How to make a beautiful poster, wall newspaper for a child's birthday with your own hands: ideas, templates, photos. How to make a congratulatory, sweet, with photos poster, wall newspaper for the first birthday to the child, in kindergarten

  • 11.04.2019

Posters surround us everywhere - we are visible daily on the streets or in print editions. Mostly this is an advertisement and less frequent announcements of any events. The political poster appears in the field of our vision immediately before the elections, when agitation begins and therefore it rarely occurs. What should be a good poster? First of all, the poster must be informative. People must instantly read the message - and the designer's task is to present the idea of \u200b\u200ba poster in the most understandable form. And absolutely no matter what means it will be done - the main thing is that people immediately understood what they want to communicate.

As a rule, the design of the poster begins with the selection of its size. In this regard, no restrictions exist - the poster may be small, for example, format A4 or vice versa, a giant, the size of the wall of the house. Of course, there are certain sizes, but this is not a question of design, but the question of the possibilities of typographical equipment. The orientation of the poster can be both vertical and horizontal, but most often used vertical orientation.

How to distinguish a good poster from bad? This, of course, is a matter of taste, but a properly designed poster has some signs. FreelanceToday offers you 10 signs of a good poster.

Good readability

Suppose we have a poster that reports any approaching event, for example, about the concert popular artist. The key information placed on the poster should be read from afar and attract the attention of people. Accordingly, a visual hierarchy should be present in the text of the poster. If there are a lot of text, there must be at least three hierarchical layers.

Title. This is the most important and largest text design element. It should be contrasting towards the background and dialed with such a font, which would be well distinguishable even from a long distance.

Details. What? Where? When? All similar information is located at the second level of the hierarchy. The person who was interested in the poster would definitely want to familiarize himself with detailed information, so it must be imagined in understandable, but at the same time compressed form. For the second level, a smaller font is used than in the title, as there is no need for this information to be read from afar.

Small font. At the third level is placed additional Information. Very often small font meets on filmosters and advertising posters.


The designers have only one opportunity to attract the attention of the viewer. Therefore, the poster must "cling." You can achieve this with the help of contrasting elements. It is on the web you can make a pale illustration with a smooth gradient and trendy thin fonts - for a regular poster, this method is bad. The sharper text or the illustration contrasts with the background - the noticeable poster. Getting Started, you need to first decide on the contrast of elements and constantly check it during operation. If the designer works on a color poster, you need to periodically check how it looks in shades of gray - the contrast of the main elements should be well distinguishable in this mode.

Size and location

Very often, the designer knows in advance where his poster will be placed. Based on this information, it must correctly choose the size of the poster. It is important that the promise of the poster does not interfere with various visual interference - it should occupy a dominant position. Concerning color Gamma.then here you also need to proceed from the realities - if it is known that the poster will hang on the wall painted in green color, it is better not to use in a poster close to green shades.

Poster works regardless of size

Very often, novice designers refuse tasks in which you want to create a large poster, allow 10 to 6 meters. For some reason, it seems to them that it is much more complicated to create such a poster than any poster size from the A4 sheet. This is a big misconception. If the poster is arranged correctly, it will look equally well regardless of the size and the scaling does not affect it. If the designer received an order for creating a poster, which will then be used in advertising and will be released in the most different sizes And formats (including digital), he must think primarily about the composition and the main idea and not to take care of where his creation will be placed.

Large images

If an image is used in the poster, it should occupy the dominant position, as well as in the case of the text. The image should be well distinguishable from afar, while it is very important to take care of recognizing the image. It is not necessary to compare a visual row greatly - you need to use as many elements as required to convey the basic idea. This principle is applicable to all types of poster, including to the filmosters, which sometimes are too overwhelmed with details.

Negative space

A poster is not a picture, so the designer is simply necessary to work with free space. It is not necessary to strive to fill the entire poster - you need to "leave the air". There are some effective ways Enhance the readability of the poster. For example, you can increase the distance between the letters. Close curling, maybe look good, on a postcard, but the poster is still important readability. If the letters are located too close, then the text has become poorly distinguishable, which is extremely recommended. You can also increase the distance between the rows - it will also go a poster for the benefit.


The goal of any poster is to make people make some action, for example, visit the show, exhibition, buy any product or come to choices. Calling to action is the most important, central element of the poster and the designer should give him the focus. Unlike web design, the interactive does not work in the chart, therefore its principles cannot be used in the usual poster. W. graphic designer Other reporting tools for people and he should make every effort to ensure that the appeal to action has been clear at first glance.

Unusual typography

A poster is exactly the genre where you can safely experiment with the typography. Some of the most famous posters are made without using illustrations and graphic elements and at the same time perfectly express the idea. The use of high-quality typography will give the poster individuality - the main thing is that the designer does not overdo it. You should not use 10 fonts in one poster - the design will not be better. It is best to pay attention to the visual hierarchy and the use of negative space. The letters themselves bear a certain promise and the correct understanding of the principles of typography will allow designers to create emotional and memorable posters.


Appearance computer graphics Obviously did not benefit the art of a poster. Previously, the designer worked with alive materials and the posters looked completely differently as they are in our days. Today, a sign of a good poster is his execution technique. And it does not matter that the designer created it on the computer - if the poster has a soul and it seems that the designer painted it manually - this is a good poster. Well, if the poster went to print as before, from physical media is generally wonderful.


Any good poster is inherent in some shocking - it is very strengthening the emotional promise. So do not be afraid to go beyond and use unusual elements in the poster. Violating some established rules, the designer draws attention to the poster, and this is exactly what is needed.

OUTPUT: Poster is very interesting view Graphs that allows designers to give will to their imagination. In addition, this is a great way to master new technique Or improve your skills. Sometimes the creation of a poster is given very difficult - after all, it is necessary to convey the idea using a minimum of money. But in any case, it is interesting - especially when the poster turned out to be successful and attracting the attention of people.

Olga Nikolaevna Teplikova, an experienced teacher of our site, always advises to make benefits with their own hands for playing with kids: books, posters, lotto. Such benefits are very simple, but at the same time they carry a lot of benefits for the baby. Especially great if the baby is already older, then the game can be created together. Such a game is later appreciated and like a child. Let's consider creating posters in more detail.

What is and why?

A poster is a sheet of paper on which mom writes Lines from a fairy tale, poem, favorite kid songs. This type of reading games includes and picture material. On the poster, we can draw or make appliques. You can combine different techniques! In addition, the game with a poster will help a little baby to master the technique of writing. Kids 2-3 or 3-4 years can try to write or circle written, and in 3-4 years write something yourself. At the same time, if the Karapuz does not write very well, but wants to make his poster, we do not refuse, just make a small poster. Suppose, not two lines, but one. Watch it on the wall and play!

In such games, we can sing and read at the same time! The speed of reading at the same time can immediately say "bounces"! And our pleasure from the game "bounces". We may not just sing, but still danger! And show words on a beautiful poster.

How old can you offer the baby with a poster?

This type of games is designed for carapuses over 2 years old.

What do we need to know to execute a poster?

1. The size matters!

A poster should not be very big! Do not take too large sheet, enough two A4 format, fastened by broad side. Do not write too squeezed and large! Words should not be larger than we write usually on cards. You can even less. It is necessary that the child covers the text of 3.4.5 words, and did not look at each letter of a stretched word. The font size is aligned so that there is a place between the words and around the text.

2. The number of words and their value

Leave a place at the edge of the poster, occupying only the middle. The benefit of this is big! The text is easier to perceiveif it is located not from the edge to the edge, but with small fields. We can portray something related to the poster's topic.

A part of the sheet with words can be limited to something: color, drawing, simple drive. This is a limitation helps read faster!

For example, we are handing hand on rows, but despite this, we do not interfere with the child to completely perceive the text.


I am a horsepie redhead.

Or "gray side"! Or some other. You can change the color. But still the main text will remain the same. The child knows it. And he, too, grabbing the entire meaning of the poster, sings and reads at the same time:

I knock with hooves,

If necessary, pumping!

How can we arrange this song on a sheet of paper? You can simply select the middle. For example, the background is white, and on the edges there is a greenhouse.

But there is still such a song:

I have a bake, bake

Babies all over the pies.

Here, cabbage can be drawn small pies, literally several pieces.

Another example - beads:

Beads twisted, Ta-ta

You can draw a thread for becons that will limit the text, drive 3-5 beads to it, where there is a place.

3. Color and selection

Highlight words interestingwho will attract the child's attention. Casual words do not need! Do not focus only by the amount and length of the word, the number of letters. You need to also consider the composition of the word. Suppose

SCOCK, I am a gray bar side.

It makes sense to highlight the scock and side.

Letters we can write the same color, but then separate words need to be highlighted in a circle or bring a bright oval, or to shave with a light pencil. And some words can be just glued! And they will be on light paper: on yellow, pink, on blue, etc.

Very advise one line writing one colorotherwise it turns out very motley. Between the lines do not make too sharp color transitions. Suppose you have one was blue, the second will be purple, and the third is blue. They are in one tone.

Some words can be allocated color and thickness of the font, the magnitude of the letters.

4. Text volume

Do not write long songs. From the whole song, allocate only the fact that a child knows exactly and loves. The content of your poster must be familiar to you, and your baby must be loved !!! It is much easier than to write, and after and play on a completely unfamiliar text!

How do we use such posters?

For example, we ran outside like chickens, came from the streets sing a song. Maybe we run each other friend, or with a cry of chickens, or play a musical and rhythmic game, we can give children to whom a rattle, to whom a wand, someone knocks, who in the palm creates who spoons who are on xylophone, someone Just sings a song:

The chicken was entered,

Fresh grass pinching.

And behind her guys, eating chickens.

Ko-ko Ko-ko! Do not go far.

For example, we already have a poster from the line "Ko-Ko, Ko-Ko! Do not go far." Below on the poster, for example, paws are drawn. Write your finger along the painted legs: "Highels, grains, are looking for." At the same time, someone from the kids knocks on his feet, someone rows with his fingers along the floor. Creative game It turns out!

If unwritten lines remain in the song or poem, it can be depicted, for example, in dance. Suppose the game "Ah-yes." The lines "ah-yes" are written on the poster, and can be allocated by the magnitude of words, letters.

Ai-yes! Ai-yes!

And then: "Quickly legs roll, the kids fun dancing" We do not write, but cut the tracks from color paper, stick them and then, hitting your fingers along with your fingers, singing these words. So you can beat the game when we sing on a poster.

How are we singing?

I sing in the usual pace, show the words with your finger at the usual pace. What we sing, then show. It looks like a karaoke, only much more beautiful and not so fast, much less in volume, and the text of this one and the baby is already familiar.

SAMI frequent error In the manufacture of posters - too large letters.

Letters better to do a little bit smallerBecause the poster is of course a poster, but the visual memory and perception are so arranged that we are if we see a big word, then our memory chooses some part of this word. For example, if you write the word in the meter "goat", you will see only "Pts", "goats", and the rest will remain outside.

And the child has an angle of view, because he is small. It is lower thanks, he has a different distance between the pupils, as we have with you. Therefore, very large no need. Have this in mind. Make smaller. Fold two sheet A4. Not along where the long side, and across. Do you know how to play better? Here you are playing goat, or in a horse, or download, or something else do something. Take the baby in the hands, go to the poster and spoil:

The goat horns in the meadow lives

And show these words:

The goat horned song sings:

Me-Me, Me, Me, Me.

And that's it. More you do not need anything. No need to show the child. Discard this control. The game does not need control.

Let's consider another poster based on the game "walks a cat on a bench"

Poster is huge. Better such a poster on the floor to lay. On the floor is still more convenient than on the table. This is verified. "Cats". So go like a cat. You have already prepared a poster or lies, or hanging somewhere on the sidelines, put it on the floor, everything is getting on all fours, let's say two or three plus adults, and everyone reads and sing.

Walking a cat on a bench

And drive your finger. Let even the nefple, children may not show. Nothing wrong. And you still show your own.

Drives a kitty behind a paw

Top Top Top (you can not show) on a bench

Cop-Cop-Cop for Pickles

"For the paws" we can also just sing. Hand no longer works. Play the lotto on the poster. But do you know how? You write a word, everyone is wanted, and you correct, help a little and rejoice!

Enjoy you and kids creativity and happy games!

Olga Nikolaevna Teplikova

Such simple manuals Easy to do it yourself, while no special materials need. They give many opportunities for games with the baby. And the huge plus such a game is that you can play again and again.

It offers many ideas to create benefits with your own hands. Come to school if you want to receive new ideas and teacher's recommendations, teach the baby to read with simple and interesting games.

No matter where you are going to celebrate your birthday. It doesn't evenly, your holiday or someone from your loved ones. The main thing is to be held in a fun and warm atmosphere. Be sure to think in advance about beautiful bright posters that will raise the mood and you, and your guests. You can buy them in the store or make yourself.

What should be the perfect poster

Creating a poster for birthday celebration is not only good methodallowing you to decorate a festive room. He can also become excellent gift Birthday or at least addition to the main gift.

Start its manufacture should be sketched. Make it on a regular small piece of paper, so as not to spoil Watman and not spend your time on the alteration.

Here are several simple Sovietstelling how the perfect should be congratulatory poster:

  • Remember that birthday is fun partywhich is unlikely to return the person of any age in carefree childhood. A poster prepared by this case must necessarily be bright. Do not regret the rainbow colors - only in this case and the birthday girl, and the rest of the participants of the event he will have to do.
  • Do not think that the inability to draw is a reason to abandon the manufacture of a poster. You can make it with a clipboard from newspapers and magazines, photos and printed images.
  • Engage fantasy. This will help you express your personality.
  • Do not forget that the congratulatory poster in addition to the decorative function should also be carried out informative. It can write the name of the birthday girl, the date of his birth, the names of guests, wishes, and so on.

Congratulatory posters can be several types:


Congratulatory posters can be several types: Cool such personally made posters should be used when you are exactly sure about the sense of humor of the culprit of the celebrations and other participants in the event. Otherwise, you risks remain incomprehensible.

Humor, involved here, should be soft, relaxed and easy. Refrain from the holy of irony, flat and vulgar jokes, as well as non-extended statements to the birthday room or some of the guests. Black humor in this case is also inappropriate.

Such posters can be used instead of traditional postcards. Write everything that you would like to wish, on a big sheet of Watman and hand the birthday name.

Do not forget to decorate your poster beautiful drawings or photographs of the culprit celebration.

On the poster you can leave free space and offer to guests who have gathered on the occasion of someone else's birth, write a few memorable lines by the birthday.

Do not forget to take multicolored markers or markers on the holiday.

If you are well acquainted with the culprit of the you, and you have a joint photo with him, you can arrange a poster in the form of photocollage.

Sign every image glued to a poster an interesting phrase. One part of the poster can be left under congratulations.

If no ideas about how to independently make a poster for a birthday, you do not have, use the options below.

Poster for a friend or girlfriend

For its manufacture you will need paints, Watman and your joint photography. This option will be done in old Russian style.

Prevailing colors - yellow, beige and red. In the center of Watman, draw a scroll. Your picture with a friend or girlfriend will be placed in it.

It can be decorated with an oriented frame. Required pattern for it. Borrow on the Internet. In the lower left corner, draw two bumps. One of them can play on the drawing, and the other is to move on the stilts.

In the upper left corner, draw the sun. Over the scroll with a photo, write to the pen and ink "Happy Birthday!". In the right part, place your congratulations on wishes. It can also be issued by a frame with an older pattern.

Poster for beloved or beloved

Take a pink or red paper for this. If there is only white watman available, fasten it evenly with a gouache.

Draw small circles or hearts with a pale contour. This will add product expressiveness.

From above on one half of the heart, write "Favorite / Favorite", and on the second "happy birthday!". Do not write a standard wish on such a poster. Give preference written by the Communication Command.

Here are their exemplary list (option for the birthman's men): gentle, gentle, mindful, the sexiest, only, unique, most, most, Mr., Mr. retucar smile, Angel, descended from heaven, charming, best, beloved, native and so on.

Add a few rows with recognition to compliments: "After our hearts have connected to one thing, my life does not make sense without you, because I am you! Happy Birthday! I love you! Your name or gentle nickname). " In another half of the heart, stick your shared photo.

Funny student poster

If the birthday will be celebrated in student hostelFor a friend who is a college or institute students, you can draw a congratulatory poster of essentials.

On the big sheet of Watman in a chaotic order, shift the following items and apply an inscription next to them:

  • Noodle "Rollton": Image - Nothing, Hunger - Everything!
  • Tablet "Alka-approx" - the morning is not good.
  • The cigarette is spare, if suddenly quit smoking.
  • Another cigarette is duty, if suddenly the spare is not enough.
  • Socks - Fresh pair of identical socks.
  • Condom - if urgently need to go on.
  • Deodorant - if urgently need to go on an important date.

On the poster from above, write "Happy Jam!". Do not forget to sign on it with all your company and make the entries "friends will not throw in trouble" and "who was not a student, not to understand."

Poster with sweets

This version of the poster will have to do real sweet toes. On the Big Sheet of Watman with small sweets, lay out the inscription "Happy Birthday!". You can glue these and other sweets both on the usual and two-way tape.

On the rest of the space of the poster, it is necessary to place the following sweets with the appropriate inscriptions:

  • "Bounty" - we wish your life to be a real paradise pleasure.
  • "Twicks" - we wish you to quickly find my soulflower. For those who consist in E or has long-term relationships: you wish you to be with your second half, as these two inseparable sticks.
  • "Snickers" - just in case of inhuman hunger or inhibition.
  • "Kinder-surprise" - they need to stick several pieces and write: Let your life be full of pleasant and unexpected surprises.
  • Candy or chocolate depicting dollars or euros - let you always have a lot of money.
  • Skitles - Try the Rainbow and share with friends.
  • Chocolate with brandy - Let happiness intoxicates.
  • Lollipops with lemon - without light sourness in life, do not do, otherwise joys will be perceived not so bright.
  • Chewing gum "Orbits" or "Dirol" - your radiant smile blinds and drives crazy.
  • Chocolate "Inspiration" - We wish graceful and kind music and a lot of inspiration.

Hand poster

Quick and just you can make the next poster. For making it you will need:

  • large sheet of watman;
  • paint rolling bath;
  • gouache or finger paint;
  • multicolored markers.

In the center of the sheet, place a photo of the birthday room. However, before starting work, it is better to just leave a free space on the poster, so that it is not enough to drank a snapshot.

Ask friends of the culprit of the celebration to lower your hand in the paint and attach to the poster. It should be done in such a way that the prints seem to surround the photo.

Under each palm from the paint, its owner can write fun and good wishes For a birthday room. In the midst of the birthday celebration, you can suggest to guess where whose imprint is located.

Poster for the child

Children, like no other, love everything bright and colorful. Make your own hands poster in honor of the birthday of the child, using a large number of His photos.

If the baby turns three or five years old, select pictures where he is a month, half a year, year and so on. If the crude is just a year old, a photo will be suitable for months.

Do not forget to make inscriptions with wishes. We can arrange a poster or carved from animal images, funny little men, as well as your favorite cartoon characters of your child.

The main inscription can be done by this "ours (the name of the daughter) already a year" or "our (child name) for six years."

In order to make such a poster, you will need a baby's pictures, moms and dads. Top paper decorate the inscription "Our Cross today (number of years)".

In the center of the poster, place his snapshot. From one and on the other hand, the photos of mom and dad should be. Below write " Dear guestsWho are I like? "

In addition, Watman can be decorated with images of animals and animal characters. On the poster you can also leave a place for a small table. It will have two columns - "Mom" and "Dad".

Every guest who came to the holiday should record in the appropriate graph. At the end of the event, you can make calculations and find out who, according to guests, is like your child.

Colorful posters and wall newspapers are remarkably suitable for decorating classes, corridors in schools and offices. They can be complemented with thematic drawings and New Year's poirs. For example, students primary classes Can draw a bright wallpaper. Children will be able to decorate it with sequins, rain. High school students will easily make a funny poster on New Year 2018 with his symbol - a dog. But you can also make wall newspapers by templates. We picked up bright examples Posters I. interesting blanks. They can be downloaded and just print on the eve of the holiday. Black and white posters will only remain paint and decorate.

Original poster for the new year to school - templates for printouts and examples of drawings

Make a cool poster for the new year under the power of each student of medium and high schools. To do this, the guys only need to choose a suitable picture. The most popular are the images snow landscapes, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. But also the guys can simply print on the new year the original poster templates with Christmas trees, balls for school decoration.

How to draw original New Year's poster for school - video example drawing

Learn to draw funny posters can each. And we suggest familiarizing yourself with an interesting master class. In it, the author creates an unusual picture using just a set of pencils.

Selection of new year posters templates to school for printing

If the time for the manufacture of colorful new Year's posters No - not trouble. We offer download ready templates Posters. Beautiful pictures It will only take to print. At will, they can be decorated with sparkles, rain or tinsel.

Beautiful poster for the new year 2018 dogs do it yourself - image examples

By the new year, dogs are recommended to select non-standard New Year posters. The symbol of the year can be drawn on it to add a common picture. And you can make it the main hero of the picture. We picked up the best ideas and examples for drawing with their hands of a cool poster for the new 2018 Dogs.

A selection of beautiful posters made by your own hands, to the holiday of the new 2018

Pick up the appropriate picture for the image on the New Year's poster is quite simple. For example, you can depict your favorite Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Fans of non-standard solutions can depict them in the new role. For example, as heads of mafia, funny dwarves, teddy toys. You can also portray the New Year's poster and the following characters:

  • Dogs different breeds (you can whole families, pairs, puppies);
  • snowman (usual or cartoon);
  • deer (in harness or without);
  • elf (Santa Claus Assistants).

The background can be made neutral monophonic. And you can draw winter landscapes as a background, snowy town. It will also be well suitable for this topic, an image decorated to the new year of the room. Such work is recommended to complement bright elements, stickers and sparkles. Then unusual pictures Without fears, you can even be served at the poster competition. To learn interesting ideas To create New Year's posters, we recommend among the examples selected:

Colorful wall newspaper for the new year 2018 dogs do it yourself - templates and examples

The original wallpaper for the holiday of the new 2018 Dogs can be drawing both with their own hands and templates. We picked up the brightest options for posters for medium, senior and primary classes. They will help the guys choose best idea For drawing cool wallgazet.

Examples of New Year's wallspace for the holiday of the new 2018 Dogs

Colorful examples of wall newspaper can be used as a basis. Ready posters will help choose the most interesting view and filling for it. Therefore, we recommend carefully viewing all the proposed examples and choose the best of them. If desired, such wall newspapers can be modified, complement with their pictures.

Free templates of colorful wallgazette in honor of the coming new 2018 Dogs

Significantly simplify the task of drawing the background for the wall newspaper will help the guys simple patterns. We offer to download the proposed selection and simply print a suitable workpiece. And then add it ready-made congratulations, cool pictures.

Cool wall newspaper "Happy New Year 2018" with your own hands - examples of posters

So that the wall newspaper was beautiful, it is necessary to thoroughly think over its filling. You can decorate a poster with clippings from newspapers, magazines or postcards. It is also necessary to supplement her congratulations in verses or prose. Make the original wallpaper for the holiday of the New 2018 year with their own hands we will help our examples.

A selection of examples of the wall page "Happy New Year 2018" for drawing with your own hands

See how to draw unusual wallgazetua will help follow simple rules. First of all, pictures should be clear and bright. The background is better to choose monophonic or just leave paper white. You can divide the entire sheet into separate parts: pictures, congratulations, news. And so that students of medium and older classes it is easy to draw a wall newspaper, we picked up such interesting examples:

Draw cool wall newspapers for the new year of the dog is completely simple. You only need to take a cool example or idea as a basis. We picked up the most interesting options for New Year's posters that will help schoolchildren to beautify classes and corridors. With our prompts, they can easily choose which poster for the new year 2018 is better to draw, and how to do it. Simple instructions And master classes are suitable for students of medium, senior and primary classes.

In Canva you will find more than 8,000 templates for fast creation Posters. The service allows you to configure the background and add text you downloaded the pictures, as well as illustrations and other decorations from the CANVA library. Some templates and decorative elements are available free of charge, the rest can be bought separately or receive as part of a paid subscription.

CANVA service is available in a web editor format and iOS applications. The version for Android does not exist yet.

This editor is not inferior to the possibilities of Canva. With DESYGNER, you can also create posters and other graphics, combining images, texts, stickers and other decorations on one canvas. offers hundreds of free templates, illustrations and pictures as source code. To access the full collection of materials, as well as a convenient search for them, you need to make a paid subscription.

DESYGNER can be used in the browser and programs for mobile devices on Android and iOS.

3. Fotor

Fotor - multifunctional service to work with graphics. It allows you to do about the same as the above posters editors: Download images, impose text, stickers and other items on them.

And even more: Fotor has many tools for editing images and compiling collages. At the same time, the service is not so many source materials as in Canva and Desygner. Placing a paid subscription, you will get more source and functions for editing graphics.

Fotor is available in the browser, as well as as programs for major desktop and mobile platforms.

Special attention deserves the Bambinic project. This is not a versatile poster editor, but a highly specialized service designed to create a children's metric. For this purpose, Bambinic has several templates with cartoon illustrations and memorable signatures. To create a bright poster for your children, you only need to choose a template and fill it, specifying information about the child (for example, the amount of teeth, growth, weight, first words).

Bambinic exists only in the form of a site, the service has no application.