Dragon and Pig (Boar) - compatibility in love and marriage! Pig man (Boar) and Dragon woman compatibility.

  • 19.01.2024

The compatibility of the signs of the Pig man and the Dragon woman is favorable for creating a long-term serious relationship that can develop into marriage. Although the age difference between them is quite large, they intuitively understand and feel each other, and much deeper than any negotiations and artificial interaction.

Conflict situations

The partners in this union will not have to strain particularly hard for their expectations to be realized. However, a Pig man and a Dragon woman can build a truly happy relationship only if they have true mutual respect. The Dragon may perceive the Pig's sensitivity as weakness and will try to become a leader in the relationship. But she should know that the Pig man will not tolerate humiliation and in response may begin to cheat or periodically make poisonous jokes. In any case, this situation will end unpleasantly for both.

Conflict situations are resolved quite easily. True, the Dragon and Pig have a tendency to spend more than they can afford. Together they can develop the ability to control expenses, this is important for their relationship.

The Dragon woman should know that the development of this relationship depends entirely on her and the characteristics of her character. The more complex her character and the higher her demands, the less chance the union has of becoming harmonious. If she constantly puts pressure psychologically, consciously or subconsciously, the Pig man will become very tense, which in the future can provoke his imbalance. Due to internal anxiety, the Pig man is able to show his bad side - become stingy, fickle, irresponsible.


If the partners resolve the issue of mutual respect, a trusting, warm relationship will be established in the union. The Dragon Girl will bring interesting acquaintances, exciting events and a continuous series of new impressions into their life together. The Pig man loves activity and will accept the fantasies of his half as a motive for his own development.

The Dragon woman will also be happy to partner with this man, because he knows how to care, be sympathetic and kind. Next to him, she will have the opportunity to fully relax and learn to enjoy simple things. This combination of signs gives the union deep inner psychological comfort, stability and a sense of security, despite the fact that both of them are inquisitive, bright, living personalities.

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It is likely that in this fairly successful marriage, the ends will justify the means. The Dragon woman and the Pig man are fiery and passionate, although in different ways. A strong Dragon woman can push any spouse into activity - or break him trying to do it. The Pig will not resist the wishes of his beloved and will tirelessly strive for success in order to earn her approval. Both are equally energetic and enjoy physical exertion. Their common disadvantage is that both are extremely susceptible to external impulses and can become victims of their enthusiasm and extremes. It may happen that they simply will not be able to slow down when needed.

The development of relationships will depend entirely on the character traits of the Dragon woman. The more complex and demanding a woman is, the less chance she has of creating a truly harmonious union with a Pig man.

Constant pressure from her in one form or another, even unconscious but noticeable, will stress a man. Feeling inner anxiety, the Pig man can become extremely unbalanced and then show his worst qualities - inconstancy, stinginess, irresponsibility and the desire to do everything out of spite.

Horoscope Dragon woman and Pig man

You can build a relationship with a Pig if the Dragon does not constantly humiliate her. This can be dangerous for him, since the Pig will not tolerate such an attitude and can become vindictive.

The Dragon, at the sight of the charming Pig, most often completely loses his head and falls in love at first sight. In this love relationship, she madly loves and admires her partner, and the Dragon graciously gives the opportunity to adore him. This would seem to pose a serious threat to their compatibility. However, in love and marriage, the Dragon woman and the Pig man can be happy, because the Pig never strives for dominance in the relationship. She is quite happy with minor roles. True, she can pamper her partner too much, which only spoils him over time.

The dragon in this relationship will be the king and god, his aspirations, needs and plans come to the fore. Over time, he may begin to view the Pig as a faithful servant, which will spoil their compatibility. But if he tames his innate egoism and appreciates how much feeling and beauty a less aggressive partner brings into his life, then he can really become a support for him in difficult times, because his optimism and sense of humor become a real antidepressant for the Pig.

The Dragon and Pig value independence and are tolerant of other people's weaknesses, which has a good effect on their compatibility and the prospects for love relationships and marriage. Unfortunately, both have a tendency towards infidelity, and the good-natured Pig can change under the influence of an impulsive impulse, and the Dragon can get entangled in a dramatic triangle. Thus, most often it is this “third wheel” that becomes the end for the bright love affair of the Dragon wife and Pig husband.

Vector marriages, despite the fact that some consider them unsuccessful, are quite common and do not resemble each other. “How will the relationship develop in the Dragon-Pig vector marriage?” – this is the question many representatives of these signs ask, and the answer is always ambiguous.

In the Chinese horoscope, the vector Dragon-Pig is not included in the list of equal unions; marriage between them is not only possible, it can become an example for others. Representatives of these signs, one might say, complement each other, possessing exactly those qualities that their partner lacks. Of course, certain difficulties may arise in this union, but lovers behave so wisely that all troubles pass without a trace and do not affect their relationship in any way.

In this pair, the Pig is an indicator of morality; he has truly rare qualities, the main ones of which are spiritual purity, goodwill towards others, nobility, and the ability to come to the rescue in a difficult situation. In addition, Pig is intellectually developed, well versed in art and has a keen sense of every thing, thanks to which his house is always beautiful and cozy. A representative of this sign is never alone; people are sensitive to their friendship and value it, since this person is always able to listen, give practical advice and charge them with optimism. However, despite the apparent calm, the Pig himself is very worried about all his failures, although he tries to do this unnoticed by those around him, because he does not want to burden them with his problems. It can be very difficult for some representatives of this sign to arrange a personal life, because they are sometimes too busy with other people's relationships and do not find time for themselves.

Pig and Dragon can create a wonderful couple in which peace and respect will reign, because they perfectly complement and understand each other. It is these qualities that many lovers often lack, but as we know, without mutual understanding a good marriage is impossible.

For most people, the dragon is an object of imitation, but this does not mean that he has any supernatural abilities, this person simply knows how to behave in society and will never show weakness in public. The dragon is always the life of the party; he knows how to have fun and charge those around him with optimism. Representatives of this sign do not like to sit at home; social life is closer to them, when they need to shine in society, visit restaurants, exhibitions, and concerts. However, this behavior of the Dragon is a game; in fact, he is a sensitive and vulnerable person who can suffer greatly even because of nonsense, but tries never to show it. The dragon is romantic, loves to flirt, which is why he changes partners quite often, but this will only continue until he finds a life partner and turns into a loyal and decent family man.

As a rule, an ideal relationship develops between the Dragon and the Pig; they are lovers, friends, and colleagues for each other, they understand their loved one at a glance and always listen to the opinion of their other half. Marriage between representatives of these signs and according to the horoscope has a high compatibility rate, however, Pig will need to understand and accept the mentality of the Dragon and make some concessions on his part, without paying much attention to the explosive nature of the chosen one.

Despite ideal compatibility, a marriage between Pig and Dragon may fall apart, but this will only happen if one partner completely dissolves in the other, losing its significance and individuality. Therefore, astrologers recommend observing moderation even in love.

Drawing conclusions, it becomes clear that the relationship between the Dragon and the Pig may well develop into a family one, and this union will be incredibly happy. However, partners will still need to listen to each other so as not to accidentally make a mistake, because by nature they are very different.

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Compatibility between a Dragon man and a Pig woman is promising for building close love relationships and creating a family. Between these partners there is an intuitive understanding, a feeling for each other, and such interaction is much more important than any negotiations and artificially created relationships.


Most likely, the expectations and desires of both partners in this union will be realized. However, they will be able to find true happiness in a relationship only with mutual respect. It is worth noting that the Dragon man may perceive the Pig woman’s sensitivity as weakness and will try to become a leader. Of course, a man should take a leading position, but it is important that he does not humiliate his woman. Otherwise, she may begin to cheat, or regularly poison the relationship with the poison of dissatisfaction. Then the relationship will fail.

With mutual respect, a trusting and warm relationship will be established in the couple. The Dragon man will try to enrich their life together with bright events, interesting travels and acquaintances. The Pig woman will gladly accept the dynamics and fantasies of the Dragon man as a stimulus for her own development.

The Dragon man will also be happy with his partnership with the Pig woman, as she is able to take care, show concern and kindness. Next to her, he finds the long-awaited opportunity to fully relax and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. The interaction of these partners is based on internal deep psychological comfort, stability and a sense of security. Both partners are bright, lively and very inquisitive personalities.


All problems will be resolved quite easily in this couple, due to the lack of expectations about the other person and the ability to show what is needed. The Dragon man and the Pig woman tend to spend more than they earn. Therefore, they should pay attention to their finances and begin to control their money.

Intimate relationships will bring pleasure to both partners. In everyday life, they both show themselves very successfully, so it is important to initially divide responsibilities and agree on who will do what. It is still better to entrust the financial part to a woman. The Dragon man will provide for the family, and his Pig wife will create the necessary psychological comfort and coziness. In addition, she will have time to do her work and help her husband implement his plans. Everything will be decided together.

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The Dragon craves attention and admiration and always gets it. The representative of this sign has natural magnetism, he literally hypnotizes those around him. In addition, he is drawn to power. Dragons excel in leadership roles and often achieve outstanding success in leadership positions. Most likely, you are used to always getting what you want and also being in complete control of your life. However, Dragons have one secret: they depend on the admiration of loved ones and loved ones, because in fact, it is this attention that gives them support and allows them to maintain self-confidence. Without expressions of love from others, your self-esteem begins to decline, making it impossible for you to achieve success in other areas of your life. Even though Dragons have a reputation as heartthrobs - when they lose interest in a partner, they break her heart and just move on - they still need someone close to them in their lives. With age, the Dragon begins to understand himself better. He shows more of a desire to settle down and settle down, however he never loses his love of travel.

If you are caring for a Pig, there are a few important things to consider. Pigs are peaceful, they constantly try to resolve all conflicts. The representative of this sign is always ready to compromise. Often she gives up and refuses what could rightfully belong to her, solely because of the desire to avoid a possible conflict. The Pig loves pleasure and constantly strives for it - both at home and at various parties. The pig is naive and at the same time very reliable, you can really rely on it. Representatives of this sign are often overloaded with work: they made a whole bunch of promises, and now they are exhausted, trying to keep them and fulfill all their obligations. The Pig is trusting and gullible and at the same time has a sharp mind and developed intellectual abilities.

So what does the Chinese horoscope say about the romantic relationship between the Dragon and the Pig? On the one hand, a devoted Pig can give the Dragon the necessary love, support and admiration. In a relationship with a representative of this sign, you will notice that you begin to enjoy life much more, because the constant support of a faithful partner allows you to flourish and shine to your full potential. In fact, the Pig is not at all opposed to giving the Dragon the necessary support as long as she can enjoy all the benefits of civilization. If you respect your partner and want to make her happy, allow her to socialize with friends and go out, and try to provide her with a comfortable living environment. Most likely, she will agree to give up her career and devote herself entirely to the role of a cheerleader.

If you are in a romantic relationship with a Pig, you better give up the role of heartthrob because the Pig remembers the heartache caused to her for a long time. If you break her heart, chances are you'll never be able to get her back. The Pig really likes to support you, and unless you make some serious mistakes in this relationship, he will not mind the fact that most of the attention will be directed towards you. Another important point in this relationship is the need to limit spending somewhat: you both love luxury and pleasure and it is not easy for you to stay within your family budget or concentrate on boring daily duties and purchasing essentials.

With careful planning of their actions and some self-discipline, the Dragon and Pig can become one of the happiest and strongest couples among representatives of other signs of the Chinese Zodiac.