Peoples of North Africa. Amazing tribes of Africa

  • 03.05.2019

Peoples of Africa

Africa is 1/5 of the sushi of our planet. The magnitude of Africa is inferior only to Eurasia. Equator divides the continent almost in half. Relief mainland as a whole is diverse. This is an extensive plateau. In Africa, there are no extensive lowlands or large mountain chains. Its the highest part is the eastern, whereby the Abyssinian plateore, rugged by mountains and gorges. This area is called the "roof of the continent". The largest rivers - Neal, Congo, Niger, Zambezi. River Prajdroisters, LowDask, Most in summer time Drinks.

Africa is the hottest continent. On both sides of the equator there is a strip of tropics, which occupies the mainland. Behind the strips of the tropics to the north and south are the zones of Savannan - African steppes (Sachel). The deserts are symmetrically located behind the belts: the desert is the greatest sugar in the world with an average annual temperature +35 and in the south - Calahari and Namib. Narrow coastal stripes in the north and south of the continent - zones of subtropics. In most of Africa, it is divided into two well-pronounced seasons: dry - summer and rainy - winter. The farther from the equator, the shorter the period of rains, the less the level of precipitation. In the zones of Savannan are common drought.

Now the nature of Africa is a huge sphere of acute environmental crisis. It is caused by the objective effect of the forces of nature itself and the active activities of people.

Africa on geographic classification is divided into northern, oriental, southern, central and western tropical. The population of Africa represents a complex conglomerate of the various scale of ethnic groups and ethnic groups formed as a result of constant migrations of indigenous population and contacts between its individual groups.

Especially wide migrations were in the past, when a casualties had a significant distribution. Migrations were also caused by natural factors: droughts, epidemics, invasions of Tsetse fly, locusts, etc., which forced a settled population to move to more favorable area. Migrations also brought inter-bar war. In the process of migration, there were united tribes and ethnic groups, absorbing some others, of different levels Integration and adaptation.

Nowadays, almost a third of the entire African population is known from the antiquity of the nations of the Bantu. They moved along a huge territory from Sudan's borders south. Probably, their praodine is the northern part of the Congo basin, on the border of the tropical zone and savanna. The bow was pushed out to the south of the tribes of Pygmeni, Bushmen and Gottentotov. Already to U111 - 1st century, Arab travelers discovered a bow throughout the coast of East Africa. Part of the bow was mixed with the aborigines, the Gottentot tribes were absorbed by the nations of the bow.

From north to East Africa, many nations were migrated under common title "Nilotov". They were distinguished from their neighbors and anthropological affiliation. Nilotes were fisted in the southern direction of the bow and settled in the field of interchanges, where they mixed with the local neotroid population, while maintaining a number of anthropological features of their ancestors - high growth, long limbs, long head head. The language they lost their own, learning the languages \u200b\u200babsorbed by them by the nations.

A significant part of the population of Northeast Africa belongs to the Semitic Group, peculiar in language and anthropological relations. Their origin is due, possibly with the migration of the groups of South African tribes in the Somali coast. Their descendants were mixed with the local innocent population, but at the same time they retained the main features of the building. A significant factor in the formation of the population of this region was the peoples of Galla (Oromo) and Somalia.

Ethnic composition Population of Western Africa PEST and has sophisticated story formation. More or less clearly, in this process, the nations of the Bantu, as well as the shepherd tribes of the ancestors of Fulbe, who came from Western Sahara or North Africa and belonging to the Mediterranean race were participated. In the process of migration, they mixed up with the local population, acquired nozzard features and lost their tongue.

Nowadays, the population of the continent is extremely ethnic and consists of a variety of tribes and peoples, the level of development of which is very different. Currently, it is customary to allocate about 500 peoples on the ethnic map of Africa.

The historical paths of development of Africa allow a certain fraction Conventions allocate as independent parts of the Northern, North-Western and huge spaces of "Black Africa" \u200b\u200bsouth of the Sahara. In the cultures of the population of North Africa, the traditions of the ancient North Africa and Egypt with Christian and Islamic cultures are combined. Peoples, inhabiting areas of Africa, south of Sahara never knew the wheels, a pottery circle, did not build bridges, did not use a plow. The most characteristic and common subject material culture Peoples inhabiting Black Africa is a drum. This item is not just a musical and entertaining, but also a ritual and combat tool. In addition, the heated drum has served the most important means Information transmission for any distance from one transmission point to another by chain. The drum rightfully is the material symbol of black Africa.

Peoples of North Africa.

The North African region includes the population of Algeria, Egypt, Western Sahara, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia. In the historical and ethnocultural plan, the western part of the region is allocated - this is Magrib. It includes Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Mauritania, Western Sahara.

Most of the population of Maghreb belongs to the Mediterranean branch of the European Care. The peoples of Maghreb speak in the languages \u200b\u200bof African seven, the majority of the population speaks in Arabic. These areas with U11 - U111 centuries were part of the Arab Caliphate and from that time included in Arab-Islamic civilization. Tuaregov has preserved an ancient letter - Typhinag -, the keepers of his women, all others enjoy the Arabic alphabet.

As in all Africa, state borders, like the boundaries of the regions, do not coincide with the ethnic. For example, Tuaregs live not only in Algeria, but also in Mauritania, Mali and Niger.

In the north and west, coastal residents are engaged fishing. The farmers here sow cereals, cultivated grapes, tobacco, citrus. Mountain inhabitants are settled landpashers or distant pasture cattle. Small artificially irrigated fields are located on terraces located by tiers on the slopes of the mountains. In the foothills and on the plains, the population is engaged in irrigated agriculture. Basic tools of labor - soha, sickle, wooden forks. Further to the south, the agricultural population is concentrated only in oasises or around the wells. The main crops growing here - the palm palm tree, wood and the leaves of which are used for buildings, and the fruits serve as the basis for the nutrition of the deserts. Most of the population in these parts are nomads. They are engaged in camels, breeding sheep and goats. The herd of camels is the main wealth and content of all economic activity: Camel gives wool, milk, meat, transporting Skarb and the whole family of a nomad. The population is in the spring and falls in the fall, and at the beginning of winter is going near the palm grove, where they are inhibited by dates and cultivate small pies. In the middle of summer, the largest heat in the middle of summer.

African peoples have some common features. Its important part is porridge and cakes (worship, corn, wheat). Plant protein gives beans, peas, peanuts; Animal protein - fish and meat (kids, lamb, significantly less often - beef and camel). The fats are used vegetable oils - palm, peanut, olive; At the cattle breeders - nomads - bars fat. The most common dish is Couscous - rice or wheat porridge balls that eat with sharp sauces and seasonings. The main drink is water, alcoholic - wig or barley beer and palm wine. Only on the very north are engaged in viticulture and winemaking. In the whole of Africa, a two-time diet is traditionally - in the morning and after sunset.

Residents of the peoples of North Africa are diverse. Cities, as a rule, retain division into two parts - Arabic (Medina) and European. In the countryside, housing housings, agricultural and pastoral peoples differ. Highlanders engaged in distant cattle breeding, usually have two types of settlements - a constant - a fortified village with four tower of corners - and temporary - a group of tents or a slight home on mountain pastures. The settled population of the plains lives in the villages stretched along the road. In some places, the ancient dwelling "Gourby" is preserved - a hut, covered with cane or straw with walls of wood, stone or clay, mixed with straw. Dwelling nomads is an easy tolerant tent or tent. Coatings are made of woolen or carpet cloths, taways - from skin pieces. One family lives in one tent. Men occupy an eastern half, women - Western.

Most of the inhabitants of North Africa are wearing common clothing. This is a long white shirt, on top of her warm burly, more often dark color, turban. Shoes - shoes without backs. The indispensable affiliation of a male costume - "Shukara" - a bag on red wicker cords and "idiot" - a double-edged upward dagger. Their boy gets from his father at 7-8 years. Women wear light sharovars, long Dresses From white, pink, pale green cloth. Mountaineners cover the face with a special bedspread. Rural residents walk with open persons.

Almost all the peoples of North Africa Patriralinene, their family relationships are regulated by Sharia standards. In religious terms, the population of North Africa is quite uniform. Muslims make up the overwhelming majority. In Islam Magrib, a lot of "folk" traits, in particular, wearing amulets, worship of the graves of saints, faith in "Barack" (grace), etc. They preserve faith in spirits, ghosts, are engaged in fortunate, witchcraft, magic.

Original, standing out against the background of the rest of North Africa - taways. These are the people of Berber Group, living in Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Algeria, Libya. Tuaregs are the descendants of the ancient indigenous Berbburg population of North Africa. They form several tribal associations.

The dwellings of sedentary and semi-seated taaregs are hemispherical huts made of palm leaves or straw. During the nomads of taways live in tents, covered with leather or coarse cloth.

Society is divided into several classes - Cast. The main of them are Imajegan, noble, in the past formal owners of lands, and in the main activity - warriors; Imga, i.e. Kalopas, the main mass of cattle breeders and farmers, IClan, i.e. Black, in the past, slaves-blacks, now - freed by. At the head of tribes, the head chapter is chapter with the ruler - Amenukhal. Amenukala power symbol - Sacred drum. A feature of Tuaregov is to preserve along with patriarchal-generic strengths of the mother-generic organization. The position of women is much higher than that of other Muslim peoples: the property of spouses separately, the divorce is possible on the initiative of each of the parties. Women have owned and inheritance with one of the remnants of matrimanity is mandatory wearing free men who have reached marriage, facial covers. This analogue of the female facial cover is not found anywhere else in the world. Hence the second self-confusion of Tuaregov - the people of beds. Very kindly art Tuaregov. It has a big spread of the motive of the cross, so in the past Tuaregov considered the descendants of the Crusaders. The main custodians of the traditional spiritual culture in Taaregov are women. In particular, they are the keepers of the ancient writing of Tifinag, which remained only in this people, in the rest - the Arabic alphabet. Women - Keepers musical Heritage and historical epic, singers and poetess

Peoples of East Africa .

In East Africa, the population of Burundi, Djibouti, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Comoros, Mauritius, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Reunion, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia.

The population of the northern half of the region belongs to the Ethiopian race, which occupies an intermediate position between neurodes and Europeanoids. Most of the population of the South of East Africa belongs to the Negroid race, the population belonging to Bushmen type has also inhabit. According to the ethnolinguistic classification adopted in the science, the population of the region represents Afrazian family, Nilo-Sugar and Nigero-Kordofan (the so-called peoples of the bow).

East Africa is a special natural zone .. This is the most elevated part of the continent, here all natural areas of Africa are presented. The main occupations of the East Africa - agriculture and cattle breeding. Compared to other natural zones, East Africa is most favorable for cattle breeding, which is widespread here and is presented by several HTT.

Cattle breeding is presented in the forms of the nomadny (nomadic and semi-oxidium) and distant pasture content. With distant pasture cattle breeding, the form "The shepherd transgumans" is most widely represented, in the literature is often referred to as half-blooded or semi-seated cattle breeding. This HTT combines pasture cattle breeding with agriculture, temporary or permanent settlement of a part of the population with the mobility of another. At the same time, social unity is not violated. public organization, All population, and mobile, and settled belongs to a single social system. This lifestyle is explained by the differences in the natural conditions in which the same people live when one part is occupied by farming, and the other conjugates with herds sometimes over long distances from sedentary settlements. Typical representatives Sheet Transguumans - Peoples nUER and dink. Their habitats (Savannah South Sudan) on a dry season so dried up that the population is forced to move with herds far to the banks of rivers in swampy terrain. In the crude season, the Nile inflows are spilled on huge areas. In the wetlands, it becomes possible only in villages on the hills. Changing seasons Therefore, it means both the change of residence and classes.

Ktt nomadism (nomadicity) has two subtypes - nomadic and semi-sofa. Nomadism is a special way of producing, based on extensive pasture cattle breeding, in which animal breeding is the main type of rolling population and is the main means of life support. Other the most important feature Nomadism is that it represents not only a special economic, but also special social system. Nomada makes special independent social organisms. Their social relations are characteristic only for nomadicity and are patriarchal nomadno-communities. The public organization is a tribal structure based on patriarchal-genealogical connections that cover all the nomadic society.

In the cattle breeders - Patukhov Transnumans settled part of society, occupied by agriculture, together with mobile shepherds, a single social organism, whose character is determined primarily by the conditions of the agricultural lifestyle. Nomadov has no fixed place of residence, not part of society, but the whole people. Primitive honey farming is insignificant or not at all.

Comparative analysis According to Nomadizma Asia and Africa revealed significant differences in them. First of all, they are determined by the natural medium. In Asia, there are huge steppe territories and deserts. In Africa, they are much smaller and they are scattered. Asia environmental conditions are available only in the field of Afar's desert, where Nomads live Northern Somalia. They roame the communities separated by animal types: camels graze men, sheep and goats - women, old men and children. Live nomads in nomadic dwellings consisting of a frame of branches covered with skins. Women set on the parking lots. Transfer it to cargo camel in disassembled form. Boys and adult men who go to the herds of camels, lead a harsh life: sleep on Earth, no tents put, only dairy food.

High-alkaline nomadism is significantly wider in Africa. They roam more slowly, the paths are shorter, the machines are more often than that of nomadic nomads. In addition to economic differences, there are differences between nomadic and half-blood nomadism social structure. At nomadic nomads, the basis of the tribal organization is a system of patriarchal-genealogical ties. At the semi-soul nomads of Africa at the heart of social organizations, two systems of relations: patriarchal-genealogic (horizontal) and socio-age (vertical). Each member of society has a double affiliation: to a certain genealogical line of origin, which is conducted from the ancestor of the progenitor, and to a certain age class. Crossing, these two relationship systems are stratified by society on social units that can be quickly mobilized if necessary.

The system of age classes is an archaic social institution, carrying the features of the primitive community era. Nomadic nomads either passed its phase in their development, or have long lost this institute. Nomadic nomadicism in assets in Asia is defined as an Asian form of nomadism, half-blooded - as an African form.

These two features are most brightly characterized by Eastern Africa. Firstly, in the field of HTT - the most large-scale distribution of mobile forms of cattle breeding: the shepherd of Transguumans and nomadism in Asian and African forms. Secondly, in the public organization, the widest existence of the Archaic Social Institute of the system of age classes affecting all spheres social Life, Including the modern political situation.

Peoples South Africa.

South Africa includes the population of States: Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland, South Africa.

A significant part of the authon population of the region is the peoples of the Language subgroup of Beniu-Congo, known as the peoples of the bow (Congo, Ganda, Zulu, Swami, Tsvan, etc.). In a racial attitude, the population of South Africa is represented by non-nerodynaya, Koisan, European-like races and groups of mixed population. The climate and nature are diverse and include rainforest areas, savannah, desert, mountain strips on the coast of seaside subtropics. The dominant position in the region has long been owned by South Africa, where half of world gold is produced, a significant part of diamonds and uranium. By level industrial Development South Africa is much higher than other countries in Africa.

Historically, two main HTTs were formed in South Africa: tropical hoe farming and nomadic and distant pasture cattle breeding. Nomadic cattle breeding continues to lead most bushmen and galottots.

Gottentotes Previously inhabited all southern phenomenon of Africa and constituted a numerous group of nomadic cattle tribes. They raised cattle, lived in temporary settlements; When cattle around the parking has eaten all the grass, the population has moved to new pastures. Gottentots lived with large patriarchal families. Their social organization was tribal, led the selected leader's selected tribe and the Council of Elders. The main occupation of the preserved tribes of the Gottentotov is the rolling cattle breeding of the distillation-pasture type, which has changed their traditional HTT nomadov.

Bushmen Were hunters and collectors. Little onions and arrow with stone tips are their main weapons, the appearance of which goes back to the era of the upper Paleolithic. With the advent of Europeans, the bushmen began to manufacture the tips of arrows from the bottle glass, thickening it as well as the stone, sometimes the iron tips at the neighbors - Gottentots and a bow. The only Bushmen clothing is a loin bandage. They had almost no utensils, they kept the water in the shell of ostrich eggs, made beads from it. The main occupation of men is hunting. The only pet was a dog accompanying hunters. Bushmen are very hardy and skilled in the hunt, they were able to sometimes pursue the sacrifice by day. Women were collecting. Bushmen had no houses and settlements. They lived in the chalas or hidden overnight in the shrub. They led permanent wars With Gottente and Bantu. In the end, they were ousted in the anhydrous sands of Calahari, where they now live with groups of 50-150 people who combine relatives on the male line. The hunting cult was the basis of the spiritual representations of Bushmen. In their picture of the world, the main places occupied the forces of nature - the sun, the moon, the stars.

In the rainforest zone in small groups, the low population is scattered pygmyevthey live in Central Africa. They differ in low growth (on average 145 cm), relatively bright skin of a yellowish or reddish shade, narrow lips. This is a culturally backward population speaking in the languages \u200b\u200bof their tall neighbors. Pigmeys do not know how to process metal, do not do neither agriculture, nor cattle breeding and hunters and collectors of the tropics. They exchange with neighbors, receiving agriculture products, iron products instead of hunting and collecting. Pygmies lead a half-blood lifestyle. The basis of the employee I. public Life - A group of 6-7 small families who wish together. It can disintegrate and occur in another composition, depending on the security of the territory. The main food of pygmeys are hunting and gathering products. The meat of the killed animal is immediately eaten by the entire hunting group. It is roasted over fire or bake in the ashes of the focus. Smaller products: termites, grasshoppers, caterpillars - wrapped in large leaves, such a package is bonded with cuttings, it is placed near the glowing fire and roar. Instead of salt, enjoy ash plants. The only known figmeam drink is water. The inheritance and expense of kinship goes in the male line, the settlements of Virilokalna. Pigmeys know only collective property. The usual law is environmentally friendly: the most serious misconducts are considered an unjustified killing of animals without need for meat food, cutting trees, contamination of flow water. The most severe car is exile, prohibition to hunt along with the group. At the heart of the beliefs of Pygmeys - the cult of hunting. Also developed reverence of totem progenitors - animals and plants. The primitive nature of the culture of Pygmeys sharply distinguishes them among the people of the Negroid race. Attempts to endow pygmeys, engage in employment, as a rule, did not succeed. Most pygmeys prefer to lead a traditional lifestyle. Now complicates the position of the pygmen that the fact that almost in all countries of their habitat was in national parkswhere the hunt for large animals is prohibited. The most isolated Pygmy in the ITURY River Basin (Zaire) will be most isolated. In Cameroon and Congo, attempts to involve pygmen in modern life, the anthropological type of this group of the population of Africa and today remain for science of the mystery.

The ethnic composition of modern is of great complexity. Continent inhabited several hundred and small ethnic groups, 107 of which are more than 1 million people each, and 24 exceed 5 million people. The largest of them are: Egyptian, Algerian, Moroccan, Sudanese Arabs, Haus, Yoruba, Fulbe, igbo, Amhara.

Anthropological composition of the population of Africa

In modern population, Africa presents various anthropological types related to different races.

The northern part of the continent is up to the southern border inhabited by peoples (Arabs, Berbers), belonging to Indo-race (included in the greater European way race). This race is characteristic of a dark skin color, dark eyes and hair, wavy hair, a narrow face, a nose with a hubby. However, there are light-eyed and blondes among Berber.

Peoples belonging to the Great Negro, presented by three small races - Negro, Negrille and Bushmen, live from Sugara.

Among them are the peoples of the Negrine race. These include the population, the Guinean coast, Central Sudan, the peoples of the Nyollic group (), the peoples of the Bantia. For these peoples are characteristic dark color skin dark hair Both eyes, a special structure of hair, curling into a spiral, thick lips, a wide nose with low nose. A typical feature of the peoples of the Upper Nile is a high growth that exceeds in some groups of 180 cm (world maximum).

Representatives of the Negrille Race - Negrilli or African Pigmeys - a low-spirited (average 141-142 cm) inhabitants of rainforest of river basins, Weel, etc. In addition to growth, they are also distinguished by the strong development of tertiary hair, even wider than the blackheads, nose with strong glorified, relatively thin lips and more light color Skin.

Bushmen race belongs to bubbles in Bushmen and Gottentotes. Them a distinctive feature is brighter (yellowish-brown) leather, thinner lips, a flattened face and such specific features Like skin wrinkles and steatopyagia (the strong development of the subcutaneous fat layer on the hips and buttocks).

Reunion - 21.8 ppm,
South Africa - 21.6 ppm,
- 18.0 ppm,
- 16.7 ppm.

In general, increased fertility facilities are characteristic of Western and, and reduced indicators for the zones of equatorial forests and regions.

Mortality gradually declines to 15-17 ppm. The highest mortality rates are observed:

Posted by the population of Africa

The average population density of the continent is small - about 30 people / km2. Not only natural conditions are affected by the population, but also historical factors, primarily the consequences of slave trade and colonial domination.

There are not many places on our planet, where you can see the communities of people living in the conditions of life practically not changed over the centuries. One of these places is Africa, there are preserved people who live hunting, fishing and gathering. These tribal communities mainly lead a closed lifestyle, rarely emerging with their people around them.

Although B. lately The traditional way of many nations and tribes has undergone significant changes, and they are increasingly integrated into modern cash relations, but many continue to engage in natural economy. For these communities is characterized by low product agriculture. The main economic task they have self-sustaining the main foods to prevent long-term hunger. The weakness of economic interaction and the complete absence of trade is often the cause of inter-ethnic contradictions and even armed conflicts.

Other tribes reached more high level economic Development, gradually assimiced with larger state-forming peoples, and have lost their distinctive features. Refusal from natural forms of management, and more and big involvement in modern economic relations, helps to increase cultural and technological development. What is expressed in improving productivity, and the overall lift of material well-being.

For example, the introduction of a plow in some agricultural peoples and tribes in West Africa led to a significant increase in yield and an increase in cash, which in turn led to the creation of favorable conditions for further modernization of agricultural work and the start of mechanization.

List of the largest African tribes and nationalities

  • Markda
  • Mbuti
  • Mursi
  • Calendin
  • Oromo
  • Pygmy
  • Sambur
  • Swami.
  • Taways
  • Hammer
  • Himba
  • Bushmen
  • Gourmet
  • Bambara
  • Fulbe
  • Volof
  • Malawi
  • Dink
  • Bongo

More than 1 billion. A person lives on an African continent or 34 people on one square kilometer. In fact, the population of Africa is placed unevenly. Waterless wilderness devastated by heat, where rains are not for years, almost deserted. In the impassable forests of Equatorial Africa, the trails were abandoned by the trails of only a few tribes of hunters. And in the lower reaches of large rivers, each block of land is processed. Here the population density increases dramatically.

In Nile Oasis, over three thousand people live on one square kilometer. The North and Eastern Coast of the mainland, the shores of the Guinean Bay are also tightly populated. IN major cities International trade and modern industry, banks and scientific centers are concentrated.

North Africa is inhabited by Arabs and Berbers, which relate to the southern branch of the Europeaniode race. The 12th centuries ago Arabs came to the Mediterranean coast. They mixed with the local population and transferred him their tongue, culture, religion. The ancient buildings indicate the high art of Arab architects, about taste and skill of the people. Old Arab cities still retained their unique appearance. Sheltered narrow streets, traders shop on every corner, artisans workshops.

Sugar extensive territory stretches south Central Africa. Numerous Negro peoples live here: Sudanese peoples, pygmy, nations Bantu, Nilots. All of them belong to the Equatorial race. Distinctive features of the race: dark skin, curly hair, - folded for a long time Under the influence of natural conditions. Among the innoors, hundreds of various tribes and nationalities with unique features of the face, the shape of the head, the shade of the skin color. Nilot peoples, such as the highest people on the mainland. The average height of the nilota men is 182 cm, and the growth of pigment is 145 cm. The most low-spirited people on Earth, skillful traps and hunters live in the forests of Equatorial Africa.

For centuries, there remains unchanged the appearance of African huts. In such villages lives most of Central Africa population. Source of food - agriculture. The main instrument of works - hoe. In Savannah and a palpal with a rich herbal cover, a large-life cattle of nomadic cattle products graze. The inhabitants of the coast besides agriculture and animal husbandry are fishing fish. And some nations completely tied their lives with water elements.

In the east of Africa on the territory of Ethiopia and Somalia, the peoples of the mixed race (the peoples of Ethiopia and Somalia, Nilot, Peoples of the Bantu) are located. The ancient ancestors of the Somali and Ethiopians probably occurred from the mixing of European winds and innoors. Thin features of the face like in the European windows, dark hair color and curly hair like blackheads. Excavations on the territory of Ethiopia showed that the person lived there 4 million years ago.

The indigenous population of South Africa is Bushmen, Gottentotes, borants. South Africa is a well-developed part of the Black Continent at the expense of the South Africa.

The eastern coast of the mainland is the island of Madakascar. Malgashi, representatives of the Mongoloid race live here. 2000 years ago, Magashi sailed at Madagascar from Indonesia.

One of the numerous peoples of Central Africa is called a bow, however, it is necessary to understand that under this terms combine a large number (more than 400) of nations. Thus, the Bantu is a group of ethnic groups, including:

You can meet them in many places, south of the Sahara desert. In addition to Central Africa, there are also bantis representatives in the southern and eastern subregions. The total number is about 200 million people.

Common for the bow is the language and revered traditions. Some of them are used once a few languages, however, you can most often hear that Daahili.

Many scientists call the Bantian tribes together with the Gottentotian and Bushmen natives the progenitors of the South Africa race. However, and now science does not own all the most accurate data about the bow, not the knowledge and their whole story.

The appearance of the standard bantum representative can be described as follows:

dark skin shade;

hard curls, curled spiral;

low-positioned bridge;

wide nose;

mouth with massive lips;

great height, sometimes more than 180 cm.

People from the Bantian tribes are very contact, easily communicate with tourists, providing the opportunity to make unique photographs, excursions are organized for them. All this allows Africans to earn good.

Religions of nation bantis are different, it is not only ancient animistic beliefs, but also brought Christianity, as well as Islam. All these religious canons have great importance, revered in rites, and in everyday life.

Sometime, these nations were used as clothing only small bandages on the hips, which they made from herbs and animals of the skins independently. However, now many traditions are lost, so even appearance Modern bowls like any European.

And yet own folklore, survived by many centuries, the nations of the bow could be kept, and this is African fairy tales of narrating nature, specific local dances, kind songs, epic legends and legends.

Equatorial (Western tropical) IEO [edit | edit wiki text]

Territory: Central and Southern Districts Cameroon, South Chad, South Sudan, Tsar, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe, Angola, Zambia.

Bantia-speaking people are settled: Douala, Fang, Bubi (Fern Dernants), MPonongwe, Tecca, Mboši, Ngala, Como, Mongo, Tetel, Cuba, Congo, Ambund, Ovimbundum, Chokwe, Luen, Loi, Tonga, Bemba, Luba, and DR . On other stock-shaped languages \u200b\u200bthey say the bumilele, Bamum, Tikar; Adamava-Ubangian - Zanta, Banda, Ngbadi and Gbia; Central Sewage - Peoples Mora-Mangbet. Pygmeni speaks in the languages \u200b\u200bof their neighbors, that is, all of these families, but mainly in the languages \u200b\u200bof the bow. Santomians and Annobonians - Creoles with languages \u200b\u200bbased on Portuguese and Languages \u200b\u200bBow, Fernandino - Creoles with a language based on English and Yoruba.

Material culture is typical for the zone of tropical forests and close to the culture of the Guinea subsequent West African IEO. The culture of pygmeys, which preserving a lifestyle based on moving hunting and collecting is distinguished.

South African IEO [edit | edit wiki text]

Territory: South Angola, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, South and Central Mozambique.

Inhabited by bunky peoples of Spit, Zulu, Swami, Naddeel and Matabel, Suto, Tsvan, Pedi, Tsonong, Venda, Sean, Herero, Ovambo, etc., as well as peoples, speaking in Koysan tongues (Bushmen and Gottentotes). Afrikarans and "Colored" in South Africa speak Afrikaans, South Africans - at the local version of English language. Suites from Europe and South Asia (Hindus, Biharians, Gujaratsy, etc.), speak on Indoary, part of the Indians (Tamily, Telugu, etc.) -Drani language.

On the territory of South Africa, migration processes were constantly occurring, starting with resettlement from the East African of Batuyaznaya peoples in the second half of the 1st millennium. er, who pushed Koisan peoples into less favorable areas (Kalahari and Namib deserts). In the 1st half of the XIX century, part of the People's Communion moved to the north of modern South Africa, to the territory of modern Zimbabwe (Matabel) and south of Tanzania (Ngoni). Finally, the last major migration was the "Great Track" - the resettlement of Afrikaners in the middle of the XIX century from the Cape Colony, captured by the British, northeast, for the Orange Waal River (the creation of the Board Republics - Orange Free State and Transval).

Traditional classes of bunchy-speaking peoples are manual agriculture of the grain-firing type with a flounder (sorghum, millet, corn, legumes, vegetables) and semi-oral cattle breeding (large and finely horny cattle). Gottentotes are engaged in distant cattle breeding (large and small horned cattle), with the exception of the Topnar-Nama group in the Chinese bay area (Namibia), until recently, engaged in sea hunting crafts. Traditional food of farmers and cattle breeders - praise and cereal of sorghum and corn, seasoned with vegetables, milk; The main drink is wicked beer. Traditional settlement - ring planning from hemispherical huts ( kraal). Unlike most African peoples that have an open source (usually outside the dwelling, in the yard), mountainous inhabitants of TSSvan and SUTO are spread by global furnaces. Traditional clothing - an unstitched (came up and apron, leather cloaking kosos).

Bushmen (San) - Stray hunters and collectors. As a home, windbreaks from branches associated from above and covered with grass or hodges are used. Clothing is a loaf and raincoat.

Methods and sources of ethnography. Conceptual stage of ethnographic science

The oldest history of South Africa is quite well known. In the territory of South Africa, the tools of the Paleolithic era found archaeologists.

Finds of bone residues ancient manStudied by Paleanthropologists, prove that the entire southern tip of the mainland was inhabitable people in the most ancient era. Founding in many almost everywhere, stone tools give a clear picture of the gradual development and improvement of stone tools up to the upper Paleolithic, and in some way and the neolithic.


By the time of the appearance of the first European settlers in South Africa, the entire Western part of the current Kapskaya province of UAS was occupied by Gottentotot tribes, to the east of which the Bushmen tribes lived. And those and others according to their anthropological type are one race called Koisan. However, life and culture of these peoples were different. Gottentotes are militant cattle tribes. In culturally, they were much superior to their neighbors of Bushmen. Bushmen were hunters and led a very primitive life. They did not have permanent huts; Hiding over the night in shrubs, arranged temporary chaolars from branches. Therefore, the first Dutch settlers and called them Bushmen ("people of shrubs"). Bushmen themselves call themselves only on belonging to a tribe, without general self-discharge.

The material culture of Bushmen was distinguished by an exceptional disaster. The main hunting weapons were a small bow and arrows with stone tips. The study of the technique of manufacturing these tips has shown that they do not differ from the stone tools found by the archaeologists and those defined by them as the tools of the Upper Paleolithic Wilton Culture. With the advent of Europeans, Bushmen began to make tips, arrows from the bottle glass, which they crossed the same as the stone. They sometimes enjoyed iron tips that have been updated from their neighbors - Gottentots and a bantle tribes. All the weapons of the Bushman hunter consisted of onions and arrows, a small leather bag for the murdered game and a strong stick. The only clothing served a leather looping bandage. Bushmen did not have almost no home utensils. Water, so necessary in the dry steppes of South Africa, they kept in the vessels from ostrich eggs. From the shell of these eggs, there were peculiar beads that were very highly appreciated among them. Bushmen were able to spit out of vegetable fibers small bags, baskets, etc.

Men spent all their time on the hunt for a game. The only pet, the companion of Bushman's hunter was a dog. In the hunt, Bushmen were very skilled and unusually worn; There are cases when Bushman pursued Antelope for two or three days and, having overtook it, killed the first stone that fell under his arm. The hunters used the most diverse traps, and also arranged clouds for large game. At the same time, women and children with branches and palm leaves were built in their hands in two rows, the area of \u200b\u200bhunting and chasing ditch to hunters were detained.

Bushmen also used various poisons that were poisoned by arrows. The most famous is the stanfucher and juice highlighted by the larva of one of the types of beetles.

On the rocks in the dragon mountains there are drawings of Bushmen, depicting dances, scenes of hunting life, etc. one of the most famous drawings Pictures a hunter sneaking to a group of ostriches. Pictures

The public system of Bushmen studied very little. By the time of Europeans, Bushmen inhabited the areas of the Grikwalende in the river basin. Orange and areas east of it. Of all these areas, Bushmen were mercilessly expelled. Dutch settlers truly hunt them, exterminating men and women like wild animals. Bushmen are driven now in the anhydrous areas of the Kalahari desert, where they are doomed to extinction. Former, numerous tribes are now numbered several dozen people, others are completely exterminated. In the Cape Town library, the records of the richest folklore of Bushmen Ham-Kwe, who lived once in the lower reaches of the river preserved. Orange and now completely exterminated. According to these records, you can judge their former tribal organization.

Now Bushmen live in small groups of 50-150 people, usually relatives on the father's line. Each of them has a certain territory, the right of hunting belongs to only her. In the dry, the hungry time of the year these groups are divided into small cells of 10-12 people. And led by experienced hunters roam the screaming steppe in search of food. No conventional organization at Bushmen is not now, and only language binds members of the tribe. In total there are up to 20 Bushmen languages. The total number of bushmen is now determined by about 7 thousand.


Gottentotes make up a special group of tribes, close in some respects to Bushmen.

The basis for the unification of them is some anthropological signs. In addition, linguists celebrate a lot of common features in Bushmen and Gottentotian languages \u200b\u200bin the area of \u200b\u200bboth phonetics and grammatical system and the Word Foundation. Combining Gottentots and Bushmen to one group, anthropologists speak of a Koisan race, or a racial type, linguists - about the Koisan group of languages. The name is conditional and composed of the words Koy + San. What in the language of Gottentotov means "man", and the Gottantotes are called "coins" ("people of people", that is, the real people). The second part of the conditional name is San. Gottentoty Bushmen's neighbors are called San, which is, an obeyable, as a contemptuous name.

Although Gottentotes and Bushmen belong to the same group, nevertheless, these are completely different peoples. In the middle of the XVII century, that is, by the time of the appearance of the first Dutch colonists in South Africa, Gottentotes inhabited the entire southern tip of Africa - the submission of good hope to p. Kei. 1 Tentotes were represented at that time a numerous group of cattle breeding tribes. Huge herds of cattle amounted to their main wealth. In addition, they bred sheep and goats. External life and customs of Gottentots of the very beginning of the XVIII century. Beautifully described by the Dutchman Peter Kolb. Gottentotes lived in rock woven round huts, top covered with skins. The huts were located in a circle inside which cattle was drunk. The first Dutch colonists such settlements were called KRAIL; In each of them lived 300-400 people. Kravali was temporary; When pastures in the vicinity lacked, the population passed to new places.

Cattle was in possession of large patriarchal families, some of them had several thousand heads. Care for cattle was the responsibility of men. Women prepared food and shot the oil in leather bags. Dairy food was the base of nutrition. Taking care of the preservation of livestock livestock, Gottentoty avoided prick of cattle, and meat food delivered her hunt. Animal skins walked on clothes, utensils, etc., huts covered with huts, sailed bags and raincoats.

Weapons served spears with iron tips, onions and arrows, long throwing clocks - Kirry. All necessary iron guns of Gottentotes manufactured themselves. They could not only handle iron, but also melting it out of ore. Kolba so describes iron treatment technique:

"The way they pay iron from ore is briefly as follows. They dig up a quadrangular or round pit in the ground about 2 feet of depth and bred there is a strong fire to split the earth. When, after that, they throw Ruda there, then the fire is bred there in such a way that Ruda melted from the strong heat and became a fluid. To assemble this molten iron, do next to the first yam another 1 or 1.5 feet deeper; And since from the first melting furnace to another pit leads a burning, then flowing there with liquid iron and cool there. The next day, they take out the fused iron, smash it with stones into pieces and again with the help of fire make out of it everything they walked and need. " The solid stone replaced them an anvil, the hammer was a stone, they polished the finished item on the stone. "Anyone," says Kolbe, - who knows their arrows and the assesegy, will be surprised by the fact that they are made without the help of hammer, forceps and other tools, and will leave all the idea to consider Gottentots with stupid and ignorant, at the sight of these evidence Their wonderful sound "1.

Gottentotes shared on a lot of tribes, each of which spoke in his special language. The head of the tribe stood the leader who led by all cases, with him there was a council from the oldest members of the tribe. Among the Gottentotov there was already significant property inequality. Along with the richarians who owned huge herds, there were poor people who had one or two bulls and several sheep or goats. Gottentot also had slavery; The captives captured in the war were not killed, slaves along with the poor grazing the cattle of the rich.

There is every reason to assume that Bushmen and Gottentotes inhabited once the whole southern and most important part of East Africa: the tribes whose languages \u200b\u200bare close to the languages \u200b\u200bof Bushmen and Gottentotov still live on the territory of Tangani. Obviously, these tribes are the remains of the former population of Tangani. Later all the eastern and most of South Africa settled the innocent race tribes of gang speakers.


The resettlement of the bow refers to a very remote time. In any case, more than a thousand years ago, the Bantu was inhabited by the eastern shores of Africa until Natal. There is no doubt that on the entire territory of East Africa there was constant movement of tribes caused by a variety of reasons.

Some bug tribes moved in the southern direction from the regions of the current Northern Rhodesia. On this basis, some of the historians of South Africa are trying to "prove" that the indigenous African population of South Africa's Bantia is the same conquerors as the Dutch and the British, which, as you know, appeared in South Africa alone in the XVII, others in the XIX century. Thus, Professor Brooks, "represented" in the Senate Senate "The interests of the native population", brazenly stated that "the Bantu is the same conquerors, the same stranss in South Africa, as well as Europeans" 1. Such statements of ideologues of South African imperialism cause indignation even among bourgeois scientists involved in the history of Africa, the languages \u200b\u200band the culture of the nations. The author of grammar Basuto E. Jacot, for example, writes: "Basuto tribes inhabited this country during the centuries. Now, however, in the so-called stories it is customary to argue that Basuto was only people who invaded themselves in their own country. Soon, probably, they will argue that the Europeans arrived there before them and that Basuto, and not the borants of the Orange Republic were aggressors. This is not a book on history, and we are not going to disassemble the war between white and black. But we want to take advantage of the case for protest against falsification of the history of South Africa, which is now in full course and which can be found even in school textbooks ... We understand well what cause help it "1.

By the appearance of Europeans in South Africa (the middle of the XVII century), the bow was settled by all southern Africa, excluding the western part of the current Cape Province of UAS, where Bushmen and Gottentoty lived. Throughout the south-east coast from r. Great Fish to the current Portuguese Colony of Mozambique, limited from the North Dragon Mountains, lived numerous tribes that have developed at the beginning of the XX century. In two nationality, Spit and Zulu. In the depths of the country, on the other side of the Dragon Mountains, the Basuto tribes and the Bechuana tribes lived, who inhabited the whole country between the orange and Waal rivers and further to the north, to the valley of the river. Limpopo, as well as the whole modern Bechuanland. Bavend's tribe lived in the northern part of the current Transvae, and the north of his group of Master's tribes: Makaranga, Vasezouru, Wandaau and many others. They inhabited the plains of the current South Rhodesia and the part of the Mozambique adjacent to it until the ocean. In the tropical forests of Mozambique, Watsong lived; They accounted for three groups, the composition of each of which included many separate tribes.

The Kalahari desert separated this southern group of a tribal bow from a few group of tribes who lived to the west of this desert. These were the tribes of Herero-ovaheraero, Ovamandyer, etc., close to them in the language of the tribe Ovambo, Ovakuaniam, Obandong, and others. Among them were small groups of mountain lady (or mountain dams); They spoke in the languages \u200b\u200bof Gottentotov, but in their physical type were close to the nations of the bow.

Bantian tribes to the beginning of European colonization stood at a much higher level of development than Bushmen and even Gottentotes. The main means of existence was cattle breeding. Along with cattle breeding tribes, a developed honey farmer knew. Of all the South African tribes, the Bantu is only Hero restricted with cattle breeding and did not engage in agriculture.

As with the tribes, a bunch living in other areas, a large help in the farm served the collection of wild fruits and hunting. The armament of the hunter consisted of a throwing spear, an ax, clubs and some tribes and arrows with iron tips. For catching small animals and birds put the Western and Silk. On elephants, buffaloes, rhinos, etc. organized a collective hunting, a cloud of the entire village, kind or even a whole tribe. For the plaid, two long frequencies, converged at an angle, left the output in the corner, for which a long deep pit was dug. Wild animals, trapped into a narrow passage, formed by the frequencies, rushed into the remaining free output and fell into a pit. Sometimes on the animal trails leading to the aquet, the catless pits were satisfied, covered them slightly twigs and herbs, and at the bottom put sharp poisoned stakes.

The home industry to European conquest achieved significant development, and the first steps were already scheduled to separate the crafts from agriculture. From iron and wood, the Bantu produced tools of labor and household items, from the skins of animals sewed clothes, made shields. We did not know weaving.

The iron was paid in extremely primitive, small in size of smelters of the pits, where the ore was laid along with charcoal. Air was served by manual furs. Each fur was represented by a bag; To one end it is firmly, without gaps, a wooden tube was attributed; The other end, open, ended with two plates, which, when squeezing the bag, the hole was tightly closed. The man sat between the two furs and, opening or closing them alternately, created a constant influx of air. It is impossible to obtain clean iron in this way. Usually the smelting was re-produced and received quite pure iron. Hammers and mites were made from iron. Iron hammer was used only for easy operations; For the forging of Big Cricz, they used a stone hammer, a durable stone served anvil. Moth, axes, knives, tips for copies and arrows, decorations (wrists, etc.) and even needles without ears were produced from iron. Also melted copper, which was mainly for the manufacture of jewelry (bracelets, necklaces). Not everyone had the art of melting metal, and not everyone could acquire the necessary devices and tools. Few melting and blacksmith craft were engaged in a few, and they were considered notable members of society.

The potted circle of southeast bow has not yet been known. The clay dishes were made, starting from the bottom, by increasing the clay rings; Then she was burned on the fire, overlapping in the middle of dry grass. After firing, the surface of the dishes was covered with layers of red ocher and graphite and ^ polished to shine. Pens for metal guns and tools, spoons, cups, etc. wooden products, especially cups and cups, were made of wood, especially cups and cups, decorated with a rich geometric ornament. The Bechuians and some other tribes gave spoons with the views of the figures of different animals, especially often giraffes.

From the grass and the cantham, the colleges, mats, granaries, baskets and many other household items.

The bow has achieved high mastery in the processing of the skins and the manufacture of dz clothing. Men and women wore a kosse - a genus of a raincoat or cape from the skins, which were hidden at night 1. Packago Schliski Antelope, Gazelle, Silver Jackal and other animals, less often a bull. The skin squeezed from the dead animal was dried, purified from a member with a crowded sandstone and kneaded with their hands, lubricated with fat until the skin became soft and elastic like silk. The fresh skin of the bull was released somewhat differently: it was stretched on Earth, dried and then purified by a scraper from fat and meat; Her kneeling group of men under the sounds of a choral song. Sometimes a geometric ornament was applied to the skin. Kossea of \u200b\u200bthe generic and tribal nobility was distinguished from the skins of Lviv, Panther and Shakalov; Wearing these skins was the privilege of nobility and distinguished it from ordinary members of the community. Kosos was fur in the inside and fixed on the shoulder with ties of leather straps.

In addition to Kossena, they wore gadgets and aprons, usually from the elderly. The male's boiler represented a triangular piece of skins, the long corner of which was passed between the legs and was attached to the belt. Women wore apron - a short rectangular piece of skins. The same piece of skins, only with a long cut in the middle, attached from the back. From the skin of the animals, sandals and bags for storing and carrying products were made, and besides, the pachuians made spacious vessels to deliver milk from remote pastures.

The jewelry served bess beads, hand, foot and cervical rings from iron or copper, a variety of suspensions, bracelets and naked dressings. Fur hairs worn on the head, and sometimes braided tapered hats.

South African Bantian Tribe to European conquest was the natural economy. The separation of labor was still mainly invented. Men were engaged in cattle breeding, hunting and manufacturing products from iron and wood. The agriculture was the case of women, but the men raised virgin. On the shoulders of the woman lay almost all household work on the house. She wore water, blank the fuel, smoked at the Granwalls millet, cooked food, cooked beer, supported order and purity in the hut. She was engaged in collecting wild fruits, made clay dishes, Chinovka, etc. When building a hut, men were erected, and all other works provided women. Teens grated cattle, helped fathers or senior brothers, and girls under the leadership of adult women were engaged in household.

Economic ties were expressed in mutual assistance, in organizing collective hunting and in the domestic exchange of household goods: products of blacksmithing craft, clay and wooden dishes, decorations, weapons, grain and cattle. Production to the market Bantu did not know, there were no bazaars. The exchange was exclusively local, accidentally. There was no universal equivalent, but certain proportions were already installed: for the clay pot was given so much grain as it was placed in it; Odinancially equated to the bull.

More significantly developed cross exchange. His mainly rode-tribal to know, in the hands of which a large amount of livestock was accumulated, skins and various household goods; Ivory and skins of some animals were the monopoly property of tribal leaders, and only they could exchange them. Right members of the tribe conducted an external exchange only with the permission of the leader and with a certain share paid it.

A lively exchange between the Bantian tribes was maintained, on the one hand, the pretrators and Bushmen - on the other. In the middle of the average river. Orange, something similar to annual fairs arose, which were met by the Bechuians and Gottentotes. The Bechuians "In the rainy season, the desert converted them from Koyyov and brought with them tobacco, spoons and wrists from ivory, copper rings and bracelets, copper and iron necklaces, axes and spears with iron tips, beautiful leather kosses and exchanged all this on cattle »1 Gottentotes served as intermediaries between the tribes of a bow and Bushmen, using the last ostrich feathers and eggs, the skins of wild animals and horns. No less lively exchange took place between Zulusami H Basuto. Basuto offered leopard skins, ostrich feathers, caravel wings and received cattle, hoes, copies, copper rings and necklaces.

A strong impetus to the development of the exchange gave the appearance of the Portuguese of Mozambique, the Bursk Colonists on the Kapskoy Peninsula, the British merchants in Natal and penetration into the inland areas of hunters and buyers of ivory, merchants, missionaries and travelers who delivered products to the European Industry. The English missionary R. Moffat reports that although Matabel has the right to trade with interemphetics and whites belonged to the leader - Moselkatse, but the women of secretly brought him milk and other products to replace European wickers; As can be seen, the monopoly of the leader has already turned out to be shy and gradually undermined. European goods have just started to penetrate Matabel. On September 17, 1857, Moffat wrote his wife that he saw the first Matabel in a European costume - an old jacket and short trousers; It was one of the warlords close to Moselkatse, who left Moiffat. Moselkatse showed Mooffat Two big baskets filled with European goods: checkered fabrics, printed sieves, nasal scarves, window curtains. It all lay no use; Wives Moselkatse were not interested in textile goods, and he himself cared primarily about the acquisition of guns to protect against drills, and vans, since he did not have any vehicles.

The main form of the settlement of most tribes was Krala, in which, as a rule, one big family lived. All the steels had almost the same round layout: in the center of Kralet - the barnyard, fenced with palico, shoulder, stone or global fence. Circumcarounds in a certain order were located huts: closer to the exit from the cattle courtyard - the hut is the first wife or mother, then the hut of the second wife, the third, hut for children, etc. Near each hut - an extension for cooking and sometimes another extension - pantry . The grain was stored in special granaries - in the pits, the walls of which were fused clay, or in huge dome-shaped baskets on the stage.

The Bechuian has a different form of settlement - large settlements consisting of up to thousands and more horses. In essence, these are the same crawls, but located dormitory. It was caused by a disadvantage of the Water sources of the Bechuians, and the population was grouped around a few reservoirs.

The housing of the South African bow served round at the base of the hut. They built them as follows: Long, thin jersoes were buried in the ground in a circle, the tops of them were naked, intertwined and tied; The resulting hemispherical cable was superimposed by a layer of grass bound by beams. This core was supported by one or more columns; The center of the hut was satisfied with the hearth, and in the roof over him - chimney. Beds, tables, chairs replaced the nuts, mats from the grass. Wooden buildings Bantu did not know. Some tribes like the Bechuians have met stones of huts and global stoves.