American writers. Famous American writers

  • 27.06.2019

1. Jerome Sallinger - "Above the Absure in rye"
Writer -Klassik, writer -Prigs, at the peak of his career, who declared his career from the literature and settled away from the worldly temptations in a deaf American province. The only novel of Sallinger, "Above the Great in rye" became a turning point in the history of world literature. And the name of the novel, and the name of his main hero Holden Colfield became codes for many generations of young risks.

2. Nell Harper Lee - "Kill Mockingbird"
The novel, first published in 1960, had a deafening success and immediately became a bestseller. This is not surprising: Harper Lee, having learned the lessons of Mark Twain, found his own story of the narration, which allowed her to show the world of adult eyes of a child, not simplifying and no dinner. The novel was awarded one of the most prestigious US premiums in literature - Pulitzer, printed with multimillion editions. He was transferred to dozens of world languages \u200b\u200band continue to republish to this day.

3. Jack Keroac - "On the Road"
Jack Keruac gave a voice to the whole generation in the literature, in his short life managed to write about 20 books of prose and poetry and become the most famous and controversial author of his time. Some knitted him as a leaning left, others considered the classic of modern culture, but on his books studied to write all hipsters and hipsters - not what you know what you know, and what you see, believing that the world himself will reveal his nature. It was the novel "On the road" brought Ceroaca world famous fame and became the classics of American literature.

4. Francis Scott Fitzgerald - "Great Gatsby"
The best novel of the American writer Francis Scott Fitzgerald, a piercing history of eternal dreams and human tragedy. According to the author himself, "Roman - about how the illusions are greeted, who give the world such colorfulness, which, having experienced this magic, a person becomes indifferent to the concept of true and false." The dream, in captivity of which Jay Gatsby is located, entering into direct contact with ruthless reality, is divided and buried under his wreckage hero who believed in it as in the truth.

5. Margaret Mitchell - "Gone by the Wind"
The Great Saga of the Civil War in the United States and the fate of the wayward and ready to go on the heads of Scarletg O'Hara was first published 70 years ago and does not say to this day. "Gone by the Wind" - the only Roman Margaret Mitchell, for which she is a writer Nitsa, Emancipe and the defender of women's rights - received a Pulitzer Prize. This book is that love for life is more important than love; Then, when the jerk to survival was successfully completed, love becomes preferable, but she dies without life.

6. Ernest Hemingway - "Bell calls"
Full tragism The story of a young American who came to Spain, covered by the Civil War.
Brilliant and sad book about war and love, true courage and self-sacrifice, moral debt and the incredit value of human life.

7. Ray Bradbury - "451 degrees Fahrenheit"

In contact with

Despite the relatively short history, American literature has made an invaluable contribution to world culture. Although in the XIX century, the whole of Europe was read out by gloomy detective stories of Edgar software and beautiful historical poems Henry Longfello, these were only the first steps; it is for the XX century that American literature has a flourishing. Against the background of the Great Depression, the Two World Wars and the Fight against Racial Discrimination in America, the classics of world literature are born in America, the laureates of the Nobel Prizes, writers who characterize their works a whole era.

Radical economic and social changes in the life of Americans in the 20s and 30s became the perfect soil for heyday realismwhich reflected the desire to capture new realities of America. Now, together with books, the purpose of which was to entertain the reader and make him forget about the surrounding social problems, works on the shelves, which clearly show the need to change the social order. The work of realists was distinguished by great interest in various kinds of social conflicts, attacks on the value adopted by the Company and critics of the American lifestyle.

Among the most outstanding realists were Theodore Dreiser, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, William Falkner and Ernest Hemingway. In his immortal works, they reflected the true life of America, sympathized with the tragic fate of young Americans who have passed the first world war, supported the fight against fascism, spoken in defense of the workers and was depicted without constraint of the depravity and mental emptiness of the American society.



Theodore Divers was born in a small town in Indiana in the family of a bankrupt shallow entrepreneur. Writer since childhood, I learned hunger, poverty and needThat later reflected on the subject of its works, as well as on a brilliant description of the life of the usual working class. His father was a strict Catholic, limited and despotic, which forced the drivester hate religion till the end of one's days.

At sixteen years, the driver had to leave school and to work out to somehow earn a living. Later he was still enrolled in the university, but he was able to study there only a year again because of problems with money. In 1892, the driver begins to work as a reporter in various newspapers, and eventually moves to New York, where it becomes the editor of the magazine.

His first significant work - Roman "Sister Kerry" - It turns out in 1900. The driver describes the history of poor village Girl's poor rustic to his own life, which in search of work will be recovered in Chicago. As soon as the book with difficulty made his way into the seal, she immediately was named contrary morality and removed from sale. Seven years later, when it became too difficult to hide a work from the public, the novel still appeared on the shelves of shops. Second book writer "Jenny Gerhard" Released in 1911 was also crushed critics.

Further, the driver begins to write the cycle of novels "Trilogy of Desires": "Financier" (1912), "Titanium" (1914) and unfinished novel "Stoic" (1947). His goal was to show how at the end of the XIX century in America is conducted "Big Business".

In 1915, he leaves the semi-autobiographical novel "Genius"in which the driver describes the tragic fate of the young artist, whose life has broken the brutal injustice of the American society. Self the writer considered the novel with his best work.but critics and readers met the book negatively and she practically not sold.

The most famous work of the driver is the immortal novel "American tragedy" (1925). This is a story about a young American man spoiled by false moral indices, because of what he becomes a criminal and a killer. Roman reflects american lifestyleIn which the poverty of workers from the outskirts is vividly distinguished against the background of the privileged class.

In 1927, the driver visited the USSR and released a book for next year "Driver looks at Russia"which has become one of the first books about the Soviet Unionpublished by the writer from America.

Also, the driver supported the movement of the American working class and wrote several journalistic works on this topic - "Tragic America" (1931) and "America is worth saving" (1941). With the tireless strength and skill of a true realist, he depicted his surrounding social system. However, despite how the harsh world appeared before his eyes, the writer never did not lose faith The dignity and greatness of man and his beloved country.

In addition to critical realism, the driver worked in the genre naturalism. He scrupulously portrayed at first glance the minor details of the everyday life of his heroes, led real documents, sometimes very long in size, clearly painted the actions related to business, etc. Due to such manner letter criticism often blamed Drier in the absence of style and fantasy. By the way, despite similar condemns, the driver was a candidate for the Nobel Prize in 1930, so you can judge themselves about their truthfulness.

I do not argue, maybe sometimes the abundance of small details is confused, but it is their widespread presence that allows the reader to most clearly submit an action and seem to be his immediate participant. Writer's novels large in size and reading them is quite difficult, but they are undoubtedly masterpieces American literature which is worth spending time. It is strongly recommended to lovers creativity Dostoevsky, who will certainly be able to appreciate the talent of the drivester.

Francis Scott Fitzgerald


Francis Scott Fitzgerald - one of the most outstanding American writers lost generation (These are young people designed to the front, sometimes not yet graduated from school and early began to kill; after the war, they often could not adapt to peaceful life, dismissed, finished the life of suicide, some went crazy). These were devastated from the inside, they had no strength to fight with the corrupt world of wealth. They are trying to fill their mental emptiness with endless pleasures and entertainment.

The writer was born in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, in a secured family, so it was possible to study in prestigious Princeton University. At that time, the University reigned the Competitive Spirit, under the influence of which Fitzgerald fell. He tried to become a member of the most fashionable and well-known clubs, which manifested her atmosphere of sophistication and aristocraticness. Money for the writer was synonymous with independence, privilege, style and beauty, and poverty was associated with miserness and limitation. Later Fitzgerald understood the fart of his views.

He never reacted in Princeton, but it was there that began literary career (He wrote for the university journal). In 1917, the writer goes a volunteer to the army, but it does not participate in these hostilities in Europe. At the same time, he falls in love with Zelda Seyraoriginating from a rich family. They got married only in 1920, in two years the field of deafening successful release of the first serious work of Fitzgerald "On the side of Paradise"because Zelda did not want to go beyond the poor unknown man. The fact that beautiful girls attracts only wealth, made the writer think about social injustice, and Zelda was subsequently called prototype heroin His novels.

The prospect of Fitzgerald grows directly in proportion to the popularity of his novel, and soon the spouses become with a luxurious lifestyleThey even began to call them the king and the queen of their generation. They lived luxuriously and deposit, enjoyed fashionable life in Paris, expensive numbers in prestigious hotels, endless parties and receptions. They constantly throw out various eccentric antics, scandals and addicted to alcohol, and Fitzgerald even began writing articles for glossy magazines of that time. All this is undoubtedly destroyed the talent of the writerAlthough even then he managed to write a few serious novels and stories.

Its main novels appeared between 1920 and 1934: "On the side of Paradise" (1920), "Beautiful and damned" (1922), "The Great Gatsby", which is the most famous work of the writer and is considered a masterpiece of American literature, and "Night is tender" (1934).

The best stories of Fitzgerald are included in collections "Tales of the century jazz" (1922) and "All these sad young people" (1926).

Shortly before death in the autobiographical article, Fitzgerald compared himself with a broken plate. He died of a heart attack on December 21, 1940 in Hollywood.

The main theme of almost all works of Fitzgerald was corrupting power of moneywhich leads to spiritual decomposition. He considered rich in a special estate, and only over time began to realize that it was based on inhumanity, its own uselessness and absence of morality. He realized this with his heroes that were mainly autobiographical characters.

Fitzgerald's novels are written in excellent language, understandable and refined at the same time, so the reader can hardly break away from his books. Although after reading the works of Fitzgerald, despite the amazing imagination journey to the luxurious "Century Jazz", there is a feeling of devastation and futility of being, it is rightfully considered to be one of the most prominent writers of the 20th century.

William Falkner


William Cuthbert Falcner is one of the leading novelists in the middle of the 20th century, in New Albany, Mississippi, in an inflated aristocratic family. He studied B. OxfordWhen the First World War began. The experience of the writer, obtained at this time, played an important role in the formation of its nature. He entered B. Few military schoolBut the war ended before he managed to complete the course. After that, Falkner returned to Oxford and worked head of post office At the University of Mississippi. At the same time, he began to attend courses at the university and try to write.

His first published book, collection of poems "Marble Favn"(1924), not successful. In 1925, Falkner met a writer Sherwood Andersonwho had a great influence on his work. He recommended Falkneru do not poetya, prose, and gave advice to write about american south, About the place in which Falkner Ros and which knows best. It is in Mississippi, namely in the fictional district Yoknapatofa Events of most of its novels will occur.

In 1926, Falkner wrote a novel "Soldier's Award"which was close in the spirit of lost generation. Writer showed tragedy peoplewho returned to peaceful life crumpled both physically and soulful. Roman also did not have a great success, but Falkner was recognized as a inventive writer.

From 1925 to 1929 it works carpenter and malyar. And successfully combines it with writing labor.

In 1927 comes novel "Mosquito" and in 1929 - Sartoris. That same year, Falkner publishes Roman "Noise and rage"who brings him fame in literary circles. After that, he decides to devote all his time writing activities. His work "Sanctuary" (1931), the story about violence and murder, became a sensation and the author finally gained financial independence.

In the 30s, Fior writes several gothic novels: "When I died"(1930), "Light in August" (1932) and "Avissal, Avissal!"(1936).

In 1942, the writer publishes a collection of stories "Sooty, Moses"which includes one of his most famous works - the story "Bear". In 1948 Falkner writes "Prach Desecker", one of the most important social novels related to problem of racism.

In the 40s and 50th, its best work is published - a trilogy consisting of novels "Village", "City" and "Mansion"devoted to the tragic fate of the American South Aristocracy. Last novel Falkner "Thieves" It turns out in 1962, he also enters the Saga about Yoknapato and depicts the history of the beautiful, but dying south. For this novel, as well as for "Parable"(1954), themes of which is humanity and war, Falkner received Pulitzer awards. In 1949, the writer was awarded "For a significant and artistic point of view, a unique contribution to the development of modern American novel".

William Falkner was one of the most prominent writers of his time. He belonged to K. South American Writers School. In his works, he applied to the history of the American south, especially the time of the civil war.

In his books, he tried to deal with problem of racism, I understand perfectly well that it is not so much social as psychological. Folkner saw African Americans and White Non-Elevatively connected with each other with a different history. He condemned racism and cruelty, but was sure that both white and African Americans were not ready for legislative measures, so Falkner mainly criticized the moral side of the issue.

Folkner skillfully owned the pen, although it often claimed that a little interested in writing technique. He was a brave experimenter and possessed the original style. He wrote psychological novelsin which much attention was paid to the replicas of characters, for example, Roman "When I died" Lined as a chain of the monologues of heroes, sometimes long, sometimes in one or two sentences. Folkner fearlessly joined the opposite epithets, creating a strong effect, and its works often have an ambiguous, indefinite end. Of course, Falkner knew how to write so that weigh the soul Even the most picky reader.



Ernest Hemingway - one of the most read writers of the XX century. He is a classic of American and world literature.

He was born in the Oak Park, Illinois, in the family of a provincial doctor. His father was fascinated by hunting and fishing, he taught his son Shoot and fisherAnd also instilled love for sport and nature. Ernest's mother was a religious woman who was entirely devoted to the church's business. On the soil of different views on life, a quarrel often broke out between the parents of the writer, because of what Hemingway could not feel calmly at home.

Ernest's favorite place was a house in Northern Michigan, where the family usually spent the summer. The boy has always accompanied his father in various colleagues in the forest or fishing.

In the school of Ernest was gifted, energetic, successful student and excellent athlete. He played football, was a member of a swimming team and engaged in boxing. Hemingway also loved literature, wrote weekly reviews, poetic and prosaic works in school journals. However, school years were not calm for Ernest. The atmosphere created in the family of his demanding mother, very much put on the boy, so he Twice ran out of the house And he worked on the farms in blackmail.

In 1917, when America joined the First World War, Hemingway wanted to get into the operating armyBut because of bad vision, he was refused. He moved to Kansas to his uncle and began to work as a reporter in a local newspaper. Their Kansas. City. Star. Journalistic experience It is clearly overlooked in the distinctive style of Hemingway letters, a laxity, but at the same time clarity and the accuracy of the language. In the spring of 1918, he learned that volunteers were required by the Red Cross Italian front. It was his long-awaited chance to be in the center of battles. After a short stop in France, Hemingway arrived in Italy. Two months later, saving the wounded Italian sniper, the writer fell under the fire of machine guns and mortars and it was hard to wanders. He was taken to the hospital in Milan, where after 12 operations removed 26 fragments from the body.

Experience Hemingway obtained in warwas very important for a young man and influenced not only his life, but also to writing activities. In 1919 Hemingway returns hero in America. Soon he goes to Toronto, where the reporter on the newspaper begins to work Their Toronto. Star. In 1921 Hemingway marries the young pianist Hadley Richardson, and Chet moves to Paris, the city that the writer has long been dreaming. To collect material for its future stories, Hemingway travels around the world, visiting Germany, Spain, Switzerland and other countries. His first job "Three stories and ten poems" (1923) was not successful, but the next collection of stories "Nowadays"released in 1925 achieved public recognition.

First Roman Hemingway "And the sun rises" (or "Fiesta") Published in 1926. "A Farewell to Arms!", the novel, depicting the first world war and its consequences, is coming out in 1929 and brings great popularity to the author. At the end of the 20s and in the 30s, Hemingway releases two collections of stories: "Men without women" (1927) and "The winner does not get anything" (1933).

The most outstanding works written in the first half of the 30s are "Death afternoon" (1932) and "Green Hills of Africa" (1935). "Death afternoon" tells about Spanish Borrida, "Green Hills of Africa" and well-known compilation "Snow Kilimanjaro"(1936) Describe Hemingway hunting in Africa. Amateur nature, Writer masterfully draws African landscape readers.

When in 1936 began civil War in SpainHemingway hurried to the theater of hostilities, but this time as an anti-fascist correspondent and writer. The next three years of his life are closely related to the struggle of the Spanish people against fascism.

He took part in the shooting of a documentary film "Land of Spain". Hemingway wrote a script and read the text. The impression of the war in Spain was reflected in the novel "For whom the Bell Tolls" (1940) who his writer himself considered his better work.

Deep hatred for fascism made Hemingway active participant of the Second World War. He organized counterintelligence against Nazi spies and hunted his boat for German submarines in the Caribbean, after that he served as a military correspondent in Europe. In 1944, Hemingway took part in combat fleets over Germany and even, at the head of the French partisan, was one of the first to liberate Paris from German occupation.

After the war Hemingway moved to CubaSometimes attended Spain and Africa. He fervently supported Cuban revolutionaries in their fight against the dictatorship in the country. He communicated a lot with simple Cubans and worked a lot over the new story "The Old Man and the Sea"which is considered the top of the writer's creativity. In 1953, Ernest Hemingway received Pulitzer Prize For this brilliant story, and in 1954 Hemingway was awarded Nobel Prize for Literature "For narrative skills, once again demonstrated in the" old man and the sea "."

During his trip to Africa in 1953 the writer fell into a serious aircraft crash.

In the last years of life, he was seriously ill. In November 1960, Hemingway returns to America to the town of Ketchum, Idaho. Writer suffered from a number of diseases, because of what he was placed in the clinic. He was B. Deep depressionSince it believed that the FBI agents watch him, listen to telephone conversations, check mail and bank accounts. In the clinic, this was adopted as a symptom of a mental illness and treated the great writer with electric shock. After 13 Hemingway sessions lost memory and the ability to create. He was depressed, suffered from Paramonian attacks and more often thought about suicide.

Two days later, the field of discharge from a psychiatric hospital, July 2, 1961, Ernest Hemingway shot himself out of his beloved hunting shotgun in his house in Ketchum, not leaving a suicide note.

At the beginning of the 80s, Hemingway, the FBI case was declassified, and the fact of surveillance for the writer in his last years was confirmed.

Ernest Hemingway was, of course, the greatest writer of his generation, who had an amazing and tragic destiny. He was freedom fighter, Yaros spoke against wars and fascism, and not only through literary works. He was incredible mastery letters. His style is distinguished by conciseness, accuracy, restraint in the description of emotional situations, the specificity of the details. The technique developed by them entered the literature entitled "The Principle of Iceberg"because the writer attached the basic meaning to the subject. The main feature of his creativity was truthfulnessHe was always honest and sincere with his readers. While reading his works, confidence appears in the accuracy of the events, the effect of presence is created.

Ernest Hemingway - this particular writer, whose work is recognized by real masterpieces of world literature and whose works, no doubt, should be read to everyone.



Margaret Mitchell was born in Atlanta, Georgia. She was a lawyer's daughter, who was the Chairman of the Atlanta Historical Society. The whole family loved and interested in history, and the girl grew in atmosphere of the story of the Civil War.

First, Mitchell studied at the Washington Seminary, and then entered the prestigious female Smith College in Massachusetts. After studying, she began working in Their Atlanta. Journal. She wrote hundreds of essays, articles and reviews for the newspaper, and in four years work has been growing to reporterBut in 1926 he was injured ankle that made her work impossible.

The energy and liveliness of the character writer was traced in everything she did or wrote. In 1925, Margaret Mitchell married John Marsha. From that moment on, she began to record all the same stories about the Civil War, who heard in childhood. The result was a novel. "Gone With the Wind"That was first published in 1936. The writer worked on it within ten years. This is a novel about the Civil War in America, told from the point of view of the North. The main heroine is, of course, a beautiful girl named Scarlett O'Hara, the whole story is spinning around her life, family plantation, love relationship.

After the release of the novel, the American classic BestsellerMargaret Mitchell quickly became a world famous writer. More than 8 million copies were sold in 40 countries. The novel was translated into 18 languages. He won Pulzer Prize In 1937. Later was removed very successful film With Vivien Lee, Clark Gablom and Leslie Howard.

Despite numerous requests for fans about the continuation of the story of O'Hara, Mitchell did not write more not a single novel. But the name of the writer, like her magnificent work, will forever remain in the history of world literature.

8 votes June 12, 2013, 21:27

If you consider the version of Lurman, then « Great Gatsby » shielded five times. Another famous Roman Fitzgerald - « Night is tender » - transferred to the screen twice. Is it a lot or a little?
The rating of American authors, modern and classical, on the works of which films are most often removed:

1. Edgar Allan P.
70 stories
1 story
51 poem
Activity: 212 (large - 94)

The recognized master of mystics and the creator of the modern detective Edgar Allan software takes the first place in the list and leaves behind all possible competitors. Surprisingly, in life, the writer was very poor. Recognition came only after death, but what! His stories and poems are an inexhaustible source for directorial fantasy. In 1968, Roger Vadim, Louis Mal and Federico Fellini removed the products of the legendary three-part film "Three Steps in Radial". And in 2012, James Maktig put a picture of the "Raven", in which he had fantasized on how the writer was investigated by the crime on which the maniac inspired himself.

2. Jack London
More than 200 stories (16 collections)
21 Roman and Tale
3 pieces
Activity: 124 (large - 78)
For 17 years of literary activity, the author has achieved great popularity. His fees accounted for 50 thousand dollars per book - huge money for those times. In 1913, Jack London played an episodic role in the screening of his novel "Sea Wolf" director Hobart Bosworth. His books enjoyed great success in the USSR, they were filmed enough films. Recall at least the "heart of the three" 1992.

3. O. Henry
252 story
1 Roman
Activity: 184 (large - 72)

Shroves for stories O. Henry began to shoot in his life, in 1909. And one of the most famous shields of the author is considered a film of 1952 "Leader of Redheads and others". It includes five different novels filmed by five different directions: "Pharaoh and Choral", "Pipe Glass", "Last Leaf", "Leader of Redhead" and "Gifts of Magi". In the first one of the roles, Marilyn Monroe appears. Ranger text reads Writer John Steinbeck. He also appears at the beginning of each part, and this is the only one in his entire life hitting the movie screen.

4. Mark Twain
57 stories
8 novels and stories (+ 1 in collaboration)
9 articles
1 autobiography
Equipment: 105 (large - 51)

William Falcner called Mark Twain, the first truly American writer. And Ernest Hemingway believed that all subsequent literature came out of the book "Adventures of Geclberry Finn". This work in the States was repeatedly fused, but the local critics of the best consider the Soviet version, which Georgy Deliath was removed in 1973. His "absolutely disappearance" even nominated in Cannes to the Golden Palm Branch.

5. Howard Phillips Lovecraft
59 stories (+ 38 in co-authorship)
6 novels and stakes (+ 2 in collaboration)
1 cycle sonnets
Activity: 109 (large - 49)

This man did not publish a single book during his lifetime, his work was not popular with popularity. And this is a paradox, because without Lovecraft of modern horror, as we know it, there would be no extent. His works even allocate in a separate genre of Lovecraft horrors. It is already enough that he came up with the myths of Cthulhu and Necronomicon. Due, it was the one who managed to read the guys from the "sinister dead."

6. Lymen Frank Baum
60 novels and leads (+ 4, which are lost)
68 stories (+ 3 lost)
5 poetic works
12 pieces (+ 4 lost)
Activity: 105 (large - 31)
Baum was one of the most talented children's writers of his era. But it remained in history mainly as the "court historian of Oz" - he himself called himself. Fantasy on this magical world there are dozens, if not hundreds, and a significant part of them are embodied in cinema. The most famous adaptation of Bauma can be considered the "Wizard of Oz" Viktor Fleming (in the same 1939 he removed the "worn by the wind") with Ji Da Garlend in the role of Dorothy. And recently, the director of the Man-Spider Man and the "Evil Deads" of Sam Raymi turned to the history of Oz, removing the tape "Oz: Great and Horrible", a kind of prequel to the film Fleming.

7. Francis Scott Fitzgerald
About 70 stories
5 Romanov
1 play
1 Collection of journalism
Activity: 40 (large - 27)

The king of the "Jazz era", Fitzgerald himself came up with this term, uniting them the period of American history since the end of the First World War before the beginning of the Great Depression. Almost all of his heroes are representatives of the "lost generation", people who believed in the American dream, but not found in it what was looking for. That was Jay Gatsby, the book about which was shielded five times. The latter did the bases Lurman, who took Leonardo Dicaprio on the main role. Robert Redford can be considered the most famous Gatsby. And in 2008, David Fincher removed the "Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton" by the short story of Fitzgerald, in which Brad Pitt and Kate Blanchett played.

8. James Fenimore Cooper
33 Romana
5 stories
6 historical works and biographies
2 political essay
6 travel stories
1 memoirs
Activity: 38 (large - 22)
This classic of American literature is known thanks to its adventure novels. According to the legend, the first Cupper wrote his argument to the argument, promising his wife that he could surpass the book that she was read at that moment. In 1909, the first short-moving "Leather stockings" was removed based on his novels. And in 1992, Hern Mann put the film "The Last Mogican" with Daniel Day Lewis in the lead role. The picture received Oscar for the best sound.

9. Ernest Hemingway
10 Collectors of short stories
11 novels and leads
13 works of documentary prose
Equipment: 55 (large - 19) Handsome!

Hemingway was famous for his short and capacious style, so to count the stories written to them are very difficult. It is enough to remember that it is it that one of the most famous short works belongs to him, which in the original consists of only six words (and when transferring it can be reduced to three): "Binetics, nonsense" ("For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn" ). The first time Roman Hemingway was shielded in 1932 ("Goodbye, weapons"). And in 1999, the Russian artist Alexander Petrov created a short animation film "Old Man and the Sea" for which Oscar received.

And, finally, just an advanced picture who for whom and how influenced.)

September 24 - 120 years since the birth of one of the most famous American writers, Francis Scott Fitzgerald. He is also one of the most difficult to understand, although at first the eye of the reader blinds the brilliance of the parties described, the deep moral and social problems lie behind it. The editorial office of together with the Network of bookstores "Chitai-city" picked up for this date there are six more significant works that will help look at America and Americans with other eyes.

"The Great Gatsby" is a great novel, but none in life, nor in his soul there is no greatness, there are only sparkling illusions, "who give the world such colorfulness that, having experienced this magic, a person becomes indifferent to the concept of true and false" . The idle millionaire Jay Gatsby has already lost them and, together with them, he lost the opportunity to feel the taste of life and love again - and all their treasures were at his feet.

America's "dry law", gangsters, lifesters and brilliant parties to the music of Duke Ellington appears in front of the reader. The very "century of jazz", a magnificent century, when it also seemed that all wishes were fulfilled, and the star from the sky can be reached, not even becoming a tiptoe.

Portrait of the chief hero of the cycle of desire trilogy, Frank Kauperwood, is largely written off with a really living person, a millionaire Charles Yerks, and in the past few years the viewers worldwide follow the life of the central figure of the TV series "Card House", Frank Andervuda. It can be assumed that even the name "the Great and Horrible" president borrowed from the character being created by the driver's drive. His whole life revolves around success, he is a calculating financier and builds his empire using everything and all for its purposes. That is, the "financier" is called the first romance of the trilogy, where we see how the identity of the calculating dolza was formed, who was ready, without thinking, crossing through the law and moral principles, if they become an obstacle on his way.

The most witty and accurate book from ever written in the United States and about the USA, the "bunges of anger" affect the reader, perhaps, not less than Solzhenitsyn's texts. The cult novel was first published in 1939, received a Pulitzer Prize, and the author himself was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1962. The portrait of the nation in one of the most difficult periods in history, great depression, draws through the history of the farmers family, which, after the ruin, is forced to take off the place and seek food in the exhausting journey throughout the country on the very "Route 66". Like thousands, hundreds of thousands of other people, they go beyond the ghostly hope of sunny California, but there are still big difficulties, hunger and death in front of them.

451 ° Fahrenheit - Temperature at which paper is flamped. Bradbury's philosophical painting post-industrial society: this is the world of the future, in which all written editions are mercilessly destroyed by a special detachment of firefighters, the storage of books is prosecuted by law, interactive television successfully serves as an overall fever, punitive psychiatry is resolutely understandable with rare dissents, and on the hunt for incorrigible dissidents. Leaves electric dog. Today, in Russia, 2016, the relevance published in 1953 (already 63 years ago!) The year of Romana is greater than ever - at different ends of the country lift home-grown censors, who seek to limit the freedom of speech just by destroying and banning books.

Jack London's life was as romantic - at least, if you consider it a biography through a certain lyrical prism, - and filled with events, as his novels, and Martin Eden is considered the top of his work. This is a work about a person who has achieved recognition of his talent by society, but deeply disappointed in the respectable bourgeois layer, which finally accepted it. According to the writer himself, this is a single tragedy trying to inspire the truth of the world. " Truly a timeless work and a hero, the feelings of which are understandable to the reader on any continent and in any era.

One of the most difficult for perception, but at the same time incredibly interesting and multifaceted authors, Kurt Vonnegut wrote, mixing genres and always leaving the reader uncertainty - what exactly he read, whether it was not the appeal to himself through the books of the book and What is the saying right here. In "Breakfast for Champions", the author is surprisingly thin and accurately destroys the stereotypes of perception, showing us a person and life on Earth with a distinguished look, looking like with another planet, where they do not know what an apple or weapon is. The main character, the writer Kilgor Tryut - at the same time alter-ego of the author and his interlocutor, he is going to get a literary award. At the same time, someone who reads his novel (of this character, Duin Hoover, in the screening of 1999 played Bruce Willis), slowly goes crazy, perceiving everything written in it for a clean coin and losing a connection with reality - how it starts doubt In it and reader.

In the first novel of John Adducky from the series of books about the rabbit Harry Enstrom - and this is his nickname, - a young man who has an inexorable reality has already broken the pink glasses of youth. From the star of the school basketball team, he became her husband and father, forced to work in a supermarket to provide his family. He is not able to put up with it and starts in the "run". APDAYK and Keruac as if talking about the same people, but in different tonality - so that those who read the work of the last "on the road" will be interested in the literature of the hipsters to move to a complex psychological prose, and who did not read will undoubtedly get a lot Pleasure, switting attention and plunged further into the same topic.

In general, the last 5 years read little. You can even say without reading at all. To the electronic options of books, and even more so reading from the smartphone, I never had learned, and there is no time for paper bannal, and when there is a little time there is no book at hand. This is an online infection, because of him everything.

As a result, it was generally lost in his favorite topic - fiction and fantasy. But in principle, it may even be read something else.

Do not tied to the genre met a small list of popular American writers now. Who read what?

1. "Sigger", Jonathan Franzen

"Sigger" has become a real sensation of last year: it is called the most scandalous and most Russian novers of Franzen. The reasoning about the acute social problems, the totalitarian nature of the Internet, feminism and politics are intertwined with the deep, very personal history of one family.

In life with a young girl named PIP full Bardak: She does not know his father, can not pay a debt for study, it does not know how to build relationships, goes to boring work. But her life changes dramatically when she becomes the Hacker's assistant Andreas Wulf, who most likes the most public secrets to publicly discover.

2. "Secret History", Donna Tartt

Richard Paipen recalls the student years in a closed college in Vermont: he and several his comrades visited the closed course of an eccentric teacher in antique culture. One strike of an elite group of students ended with the murder, which only at first glance was left unpunished.

After the incident, other mysteries of heroes are opened, which lead to new tragedies in their lives.

3. "American Psychopath", Bret Easton Ellis

The most famous novel of Ellis is already considered modern classics. The main character is Patrick Baitman, beautiful, rich and seemingly an intelligent young man with Wall Street. But the pleasant appearance and expensive costumes are hidden greed, hatred and rage. At night, he tortures and kills people the most sophisticated ways, without a system and without a plan.

4. "Terribly loud and expectable closely", Jonathan Saffron Fauer

The touching story on the face of the 9-year-old boy of Oscar. His father died in one of the twin towers on September 11, 2001. Inspecting the pantry of the father, Oscar finds a vase, and in it - a small envelope with the inscription "Black" and the key inside. Inspired and covered by curiosity, Oscar is ready to bypass all blacks in New York to find an answer to the riddle. This is a story about overcoming heavy loss, New York after a catastrophe and human kindness.

5. "Good to be quiet", Stephen Chboska

"Above the abyss of rye" about modern teenagers - so dubbed criticism of the book of Stephen Chboski, which was separated by a million copies and was shielded by the author himself.

Charlie is a typical quiet, silent observer for what is happening, goes into senior school. After a recent nervous breakdown, he closed in himself. To overcome the internal experiences, it begins to write letters. Letters to a friend, an unknown person - the reader of this book. On the advice of the new Comrade pit, he tries to become "not a sponge, but by the filter" - to live a full life, and not to observe her from the side.

6. "Watches", Michael Cunningham

The story of one day from the life of three women from different eras from the Laureate of the Pulitzer Prize. The fate of the British writer Virginia Wolfe, the American housewife Laura from Los Angeles and the editor of Clarissa Vogan, at first glance connected only by the book - Roman "Mrs. Dallowway". But the final it becomes clear that the life and problems of the heroine, despite all the external differences, are the same.

7. "Disappeared", Gillian Flynn

Nick and amazing Amy is the perfect couple. But on the day of the fifth anniversary, Amy disappears from the house - there are all traces of kidnapping. The whole city goes in search of the missing and comongs to Niku, while in the hands of the police does not fall the diary of Amy, because of which her husband becomes the main suspect in murder. The main intrigue of the novel - who in this situation turned out to be a real victim.

Roman Flynn attracts a non-standard look at a modern marriage: Partners are married to beautiful projections of each other and then very surprised when a living person who do not know at all is found.

8. "The slaughterhouse number five, or a crusade of children," Kurt Vonnegut

The serious military experience of the writer found a reflection in this novel. Memories of the bombardment in Dresden are shown through the eyes of a ridiculous timid soldier Billy Pilgrim - one of those unreasonable children who abandoned a terrible war. But Wonnegut would not be, if I had not been introduced into the novel, also the element of fiction: whether because of post-traumatic syndrome, or because of the intervention of the aliens, Pilgrim learned to travel in time.

Despite the fantasticity of what is happening, the novel is quite real and clear: the stereotypes of the "real men" rines and demonstrates all the meaninglessness of the wars.

9. "Beloved", Tony Morrison

Tony Morrison received the Nobel Prize in literature for the fact that in "his full dreams and poetry Romanov revived an important aspect of American reality." And the novel "Beloved" Time magazine called one of the top 100 books in English.

The main character is Slave Sati, who, together with the children, escaped from the cruel owners and stayed at freedom of only 28 days. When the pursuit overtakes Sati, she kills her daughter with her own hands - so that she did not know the slavery and did not survive the same thing her mother. The memory of the past and this terrible choice pursues Satie all life.

10. "Song of Ice and Fire", George Martin

Fantasy epic on the magical world of seven kingdoms, where the struggle for the iron throne does not stop, while the whole continent is awaiting a terrible winter. At the moment, five novels from the planned seven are published. The remaining two parts are waiting for fans of the writer's creativity, and the fans of the "Games of the Thrones" - the series based on Sagi, which hits all records of popularity.

And what did you even read interesting time?
