Wild tribes of Asia. The Wild Amazon tribes: movies, photos, video watch online

  • 03.04.2019

In the modern world on Earth, it becomes less and less and less secluded places, where the Noga of civilization did not go. She comes everywhere. And wild tribes are often forced to change the places of their settlements. The same of them, which come to contact with the civilized world gradually disappear. They, Lorbor dissolve in modern society, or simply die out.

The whole thing is that the centuries-old life in complete isolation did not allow properly to develop the imune system of these people. Their body did not learn how to produce antibodies capable of withstanding the most common infections. The banal cold may be fatal for them.

Nevertheless, anthropologic scientists continue to study, as far as possible wild tribes. After all, each of them is nothing but a model ancient Mira. A kind of possible version of human evolution.

Indians of the Piala tribe

The lifestyle of the wild tribes in general is stacked in the framework of our idea of primitive people. They live mainly by polygamy families. Engage in hunting and collecting. But here the way of thinking and the language of some of them is able to hit any civilized imagination.

Once, a well-known anthropologist, Linguist and preacher Daniel Everett in scientific and missionary purposes went to the Amazonian tribe of Pirach. First of all, he was struck by the language of the Indians. It only had three vowels and seven consonant sounds. They did not have the slightest concept of the only and multiple number. In their language, there was no numeral. And why do they need them if the pirah did not even have the concepts of that, more and less. And it also turned out that the people of this tribe live out of time. He was alien to such concepts as the present, past and future. In general, the Polyglot Eversette with the study of the language of the Pirah had to be very difficult.

The missionary mission of Everett and waited at all a big confusion. First, Dikari asked the preacher whether he was personally familiar with Jesus. And when they found out that he was not, then immediately lost all interest in the gospel. And when Everett told them that God himself created a man, they had completely fell in full bewilderment. This bewilderment could be translated as follows: "What are you? Such stupid is not, how are people doing? ".

As a result, after visiting this tribe, the unfortunate Everett, according to him, from a convinced Christian almost turned into a finished one.

Cannibalism still exists

There is some wild tribes and cannibalism. Now the cannibalism among the savages is found not as often as years, about a hundred ago, but still cases of eating themselves are not yet rare. The Savior Island Borneo is the most successful in this business, they are famous for their cruelty and inseparability. These cannibals are happy to eat, and tourists. Although the last outbreak of Cakibalism dates from the beginning of a vulnerable century. Now this phenomenon in the wild tribes is episodic.

But in general, according to scientists, the fate of the wild tribes on Earth has already been solved. In just a few decades, they will finally disappear.

Photos from open sources

There were still untouched places on the planet, where the lifestyle is the same as a couple of millennia ago.

Today there are about a hundred tribes that are hostile to configured in relation to modern society And they do not want to let civilization in their lives.

At the shores of India on one of the Andaman Islands - the North Sentelinel island - such a tribe lives.

They are so nicknamed - Seninets. They violently resist all possible contacts from the outside.

The first testimonies of the tribe, inhabiting the North Sentelle Island of the Andaman Archipelago, belong to XVIII century: The navigators, being nearby, left records of strange "primitive" people who do not allow to go to their land.

With the development of seaworthy and aviation, the possibilities of observing the islanders increased, but all the information known to date is assembled remotely.

Until now, no strangers could have been in the circle of the Seninetse tribe, without having lost his life. it non-contact tribe Lets the stranger not closer than the distance of the shots from the bow. They even throw stones in helicopters flying too low. The last brands, trying to get to the island, were fishermen poachers in 2006. Their families still can't pick up the body: the Steninelians killed the uninvited guests, buried them in shallow graves.

However, interest in this isolated culture does not decrease: the researchers are constantly looking for the possibilities of contact and study of the Steninelts. IN different time They were thrown into coconuts, dishes, pigs and much more, which could improve their habitat on a small island. It is known that they liked the coconuts, but the representatives of the tribe did not guessed that they could be planted, but simply ate all the fruits. Pork Islanders betrayed the earth, making it with the honors and without having traveled to their meat.

Interesting turned out to be an experiment with kitchen utensils. The metallic dishes of the Stennalets adopted favorably, and the plastic was divided into flowers: the green buckets were thrown, and they came up with the red. There is no explanation for this, as there are no answers and many other questions. Their language is among the most unique and completely unrepresented to anyone on the planet. They are the lifestyle of hunters-collectors, extracting themselves to food hunting, fishing and the collection of wild plants, while during the millennium of its existence they did not have mastered agricultural activities.

It is believed that they don't even know how to breed the fire: using random fires, they then carefully keep smashes and coals. Even the exact number of the tribe remains unknown: the numbers range from 40 to 500 people; Such a scatter is also explained by observations only on the part and assumptions that part of the islanders at this moment can hide in more often.

Despite the fact that the Stennicians are not affected by the rest of the world, they have advocates on the big earth. Organizations advocating the rights of tribal peoples call the inhabitants of the Northern Sentellin Island "The most vulnerable society on the planet" and reminds that they have no immunity to anyone common infection in the world. For this reason, their policy to drive strangers can be considered as self-defense from the right death.

On the shores of the river, the Maja lives wild tribe Pirah, numbering about three hundred people. Survive the natives at the expense of hunting and gathering. A feature of this tribe is their unique language: there are no words in it denoting colors, no indirect speech, and also interesting fact, there are no numerical words in it (the Indians consider one, two and a lot). They have no legends on the creation of the world, there is no calendar, but with all this, the people did not find the qualities of a reduced intelligence.

Video: Amazon code. In the deaf jungle of the Amazon River lives a wild tribe of the pyrhy. Christian Missionary Daniel Everett came to them to carry the Word of God, but as a result of acquaintance with their culture became an atheist. But much more interesting is the opening relating, to the tongue of the pirach tribe.

One more wild tribe of Brazil is also known - Sinta Larga, about one and a half thousand people. Previously, this tribe dwells in rubber jungle, however, because of their deforestation, Sinta Larga became a pointed tribe. Indians are fishing, hunting and agriculture. There is a patriarchate in the tribe, i.e. A man can have a few wives. Also, in life, the man of Sinta Larga receives several names, depending on the individual characteristics or certain events in his life, but there is one special name that is kept secret and only the closest people know it.

And in the western part of the Amazon River Valley, a very aggressive tribe Corba is inhabited. The main occupation of the Indians of this tribe is hunting and raid on neighboring settlements. Moreover, both men and women armed with poisoned darts and batons participate in the raids. There are evidence that there are cases of cannibalism in the tribe.

Video: Leonid Kruglov: GEO: Unknown world: Land. Secrets of the new world. " Great River Amazons. " "Corobo Incident".

All these tribes are a unique find for anthropologists and evolutionists. Studying their life and culture, language, beliefs can be better understood all the stages of human development. And it is very important to keep this heritage of history in its primitive form. The Brazil has created a special government organization (National Indian Fund), engaged in cases of such tribes. The main task of this organization is to protect these tribes from any interventions of modern civilization.

Magic adventure - Janas.

Movie: Amazonia / Imax - Amazon HD.

The British photographer began with the fact that the territory of Tibet passed over the year, creating a unique visual diary, who received recognition at the international level. He then photographed in the hot zones of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yugoslavia, examined with his wife all the corners of China. Since 1997, he began to travel a lot in the world with various commercial tasks, along the way, collecting valuable material for the project "While they did not disappear" - a photo-story about the unique peoples inhabiting the continents of our planet.

Before starting to take pictures, Jimmy Nelson came into contact with people of different tribes, drank their mystical drinks, watched a lot, set up his antenna on their frequency, shared their vibration with them, participated in their rituals and gained true trust. The result of his stunning activities was an amazing, aesthetic document of the rapidly disappearing world with its unique spirit, original traditions and natural purity.

Ai-yes immerse in unprecedented ... we are all a little tribe ~

Masai - The tribe of East Africa. When Masai migrated from Sudan in the 15th century, they were attacked on the tribes and captured cattle. By the end of the trip, they occupied almost the entire territory of the rift valley. Being Masai is to be born a member of one of the most militant cultures of the world.

Mongolian Kazakhs - Descendants of the Turkic, Mongolian and Indo-Iranian tribes and the Huns, who inhabited the territory between Siberia and the Black Sea. This is a semi-human people, and they roam the mountains and valleys of Western Mongolia with their herds since the 19th century. They believe in the associates of the sky, ancestors, fire and supernatural powers Good and evil spirits. Eagle hunt - their traditional art, and every year there is a holiday of the Eagle, which participants and viewers come from all the aimaks of the country.

Himba - ancient tribe High, slender shepherd Namibia. From the 16th century, they live with disparate settlements and lead a life that remains unchanged, experiencing war and drought. The tribal structure helps them live on one of the most extreme territories on our planet.

Huli. - Papuan people living in highlands. Traditionally, they are anomists who perform strict ritual offerings to apply their ancestors. They live hunting implemented mainly by men, and the collection and growing plants carried out mainly by women. They have plenty of food, they have cohesive families and worship the wonders of nature. They also quarreled with neighboring tribes, so the awesome color and hairster are so important.

Asar - clay people - wild tribe Papua New Guinea. They first met with a civilized western world in the middle of the 20th century. They make frightening masks from clay and are cooked with gray clay, wanting to believe in the face of the formidable spirits that scare enemies.

Kalami. - Another tribe of Papua New Guinea, living in a hard-to-reach Mountain village of Simba, which helped them to preserve a strong and rich original culture.

Chukchi - The ancient Arctic people of the Chukotka Peninsula. Due to the inaccessibility of their territories, hospitality is highly appreciated by these people, and they believe that all natural phenomena has their spirits. Their original lifestyle is well preserved, but the invasion of the achievements of modern civilization continues to move. Chukchi of all ages love to sing, dance, listen to fairy tales and report patter. Their origin of the bone carving and the beavges of the walrus of all scenes from the daily reality.

Maori - Polynesian people, the indigenous population of New Zealand. Thanks to centuries conducted in isolation, they organized a separate community with characteristic art, their tongue and unique mythology. And although they were assimilated with European colonists in the 18th century, they retained many aspects of their original culture. The legend says that 12 large canoes brought 12 different tribes from their mystical homeland of Hawaiics in the 13th century. And still True Maori can say what kind of these tribes they belong.

Mustang, the former kingdom of Lo, Nepal. On this territory in 2 thousand sq. Km. There are only 7,000 inhabitants. The traditions of the inhabitants of this kingdom are closely connected with early Buddhism. In almost every village there is a monastery demonstrating the most important influence of religion on the life of society. The very difference among the brothers still has the place.

Sambur, Northern Kenya people. They move every 5-6 weeks to provide food to your cattle. This is an independent and egalitarian people. They build huts from clay and apply them to prickly fences to protect against wild beasts. Childness is very important for sambura, even children are ridiculed by children. They believe in spells, rituals and spirits. Solutions in the tribe are taken by men, but women can convene their advice and then declare his results to men.

Tsatana - reindeer herds living in the north-west of Mongolia. On the currently They have only 44 families. They do not eat deer meat, only milk and use their bones. With their Tipi, they move from 5 to 10 times a year according to remote areas in conditions of up to 50 degrees below zero in winter. To this day they confess the shamanism.

Gaucho - Cattlers of the Spanish Indian origin, living in the Prairies of Argentina, Uruguay and part of Brazil. It was a stray tribe close to the spirit of American cowboy, but now most of Prairies settled or given to commercial cattle breeding, so that a little place for them remains for their nomadic life. The word "Gaucho" began to be used in the second half of the 19th century to designate lonely wanderers, sometimes in the company with a woman, consistently with a knife, bulb and lasso. Duels tried not to kill the enemy, but to leave the scar on his face. Gaucho - magnificent riders, and their skills enjoyed in wars for independence.

Rabari. - Nomads that roam in Western India for almost 1000 years, and obviously they migrated from the Iranian plateau thousand years ago. Sorkny embroidery is the most important indicative characteristic of their culture. Men usually go in search of new pastures for livestock, and women stay in villages in modest two-bedroom houses, whose interior is also sable highest art Exquisite decoration. Also their art - tattoos, they are covered by most of the body.

Nast Vanuatu - Residents of the Pacific Island State Vanuatu (this word indicates "this land forever") to the right of Australia. An important part of their culture is the dance, the most famous is the male dance of the snake. Archaeological excavations They argue that settlements on these islands began 500 years before our era, and the first settlers sailed from Papua New Guinea. Now all populated islands have their own language (more than a hundred), their traditions and customs. They practice, it is necessary to think, primitive forms of religion.

Ladakh - Residents of the Cold Desert in the Northern Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. Their folklore is very rich and refers to Dobddian times. And they have been practiced about 1000 years old Tibetan neighbor buddhism. because of weather conditions They work 4 months a year, the remaining 8 months work is minimal, and the holidays are abundant. Basically, they are farmers growing potatoes, pumpkin, beets, beans and wheat. And they make a variety of dishes to lamb and chicken. These are very cohesive and ready to help people.

Mursi - Ethnic group of southwestern Ethiopia. These are invalid nomadic people, but the organization of national parks has reduced their access on the territory and jeopardized their natural resources. In the process of movement, they build or move their huts from cane, branches and pally, and this is the responsibility of women. Women are famous for clay plates, which they insert into the lower lip (incredibly stretching it) at the age of 15. This custom was invented to scare a possible enemy. But now the greater the plate, the more cattle is the girl who achieved the age of marriage.

Ethnic group of about 5.5 million people. Archeologically believes that they are descendants of the original nomadic tribes of the Qiang. And the history of Tibet ("roofs of the world") began 4000 years ago. Prayer flags, celestial funerals, ritual demonic dances, friction of sacred stones - all these characteristic Tibetan customs developed from the ancient Shaman religion Bon. Buddhism was mixed with Bon in the 8th century of our era and practiced everywhere not only daily, but sometimes it is hourly. Costumes and decorations reflect not only habits, but also history, beliefs, climate and nature of the people. It is based on the principle of human body perception as a microcosm system consisting of five major elements. Treatment is carried out by a wide range of plants, minerals and other natural resources.

Union (translated as "people") - indian peopleliving on the territory of Eastern Ecuador. They consider themselves the most brave of the Amazon tribe. Until 1956, they did not have any contacts with the outside world. According to the legend, they consider themselves the descendants of the marriage of Jaguar and Eagle. They never hunt jaguars and never kill snakes (it is considered bad admission). Family life is very important in their culture, and they live closely big families in long houses. They move to other places when they used the maximum territory to help land recover.

Dasanechi - The indigenous people living in the south-west of Ethiopia in the Valley of the Omo River. Interestingly, this tribe is not determined by ethnic signs: anyone can be taken to the tribe if they agree to spiritual cleansing (possibly circumcision). Women are building semicircular hut designs without inner divisions from sticks, cane and branches, and remove the right side of the dwelling for their needs. Most of them have muslim namesBut animism is still widely practiced.

Buna - Other Ethiopian tribe, numbering about 45,000 people. They live camps consisting of several related families. Due to the harsh conditions, they have to live a half-life life. During the dry season, men leave for long distances in search of water and grass and for collecting wild honey. They are excellent beekeepers and produce honey much more than consume, so they sell honey in the markets and buy tools for this money that do not know how to produce themselves.

Karo. - Ethiopian bass neighbors. They are from 1000 to 3,000 inhabitants of the Eastern Coast of the Omo River. They were famous for the device of magnificent dwellings, but since they lost their riches, they began to build more easy conical huts. In each family, two homes: it - the main residential premises of the family, and gAPPa - place of concentration of household classes. Women are very committed family life, on legs from dawn to sunset, and men, mostly engage in the protection of the village from wild animals, hunting on crocodiles and other predators, or just sit under sheds and chew tobacco.

Hamara - Another residents of the fertile valley of the OMO River in Ethiopia. The National Census of 2007 recorded about 50,000 people ethnic group, of which about a thousand became urban residents. Parents have serious control over the lives of their sons who graze cattle for their family, they give permission to marry. Men are often pulling with marriage up to 30-35 years old, and the girls, on the contrary, become brides aged about 17 years. When concluding marriage, the groom's family is obliged to pay a large tribute to the bride's family, consisting of cattle heads, goats and weapons, they do it in installments, sometimes throughout life.

Arbor - Ethiopian tribe with a number of about 4.5 thousand people. Women wear multiple multicolored beads, and heads covered with black scarves. During ritual dancing they sing to cleanse from negative energy. Arbor believe in the Supreme Personality, the Creator and Father of All People, they call His WAQ. The richness of the family is calculated on the existing livestock.

Dani - Indonesian people living in the mountain parts of Western New Guinea, in the Balia Valley. They are skillful farmers and use the productive irrigation system. Archaeological excavations show that these lands are cultivated for 9,000 years. They often have to fight with neighboring peoples and tribes, but they do not eat human meat unlike most other local tribes. Men go naked, and Kotkops put on to a member, something like a case manufactured, mainly from pumpkin. Wikipedia says that in the language of Dani there is no titles for any colors, except black and white.

Yali. - Papuan people living in the headwaters of Papua. They call themselves the "kings of the Earth", and they officially consider them to be pygmes, since men do not reach growth above 150 cm. And their kothks are distinguished by a special length and subtlety. Their territory has very limited natural access, mostly, only by air. Their buildings are usually located on the ridges of the mountains, while maintaining the traditional need for such protection from other tribes. Yali is considered one of the most dangerous cannibals of the western part of New Guinea. Men, women and children sleep in different huts.

Cows - Papuanskoye wild tribeliving in the southeastern part of the Indonesian province of Papua. We are letting about them separately. They are about 3,000 people, until the 70s, they have not seen white people, and they do not wear piggings. But men hide a dick in the scrotum and top tightly tie a sheet. They build dwellings on trees and are engaged in hunting and collecting. They are dominated by strict separatism between men and women.

Drukpa (about 2500 people) live in three small villages on the disputed territory between India and Pakistan. Historians define them as the only descendants of the Arius remaining in. They are completely different - culturally, socially and tongue - from all other residents of Ladakh. They traditionally kiss in humans and exchange sexual partners without any prohibitions. Their main source of income is products with well-groomed vegetable gardens.

Live on the coast of the Arctic Ocean. They lead a nomadic lifestyle of reindeer herders, migrating on the Peninsula of Yamal every year 1000 kilometers, including 48 kilometers along the frozen waters of the Ob River. Starting from Stalin's time, children are sent to boarding schools, and oil and gas production from the beginning of the 70s strongly changed their indigenous lifestyle. Families live in separate plagots made of deer leather stretched on long wooden poles, and they are transferred with them during the migration process. With deer, they were convicted of a unlawful cooperation agreement. Clothes still traditionally sew women: a double layer of 8 deer skins, and leather shoes with a height to hip. They practice shamanism and faith in the Spirit of local gods. Wooden idols are transported on special sacred sleigh. They sacrifice the deer, eat half, and another give the gods, and lubricate the sacred sleigh bursts. Also they believe that stones unusual forms - These are the remains of the gods that guide them for more than millennia.

Map location of the specified tribes

So we got to the end of this exciting world history. On the author's website you can find a lot more photos, including captured pictures of the friendly interaction of the author himself with the natives. Thanks, Jimmy, for this unforgettable virtual journey, we are essentially envied, because you richly touched the truths of the beginning of time ...

A modern man is quite difficult to imagine, as you can do without any of the benefits of civilization, to which we are accustomed. But there is still on our planet corners where tribes live, which are extremely far from civilization. They are not familiar with recent achievements humanity, but at the same time perfectly feel about contact with modern world Go not going to. We invite you to get acquainted with some of them.

Senintelts. This tribe lives on the island in Indian Ocean. They are shelling from Luke anyone who dares to come closer to their territory. This tribe does not completely in contact with other tribes, preferring to enter into intra-combed marriages and maintain its population in the area of \u200b\u200b400 people. One day, National Geographic employees tried to get acquainted with them closer, pre-laying various offerings on the coast. From all the gifts, the Steninelians left themselves only a red ends, everything else was thrown into the sea. Even pigs, who were also among the offering, they shot from Luca from afar, and carcasses were buried to the ground. They did not even occur to them that they could be eaten. When people who decide what can now and meet, decided to approach, they were forced to hide from arrows and flee.

Pirach. This tribe is one of the most primitive, famous humanity. The language of this tribe does not shine a manifold. No, for example, the names of various color shades, definitions natural phenomena- a set of words is minimal. Housing is built from the branches in the form of a shala, there is almost nothing from the subjects of life. They do not even have a calculus system. In this tribe, it is forbidden to borrow the words and traditions of other people's tribes, but the concepts of their culture also do not exist. They have no idea of \u200b\u200bthe creation of the world, they do not believe anything that is not tested for themselves. At the same time they lead themselves at all aggressively.

Karavai. This tribe was openly recently, in the late 90s of the XX century. Little monkey-like little men live in shalas on the trees, otherwise they will get "sorcerers." They behave very aggressively, strangers are admitted reluctantly. As domestic animals, wild pigs are tamed, which are used in the farm as a gentle transport. Only when the pig will already be old and can not carry loads - it can be fried and eat. Women in the tribe are considered common, but they are making love only every year, at another time it is impossible to touch women.

Masai. This is a tribe of degenerate warriors and cattle breeders. They do not consider to take away the cattle to the other tribe, as they are confident that all cattle belongs to them. Engaged in cattle breeding and hunting. At the time when a man having a dream in a hut with a spear in his hands, his wife is engaged in all the rest of the farm. Masai's polygamy is a tradition, and in our time this tradition is forced, since men in the tribe lack.

Nikobar and Andaman tribes. These tribes are not bent by cannibalism. From time to time they make raids to each other to get used by man. But since they understand that such food, as a person, is growing and added not very fast, then in lately They began to arrange such raids only on a certain day - the holiday of the goddess of death. IN free time Men make poisonous arrows. For this, they caught snakes, and stone axes are poured to such a state that they should not cut off her head. In especially hungry times, women can eat even their children and old people.