. Then, according to the recipe, for a cupcake with chocolate inside, you need to mix the ingredients with a whisk until smooth.

Step 2: prepare the liquid mass.

Place the required amount of butter and a bar of dark dark chocolate broken into pieces into a deep saucepan. Place the container on the stove, turned on at a low level and, stirring the ingredients with a wooden kitchen spatula, melt them until smooth. Do not bring the mixture to a boil!

Once the ingredients are melted and combined, remove the saucepan from the stove. Add the required amount of cocoa powder to the hot chocolate mixture. And aromatic, natural expresso coffee.

Mix the liquid mass with a whisk until it has a homogeneous consistency without lumps.

Step 3: prepare the batter.

Now, according to the recipe for a chocolate cupcake with chocolate inside, you need to combine the chocolate mass with the dry mass. Mix the ingredients with a wooden kitchen spatula until smooth, at first you won't get the perfect batter structure, but don't worry, that's how it should be.

Place a bowl under the mixer blades, crack a shelled chicken egg into it, add the required amount of sour cream and liquid vanilla extract. Beat the ingredients at medium speed with a mixer for 3 to 4 minutes until smooth and homogeneous.

Step 4: prepare the baking dish and pour the dough.

The next stage of preparing a cupcake with liquid chocolate inside according to this recipe is to preheat the oven to 200 - 210 degrees Celsius. Now take your muffin tins or small muffin tins and grease them with a little butter, a quarter teaspoon of softened shortening per cavity is quite enough. Pour the dough into the grooves so that each is filled a little more than halfway, this is about 4 - 5 tablespoons of dough per 1 hole. Then choose your favorite chocolates for the filling, such as jelly beans or chocolate truffles.

Place one candy in each recess; if you are using dragees, then put 2 - 3 pieces in 1 recess. Dip the candies in the batter and check the oven, it should already be heated to your desired temperature.

Step 5: Bake the cupcake with hot chocolate inside.

Place the mold with the still raw confectionery product in a preheated oven. Bake the cupcakes for 10 - 12 minutes, no more, otherwise you may dry out the dough.

Afterwards, remove the cupcake pans from the oven, using a kitchen towel to help you, place them on the kitchen table and let the fragrant masterpieces cool slightly, 5 - 7 minutes is enough. Then, very carefully, using a fork, pry up each cake, thus helping the flour product to come out of the baking pan freely.

Using a sharp knife, cut a couple of cupcakes and see if there is enough liquid chocolate in each, this will help you decide on the portions of candy you put into the batter. Re-butter the pans and use the same method to prepare a second batch of cupcakes.

Step 6: Decorate the cupcake with hot chocolate inside.

After cooking, you can immediately serve the cupcakes to the sweet table, but for greater effect they can be decorated beautifully. For example, place the cake on a large flat plate and sprinkle it with powdered sugar using a fine mesh sieve. You can decorate your dessert with strawberries. Or raspberries with homemade whipped cream, it all depends on your desire.

Step 7: Serve the cupcake with hot chocolate inside.

The cupcake with hot chocolate inside is served warm, placed on a dessert plate and optionally sprinkled with powdered sugar or topped with fresh berries, such as strawberries, raspberries, cherries, currants, to name just a few options. You can also decorate your products with fresh fruits, apples, bananas. This confectionery product goes well with sour cream, homemade whipped cream or regular aerosol cream. Although without all these tricks, such a cupcake will be a real decoration for your table! Enjoy! Bon appetit!

Tips for the recipe:

  • Liquid, melted chocolate begins to harden after 30 minutes, if this happens, put your flour product in the microwave, heat for 1 - 2 minutes, and you will again get cupcakes with hot chocolate inside.
  • Instead of liquid vanilla extract, you can use vanilla sugar, based on the above amount of ingredients: 2 packets of 15 grams.
  • You can use butter margarine or olive oil to grease the molds.
  • If you don't have a chocolate bar on hand, you can replace it with 120 milliliters of clean, hot water or milk, and add about 60 g of cocoa powder.
  • Cupcakes with hot chocolate inside can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 weeks, after packing them in plastic containers with a tight-fitting lid.
  • Chocolate and butter can be melted in a steam bath or using a double boiler.
  • You can optionally add crushed nuts to the dough, such as almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts or walnuts.

Now look at the photo of cupcakes with chocolate inside according to this recipe and try making this delicacy yourself:

Chocolate fondant or, more understandable for a Russian person, a popular French dessert, literally translated as “melting chocolate” (French Fondant au chocolat). He is also known as Lava Cake(the name is used in English-speaking countries), translates as “lava cake,” so this dessert can often be found in Russia under the names “ chocolate lava" or " chocolate volcano" Another name for the dessert that I came across is “ chocolate flan«.

As often happens, they owe their appearance to a simple incident: the cook took his cupcakes out of the oven ahead of time and discovered that they were still liquid inside, and the hot filling flowed out like lava. Despite the mistake, the dessert has become incredibly popular in the best restaurants in the world.

Well, we realized that chocolate fondant aka Gosha, aka Zhora, aka Goga has many names, but the essence does not change. These are simply magical, which I strongly recommend you eat with ice cream!


  • dark chocolate 60-80% 100 g
  • butter 60 g
  • sugar 40 g
  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • flour 40 g
  • salt 1 pinch

Let's first deal with chocolate. I suggest cooking Chocolate fondant with dark chocolate (70-80% cocoa content), and I believe that it is precisely this chocolate that makes ideal cupcakes with liquid filling. The wonderful contrast of hot dark chocolate with sweet cold ice cream is what this was all about, but this, of course, is just my opinion. I have already come across reviews more than once that the cupcakes turned out to be very bitter. So, if you don’t like dark chocolate at all and prefer everything sweet, then take chocolate with a cocoa content of 50-60%. I don't recommend using milk chocolate because... it makes the cupcakes too sweet and doesn’t look as appetizing.

It is also important that the chocolate is of good quality; the fact is that now manufacturers often increase the percentage of cocoa products by adding cocoa powder to chocolate. Good chocolate requires the presence of only cocoa mass (crushed kernels of cocoa beans) and cocoa butter (butter squeezed out of ground cocoa beans) from cocoa products. The dried and crushed cake that remains after squeezing cocoa butter is cocoa powder. It costs, of course, much less than the main cocoa products, and therefore many Russian chocolate manufacturers add cocoa powder to increase the percentage of cocoa products in chocolate, it seems that the composition is not bad, there are no cocoa butter equivalents. But such chocolate, as a rule (depending on the amount of cocoa powder), has poor fluidity, cocoa powder thickens it, and when melted, such chocolate does not become liquid. And accordingly, you most likely won’t be able to create a liquid oozing filling with such chocolate.

And now that everything is probably clear with chocolate, let’s start cooking. From the specified amount of ingredients, 4-6 fondants are obtained (depending on the size of the molds).


We prepare all the ingredients. It’s good if the eggs are not very cold, you can take them out of the refrigerator in advance or just keep them in warm water for a little while.

Break the chocolate into pieces and add butter to it. Melt them in a water bath or in the microwave (be careful not to overheat the mass, otherwise the chocolate may curdle. If melting in the microwave, do not put it in for a long time, remove the bowl with butter and chocolate from the microwave every 10-20 seconds and mix well ). Stir thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained; if it turns out to be very hot, cool it. If at this stage the mass does not become liquid, then either you overheated the chocolate and it curdled, or it is not of very good quality and has poor fluidity.

Beat the eggs into a mixing bowl, add sugar and salt.

Mix them until smooth and sugar and salt are dissolved, no need to beat too much, just mix with a mixer, whisk or even just a fork.

Pour the cooled chocolate mixture into the egg mixture and stir. Be sure to make sure that the chocolate-butter mixture is not very hot, otherwise the eggs may curdle.

Sift the flour into the chocolate-egg mixture. Stir until smooth, but do not stir for very long, because... If you knead for a long time, gluten may be released from the flour and the dough will be dense; the muffins may turn out too dense.

If you use silicone molds, then simply grease them with a thin layer of butter, but if you use porcelain, ceramic or metal molds, then you should not only grease them with oil, but also sprinkle them with a thin layer of flour or cocoa powder. I like the second option better, because the flour may remain a little on the muffins after baking, which will ruin their appearance, and the cocoa will not be noticeable at all. It will be much easier to remove the finished cupcakes from molds prepared in this way without damaging them. Pour the dough into molds, I got 4 pieces. Place in an oven preheated to 200°C for 7-10 minutes (I remove the cupcakes from the oven when they rise slightly and the center sinks a little inward).

This is what the finished cupcakes look like, I just turn the cups over onto a plate.

So, chocolate fondant When ready, serve this dessert right away before it cools down. And don’t forget about my recommendations about ice cream, believe me, it’s hot chocolate cupcakes with liquid filling delicious with a scoop of cold ice cream. Bon appetit!

Today I will tell you how to make a quick and simple chocolate cake. It always turns out very tasty. The texture of the cake is airy, porous and light, it simply melts in your mouth. The cake is prepared very quickly, I made it at a party because... everyone wanted something sweet. You just need to mix all the ingredients and get a wonderful chocolate dessert for tea. Try this recipe, the result will exceed all your expectations!


  1. 200 grams of wheat flour;
  2. 180 grams of granulated sugar;
  3. 120 g butter;
  4. 1.5 tsp. baking powder (can be replaced with soda, 0.5 tsp);
  5. 5 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  6. 2 eggs;
  7. 170 ml hot water;
  8. 1 pack chocolate drops.

For the glaze:

  1. 3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  2. 3 tbsp. Sahara;
  3. 80 ml water.


  • In a deep bowl, mix all the dry ingredients: flour, sugar, cocoa and baking powder.

  • Add eggs and butter, softened at room temperature, to the mixture. Mix again.

  • Then pour in hot water (temperature approximately 80 degrees), quickly stir thoroughly with a whisk so that there are no lumps left.

  • Lastly, add the chocolate chips. You can spot the chocolate chips with plain grated dark chocolate. The prepared dough should be smoothly spreading, not too thick, similar to liquid sour cream.
  • Pour the batter into the prepared cake pan.

  • Place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. The cake should bake for about 40-50 minutes. Check readiness with a toothpick.

  • While the cake is baking, you can prepare the chocolate frosting. In a small saucepan or saucepan, combine cocoa, sugar and water. Place over medium heat; as soon as the syrup boils, immediately reduce the heat and cook for 5 minutes until slightly thickened. Cool slightly.

  • Remove the finished cake from the oven and use a skewer or toothpick to make small holes in some places so that the icing can soak through. Pour the prepared chocolate glaze on top.

  • I show how the “holes” into which the icing was poured will look - like layers of cream, it’s not even clear that these are not cakes smeared with cream. Let the chocolate cake sit for 30 minutes and you are ready to serve. We made such a simple and delicious chocolate cake.

Enjoy your tea!

Greetings, dear friends, to our culinary website. Today I'm making cupcakes with chocolate inside. And I suggest you definitely try this simple recipe. It is more convenient to bake such cupcakes in paper molds that are inserted into silicone molds. We made this treat for our daughter's school when she had her birthday. Everyone really liked these delicious treats. I thought that homemade baked goods would be much better than store-bought ones. By the way, sometimes I go to the culinary website Grandkulinar for inspiration, where many interesting and original recipes are collected.

Output: 17 pcs.


  • eggs – 4 pcs.
  • butter – 200 g
  • flour – 220 g
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • baking powder – 1 tsp.
  • powdered sugar
  • vanilla sugar
  • chocolate – 100 g
  • salt - a pinch

How to make chocolate cupcakes

The oil should be used when it is at room temperature. Then it is easy to beat it with a mixer. Cut into cubes and place in a mixer bowl. I use the K-blade attachment on my food processor.

Beat the butter for one minute.

Then add one glass of granulated sugar to it. And also beat with a mixer.

Drive one chicken egg into the resulting thick mass. We continue to beat.

Then, one by one, with an interval of half a minute, beat in the remaining eggs without turning off the mixer. The mass becomes more liquid.

Mix the flour with baking powder and pour it through a sieve into the egg-butter mixture.

Continue beating with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained. This is how thick the dough turned out.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Break the chocolate bar into pieces.

Place the dough into the molds, filling them 3/4 full. I fit 1 full tbsp in one mold. test. And insert a piece of chocolate inside. Place in the oven to bake at the previously set temperature of 180 degrees. Cooking time will be about 25 minutes.

We take the finished browned cupcakes out of the oven. The aroma from them is simply wonderful. Let it cool a little.

Take a strainer and sprinkle the products evenly with powdered sugar.

This is what the chocolate cupcakes look like when cut open while still warm.

All that remains is to pour the tea and enjoy the cupcakes you made yourself. Although you can give such a delicacy by placing it neatly in one layer in some kind of packaging.

These cupcakes can be baked with absolutely any filling. The main thing is to prepare the dough correctly, then spread it into molds, and only then lay out the filling, deepening it inside.

If you decide to make rich chocolate baked goods, then melt the chocolate and pour it over each cupcake. You can paint with a thin stream of glaze or completely pour it over the product.

Another idea! Make white cupcakes with dark chocolate inside from one part of the dough, and add cocoa powder to the other part of the dough and put white chocolate inside. It will be very tasty, beautiful and festive. And besides, you will please lovers of dark and white chocolate.

If necessary, you can replace the butter with margarine or even heavy cream. Or you can make a mixture of cream and butter so that the result is 200 g of fat. By the way, I sometimes add chicken fat to baked goods. It just works great!

Best regards, Olga

Cupcake Recipes

Prepare a classic chocolate cupcake, as well as a cupcake with banana or orange - look at the delicious options for a step-by-step family recipe with photos and videos.

50 min

500 kcal

5/5 (2)

Chocolate cake is rightfully considered one of the most famous and desired dishes around the world. There is hardly a person who would not be attracted by the delicious aroma and pronounced taste of this pastry, which cannot be confused with anything else. I baked such products according to the old instructions of my grandmother, who was famous for her culinary skills.

Chocolate cupcakes are in perfect harmony with the following fillings:

  • banana,
  • orange,
  • nuts,
  • cherry,
  • raisins.

Classic recipe

Kitchen appliances:

  • Prepare several silicone molds for muffins or cupcakes (in extreme cases, you can take a standard mold with a hole in the middle),
  • several deep bowls with a capacity of 600 to 900 ml,
  • tablespoons and teaspoons,
  • kitchen scale or measuring cup,
  • whisk,
  • spatula,
  • sieve and grater
  • In addition, it is also recommended to take a mixer or blender to be able to mix the cake batter well.

You will need:

Did you know? For those who prefer lean baking, chocolate cake can be prepared without eggs using the same recipe. To do this, replace each egg with two level tablespoons of potato or corn starch.

Important! If possible, it is better to prepare a cupcake without cocoa (this is still not a very natural ingredient) with chocolate pieces and chocolate chips. To do this, replace the cocoa powder with 50 g of dark chocolate and finely break or crush the bar.

  1. Set the oven to heat to 180 degrees.
  2. Place the butter in a saucepan.
  3. Place on low heat to melt.

  4. Then pour sugar in there and pour in milk.

  5. Stir with a whisk and bring to a boil.
  6. Once the sugar has dissolved, remove from heat.
  7. Let the mixture sit for a while to cool down.
  8. Then add baking soda and vanillin and stir.

    Did you know? Fans of confectionery seasonings at this stage can add a little cinnamon, nutmeg or another favorite ingredient to their dough, but beware of going too far.

  9. Add eggs, nuts and cocoa (if you have chocolate, do not add cocoa).

  10. Beat at low speed for several minutes.

  11. Without ceasing to beat, add flour in parts.
  12. Bring the dough until smooth.

  13. Set aside to “rest” (now you can add crushed chocolate).
  14. After five minutes, stir again.
  15. Carefully coat the molds with margarine.
  16. Pour the dough and set the mixture to bake.

  17. After 40 minutes, check with a toothpick and remove from the oven.

That's all! Your amazing chocolate cocoa cupcakes are completely ready, so don't waste time and dust them with powdered sugar.

If you prepared a whole cake, cut it into neat pieces before serving so that your family can enjoy not only the aroma, but also the appearance of the product.

Video recipe for making a classic chocolate cake

For a detailed tutorial on how to bake a delicious chocolate cake using the above recipe, watch the video below.

However, let's return to the kitchen. We have yet to prepare a chocolate cupcake with a banana, half-liquid filling according to the original quick recipe.

Recipe with bananas

Cooking time: 45-65 minutes.
Number of persons: 8-12.
Calorie content per 100 g: 450-550 kcal.

You will need:

  • 100-150 g sugar;
  • 10 g butter margarine;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 300 g flour;
  • 100 ml sunflower oil;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 70 g cocoa;
  • 10 g baking powder;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 5 g soda.

Important! The main secret to making the perfect chocolate banana cake is to use slightly overripe bananas, since fresh and well-shaped fruits have low viscosity and may not bake well in the oven.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Heat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Stir the flour with a whisk, adding baking soda, cocoa and baking powder.

  3. Then sift it once or twice.
  4. Place butter in a separate bowl.
  5. Add chicken eggs and sugar.

  6. Grind it a little with a spoon, then set it to beat.
  7. Cut the bananas into pieces and grind them into a solid mass with a blender.

    Did you know? If juice appears during the process of chopping bananas (and it will definitely appear if you have chosen the right fruits), do not pour it out under any circumstances. The filling will be more juicy with natural banana juice.

  8. Place them in the egg-sugar mixture.

  9. Then add sunflower oil and stir the mixture with a whisk.
  10. Without stopping stirring, gradually add the flour mixture.

  11. After kneading the semi-liquid dough, let it stand for about 2 minutes.
  12. While the dough is infusing, grease the mold with margarine.
  13. Then divide the dough into 2 parts, put the first one in the mold.
  14. Level with a spoon and place thin banana filling on top.
  15. Cover with the other half of the dough and level it as well.

  16. Place in the oven and bake for about 45 minutes, checking periodically for doneness.
  17. Let our product cool and release it from the mold.

Made! Your amazing chocolate baked goods do not require additional decoration and are ready to eat, but no one will stop you from preparing icing for a still warm cupcake.

To do this, melt 30 g of chocolate in a water bath, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and cover the surface of the product with the resulting mixture. All that's left to do is let the cake sit for a little while for the glaze to harden.

Video recipe for making chocolate banana cake

Step-by-step preparation of banana-chocolate delicacy in the video.

But don’t rush to get carried away with tea drinking - we still have to prepare the most fragrant chocolate-orange cupcake.

Recipe with orange

Cooking time: 50-80 minutes.
Number of persons: 8-12.
Calorie content per 100 g: 400-500 kcal.

You will need:

  • 1 medium orange;

Did you know? This version of the recipe is universal and involves the use of not only citrus fruits: instead of orange or lemon, I often add fresh or canned cherries, as well as raisins, walnuts and apples to the dough.

  • 180-200 g butter;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 8 g baking powder;
  • 50 g cocoa.

Important! Orange, as the main flavoring ingredient, should be selected from varieties with soft and very thin skin - such citrus fruits have tender pulp oozing juice and do not taste bitter.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Set the oven to preheat to 180 degrees.
  2. Break the eggs into a deep bowl.
  3. Beat them a little with a mixer or blender.

  4. Then add sugar and mix.
  5. Add butter, beat for another minute.

  6. Remove the mixer and add one third of the flour.
  7. Beat well, add the second third, continue beating.

  8. Soon after this, add the remaining flour.
  9. Knead a homogeneous dough and leave it to steep.

  10. Meanwhile, peel the orange.

    Did you know? If you have chosen cherries or apples as a filler, and also intend to cook with nuts and raisins, simply rinse the ingredients (except nuts, of course) and add them to the dough at the right time.

  11. Cut into pieces and grind in a blender.

  12. Divide the dough into two parts, add grated orange to one.

  13. Mix cocoa powder into another.

  14. Cover the mold with margarine and pour the chocolate dough into it.
  15. Level it out and spread the orange batter on top.

  16. We also level it well and put the pan in the oven.
  17. After 45 minutes, check for readiness.
  18. Remove the finished cake from the oven and leave to cool.
  19. Carefully release the product from the mold.

That's all! You have just prepared the most unusual and delicious cupcake. Now decorate it with glaze or simply sprinkle with powdered sugar mixed with orange zest. I am sure that your guests and loved ones will be very surprised and delighted by the cross-section of the cupcake. And its taste will make them simply sweep the treat from the table, without even leaving crumbs.

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