Andreeva reacted harshly to the decision of the first channel. Well-known TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva stopped hosting the evening “Vremya” on Channel One Channel 1 announcers women Ekaterina Andreeva

  • 24.06.2019

Name: Ekaterina Andreeva
Date of Birth: November 27, 1965
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Age: 53 years old
Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia
Growth: 176
tags: TV presenter, actress, journalist
Family status: married

Ekaterina Andreeva is one of the most famous people Channel One, for more than twenty years the permanent host of the Vremya news program. She took over from the recognized legends of Soviet television Anna Shatilova, Svetlana Morgunova and Tatyana Sudets. The appearance of Andreeva on the air was a kind of symbol of stability, and a short disappearance from the screen causes a wave of negative reaction. Even Russian President Vladimir Putin many times called Ekaterina his favorite media person.

The biography of Ekaterina Andreeva originates in the family of a serious person - her father was deputy chairman of the USSR Gosnab all his life. Mother was a housewife and raised 2 daughters - the TV presenter has younger sister Sveta.

In the 1st grade of the school, Katya was the smallest among the other children and received the nickname Chicken. Having matured, she stretched out, began to play basketball, even got into the school of the Olympic reserve. In her youth, Catherine had problems with her figure: in her fifth year at the institute, the girl was engaged in writing thesis and hardly moved, but ate a lot.

With a height of 176 cm, Andreeva recovered to eighty kilograms. To reset excess weight, Katya took up sports again, went to gym and went on a strict diet. Then she managed to lose about twenty kilograms. Currently, the TV star recalls this with humor and to this day believes physical exercise an important part of his life, but inferior in importance to family and work.

The life of Ekaterina Andreeva should have been different, since the girl wanted to be a historian, lawyer or actress. But in the end I chose television. At first, the future star of Channel One entered a law school, but already in her second year she realized that she did not like such a profession, and transferred to the Faculty of History. Andreeva has always been interested in past eras, because she thought that this was her calling.

Ekaterina Andreeva got on TV by chance - she learned that courses for radio and television workers had begun in Moscow. The girl was not particularly confident in her abilities. The reason for doubt was the position of the institute teachers, who believed that Katya looked very cold on the screen. Later it was strict and inaccessible appearance turned out to be calling card TV presenter. This image was perfect for a news program where it was necessary to report not only about holidays, but also about tragedies.

Catherine nevertheless began to study with Igor Kirillov, the master of Soviet television broadcasting. Andreeva was the last of the Russian television people who managed to get into the old, traditional announcer's school.

For the first time on the screens, the presenter Ekaterina Andreeva appeared in 1991. At first she worked at the Ostankino television company, after that she cheered up the audience in the Good Morning program. Since 1995, the TV presenter's face has been seen on the ORT channel.

Ekaterina hosted "News" and edited information programs, including the program for motorists "Big Races". Andreeva was supposed to appear on the screens in the summer, but she did not want to go on the first air with the tragic information about the hostages in Budennovsk. As a result, the debut in the news program was postponed, but when it took place, the new presenter immediately won the love of the public.

As Ekaterina later said, before the first broadcast, her heart was beating wildly and she was barely breathing, but she realized that nothing should unbalance and interfere with work. Regarding fatigue, the method of dealing with it is very simple - the TV presenter lies down on the nearest sofa and sleeps for 20 minutes.

Since 1998, Ekaterina Andreeva has been the permanent host of the Vremya news program on Channel One.

Photos of the star can be seen not only on the news screensaver, but also on movie posters. Behind Andreeva several works in the film industry. The first project with her participation appeared in 1990 and was called "Unknown Pages from the Life of a Scout". A year later, the star was invited to star in the film "Fiend of Hell", and in 1999, Catherine was lucky enough to play one of the main roles in the film "In the Mirror of Venus."

In 2015, rumors spread that Ekaterina Andreeva was fired from Channel One. TV viewers reacted to this news in different ways. Many were worried and nostalgic, some were sure that it was time for the leading aged to give way to the young.

Loyal fans remembered that the news about the departure of the TV presenter appears constantly and usually coincides with the vacation period of their favorite. A little later, Catherine gave an interview in which there was no hint of a possible dismissal.

Andreeva reviewed the news programs that she hosted only at the beginning of her career. Now, if he turns on the TV, it is only for the sake of documentaries or National Geographic and Animal Planet. Series in the orbit of interest fall only those that are advised by friends, and then - if it is convenient in time.

The personal life of Ekaterina Andreeva is an example to follow and envy. The TV presenter manages to be at the same time business man, mother and wonderful wife. The woman does not hide the fact that for the 2nd time she got married quite successfully and is happy in marriage.

Catherine never talks about her first wife Andrei Nazarov, with whom she studied at school. From this union she had a daughter, Natalya. In 1989, fate brought the prima of Channel One to her second husband Dusan Perovich, a Serb by nationality. Andreeva recalls that the first time a man saw her on TV and found her through acquaintances of journalists. During the acquaintance, Dushan barely knew ten words in Russian.

Perovich courted the woman he loved for three years before the couple got married. The decision about this fell, in fact, on the shoulders of Natasha: if she had not accepted her stepfather, Catherine would not have married. Dushan, fortunately, quickly improved relations with the girl.

The couple built their family life on compromises and agreements. Ekaterina and Dushan are opposites. He is peace and order, she is the embodiment of chaos. The spouse begins to express claims with the phrase “Forgive me, but ...”, and after that everything is perceived differently in the eyes of the spouse. But Katya brings romance to the relationship. Perovich, as he says, simply asks what his beloved needs, and undertakes to fulfill it.

The spouses do not have common children. The daughter of Ekaterina Andreeva was educated at MGIMO, where and by whom she works is unknown.

The presenter honestly spoke about her life in the program “Alone with Everyone”, where she appeared not in the usual strict suit, but in a bright scarlet jacket with sequins and told a large number of interesting facts About Me. Ekaterina knows how to repair equipment, is engaged in martial arts and enjoys Soviet history. So viewers were surprised to learn that the cold and impregnable TV presenter is actually a cheerful and interesting woman.

Andreeva said that she has 2 bad habits - a love of sweets and smoking. If the presenter can do without chocolate, then from time to time she is already tired of “quitting smoking”. There is information that Ekaterina prefers ultra-light cigarettes and orders them from Israel.

Love, rumor has it, "mothballed" Ekaterina, or the TV star "sleeps in an oxygen pressure chamber." Otherwise, how do others think, Andreeva manages to look the same age as her daughter, whether she is without makeup or in full combat readiness.

In the Instagram account, the TV presenter often publishes joint pictures, in the comments to which fans call mother and daughter nothing more than sisters. A celebrity shows a figure in a bathing suit very rarely. But in other outfits, a woman makes it clear that time has no power over her.

Catherine has a huge arsenal to maintain her tone, which includes breathing exercises and taijiquan, yoga and boxing, coaching and Pilates. And most importantly, don't be discouraged.

Fake pages forced Ekaterina to create her own blog on the social network, and at first the presenter did not want to waste time on the “fashionable” phenomenon. I looked in, and it turned out that on behalf of the “face” of Channel One, comments are being written that Andreeva is absolutely not typical of.

"People will think it's the real me."

Katya created a test page to observe, at the same time posted photos and videos from tourist trips. The latter even managed to earn extra money - to sell recordings to online publications. Having opened an account under her own name, she eliminated the doubles.

Andreeva and her husband are avid travelers, they did not reach only Australia, New Zealand and Latin America. And, of course, they do not intend to rest in regions covered by military conflicts.

TV presenter according to the horoscope Sagittarius, and this zodiac sign is inherent in emotional and sometimes physical risk. Catherine had to flee in Africa from an enraged elephant, then she almost died during a hard landing on hot-air balloon. In India, she was not afraid to touch a poisonous snake.

Ekaterina says that she has nerves of steel, you need to try to offend the TV presenter.

“Evil messages ricochet against my protection, go back, but the energy sent along with them remains - and I feel good.”

Andreeva is “on the drum” what spiteful critics write on the Internet, and there are many of them. Some do not like makeup and hair, which, it is worth noting, Katya does herself. Spectators, savvy in philology, condemn the star for incorrect accents and intonation. Television workers, according to a number of media reports, are haunted by the highest among colleagues wage Catherine. But the situation “What will people say” did not bother the presenter from the age of three. And to focus on the opinion of those whom you do not see and do not know is not at all worth it.

This year, Ekaterina Andreeva again had to "put on armor" after she was "written off" for the umpteenth time. And all because on the eve of the presidential elections in the Russian Federation, Channel One tested new format news release. The permanent presenter disappeared from the screens of the program broadcast on the European part of the country. After a ten-year break, Kirill Kleimenov returned to the studio.

As the head of the Information Program Directorate said, he took the risk of working out algorithms for the transition to new standards. Andreeva's team will start working when the mechanism is debugged.

Yielding to numerous followers on Instagram, who threw questions at her pet, Ekaterina noted that Moscow is not Russia yet, and Novosti with her participation will be seen “from the Volga to the Yenisei”. So nothing has changed for the inhabitants of the Far East and Siberia.

For Andreeva, rumors about another dismissal, by her own admission, are constantly - like an attempt to unbalance. But the loss of a job does not frighten the host. It will be necessary to leave television - another occupation will appear, life will not end there.

In early May, Catherine returned to her usual place for millions of viewers.


  • 1990 - "Unknown pages from the life of a scout"
  • 1991 - "Fiend"
  • 1999 - In the Mirror of Venus
  • 2004 - "Personal Number"
  • 2006 - "The first ambulance"
  • 2011 - Suicides
  • 2014 - "About love 2"
  • 2014 - "Star"
The girl's father worked as deputy chairman of the USSR Gosnab, and her mother was a housewife. By the way, Catherine has a younger sister, Svetlana.

Unknown childhood

At first, Ekaterina Andreeva lived on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, later on Leninsky, and then in the center. One way or another, the Kremlin was always there. As a child, the girl even thought that she lives in the Spasskaya Tower. When Katya first came to kindergarten, she said so to the teacher. Kindergarten workers were alarmed and began to find out who the parents of the new girl were and whether she needed special care. By the way, when it turned out that Andreeva had lied about her position in society, she, in her own words, got it hard. However, Catherine herself is sure that she was not lying, because it actually seemed to her that she lives in the Kremlin.

As a child, Katya Andreeva was quite slender. She was fond of basketball, and even studied at the Olympic reserve school for some time. By the way, pregnancy and childbirth did not affect the leading figure.

However, in the fifth year of the institute, at the time when Catherine was writing her diploma and leading a rather sedentary lifestyle, something terrible happened. The journalist herself recalls this nightmare with a shudder. She weighed about 80 kilograms. However, for her height (at that time about 170 cm), she did not at all look like an ugly fat woman, at least she herself thought so.

“I was big: a large face, powerful neck and arms. The fact that I am not big, but just huge, I realized after weighing, ”the presenter grins.

“I could easily sit in the kitchen in the evening, eat a frying pan fried potatoes with chicken, eat it all with a jar of pattysons, for example, and drink tea with mom's pies. I didn't know that I was getting better. There were no scales in the house. If someone wants to keep himself “in the body”, then at home you need scales, you can’t rely on clothes, ”says Ekaterina Andreeva.

Then Catherine began to visit the gym and went on a diet. In four years she lost 20 kilograms. By the way, old weight never returned. Now Andreeva knows better than ever what patience means. And a diet with fitness has already firmly entered her life.

It is worth noting that Ekaterina Andreeva graduated from the Krupskaya Moscow Pedagogical Institute in 1990, and also studied at the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute, and after that even worked in Prosecutor General's Office. There she was listed in the clerical department of the investigative department.

Television career

Ekaterina Andreeva had a direct road to the profession of a lawyer, historian or acting environment. However, she chose television.

At the institute, the celebrity first studied at the Faculty of Law, but when she realized that it didn’t work out with jurisprudence, she switched to the history department, because she was always interested in history.

Andreeva got on television simply. She learned about the recruitment for advanced training courses for television and radio broadcasters. But, during her studies, the girl did not believe in her strength. Just because she was often scolded. The teachers believed that Catherine, cold and arrogant on the screen, was a kind of " The Snow Queen". By the way, Andreeva studied with Igor Kirillov and became one of the last television people who went through an announcer's school.

Ekaterina Andreeva has been working on television since 1991. At first she was the announcer of Central Television and the Ostankino television company, then the host of " Good morning”, and since 1995 she worked at the ORT television company as an editor of news programs and a host of Novosti. She has been with the Directorate of Information Programs since 1995, and went on the air in 1995.

Ekaterina Andreeva on video

Andreeva became the permanent and permanent host of the Vremya program on Channel One in 1998. By the way, in 1999, according to the results of a survey on the network, she was recognized as the most beautiful TV presenter in Russia.

By this time, Ekaterina Andreeva had already graduated from the Faculty of History and the All-Union Institute for Advanced Studies of Radio and Television Workers. And besides, she wrote a dissertation on the Nuremberg trials.

“When I went on air for the first time, my pulse beat so hard that I could hardly breathe,” recalls Katya, but now there is little that can unbalance her and she can work in any conditions. But Andreeva struggles with fatigue easily, she just lies down on the nearest sofa and takes a nap for about twenty minutes.


The TV presenter is very sensitive to her diet. She can no longer eat more than her body needs. Katya does not consider herself a gourmet and does not welcome frills in food.

“Everything should be simple,” says Andreeva. And claims that the most ideal is Japanese kitchen. They contain only natural products and a maximum of vitamins. And the products are cooked at maximum heat and quickly so that the vitamins remain “alive”. In the morning, a celebrity eats porridge, at lunch - soup is certainly on meat broth, and in the evening it is reinforced with something light.

Bad habits, style and hobbies

On the screen, perfect, in life - with bad habits. Ekaterina cannot live without chocolate and cigarettes. And if the passion for sweets can be explained, then Ekaterina Andreeva has already despaired of quitting smoking. True, the TV presenter prefers ultra-light cigarettes and certainly Muratti. By the way, in Moscow they don’t sell their favorite brand with a carbon filter, and tobacco has to be imported from Italy.

The TV presenter is her own stylist. And at the same time, she is considered one of the most stylish television workers. She prefers a strict and sophisticated style. And in everything, whether it be clothes, cosmetics or manners. Katya buys ethereal clothes herself, does her own hair and puts on ethereal makeup.

Ekaterina Andreeva loves walking antique shops. According to her assurances, she has a sharp nose for old things. It is impossible to deceive the presenter or sell her a fake. At the same time, she knows how to bargain if she knows that this thing is really hers.

Movie roles

Ekaterina Andreeva can be seen on the screens and not as a TV presenter. She acted in films. The first film with her participation was released in 1990. It was called "Unknown pages from the life of a scout"

Ekaterina says that her husband Dushan, seeing her for the first time on TV, found her through acquaintances of journalists. For three years the young man courted his beloved. All this time, he intensively studied the Russian language, when he met Catherine, he knew literally ten words in Russian. And at one fine moment, Andreeva realized that this was exactly the person whom she had been waiting for all her life.

By the way, daughter Natalya graduated from the law faculty of MGIMO and does not intend to follow in her mother's footsteps.

Ekaterina Andreeva was one of the most famous journalists working on Channel One. Since the mid-90s of the last century, the TV presenter has been working in news programs.

The TV star strikes with its youth and beauty. No one believes that Ekaterina Andreeva is already over 55 years old. She looks a maximum of 35 years old, driving men crazy and leading the fair sex to jealousy.

Andreeva is currently happily married. She also experienced the joy of motherhood. Her only daughter She has grown up and is on her way.

Front new year holiday in 2016, one of the final episodes of the show program "Alone with Everyone" was dedicated to Ekaterina Andreeva. TV viewers clinging to screens all over the place Russian Federation listening to the life story of a popular TV presenter. She revealed almost all the secrets, telling her what her height, weight, age are. How old is Ekaterina Andreeva can be found on the website of the First Television Channel.

Knowing the year of her birth, you can calculate the number of years she lived. The blue screen star was born in the year of the first manned flight into space, so she turned 57 in 2018. The woman looks amazing. Many believe that she has only crossed the 30-year milestone.

Ekaterina Andreeva, whose photos in her youth and now are a real find for her fans, does not allow herself to appear in front of the camera without makeup. She chooses her own outfit, without using the services of a stylist. Our today's heroine does her hair herself too. She carefully thinks through the whole image in order to appear before the public fully armed.

The popular TV presenter is in good physical shape. She does exercises every day, facial massage. Several times during the day, a popular TV presenter pronounces various tongue twisters. They help her to make her speech apparatus stronger and more functional, without which she cannot be.

For several decades, Andreeva has been on a salt-free diet. A woman weighs 67 kg with a height of 180 cm.

Biography of Ekaterina Andreeva

The future TV star was born in the early 60s of the last century. Her father supplied the government with food, her mother was engaged in raising children. Our heroine has a younger sister, with whom she is still very friendly. In childhood, Katenka was often sick, so she went to kindergarten late, only at the age of 5. The girl gathered her peers around her and told them fantasy stories. For this she was called an inventor. For example, she once said that she lives on Red Square with her grandfather Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev.

Katyusha went to school with great desire. She did not sleep all night, she was afraid to oversleep. Among her classmates, the girl was the smallest, so she was jokingly called a chicken. Katya studied well. She was the best student in the class. The girl loved reading. She went to the library next to her house and borrowed books, which she quickly read while writing down interesting places to your diary.

Katya loved to dance and perform on stage. From the 5th grade I began to attend the basketball section. From the 7th grade, she was in a special school, where they trained future Olympians.

In high school, she decided to become a lawyer in order to defend people in difficult life situations. Educated at the All-Russian Law Correspondence Institute. Before graduation, while in practice at the Prosecutor General's Office, she almost said goodbye to life. It was only by sheer luck that she managed to escape death.

Parents, having learned about the danger threatening their daughter, began to insist on changing their profession. Catherine obeyed and began to study history. In parallel, the girl also receives the profession of a teacher. Yesterday's student did not work a day at school. She enters graduate school, after which she wrote a dissertation on the events of the Nuremberg trials.

Having heard that a set of listeners who dream of working on television and radio is open on television, Ekaterina comes here. She is taught by the master of Russian and Soviet television Igor Kirillov. It is under his patronage that the girl begins to work on the main television channel of the country. At first, she hosted news programs and a program dedicated to cars.

Then the popular TV presenter began to appear in the morning hours, charging the numerous Russian viewers who were going to work with her enthusiasm and energy. She impartially and honestly covered all the events that took place in the country and the world. Only once Ekaterina Andreeva refused to broadcast. She was unable to get together to inform the citizens about the events in Budyonnovsk.

The biography of Ekaterina Andreeva includes filming in a number of films. For example, she played in "The First Ambulance", " Personal number”, one of the issues of“ Old songs about the main thing ”. The popular TV presenter often flashed in the parody show program "Multichnosti".

The star of domestic television was awarded many prizes, the most significant of which was the Order of Friendship. Ekaterina was banned from entering Ukrainian territory for 3 years, since she, like many of her colleagues, supported the decision of citizens living on the Crimean peninsula and in the city of Sevastopol.

Recently, fans of a talented woman and a large television audience were agitated by rumors that Ekaterina Andreeva (TV presenter) left Channel One. It turned out that this was not true. just a star Russian television I took a vacation that I spent with my loved ones. Currently, Andreeva still appears actively on Saturdays. She does her job honestly and impartially.

Personal life of Ekaterina Andreeva

The personal life of Ekaterina Andreeva is currently very successful and happy. The popular TV presenter has been living with her husband Dusan Perovich for almost 30 years.

According to official data, our today's heroine was married for the first time while still a student. The marriage was short-lived, although it brought the girl the happiness of motherhood.

Often Ekaterina Andreeva spends her holidays in the Maldives with her beloved husband and daughter. They are diving. They love to walk along the ocean. Pictures taken during the holiday period invariably become the decoration of the Instagram page.

Family of Ekaterina Andreeva

From childhood, the family of Ekaterina Andreeva became support in all endeavors of the blue screen star. At present, a woman is surrounded by attention and love by her beloved husband, daughter, mother and sister.

Recently, the woman's father passed away. He worked as a civil servant for many years. He spared neither strength nor health, providing a comfortable life for the Kremlin leadership of the country. After retirement, the man did not live long. He fell ill and died within a few months. Sergei Alexandrovich was buried in one of the capital's cemeteries.

The mother was responsible for raising the daughters. She devoted herself to the care of her husband and the improvement of the house.

Andreeva has a sister, Svetlana, born 8 years after her. She currently edits the news. The woman lives in happy marriage, in which two nephews of Catherine were born. They are already adults, self-sufficient individuals. They work on one of the television channels of the Russian Federation.

Children of Ekaterina Andreeva

The TV star became a mother only once. She had a girl, who was named Natasha. At present, she is already an adult, self-sufficient person.

Married to her second husband, the children of Ekaterina Andreeva were never born. She explains this by the incredible employment at work. Currently, the woman says that she and her husband are thinking of taking the child from orphanage to give him warmth and affection.

The TV presenter calls her children her nephews, who are already adults and are also involved in the television industry. One of the boys she is the godmother.

Daughter of Ekaterina Andreeva - Natalya Andreeva

In the early 80s of the last century, the TV presenter became a mother for the first time. She had a beautiful daughter, whom the young mother named Natasha. The fact is that since childhood she liked this name, so she decided to give it to the newborn.

The daughter of Ekaterina Andreeva, Natalya Andreeva, never delivered her star mom cause for concern. She studied well at school, after which she received the profession of a lawyer in one of the best institutions in the country.

Currently, Natasha has already grown up. She is busy volunteering, helping people who find themselves in difficult life situations. In addition, the girl took part in the Sochi Olympics, helping athletes and spectators who came to the competition.

Nothing is known about Natalia's personal life, as well as about the presence of children.

Ekaterina Andreeva with her daughter, whose photos are often posted in in social networks understand each other. Many viewers, not knowing about adult daughter the presenters consider them friends.

Former husband of Ekaterina Andreeva

In her youth, the girl fell in love for the first time. Relations developed rapidly. Within a few months, they officially registered the marriage and began to live together. At first, the marriage was happy, but after the birth of their first child, the marriage cracked, which led to their break.

At present, it is not known for certain who the TV presenter was married to. Ex-husband Ekaterina Andreeva does not communicate with her daughter and screen star. She herself and her family do not reveal the secrets of the relationship of the popular TV presenter with her first husband.

The husband of Ekaterina Andreeva - Dushan Perovich

In the mid-80s of the last century, the blue screen star met Serbian businessman Dusan Perovic. He, while in the Soviet Union, saw Katenka in the news release. Through friends, young people met.

For love there are no barriers. They overcame the language barrier. The man learned to speak the language of his beloved. He flew to his beloved every week. Soon the TV presenter agreed to become his wife.

The husband of Ekaterina Andreeva, Dusan Perovich, presented a medal as a gift to his beloved during the period of courtship. A man could become a real support for his beloved. He replaced the girl's father.

Currently, the spouses live together in Moscow, but often go to their husband's homeland in Montenegro on weekends.

The TV presenter looks incredibly young, so in social parts often you can find information that she did plastic surgery. Here are photos of Ekaterina Andreeva before and after plastic surgery. The woman herself assures that she has never resorted to the services of a plastic surgeon.

She assures that several times a year she does cryotherapy, after which she becomes younger. Promotes a woman's youth and love for her husband.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ekaterina Andreeva

Instagram and Wikipedia Ekaterina Andreeva are available. They are viewed by a large number of admirers of her talent.

Wikipedia contains the most accurate information about a woman. Here you can find out about the career of a blue screen star. The page tells about Andreeva's relatives and friends.

Name: Ekaterina Andreeva

Age: 56 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow

Growth: 176 cm

Weight: 66 kg

Activity: Actress, journalist, TV presenter

Family status: Married

Ekaterina Andreeva - biography

Ekaterina Sergeevna Andreeva is known as a wonderful journalist and actress. But she became popular only after she began to host the well-known television and information program "Vremya", which airs every evening on Channel One. Therefore, her biography will be of interest to many people.

Ekaterina Andreeva - Childhood

Ekaterina was born on November 27, 1961 in a wealthy family. The girl's father worked as deputy chairman of the USSR Gosnab. Mom did not work anywhere, she was engaged in raising Katya, and then another child was born in the family - the younger sister of the famous TV presenter Svetlana. My father's salary was more than enough to live in Moscow and not need anything.

Since childhood, the physique future star the television screen was thin, so they decided that she should be given to sports. Long time she played professional basketball, and then, serving great expectations, studied at the school of the Olympic reserve.

The Andreeva family moved from time to time, so the girl got used to the fact that she lived not far from the Kremlin: first on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, then on Leninsky, and then they completely moved to the center. Once upon a time kindergarten When they first brought her in, she told the caregivers that her family lived in the Spasskaya Tower. So it seemed to her at that moment. But when the teachers began to find out how true this information was, it soon became clear that the girl had lied a little. The future TV presenter was punished for her lies, but she learned a good lesson.

Education of Ekaterina Andreeva

In 1985, Ekaterina Andreeva entered the N. Krupskaya Pedagogical Institute, which is located in hometown girls - Moscow. When she graduated from it in 1990, at the same time she was already studying at the evening department of the VUZI. So the girl tried to realize her childhood dream, because she always dreamed of becoming a teacher, actress and lawyer. Her dream came true.

Immediately after graduating from the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute, where she rushed from faculty to faculty, the future TV presenter of the famous information program starts working. At first, her admission was associated with the Faculty of Law, but soon, realizing that this was not her area, she moved to the historical department. She worked at that time as a referent in the Prosecutor General's Office of the Investigation Department, but the office was a record keeping department. But this career ended very quickly.

In 1990, Ekaterina Andreeva entered the All-Union advanced training courses for radio and television workers. The training was conducted at the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. The future television presenter, who will be known by the whole country and even beyond its borders, was lucky and she gets on the course, which belonged to the "school of directors". But even here the girl did not enjoy much success, she was constantly scolded and criticized, and later she was generally called the “snow queen”.

Ekaterina Andreeva - Career

But creative page in the biography of the popular journalist Ekaterina Andreeva begins to take shape only in 1991, when she begins working on television. Ekaterina Sergeevna did not immediately come to her current position as a television presenter. So, at first she changed several jobs: she worked as an announcer for Central Television and after that she agreed to become an announcer for the Ostankino television company. This was followed by shooting in the Good Morning program.

In 1995, an aspiring journalist and TV presenter begins her work at the ORT company. She got a job as an editor of serious information television programs, but then she was asked to become the host of Vesti. Ekaterina Sergeevna simply could not refuse such an offer. She was able to prove herself in such a way that already in the same year she entered the directorate of these informational television programs, which was very important step in her career. It was in 1995 that she first appeared on the air and was immediately remembered and liked by all viewers.

At first it was rare programs that she was able to conduct in live. And only in 1998 she became a permanent host of the Vremya information program, which aired live on Channel One. By the way, she was immediately recognized as the most beautiful television presenter. By this time, the girl had already completed her education and had already managed to write a dissertation, the topic of which was the Nuremberg Trials.

But the career of Ekaterina Sergeevna developed successfully not only on television, but also in cinema. The first time the girl starred in the film in 1990. After that, there were several more films in which she successfully starred. For example, in 2000, she starred with Alexei Makarov and Maria Golubkina in a film dedicated to the terrorist attack in Nord-Ost.

Ekaterina Andreeva - biography of personal life

Famous TV presenter Ekaterina Andreevna was married twice. Nothing is known about the first husband of the famous TV presenter, since the celebrity herself hides this. But in this marriage, a daughter, Natalya, was born, only child in the family of Ekaterina Sergeevna.