"Love for your native nature is one of the most important signs of love for your country." K.G.

  • 02.07.2020

Love for homeland is love for native land

Motherland is a house. The house where you were born, grew, from which every morning you run to school and where to return. The house in which it is easy and happily live. And it does not matter whether it will be a hut in a taiga, sixteen-story giant on the shore of a big river or yurt in a distant tundra ...

Motherland is a native house, the land on which your family lived and lives. This is the native land, his nature. All that deeply crashed into memory for a lifetime and is stored in the shower as the most intimate.

Motherland is often associated with an expensive and cute heart town. Memories of his streets and courtyards are immersed in carefree childhood. This is the time of dreams and fantasies, which is associated with the feeling of absolute happiness.

Motherland can be all: house, street, country side, city, country. However, this is not only a geographical position, but a wider concept. It is not limited to his own home or a certain territory. These are people, native language, traditions, culture, nature of the native land ... All that we present when we talk the word "fatherland". In any corner of the Motherland, it is easy to breathe and happily living - to the one who considers this corner of their native land.

What is love for homeland in my understanding?

In my opinion, love his native land means relate to her with reverence and respect. Every person should not just love his homeland, read her story and culture, but also be ready to protect it from enemies.

The future is very uncertain. It is impossible to exclude the likelihood of military conflict. Therefore, the sacred duty of every conscious citizen is to defend the Fatherland and not give the enemy to enslave their people. This is the true essence of patriotism - to be the faithful son of his country, his debris.

How does love for native land begins?

I believe that the origins of love for their native land are sorted from loving its picturesque landscapes, cute heart species. If a person does not notice the beauty of his native land and is not proud of his nature, he is not able to love his homeland - his country. I am convinced of this.

Love to the homeland of Chista and disinterested. She does not imply any conventions and akin to the love of mother, to his family. We do not choose parents, but we consider them the best, most expensive people all over the world.

Every citizen is obliged to know and respect his country. After all, this is a symbol of state independence, its identity. Even those people who for different reasons are forced to communicate daily in a foreign language daily must be fluent in their native language and do not forget it. It is also important to know the history and culture of its country.

Motherland is a place where we were born and spent the best childhood years. Every person has a homeland one, like a family, so its customs, traditions and holidays are worshiped and respected. Love your native land!

Nature teaches us to understand the wonderful one or more works of Russian literature

The landscape lyrics is the main wealth of lyrics A.A. Feta. Fet knows how to see and hear in nature extraordinarily many, depict her innermost world, transfer its romantic admiration from meeting with nature, philosophical meditation born in contemplating her appearance. Feta is inherent awesome subtlety of the painter, the variety of experiences born from communication with nature. The basis of Fetov poetics is a special philosophy expressing visible and invisible communications of man and nature (Spring cycles, "Summer", "Autumn", "Snow", "Divination", "Evening and Nights", "Sea").

The lyrical hero of the Feta seeks to merge with the forecloser. Only life in the forecloser gives him the opportunity to survive the state of absolute freedom. But in this forensic person behaves nature. The happiest moment for him is a feeling of a complete merger with nature:

All day sleep night flowers,

But only the sun for the grove will go,

Disclosed quiet sheets,

And I hear the heart blooms.

The flowering of the heart is a symbol of a spiritual compound with nature (and such a compound that occurs as aesthetic experience). The stronger the aesthetic experience of nature is capturing, the farther he leaves reality.

Appeals to nature in Feta lyrics have no end:

Swoping your arms yours

Denomulous, wave forest.

The lyrical hero wants to connect in an embrace with the forest in order to "sigh sweetly".

Themes of the poem "Whisper, timid breathing ...": Nature, love. Date in the garden. Mysterious twilight. Gully. "Music of love". Fet depicts not so many objects, phenomena, how many shades, shadows, indefinite emotions. Love and landscape lyrics merge into one. Key images lyrics Feta - Rose and "Nightingale". "Purpur Roses" in the final goes into a triumphant "zero". This is a symbol of the Light of Love, the sunrise of a new life - the highest expression of the mental lift.

Dissolving in the natural world, plunging into its most mysterious depths, the lyrical hero of Feta acquires the ability to see the beautiful soul of nature.

Valentina Vilchinskaya
Project "What does Nature teach us"


In the statements of the ancient and modern wise men, we often encounter advice: "Learn from Nature." What is meant? Maybe this is a poetic exaggeration? As you can learn from people, we can imagine without any special difficulties, but how can I learn from nature? Can there be fresh mountain air filled with prana, give us something else besides health and vitality? Walking among the trees, contemplating the course of the river, watching the change of the time of the year, can we get new knowledge? How and what can nature teach us?

Nature has learned everything that he can, many ideas for transforming the surrounding reality, its changes are emphasized by the person from the same nature. The man himself is as part of nature, changes and transforms it.

During the preparation of the project, the child had the opportunity to satisfy his curiosity, which made it possible to expand the idea of \u200b\u200bhow to learn from nature. Independently generalize the obtained views and draw conclusions.

The work is defined in the work: to find out what the nature teaches us.

Hypothesis put forward: children, having gained knowledge about environmental phenomena and animal behavior, will be more careful to them.

When working on the project, research methods were used:


Analysis of literature.

Comparison and observation.




Production of booklets

Conclusion: From this work, we can conclude that informative - research activities make it possible to expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe environment, help, children from an early age, to understand that they are part of nature, teaches to summarize the obtained views and draw conclusions.


What do Nature teaches us

Us the sun teaches not to regret

River - on site not sitting,

Star - burn, Earth - Search,

Spacious skies - take off from the ground.

Rain we teach us clean

Flowers - love, Sunset - Dream,

Resistance - Sails,

Forgiveness - mother's eyes.

One day Valentina Mikhailovna, we read the poem of the poet Vladimir Nathanovicorlov:

Us at any time of the year

Teaches wise nature.

Birds teach singing

Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and garden

Take us work.

And besides in their labor

All - by fairness.

Reflection in water

Teaches us truthfulness.

Teaches us to clean us

Learn the sun is kindness

And with all the greatness

Trains modesty.

Nature all year round

Need to study.

Us trees of all breeds

All big forest people,

Learn strong friendship.

How can I learn from people, I can imagine without any special difficulties, but how can I learn from nature? What can she teach us? I decided to find out what we can learn from nature after all.

Objective: Find out what we can learn from nature.

The object of study was nature.

The subject of the study was natural phenomena and animal habits.

To achieve the goal, I solved the following tasks:

1. Studying nature phenomena, life and habits of animals;

2. The development of ideas and concepts about living and inanimate nature;

3. The ability to find the answer to the exciting question using a variety of sources.

4. Development of understanding of relationships in nature and place of man in it.

Work description.

Hello. My name is the minds Vladislav. I go to kindergarten "Berry" in the preparatory group.

Once, Valentina Mikhailovna was read the poem of the poet Vladimir Nathanovich Orlova: "What does nature take us out." And I became interested, and what we can still learn from nature. I talked with the educator, I read the encyclopedia with my mother, were looking for information on the Internet. And today I want to tell about what I learned. I hope you too will be interested, as me.

We are depicted wood. It costs motionless.

Turning everything: wind and strules, rain and snow. Wave a branch, it says nothing. The tree is very patient in nature. He can learn patience.

What does a dog teach us? The dog is an attentive observer, surprisingly thinly feeling a variety of emotions and intentions of people. Once in a new team, the dog needs some time to understand how the roles are distributed here who is a leader who has a root who will play and walk with her. And only oriented in the system of relations between people, the dog establishes its special relationship with each of the team members separately. Her tact and ability to establish contact with people depending on their individual characteristics and preferences should learn.

When we see the dog, we see full loyalty in the view. Why do dogs love? Because they are faithful animals.

If you compare dogs and wolves, the wolves are incorrect, although they look like dogs. When we look into the eyes of a wolf (for example, in a zoo, he has a tense, suspicious, he has no one who believes he believed. Although they look like a dog. Dogs are faithful, so you are located next to a person. Dogs can be learned .

Pay attention to the cat. The cat knows what he wants, and unmistakably chooses what she really comes best. That is why many tend to consider it cold and selfish. But this is incorrect: the cat is a very sensitive animal, and her attachment to the owner, even if not so obvious, like a dog, makes it a faithful friend, ready to support and calm themselves through gentle touch. She is relaxed all the time. This means that in life you need to learn everything to take as a cat: be relaxed and calm. The cat gives us a beautiful lesson how you can respect the balance between your own interests and the needs of others. The cat is unobtrusted in communication, she carefully dispensates the signs of her love and decides herself to do what to do.

Those who breed bees know how an amazing insect, they know that it is impossible to put the hive too far from the colors. She simply makes her wings and die on the road and therefore the hives are closer to the bees flew not so far. So that they are not very tired, because the beeons themselves will not be. They will live to the last to live for this hive. The bee does not live for himself. The bee can learn to collective thinking. Looking at the bee we understand that the team needs to do everything together.

Watching the spider weave the web, the man learned to weave the network.

If Dolphin finds a wounded dolphin, he helps him stay afloat. Dolphins teach us not to throw each other in trouble.

Elephants never throw the elderly. Elephants learn to respect the elders.

Some plants and mollusks suggested to man how to make traps: mollusks slam their sinks, and plants are their flaps when food falls into them.

Watching the chameleon, having a carefully aiming, fascinating in prey with his long sticky tongue, man came up with Harpoon.

Claws, fangs and beaks - animal hunting tools - steel for the manufacture of arrows and copies.

Snakes and scorpions kill their victim poison - it is suggested to man how to use poisoned weapons.

Even such an admission of hunting, as an ambush, people suggested animals. Watch for a cat, as patiently, she can sit, rushing and watching whether the vigilance of sparrows did not lose. Also picked up the production of large cats - panthers, leopards, lynx and jaguars.

Special teachers of people were wolves. In their hunt, all the roles are strictly distributed: some are hidden in ambush, others drive production. There is already a mind in such a hunt. Therefore, therefore, ancient people especially honored smart, bold and strong animals: bears, wolves, tigers.

Finishing his performance, I want to tell another 4 things that animals can teach us:

Feeding and care for the health of their pet teaches us responsibility.

Animals either love us or not. I think animals are able to love. And teach us to this.

Caring for an animal teaches us patience.

Try to throw a dog's ball, or play the rope with your cat and you will realize that the pleasure can be obtained from the little things.

And I realized that we must share the difficulties among themselves, help each other and hold together. Such a law of nature. And we must live in this law.


Working on his project, I learned that a person from antiquity studied from nature. Nature is an inexhaustible source of knowledge and new discoveries. It is necessary to love nature, take care and very carefully to watch and study. And most importantly - to learn from her all my life, and then we are waiting for many new discoveries.

These words of a wonderful Russian writer most accurately emphasize the significance of nature in our lives. It was in the family that the child can receive the first knowledge about how to learn to love and take care of the native nature.

"Many of us admire in nature, but not many take it to heart," wrote M. M. Prishvin, and even by those who take to heart, it does not often succeed so to go with nature to feel their own soul. "

We are accustomed to the fact that from day to day plants surround us, animals, the sun shines, spilling around us their golden rays. It seems to us that it was, there will always be. There will always be a green carpet of grass in the meadows, flowers will bloom, singing birds. But it's not all. If we do not learn themselves and do not teach our children to perceive themselves as part of the world of wildlife, the future generation will not be able to admire and be proud of the beauty and wealth of our homeland.

From the first years of life in children, an ecological culture is formed. Watching mom, which carefully cares for flowers and pets, the child has a desire to approach and stroke a cat or a dog, pour flowers or admire their beauty.

Children grow and learn a lot about the world around him. Namely, that every plant, animal, insect, birds have their own "house" in which they are good and comfortable.

Pay attention to the beauty of nature at different times of the year, day and in any weather. Teach children to hear the singing of birds, inhale the aromas of the meadow, enjoy the coolness of the spring. Neither the greatest joy in the life of a person. This is the greatest gift that the mother diving will give us.

In winter, pay attention to the beauty of the trees. Admire the Russian birch, which was covered with Inem. Availaned to children that in winter the trees are sleeping and only we can protect them from the cold. Offer them to make a good deal - to cover roots with snow so that the trees "do not frozen."

Pay attention to the arrival of flight birds. Explain to children that the birds have hard after a long winter and we can help them: build birdhouses and not forget to feed them.

The best summer holiday is a trip to the forest. Admire the trees-giants and thickets of thick grass. Tell the children that the forest can see rare plants that are listed in the Red Book. This is Lily of Lily, St. John's wort, stitching. In no case cannot be disrupted. Admire their beauty, breathe the fragrance. Find medicinal plants with children, name them, explain the benefits.

Collecting mushrooms and berries, tell children about what they are needed not only to us, but also in the inhabitants of the forest. Some mushrooms animals are not only feeding, but also treated. Here, for example, an amicer. Very beautiful, but poisonous mushroom for man. And it will come and it will come in handy to him for treatment. Explain to children that mushrooms need to be cut off with a knife, and not tear together with the fruit. After some time, a new mushroom will grow in this place.

Do not look into the nest of birds, these are their homes. The bird can be frightened and leave the nest. Small chicks will remain without maternal care and die.

Do not attach in the forest. Do not take tape recorders with you, you can listen to at home. And it is not necessary to talk to the whole forest: Enjoy your socializing with nature. Both the forest, and beasts, and birds, and even the most tiny flower will be grateful to you for care and attention.

We and Nature are one big family. Teach children to see the beauty of the native nature, bring up a careful attitude towards her. If the child will carefully refer to everything that surrounds it - your upbringing will not be for nothing. They will be attentive not only to the world around, but also to you - adults.

"Love for his native country is impossible without love for her nature"

Message for teachers

"Nature teaches us to understand the beautiful.
Love for the native country is impossible without love for her nature "
K.G. Powesty

These words of a wonderful Russian writer most accurately emphasize the significance of nature in our lives. "Many of us admire in nature, but not many take it to heart," wrote M.M. Prishvin, "and even to those who take to heart, it does not often succeed so fall with nature to feel their own soul."

We are accustomed to the fact that from day to day plants surround us, animals, the sun shines, spilling around us their golden rays. It seems to us that it was, there will always be. In the meadows will always lie with a green carpet of grass, will be

flower flowers, breaking birds. But it's not all. Scientists alarm notice that the animal and plant world on our planet becomes poorer, the rivers, the seas are polluted, and this leads to the death of everything alive. Many species of animals and plants have already disappeared on Earth. People began missing clean water, because Rivers and lakes due to cutting down of forests dry, they are contaminated with chemicals, industrial and household waste.

Each of us must take care of our homeland for us and our descendants. The protection of nature is the holy duty of everyone. Holy feel to all alive. Take care of each tree, twig, every flower. Do not chop trees without need, do not break them. Remove trash on the banks of the rivers, on forest glades. Do not allow fire in the forest. Do not pollute the forests, the lakes and do not allow it to do it familiar, do not poison and do not destroy the fish. Do not ruin the bird nests, do not kill animals. If we do not learn themselves and do not teach our children to perceive themselves as part of the world of wildlife, the future generation will not be able to admire and be proud of the beauty and wealth of our homeland.

How to learn to love and take care of the child's native nature can get the first knowledge in preschool childhood. From the first years of life in children, an ecological culture is formed. Watching mom, which carefully cares for flowers and pets, the child has a desire to approach and stroke a cat or a dog, pour flowers or admire their beauty. Children grow and learn a lot about the world around him. Putting birds, murmur of the stream, water splash in the river, rustle grass, painting, shape and smell of flowers and fruits, rustling of dry leaves, creaking snow under legs - all this serves as a material for the development of aesthetic feeling, sensory perception. The ability acquired in childhood to see and hear nature causes deep interest in her, expanding knowledge, contributes to the formation of character and interest. In the process of familiarizing children with nature, moral, physical and mental education is carried out. In the moral development of the child, he has a special place to raise his love for his native nature and the careful attitude towards everything.

The child should know that every plant, animal, insect, birds have their own "house" in which they are good and comfortable. It is necessary to pay attention to the beauty of nature at different times of the year, day and in any weather. Teach children to hear the singing of birds, inhale the aromas of the meadow, enjoy the coolness of the spring. Neither the greatest joy in the life of a person. This is

the greatest gift that gives us a mother nature. In winter, pay the attention of children to the beauty of the trees. Admire the Russian birch, which was covered with Inem. Read the poem of S.Senin:

Available to explain to children that the trees are sleeping in winter, and only we can protect them from the cold. Invite them to make a good deed - to cover roots with snow so that the trees "do not frozen."

Watch with the children as snowing. Mark its properties (fluffy, white, cold, etc.)

Footprints are clearly visible on the fresh snow. Offer the child to play the game "Passwords". In the footsteps in the snow, you can determine who has passed here, who went where they left, whose (man, cats, dogs, birds).

Spring nature wakes up. Reprove together with the advent of the first grass, the first leaflet. Offer the child to play the game "Find Signs of Spring." (Sun brighter shines, blue-blue sky, first flowers appeared, etc.)

Pay attention to the arrival of flight birds. Explain to children that birds have hard after a long winter, and we can help them: build birdhouses and not forget to feed them.

The best summer holiday is a trip to the forest. Admire the trees-giants and thickets of thick grass. Tell the children that the forest can see rare plants that are listed in the Red Book. This is Lily of Lily, St. John's wort, stitching. In no case cannot be disrupted. Admire their beauty, breathe the fragrance. Find medicinal plants with children, name them, explain the benefits. Collecting mushrooms and berries, tell children about what they are needed not only to us, but also in the inhabitants of the forest. Some mushrooms animals are not

only feed on, but also treated. Here, for example, an amicer. Very beautiful, but poisonous mushroom for man. And it will come, and it will come in handy to him for treatment. Explain to children that mushrooms need to be cut off with a knife, and not tear together with the fruit. After some time, a new mushroom will grow in this place.

Do not look into the nest of birds - these are their homes. The bird can be frightened and leave the nest. Small chicks will remain without maternal care and die.

Of course, everyone understands that it is impossible to break the nele, anticles and dig holes.

Do not attach in the forest. Do not take tape recorders with you, you can listen to at home. And it is not necessary to talk to the whole forest: Enjoy your socializing with nature. Both the forest, and beasts, and birds, and even the most tiny flower will be grateful to you for care and attention. Teach children to behave correctly in nature, without harming everything to live, which surrounds them.

Do not leave garbage on the places of your holiday!

Ecological fairy tales help to love nature and loving nature. They are very loved to listen inquisitive kids. They ask many questions, and it is necessary to find answers together to them.

Attracting children to close communication with nature, to the knowledge of her world, we, adults, contribute to the active development in children of such qualities as kindness, patience, hard work and mercy. These features, embedded in early childhood, will firmly include a person, will become its basis.

We and Nature are one big family. We will teach children to see the beauty of their native nature, bring careful attitude towards her, and the child will be careful about everything that surrounds him - and our upbringing will not be in vain. And then you can be calm for nature and the younger generation.

Tamara Korolchenko
Formation of love for homeland through the love of nature of the native land

Love to motherland - This is one of the manifestations of patriotism. This complex feeling is composed of emotionally positive attitude, sustainable interest in nature and the desire to work in nature, transforming and guarding it. What attractive force concluded in what surrounds us from childhood? Why, even having left native places for many years, man remembers them with warmth and love, proudly talks about the beauty and wealth of his native region?

In this - expression deep love to everythingthat from early years has entered the heart as the most expensive. His love for native places, knowledge of what is famous motherland, K. nature of the native land Adults are transmitted to children. It is extremely important for education began patriotic feelings.

The first representations of O. native countrywho receive a child in kindergarten should include information about nature of the terrainTogo the edges, Where does he live. Any land is unique.

IN anyone place its own special, unique nature. Everywhere is "Special", dear to its inhabitants, paths, "Special" Trees. In our Bogorodsky, in my opinion, these are limes, old and huge, which remained in the village, beauties - Ryabins along the road, and, of course, ate at the monument to the dead soldiers, a pond near the church.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: "Man became a man only when he saw the beauty of the evening dawn and the cloud floating in the blue sky, heard the singing of the nightingale and survived the admiration of the beauty of the space. Since then, thought and beauty go beside; But this reform requires large educational efforts ... "

Each object nature., bright or modest, large or small, is attractive in its own way, and describing it, the child learns to determine its attitude to natureTransmit it in stories, drawings.

Meetings S. nature. They excite the child's fantasy, contribute to the development of speech, visual, game creativity.

Communication with nature., the knowledge of her secrets is engraving a person makes it more sensitive. The more we learn native land, the more we start to love it. Very early to the world of the child enters nature of the native edge. River, the forest gradually come to life for him. Games in the forest, in the meadow, on the banks of the river or lake, the collection of mushrooms, berries, observations of animals and plants give children a lot of joyful experiences. From the first general perception, the child goes to speculation - he has favorite paths in the forest, trees, a place for fishing at the river. It makes the forest, the river is yours, relativesremaining in memory for life. All my life, a person keeps these memories. From close attention to nature, from attachment to the place of children's games, arises and develops love for your native edge, K. native nature, K. Motherland, the feeling of patriotism is raised. So natural The environment acts as the first teacher, acquainting a child with Motherland. beauty native nature Reveals both the beauty of human labor, gives rise to a desire to make her edge even more beautiful. Love for nature Determined by a careful attitude to it. In preschool children, this is expressed in elementary care of plants and animals. Interest in nature Appears already in the younger preschool age. The kid is surprised, meeting a new flower, an unfamiliar animal, the first with her, running streams. His questions - the first sprouts of the joyful feeling of knowledge nature., interest in it, and it needs to be strengthened, maintain. For 3-4 years old, target walks are carried out. They are short-lived, episodic. Gradually observation borders expands: Plot of kindergarten, familiar street, river, field. The educator not only reports to children the first knowledge of naturebut also gives an example of assessments of the observed phenomena: "This is a meadow, look what is it beautiful, how many different colors here grows: And the pigeons of yellow, and white ... "

However, the pupil of younger age is already acquainted with the rules of respect for nature: Plants need to watered, it is impossible to tear flowers, leaves,

Senior preschoolers acquaint with nature of the native land You can on excursions and walks, during classes and conversations, during observations. However, this is not enough: Children need a minimum of elementary environmental knowledge that will help them understand the need to behave ecologically right: Do not make noise in the forest, do not include loudly music, not to light the fire close to trees, do not tear up flowers, do not hurt insects and birds.

Great help in enriching the sensory ideas of preschoolers, in organizing various meetings with nature can have a family. On Sunday Day parents with children go to the forest, on the reservoir, you can ask them to collect natural material, identify medicinal plants, take a picture of something unusual. And then these photos, crafts to put at exhibitions. What and in our kindergarten is practiced very often.

Transfer your attitude to nature child can through Pushkin landscape lyrics, Yesenin, Nekrasova, through Drawing up stories from personal experience, in drawings, crafts.

The final stage of the work to familiarize children with nature of the native land and the upbringing of love for the Motherland are holidays and leisure events "Seasons", "I love the birch of Russian", « Native Nature» and etc.

It is very important to instill a feeling love and attachment to values native region. Native The edge is part of our motherland.

Every person needs to know native nature.

Publications on the topic:

Formation of moral and patriotic qualities of preschoolers by familiarization with the history and culture of the native land The formation of moral and patriotic qualities in children of preschool age is long and complex. Therefore, educational work.

Relevance: Many centuries, a person, directly or indirectly affecting nature, changed her appearance. Following the change in the conditions of existence.

Speech at MO in MBDOU d / s № 42 26.11.2015 Theme MO: "Formation of the basics of moral and patriotic education through love for.

Formation of cognitive activity by familiarization with the nature of the native land The feeling of love for his homeland, the native land is one of the strongest feelings. And whether a person will feel affection for his native land if removed.

Consultation "Formation of environmental culture in the process of familiarizing the senior preschoolers with the nature of the native land" Development of the content of environmental education of preschoolers and its experimental testing convinced specialists in that nature.

The written "Love for Motherland" provides for the consideration of love of different levels: love for the place in which a person was born, to nature and to loved ones. All theses are supported by arguments from the poems of N. Rubtsov ("silent my homeland"), S. A. Yesenin ("Goy You, Russia, my native") and M. Sokhkin ("My Motherland, Clanzy").

Love for native edges

Love for the Motherland in the broad sense of this word begins with love for his own house, with love for a small homeland. A man carefully and trembles to the place where he was born and where he spent his very first years of life. It was here that he said his first word, made his first step and went to school, which is one of the most important life institutions for a person.

So, N. Rubtsov in his poem "quiet my homeland" showed that for him the love of his homeland was imprisoned where he walked for fish, where he went to swim, where he went to school. Malaya Motherland means a lot for the poet. He with trepidation responds about the place in which he was born.

Love for nature

Love for homeland also includes love for nature. A person learns to appreciate the nature and carefully treat it from his birth, that is, in his homeland. Love for trees, to birds and animals - all this applies to love to their homeland. Nature becomes the personification of love to his homeland, and vice versa.

For example, for S. A. Yesenin, love for his homeland was manifested in the description of native places and nature. This is Russia with its fields, poplar and meek sax. In the poem "Goy You, Rus, my native" great poet showed what love for homeland is:

If the Holy Holy Wrinkles:

"Throw you rus, live in paradise!"

I will say: "I do not need paradise,

Give my homeland. "

These words became aphoristic, with the help of them many people express their love of their homeland.

Love for loved ones and relatives

Motherland is not only a place in which a person was born, but also those people who surrounded him from birth. Mom and dad, brothers and sisters, grandmothers and grandfathers - all these people relate to the concept of their homeland. These are all those who appeared in our life in order to teach and educate. It is with these people that all children's memories are connected, which are the basis for love to their homeland.

The Soviet poet M. Sokhin in the poem "My Motherland, Clanzhanzaya", the love of his homeland compares with love for his own mother. So great and inseparable this connection.

This article, which will help write an essay on the topic "Love for Motherland," will consider the manifestation of love for native land, to nature and to native people, and also illustrates the love of their homeland arguments from literature.

The most popular materials of January for grade 9.

Since childhood, we are taught to appreciate and respect what is around us. And this is not just like that, because everything surrounds us, for example, for example, the air we breathe, the grass, on which we go are all nature. How much is the wonderful surrounding us. Nature is the most valuable thing on earth.

If we do not take care of nature, then this can not be. But so I want to see the spring to see beautifully blooming flowers, hear the beautiful singing of birds. Whatever it is and further pleased us, you should care, love the nature around us. When you go on the street and eat sweets, because it is not difficult to throw out a phanto into a garbage container and thereby not pollute nature. What a pity that some people forget about such simple things and pollute nature. If every person did at least something good for nature, then what surrounds us would be much more beautiful.

Nature provides a person to everyone that he needs for his life. All beauty on earth is only due to nature. Only due to nature on Earth can live and do not need any people and animals. If people want to live in beauty and do not need anything, then you need to take care of nature, even from ourselves like. We must appreciate and not forget about it. A person must defend and protect nature.

15.3 9 Class of EGE

Writing love for nature

Nature can be called everything around us. Soil, reservoirs, plants, animals belong to our understanding of "nature" and make it up. Everyone since childhood it is known that all this needs to be preserved, to surround care and attention. And to carry through life such a sensitive and reverent attitude towards nature, it must first be loved.

Love for nature is an important feature of a human character, without which its peaceful and fruitful existence on earth among the great many living organisms that are inhabited by it. Love for nature in different periods of life and different people find a different expression. Children express their attachment most directly - they spoil the torn leaves and branches, feed and smooth homeless animals, help the elders to care for indoor and garden plants.

Teens already familiar with the concept of ecology and the importance of a careful attitude towards nature, express their love, imitating adults. They study natural sciences to work for the benefit of nature, share their considerations and achievements with peers, instruct younger comrades. Adults love nature much calmer than boys and children. Love adults is the ability to combine your needs and ability of nature to answer these needs; So, adults are monitoring the purity and abundance of water bodies, health and animal habitat conditions.

Those whose professions are not directly related to the preservation of nature, help her as they take place - save water, buy environmentally friendly things and products, follow purity and do not allow themselves to pollute nature. Those whose education allows you to work with nature directly, save those whose life is under threat, develop new mechanisms for maintaining the viability of nature, enlighten the rest.

Art people love nature in a very special way - they perceive it as an object of their artistic creativity, like a muse, inspiring them. Thus, artists create great landscapes, photographers capture the beauty of nature on their photos, poets challenge nature in verses, musicians devote their majestic concerts and symphones. So, love for nature is a feeling at the same time and complex, and simple. It is complicated because everyone expresses it in different ways, but no one will ever say exactly what it is.

And simple - because the feeling of tenderness to nature, and, above all, the nature of the native country is given to us since childhood and is felt at any age very sharply and cleanedly. Thus, the love of nature is not just necessary, but even an integral property of a person who has implemented individually for each of us.

15.3 9 Class of EGE

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The wealth and beauty of the world of nature reveal in their work many Russian writers. But if the feta attracts nature in its variability, constant change of states, if in the work of Turgenev, Nikitin, the paustovsky is the main idea - the harmony of man and nature, then Svienne puts questions about the meaning of life in his works. He reflects himself and makes us think about how to live to leave my mark on Earth. He teaches to love everyone, while maintaining attention to everyone. In his stories, we feel tremendous love of nature and man, and these two concepts for the Privain are in an inseparable connection. The love of the writer towards nature is born from his love for a person, and all his works are filled with relatives to the person and to the land where this person lives and works.

So, for example, in "Forest drops", the writer seeks to find the "key to his own soul." This book is filled with its observations, accurate descriptions of nature, and at the same time the author writes about the moral quest of man, about the feelings filling the soul. Reading thumbnails included in, we seek with the author who heard the ringing "Forest drops", fascinated by the smell of "walnut flints" and we understand that all this beauty you need to save, save that others can admire and others.

The works of Svanina, speaking by his own words, "the infinite joy of permanent discoveries." And indeed, amazing the ability of the Privina in any phenomenon to see and open something interesting. And talk about this amazing, magical language. Here, for example, in the "storeroom sun", it poetically describes the beauty of the spring morning, when the first rays of the sun flew over Christmas trees and birch trees, "and the mighty trunks of a pine forest boron are like lit candles of the Great Temple of Nature." The singing of birds dedicated to the "Sunrise of the Great Sun" began to be outlived, and Kosch, which, having matched on the bridge between the two trees, "as if he was blooming in the rays of the rising sun." On the head of his scallop "caught fire with a fiery flower ... and his rainbow, spreaded by the tail of the tail, became especially beautiful.

I fully agree with Konstantin Powesta, who wrote: "If nature could feel gratitude to the person for penetrating her secret life and felt her beauty, then, first of all, this gratitude would have fallen out of the writer Mikhail Mikhailovich Svarvina."

The real vertex of creativity of this wonderful writer is considered to be the book "Eyes of Earth", which manifested the art of a promsion-artist to reflect the world through the soul of man and the soul of nature. We see how the leaves and herbs come to life, and the whole forest with its swamps and glades, curtains and mosquitoes. We feel sincere attention of the author to everything, and above all, to a person: you are hungry - I will feed you, you are alone - I will love you. The world, nature, man - all this together, as teaches us M. M. Svavin, and makes up the unique beauty of life that needs to be maintained, struggling with evil in any manifestations.

The life of Svavina was typical of a Russian man who survived three wars and revolution. M. M. Svavina is the characteristic fate of the Russian man precisely because almost always true life is in the shade. She never declares about himself loudly and at the same time present every moment in the word writing. Each phrase, even every word at the province, as in verses, carries a greater semantic load. This is such a wise poetry in prose. There is no edification in it, but there are related, chaste attention to everything, and to a person first of all: you are hungry - I will feed you, you are alone - I love you. Everything from the writer is the world, nature, a person - in a common aggregate and makes up the beauty of life that needs to be defended, struggling with evil in any manifestations. This topic was devoted to the fairy tale of the "Storeroom Sun". In it we meet familiar signs of the people's Russian fairy tale, ranging from a fabulous landscape, conversations of birds, animals and ending with a happy junction with a victory of good over evil. And at the same time, it is expanding our knowledge of life. Reading this book, we learn about the bondar craft and about the healing properties of cranberries, about the meaning of the forest for a person and how the hunter suits the clouds to wolves, and what hands at the hare and fox, in a wolf and in TETEREV, why it is necessary, especially on Swamp, hold on solid trails and what is great peat swamps. Much, what he writes in his works Privine, not fantasy. The basis of all his creativity has valid events, their own observations and impressions. "Nowhere in the world there is no such wonderful language as Russian," wrote Svtain. "Here, for example, the word" homeland ", how many words with the same root: the birthplace, the genus, relatives, the birthplace, the spring, Rodnikok, related, relatives ..." Svavin is one of the peculiar writers. He does not look like anyone, nor in world literature. Gorky wrote about him: "I have not met one of the Russian writers, I did not feel such a harmonious combination of love for Earth and knowledge about her, as I see and feel it." And yet: "You know the forests and swamps, fish and birds, grass and animals, dogs and insects, the world is surprisingly rich and wound up and the world. The word Privanine is unusually modern, especially in the tragic moments of our life, on a fracture, although it seems that the creativity of the Svarvina is pretty safe: he wrote about nature and knows as a singer of nature, but to think so - the same thing that, entering the forest, be sure that he is only for recreation and is intended. But the life of nature goes in their wise deep laws. For fish, clean water is needed - we will protect our reservoirs. In the forests, steppes, the mountains are different valuable animals - we will guard our forests, steppes, mountains. Fish - Water, Bird - Air, Beast - Forest, Steppe, Mountains. And man needs homeland. And protect nature - it means to protect their homeland. Creativity Svarvina is how a newly born, again heard the ringing, which is going now all wider and wider. In such a difficult hour of our life, the word Privina sounds louder and louder. He survived the hardest historical cataclysms and still served the eternal.

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In school at the lesson of literature, every time wrote an essay on the topic "Love for Nature". The topic is so abstract that not everyone is able to express in words what feels. Like this? After all, "you can feel something" to another person or, for example, to a home pet, but nature ... People are so accustomed to the technical wonders of the modern world, that sometimes they do not notice the surrounding beauty: in the same star sky, forest park zone or in Pharkat

Humanity is employed by the discovery of new inventions to improve life, love for nature is moving onto the second, and then on the third plan. Moreover, this high feeling is mixed with a banal man's banal.

What is what?

What follows? After all, at first glance, both concepts mean the same thing: a man loves nature. Not. In the case when he likes to be in nature, we are talking about his desire to go outside the city on weekends or holidays, swim, make kebabs, breathe fresh air and be in silence after urban sticks and noise. Here only a person's desire to change the situation at least for the day. Relax. Excessive proof of the absence of sincere feelings to nature is that, having rested, a person does not scream to leave under any particular beautiful bush with garbage.

Love for nature implies the unity of the human soul and natural beauty. We are talking about love, lying on the forest glade and looking at slowly floating clouds when there is not a single thought in the head, and in the soul there is a complete pacification. This feeling can be said when the knock of raindrops in the eaves is not annoying, and brings peace and lulls, washing all the adversity from memory. Love for his native nature is to go a few days in the train around the country and unwittingly admire the forests, hills, hills. At the same time, never to catch yourself on what you are bored.

Love nature means to notice the beauty of her trifles without thinking about utility and profitability. Nature is selflessness and purity of thoughts.

Nature in literature

The literary essay on the topic "Love for Nature" implies the presence of examples from artistic works. It is in them that we see the uncomplicated beauty of nature, expressed by a powerful copyright syllable.

Take, for example, "Farewell to Mattera" V. G. Rasputin. The story of the village in the middle of the hangary, which should be flooded to build the population of the island is divided into two groups: old men and young people. The first so "gone" with the island that they do not want and cannot leave the native land. Daria Pinigina, refusing to move with her son to the city, Belit his hut, although he understands that it will be burned by the Sanitars. Her neighbor, leaving the island, dies in the city, so his wife returned back to Matyor.

Love for nature, love for the Motherland drives the actions of old people. Rasputin in his narrative does not resort to accurate definitions, its love for the nature of this edge it is transmitted by abstract descriptions, but it does not prevent us, readers, draw the image of a small village, separated from around the world. Nature with Rasputin Live. There is a master of the island - the embodiment of His nature, its inhabitants and their ancestors buried in this earth. There is a huge tree - the royal foliage, which Sanitars could not burn. Love for nature in the heads of old people made it a real living character, which cannot be broken.

Grandchildren, contracted old men, easily leave their native land, hoping for a better life in the city. They do not have a drop of what sits in the soul of every elderly inhabitant. They are unfortunately aware that the village will erase from the face of the earth, they do not believe in the owner, they do not see power in destruction. For them, it is only a fairy tale about non-existent magic.

True value

"Farewell to Mattera" - not just a story about the unfair fate of the village. The topic of love for nature is intertwined in it with the idea of \u200b\u200bopposing traditions and modernity, which is often found in our lives.

Humanity enjoys the gifts of nature, perceiving them as due. Nature in humans is not a subject of admiration, but a source of income. Entrepreneurship development destroys a sense of excellent, giving birth to the thirst for profit. After all, even having a lot of money and the opportunity to relax abroad, a person will not admire the nature, for for the current standards it is boring and no need.

Live system

We stopped understanding that nature is a single well-established living system. Using it in such a selfish goal. Early or later will turn against us. Remember how many victims and destruction happens after the tsunami, hurricane, earthquake ... Nature can kill no worse than people.

In this battle, modernity loses, and the conclusion is one: the love of a person to nature should not be laid. Go to nature - does not mean to love it with a soul and heart. Resting in nature is not a true manifestation of feelings.


We need to instill this feeling from a small age. Deep to nature - the first step in comprehending such an abstract concept. Children's feeling - it is to see in the cloud of a magician, getting from a rabbit hat; run through the white dandelion field and laugh when the gunki tickle the nose and cheeks; Understand that a piece of paper or a bottle, thrown into the urn, can cause great harm to nature.

Who is the first breeding when he sees the dead pigeon? Child. And why? Poultry sorry! It does not matter that these pigeons at every step, it is now sorry for this lifeless. The child will not even be able to explain why it is a pity. It will not be able to formulate that the bird could live for a long time, publishing offspring. He is sorry for pigeon. At that moment, the child loves him, as if he knew all his life. An adult will just pass by by throwing a disastrous look toward the unfortunate bird.

Children can sincerely love if they show how it is right.

Expression of feeling

Love for nature is creation. To convey an empty bottle before the garbage tank, pick up packages with food residues and disposable dishes with you from the forest - this is for everyone. Without proper handling of a person, nature will die, and our existence will be impossible without it.

Of course, a separate person will not save her from death. This should be a massive phenomenon. At the state level, assistance is possible in solving global problems: the greenhouse effect, the growth of the pollution of the atmosphere and the world ocean, etc. But everything starts with small.