Wuthering Heights. Emily Bronte - Thunderstorm Pass

  • 19.04.2019

Heroes "Thunderstorm Pass"

« Wuthering Heights»: First generation heroes

Hitcliffe - Gypsy, taken by Mr. Ernsho in his family and brought up like his son. A vengeful, embittered, cruel and stubborn. He was the best friend of Catherine and her beloved. Did not go with Hindley Ernsho. He was married to Isabella Linton, in which he had a son Linton.

Catherine Ernsho - daughter Mr. Ernsho, sister Hindley. The spoiled and selfish girl is originally dyed, and later - quite sophisticated. He loved Hitcliffe, but married Edgar Linton. It was frightened by reason and died, giving birth to Katherine's daughter.

Hindley Ernsho - Brother Catherine in Blood and Hitcliffe at the insistence of the Father. The second hated and after the death of the parent "lowered" to his employee in a thunderstorm pass, not allowing education. He was happily married to Francis, deceased after the birth of his son Garton. After the death of the spouse, he was cut off, and later lost his estate Hitcliffe. Jealous, malicious, aggressive man. By the end of life - a pitiful and descended.

Francis Ernsho - Spouse Hindley. Soft in character, fragile. She died from CHAKHETHETS after childbirth.

Edgar Linton is a friend, and then Husband Catherine Ernsho, Father Catherine Linton. Patient young man, kind, gallant, well-educated, sometimes dug.

Isabella Linton - Sister Edgar Linton and Hitcliffe's wife, mother of the last Linton. Educated, brought up, naive (before marriage). He married love, turned out to be unhappy in this relationship and ran away from the spouse.

"Thunderstorm Pass": the heroes of the second generation

Heroes of "Thunderstorm Pass" Catherine Linton - Daughter Catherine and Edgar Linton. Raised, good, reference. It was forced to marry Linton, who did not love. Moods of the Skvortsov lost because of Hitcliffe, but after his death he returned. As a result, I found happiness with Garton.

Garton Ernsho - the son of Hindley, after the death of his father was brought up by Hitcliffe. Devotee, grateful. Like Hitcliffe in youth, uneducated and rude. Loved the widowed Catherine Linton.

Linton Hitcliffe - Son Isabella Linton and Hishkliff. Before the death of Mother lived with her, after went to his father. Under the head of Hishkliff took Catherine Linton's wife. Loom-speaking, cowardly. Prayer - died shortly after his wedding.

Other characters "Thunderstorm Pass"

Nelli (Ellen Dean) - according to the plot of the "Thunderstorm Pass", the former servant in the thunderstorm pass, after the housekeeper in the Mode of the Skvortsov. Forced guardian of the secrets of the Ernsho family and Linton, the participant of many events. IN different time Was in relatively friendly relations with two Catherine and Hishkliff.

Joseph - a servant in a thunderstorm pass. He served at Ernsho and at Hitchffe. Grumpy, devout, silly.

Zila is a key to the estate of Hishkliff.

Lockwood - Londonets, shooting at Hitcliffe, Mazz Skvortsov. I visited the owner of the estate and once spent the night in a thunderstorm pass.

Mr. Kennet - Doctor. He treated Catherine, Edgar, Francis.

Whether February is to blame, or a political debate, but at that time I reached out to the "thunderstorm pass." Re-read and thought: what is the phenomenon of the novel?
According to the rating compiled by surveys of the audience of the British television channel UKTV Drama, "Thunderstorm Pass" - the main romantic book of all time. And in the list "200 of the best books according to BBC" (2003) This novel stands at a twelfth place. According to Virginia Wulf, "the idea that the basis of manifestations of human nature is undergoing the strength, towering it and raising for the foot of greatness, and puts the novel Emily Bronte on a special, outstanding place in a number of novels like him." And the famous English writer Gaskell wrote that the novel "Thunder Pass" caused a shiver of horror and "aversion to that expressiveness ... with which bad ... characters were depicted.
So, three sisters of Bronte, three writers: Charlotte, Ann, Emily. The latter is the most courageous, most talented, the most lonely. Unlike Charlotte, Emily did not have close friends, rarely wrote the letter, did not love anyone, with the exception of relatives. Its character was characterized by closure, stoic hardness and mysticism. And at the same time, she is an excellent poet, a novelist, a woman who has not tasted with men's love, nor reader.

In the exposition of the novel - the hills of Yorkshire, the heath of wastelands, among them are two estates: the thunderstorm pass and the Mazz Skvorts. In the plot - the tragic story of two families - Ernsho and Linton. Gloomy romance, a hurricane of passions, the closedness of the main characters - all this is in full harmony with Northern England. Apparently, she put a mark on the character of heroes. The ice breath of the wind and the stormy manifestation of anger, heavy rains and abundant tears, summer snow and the cold of the soul. But it is on the one hand. It is worth looking at the sun, shine the beam of love, compassion, care, how the picture changes. Wakes up tenderness similar to primroses, a dream flies with the song, pure water Mountain streams wash the soul. To the question: what is the phenomenon of the novel, I would answer like this:

1) A firmly stitched plot is thought out to the smallest detail. On the one hand, a look at the events of the young resident of London - Mr. Lockwood, on the other - the thorough story of the natives of these places - the housekeepers of Nelly Dean, between them - the tragedy of the main characters, and with her - a real life.
2) Bright portraits of heroes. Angry and vengeful Hitcliffe, freedom-loving and selfish Catherine Ernsho, soft and intelligent Edgar Linton, rough and unwashed Garton Ernsho, etc.
3) Inseparable harmony of heroes, their globility and the surrounding nature.
4) Strict poetry, imagery, the purity of the narration.
5) PSYCHOLOGY, for in the novel shown in darkness and light human soul.
Would be glad to add this list.

"People here live more focus, live more by their inner world - not on the surface, not in change, not in lightweight and external."

"One is gold, which, like a cobblestone, brightened the road; And the other is tin, grated to the brilliance to replace them with silver. "

"Breaks and violence are a spear, pointed at both of the ends: who keeps them into a matter, they hurt them than his opponent."

"I can't express this, but, of course, and everyone has the feeling that our" I "exists - or should exist - not only in ourselves, but also somewhere. What would be to create me if I were all entirely here? "

"Proud people themselves feed their evil sorrow."

Review of Roman Emily Bronte - "Thunderstorm Pass", written in the framework of the "My Favorite Book" contest. Review author: Karina Musaev. .

Roman is narrated by the face of Mr. Lockwood, who became a neighbor Hitlclick in his face of the "Thunderstorm Pass", and lives on the Mode of Skvortsov, which Mr. Heathcliffe. It is this character and causes interest from our author, after which he decides to find out everything about his mysterious neighbor. Mr. Heathclif's life behaves the maid and the heroine, which takes the last role in this novel, Mrs. Dean.

The history of the residents of the "Thunderstorm Pass" really corresponds to its name. Their life is actually surrounded by mrak. The main characters at the very beginning of the narrative are the children of Hindley and Katie, their father leads to a boy's house similar to Roma, and give him the name Hillcliffe. His life in this family was valid by hellish, summary brother and sister was happily. The only person who actually loved the acceptance was Ershno, the Father is now three children. And so day after day, their lives flowed, the only variety was quarrels and scandals. Everything lasted until Katie began to be friends with a hitcliff. After the death of the father of the family of Ershno, the life of the Hishklif becomes not endured.

Throughout the novel, my feelings were replaced by pity, then in hatred. Moreover, the same character could cause such contradictory emotions. I will not tell the course of all events, but I will explain. Further, I as a reader followed the beautiful, but at the same time reaching the madness and in this frightening history of Love Hishklif and Katie. But years are held, and on the will of the fate of Katie marries the weak, but good Edgar. And a strong and courageous heathclif disappears from Qaty's life for several years. And Brother Katie Hindley marries, but his spouse also dies due to illness, leaving the little Garton.

With the return of Hishklif, Katy's everyday life turns out to be in the thick of the events. Hitcliffe marries Edgar's sister, Isabelle. Of course, to take revenge on her brother for making him a loved one. Katie itself does not have time to pay for this unexpected visiting. Heavy illness takes her life. She leaves, leaving behind his little daughter. She gives a name in honor of Mother Katie. The son's son is born - weak Ershno, which, without surviving up to 18 years old dies.

Hitcliffe hates her son, because he looks like a mother. But experiencing attachment to Garton, Hindley Hindley's Chief. And this fact is depressing it. Further readers will follow the history of Love Keti and Garton. And to my great happiness, it will be with a happy ending. The last rows of the novel - "how it imagined people, which could be a non-smile sleep for those who sleep in this peaceful land."

Of course, in this review you do not give all the emotions and events that occurred in the life of the main characters, and in brief about the novel, it is not realistic to tell. It needs to be read, delve and try to comprehend.

Khramova Anastasia. Second place B. Scientific society Pupils (district) 2014



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Scientific Society of Students

Spirit of romanticism in the novel by Emilia Bronte "Thunderstorm Pass"


Khramova A.V.

10a class MBOU Gymnasium № 136


September A.S.

english teacher

MBOU Gymnasium №136




Chapter I. Epoch of Romanticism in English Literature

1.2 Romanticism as a literary direction in England

Chapter II. Spirit of romanticism in the novel "Thunderstorm Pass"

2.1 Life and creativity Emily Bronte

2.3 Features of the manifestation of romanticism in the work

Chapter III. Practical research


List of sources used and literature



Study of creativity of the outstanding English writer Emily Bronte (1818-1848) is an extremely important aspect of understanding of features literary process England mid a century. Without a doubt, all new generations of readers discover her unique, unique talent, which with refinement manifested itself in her poetic creativity and the uniform novel "Thunder Pass".

The creative legacy of the writer continues to attract the attention of many generations of readers and literary critics, it is inherent unsurpassed identity, imagery and painting. It should be indicated that in the English literature of the middle of the XIX, the concepts of romanticism and "classical realism" were attended simultaneously. It follows the interpenetration of two art systems for the literature of this country. Writers-realists have significantly deepened the problem of the relationship between the personality and society through the explanation of typical social circumstances, which determine the nature of typical characters.

It is known that romanticism as a literary direction arose at the turn of XVIII and XIX centuries. As an ideological and artistic direction, romanticism reflected the disorder of dreams and reality generated by a set of socio-political reasons characteristic of the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries.

The socio-historical soil of romanticism in England had its own characteristics. The bourgeois revolution occurred in the country in the middle of the XVII century, and by the end XVIII century Her results appeared quite obvious. In the folk medium, the consequences of the industrial coup in the folk environment.

Romantic culture with its specific principles is a reflection of the personality alienation process in the bourgeois society, the breaking of the previous social relations into the transitional era, uncertainty and the unscrupulous relationships of the relationship. Individual turns out to be isolated from the former century social system. An artistic principle is formed - an image of an individual as self-foster, which does not depend on ugly social circumstances, which romantics are subjected to a sharp condemnation. This person lives its unique, individual inner world and, without taking real reality, it works itself, with the help of his imagination or emotional activity, the perfect world corresponding to the impulses and the aspirations of its subjective spirit. But romantics cannot disagree that on the path of the subjective creativity of self-concrete personality and in the process of approving its free will, it inevitably encourages the cruel reality of modern society. From here - the emergence of a romantic irony, which indicates the impossibility of absolutizing freedom of personality and self-satisfaction of the individual.

Many literary critics are still arguing about the great novel Emily Bronte "Thunderstorm Pass": some of them claim that the novel is written in the Gothic style, the rest talk about the spirit of romanticism and classical realism.

The spirit of romanticism is embodied in the work of a huge emotional tension - the novel "Thunderstorm Pass". He was called the "most romantic novel" (V. Peter), "The Devil Book, which united all the strongest women's inclinations", one of the best novels "for strength and penetration" (D.G. Rossetti), "One of the manifests of English genius. .. novel that develops into poetry "

Meanwhile, this single novel Emily Bronte is not inferior to the works of her sisters, Charlotte. These novels are quite difficult to compare, since the writer consider human nature using absolutely different systems coordinates. The most figurative and deep creativity of two writers compared Virginia Wulf in his critical article "Jane Eyr" and "Thunderstorm Pass": "Charlotte Bronte is not thinking over human destiny; She does not even know that there is something to think about; All her strength, the more powerful, that its application is limited, it goes for approval such as "I love", "I hate", "I suffer ..." Thunderstorm Pass "The book is more difficult for understanding than" Jane Eir ", Because Emily is more poet than Charlotte.

The work itself causes a lot of disputes in writers, the main of which, which genre should include this work. Like most literary critics, we tend to believe that this work refers to romanticism, many facts can be given in proof of this.

The fate of his heroes Emily Bronte depicts the fate of the tragic, but at the same time she opposes them the history of life and the love of the young generation, whose representatives were able to defend their right to happiness. The novel is peculiar to the interruption of the composition. Events are transferred through the perception of several narrator (Nelli Dean, Lockwood). Everyone in its own way interprets what is happening. The tale in the story is used, the story includes plug-in episodes, letters, excerpts from diaries. The predominant becomes a lyrical and dramatic start. Epic story is moving into the background.

In the Roman E. Bronte presents the accuracy of the real, transmitted not only in the images of the usual, and the sublime, inherent in the method of thoughts and feelings. This is one of the options for romantic prose of Victorian England.

The relevance of this work is that the novel "Thunderstorm Pass" and the life of Emily Bronte, still causes the interest of the public, and also this book can give a lot for the development of the mind and the heart of adolescents. She connects many generations of people. It is possible that almost all grandmothers, mothers of modern teenagers read it. They will probably want to attach to reading the "thunderstorm pass" of their young relatives, to re-read themselves, and then compare the impressions. This book did not lose its relevance. There are about 40 shields of the novel. Well, it is useful, it is interesting to compare movies with a book. There is a chance of interaction of personalities in the family. And not only. On the Internet there are many reviews and just feedback on the book. The English film screening of 1992 was particularly discussed on the Internet. So the book, and the films can be discussed in adolescent companies. But the most important thing is that this book is for older adolescents 14 - 17 years old. After all, it is very romantic. Here are raised acute themes and problems of growing up, comprehending their character, temperament, the origin of passion, fighting their own nature. Roman helps to learn the mystery of the soul. Fighting low and high in the soul of one person. The versatility of human nature and others. Roman is deprived detailed description The origin and manifestations of the passionate love of Katie and Hishklifa, giving the will of the imagination and fantasy to "wander around paradise." "Thunderstorm Pass" gives birth to lovely dreams, helping for a while forgetting harsh reality.

The purpose of this abstract: Prove that the novel Emily Bronte "Thunderstorm Pass" has the spirit of romanticism.

Based on the above purpose, the following tasks were delivered in this essay:

1. Investigate the era of romanticism in English literature.

2. Consider the term "romanticism" and its distinctive features.

3. Clearing certain aspects of life and creativity Emily Bronte.

4. Congratulations to the storyline of the novel "Thunderstorm Pass"

5. Expect the features of romanticism in this work.

6. Enter public opinion on the score of its creativity, genre and novel screenings, through a social survey on the Internet.

Chapter 1 Epoch of Romanticism in English Literature

  1. Definition of the term Romanticism and its distinctive features

Romanticism (Fr. Romantisme) - the phenomenon of European culture in XVIII-XIX centuries, which is a reaction to enlightening and stimulated by them scientific and technical progress; ideological and artistic direction in European and American culture end of XVIII century - first halves XIX. century. It is characterized by an assertion of the intrinsicness of the spiritual and creative life of the person, the image of strong (often rebellious) passions and characters, spiritualized and healing nature. Established to various fields of human activity. In the XVIII century, romantic called everything strange, fantastic, scenic and existing in books, and not in reality. IN early XIX. A century Romanticism became the designation of the new direction opposite to classicism and education.

Romanticism as a method and direction in artistic culture was a phenomenon of complex and controversial. In each country, he had a bright national expression. In the literature, music, painting and theater is not easy to find the features that unite the Shatubrant and Delacroix, Mitskevich and Chopin, Lermontov and Cyprosen.

Romantics occupied various public and political positions in society. They are all rebuilding against the outcome of the bourgeois revolution, but rebelted in different ways, since everyone had his ideal. But with all the manyness and variety of romanticism, there are stable features.

Disappointment in modern times gave rise to the romantics a special interest in the past: to Dobzhuazny public formations, to patriarchal antiquity. Many romantics were characterized by the presentation that the picturesque exoticism of the countries of the South and East - Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey - is an ethical contrast of boring bourgeois ordness. In these countries, then few more raised civilization, romantics were looking for bright, strong characters, distinctive, colorful lifestyle. Interest in the national past spawned a lot of historical works.

It seeks to rise above the prose of being, to liberate the diverse abilities of the personality, it is extremely self-realized in creativity, romantics opposed the formalization of art and straight-sensitive approach to him inherent in classicism. All of them proceeded from the denial of enlightenment and the rationalist canons of classicism, which were shown by the creative initiative of the artist. And if classicism is divided exclusively on poor and good, black and white, then romanticism is characteristic of branchedness, ambiguity. Classicism is a system, and romanticism -such is not. Romanticism contributed to the promotion of the new time from classicism to sentimentalism, which shows the internal life of a person in harmony with a huge world. And romanticism opposes the inner world harmony. It is from romanticism that this psychologism begins to appear - the reader shows not only the external actions of the heroes, but also their inner state of mind. The neighborhood of romanticism was the image of the inner world, mental life, and this could be done on the material of stories, mystics, etc. It was necessary to show the paradox of this inner life, her irrationality. In his imagination, romance transformed unsightly reality or went into the world of their experiences. The gap between the dream and reality, the opposition of an excellent fiction of objective reality was based on the entire romantic movement.

Romanticism for the first time puts the problem of the language of art.

"Art is a language of a completely different kind, rather than nature; But in it, the same wonderful force is concluded, which is as secret and incomprehensibly affects the soul of man "

The artist is the interpreter of the language of nature, the mediator between the world of the Spirit and people.

"Thanks to artists, humanity arises as one-piece individuality. Artists through modernity unite the world that has passed since the world. They are the highest spiritual body in which the vitality of their external humanity is found with each other and where the inner humanity is manifested first of all "

However, romanticism was not a homogeneous flow: its ideological development went in different directions. Among the romantics were reactive writers, the adherents of the old regime that feudal monarchy and Christianity were signed. On the other hand, romance with a progressive worldview expressed a democratic protest against the feudal and all of the oppression, embodied the revolutionary gust of the people for the better future.

Types of art in their significance more or less equalized and gave magnificent works of art, although romance in the art stairs The championship was given to music.

Romanticism left a whole epoch in world artistic culture, paid close attention to the fate of the human person, revealed the dialectic of good and evil, the masterfully opened human passions and etc.

The main genres of romanticism:

  • fantastic story
  • historical novel,
  • laro-epic poem
  • an extraordinary heyday reaches a lyrics.


Distinctive features of romanticism are:
1. "The cult of feelings" of man
2.Mir-chaos, knowledge of the world through feelings.
3. The exclusive heroes that act in exceptional circumstances.
4. Conflict between feelings, conflict of man and society, man and crowd.
5.Romantic hero, a hero of monostrasti - It is inherent in them inherent in one type of feelings, ideas.

1.2 Romanticism as a literary direction in England.

Romanticism - as schools - did not exist in England. There was no, as in France and Germany, a group of writers who united on a romantic platform. And, nevertheless, a number of typical signs of romanticism, distinguished English literature in the first decades of the XIX century, give the right to talk about the romantic direction in England. These signs were: protest against classical rationality, especially against classical rules, and opposition to them individual poetic freedom; Further, interest in the nationality and to the old days, to the middle ages - in the opposite of antiquity, which was the main content of classicism; Interest in exotic, which attributes the attention of English romantics to Scotland, the country of vintage folk songs and legends. Nature and villages are poured into English romantic poetry. Finally, revolutionary sentiments, passion for the French revolution, political radicalism play a large role in the English poetry of the romantic period.

Theodore Zheriko raft "Medusa" (1817), Louvre in close connection with the German influence is the emergence of romanticism in England, where his first representatives are the poets of the "Lake School", Wordsworth and Karridge. They set the theoretical foundations of their destination, familiarized themselves, while traveling in Germany, with Schelling philosophy and glancesfirst German romantics. For English romanticism, interest in public problems is characterized: the modern bourgeois society they oppose the old, dobuzhuazny relations, chasing nature, simple, natural feelings.

Next to the People's Romantic School Romanticisma bright representative of English romanticism is Bayron, who, according to Pushkin, "envelope in a sad romanticism and hopeless egoism" . The greatest poet The Bayron era was a representative of the Romantic revolutionary-aristocratic. Prerelevant the Great Society, with whom he was associated with his origin, having broken off from his class, not seeing anything attractive in representatives of capital, greedy and sales triggers, Bayron in his youth broke out a fiery speech in defense of workers, but After not returned to this issue, for life, it remained a declassed aristocrat, a rebellious revolutionary-individualist, a singer of unsatisfied frustrated natures, starting with mysterious demonic sovereigns and robbers ("Gyur", "Lara", etc.). The same image is deepened in Childord Harold, which became the subject of broad imitation in European poetry. He graduated from Bayron protest against the universe and world order in his goggle trade tragedies (Manfred and Cain). By the end of his life, Byron came close to political and social satire (Don-Zhuan, " Bronze Century"). Extreme Individualism, feeling of dissatisfaction, attraction to the east and exotic countries, love for nature and loneliness, dreams of the past at the ruins and monuments, - All this makes Bairon in the poet of English romanticism, and its angry accusatory protests against all forms of violence and exploitation, his connection With Italian carbonaries and the struggle for the liberation of Greece made him a singer of freedom in the eyes of the European intelligentsia. His friend Percy Bishi Shelly, a brilliant lyrical poet, also an aristocrat, like Bayron connects the world of fantastic romance with a revolutionary protest against the folding bourgeois and capitalist society. In his poem, "Queen Mab", he depicts this society, where everything "on the public selling is sold," where the owner drives his slaves under the yoke of workplace with the help of cruel hunger. The same revolutionary romantic is Shelly in the other poems ("Laon and Citen", "Rejected Prometheus", etc.). His wife Mary Shelly, author of Frankenstein - a pioneer of the question of the responsibility of the scientist. Walter Scott discovers, like two great poet, a tendency to ancient. He was the creator historical novel (Ibergo, Rob-Roy, "Klentin Dorward", "Templars", etc.), in which he knew how to connect likelihood and realism with rich romantic fiction and portray the most dramatic moments national History Scotland and England.

In the first third of the XIX century. The first stage of the wrestling of the nobility and the industrial bourgeoisie, which is increasingly becoming Mr. Regulations. The struggle against bread laws, chartism and speeches of the working class, the powerful declaration of their requirements, move the feudal romance and patriarchal-dreamest poetry into the background. The city with his practical interests, increasing bourgeoisie, the beginning of the social struggle between her and the working class becomes the main content of English literature, and its realism is its predominant form. Instead of a medieval castle - a factory city, instead of a distant antiquity - a kipache modern industrial life, instead of fantastic images of the inventive imagination - accurate, almost photographic, image of reality. Bullver-Litton, still continuing traditions of romanticism, aristocrat by origin that fills his novels by transformation, miracles and criminal, leaving us however, a number of literary documents that are social importance depicts the process of depletion and decomposition of the nobility (novels - "Pelgam", "Night and Morning" " and etc.).

Many classics are foreign and Russians also consider Roman Emily Bronte "Thunderstorm Pass" by the work related to the direction "Romanticism" becausethe two main topics are raised in the novel "Thunderstorm Pass" - the topic of love and theme of humiliated and offended. They are embodied in fate and difficult relationships that bind members of two families in two generations. The history of love Catherine Ernsho and Hishklifa is scene base The novel, built very peculiar.

The composition of the novel is distinguished by torn: the story begins from the moment the tragedy rushes to the junction. Using the tale in the story and the mirror of the work.

Having considered romanticism as a literary phenomenon in England in this chapter, we can draw the following conclusions: in England, as such, the direction of romanticism did not exist, it found its responses in the works of writers.

Chapter 2 Spirit of romanticism in the novel "Thunderstorm Pass"

Chapter 2.1. Life and creativity Emily Bronte

Emily was the fifth child of the six children of the Bronte family. When she lost her mother in 1821, and the two of their older sisters, she, together with Ann, Charlotte and Brother Brenwell became a cohesive and unique team. They did not attend school, they had no friends, they lived in a deaf village. The playground was served by peatlands who were visible from open windows at home, and their own fantasy.

Emilia was the most mysterious of the sisters (Appendix 2) - slender, shy, very closed, hiding from all the deep movements of the soul and feeling. Emily Bronte did not have close friends, she rarely wrote a letter, loved little, with the exception of relatives. It was characterized by stoic hardness and mysticism. About her life and personal fate almost no information preserved, although in the most general features Her biography includes all that he experienced her brother and sisters.

Emily least had the opportunity to study, unlike their sisters. She spent six months at Clergy Daughters school in the village of Kovan-Bridge, when she was 6 years old; three months in Roe Head School, in the town of Dewsbury, aged 17; And nine months in the boarding house Ezhe in Brussels aged 24-25 years. The remaining gaps in education she filled, while studying at home with aunt Brenwell and sister Charlotte. Teachers of drawing and music sometimes visited their parish house (Emily was a talented pianist), but she had to get a majority of learning from his father. Mr. Bronte encouraged a versatile reading of his daughters, and discussed with them as adults, on the topics of politics, and literary criticism. Mr. Bronte also planned that his second daughter, Elizabeth would become a housekeeper, and the rest were govermen. The only paid work that Emily adopted was to master at school "Law Hill" near Khalifax in 1838, which lasts half a year.

The most painful for her was the lack of freedom, time for creativity, the feeling of loneliness. No less painful for Emily was and staying with her sister in Brussels, in the guest house of Eger, where it was lit by nostalgia around the house, native waste and swamps, thoughts about loved ones. The head of the educational institution, the teacher intelligent and thin, noted the initial and controversial character of the girl who is typical of her male mind warehouse and the fact that she could be a "great navigator." All these qualities, one way or another, was reflected in her work.

Three months later, Emilia returned home. Heavy atmosphere inside the family. However, for Emilia, the house was the background of its joys and seals, the site of the only striking novel "Thunderstorm Pass". Emily Bronte was happy only at home - she liked to bother the housework, and she enjoyed the elder society from servants, Tabiti Akruda.

Also as sisters and brother Brenwell, Emily became the writer from the moment he learned to read. Together with Ann, they wrote poems and stories about the fictional world gondal. Only some poems from the legends about Gondal are preserved, but it is known that their joint creativity continued to live until the beginning of 1840, and it is possible that Emily never betrayed the dream of a magical world to oblivion. Emily, the least wanted to make a collection of poems Belle's poems published, and even after the publication of the "Thunderstorm Pass", she refused to make a company to his sisters on a trip to London to open the world to the truth that three educated women are hiding behind the pseudonym Bell.

The creativity of Emily was the focus of its existence, so they talk about her life - it means to talk about her work.
Powerful themes for the sound unexpectedly coexist in its poetry with momentary observations and are conjugate with an amazing simplicity of the tongue. Emilia is not peculiar to widespread use of metaphors complicated by poetic designs, experiments with rhythm verse.
Nevertheless, its poetic creativity has an intense aesthetic effect. She had a philosophical warehouse of thinking. Emilia Bronte, like her beloved Wordsworth, was convinced that "poetry is the truth that passion brings to the heart of the alive."
Roman "Thunderstorm Pass" (1847) - the phenomenon is completely unique in English literature.
In the work of E. Bronte lives a romantic tradition, merging with realism, penetration into eternal-human collisions: the mastery of the writer is manifested in the depths of psychological characteristics.
In the work there is a huge emotional tension. It should be noted "terrifying, great darkness", permeating the narration of two Yorkshire families of Ernsho and Lintonov and their evil genius of Hishclyfe. Catherine Ernsho and Heathclifa binds a stormy, demonic, rebellious passion. Their love is tragic. It is not by chance that the "thunderstorm pass" was called "romantic from the novels", "the Devil's book, which united all the strongest women's inclinations", one of the best novels "the strength and penetration of style"), "One of the manifests of the English genius ... Roman who develops into poetry. "

Unlike the rest of the children, Bronte, Emily was high and strong by the physique. She was the busiest family member, however, despite her turnout, she had no friends. No personal correspondence has been preserved from it, and even the information that now appear about Emily is always too contradictory. We just know that she loved the strict routine of life, and the reality and fantasy she always mixed together.

She adored pets, although he had a furious temperament, and kept them in rigor. She avoided everyone except relatives, and her character traits are brightly represented in the characters of her works. Her poetry is deeply religious, despite the fact that she refused to receive religious education. For Emily, following religious dogmas meant to stay in harmony with them, obeying the laws of nature. It is this that can serve as an explanation that Emily rejected all sorts of family assistance and medical methods of treatment during its deadly disease.

Unlike Charlotte, Emily Bronte was not close friends, she rarely wrote a letter, who loved little, with the exception of relatives. It was characterized by stoic hardness and mysticism

During the life of Emily, this "thunderstorm pass" remained almost unnoticed and only after her death, when Charlotte made his second edition, the "thunderstorm pass" was met by the choir praise as a true masterpiece, however, with some reservations. In the biographical certificate, Charlotte celebrated the "terrifying, great glooming", which permeates the story about the two Yorkshire families of Ernsho and Lintonov and their evil Genius Hishclyfe.

2.2 Scene line of the novel "Thunderstorm Pass"

Roman "Thunderstorm Pass" (1847) - the phenomenon is completely unique in English literature.

In the work of E. Bronte lives a romantic tradition, merging with realism, penetration into eternal-human collisions: the mastery of the writer is manifested in the depths of psychological characteristics.

In the work there is a huge emotional tension. It should be noted "terrifying, great darkness", permeating the narration of two Yorkshire families of Ernsho and Lintonov and their evil genius of Hishclyfe. Catherine Ernsho and Heathclifa binds a stormy, demonic, rebellious passion. Their love is tragic. It's not by chance that the "thunderstorm pass" was called "romantic from the novels", "the devilish book, which united all the strongest women's inclinations", one of the best novels "the strength and penetration of style"), "one of the manifests of English genius ... Roman, developing into poetry. "

"The Thunderstorm Pass", as R. Fox believed, is one of the "most unusual books created by the human genius, but all this is because she is the cry of despair and flour, taught from the soul of Emily her life."

There is no governess, nor their employers. There is love, but not the love that connects men and women. She saw a split world, chaotic cheese of fragments and felt the strength to bring them together on the pages of her book. From the beginning and to the end in her novel, this titanic idea is felt, this high effort is half-free - to tell the mouth of his heroes not just "I love" or "I hate", but - "We, human genus" and "You, eternal forces "

E. Bronte describes real conflicts; Creating apotheosis of the all-consuming passion of heroes, she depicts their public tragedy. "Thunderstorm Pass" is a novel about love in conditions of social inequality and injustice.

Generally accepted norms of behavior, the idea of \u200b\u200bmorality, ethics, characteristic of the English society, was interpreted in the novel completely inadequate. Emilia Bronte speaks about her heroes, using words: "Devilsky", "Nechritian", "evil". The author of the "Thunderstorm Pass" showed which hell is going on behind the walls of the "House-Fortress", as hidden behind them cruelty, hypocrisy, mutilated fate. The novel "Thunderstorm Pass" caused a shiver of horror and "disgust to that expressiveness ... with which there were ill ... characters".

"Thunderstorm Pass" Emily Bronte - the book is truly unique. This novel puts Emily into a row with such champions of inconsistency and strong feelings, like Virginia Wulf, Ann and Charlotte Bronte. However, the "thunderstorm pass" is not a female work at all. This is a strong, amazing, terrible work that will cover the reader with his head. The author of this book is not a romantic and fighting woman at all, it is a person with uncomplicated literary abilities. This is a man who knew and managed to portray the whole horror and disgusting of human nature.

Seeing the light in England back in 1847, "Thunderstorm Pass" to today's day It takes the minds and hearts and young young ladies, and older people.

This is an eternal book about the eternal advantages and disadvantages of human nature.

The story of love, and, maybe only the all-consuming passion, Catherine Ernsho and the gypsy-Roma Hishklif is unusual and at the same time - natural. Family relations on the thunderstorm pass were always complex and confused. Here, the satanic passions and angel virtues are reigning, there is also true love, and hysterical hatred, and envy. Here you can never be predicted than the end of the scene line will end. In the "Thunderstorm Pass" everything was brought to the limit to space values. The book makes it clear that some processes taking place with people, some questions and situations eternal. The limited heroes of the Force change the fate of a person, urged and kill him.

One of the main characters of the novel is the Hishcliff. The owner of the "Thunderstorm Pass" chosen in early childhood, the father of Catherine Ernsho, he obsessed Catherine, he is vengeful and embittered. This is a true bayronic hero, an unusual image, all the time shrouded in mystery.

Belong to him and the rest of the heroes of the book. Freedom-loving Catherine, selfish and somewhat spoiled, sick physically and mentally, dying, suffering from its own nature.

Hindley Ernsho, the son of the original owner of the estate, the man was originally positive, the hero, the seemingly cleaner and better than the remaining inhabitants of the thunderstorm pass, it turns out to be powerless before the blows of fate, it does not stand the loss of his wife, starts to drink and completely descends.

Fate does not spare anyone here. Almost all the heroes of this book are hidden, dark, evil, envious and unbalanced. Therefore, the clouds over the thunderstorm pass are condensed. Therefore, all these tragedies occur, all the terrible peripetics of fate in this harsh house. That is why new people are so hard to get along here. Even an unlike and secretive Lokwood feels uncomfortable in the walls of this manor.

Roman Emily Bronte envelops the reader in the dark and the severity of the foggy nature of Northern England. There is a theory that Emily inspired the memories of childhood spent in the family of a rural priest Patrick Bronte in a cold yorkshire. (Appendix 3) Truly scares and depresses the atmosphere of the rendering estate, at home, where no one is experiencing even the slightest drops of pity for near and native man. Intrigue, resentment, silence here are not explained by neither pain nor loneliness. However, Emilia Bronte gives us hope for the celebration of the clean forces of good, when, after the death of Hishklif, peace and calm restores on the thunderstorm pass.

The gloomy, mysterious figure of the heathcliffe and personifies unstable, inexplicable forces of fate. That is why he is not born in the Ernsho family, but it gets into it quite small. That is why he will never be able to be happy himself and make happy others.

The "thunderstorm pass" was the only novel of the writer and poetess Emily Bronte. He was called "the Devil's Book", and "unthinkable monster", and the "romantic novel", he was recognized as one of the ingenious works of all times and peoples. S. Maem included the "thunderstorm pass" in the top ten novels in history. There are more than fifteen shields of the non-sharing novel.

And, despite the fact that in Russia, Roman was published only in 1956, after many years after the death of the famous writer, the "thunderstorm pass" immediately deserved worthy glory. Roman is constantly reprinted. Amazing but also in modern literature There is a considerable amount of reminiscence of the "Thunderstorm Pass".

Is there a truth of love in this book, or this is only an unbridled passion - to solve each reader. However, the "thunderstorm pass" until today remains the classics of world literature, the work that many generations continue to be considered. With each new reading, he will open you new, increasingly interesting details.

2.3. The possibilities of manifestation of romanticism into the work.

Roman "Thunderstorm Pass" (1847) - the phenomenon is completely unique in English literature. It feels the influence of Defo and Richardson, V. Scott and Shelley. You can talk about a brilliant continuation of a realistic tradition coming from the depths of the XVIII century English literature. However, Emily Bronte is not peculiar to the tendency of life, morality; As a writer, it is distinguished by philosophical thinking and bright poetic imagination.
In the work of E. Bronte lives a romantic tradition merging with realism, penetration into eternal-human, and thus modern collisions: the skill of the writer is manifested in the depths of psychological characteristics and romantic symbolism.

The spirit of romanticism is embodied in this work of a huge emotional tension. He was called the "most romantic novel" (V. Peter), "The Devil Book, which united all the strongest women's inclinations", one of the best novels "for strength and penetration" (D.G. Rossetti), "One of the manifests of English genius. .. Roman who develops into poetry "(R. Fox). V. Wolfe wrote: "Thunderstorm Pass" - the book is heavier than "Jane Eir", since Emily is more poet than Charlotte.

Charlotte all his eloquence, the passion and wealth of style used to express simple things: "I love", "I hate", "I suffer." Her experiences, although more rich than others, but are at our level. In the "thunderstorm pass" "I" is generally absent. There is no governess, nor their employers. There is love, but not the love that connects men and women. Emily inspiration is more general. Not personal experiences and images were encouraged to creativity. She saw a detailed world, chaotic pile of wreckage and felt the strength to gather them together on the pages of her book.

From the beginning and to the end in her novel, this titanic idea is felt, this high effort is half a fruitless - to say the mouth of his heroes not just "I love" or "I hate", but "we, human genus". Emily Bronte Mythologizes real conflicts, creating apotheosis of the all-consuming passion of heroes, she depicts their public tragedy. "Thunderstorm Pass" is a novel about love in conditions of social inequality. His conflict is predetermined by the conflict of dreams and reality. Two worlds are opposed - Hitcliffe and residents of the landlord estate. Hitclyph, his strong character, congenital pride and honesty are opposed to selfishness, mediocreness and the noble chivalry of His opponent Edgar Linton.

By genre, this is a novel, of course, romantic. "The thunderstorm pass is a romantic book," the classic of English literature claimed in 1965 Somerset Maugham. However Emily BronteBy writing a single work, I was not surprisingly able to fit into the framework of the usual literary directions. The thing is that the "Thunderstorm Pass" cannot be attributed to a purely romantic novel: it presents the elements of a realistic understanding of a person, but the realism of Emily Bronte is a special, completely unlike realism, say, Dickens or Tekkesea. It can be said, he is absolutely inseparable from romanticism, partly due to the fact that the writer refuses to consider and resolve the conflict of the novel in the social or public sphere - it transfers it to the philosophical and aesthetic region. Like romance, Emily Bronte was eager for the harmony of being. But in her work it is expressed, as it is neither paradoxically, through death: only she tried her descendants and helped to reunite a tormentive beloved. "I wandered around the graves under this good sky; I looked at the moths wearing in heather and bells, listened to the soft breath of the wind in the grass - and was divided, as it imagined people that could be a non-smile sleep in those who sleep in this peaceful earth, "the novel ends with these words. Still surprisingly, such a "powerful, passionate, terrible", according to Somerset Moem, the book ends so almost the idyllic end.

This is a book about love, but love is strange, about love, not fitting in any of our ideas about her. This is a novel about the place, but about the place generated by passion. This is a novel about fate, about will, about a person, about space ...

Love, depicted in the novel, is deprived of harmony, but it does not have in the surrounding world where the devastating forces act. The theme of calm and serene happiness is not interested in Emily Bronte as a novelist. It prefers large scenes, extremely emotionally saturated. Each of them is a crisis of a human soul.
Tragism in the "Thunderstorm Pass" is not connected with the theme of the death of heroes, as in Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare, but with a violation of the harmonic principle inside a person. Hitclyf and Catherine could be happy only until money, prejudice, conventions were missing between them.

The structure of the novel, its stylistic and fine remedies, sufficiently sophisticated. It is difficult to say whether it is specifically or unconsciously Emily Bronte created such a harmonious text. The novel is inherent in the interruption of the composition. Events are transferred through the perception of several narrator (Nelli Dean, Lockwood). Everyone in its own way interprets what is happening. The tale in the story is used, the story includes plug-in episodes, letters, excerpts from diaries. The predominant becomes a lyrical and dramatic start. Epic story is moving into the background. The fate of her heroes Emily Bronte depicts the fate of the tragic, but at the same time she opposes the history of life and the love of the young generation, whose representatives were able to defend their right to love. Threads and continuity of generations is clearly traced due to repetitions: the names, the characters, actions, actions of heroes are repeated: What creates some kind of mysterious, mystical atmosphere, a sense of inevitability and patterns of what is happening.

Dramatic tension is characteristic of nature paintings. About these descriptions of nature can be said separately and for a very long time. Emily Bronte really makes the wind blow, and thunder rods, the breath of herasskal waste as if it breaks through the text of the novel and lifts us with his cold, but at the same time unique romanticism. The landscape becomes in the novel by the partner and the harbinger of events. Heath fields and peat swamps are illuminated by lightning, the shadow of foreshadowing storm falls on them thunderstorms; Rolled thunders accompany the experiences of journey and suffering from heroes. The gloomy atmosphere of being is sometimes decorated with sound paints. The swamps are very beautiful in a short moment of sunny sunrise, when among the silence of the early morning, the ear catches the melody of the water jet. In the quiet days on the thunderstorm pass, the bell ringing is well heard. But harmony constantly disturb the raging passions of human relations.Nature is not only the background of deploying events, but also expresses the inner experiences of the heroes, personifies their exorbitant, stormy feelings. Nature, like people, are inherent in unrest and secrets. Emily Bronte uses images of forest elves, fairies, iswolves, sovereign ghosts, borrowing them from folklore. It is a lot of generalizations and realistic symbols for basic symbols.

"Thunderstorm Pass" is a contradictory and mysterious work. If you figure it out in the text, it is impossible not to face the artistic and ethical inconsistencies in the behavior of the heroes: Catherine and Hishklif, on the one hand, personify the cosmic love, love that stronger deathBut in real reality she for some reason acquires grotesque forms, expressing, in fact, through evil - good as such is practically not shown in the novel, except in the last scenes. The critic Georges Batay in his article about the "thunderstorm pass" says that "... In the knowledge of Emily Emily Bronte reached the very end." And indeed, who else in the literature portrayed evil so? Evil, existing in unnatural synthesis with love, evil is completely impossible to control and some moral excuse. And this is another big mystery in all this story: how did Emily Bronte brought up on the Bible, could create characters, absolutely deprived of Christian humility and peace? Even with the last date with Catherine, located on the verge of death, Hitcliffe is not able to overcome the thirst for revenge; After Catherine betrayed him, having married Linton - on the inhabitant of "serene" mezzaries of the Skvortsov, revenge in the heart of Hishkliff constantly takes the place of love. "Oh, you see, Nelli, he will not soften for a minute to save me from the grave. So he loves me! ", - Catherine itself exclaims. But after the death of his beloved, Hishklif does not humble:" Let her God wake up in the torment! He shouted with a terrible force, and stormed his foot, and groaned in an unexpected attack of an indispensable passion. - She remained a cheater! Where's she? Not there - not in heaven ... and did not die - so where? Oh, you said that my suffering for you knows nothing! I have only one prayer - I constantly worn it, until I am walked: Catherine Ernsho, I don't find peace, I'm alive! "Virginia Wulf wrote that" There is no more lively in the literature. male image" But this image is not just "alive", he is unusual, he is mysterious and infinitely contradictory. However, like the whole novel. Somerset Moem, very highly appreciated the "thunderstorm pass," said about the image of the main character: "I believe that Emily has invested all of themselves in Hishklif. She endowed him with his mad rage, his inhound depressed sexuality, with his passionate unfulfilled love, his jealousy, his hatred and contempt for human, his cruelty ... ". However, this extraordinary image cannot leave the reader indifferent. However, all the images of the novel. Strong characters are not amenable to rational assessment, analysis. E. Bronte perceives his characters only in unity with the outside world. Violence and cruelty are capable of destroying not only personality, but also all that exists around. Katie's breath is connected with its own decision to leave a heathclif, nature is the most bright on a general background. All heroes are very alone. At the time of crisis, they do not expect help or understanding even from those whom they love. And even more so they are not prone to Christian humility. The main characters are similar to each other. Their passion discovers themselves in the flashes of anger, cruelty, which nevertheless does not absorb them. There is something standing above emotional explosions. In the novel, the Hishcliff in the impression of ignition destroys the existing being, but he rejected Katie. Despite its illness, it does not cause pity, but rather respect for a strong passion that destroyed her brain and body, passion, a completely inaccessible understanding of Nelly Dean, the permanent participant of events. And not only her.
The fictional world was hung in the novel with the world real. England worried at that time serious political and social cataclysms, which could not not affect the social atmosphere, in the characters of people trying to adapt to the changed life. Life and morals of provincial yorkshire are background for unfolded drama with bright heroes, passions, expressive symbolism.

E. Bronte pushed the framework of the traditional family-household novel. The poetic story of the love of two pairs, the amazing power of its emotional impact, deep penetration into the inner world of heroes, showing the paths for which these people are going on, in their warehouse, the abundance of problems supplied by the author - all this made a novel by socio-philosophical.

Being a subtle master of psychological analysis, E. Bronte managed to highlight some specific features national characters. The fierce struggle of feelings in man, his dream of love is free, the desire is quite sincere to self-dedicate hide egoism. Heathcliff's mental torments, awareness of their guilt, flour can not drown out a fierce desire for possession, the authorities over the expensive being. Hitcliff curses Katie and after her death. In his creek cry: "I can't live without my soul!" - Feels unacted egocentrism. When Catherine dies, her educated husband is indulging in the sorrow, but the narrator sees the egoism of Edgar.
In comprehending the "national identity", E. Bronte is ahead of writers of the 20th century, in whose work this topic Received further development (A. Murdoch, y. Godding).

"Good" and "Evil" received a completely inadequate in the "thunderstorm pass", opposite to generally accepted canons, the sound and slightly shocked contemporaries. However, the subsequent development of the genre of Roman Emilia Bronte gave a strong and fruitful impulse.
Prerafaelites appreciated the Writer-Visioner writer, able to catch in nature, in the movements of the human soul of the reflections of the innermost secrets of the universe. Within the framework of the so-called Victorian novel, a new buntar hero appeared, sweeping outdated traditions, crushing his own morality, defending the right to love. The author of the "Thunderstorm Pass" showed which hell is going on behind the walls of the "House-Fortress", as hidden behind them cruelty, hypocrisy, mutilated fate.

Chapter 3. Experimental and practical research on creativity Emily Bronte

3.1 Sociological survey and comparative analysis of results

The purpose of this experimental and practical study is to identify the opinion and knowledge of students and their attitude to the work of Emily Bronte.

For a successful and effective achievement, we needed to create a group of interests in a well-known social Internet. In this group you can find a list of questions about the work of E. Bronte, as well as its biography, video and audio materials, films of various directors and translations famous classics poetess poetess and writer Bronte. To do this, we needed to create a group of interest in a well-known social network, where questions were laid out of a certain focus, which everyone could answer.

Little who knows that Emily was a great poetess, many members of the group learned about it for the first time and were very interested in reading the poems of the Great Writer, as evidenced by a large number of comments aimed at this subject.

The following poems were proposed in the sociological survey: to imagination, old Stoic, sympathy, stars, poems, hopes, stories, memories. The most memorable poem for the group participants, as the percentage ratio of the specified survey shows (89%), the poem of the "Memory" was becoming a lot of reviews in the comments of the created group.

The following survey was devoted to numerous screen vendors. this novelAfter all, some prefer to read the book first, and after to compare, watch a movie, or vice versa, and the most common option - instead of reading literary work Immediately watch the movie.

The questionnaires were offered the following options for watching the film, for which they voted in the Internet network, it turned out that most girls, since their number in the group is dominant gave their preference to the film 1970, and for those who read the book and watched older The film release, the 2011 film did not like and numerous comments were also left about this. It turned out that the majority of participants entered into the group believed that the characteristics of the characters were not emphasized with a certain force in this film, besides, many events differ greatly with the book, and mainly in the conclusions to it, it was mentioned that the film is not interesting look.

Proposed movies for viewing:

* Thunderstorm Pass 1939 (1)

* Thunderstorm Pass 1970 (2)

* Thunderstorm Pass 1992 (3)

* Thunderstorm Pass 1998 (4)

* Thunderstorm Pass 2009 (5)

* Thunderstorm 2011 Pass (6)

The following version of the sociological survey was aimed at identifying an opinion on the book of Emily Bronte "Thunderstorm Pass" (edit this paragraph according to the rules, it is necessary that the offer is on the entire page)

This survey included the following questions:

1. For what you like \\ Do not like the "thunderstorm pass"?
2. Your favorite positive character Romana
3. Your favorite negative character of the novel
four . When did you read the "thunderstorm pass" for the first time?
five . How did you find out about the novel?
6. Which literary direction in your opinion includes this novel (their position argue).

The results of the experimental and practical study showed that most respondents this novel likes because of their interesting storyline. The favorite negative and positive hero according to statistics coincides, is Catherine Ershno and Hishcliff. Most of the surveyed by us believe that this work belongs to romanticism.


"Thunderstorm Pass" (English Wuthering Heights) is the only novel poetess Emily Bronte and its most famous work. Thoughtful plot, innovative use of several narratives, attention to the details of rural life in combination with romantic interpretation natural phenomenaThe bright sharing and processing of the conventions of the Gothic novel make the "thunderstorm pass" of the renomance of the Romance of the Romanticism and the classic work of early Victorian literature.

At the turn of the XIX - XX centuries, the wave of interest in the work of E. Bronte rises. The aesthetization of suffering, elements of mysticism, underlined individualism, characteristic of the work of Oscar Wilde, are largely related to the one he called the "strong spirit". Enthusiastically belonged to E. Bronte Modernists, in particular, Virginia Wulf.
Roman "Thunderstorm Pass", largely determined the direction of creative searches for national literature in the 20th century. It is not by chance that Somerset Moem believed necessary to put him in the top ten, published in the world of novels.

In the 21st century, interest in this novel does not fade, but on the contrary grows with an incredible force. This has proven a study by us on social networks Internet. Many people entered into the group created by us, dedicated to the work of the great writer Emily Bronte, discussing the Great Roman "Thunderstorm Pass" in the comments, as well as amazing poems filled with extraordinary sensitivity and knowledge of the human soul. As showed results sociological researchMany members of the group did not know that Emily was a great poetess and read only her only and unique novel.

Without a doubt, this is a novel - a mystery, over which you can think infinitely. Roman, overturning all the usual ideas about good and evil, love and hatred. Emily Bronte makes the reader look at these categories by a completely different look, she mercilessly mixes, unshakable layers of life composition, while at the same time shocking us with their impartiality. Life is wider than any definitions, wider than our ideas about it - this thought confidently breaks through the text of the novel.

The "thunderstorm pass" Emily Bronte is not just a golden classic of world literature, but the novel that turned the idea of \u200b\u200bthe romantic prose at his time. The years and decades are held, but the history of the fatal passion of the Hishklif, the adopted son of the owner of the estate "Thunderstorm Pass", to the daughter of the Katherine's owner, is not a goal of time. "Thunderstorm Pass" already read a lot of generations of women - continue to read and now. This book does not grow old, how true love does not age.



  1. Vakenoder V.G. Fantasies about art / M., Drop; 2011;
  2. Wulf V. Essa. - M.: Ed. AST, 2004. P. 809-813.
  3. Mitrofanova E. Rock Mystery Sisters Bronte. - M.: Ed. Terra Book Club, 2008.
  4. Pushkin A.S. Evgeny Onegin / M., School Library, 2009, C57
  5. Charlotte Bronte and Another Lady. Emma // Sisters Bronte in England. - M.: Ed. AST, 2001.
  6. Schlegel F. World of Philosophy / N.Novgorod; Enjoyment; 2012; Volume 2.


  1. Batay J. Emily Bronte and evil // "Critic". - 1957 (№117).

The only book Emily Bronte became a desktop for several generations of girls and girls who dreamed of romantic love. And let the final of this beautiful story gloat, the main characters have many flaws, and the landscapes described sinned with monotony and boredom, but while reading the plot does not let go for a minute, and when you close the book, you wish to love all the hearts to experience all those contradictory Emotions as Hishcliff.

about the author

Emily Bronte was an average of three sisters. She received a good educationbut did it with big intervals because financial situation And health did not always allow her to attend school. With her sisters Charlotte and Emily, the writer was close enough, but the family noted that she was inherent in such features as closedness, straightness and mysticism. She had no other close friends, but she did not seek to find them. In addition to work on the farm, Emily taught at school, which was near her house.

Many love the masterpiece of the Bronte "Thunderstorm Pass." But she also wrote poems that were appreciated in literary circles and put in one row with Bayron and Shelly. Unfortunately, the already heavy and gloomy life of the girl was short. At the age of 27 at the funeral of his brother, she was cold, a consumers developed. They could not help her. And her creative heritage was recognized only after death due to the efforts of Charlotte.

So, the novel "Thunder Pass". Summary, or, if you like, free retelling, will not be able to transfer the bulk picture, but we hope they will be interested in readers.

Introduction, or Fabul

"Thunderstorm Pass" is a novel about love. But not about those beautiful sublime feelings that make people be better, kinder, lighter to others, but about passion absorbing everything around and erasing the human appearance. In the center of the plot, the history of Ernsho and Linton families, shown through the prism of the relationship between the main characters. The action of the novel occurs in England in the XVIII century. The tie of history begins at the moment when a rich landowner brings home the boy-Roma of ten years and announces that henceforth he will live with his family. Of course, households were not delighted with such a prospect, but they had to accept. Esquire has already had two children: Katerina and Hindley. The boy was eldest in the family and had to inherit the estate along with all the fortune.

After their peaceful life was destroyed by the appearance of Hishklif, follows a sad event: the mother of the family, Mrs. Ernsho, is dying, which is strongly reflected on the host of the host of the house. Friendship between Katie and found quickly develop in love, frightening them. But the acquaintance with the neighbors from Cape Skvortz is somewhat diluted with a circle of communication between the girl, and she sees an alternative in young, educated and beautiful Edgar Linton, also claiming her attention. Hindley goes to college, and after a short period of time from a heart attack, Mr. Ernsho dies, and Hindley returns to his family. In the future, the Hishklifa put a cross, because the boys were not confused by each other since childhood, and now, when they turned into the owner and servant, the relations became more than stretched.

Difficult choice

Catherine, seeing the humiliation, which has to tolerate her beloved, decides to marry Linton, so that Hitchlif has financial support. But her plan failed, because immediately after the walling, the young man disappeared and appeared only after three long year. It looked, I was talking and behaved as a gentleman, and the presence of money made it a good party for any girl, but love does not die only because it was neglected.

A few months later, Katerina, being a pregnant, begins to show signs of mental disorder: she speaks with himself, hysterics happen to her, she always wants to see Hitclyf, and her husband tries to prevent it. Ultimately, after a long stay in the cold, the future mother flew down with fever and after premature births died, and Her Edgar and Khitlif mourned.

Family life Hishklifa

Isabella Linton, the sister of Edgar, falls in love with a gloomy and unlike heathclif and comes to marry him. But not living with the spouse and the year, the girl runs away from him in the next county, where he learns the terrible news - she is wearing a child under the heart. The boy was born weak and painful, and after the death of the mother went to live in the "Thunderstorm Pass". The novel continues to develop on a certain absurd spiral: the daughter of Lintonov falls in love with the son of Hishklif and get married. This finally knocks out the soil from under her feet of her father, and Edgar after a short sickness dies.

Junction and final

At the end of the story, the Hishclif becomes rich, but his heart remains black. He did not forgive anyone those humiliation, which was subjected in childhood. Hindley has long been resting on a family graveyard, and his son performs a dirty job in a "thunderstorm pass." Katerina's daughter is now a heathclifraine daughter, but she never learned happiness in marriage, because her husband is seriously sick, capricious and has the same irreparable character as the father. However, it was short. Having become widow, she immersed in itself and ceases to respond to the world around.

Acquaintance with the characters of the novel Bronte "Thunderstorm Pass" takes place just during this period of their lives. And the reader previous events learns in the retelling of the Ernsho family, Helen Dean. She entertains the stories of his new owner, tenant Cape Skvortz. In fact, Helene composes a novel called "Thunderstorm Pass", summary Which knows Mr Lockwood, which appeared in those edges shortly before the death of Hishklif.

Whatever it was, having passed so much torment on Earth, wanting to death with all his enemies and their children, Hishklif dies and reunites with Katerina to never let her go. This event allows young Hariton Ernsho, Hindley's son, to show his feelings for Katerina Linton and put a point in a generic enmity.

Love story

Reading the "thunderstorm pass", the short content is given above, you understand how many-sided and all-consuming love is. She pushed Katie and Hishklif to the terrible acts in order for others to feel pain and bitterness as they. Wanting to help your beloved, Miss Linton marries another, hoping for an understanding from the Hishklif. He, trying to get a decent position in society, becomes even more cruel and calculating. "Thunderstorm Pass", love, birth and death in which they came unequivocals and left when they wake up, became the place of the tragedy. The revenge should be cold, but in this case love always heated it to the state of boiling. These two were able to show how much it could be strong passionnot to destroy, even if you live apart, even if you deliver each other suffering, even after death.


Roman Emily Bronte "Thunderstorm Pass" - a book that is outstanding in many ways, and it was not easy to remove the film. Since 1920, films in English, French and Spanish have come out. All of them one way or another were remembered by the audience. The main problem for the actors was the emotional part, which was demanded by the "thunderstorm pass." The best screening, according to the audience, was removed in 2009. Not everyone agrees with this, but everyone has the right to their opinion.


They reacted very suspiciously to the novel during his first edition. Critics counted it too gloomy, grotesque and mystical, not suitable for reading young girls. But after the death of Emily reprinted the book and received the first positive reviews. "Thunderstorm Pass" (the analysis of specialists was scrupulous) turned out to be worthy of reading and was much deeper than it seemed at first glance. This even noted that at that time meant the praise of the highest sample.

Public acceptance

After just one and a half century "Thunderstorm Pass", the quotes from which the romantic young people actively borrow, began to study it in schools and universities, try to repeat some scene lines Young talented writers, and directors do not attempt to remove a decent film. It is not known whether Emily Bronte wanted this, but for many, the concept of strong and all-consuming love is not associated with Romeo and Juliet, but with Hishklif and Katie. Mansion "Thunderstorm Pass", Roman Main Heroes, English Nature - All attaches special charm to this work.


"Thunderstorm Pass" is a book that absorbs the reader, immerses it in the whirlpool of events on the background of a beautiful, but coarse nature. It is not clear to the end why the young girl came to mind exactly such a plot for the novel. What did it come to write it so a gloomy thing? Her life was immersionless, but about romantic relations nowhere is not mentioned, but the essence of love, her fever, passion and flour are carried out very naturally. Roman "Thunderstorm Pass", which is a short content, we hope, will give food for reflection and, of course, to meet a full story, it is definitely recommended for reading. The benefit can now be found and audio and e-books, and affordable paper copies.